New Year for 10 year olds. New Year's children's forfeits for different ages. Music plays on the boat

New Year has always been associated with the expectation of a miracle. Thanks to the parents for this: they did not destroy the myth of Santa Claus for as long as possible; and every year on the morning of the first of January, my younger sister and I ran to a live New Year tree (which always stood in the house) and looked under it for our felt boots, put there in advance, in which we found sweet surprises and something very desirable ... The myth was destroyed when an inquisitive sister found gifts prepared for us in her mother's closet. This did not upset us at all - on the contrary, since then we have started a playful tradition to give each other gifts "from Santa Claus" on New Year's Eve.

In my family, the tradition of putting gifts under the Christmas tree and unpacking them on January 1 has not taken root. Sonulya was so impatient that a couple of times the gifts "from Santa Claus" were simply given to him. But on the 4th birthday (which my son had in the fall), I noted that my son’s attitude towards gifts and givers had become too consumerist and critical - after all, he was literally overwhelmed with gifts, and a week later he could not remember who and what gave. Therefore, for the New Year's gift giving, I decided to prepare something unusual.

It was not possible to arrange a grand celebration with numerous guests, a full-fledged script and guest actors for various reasons. First, does not allow living space. Secondly, there is a 9-month-old baby in the house, and noisy holidays are still taboo. Thirdly, all this pleasure is not cheap. So I opted for a treasure hunt. And not just a treasure, but a New Year's gift. I myself called this idea "New Year's Quest".

I found 15 riddles on the Internet about furniture, toys and more. I also found a picture - an image of Santa Claus with a bag of gifts, printed it on an A4 sheet, printed riddles on top, cut the sheet into 15 uneven parts (diamonds, trapezoids, triangles). I also found a beautiful postcard "from Santa Claus" on the Internet and printed it (as a photograph - in color, on A6 glossy paper). I withdrew from the search itself - just so that suspicion would not fall on me. When it was time to look for a gift, our dad left the apartment - "on business." Upon his return, he loudly announced that he had found a letter for Andryusha in the mailbox. The son had never before received letters in his name - what a surprise he was! Having opened the envelope, Andryushka found inside a postcard from Santa Claus in his name, on the reverse side of which was written:

"Prepared for you
I love a gift.
If you complete the puzzle
Then you will find your gift!

Even inside the envelope lay a piece of the puzzle - the first riddle-hint. After discussing among themselves what needs to be done, the son and her husband (who did not know the answers to the riddles in advance and was instructed not to prompt) began to guess the first riddle. Having guessed it, they ran (but how could it be otherwise, it's so interesting, I want to get to the treasure gift as soon as possible!) went to the clue object. There they found the next clue, and so on until they had collected all the clues. When the son had 15 pieces of the puzzle in his hands, he managed to put together a picture of them, which turned out to be the image of Santa Claus - of course! - with a bag of gifts. The 15th guess led him there (in our case, to the balcony), where a hidden gift was waiting for him. Of course, it was a delight!

All the searches took about half an hour, the son kept the card, was satisfied with the gifts, and over the next two weeks, everyone who was willing to listen, told that Santa Claus had not just given HIM a gift, but hid it and made him search.

It remains only to say that, in my opinion, this option is appropriate not only for the New Year, but also for birthdays, and name days, and Children's Day, and for any holiday that is celebrated in your family - only small changes are needed . And here are the riddles that I made with clues, a postcard from Santa Claus and a picture of Santa Claus with a bag of gifts.

"Wonder box - there is a window in it,
There's a movie in that window."

"There is frost in the white box.
And now the frost is gray
Houses in summer and winter.
Protects products:
Meat, fish, fruits.

"A pillow sleeps on her during the day,
And at night - Andryushka.

"Who warms with love,
Everything in the world succeeds
Even play a bit?
Who will always comfort you
And wash and comb,
Kiss on the cheek - smack?
This is how she always is
My dear!"

Note: I had the next clue, but in order to get it, Andryushka had to sing a New Year's song to me.

"How easy it sits on it,
And nice, sweet sleep!
The back is soft, the pillows...
What else do you need to be happy?"

"In the round window
Wet clothes."
(Washing machine)

"I'm ready for training starts,
Soon I will sit down for ... "

"Bogatyr at the wall
He's wearing shirts and pants."
(A wardrobe)
"To our house under
Someone from the forest will come
All fluffy, in needles,
And that guest is called ... "
(Christmas tree)

"What kind of miracle giant?
Stretches his hand to the clouds
Doing work:
Helping build a house.
(Construction crane)

Note: my son has a faucet on a remote control, so there was no doubt where to look next.

"Will bring
glass eye,
Clicked once -
And remembers us."

"Black and white - both brothers
It is stored in her stomach.
(bread box)

"In order not to freeze, five guys
They sit in closets."

"I lay under the trees
Pillow with needles.
lay, lay,
Let me run."

Note: no, of course, we don’t have a hedgehog at home, but there is a Hedgehog toy.

"I'm from home on the threshold
Only one step took a step,
The door closed behind
There is no path ahead of me.
I'm at home - and not at home,
Between heaven and earth.
Guess, friends
Where am I?"

Comment on the article "New Year's Quest"

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Thematic conferences, blogs work on the site, ratings of kindergartens and schools are maintained, articles are published daily and competitions are held. New Year's Quest.

New Year's Quest. So I opted for a treasure hunt. And not just a treasure, but a New Year's gift. I myself called this idea "New Year's Quest".

New Year's Quest. So I opted for a treasure hunt. And not just a treasure, but a New Year's gift. I myself called this idea "New Year's Quest".

Entertainment for the new year at school. For children 10 years old. New Year's Eve is the most anticipated of all holidays. There are always many hopes for him. I want every New Year to be better and more fun. Parents especially want the New Year to be special for their children. Gifts, fabulous performances, as well as New Year's contests and quizzes. After all, New Year's competitions give kids the opportunity not only to have fun, but also to express themselves. Competitions for the New Year for children of ten years old should be fun, cool and, of course, thematically related to the New Year holidays.

1. Competition for 10-year-olds: "You are the coolest"

Competition for boys 10 years old. Two bandanas, two pairs of black glasses, leather gloves (2 pairs), metal bracelets, chains around the neck from large rings are put in a pile, the boys must fasten these attributes on themselves and say: “I'm cool!” Whoever is first is the winner, and of course the coolest kid!

2. Competition "Christmas tree for speed"

New Year's speed contests always cause great delight among ten-year-olds. For this competition, you will need two small artificial Christmas trees and two sets of unbreakable Christmas toys. At the command "start, attention, march!" two kids start decorating their Christmas tree to the music at speed. The contest may last a minute or two. It depends on the age of the children. It is better for the little ones to give more time. The winner will be the kid who by the end of the minute will have more toys on the Christmas tree.

3. Competition "Santa Claus blindly"

Competitions for the New Year for ten-year-olds are both entertainment and a test of creativity. One of the New Year's competitions can be drawing Santa Claus with a blindfold. Schoolchildren really like this competition, as Santa Clauses are very funny.

4. Competition "Snow intuition"

For this contest you will need three boxes and lots of white and orange tennis balls. First, all the balls - both white and orange - are poured into one large box. Then, blindfolded, two children are invited to collect as many white balls from the box as possible. Whoever has better intuition, and who at the end of the competition will have more white balls in the box, wins.

5. Competition "Snowball"

New Year's competitions can be more creative, or more sporty. The Snowball Competition is a sports competition for teenagers. It develops accuracy and throwing skills. For the competition, you will need a lot of white tennis balls, which symbolize snowballs. You will also need two multi-colored buckets. Two children for a minute or two should throw “snowballs”, that is, tennis balls, each into their own bucket. Whoever throws the most balls wins.

6. For girls 10 years old, the Fashion Show contest is suitable

Beads, lipstick, high-heeled shoes, bracelets and rings, a scarf that can be worn both on the head and as a pareo on the waist are issued. You need to put on all this for speed and walk along the catwalk, like a model to the music.

Competitions for the New Year for children can be any. But the most important thing is that schoolchildren should have a good mood after these competitions. Therefore, for the losers, it is imperative to provide incentive prizes or other contests where they can prove themselves as winners.

The script is very modern, it is not at all difficult to prepare and stage. Interesting, based on this scenario, you can arrange a New Year's concert at school. For children 10-15 years old, just such characters of the characters are suitable, they will be able to fully immerse themselves in the game. Source site

Target: organization of festive leisure for schoolchildren, development of creative abilities of children and adolescents.

Actors and characters:


Father Frost

Grandma Zima

Snow Maiden (Snow)

New Year

The theatrical performance includes concert performances from classes, associations, dance studios, vocal ensembles, etc.

Event progress:

The curtain is closed. Music sounds (screensaver of the program “Visiting a fairy tale”), the curtain curtain opens slightly, the Storyteller comes to the fore


Hello dear friends! It's no secret that the New Year is the most wonderful holiday, and both adults and children are looking forward to it. And on New Year's Eve, the most incredible miracles always happen. And one such miracle is about to take place on this stage.

It was on New Year's Eve in Veliky Ustyug, at the residence of Father Frost. Numerous artists who came to visit Santa Claus were preparing for a grandiose New Year's ball.

Leaders come out.

1 Lead: So, friends, there is little time left before the New Year, and the concert program is practically not ready. We need to hurry. Artists, are you ready? Guys, your way out. (Coughs). I'm ready too. Association (class) advocates

Concert number (poetic montage)

2 Lead: So, so, so ... With poetry, we are all right. I think Santa Claus and the guys will be satisfied. What about our dancing?

1 presenter: You can be sure that our dancers are also on the level. Look, for example, at the studio (ensemble, class). They prepared a wonderful number.

2 Lead: Well, let's see.

Dance number.

1 Lead: I can’t imagine the New Year without Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. And even without Winter, snowy, frosty, invigorating. And you will sing about her ...

Song about winter.

2 Lead: The New Year is also an extraordinary miracle. In terms of beauty and fabulousness, this holiday can only be compared with the original dance performed by…

Dance number.

storyteller: Preparations for the New Year's ball are in full swing. I am calm for our artists. And with the help of my magic wand, I will take you to the residence of Santa Claus.

Grandmother Winter and D. Moroz are sitting at the table on stage, drinking tea.


Tired of the pre-New Year's fuss, Santa Claus decided to drink tea with ice in a narrow family circle.

There is a timid knock on the door, Goblin enters.

Father Frost: Yes Yes! Come in, it's not locked!

Goblin: Hello! Grandfather Frost, Grandmother Winter, and you have a telegram from the city!

Father Frost: Telegram, you say? Come on, let's get it quick. So, so, we read: "Granddaughter Snegurochka is coming to visit you. I kiss you tightly, your daughter Metelitsa."

Grandma Winter: Fathers! What a joy! We haven't seen our granddaughter for a long time. Come on, she has changed, grown up.

Father Frost: Thank you Leshy for the good news.

Goblin: Is the Snow Maiden coming to visit?! I really want to see what she has become.

There is a knock on the door.

Father Frost: Yes, yes, come on!

A brightly painted, disheveled girl enters, chewing gum.

Grandma Winter: Snow Maiden, is that you?

Snow Maiden: Yeah. Only now I am not the Snow Maiden, but Snegi. The Snow Maiden is a fool, some kind of not fashionable name! Well, hello, ancestors!

Father Frost: Didn't understand! Who is Hello?

Snow Maiden: Well, you fucking give! Completely wild in the forest! Hello is our way of saying hello! Darkness!

Grandma Winter: Well, hello, dear granddaughter! Tell me, dear, how do you live in the city .... Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden: Am I not explaining clearly?

Grandma Winter: I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name now?

Snow Maiden: Snow, I told you!

Father Frost: Snow-gi, say mercy! So how are you at school?

Snow Maiden: Oh, yes, her school! There is nothing interesting there. Why go into it, I already know everything.

Grandma Winter: So you, probably, study for one five, my good?

Snow Maiden: Well, why immediately on the top five! It hurts me to show off - like everyone else, so do I!

Father Frost: Yes, granny, things are serious. We need to call Leshy, he is the best student in our school, let him help out of this miracle - to make a normal child.

Goblin: Hello, Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden: Well, here's more! There will be some Goblin to teach me the mind-reason!

Father Frost: Listen, dear granddaughter! I'm starting to lose my patience! You came to visit us, be kind and respectful to us and our friends!

Snow Maiden: Think! I'm tired of you with your moralizing! I'll go for a walk in the woods.

He slams the door loudly and leaves.

Grandma Winter: Fathers! But where did she go, looking at the night! She will get lost in the woods!

Goblin: And if she meets a wolf or Baba Yaga with Koshchei?

Father Frost: There is nothing to judge, but to row. Get ready. We need to find this capricious girl and bring her back.

The musical screen saver "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds.

Everyone leaves. The Storyteller comes out.

Storyteller: While Santa Claus, Grandmother Winter and Leshy are going to go in search of the Snow Maiden, we will return to the Ice Palace again, where the rehearsal for the New Year's ball is in full swing.

1 Lead: So we continue with the rehearsal. I invite the studio to the stage (class)

Dance number.

2 Lead: The girls from the studio (class) prepared a bright dance for the holiday. We hope you enjoy it.

dance number

The musical screen saver "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds. The storyteller comes out

Storyteller: Yes, it's fun in the Ice Palace, you can't say anything. But I completely forgot about our heroine. During that time, anything could happen to her. Pah-pah-pah ... So, let's follow the Snow Maiden.

The Snow Maiden walks through the forest, sings a song (“Well, why are you so scary ....”) Ahead, the New Year sits on a stump and cries.

Snow Maiden: What are you doing here?

New Year: I played and got lost.

Snow Maiden: Wow played. In my opinion, this is a forest, not a tear-off calendar. And what, no one can help you?

New Year: Only Santa Claus can help. But where can I find him in this forest?

Snow Maiden: So this is a couple of trifles. Consider the job done! After all, I am Snegi, the granddaughter of Santa Claus!

New Year: Is it true?! And will you help me?

Snow Maiden: Of course I'll help. Only a little later. In the meantime, we will walk with you.

The Snow Maiden leaves with the New Year. The musical screen saver "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds. The Storyteller comes out.

Storyteller: After wandering through the forest, our heroes approached the Ice Palace, where there was a New Year's tree, and they were rehearsing for the New Year's holiday. They took part in decorating the Christmas tree. And there they quarreled in earnest. The Snow Maiden left her new friend and again went to the forest in search of adventure. And who do you think she met there? Let's not speculate, we'll just see.

Music screensaver

The Snow Maiden meets Baba Yaga and Koshchei. Watching the New Year from afar.

Snow Maiden: Hey guys! Wow, what a cool outfit you have! Stunned!

Koschei: Somehow I don't recognize you in makeup. What is an unfamiliar face in our deep forest?

Baba Yaga: This one is definitely not from our forest. Ours are much more modest.

Snow Maiden: Actually, I am Snegi, the granddaughter of Santa Claus.

Koschey: Wow! Yes, you girl are deceiving us! The granddaughter of Santa Claus is called Snegurochka. Everyone knows this. And she's all so...

Snow Maiden: What is it like?

Koschey: Like creme brulee ice cream...

Snow Maiden: Here's more like ice cream! For everyone to bite and lick me? And who will you be? Are the real Baba Yaga and Koschei the Deathless?

Baba Yaga: Well, what are you thinking, baby? I am Agata Kuzminishna. An old sick woman.

Koschey: And I'm Koshche ... (B. Yaga pinches him, he screams).

Baba Yaga: And this is just Kostya. (B. Yaga begins to whisper something in Koshchei's ear).

Snow Maiden: What are you whispering there?

Baba Yaga and Koschey pounce on the Snow Maiden and tie her up.

Snow Maiden: What are you doing? Are you out of your mind? What do you want from me?

Baba Yaga: Yes, we decide with Kostya when to eat you: for lunch or for dinner?

Koschey: Or maybe let's just let it go? Maybe she really is a Snow Maiden?

Baba Yaga: I'll let you go! Snow Maiden, not Snow Maiden, what's the difference. Let's go and that's it. Take it and drag it. It's New Year's Eve and we don't have dinner yet.

Snow Maiden: Release me now! You have no right! I will complain.

B. Yaga: Complain even to the Commission on Human Rights!

Snow Maiden: Help! I am not tasty! I can't eat! I have a lot of bones! A-a-a-a-! Grandmother grandfather! Help!

They take the Snow Maiden and carry her away.

The musical screen saver "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds. The storyteller comes out

storyteller: It so happened that the naughty Snow Maiden fell into the hands of Baba Yaga and Koshchei, who became a villain involuntarily. What will happen to her now? But what is? I hear the steps of Santa Claus. He rushes to help his granddaughter.

The New Year is running around the stage in confusion and shouting: "Help, help!" Father Frost, Grandmother Winter and Goblin come out.

Father Frost: And what is this miracle Yudo loud-mouthed?

New Year: I am not a miracle and not a Yudo. And it's not about me. Help free my girlfriend. Her name is Snegi, she came from the city for the holidays. And some monsters stole it. They want to eat it.

Father Frost: What - such monsters in my forest wound up?

Goblin: Maybe he is talking about Baba Yaga with Koshchei?

New Year: Exactly! There was an old woman and a man of indeterminate age with her.

Grandma Winter: Ah, rascals! Again they are ugly! Let's hurry Santa Claus to help his granddaughter. And you, Goblin, run ahead, show the way, you know all the paths in this forest.

Grandmother Winter, Santa Claus and Leshy leave.

The musical screen saver "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds. The storyteller comes out

Storyteller: A fairy tale is quickly felt, but things are not done quickly. While Santa Claus and his friends are making their way along the untrodden paths to Baba Yaga's hut, we will be transported there in an instant and see what is happening there.

Baba Yaga and Koschei bring the Snow Maiden and seat her on a stool.

Baba Yaga: Fu, I'm tired. Yes, and something entered the lower back.

Koschey: So what are we going to do with her, Yagusya? Maybe we'll let go. There is a pity for her.

Baba Yaga: It's a pity for him to see it there! The unfortunate philanthropist. What kind of Koschey are you?! Mutated completely, switched to plant foods.

Koschey: I'm worried about my health. And, by the way, I do exercises in the morning, unlike some who have a backache.

Baba Yaga: Be silent, do not argue. I am in command of the parade. We will demand a ransom for her. Go, score an arrow to Santa Claus.

Koschey: Of course, I’ll go, but I just feel that Santa Claus will score such an arrow for his granddaughter that it won’t seem enough.

Baba Yaga: Haven't you left yet? Well, it quickly evaporated!

Koshchey runs away.

Snow Maiden: Well, what will you do with me?

Baba Yaga: Shut up, girl, in your position, talking is harmful. And don't make me sick.

Snow Maiden: Agata Kuzminichna! Well, shame on you! It is the 21st century in the yard: rockets fly into space, computers and cell phones, the Internet are all around. Do you want to eat the baby?

Baba Yaga: Do you think we are so dense? Only I don't care about your Internet! When you want to eat, no computer will help - you will not be virtually full. And what kind of child are you? Scarecrow scarecrow. No, I will definitely eat you.

Snow Maiden: Agata Kuzminichna! But you are still a fairy tale character. And in the fairy tales, the guest must first take a steam bath, feed, drink, and then everything else.

Baba Yaga: Look, you are literate, she knows fairy tales, she will teach me. I know the order. Okay, let's go steam.

Baba Yaga and the Snow Maiden leave.

The musical screen saver "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds. The storyteller comes out

Storyteller: The time was approaching midnight and the holiday was already beginning in the Ice Palace, because the guests did not suspect what story the Snow Maiden had gotten into.

1 Lead: Our holiday concert opens (soloist, association, studio)

concert number

2 Lead: On stage association (class)

concert number

1 presenter: A person is arranged in such a way that in the summer he wants winter coolness, and in winter the summer sun. On the stage, a studio (class) with its incendiary dance

dance number

2 Lead: Sings for you

concert number

The musical screen saver "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds. The storyteller comes out

storyteller: Sorry, I digress from the plot of our fairy tale. So, thanks to the efforts of Baba Yaga, the Snow Maiden regained her former appearance, and Baba Yaga, having steamed out her bones, got rid of her back pain. They sat side by side, drank tea and talked peacefully. But Santa Claus did not know about this. Ah, there he is! What will happen now!

Santa Claus and Grandmother Winter come out

Father Frost: Oh, you old cheat! Look what you've made up, steal my granddaughter and demand a ransom!

Snow Maiden: Grandmother grandfather! It's good that you found me! I'm so ashamed of my behavior! Please forgive me! (Hugs) Grandpa, don't be angry with Agata Kuzminichna and Koshchei, they're just very lonely. And Agata Kuzminichna, in addition, is very sick. She should go to a sanatorium for treatment. Maybe you will arrange a ticket for her as a New Year's gift?

Father Frost: Well, Snow Maiden, you are just a "box with a surprise." I don't even know what to answer you.

Grandma Winter: And what is there to think! After the holiday, we will send Baba Yaga to a sanatorium, let Koschey lead the drama circle, he is a creative nature, he will succeed. And now invite everyone, Moroz Ivanovich, to the New Year's carnival.

Father Frost: And, truth, something we lingered. It's time, friends, to go to the Ice Palace. Yes, but where is the New Year? After all, it was he who helped you, Snow Maiden, find you.

The New Year is coming up.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, you know, the New Year is lost, and I promised that you would help him.

Father Frost: Ah, there it is! So there is nothing to be sad about! As soon as the clock strikes 12 times, he will come into his own. The whole year will be at your disposal: have fun, play as much as you want! Well, now, friends, go ahead! They are waiting for us at the Ice Palace.

The characters leave. Leaders come out.

1 presenter: The studio is dancing for you (class)

dance number

2 leading: Continues our holiday concert (soloist, association)

Concert number.

The music “The Last Hour of December” sounds, against its background montage


It's time to say: "See you again!"

The New Year's carnival is over.

We were visiting friends of the heart,

Everyone has been in a wonderful fairy tale.


We wish you all sports health,

Five school, interplanetary routes.

We will follow you with love

And you, friends, do not forget us.

Grandma Winter:

What else would we wish for?

Perhaps peace in your families!

To divide everything in half:

Sadness and joy and delight.

Well, in general, everything that God gave you!

Snow Maiden:

What to wish for the New Year?

More joyful chores

More jokes, swarm of laughter,

At least even above yourself.

Father Frost:

What else? Perhaps yes...

Good health, and there ...

Let everything that you dream about

And whatever you want -

May it all come true!

New Year:

I wish you this new year,

To keep you strong and healthy.

To never, never get sick

So that you always eat with appetite.

To grow, gain mind.

Well, luck will come to you by itself.

Together: Happy New Year 2020!

I think that these entertainments will be relevant this year as well!

And this year I decided to make magical entertainment, because. New Year for me has always been associated with magic and the fulfillment of desires. Therefore, this year I suggest you use the maximum opportunities for making wishes on New Year's Eve.

These activities will suit you:

If you spend a holiday at home, where there is very little free time between the table and the TV;

If you are celebrating with your small or large family and friends aged 2 to 102;

If you want to stir up the usual feast a little according to the toast-drank-snack scheme;

If you have a few hours to prepare a family holiday and you are ready to spend a small amount of money on New Year's accessories;

If you are ready for a little magic and love making wishes.

Entertainment #1. Magic candy.

For such entertainment, you will need different candies (there should not be identical candies, because you can mix up candies) with a convenient wrapper (on which you can write). On December 31, when the guests are already at the table, ask each guest to choose any candy they like, open it and write their wish. The wish should be short and positive. Then all the sweets are wrapped back in their wrapper with wishes already written and placed under the tree. When the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve, each guest must find their own candy, unwrap it and eat it, thinking about their desire. According to the classics of the genre, a candy wrapper with your desire must be burned, thrown into champagne and drunk)))

For this entertainment, I made these candy boxes to add more magic to the holiday, but it would be a pity to burn the boxes, so I’ll think of something else later that you can do with them)))) If you also like these boxes, on the Internet there are many layouts that can be printed and assembled.

Entertainment #2. Magic things.

Since our New Year is magical, we cannot do without magical things. For this entertainment you will need two sets of cards or leaflets. Magic things will be written on the first sheets, and notes on how each guest will use this or that thing will be written on the second. In front of the guests, we turn the cards or notes over so that the object and its use are not visible. Everyone in turn chooses first a magical item, and then a card with the use of this magical item. Very fun entertainment!

Here is an example of magical items that will be written on the first set of cards:

Aladdin lamp

Magic wand

living water

magic mirror

Magic tangle

Carpet plane

flying broom

firebird feather

Self-assembly tablecloth


Hat of invisibility

Rejuvenating apples


Ring of Omnipotence

Examples of notes on the use of magical things:

Eat with friends

I'll put it in a vase

I will divide into slices and treat the guests

I will inflate and let go into the sky

I will sit down and go

I'll hang it in the closet


I'll put you in a cage

I'll hang it from the ceiling

I will admire

I'll put it on the shelf


Entertainment #3. Fortune cookie.

Bake or shop for magic fortune cookies. Now on the Internet there are many recipes for this cookie and in stores a lot of these cookies are sold in different New Year's boxes and jars. Surprise yourself and your loved ones.

Entertainment number 4. Rope predictions.

There are simpler ways to make such interesting predictions. Print and write comic predictions on pieces of paper, hang them on a rope. Then blindfold each other, unwind and bring to the rope. What you pull out of there is what awaits next year.

Here are some examples of predictions:

1. Between worries, between chores, you will diligently lie on the couch.

2. You will live easily throughout the year, eat, drink and sing, not to know worries.

3. Good luck will not leave you! There will be a new cottage for you!

4. There will be joy and good luck with big money in addition!

5. Wait a little, the road is waiting for you.

6. You will always have delicious food in your house.

9. There will be a new job, everything is fine! Happy New Year! .

10. A trip to the sea is waiting for you soon.

11. Let a tear of joy shed, Soon an old friend will return!

12. Look ahead more cheerfully, There wealth awaits you.

13. Gingerbread and sweets, There will be a lot of joy.

14. Suddenly you have a new friend.

Entertainment number 5. Magic Tree - Money talisman.

I have a present for you - a Magic tree! I will describe how to use the Christmas Tree: it is printed on A4 format, stickers for it are also printed on A4 format (on self-adhesive). On New Year's Eve, the whole family decorates our Christmas tree with the stickers they like, while visualizing success, prosperity, abundance and wealth! Decorating the Christmas tree with stickers depicting symbols of wealth will not only be an interesting activity for New Year's Eve, but will also become an excellent talisman for the whole year, which will also be charged with the positive energy of all the people who participated in decorating the Christmas tree.
I share My Magic Christmas Tree with you absolutely free of charge and I will be glad if it makes your New Year holidays even more magical!

Entertainment number 6. Magic plane.

Buy toy airplanes or make your own out of paper. Write on the plane or stick a piece of paper with the names of the countries where you would like to go. Airplanes need to be hung on a New Year tree, let them hang all the New Year holidays like Christmas decorations. You will see - all dreams come true! And you will definitely go on trips to those countries where you want to visit.

Entertainment number 7. Magic Mandarin.

For this entertainment you will need: tangerines, felt-tip pen, cloves. Each guest takes one tangerine, writes on it briefly wishes for the next year. For example, "Health", "Children", "Love", "Money", "Happiness", etc., then he takes a carnation and sticks it into a tangerine, creating any pattern he wants, imagining how all the best is attracted to it life with the advent of this new year. Tangerines charged with positive wishes can then be eaten)))

Entertainment number 8. Magic characters from fairy tales.

Exercise: you need to guess which of the famous fairy-tale characters these comic ads belong to.

Ad examples:

I offer fire and pyrotechnic show services. Irreplaceable worker! By inviting me, you will appreciate the saying: “One head is good, but several are better!” (Dragon).

I will share the secrets of longevity! I guarantee eternal life! (Koschei the Deathless)

I am recruiting elderly people for courses for pilots of non-standard aircraft. (Baba Yaga)

Bank "Country of Fools" accepts deposits from the population. We guarantee a million% per year! (Fox Alice and Cat Basilio)

I sell a manual for beginners "How to use flattering speeches for personal gain" (Fox from Krylov's fable "The Crow and the Fox")

Want to get married! Send proposals to the address "Forest swamp" (frog princess)

In exchange for a quiet stay, I fulfill any three wishes! (gold fish)

I will urgently purchase a bottle of sunflower oil: I lay sideways! (kolobok)

Fast high-quality freezing of children's hearts! (The Snow Queen)

I will give in good hands a hat with earflaps for filtering pasta. (Postman Pechkin)

An attraction of unheard-of food generosity! (self-assembled tablecloth)

I help out girls who have nothing to go to a party! (Fairy)

Individual flights "With the breeze!" (Carpet plane)

I professionally teach artistic whistling. (nightingale-robber)

I am looking for a sponsor to participate in the crying contest! (Unsmiled Princess)

If you want to become invisible - contact me! (invisibility cap)

Exclusive alarm clock made of gold! (The Golden Cockerel)

Attention! A unique show - walking along the chain with the simultaneous performance of amateur performances! (Scientist cat)

For everyone entering the jungle! Survival courses in extreme conditions! (Tarzan and Mowgli)

I provide veterinary services with travel to any part of the world. (Aibolit)

I am in a lethargic dream. I wake up from a passionate kiss. Young people who are not related to the royal family, please do not disturb me! (Sleeping Beauty)

Entertainment #9. Magic box.

You will need a small box in which you need to put a picture of a smile (find the right picture on the Internet and print it out). Ask guests to guess what is hidden in the box (the box can be touched, shaken, turned over and asked one-word questions, the answers to which can only be “yes or no”). You can give intriguing clues to guests. For example, tell them that the box contains something that everyone present has))). Give the picture to a guest who can guess the contents of the box.

Entertainment number 10. Happiness letters.

Finally, I would like to give you this very interesting entertainment so that happiness never leaves you. Give each guest a piece of paper with a pen and an envelope (the envelope can be a simple postal envelope). On the envelope, each guest writes "Envelope of happiness", and on an empty sheet of paper you need to write the reasons why he is happy. For example, “I am happy because I have a roof over my head, I have healthy children, I have a good job, I have a favorite hobby, etc. Write also everything for which you are grateful for the outgoing year, remember all the positive moments that happened to you. This lesson helps to understand that we are happy here and now, and not when all our desires are fulfilled.

I wish you magic and fulfillment of desires in the New 2018! Peace and goodness to all!

1. Telescope
Give him a telescope, it is not necessary to give the most powerful one, it is better, on the contrary, to give a simple model for beginners. Such a gift will surely interest him and will allow him to conduct his personal space exploration.

2. RC Helicopter
Something, but such a gift will definitely captivate the boy, and thoroughly and for a long time. He will fly a helicopter for hours: learn to balance the height, feel its dimensions. The child will certainly like this kind of toy, besides, it develops the spatial perception of the child.

3. Audio player
Around this age, the child begins to form tastes and preferences: he only likes certain films, certain books, the same goes for music.

4. E-book
An e-book is a great gift for a child who loves to read. Such a gift is given for many years to come and allows you to read not only fiction, but also educational literature, if desired, one e-book can easily replace a whole stack of textbooks.

5. Wristwatch
Such a gift gives the child the opportunity to feel more mature, besides, no one canceled the practicality of the watch. It is worth choosing a watch based on the fact that it is still a child, you should take a teenage model - they are not designed for long-term wearing and, as a result, are cheap.