Classical music for children. Soviet children's classics Classical works for children

Kirill Vikentievich Lemokh (1841-1910) - Children at the piano

Kirill Vikentievich Lemokh (Carl Johann Lemoch), born in 1841 in Moscow - died in 1910 in St. Petersburg, - Russian genre painter of German origin, academician and full member of the Imperial Academy of Arts, participant in the "revolt of fourteen", one of the founders of the St. Petersburg Artel of Artists and the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions.

Cartoon film "Children's Album" (1976) to music by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)

The cartoon features thirteen piano pieces from Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's "Children's Album" arranged for orchestra:

1. Sweet dream
2. Playing with horses
3. March of wooden soldiers
4. Waltz
5. Organ grinder sings
6. Italian song
7. Old French song
8. German song
9. Neapolitan song
10. Nanny's tale
11. Baba - Yaga
12. Russian song
13. Kamarinskaya

"Children's Album" - a collection of children's pieces for piano by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky with the author's subtitle "Twenty-Four Easy Pieces for Piano".
Pyotr Ilyich composed these plays in May-July 1878 and dedicated them to his nephew Volodya Davydov.
The collection was published in December of the same year by Jurgenson's publishing house.

Troika - Dymkovo toy

Cartoon "The Seasons" (1969) to music by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)

The cartoon features the piano pieces "Autumn" and "Troika" from the piano cycle "The Seasons" by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, arranged for orchestra.
Russian lace and Dymkovo toy were used in the pictorial solution of the cartoon.

The Four Seasons is a piano cycle by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, consisting of twelve paintings:

1. January. By the fireside
2. February. Maslenitsa
3. March. Song of the Lark
4. April. Snowdrop
5. May. White Nights
6. June. Barcarolle
7. July. Song of the mower
8. August. Harvest
9. September. Hunting
10. October. autumn song
11. November. On the troika
12. December. Christmas time

Cartoon "Kamarinskaya" (1980) to music by Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka (1804-1857)
Written and directed by Inessa Kovalevskaya

In the cartoon "Kamarinskaya" Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka's overture "Kamarinskaya" is used. This is a cartoon-fantasy to the music of the great composer.

Kamarinskaya or Komarinskaya (road) is a Russian folk dance song, a dance to this song, popularized in the overture of the same name by Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka (1848). In it, Glinka imitates Russian folk singing with undertones, when the theme is first performed in one voice, and then new undertones are added with each new performance.

Sich at Kerzhents - frame from the cartoon

Cartoon "Battle of Kerzhents" (1971) to music by Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908)
Screenwriter - Ivan Ivanov-Vano
Directed by Ivan Ivanov-Vano and Yuri Norshtein

The cartoon is based on a legend and an orchestral episode from the 3rd act of the opera "The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia" by Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov, according to which the city of Kitezh went under the waters of the lake to avoid the Mongol-Tatar invasion in the 13th century.
The film uses materials from Russian fresco painting and miniatures from the 14th-16th centuries.

Cartoon "Pictures at an Exhibition" (1984) to the music of Modest Mussorgsky (1839-1881)
Written and directed by Inessa Kovalevskaya

Cartoon-fantasy to the music of pieces from the cycle "Pictures at an Exhibition" by Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky, performed by Svyatoslav Teofilovich Richter (1915-1997).
The cartoon used the plays "Baba Yaga", "Hut on chicken legs" and "Ballet of unhatched chicks"

"Pictures at an Exhibition" - a cycle of piano pieces by Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky, written in 1874 in memory of his friend, artist and architect Viktor Aleksandrovich Hartman (1834-1873).
The architect and, in modern terms, designer Viktor Alexandrovich Hartman entered the history of art of the 19th century as one of the founders of the Russian style in architecture.

In February-March 1874, at the Imperial Academy of Arts, with the assistance of the St. Petersburg Society of Architects, a posthumous exhibition was held of about four hundred works by Hartmann created over fifteen years - drawings, watercolors, architectural projects, sketches of theatrical scenery and costumes, sketches of art products.

Mussorgsky's visit to the exhibition was the impetus for the creation of a musical walk through an imaginary exhibition gallery. The result was a series of musical pictures that only partly resemble the works seen; in the main, the plays were the result of the free flight of the composer's musical fantasy.

Cartoon "Still Life" (1981) to the music of Alexander Nikolaevich Scriabin (1872-1915)
Director - Vladimir Samsonov

The Firebird is a cartoon based on Russian folk tales about the Firebird. The cartoon uses the music of Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) from the orchestral suite "The Firebird".

The Firebird is a one-act ballet by Igor Stravinsky commissioned by Sergei Diaghilev (1872-1929) for his Russian Seasons in Paris. The premiere of the ballet took place on the stage of the Grand Opera House on June 25, 1910.

Cartoon "Firebird" (1984) to music
Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky (1839-1881), Igor Fedorovich Stravinsky (1882-1971), Anatoly Konstantinovich Lyadov (1855-1914),
filmed by the artistic animation association "Kievnauchfilm" based on the fairy tale by Alexei Nikolayevich Tolstoy (1882-1945)

Cartoon "Walk" (1986) to music by Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev (1891-1953)
Written and directed by Inessa Kovalevskaya

"Walk" is one of twelve pieces from the collection "Children's Music" written by Sergei Prokofiev for children.

1. Morning
2. Walk
3. Fairy tale
4. Tarantella
5. Remorse
6. Waltz
7. Procession of grasshoppers
8. Rain and rainbow
9. Fifteen
10. March
11. Evening
12. The moon walks over the meadows

Cartoon "Dancing Dolls" (1985) to the music of Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich (1906-1975)
Written and directed by Inessa Kovalevskaya

The cartoon uses the music of Dmitry Shostakovich from the collection of children's piano pieces:

1. Lyrical waltz
2. Gavotte
3. Romance
4. Polka
5. Waltz joke
6. Street organ
7. Dance

Some of the pieces are performed in orchestral arrangements.

Figurine "Royal"
Italy - Pavone - 2000s

Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova (1884-1967) - Girls at the piano (Tata and Katya)

Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova (maiden name Lansere), born in 1884 in the village of Neskuchnoye, Kursk province - died in 1967 in Paris, France), - Russian artist, member of the "World of Art" association, one of the first Russian women included in the history of painting.

Brilliant Soviet children's classics (western with its
Peter Pans and The Chronicles of Narnia - also nothing in places, but in
in general, probably a little weaker). You can name first
"The Adventures of Pinocchio" by Alexei Tolstoy,
"The Adventures of Captain Vrungel" Andrey Nekrasov,
"The Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin" by Yuri Druzhkov,
"The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" by Nikolai Nosov,
"Barankin, be a man!" Valeria Medvedeva,
"The Wizard of the Emerald City" by Alexander Volkov.

Whoever was completely saturated with this, then did nasty things to people
hardly. Most likely, he did not participate in privatizations, in the annexation
yah too. He did not bully the prisoners. Didn't steal. Didn't kill in vain
even in the mood.

"Old Man Hottabych" Lazar Lagin to include in this list self-
I don’t want to, because, unlike the above
books, it is still marked by straightforward "red propaganda".

Similarly, too obvious subservience to the public building
he was awarded the story "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" by Vitaly

There were great works for older children:
"School" Arkady Gaidar,
"In the Land of Dense Herbs" by Vladimir Bragin,
"Two Captains" by Veniamin Kaverin,
"Dagger" and "Bronze Bird" Anatoly Rybakov,
"Old Fortress" by Vladimir Belyaev,
and etc.

Almost all correct books by foreign writers are also timely.
were read by Soviet children, if there was a desire:
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by him,
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
"The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe,
Gulliver's Adventures by Jonathan Swift
"The Adventures of Cipollino" Gianni Rodari,
Jules Verne's "Fifteen-Year-Old Captain"
"Twenty thousand leagues under the sea" of him,
and etc.

Of course, such books did not lie freely on the shelves even in
libraries, but sooner or later they still fell into the hands. On
there was no one to instruct me properly, and I chose
books himself - mainly by their shabbiness. In 95% of cases this
the method worked well.

There were also books with a minimum of text and an abundance of pictures - for
smaller children. Many are rubbish, but there were enough masterpieces. This is in
first of all books with texts and illustrations by Suteev.

Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev (1903-1993) - cartoon genius
tions, illustrations, fairy tales in drawings. A classic from the classics. Express-
a brilliant style, any difference from which is perceived
comes as a weakness.

Masters of Suteev:
"Who said meow"
"Different Wheels"
"Chicken and Duckling"
"The Adventures of Pif"
and etc.

Soviet children's film classics:
"The Children of Captain Grant",
"Mysterious Island",
"Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka",
"The Snow Queen",
"Three Fat Men"
"The Secret of the Iron Door"
"Tale of Lost Time"
"City of masters",
"Oh, this Nastya",
"Mustachioed nanny",
and etc.

Awesome Soviet cartoons:
"Peter and the Wolf"
"Christmas Eve",
"Wait for it!",
"Winnie the Pooh",
"The Bremen Town Musicians",
"Three from Prostokvashino",
"Bobik visiting Barbos",
"Once upon a time there was a dog"
"Imp #13",
"About brownie Kuzya",
"Golden Antelope"
"Wolf and Calf"
"How the Cossacks played football"
"About the dog Sonya"
and etc.

Stunning Soviet audio performances (were available on
gramophone records):
"The Bremen Town Musicians", "In the Footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians",
"The Adventures of Chippolino",
"Three piglets",
"Brother Fox and Brother Rabbit"
"How Lori the Parrot Became Colorful"
"Town in a snuffbox",
"Magic Shoes"
"Robin Hood",
"Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves"
and etc.

And there were filmstrips. I remember how timid I was when I was in kindergarten
on a winter evening they played a filmstrip about Theseus. Theseus sowed his teeth
dragon, and they grew into terrible warriors. Unfortunately the culture
filmstrips, seems to have gone completely.

You can pay attention that children in the USSR through books, cartoons
films, audio performances, etc.
classic: English, German, French, Italian, Arabic
Kaya, ancient Greek, etc.

Quite accessible in the USSR were editions of fairy tales by Hans Christian
Andersen, Charles Perrault, the Grimm brothers, as well as all sorts of fairy tales
peoples of the USSR.

Thus, in terms of cultural provision, Soviet children
your Brezhnev era was more or less happy. In the city -
maybe a little happier than in the village, although, for example, beautiful
new British film comedy "Air Adventures" (1965) I watched
rel not in the city, but in the remote Belarusian province: in the rural
club where my uncle worked as a projectionist. And uncle's
At home, I read an excellent, as it seemed to me in childhood, story
Elena Danko "Defeated Karabas", which quite reached the village
outback. In the city, this book never came across to me.

Conventional wisdom says that the effect of bad books is akin to radiation: a person does not notice how he becomes infected with bad taste when reading them. But if on the book road a child comes across works from this review, you can be sure that the child is reliably and for a long time vaccinated against the bad influence of bad books. This review includes the works of the classics of the 19th-20th (first half) centuries.

1) A.S. Pushkin "Tales"(4-10 years old)

From the age of 4, the baby can be introduced to these immortal fairy tales. Of the seven fairy tales written by Pushkin, only five are included in many collections:
The tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious and mighty son Prince Gvidon Saltanovich and
beautiful swan princess
The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs
The Tale of the Golden Cockerel
The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish
The tale of the priest and his worker Balda

2)L.N. Tolstoy "Children"(6-12 years old)

Between writing the world-famous novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy spent several years fascinated by a large educational project for which he created the ABC, considering at that time that this was the main work of his life. This "ABC" assumed not only teaching to read and write, but also included a large layer of instructive stories and fairy tales for children. In them, Tolstoy succeeded, without moralizing, in conveying to children thoughts about good and evil, about truth and lies, about justice and love.

3) A.P. Chekhov "Kashtanka"(6-10 years old)

Chekhov's stories will always be referred to. They are unusually easy to read, because the skill of the writer is unsurpassed. He writes briefly but succinctly. Laughs cheerfully, but with a touch of sadness. It teaches not just to feel, but to feel nobly, causing either a smile or tears of compassion. And he does not invent anything, reproducing stories from life itself. His words sound quiet, but fall into the very soul. He does not read morality, does not scold, does not punish for atrocities. He understands that victory can only be achieved through laughter, good example and sympathy. Light and Touching story Kashtanka leaves no reader indifferent. It is very important to read in childhood just such works written by an intelligent, attentive and kind writer.

4) D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak "Alyonushka's Tales"(5-9 years old)

Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak, a Russian prose writer and playwright, became a writer of fairy tales quite by accident - he began to write them for his little daughter Alena, and then got carried away. The result was the book Alyonushka's Tales, which appeared in 1897, which included ten of the most interesting, in the author's opinion, fairy tales. “This is my favorite book - it was written by love itself, and therefore it will survive everything else,” wrote Mamin Sibiryak.
In these tales, all the characters come to life and speak humanly: animals, birds, fish, insects, plants and even toys, for example, Komar Komarovich, Shaggy Bear, Brave Hare, Sparrow Vorobeich and Ruff Yershovich. Talking about the funny adventures of animals and toys, the author skillfully combines the fascinating content of fairy tales and morality, trying to teach his readers honesty, modesty and hard work.

5) I.A. Krylov "Fables"(6-12 years old)

Krylov's fables have been familiar to us since childhood - even before they were asked to learn them by heart at school, we often heard expressions that had become popular, not even suspecting that they were from Krylov's fables: “And Vaska listens and eats”, “Sing, little light , do not be ashamed”, “And things are still there”, “Did you sing all the time? This is the case: so come on, dance!”, “And you, friends, no matter how you sit down, you’re not good at musicians.” Quotes from the fables of the great Russian fabulist so organically entered our lives and our language that they became part of our culture.

6) P.P. Ershov "Humpbacked Horse"(4-8 years old)

"The Little Humpbacked Horse" was and still remains among the most beloved fairy tales, like Pushkin's fairy tales, for its melodiousness, for the beauty of poetic speech, where fairy tale narration is intertwined with magic, with folk dialect, with sayings.

7) A.I. Kuprin Stories "Elephant and other stories about animals", "Wonderful Doctor", "White Poodle"(9-12 years old)

Real, strong, vital works for children, not just touching, but turning the soul, written in a beautiful literary language.

8) V.G.Korolenko "Children of the Underground" (12+)

"Children of the Underground" is a story about an unexpected friendship between the son of a judge and a homeless boy. A short but very sincere relationship not only left an indelible mark on the barchuk's soul, but also softened the harsh temper of his father.

9) V.M. Garshin "Traveling Frog"(2-5 years)

The cautionary tale of the quick-witted but boastful frog on ducks and its successful landing will delight children, you can be sure!

10) V.F. Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich" (3-6 years old), "Town in a Snuffbox" (6-10 years old)

The fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich" is rightfully considered one of the best works of V. Odoevsky. Despite the fact that the fairy tale was created almost 200 years ago, it is still loved by young readers. According to the plot and characters, this is a variation on the theme of Russian folk tale"Frost".

Odoevsky strove to ensure that the children liked his fairy tale and interested them. The very idea of ​​it can be explained by this desire. Who didn’t want to know what was inside the toy that struck us?! So Misha also wanted to look inside the musical snuffbox - to find out how it works. Unbeknownst to himself, under the melodic ringing of bells, the boy fell asleep, and he dreamed of a revived musical town ... Like any good fairy tale, Odoevsky's fairy tale has a happy ending: when he woke up, Misha saw that he had not broken the snuffbox. But he guessed that the bells ring because the hammers hit them, and the hammers move because the roller moves, and the roller turns because there is a princess spring. She pushes the roller. And how much movement! The bells ring, the sun rises and sets, the stars sparkle in the sky! Together with Misha, you learned how a snuffbox works, but the charm of fiction has not disappeared. Exact knowledge does not interfere with poetry. The charm will disappear only when you break the spring. But who wants it? Remember how Misha was delighted that the spring was intact? This is the idea: a person should protect everything beautiful. You also need to take care of things if you want to prolong the pleasure of using them, admiring them.

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)
MY-SHOP Moroz Ivanovich MY-SHOP Town in a snuffbox
OZONE Moroz Ivanovich OZONE Town in a snuffbox

11) Anthony Pogorelsky "Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants"(7-10 years old)

This wonderful fairy tale by Antony Pogorelsky is almost 200 years old, but it still remains one of the best works of Russian literature for children.
…What little boy doesn't dream of adventure? So Alyosha, a young pupil of a St. Petersburg boarding school, also hopes to meet something magical and amazing. And then one day he saves a black chicken named Chernushka from the cook's knife. Alyosha has no idea that this chicken is not simple. In fact, Chernushka is a powerful minister in a magical underground kingdom. And now the real ones are waiting for Alyosha magical adventures. But will they be as he expects? ..

12) N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky "Childhood Themes"(8-12 years old)

Published for the first time more than a century ago (1892), the autobiographical story "Tyoma's Childhood" is still close to the young reader. What is the secret? Why modern child empathizes with the joys and excitements, dreams and disappointments, small achievements and discoveries of the high school student Tyoma as passionately as with his own? It's all about the sincerity and truthfulness of this work. As I wrote myself

13) M.M. Zoshchenko Stories for children(6-10 years old)

What is a good children's book? This is a book that you read to a child 5, 10, 15 times and he does not get bored. These are the kind of books these stories are! "Lyolya and Minka" is already a classic! These stories of the famous writer-humorist about little children - naughty, pranksters and inventors. Young readers will be happy to laugh at the funny adventures of their peers. But the main thing in the stories is, of course, not pranks and pranks, but the touching friendship of the guys, mutual assistance, compassion and sincere love for their loved ones.

14) Sasha Cherny "Diary of fox Mickey"(6-10 years old)

Fox Mickey's Diary is one of the best children's books by the remarkable Russian poet, prose writer and journalist Sasha Cherny (1880–1932). Before the young reader opens the world of children and adults, seen through the eyes of a fox terrier dog - restless, crafty, endowed with a sense of humor and, in addition, able to read, write and even ... compose poetry. And what a strange and unusual world this is!

Conscious parents care about harmonious development your baby. Of course, for this you will have to make a lot of effort, give the little one all your love and spend countless hours.

We will tell you why it is so important to organize the correct musical education of a child from childhood and why it is worth listening to classical music.

Classical music for pregnant women

The child begins to distinguish sounds from the 5th month of pregnancy. One hour of listening to classical music during pregnancy per day will be enough to start introducing the unborn baby to sounds new to him. After birth, babies are able to remember familiar melodies and even fall asleep to them. Emotional balance in children listening to music while still in their mother's tummy has been proven. This effect is most likely due to the fact that listening to classical music during pregnancy, the expectant mother relaxes, rests, and this affects the baby only in a positive way.

Classical music for newborns

It is well known that the musical taste and perception of music in general are formed in babies under the influence of the habits of their parents. What the baby hears every day will most likely be his preference.

Already at three months, classical music for newborns can be arbitrarily complex, because the little one learns information literally on the fly, it is enough for him to hear the melody several times in order to then easily recognize it. Listening to songs one after another, sooner or later one of them will begin to give preference. The melody will be interesting to him. And to get the interest of the child is wonderful. Why? Interest is the main component in the development of the child. Only interest gives rise to the desire for knowledge.

Proper musical education in the neonatal period is giving your child the opportunity to understand and realize the full depth of classical music. It is classical music for children that is indispensable in terms of hearing development and development in general.

How to listen to classical music with children?

For the development of the child, of course, classical music is preferable to plain pop melodies.

Of course, simple children's songs will cause joy and delight in the baby. Little children who do not even know what dance is, having heard any groovy melody, on an intuitive level begin to clap, stomp their feet or dance. Music encourages children to express their emotions.

Classical music is soothing and inspiring. However, it should be listened to in moderation. In pursuit of early development child, do not tire him around the clock listening to all kinds of melodies and educational materials.

For babies, 1-2 melodies a day are enough, then the time for listening to classical music gradually increases.

Our collection of classical music for children features truly golden melodies written by the most talented composers in history. Give your child a chance to experience the greatness and depth of classical music before listening to nursery rhymes with them.

In the Soviet Union, they did not save on children's cinema. Children's films had a decent budget, they were shot by famous directors, and the roles were played by movie stars. We have collected 15 children's films shot in the USSR, which will definitely appeal to modern children of primary school age.

1. Adventures of Pinocchio (1975, director Leonid Nechaev)

Premiere children's musical"The Adventures of Pinocchio" took place on the first program of Central Television on January 1 and 2, 1976.

The members of the artistic council that accepted the picture were extremely dissatisfied: “An ugly picture! How can this be - a cat without a tail, a fox in a dress, Pinocchio mocks an elderly man (meaning Karabas Barabas). The film was saved only by the fact that it was the end of the year, and failure to fulfill the plan was fraught with deprivation of prizes.

Director Nechaev planned to invite Faina Ranevskaya for the role of Turtle Tortila, but she was already in her advanced years and her health was failing. “Lenya, I will play the Turtle with pleasure, but only if the shooting takes place in my stairwell”, Faina Georgievna answered the proposal.

Dmitry Iosifov - the performer of the role of Pinocchio - is the only one of the young artists who connected his fate with cinema.

2. Cinderella (1947, directors - Nadezhda Kosheverova, Mikhail Shapiro)

The filming of Cinderella took place in the summer of 1946. Natural episodes were filmed in Riga and its environs, and interior scenes were filmed in the pavilions of Lenfilm. Especially for the combined shooting, we created models of the palace and the park.

Yanina Zheymo, who starred in the role of Cinderella, was 38 years old during the filming of the film. So that the age was not noticeable, the scenes with her participation were filmed only in the evening. Prince Alexei Konsovsky was 35 years old, and Cinderella's father Vasily Merkuriev was 43 years old.

In 1967, the film Cinderella was restored at Mosfilm. And in 2009, a second restoration took place, after which a color version of the film appeared.

3. Old man Hottabych (1956, director Gennady Kazansky)

Stills from the film."] The football match between the teams "Chisel" and "Puck" was filmed at two stadiums, which were located in different parts of St. Petersburg. The game was filmed at the Svetlana stadium, and the stands at the stadium named after S. M. Kirov.

In a funny episode, when the old man Hottabych eats popsicle, actor Nikolai Volkov ate glazed curds on both cheeks, not ice cream. I was afraid to catch a cold.

Aleksey Litvinov, who starred in the role of Volk Kostylkov, will buy a camera, a bicycle and a Temp-2 color TV with his first fee. 2400 rubles by Soviet standards was more than a decent amount.

4. The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors (1963, director - Alexander Rowe)

9-year-old students of the 337th Moscow school Olya and Tanya Yukina became real stars after the release of the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors. To the studio. Bitter letters for them came in bags, and at school the girls were simply not allowed to pass. But they never made it into the big movies.

In 1985, a 20-page comic book based on the plot "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" was released.

Georgy Millyar played several roles in "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors", as well as in several other Rowe's tales - the most important master of ceremonies, the dowager queen and the royal carter.

The film has several differences from the book it was based on. So, in the book there is no scene of an attempted poisoning. In the film, Anidag's proposal to become queen is made by Abaj, and in the book, by Nushrok.

5. Varvara-beauty, long braid (1969, director - Alexander Rou)

Boris Grachevsky, the future creator of Yeralash, worked on the set of the film as an administrator of the film. He even got the role of Chudy-Yuda's hand, which appears from the basin and threatens the king, saying: "Due!"

For Sergei Nikolaev, the role of Tsarevich Andrei "well-fed but ill-mannered" became his debut film role and the most famous of more than fifty screen works.

Cast main character, the daughter of the underwater king, starred Tatyana Klyueva. She began acting in films at the age of 10, and by the beginning of the filming of the film, she already had several roles on her account.

6. New Year's adventures of Masha and Vitya (1975, directors - Gennady Kazansky, Igor Usov)

Premiere of the painting New Year's adventures Masha and Viti" took place on December 25, 1975 on the air of the Central Television of the USSR.

For Mikhail Boyarsky, this film became a “family contract”: Kashchei the Immortal was played by the actor’s uncle, Nikolai Boyarsky, whose famous film roles were Adam Kozlevich in The Golden Calf and a physical education teacher in The Adventures of Electronics.

A year after the release of the film on the screens, the Melodiya company released the disc "Masha and Vitya against the Wild Guitars" with an audio version of the movie fairy tale.

7. Morozko

(1964, director - Alexander Row) "Frost" became the 13th feature film directed by Alexander Row and turned out to be happy: critics and viewers accepted the film with enthusiasm.

Inna Churikova played Marfushenka while still a student at the Shchukin School. She later recalled: “I really wanted to act, but I didn’t even hope that they would take me. On the samples, we gnawed nuts, I gnawed them very well, not sparing my teeth. This is probably why Alexander Arturovich took me.

Steven Spielberg called the film Frosty the forerunner of a number of Hollywood film masterpieces: it was from Rowe's picture that the creators of the spectacular special effects that adorned many American blockbusters drew ideas.

Dog Druzhok before the film "Frost" was already filming in "The Tale of Lost Time".

8. Vasilisa the Beautiful (1939, director - Alexander Rou)

In Vasilisa the Beautiful, Georgy Millyar played Baba Yaga for the first time in his career. And he asked for this role himself.

Gorynych's snake, at Rowe's request, was made at the Experimental Toy Factory in Zagorsk, Moscow Region. The toy monster was 5 meters high and 11 meters long. On the shooting of the film, which took place in Yalta, Gorynych was brought dismantled on 4 railway platforms. On the set, 20 people set the snake in motion at once.

Millyar said: I played with an eye to fear. I copied this image entirely from an old Greek woman who lived in the house opposite. She had greasy, gray hairs and a crooked nose. But when they saw me in makeup in the courtyard of the Yalta studio, the children ran away crying. When I realized that, seeing me on the screen, the children were crying, I thought: why am I scaring them so? So that they fear evil and burst into tears from it? And my next Baba-Yagas were ridiculous to disgrace».

9. Attention, turtle!

The Soviet censors did not want to release the children's comedy, as they saw in it a hint of the Prague Spring. Sedition was seen in the episode when children release a small turtle under the caterpillars of tanks, and the words "Czechoslovakia" and "tortoise" begin with one syllable.

Auditioned for a role in the film "Attention, Turtle!" young Oleg Menshikov. But Rolan Bykov, the future celebrity, said: "You are too cheerful, you will never be an artist."

« Attention, turtle ”you can watch today and tomorrow. In it, the kids want to test the strength of the tortoise shell, and they get the idea to stick it under the tank and see what happens to it. It's in a child - eternal: to break and see what's inside. And that the turtle is alive, it is always useful to remind him. This is the test that the child goes through with the adult. Both must understand that life is a value”, - wrote the widow of Rolan Bykov, actress Elena Sanaeva.

10. About Little Red Riding Hood (1977, director - Leonid Nechaev)

The premiere of the television musical "About Little Red Riding Hood" took place on December 31, 1977.

Yana Poplavskaya, who played the role of Little Red Riding Hood, became one of the youngest winners of the USSR State Prize. Yana was only 11 years old at the time.

The working title of the film is "Continuation of the old fairy tale."

11. Mary the artisan

(1960, director - Alexander Rowe) Combined shooting - episodes with the transformation of the Water-roller and witchcraft, scenes in the underwater kingdom - were performed in the film at a high level for that time.

The face and head of Georgy Millyar, who played Kvak in the film, were smeared with brilliant green before filming.

The uniform of a soldier is fully consistent with Russian military uniform middle of the 19th century.

12. Twelve months (1972, director - Anatoly Granik)

(1972, director - Anatoly Granik) The film is based on the fairy tale of the same name by Samuil Marshak. About how the brothers rewarded the stepdaughter for months for kindness, and the stepmother and daughter were punished for greed and heartlessness.

Mother. Frames from the film.

Since 2003, Norwegian state television NRK has regularly shown the film on Christmas Eve. For Norwegians, it has become an integral part of the holiday.

14. The Amazing Adventures of Denis Korablev (1979, director - Igor Pushkarev)

In the film, you can see the good old Soviet slot machines: from the popular and common in the USSR "Sea Battle" to the rare machine "To the Moon".

Denis Korablev in the film is voiced by Margarita Korabelnikova.

15. Redhead, honest, in love (1984, director - Leonid Nechaev)

A story about the friendship of a fox and a chicken that turned the life of a large forest and a respectable chicken coop upside down...

Denis Zaitsev, who played the role of Ludwig XIV, graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts. He starred in commercials, as well as in the films "Winter Cherry", "Winter Cherry-3", "Possessed", "Empire Under Attack".

The film contains many poignant quotes:

One good sheep paints the whole herd.
- Which ram told you that?

Ugliness! Stone curtains are needed in our time! No, cast iron! Iron-concrete!

Ludwig, you are extraordinary, there is no one like you in any chicken coop in the world!
- Yes ... But there are plenty of them in the pigsty!

If it's time to get your little one ready for school, it's time to review for primary school. They will be a great help for parents of future first graders.

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