Scenario of the event by May 9 for preschoolers. "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten". Holiday script for older preschoolers and younger students. Game "Deliver the ammo"

Preparatory work: during a preliminary conversation in a group, find out what children know about the Great Patriotic War, tell in an accessible form about the events of the war and the victorious May 1945, explain to children the meaning of the words Fatherland, Patriotic (war), front, veteran, fascist, invader . Show the symbols of the Soviet and German troops (red star and swastika). Visit the Eternal Flame with your parents, express your impressions in the form of a drawing or craft.

Decoration of the central wall:

On the projection screen there is a slide-saver "Victory" from the accompanying presentation, blooming May trees, white doves along the edges of the screen.

To the song "Victory Day", children enter the hall on the projector screen, a slide-saver "Victory" is shown.

Leading. Dear Guys! Today we have gathered in this festively decorated hall to celebrate the most big celebration of our people - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War.

May 9 is a bright and joyful holiday. 70 years ago on this day the war against German fascism ended. We gratefully remember our warriors, defenders who defended the world in a fierce battle. To all our defenders, today's veterans and those who are not with us, we owe the fact that we now live under a peaceful, clear sky.


Victory Day

The whole country celebrates.

Our grandfathers put on

Military orders (T. Belozerov).

And the parade is going on in the capital.

Grandfathers walk in orders.

Congratulations on Victory Day! (A. Shamarin)

3. What is Victory Day?

These are the scents of spring...

These are the birds in the clear sky

This means - there is no war ... (fragment of the poem "Victory Day" by A. Usachev)

Presenter: War ... What a terrible word! .. A long war, a hungry war, a cold war that destroyed and burned houses, entire cities, trampled flowers, killed people - both adults and children. The German invaders attacked our country unexpectedly in the early summer morning of 1941. The path to victory was difficult and long. The whole vast country rose to fight the enemy. Every day, trains took fighters to the front. Relatives and friends saw them off with tears in their eyes, but with faith in victory.

To the sounds of "Holy War" by A. Alexandrov, children enter the stage. Boys portray soldiers, girls - their mothers, sisters, loved ones. Children stand in groups.

The first group has three children. One boy is a "soldier" and two girls are "mother" and "sister". The girls hug the "soldier", wipe their tears.

1st boy:

Don't cry, sister

Mom don't cry

I will return with victory

To our native land.

The second group of children - two boys - "soldiers".

2nd boy. We have tanks, we have machine guns!

3rd boy. We have guns and planes!

2nd and 3rd boys (in chorus): We will fearlessly destroy enemies,

To liberate the Motherland!

The march "Farewell of the Slav" sounds. The boys are marching. The girls wave their handkerchiefs after them. Everyone sits on chairs.

Presenter: The Great Patriotic War lasted for four and a half years. Our soldiers fought bravely in battles. And in rare moments of rest, they wrote letters home from the front. (slide number 7) Such letters were called "triangles". During the war, postal envelopes were used only for funeral notices, and letters to relatives and friends were sent without envelopes - the paper was folded so that the letter was inside, the address was written on the outside. With what joy the "soldier's triangles" were met in every house, every family! After all, it meant that native person alive and will soon return home with a victory.

A boy enters the center of the hall. In his hands is a letter from the front, folded into a triangle. He unfolds and "reads" the letter:

Hello, dear Maxim!

Hello my beloved son!

I am writing from the front. Tomorrow morning - back to battle!

We will drive the Nazis.

Take care, son, mother.

Forget sadness and sadness -

I'll be back victorious!

I will hug you at last.

Goodbye. Your father.

Presenter: But listen to what letter Danil wrote and sent.

On the radio

Letter I tried

Write without blots:

"Please do

Grandfather's gift ... "

Been on the road for a long time

Music hello.

But here comes

And my grandfather hugged me -

Came to him on a holiday

Front. (S. Pivovarov)

Presenter: Yes, and there was music during the war. Many different songs were written during the 4 years of the war: with the song, the soldiers went into battle, with the song they rested after the battle, the songs helped to endure pain more easily and believe in victory.


Presenter: Our soldiers fought bravely on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Look at the scene “We are military” by S. Mikhalkov. It shows how our defenders fought.

Children come out in costumes with elements of military uniforms.

Telephone operator (with telephone):

Hello, hello, Jupiter, I am Diamond.

You are almost invisible.

We occupied the village with a fight,

And how are you, hello, hello.

Sailor (looks through binoculars):

An airplane is on the horizon.

Full speed ahead, forward!

Get ready for battle crew

Set aside, our fighter.

Submachine gunner:

So I went up to the attic.

Maybe the enemy is here.

We clean the house behind the house,

We will find the enemy everywhere.

Pilot (with map):

The infantry is here, and the tanks are here.

Five minutes left to fly.

Clear order of battle.

All: The enemy will not leave us.

Private (in a cap, with an order):

I am a young infantryman.

He fought with a fascist near Moscow.

I went to reconnaissance more than once,

The colonel rewarded me.

Host: Only strong, skillful, dexterous warriors were able to win this war.

The attraction “Who is the smallest shooter?” (knock down the pin with a ball).

The host shows three envelopes, explains that these reports must be delivered to the headquarters

The competition “Walk through the “swamp” and deliver a report” is being held. (Three children, rearranging the boards, move forward, bring envelopes to the veteran).

Host: People did not lose faith in victory even in the most difficult days of the war. "The enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours" - these words sounded everywhere. And then the day came when the radio announced the end of the war on May 9, 1945. The country rejoiced! People sang and danced in the streets, strangers hugged each other, many cried for joy.

How do we now call people who went through the war and survived to this day? (Veterans)

How can you recognize a veteran? (This old man, in uniform, with awards).

What should we do if we meet a veteran on May 9? (Happy holiday, thank you.)

Presenter: The victorious Soviet soldiers gave us a peaceful sky and a happy life. But not everyone returned home from that terrible war. In memory of those who died in the cities and towns of our large country, the Eternal Flame burns - the fire of Memory, to which people bring fresh flowers on Victory Day. We will remember their deeds.

Song« Eternal flame»


A moment of silence is declared in memory of the fallen soldiers.

Vedas. Guys, look at the screen - the image of the St. George ribbon

St. George's ribbons, which volunteers distribute on the streets of Russian cities, symbolize the common memory of the great Victory, the memory that unites the most diverse generations and strata of Russian society.

The purpose of the action is George Ribbon» - the creation of a symbol of the holiday - Victory Day.

This symbol is an expression of our respect for the veterans, a tribute to the memory of the fallen on the battlefield, gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front. To all those thanks to whom we won in 1945.

Presenter: and now I propose to listen to a song and watch a video clip dedicated to the heroes of the war, in memory of them.

A video clip for the song "Scarlet Sunsets" is shown. At the end, a frame with a burning candle remains on the screen.

Presenter: Of course, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers did not dream of such a childhood. And so that a cruel war never repeats, we must preserve peace and friendship.

Children read poetry

1. What do children dream about?

We have only one dream:

Let it be on the planet

The world is kind, like spring.

2. Adults, children are asking you,

To save the world!

Let the sun shine on the children

In every corner of the earth!

Children dance with balloons

All together sing the song "Solar Circle"

Leading. I congratulate everyone on the Victory Day! Hooray!

Description of the material: I offer you a summary of directly educational activities on patriotic education, for older children preschool age. This material will be useful for educators of senior preschool age. This abstract is educational and informative in nature, aimed at patriotic education, love, pride and respect for the motherland.
Region Integration:
OO " cognitive development»; OO " Speech development» ( fiction, development of speech); NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development" (music, art activities); OO " Physical development" (physical training); NGO "Social and communicative development" (patriotic development).

Preliminary work:
Conversations with children about the Second World War; reading stories about the exploits of heroes in the Second World War; viewing illustrations of characters, different types guns; acquaintance with proverbs; memorization of poems; listening to songs about the Second World War; watching video films about the Second World War; did. game "Compose from parts":
Purpose: Education of citizenship and patriotism, spiritual and moral values ​​in children of senior preschool age.
Program tasks:
"Cognitive Development"
To clarify and expand the knowledge of children about the courage of soldiers, and the young heroes of the Great Patriotic War.
"Social and communicative development"
Continue to instill patriotic feelings in children: love, pride and respect for the Motherland, enrich spiritual world children through an appeal to the heroic past of our country, and to its defenders.
"Speech Development"
Continue work on the development of coherent speech: improve dialogical and monologue speech, consolidate the ability to answer questions in full sentences.

Reb: There are many holidays in the world, they are loved by adults and children,

But today is a special day for us, a happy day, a great Victory Day!

Great-grandfathers and grandfathers achieved it, and we will tell you about it now.

Vedas : It was a warm evening, and the moon shone with a lilac smell, a whisper of voices.

No one knew that there were only a few hours left before the war.

Vedas: Get up people! - having heard the cry of the earth, the soldiers of the Motherland left for the front!

Their sons were with their fathers, and the children walked along the paths of war.

And the war went to the West along the roads of war.

Dropped out among the volleys, maybe an hour of silence.

And then at a halt, dropping into a trench

People wrote letters to those who were so far away!

Dev: My dear relatives! Night. The flame of a candle flickers.

I remember the field, the river

Mal: In our little old hut, hidden from view by forests,

I remember the field, the river, again and again I remember you.

Dev: My brothers and sisters! Tomorrow I'm going into battle again.

For their Fatherland, for Russia. That got into a dashing misfortune.

Mal: I will gather my courage, strength, I will beat the Germans without pity

So that nothing threatens you, so that you can study and live!

Vedas: A blue, modest handkerchief fell from her lowered shoulders.

As she saw off and promised to take care of the blue handkerchief.

Dance "Blue Handkerchief" (children of the senior group)

Vedas: For many of today's boys, the Second World War is a distant past. But we remember the past, we know a lot about it and do not want this terrible time to repeat itself. I offer a quiz.

Quiz "Remember and know" all

Name: 1. junior military rank in the army? (ordinary);

2. highest military rank? (marshal);

3. the city is a hero, the capital of Russia? (Moscow);

4. what is shown on the nurse's bag? (Red Cross);

5. With what do they jump from an airplane? (with parachute);

6. headdress of soldiers (helmet, cap);

7. types of weapons (pistol, machine gun, rifle, mortar, cannon);

8. What is depicted on the banner of Victory? (hammer and sickle);

9. whom the veterans (comrades-in-arms) remember.

Reb: The smell of wormwood is thicker, and mint has timidly hatched.

On the Zadonskoye Highway, even the grasses bloom guiltily.

Even the birds are in a hurry to fly around an uncomfortable place,

Where silence oppresses and where breathing is tight in the throat.

There is no rest for the soul. And don't expect spiritual consolation here

Soldiers used to die on the Zadonskoye Highway.

Song "Eternal Flame" (children of the senior group)

Vedas: The dead cannot be returned. We cannot do this, but it is within our power to make sure that the names of those who fought for the Fatherland are not forgotten. Let's honor the memory of those who did not return from the war, who did not live to see Victory Day, with a moment of silence.

A moment of silence.

Poem "Together with grandfather"

The morning fog has melted, spring is flaunting ...

Grandfather Ivan cleaned the medals today.

Together we go to the park to meet the soldiers, gray-haired, like him.

They will remember their brave battalion there.

And they will talk heart to heart about all the affairs of the country,

About the wounds that still hurt from the distant days of the war.

Campaigns will remember and battles, trench discomfort,

And they will probably sing their brave songs.

They will sing about the courage of friends that have fallen into the ground.

They will sing about their homeland that they saved from enemies.

Saved the peoples of fraternal countries from slavery and fire...

I am glad that grandfather Ivan takes me with him.

Song "General" (children middle group)

Vedas: And I know that you have prepared poems about the war. I would like to hear them.

Reading poetry. (children of the senior group)

1. War ... We will never forget it! War is too much trouble.

The fascist army came to our lands, thinking of taking away our freedom.

Enemies ravaged, bombed houses. War is grief, suffering and darkness!

2. Even then we were not in the world, when the salute thundered from end to end,

Soldiers, you gave the planet Great May, victorious May!

Even then we were not in the world, when in a military storm the fire

Deciding the fate of future events, you fought a holy battle.

Even then we were not in the world when you came home with a victory.

Soldiers of May, glory to you forever. With all my heart, from all the earth!

We thank the soldiers, you for life, for childhood, for spring.

For silence, for a peaceful home, for the world in which we live!

3. Stars fly up here and there - today there is fireworks in the city,

Salute of the Victory over the Neva - a wonderful celebration of fire!

We remember at this hour those who saved their native country.

We will remember adults and children who did not surrender Leningrad to the enemy.

We will not forget the terrible years. Let there be peace, let there be light!

Do not hide the sun in a smoky haze, let there be peace on the whole Earth!

4. Your name is unknown, hero, in a fierce battle you did not leave the system,

And people keep the memory of the feat, you are in our hearts, Unknown Soldier,

Let the Eternal Flame illuminate the granite: "Nothing is forgotten, no one is forgotten!".

Reb: To protect the Fatherland, one must become strong, dexterous,

And always be only the first - I want to become a soldier!

Difficult in learning - easy in battle. We will fight any enemy.

Now we will show you our courage and we are not afraid of difficulties.

Vedas: And now I offer you a game.

The game "March - Throw"

(children put on a duffel bag with a load on command and run to the mark and back)

Vedas: The war ended with victory, those years are behind us.

Burning medals, many orders on their chests.

Who wears the military order for feats in battle,

And who - for the feat of labor in their native land.

Song "Victory Day" (children of the senior group)

Reb: Remember the world about the iron soldier that lies at the Kremlin wall.

He went to war famous, returned unknown from the war.

Let smoke not swirl in the sky, let the formidable guns be silent and machine guns not scribble.

So that people, cities live ... Peace is always needed on Earth !!!

This day is special, desired,

The sun shines brightly in the sky.

Victory Day is a long-awaited holiday,

It is celebrated in our country.

But it is especially dear to veterans,

Tears of joy and pain in my eyes.

Can't heal emotional wounds

And the flowers tremble in their hands.

Victory Day - the holiday of grandfathers,

This holiday is yours and mine.

May the sky be clear

The guys are over their heads!

Let the guns roar today

At the parades and cinema!

We are for peace, there is no need for war,

It's definitely decided!

We are for the whole planet

Green like a garden

To serve calmly

Peaceful homeland soldiers.

We are for children in the world

Wouldn't play war

To the morning at dawn

Listen to the silence of the world!

Song "Victory Day"

Educator. 66 years have separated us from the glorious date of May 9, 1945 - the first Victory Day in that terrible and difficult war. But we know and remember the name of the winner - the people, many of whose sons and daughters gave their lives for their great Motherland. We were born and raised in peacetime, we have never heard the sirens announcing a military alarm, we have not seen houses destroyed by military bombs, we do not know what an unheated house and meager military rations are. For us, war is history. We dedicate today's concert to the glorious victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War.

Child. Today will be a day of remembrance

And in the heart it is crowded from high words.

Today will be a day of remembrance

About the feat and valor of the fathers.

Against the background of the music "Invasion" from the Leningrad symphony by D. Shostakovich

June. Dawn. River break.
Fog over the forest. Silence.
Projectile. Gap. And thunder from the sky:
"Today the war began..."

You can’t say: “She was not expected ...”
“They didn’t believe in her ...” - more precisely.

From Moscow to the dachas went
Perch caught in the river...

The crowd stood in confusion

Someone will tell me - everything is not new,
The country is no longer the same...
But three words remain in my memory:
"Today the war began..."

The phonogram of the song "In the dugout" sounds

There were battles with the sworn enemy,

moving east,

Evenings at the dugout

While away the evening.

Those who in the morning with a gun,

With a machine gun was in battle,

And on vacation the soldiers

They sing a quiet song.

Educator. The song of the war years... Together with the Fatherland, she joined the soldier's ranks from the first days of the war and walked along the dusty and smoky roads of the war until its victorious end. The song shared with the soldiers both sorrows and joys, encouraged them with a cheerful and mischievous joke, mourned with them about the abandoned relatives and loved ones. The song helped endure hunger and cold, in the name of Victory. She helped the people to survive and win. And helped! And they won!

Medley of war songs

To everyone living in the world
A star in the sky shines softly.
If a person suddenly dies,
In heaven, his star burns out.

During the war, my grandmother told me
A lot of stars fell from the sky
As if they were rolling down a hill,
Souls ascended to meet them.

These stars on the heart, like ice,
And in the eyes of the grandmother tears.
Quietly whispers: "God don't
Never such a starfall!"

In August, the birch turned yellow,
And grandmother's star burned out ...
We reached the grandmother's garden
Reflections of a dashing starfall.

On Victory Day, lightning flashed
Bright fireworks over the capital.
Millions of stars sparkled in the sky
For the living to remember the dead.

Dance "Waltz" of children preparatory group

To the soundtrack of the song "Clouds in Blue" (music - A. Zhurbin, lyrics - P. Sinyavsky, composition - E. Kuznetsova).

Let's not forget this date

that ended the war

That great spring.

To the victorious soldier

Hundreds of bows to the earth!

Dance of the boys of the senior group

To the phonogram of the song “Our Cossacks are coming, going around Berlin” (music - D. Pokrassov, lyrics - Ts. Solodyr, composition - E. Kuznetsova).

We are behind all memorable dates,
Seems to be the main one.
The day when in the spring of the 45th
The war is over on earth.

The memory of generations is inextinguishable.
And the memory of those whom we so sacredly honor,
Come on people stand up for a moment
And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

moment of silence

The stars are burning bright

And in the Kremlin garden

Unknown Soldier

Sleep in front of everyone!

Above the granite slab

The eternal light is inextinguishable.

The whole country is an orphan

Leaned over him.

Unknown Soldier,

Someone's son or brother

He has never been from the war

Won't come back.

He didn't turn in the machine

And my pilot.

Unknown Soldier

Fell in heavy combat.

We lit the light for him

Under the Kremlin wall

And his grave

All the earth, all the earth!

Children bend their knees and lay flowers on Eternal fire»

The song "Eternal Flame" (music - A. Filippenko, lyrics - D. Gibisova, translated from Ukrainian - K. Lidina).

Children give flowers to WWII veterans. The floor is given to WWII veterans

Educators. In Germany, in the city of Berlin, there is a monument to a Soviet soldier who saved a German girl.

It was in May at dawn

The battle grew near the walls of the Reichstag.

I noticed a German girl

Our soldier on the dusty pavement.

At the pillar, trembling, she stood,

IN blue eyes frozen fear,

And pieces of whistling metal

Death and torment sowed around ...

And then, in Berlin, under fire

A fighter crawled and, shielding his body,

girl in short dress white

Carefully removed from the fire.

How many children have their childhood returned

Gave joy and spring

Privates of the Soviet Army,

The people who won the war!

And in Berlin, holiday date,

Was erected to stand for centuries,

Monument to the Soviet soldier

With a rescued girl in her arms!

It stands as a symbol of our glory,

Like a beacon glowing in the dark.

He is the soldier of my state -

Keeping peace throughout the world!

Dance of girls of the senior and preparatory groups "Stork on the roof". (music - D. Tukhmanov, lyrics - A. Transverse, composition - A. Burenina).

Thank you soldiers

For life, for childhood and spring!

For silence, for a peaceful home,

For the world we live in!

Let the machine guns not scribble

And the formidable guns are silent,

Let there be no smoke in the sky

Let the sky be blue

Let the bombers over it

They don't fly to anyone.

People, cities don't die...

Peace is always needed on earth!

Dance with flowers of the children of the preparatory group "Day without a shot" (music and lyrics - D. Tukhmanov, composition - E. Kuznetsova).

Veterans of the Great War

You accept our low bow

For salutes of victorious spring

And for the world that you have saved.

We will not forget the deeds of those

What did the Soviet soldier do

Not giving up and believing in success!

Long life to you, health and strength!

Children performing rearrangements to the soundtrack of the song "Victory Day"

Olga Komarova
Scenario "Victory Day" (for preschoolers)

Scenario for Victory Day 2015

The goal is to cultivate respect for the feat of their people during the Great

Patriotic war.


Form elementary ideas about history

Develop cognitive interest, attention, memory, speech.

The course of the holiday

Child: - Mom, mom, why is it so in the hall and on the street now Beautiful: many flowers, balls. Maybe someone birthday?

Mother: - No, daughter, today is the holiday of the Great victories.

Child: - And what is 70? Maybe so many people died? Or did the war last for so many days?

Mother: - No, daughter, there was a war for 4 years. Many soldiers were killed. But ended victory 70 years ago.

Child: - But I don't know anything about this war. I don't read books, I don't go to the movies.

Leading: - You, baby, do not be sad. I will help you. Come to our holiday, it's just about the war.

Music sounds. Mom goes to the audience. Children freely stand around the hall, the child passes to them.

Dressed children enter the hall, they have ribbons in their hands. Marching, they pass a circle and stand in a semicircle.

Leading. Dear Guys! Dear guests! Today we celebrate a very solemn day - Victory Day! 70 years have passed since our Army and our people defeated Nazi Germany. Every year we celebrate this great holiday. While you are still small, we really want you to grow up to be brave, strong, worthy citizens of our country, who love their Motherland and are capable of Hard time stand up for her.

Guys, veterans of the Great Patriotic War came to visit us today, greet them. (Everyone greets the guests.)


The trumpets sing loudly.

To our veterans.

Children lift the sultans up and wave them.

Ships sail into space.

To our veterans.

Children wave sultans.

Peace and labor on the planet.

To our veterans.

Salute children! Firework! Firework! (raise and wave ribbons 3 times).

Host May 9 - Victory Day! Long and hard was the way to victory. A low bow to the soldiers who honorably fulfilled their duty to Motherland: and those who returned home, and those who did not live to see the great day. From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on the 70th anniversary of the great Victory and good health, happiness and peaceful sky! Our today's concert for you


1. Today is a holiday - Victory Day!

happy holiday - spring day,

All the streets are dressed in flowers,

And sonorous songs are heard.

2. I know from dad, I know from grandfather:

May 9th came to us Victory!

Pobedny all the people were waiting for the day,

That day became the most joyful holiday!

3. The people defended the Fatherland,

Went bravely into a formidable battle,

People did not spare life

Dear Fatherland!

4. Brought by fathers and grandfathers

Happiness to the people of the whole earth.

Praise in light Victory Day

Everyone who went into battle great!

5. For everything that we have now,

For our every happy hour

Thank you brave soldiers

That defended the world once!

6. In Victory Day early in the morning

Come out to the city, take a look:

Veterans walk proudly

With orders on the chest.

7. Today in this room

We celebrate veterans!

Zvonko songs victories

Let the kids sing!

Song "Great grandfather"

Leading: - Everything breathed such silence,

That the whole Earth was still asleep, it seemed.

Who knew that between peace and war

Just some 5 minutes left.

Leading: - That morning people were awakened by the ominous noise of motors. Fascist Germany treacherously attacked our country without declaring war. Thousands of German bombs fell on sleeping people. For the first time in minutes of the war, many died without having time to wake up and understand that the war had begun.

Summer night, dawn

When the children were sleeping peacefully

Hitler ordered the troops

And sent German soldiers

Against the Russians, against us!

"Get up, people!"- Hearing the call of the Earth,

Soldiers-heroes went to the front,

Courageously and boldly they rushed into battle,

Fight for the Motherland, for you and me!

Wanted to take revenge on the enemy as soon as possible

For the elderly, women, children!

Dance "Russian doll"

One verse of the song sounds "Holy war", music A. Aleksandrova, sl. V. Lebedev-Kumach.

Leading. The words of the song sounded inviting and alarming during the days of the war “Get up, the country is huge!”. And we got up big family Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Georgians, Tatars, Kazakhs, Bashkirs and people of other nationalities inhabiting our country.

The Nazis bombed cities, burned villages, killed people. Our people fought with enemies for four years!

It was a difficult road to Victory,

It was a brutal fight to the death

But the Nazis miscalculated

The people are not broken by war!

As the tanks roared into battle,

Missiles whistled,

They frightened the massacre of peaceful people, -

We cannot forget this forever.

Leading: - Everyone stood up for defense Motherland: both old and young. Everywhere there were posters calling to beat the enemy.

Alexandrova's music "Holy War"

1 girl:- Ah, the war, what have you done, vile?

Our courtyards have become quiet.

Our boys raised their heads

They have matured for the time being.

2 girl: - They barely loomed on the threshold

And the soldiers went after the soldier.

Goodbye sweet boys

Try to go back.

To the sounds "Military March" G. Sviridov on children come on stage. Boys portray soldiers, girls - their mothers, sisters, loved ones. Children get up in groups of two, three, four people.

The first group has three children. One boy - "soldier" and two girls "mother" And "sister". girls hugging "soldier" wiping away tears.

1st boy

Don't cry, sister

Mom don't cry

I'll be back with victory

To our native land.

Music sounds. Second group children: three girls surround the boy - "soldier", give him warm socks, gloves, an embroidered pouch.

2nd boy

Warrior brave

Takes cities.

Bold fearless

I will always!

Third group of children: two girls and two boys "soldier".

3rd boy. We have tanks, we have machine guns!

4th boy. We have guns and planes!

3rd and 4th boys (in chorus)

We will fearlessly crush the enemies,

To liberate the Motherland!

Dance "And scarlet sunsets"

Leading: - The whole earth burned under the feet of the enemy. Every day wars are an example of the boundless courage and steadfastness of Soviet soldiers. The war lasted for 4 long years.

Leading: - Do not stand aside women. In the rear, they assembled tanks and planes for the front at the factories, on the front line they were radio operators, signalmen, and nurses. How many wounded soldiers they carried from the battlefield on their fragile shoulders.

Verse with staged.

Guns roar, bullets whistle.

Wounded by a shell fragment of a soldier.

Sister whispers: "Let me help!

I will bandage your wound. "

I forgot everything: weakness and fear.

Carried him out of the fight in my arms.

How much love and warmth was in her!

Many sister saved from death.

Dance "Katyusha"

1st child.

For the native country people

They gave their lives.

We will never forget

Fallen in a valiant battle!

For the Dnieper and Volga

The soldiers went into battle

Everyone fought

For the native land.

For every city, every village,

For everything that grew on earth!

Behind kindergarten and for the light class,

For the peace and happiness of each of us!

2nd child.

And we come with bright colors

Where our soldier lies

And the eternal flame, like a memory,

Always illuminates granite!

Leading. Eternal glory to the heroes!

All. Eternal glory!

1st child

Let's remember everyone by name

Let's remember our heroes

This is not necessary for the dead -

It needs to be alive!

2nd child

Let's remember proudly

Dead soldiers in the fight

Our duty is not to forget

Never about war!

Leading: - In the expanses of our Earth, many mass graves are scattered, and fresh flowers always lie on them. This is a sign of our deepest gratitude to the soldiers who gave their lives for our happy peaceful life.

Leading. Let's honor the memory of the heroes with a moment of silence.

moment of silence

Leading: This bloody war went on for four long years. Our troops liberated their cities and villages. And here comes the long-awaited Victory Day!

Victory is a peaceful sky, peaceful life. For the fact that we are now with you, guys, rejoice, rejoice, laugh, dance, we owe to the living and dead soldiers.

1 child.

The war ended in victory,

Those years are behind us.

Burning medals, orders

Many on the chest.

2 child.

Praise in May Victory Day

Bright holiday of all people

In May, the rainbow laughs.

The color of the bird cherry is more tender.

3 child.

In May it sings more joyfully

And walk faster!

Above doves soar

May morning at dawn!

They take off in blue, they wish everyone

Happiness, peace on earth!

Dove balloons release

4 child.

Let the fireworks go off victories,

This light warms the world.

Congratulations to our grandfathers

We send them a big hello!

Honors the great Victory Day

The whole huge country.

IN Victory Day our grandfathers

They put on orders.

We are talking about the first Victory Day

We love listening to their story.

How our grandfathers fought

For the whole world and for all of us!

Song "Don't be afraid mom"

The spring breeze blows

Lindens gently green -

All. This Victory Day!

And the guys are bringing flowers

To the unknown soldier

All. This Victory Day!

Songs sound without ceasing

All. This Victory Day!

2nd child.

With our childish hand

We will close the path to war.

Adults and children (All).

We are for peace in the whole world!

3 child. Though not real, but brave sailors,

We will show you now our sailor dance!

Dance Bullseye

Leading: The war was very cruel, it brought a lot of grief and tears, devastation and hunger. But the people persevered won. The war ended on May 9, 1945. This day became a great holiday in our country! Peace has come to earth!

Leading: - More and more years separate us from the Great patriotic war. There are fewer and fewer people who took part in that bloody battle. But their memory will live forever in our hearts.

Leading: - Now Russian soldiers are steadfastly guarding our borders. They will not fail the memory of their grandfathers.

1 child: - Sailors, gunners.

2 child: - Border guards, signalmen,

1 child: - To everyone who protects our world

2 child: - And guards the borders

Both: - For great deeds - Glory! Glory! And praise!

Leading: - Our boys will grow up and will also defend our Motherland gloriously. See what they have bearing.

Dance "Border"

1st child.

With day victories congratulations to veterans

We wish happiness and good health to all of them!

2nd child.

Don't get sick, don't get old

We only want to be young!

3rd child.

Dear veterans,

Everyone is happy for you today

Come, there will be time

To our favorite kindergarten!

Children give flowers and souvenirs to veterans.

1st child.

Congratulations to all victory,

Glorious and spring day,

Let the music not stop

We will dance and sing!

Song Parade victories

1 child.

Was great Victory Day

Many years ago.

Grandparents remember Victory Day,

Every grandchild knows!

2 child.

When fireworks rumbled from end to end.

Soldiers gave the whole planet

great May, victorious May!

3 child.

Even then we were not in the world,

When with you came home with victory.

Soldiers of May - glory to you forever

From all the earth, from all the earth!

4 child.

The sun is shining in Victory Day

And we will always shine!

In fierce battles, our grandfathers

Enemy managed win!

presenter: Happy Victory is glory!

Children: Glory!

presenter: Glory to veterans!

Children: Glory!

presenter: Happiness, peace on earth - glory!

Children: Glory!

Leading: - Our holiday is coming to an end, but the memory of those severe battles, of the boundless heroism of our warriors, of their courage and courage will be kept in the heart for a long time. May 9 at Victory Day you will go to the parade, or to the Eternal Flame, or to fireworks. And if you see Veterans, don't be shy, go up to them, say "thank you" for their exploits, for their courage, for our peaceful sky.

5 child.

We will be brave, like grandfathers,

We will protect our native land!

And the sun is bright victories

We won't give it to anyone!

"Let there always be sunshine"

MKOU Poselkovaya secondary school

For students 1 - 4 grade

Made by primary school teacher

Efremenko Olga Vladimirovna

/ The curtain opens. On the stage is a modern school class. The students are preparing for the lesson. A schoolgirl runs in./

Shkl . Hello! We heard that today after school we had a meeting with a veteran of the Great

Patriotic War, and then we'll go watch the film.

1st. Again!

2 - th. Yes, as much as possible!

3 - th. It would be better to come up with some kind of disco!

1 - th. What movie?

Shkl. They said, "The dawns here are quiet." About war.

1 - th. And I love comedies. And so that everything ends happily.

2 - th. Of course, what a war for you, give you comedies.

3 - th. Let's not go. Why do we need it?

4th. And I'll go.

Shkl . Certainly go. You will represent our entire friendly class.

4 - th. I'm not going to class. I will go for myself. My grandfather, my mother's father, died at the age of 18 near Berlin. And my grandmother's sister in the 44th went missing.

1 - th. As if you are the only one. My family still has a funeral for my great-grandfather.

2 - th. And my great-grandmother worked as a nurse in the hospital during the war years.

3 - th. And my relatives also died in the war

4 - th. Here you see. We did not know this war, but it went through our families. Do you remember how many people died then?

Shkl . Looks like over 20 million.

4 - th. Like b. And you think about this number. After all, many of them were a little older than you.

Shkl. How scary!

4 - th. Yes, it's scary. But we must not forget the terrible pages of our history. Because to forget is to betray. To betray those who did not return from the war.

1 - th. Are we going to meet the veteran?

2 - th. Yes. And let's go to the cinema.

Children read in the background of music.