Sensory education is a necessary element of the harmonious development of children. Synopsis of the game-lesson “Hen and chickens The value of the sensory development of a child in preschool age

Stepanova Natalya Vladimirovna - educator of the highest qualification category OGBU SO IDDI No. 1 for mentally retarded children, Irkutsk.

Material Description: I bring to your attention the development of a correctional and developmental lesson aimed at developing sensory processes in a group of children with low rehabilitation potential "Travel of Balloons". The development will be useful for educators of specialized institutions of preschool groups, educators of mass preschool educational institutions.

Goals and objectives:
1. To consolidate knowledge about the basic four colors: yellow, blue, red, green.
2. Consolidate knowledge about the shape: circle.
3. Learn to identify an object by description, based on a defining feature.
4. Develop motor activity.
5. Correct visual, tactile-motor, auditory and taste perception.
6. Correct thinking, speech.

Demo material:
Air multi-colored balloons, with painted smiling "muzzles"; 4 balls (yellow, red, blue, green), with tied ribbons, on which tasks for children are written; a bouquet of flowers pasted on A-3 paper and multi-colored petals to them; envelopes with didactic games for recognizing a geometric figure - a circle; musical instruments: drum, piano, tambourine; a bag with a lemon for the didactic game "Learn by touch", a plate with a lemon cut into pieces; a cup of lemon juice and a pipette; fruit pictures: apple, lemon, pear.

Methodical methods:
Telling a fairy tale about the journey of balloons; psychological exercise "Smile"; exercises for the development of kinesthetics; breathing exercises; didactic games for the perception of color, shape; didactic game with musical instruments for the development of auditory perception; didactic game for the development of tactile and taste perception; solving a riddle; work with pictures.

Lesson progress:

I. organizational part.
The children enter the classroom to soft music.
- Guys, I want to tell you what happened this morning. Imagine, I come to work, open the door, and balloons fly around the class. Where did the balls come from? And the balls told me a fairy tale about themselves. Would you like to listen to her? Then let's sit down (the children sit on the carpet).

II. Main part.

1. Telling a fairy tale about the journey of balloons.
- In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there once lived air balloons. Their favorite pastime was flying through the air. They flew everywhere, saw how people and animals live, how trees and flowers grow. But most of all they loved to watch the children: how and what they play. They so wanted to play with the children, and they went on a trip. So they flew to us. Here they are (during the story, the balls are covered with a veil so that the children do not see them; at the end of the story, the teacher removes the veil, and the children see multi-colored balls).
- Look at how beautiful and colorful they are. Take them.
- What color is your balloon? (the teacher asks all the children). What color is my balloon?
- Look, guys, and the balls are smiling at us (smiling "muzzles" are drawn on the balls). What do you think their mood is like? Why? Let's make them smile.

2. Exercises for the development of kinesthetics and breathing exercises "Wind-breeze".
- The balls cannot sit still for a long time. They already want to fly. But today they will take us with them. Here the balls rise high, high. A slight breeze blew (the children show with their breath) and the balls flew quietly. Then the balls began to fall low, low. And suddenly a strong wind blew (the children show with their breath) and the balls swirled through the air. And, finally, the wind died down, and the balls fell to the ground (children perform motor exercises as shown by the teacher).
Children put balls on the floor.

3. Didactic game "Pick the petals to the flower by color."
- Guys, look, and ribbons are tied to some balls. Let's see (the teacher takes a green ball). And here something is written, now I’ll read it: “My favorite pastime is to pick flowers. I collected a whole bouquet, but the wind picked up and tore off a few petals. I collected the petals, but I don’t know from which flower the petal is. Will you help me.
- Guys, look, and here is the bouquet (the teacher shows a bouquet of flowers pasted on A-3 paper and multi-colored petals). And, truth be told, the flowers lack petals. Let's match the petals to the flowers by color.
The children are doing the task.
- Well done, helped the ball.

4. Didactic games to recognize a geometric figure - a circle "Find all circles", "Find an extra figure", "Fold a circle from parts", "Find and paint over a circle", "Draw a circle big, smaller, small".
- And now, let's see what the red balloon has written on the ribbon. The red ball loves everything round and therefore he suggests playing with circles (the teacher shows 4 shapes: a circle, a triangle, a square, an oval and suggests finding a circle).
- And now the ball offers such games to each of you.
The teacher offers each child a didactic game to fix the shape - a circle.
- Well done, guys, they all coped with the task.

5. Didactic game with musical instruments "I walk, dance, fly."
- And what game does the blue ball invite us to play? And the blue ball invites us to play with musical instruments. Where are they? What are their names? (the teacher shows musical instruments, the children call them: drum, piano, tambourine).
- Listen to how we play. As soon as I hit the drum, you start walking around the class. As soon as I play the piano, you will dance. And as soon as I ring the tambourine, you should fly like balloons. Does everyone understand? Let's try. Be attentive to sounds.
The children complete the tasks.

6. Didactic game with lemon "Recognize by touch", "Recognize by smell", "Recognize by taste". Solving the riddle. Working with pictures.
- Guys, what do you think, what game can the yellow ball offer us? (children's guesses). And he decided to tell us a riddle.
- Look at the bag and something in it. Let's you try to touch to determine what it is? (children's answers).
- Now close your eyes. I cut into pieces what is in the bag, you smell it and tell me what it is? (children's answers).
- Now give me your tongues, and I will drip the juice of what is in this bag. What taste? What is this? (children's answers).
- Now listen to the riddle about what is in the bag:
Ripened - and turned yellow.
From hot countries guys
I'm here for tea!
Though I'm sour guys
Tea tastes better with me.
Add flavor - and become healthier! (Lemon).
- Choose a guess - a picture (the teacher offers children pictures with fruits: an apple, a lemon, a pear. Children choose a picture with a guess).
- Of course, it's a lemon. It is useful and tasty.

III. Final part.
- Guys, did you like to play with balloons today?
Do you remember what games we played today with balls? (children call).
- And now it's time for the balls to return home. Let's say goodbye to them and leave the classroom. And the balls themselves will fly out through the window ... (children leave their class).

Summary of the lesson on sensory education in the second junior group"Development"

Program content: Familiarization of children with five geometric shapes, their names and the action of equating to the standard.

Material. Demonstration: large figures: circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle (figures-men). Handout: the same smaller figures with “faces”, one set for each child. Cards with contour images of the same figures of the same size.

Lesson progress:

Educator: - “Children, let's remember the names of the little figures you know. (The teacher alternately shows the figures: a circle, an oval, a triangle, a square, a rectangle. By tracing a figure with a finger, the teacher finds out who remembers the name of the little man figure).

- "Who remembers what this figure is?"

Vanya: - "Circle".

Educator: - "That's right. Vanya, tell me, please, does the circle have corners? Vanya: "No"

Educator: - “That's right, the circle has no corners. Children, what is this figure? Who will say?

Arina: - "This is an oval."

Educator: - "That's right. Arina, tell me, does the oval have corners?

Arina: - "There are no corners."

Educator: - "That's right. There are no corners. What shape is the oval?

Arina: - "Elongated". Educator: - "That's right, Arina, sit down. Guys, what's the next figure?

Children: - "Triangle".

Educator: - "Well done. And tell me, does the triangle have corners?

Do you have children".

Educator: - “Yes, there is. When you and I lead our finger along the contour of the figure, it bumps into the corners with you. What is the next figure?”

Children: - "This is a square."

Educator: - "That's right. Does this figure have corners?

Children: - "There are corners."

Teacher: Why did you decide that?

Children: - “Because when we lead a finger along the contour of a figure, it comes across corners.

Educator: - "Well done. What is the last figure?

Children: - "Rectangle".

Educator: - "Good. Tell me, does the rectangle have corners?

Children: - "Yes, there are."

Educator: - “What is the shape of the rectangle, children?”

Children: - "Elongated."

Educator: - "That's right. And now, guys, let's draw the outlines of these shapes in the air. (Children, together with the teacher, draw the contours of figures in the air).

-“Well done. Children, now let's play with little figures-men. (Children are given cards showing "cribs" for each of the figures).

- “Guys, on the tables you have cards that show “cribs” for each of the figures. You will need to put the “little men” to “sleep” in beds suitable for them, i.e. arrange all the figures on the cards so that they coincide with the drawn ones. (Children do the task of the teacher).

Educator: - “Children, this is the end of our lesson with you. Thank you all for your hard work."

The child enters preschool age at 3 years old, when he begins to perceive the world with his own eyes. This period of formation of the personality of a small person ends before entering the school stage, usually it is 7 years old.

Fundamentals of sensory education for preschoolers

The child enters preschool age at 3 years old, when he begins to perceive the world with his own eyes. This period of formation of the personality of a small person ends before entering the school stage, usually it is 7 years old. This is a fairly long period for a child's body, so age can be conditionally divided into the following stages:

  • junior preschool;
  • middle preschool;
  • senior preschool.

In a short period of his life, the child makes a real breakthrough in his psychological development. At this stage of growing up, the baby separates from his parents, he begins to feel and perceive the world on his own. The child especially sensitively feels the need not just for a parent nearby, but for a mentor and teacher. And than better parents cope with this important task, the more they know about the psychological needs of their baby, the more comfortable the process of adaptation to adulthood will be for the child.

The content of the psychological development of preschoolers

In children of this age, interest in communicating with peers awakens: the child ceases to perform actions exclusively together with his parents and strives for independence. There are three key points in the behavior of preschool children:

  • expanding the child's social circle;
  • involvement in role-playing games;
  • formation of a system of values ​​and figurative thinking.

Children begin to establish their first social contacts, they fence themselves off from an adult. In children of this age, the first conscious decisions are made, his ambitions and desire to be the first, to be a leader in a group of peers are manifested.

The child actively imitates the lives of adults, trying to be like them, and adopts behaviors within the framework of role-playing games, their tasks can be different: daughters-mothers, games in the hospital, school, shop, etc. During the game, the child models behavior in one or another life situation similar to the behavior of parents. In addition, other children are also involved in the game, which also contributes to social adaptation baby.

At this stage of growing up, the child begins to form his own system of values, the content of which is based on the moral norms adopted in the family. The child begins to perceive the world not as straightforwardly as before: by the senior preschool age, he is already able to look at himself from the outside. His speech becomes mediated and planned.

The main tasks of parents in the preschool period of a child's development are to accompany his psychological and moral development so that school does not become stressful for him. One of the key aspects of successful school preparation is sensory education.

What is sensory education

In the preschool period, children's sense organs are actively developing, with the help of developed figurative and visual thinking, kids receive a lot of information about what surrounds them, learns the shape of objects and their properties. It is for the improvement of these skills in the process of education that sensory development is singled out separately.

Sensory education (from the Latin "sensus" - "sensation, feeling") is the development and improvement of the development of preschoolers' sensations, perceptions and ideas. These processes are the first stage of sensory cognition of the world; on their basis, sensory cognition of the world is formed and in the future mental education Therefore, the timely development of sensory feelings in children is extremely important. The solution of this problem will allow the child to perform successful psychological activities in the future.

The basis of sensory education is the improvement of his knowledge and skills regarding the external properties and dimensions of objects and phenomena, space and time. The child begins to adequately perceive shapes and sizes, distances, distinguish colors, evaluate weight and temperature, develops an ear for music.

Features of sensory development in preschool children

Sensory development of the child occurs due to the successful assimilation of sensory traditional standards. The standards are colors (primary colors of the rainbow), geometric shapes, the metric system of measures, its content. As a rule, by the age of three, a child knows several primary colors, can choose one of two objects, distinguishes between a circle and a square, knows the words "more" and "less", willingly names different types animals and imitates sounds; in preschoolers of this age, it solves easy logical problems.

In addition to knowing the established standards, the child needs to understand the principle of their work. Children of primary preschool age do this mainly by touch: their actions are indicative, they explore objects for a long time before making one or another conclusion.

By the age of five, these skills are being improved, the processes of feeling and perceiving the world around us develop. Learning objects through the game (designing, drawing), the baby begins to more subtly distinguish colors, shapes of objects, their correspondence or difference. Tactile contact is accompanied by visual, auditory, olfactory.

Another indicator that the baby's sensory skills are developing at the proper level is speech. By the age of 5-7, the child should develop a vocabulary that allows not only to name objects, but also to give them definitions, to indicate their signs. Also, imagination is actively developing in children of this age: the child can create the content of images of objects that he has not yet met, endow them with properties, think out hidden details.

Methodology of sensory education

In order for the process of sensory education of the baby to be successful, it is necessary to integrate various methods into games and his usual daily activities. The method of sensory education of a child involves several basic methods, we will consider each of them.


This is the initial level of sensory education, it begins even when the baby picks up his first rattle. Children's toys are made in bright colors and have standard shapes so that the child can remember the basic sensory patterns. And if before the onset of preschool age, kids simply manipulate objects, then by preschool age they begin to make a real examination of objects, carefully study the forms, distinguishing sizes, colors, geometric shapes, and their content.

Learning to examine objects in preschoolers is necessary to identify the properties of an object, so that in the future the child will have personal experience. Each subject is purely individual, but the rules of the survey, the methodology, in general, are similar:

  • the study of the general, holistic view of the subject;
  • division of the object into separate main parts and identification of the main features (shape, color, material, etc.);
  • studying the location of parts in space (they are on the right or left, above or below, etc.);
  • the study of the smallest details and their location in space.

After these manipulations, the child once again conducts an examination general view object, summarizing the information received and fixing it with tactile sensations.

Special attention should be paid to the study of nature. Nature provides colossal material for studying the structure of the world and the properties of certain objects. In winter, snow is of particular interest to children. For example, if younger preschoolers in order to draw a conclusion about the properties of snow, it is necessary to touch it, then older preschool children can determine whether the snow is sticky or loose, only by its external characteristics.

Autumn is rich in colors, watching how the leaves fall from the trees, the child learns the change of seasons. Looking at various fallen leaves: from ash, oak, birch, poplar, he begins to memorize the varieties of trees. In summer, there are even more bright colors, as well as smells: smell flowers with your child, study colors. An excellent tool for the sensory development of the baby will be a trip to the sea, lake or river, where you can go into the water, walk barefoot on the sand. These tactile sensations the child will be able to analyze, remember the properties of phenomena. Spring is the period of the birth of a new life, pay your child's attention to how the birds sing, returning from warm countries, or the snow melts, turning into water again.

Didactic games

Didactic games will become an assistant in the rational use of toys. These are training sessions conducted in the form of games that allow developing the child's logical skills, developing motor skills, and analytical abilities.

Thanks to such games, children gradually, in the form of games, study sensory standards, develop fine motor skills, logical skills and analytical abilities. There are a lot of didactic games, but they can be divided into zones of influence:

  • for the development of a child's speech (games with a description of drawings or objects);
  • for the development of hearing (“guess by voice”);
  • for the development of taste (“guess by taste”);
  • for development fine motor skills(puzzles, constructors, etc.).

The role of didactic games in the sensory education of the child is colossal. Fascinated by the game, he gladly fulfills all the requests and conditions of the game, learning is easy and fun. Thanks to these games, children begin to competently build their speech, it becomes more figurative. This technique helps to build their understanding of nature. various items, and games for the development of motor skills are an excellent tool for developing logical skills and increasing the mobility of the fingers.

You can come up with a didactic game for your child yourself.

    Just pay attention to:
  1. what aspects of sensory education need additional development;
  2. what games are most attractive to the baby.

Creative activity

Developing sensory education through creativity is an excellent technique for examining objects and instilling a sense of beauty in a child from a very early age. In addition, fantasy and imagination develop, the child, looking at the source materials, begins to present the final version.

In order for the creative process to be productive, you need to constantly talk with the child and ask him to talk about what he is doing. If you are drawing a house, ask the kid what kind of house it is, who lives in it. Discuss the drawing itself in detail: what parts it consists of, what color, how they are located in relation to each other.

The development of fine motor skills has a beneficial effect on general development child and improve his speech. Invite your child to mold several figures or a whole panel from plasticine. The child, being carried away by the game, independently thinks through the details and makes up a whole story, endowing the characters with one quality or another.

IN preschool age children are very sensitive to the words of adults, because they see them as mentors and follow the example shown in everything. Words are very important in the development of sensory skills, they produce a reinforcing effect - the child receives new knowledge, but only with the help of an adult can he systematize them and designate them with one word or another, give them names.

Methods of sensory education of children with intellectual disabilities

Children with diagnosed developmental disabilities have a lack of interest in the world around them and a low level of development of tactile skills. They move poorly chaotically, their coordination is disturbed. With such children, correctional and developmental work on sensory education is carried out, aimed at developing the perception of different properties and shapes of objects.

To achieve a result, it is necessary that the classes are systematic and comprehensive. During classes, it is necessary to work out all types of the child's life: regimen, games, classes, walks. So it will be easier for children to adapt and perceive the world. It is important that in contact with objects, its examination and study, the child experiences emotions. With systematic work, children develop sensory stimuli, they begin to recognize and respond positively to the studied subjects. All actions must be accompanied by loud, accessible and intelligible speech, and all manifestations of independence in the baby should be encouraged.


For normal, age-appropriate, mental development, the baby needs to fully study the properties and nature of the objects surrounding him, be able to describe them and identify differences. It is necessary to start studying with a child from early childhood, but it is precisely preschool age that allows you to consolidate and systematize your child's skills, develop them and improve them.

At the first stages of sensory education, children get acquainted with sensory standards, study them. Then, when they receive much more information about the structure of the world through examination, they begin to use the existing knowledge to identify new qualities of objects and phenomena.

One can rightly call sensory education, laid down in preschool age, the foundation of a child's mental development, his intelligence and learning abilities. Knowledge of the world occurs in the process of play, the child perceives the learning process with curiosity, he is involved in the process.

Summing up, the main methods of sensory development can be called the following methods:

  • examination of objects;
  • didactic games;
  • creative pursuits.

Non-standard ways of sensory education include, for example, going to the zoo. In combination with the correct actions of the parents or the leader of the excursion, the content of such a trip will not only bring extraordinary impressions, but will also be able to systematize the information received immediately. Learn that some animals live on land, others live underwater. It is very important not just to tell, but to conduct a dialogue with the child, to ask him questions that make him activate brain activity. Such a trip to the zoo will help develop a child's love for animals, interest in wildlife and fauna.

To help parents, bookstores and children's shops sell sets for didactic games, educational games and books. For example, one of these books has a new cover on each page - one page is covered with wool, another has a mustache made of fishing line that resembles an animal mustache, and so on. You can make these benefits yourself.


Psychologists have written and compiled a huge number of manuals on sensory education of children different ages. One of the most interesting practical aids is the book by E. Davydova "Fabulous world of the sensory room". In it, as the main tool for the development of sensory, she suggests using a specially equipped room in which there is simultaneously a huge amount of sounds and images: the murmur of a stream, music, birdsong, snow, rain, various lighting, etc. Finding a child in a room activates several organs of sensory development at once.

In another manual, compiled by a practicing teacher N. Kirpichnikova, you can find a lot useful tips for planning sensory education. Activities are distributed depending on the age of the preschooler, the book contains many practical ideas that can be used in working with the baby.

A wide variety of basic didactic games for child development can be found in the classic guide for kindergarten teachers "Didactic games and exercises for sensory education of preschoolers".

Program content:

Create an emotional mood, activate speech development child and vocabulary;
To form an idea of ​​​​the shape, size and color;
To evoke and maintain a sense of discovery: (onion scales can be used as "clothes");
Develop cognitive interest, consolidate sensory standards;
Cultivate kindness towards each other.


Onions, scales, rays.

Materials and equipment:

A bear toy, a basket with onions, an outline of the image of an onion, bottles of semolina, onion peel, cardboard suns that are suspended above, shoelaces, soap bubbles.

Sensory class, photo

Lesson progress:


Children, it's good to see you all, say hello to each other, hug your friends. Tell your eyes
"Good morning, eyes"!

Good morning, eyes, are you awake?
(Children stroke their eyelids).

Good morning ears, are you awake?
(Children stroke their ears).

Good morning, cheeks, are you awake?
(Children stroke their cheeks).

Good morning, pens, are you awake?
(Children pat their hands).

Good morning feet, are you awake?
(Children stroke their legs).

Good morning, Sunshine! We woke up and smiled!
(Hold their hands up and smile broadly.)


Children, look how many suns we have in our group. ("Suns" are suspended at the top under the ceiling). We will now tell a rhyme to our suns and say hello to them.

Agnia Barto's poem "The sun is looking out the window"

The sun looks out the window.
Warms our room
We clapped our hands
Very happy with the sun.
(Children clap their hands).


Stretch your hands up, let's say hello to the sun again. Oh, what good fellows you are! We felt warm, happy and comfortable.


Children, I see that you are friendly with each other and love each other, so let's make a gift to each other. (The teacher pours semolina from the bottles on the dark floor and invites the children to draw a sun with rays with their fingers).

The children are doing the task. During the lesson, the teacher asks the children the following questions:
On what geometric figure similar sun? (Answers of children. Circle). What else does the sun have? (Rays). What are the rays of the sun? (Long, short).


Well done! Here are some good gifts you did to each other.


Oh, guys, hear someone crying. It's the sun crying. He is sad without his rays. Let's help him. (Children sit on a rug near the sun, each of the children takes a ray and fastens it with buttons to the sun, then they fasten their eyes, nose, mouth and decorate the rays with multi-colored laces). Well done! Now the sun is joyful, cheerful and smiles at us. What color is our sun? (Answers of children).


Children, while we pleased the sun with you, a bear came to visit us. And he brought us something. (The teacher takes a basket with onions from the bear). Let's see what the bear brought us. Oh, and it's a beam! Come all to me, I will give you a bow in your hands. (The teacher gives the children a small onion).


And I have an onion. How many onions do I have? (Answer of children. One). And now you all stretch out your hands from the bow. How many onions do you have? (Answers of children. Many).


Now let's compare the beam in size. What kind of onion do I have? (Answers of children. Large). And in all of you, what kind of onion? (Answers of children. Small). What color is the beam? (Answers of children).


Children, look how many scales of “clothes” my onion has. I'll undress her now and rustle them, like this. (The teacher grinds onion scales and rustles them). And now we will rustle like onion scales.
Imitation of rustling scales. (Children rub their palms on their palms and say “shur, shur, shur”).


Children, while we were rustling, our bear was sad. He wants us to give him a big onion too. Here, look, we have a big onion, but this onion needs to be “dressed”. I will now glue the onion with glue, and you will dress it. (The teacher offers the children to chop the scales, and sprinkle them with a glue-covered silhouette of the bulb drawn on whatman paper. The children, together with the teacher, do the work).


Look, children, what a wonderful big onion we have made. This is for you, bear, we tried so hard.


The bear liked the gift so much and he offers to play with it.

Cheerful music sounds. The game "Soap Bubbles" is held.