Download the presentation of patriotic education at school. The system of patriotic education of rural schoolchildren based on the historical and cultural traditions of the small motherland. Education outside of school hours

C system of military-patriotic work of MBOU"Secondary school No. 25"

Deputy director for educational work

Pominova E.V.


life safety organizer

Komlev V.A.

  • The problem of the formation of military patriotic education youth, due to its potential importance, is one of the most relevant in modern society.
  • The lack of purposeful and systematic military physical training for young people had a negative impact on the training of recruits in the Armed Forces Russian Federation, caused the reluctance of young men to serve in the army. Based on this, we made an attempt to combine the accumulated experience of patriotic education of schoolchildren.

The system of military-patriotic work consists of the following components:

  • military - historical direction (memorable dates in the history of Russia);
  • sports and patriotic direction;
  • holding the "Week of Military Glory";
  • participation in the "Memory Watch";
  • meetings with veterans patriotic war and Chernobyl soldiers, servicemen;
  • work with pre-conscription youth and parents;
  • professional orientation of students;
  • visiting museums, military units and institutions, getting to know the life and way of life of military personnel.

Heroes - graduates of the school

  • Antonov Yury Sergeevich, senior lieutenant, platoon commander - head of communications of the parachute battalion, born on September 5, 1954

For courage and courage he was awarded 2 Orders of the Red Star (one of them posthumously).

Grishin Victor Konstantinovich, senior lieutenant, commander of a radio communications platoon, born on 01/11/1957

For courage and courage he was awarded the Order of the Red Star (posthumously).

Traditionally, the School holds a "Week of Military Glory" in February.

ABOUT opening of the "Week of Military Glory"

Military sports relay race. Sport and health inseparable. Children who go in for sports have better indicators of study, lower morbidity. Sport serves to meet the basic needs of a person in spiritual and physical health, recreation, and preservation of longevity.

Posters' comments:

Despite the bad weather, we all fought with dignity.

When you stand at eternal flame you feel like a part of history.

Akimova Larisa Grade 8a

I really liked being in Post No. 1. For me, it is an honor, a continuation of the work of my fathers and grandfathers.

Evdokimov Ivan 8th grade

Pre-conscription training. Visiting students of the 10th grade of the Ryazan Higher Military Airborne School.

Pre-conscription training. Visiting students of the 10th grade of a military unit.

Fire training. Shooting from a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

Olympic week

school symbols

The Olympic flag flies over the school

  • The school continues to search for forms of physical and patriotic training of students during and outside school hours.
  • At the same time, military-patriotic education is designed to ensure the moral and political readiness of students for the defense of the Fatherland and service in the Russian army and navy.
  • Accordingly, we fulfill the order modern society- education of a healthy, physically strong younger generation in the spirit of patriotism and preparing him for the defense of the Motherland.

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Actual problems of education. Patriotic education (on the basis of the school museum) Director of the Municipal Educational Institution “Krapivena Secondary School No. 24 named after the Hero of the Soviet Union D.A. Zaitseva ” Rak Irina Evgenievna

Childhood is an everyday discovery of the world, and therefore it is necessary to make sure that it becomes, first of all, the knowledge of man and the Fatherland, their beauty and greatness. (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

Each epoch, each historical situation in its own way is reflected in the patriotic world education. Today, this feeling is being seriously tested. The Fatherland has changed, its past is being reviewed, the present worries, and the future is seriously disturbed by its uncertainty.

Patriotism is one of the most significant, enduring values ​​inherent in all spheres of life of society and the state, is the most important spiritual asset of the individual, characterizes the highest level of its development and is manifested in its active self-realization for the benefit of the Fatherland. Raising a sense of patriotism in children is a complex and lengthy process. Love for close people, for his school, for hometown and the native country play a huge role in the development of the personality of the child.

On July 11, 2005, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Government program"Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2005-2010". The education system plays a leading role in the civil and patriotic development of the younger generation.

To date, the problem of patriotic education of students is one of the most important and relevant in the modern school. The problem of modernizing spiritual, moral, patriotic education in the education system is associated with the identification and preservation of the accumulated best traditions in the upbringing of the younger generation, updating its content, and designing new technologies.

The main goal of patriotic, spiritual and moral education is - the orientation of the younger generations to the values ​​of national culture, - the formation of careful attitude to the Motherland, its cultural and historical past.

Patriotism, as a concept that is multifaceted in its content, includes: love for one's native places, respect for the past of one's Motherland, pride in one's people; respect for other peoples, their customs and culture, intolerance for racial and national hostility; a sense of inseparability with others, a desire to preserve and increase the wealth of one's country, a readiness to defend the Fatherland and serve its interests.

Given these theoretical positions, we can conclude that patriotic education, like education in general, should be based on the knowledge of those components of being, culture that form, in general, students' ideas about the Motherland, its cultural and historical traditions, achievements and values, the best its representatives. The solution to this problem should be school museums, whose activities are aimed at the formation of a socially active position, personal participation, search and comprehension of the social and spiritual beginning of their homeland, people. An important place in solving this problem is occupied by the direct contact of the pupil with historical materials, elements of culture, carried out in the conditions of the school museum. In this regard, we can talk about the school museum at the same time not only as a form of organization of educational and cognitive activities (inclusion of students in search, local history work on the basis of the museum), but also as a means of spiritual, patriotic education.

How to teach to love the Motherland? How to raise patriots? These are not idle questions: the future of our country depends on them, sitting at the school desk today. In our opinion, a modern school, regardless of its status (gymnasium, lyceum, correctional school, general education, etc.), is in dire need of a school museum as a factor in the education of patriotism, the spiritual and moral culture of the individual, without which it is impossible to imagine our future. Each school has its own face, its own style, its own traditions, its own heroes and idols, its own social environment, its own teaching and student teams. This largely determines the content, forms and methods of work of the school museum, its place in the overall structure of the life of the school.

We raise patriots of Russia (About the work of the school museum) Krapivenskaya high school№24 im. YES. Zaitseva 2011

To be a patriot... To be a patriot... What does it mean? And this means to love the Motherland, And this means to honestly, disinterestedly serve the beloved Fatherland. To love his gray-haired history, The holy faces of Russian mothers, Who more than once in the evil year saw off their own children into battle. To teach children to be proud of their kind And honor it to observe and preserve. To be the best part of the Russian people, Which no one could crush. And if this is confirmed in the heart of Those who are sitting at the current desk, School teacher, You can be proud - Your earthly age has not been lived in vain by you!

“It is absolutely necessary to love your family, your childhood impressions, your home, your school, your village, your city, your country, your culture and language. ” D.S. Likhachev Pupils of the 1st grade come to the school museum for the first time and participate in the conversation “Where does the Motherland begin” (1st grade, 2008, teacher Ivanova N.F.)

Krapivenskaya school is over 180 years old. (The prototype of the modern school is the Krapivensky city school, opened in 1827)

The school museum is more than 50 years old Here, in the building of the “little school”, there was a school museum (the first two windows on the left) Our school museum is the first in the Tula region registered in the cadastre of museums educational institutions in 1957 (hand of N.V. Demidov)

The status of the museum since 1957 - the school museum of local lore since 1994 - the school museum received the status of the state and was named "Krapivena Museum of Local Lore". Since 1998, it has become a branch of the Yasnaya Polyana Estate Museum, and the school began to create a new museum - the Museum of the History of the Krapivenskaya School. in 2002, on August 17, the grand opening of the museum took place on the day of the celebration of the 175th anniversary of public education in Krapivna. in 2003, the school museum was registered with the Shchekino Education Committee. in 2005 the School History Museum was registered in Tula.

In our turbulent, difficult time, the school remains a kind of island of morality, spirituality, citizenship. It is here that the guys join the eternal human values, learn history, their roots.

Communication Hours: Our Dear Small Motherland Work of the Museum of the History of the Krapivenskaya School

Conversations about Tolstoy L.N. About war

The speeches of young local historians - local lovers are listened to by veteran teachers, librarians, a participant in the World War II

Guests are interested in the history of the school

The museum has a huge educational potential, as it preserves and exhibits authentic historical documents. The effective use of this potential for educating students in the spirit of patriotism, civic consciousness, high morality is one of the most important tasks of the school museum.

In the presidium of the solemn meeting, the director of the school, Ivanova Z.N. (far right). On the podium, the former director of the school Voevodina D.A. The future director of the school Rak I.E. On February 15, 1997, the school celebrated its anniversary for the first time - 170 years

I'm a patriot!

Presentation is prepared by :

Educator of speech therapy group No. 1

Kucheruk Elena Vladimirovna

Educational psychologist

Taratunina Maria Alexandrovna

GBOU School No. 1973

Preschool department No. 1

Motherland - this is the city in which a person lives, and the street on which his house stands, and the tree under the window, and the singing of a bird: all this is the Motherland.

preschool childhood- the most important period in the formation of a person's personality, when the moral foundations of civic qualities are laid, the first ideas of children about the world around them, society and culture are formed.

  • Acquaintance with the state symbols of the country, city, region.
  • Formation of a child's concept of a family, drawing up a family tree and a family coat of arms, the history of the origin of a surname.
  • Acquaintance with the concept of patriotism, heroism and their manifestations.
  • Acquaintance with oral folk art: nursery rhymes, holidays, folk arts and crafts.
  • Development of the need for independent exploration of the surrounding world through the study of cultural heritage.

The tasks of patriotic education of preschoolers

  • Formation of a sense of attachment to their loved ones, to their home, friends in kindergarten.
  • Formation of a feeling of love for their homeland, culture, traditions.
  • Education of civil-patriotic feelings.
  • Education of patriotism. Respect for the cultural past of Russia by means aesthetic education Keywords: music, creative activity, artistic word.

Principles of work on patriotic education

  • The principle of personality-oriented communication;
  • Principle thematic planning material;
  • The principle of visibility;
  • The principle of succession;
  • The principle of entertainment;
  • From near to far;
  • From the general to the particular (where each particular appears to the child as part of something in common, which provides a semantic relationship between different aspects of the content);
  • Relying on the experience of the children themselves;
  • Relationship with family.

Purpose: the formation of spirituality, moral and patriotic feelings in children.

System and sequence of work on

moral and patriotic education is presented in blocks:

We live in Russia.

A friendly family together.

My favorite kindergarten.

Preschool childhood is a special period in a child's life. It was at this time that the foundations of the future personality were laid. National culture is necessary for a person because it is in harmony with the national character.

Creating conditions in the group for the formation of a civil-patriotic position in children

In our group, much attention is paid to the patriotic education of preschoolers. Having collected material for the mini-museum, a separate place was allocated for it, where children could get to know the history of our Motherland, the region.

Preschoolers, together with their parents, took an active part in the creation of the album "Growing Cultural".

To create this album, parents together with children

made a family tree

drew the coat of arms of their family and shared knowledge about history

origin of his family name.

Motherland is a big, big word! Let there be no miracles in the world, If you say this word with soul, It is deeper than the seas, higher than the heavens!

T. Bokova

Nature! How much is behind this in simple words! This is the plant world, and the animal world, and the power of the elements. And in order for nature to share its knowledge with us, we need to be very attentive to it.

Visit to the school museum of military glory

And to me, the heir of the Victory,

Don't sleep again tonight.

I hurry along the front trail

In those years those people understand.

V. Shirokov

And a sweet song is sung in honor of the motherland, And the blood boils, and the heart beats proudly, And with joy you listen to the sound of words: “I am Rus''s son! here is the land of my fathers!”

I. Nikitin

Spiritual and moral. Purpose: students' awareness in the process of patriotic education of higher values, socially significant processes and phenomena real life, the ability to be guided by them as defining principles, positions in practical activities. Civic-patriotic. Influences through a system of measures on the formation of a legal culture and law-abidingness, skills in assessing political and legal events and processes in society and the state, constant readiness to serve one's people. Historical - local lore. A system of measures for patriotic education aimed at understanding the historical and cultural roots, awareness of the uniqueness of the Fatherland, its fate, inseparability from it. Military patriotic. It is focused on the formation of a high patriotic consciousness among young people, the ideas of serving the Fatherland, the ability to defend it armed, the study of military history, military traditions. Sports and Patriotic. Aimed at the development of moral and volitional qualities, the education of strength, dexterity, stamina, courage, discipline in the process of training physical culture and sports, the formation of readiness for the defense of the Motherland. Socially patriotic. It is aimed at activating the spiritual-moral and cultural-historical continuity of generations, the formation of an active life position, the manifestation of feelings of nobility and compassion, the manifestation of care for the elderly.