Holiday romance "Rendezvous with a Stranger at the Resort" is a real life story for women. The beginning of the resort life

“An ordinary story called “holiday romance” happened to me.

At least I am overwhelmed with a sea of ​​delight, joy, and I want to keep in my memory all that I have experienced forever. I just arrived from Gelendzhik a week ago, rested with my sister Sveta. How amazing it is - a real resort town, where you forget about all the problems, you become so calm, peaceful, happy. The sun's rays caress and even burn the body, and the sea gently cools, there comes a harmony of soul and body.

But we didn't need a relaxing holiday! We wanted to have fun every day! And there are enough places for that. In the evenings there are a lot of discos, life is in full swing until the morning!

One evening we went to a disco in one of the local cafes. There were a lot of people, mostly all came from other cities. There my sister and I met Oleg and Sergey, they were friends. We met in a dance, and then he suggested taking a walk along the embankment. At first glance, we realized that we were very drawn to each other, the evening was so romantic. We talked for a long time on various topics, he came from St. Petersburg, he is 25 years old. He turned out to be a very interesting person, he talked about his work, his city, about the adventures in his life. And at the end of the evening he said that he really likes me and he hopes to meet tomorrow.

The next day, the four of us went to the sea together, his friend Sergey began to communicate with my sister Sveta, and everything was fine with them too, they swam together, they constantly joked, told funny stories, were very cool guys!

From the very first glance, Oleg seemed to me a very elegant, charming man. In his company, I flourished, he understood me like no one else. Probably the atmosphere of the city itself influenced me, because in life I am much more serious, more reasonable. Our romance continued until the end of the vacation, i.e. 6 more days. During these days we had fun as we could! We walked along the embankment all the time, sometimes drinking champagne, we were overwhelmed with happiness.

My sister was having an affair with Sergei, and I was with Oleg. We kissed, hugged, talked heart to heart, and, of course, we went further ... .. everything was just super! I melted into gentle hands Oleg, he was such an experienced man who knew how to please a woman! We spent several unforgettable nights together, one of which was even under open sky just us and the moon.

Now I am in Moscow, he is in St. Petersburg, we called up several times, but I doubt that we will continue. Although all our conversations are very tender and reverent. We say that we miss him, he invites me to visit him. But I won’t go, because this is just a holiday romance ... "

Rain drummed on the roof of the resort house. The sky was gray and low, as if all around was not a summer and hot sea town, but autumn and damp Moscow. "That's a shame!" thought Mashenka, wrapping herself in the stole bought the day before. “Refuse to rest with friends in Turkey, to trudge alone for almost 30 hours by train, so that for the third day now I can watch the sea from under the canopy of a small veranda.” There was not a single light in the sky.

Masha's story

I was sick of everything to the point of hiccups - work, life, friends and gentlemen. I could hardly wait for a vacation and fled to the resort suburb of a not very famous city. I've been here before with a friend and I loved it. There was no suffocating heat here, eternally drunk compatriots, ostentatious brilliance. Nature pleased with lush greenery, the sea - with its minimum depth, and the resort area - with places for every taste. So the privacy I needed was provided.

I thought out the cultural program in advance - I downloaded a bunch of literature into the e-book, music and films into the player, and instead of numerous outfits, I took a chest with needlework. Communication and “movement” were enough for my eyes at home, and on vacation I just wanted to relax. And, of course, lie on the beach and swim from the heart. And here is such a bummer. No, of course, reading or embroidering in rainy weather is the thing. But not the third day in a row!

And the point was not even that there was no one to exchange a word with - no one had yet canceled cellular communications. It’s just that I have never swum, and the days of vacation are rapidly melting away. “What you fought for is what you need,” this thought has been pounding in my head for almost a day. I wanted complete silence and the absence of people - so sit on the porch, meditate on the sea covered with rain ripples.

One could, of course, go to a nearby hotel - parties were held there in the evenings, and all the resort youth famously danced. But I didn't want to. However, there were few of these young people. The place I arrived at was intended for a family vacation. And fussy mothers, their children and downcast husbands preferred to while away the rainy time watching TV.

I would have continued to mentally whine if one event had not happened. A young man in swimming trunks came out of the neighboring room onto the common porch. In general, nothing remarkable, but I clearly knew that last night this room was empty. However, like the other two. It just so happened that this particular holiday home was not very popular even at the height of the summer season - there were comfortable hotels around, and this place was built in the old fashioned way - long houses, with 4 separate exits. Rooms without TV and air conditioning. But it was really quiet here. And it had its own fenced beach.

But back to the young man. It seemed that this beefy and tanned handsome man got here by misunderstanding, and now he is trying to figure out how he ended up here. However, he got over his confusion quickly. It turned out that his surprise was related to me.

That's why they didn't put me in a room with a sea view! But I was completely sure that it was empty - there was no light in the windows, and it was quiet.
- I go to bed early. The rain is gloriously lulling ... - to be honest, I did not know whether I should be glad that I had a neighbor. You know, I really don't like being forced on me.

However, the young man surprised me. He silently shrugged his shoulders, threw off his slippers on the porch, and paddled barefoot on the wet sand towards the sea. His muscular body was immediately covered with raindrops. “So I took a bath,” I thought sarcastically, wrapping the stole more tightly. It was really chilly. But my neighbor did not turn back, but ran away and ... ran, ran, ran ... 50 meters. Yeah, you can’t just dive here. The Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is what I like. You can almost walk to the buoys, and everything will be waist-deep.

The guy nevertheless coped with the situation, did not dive, but lay down on the water and swam. Soon a curtain of rain covered him. But I was sure the buoys didn't stop him. After an hour, I started to get nervous. Although, it would seem, why? He could get out of the water on the territory of a neighboring hotel, because I didn’t constantly look at the sea.

As if he heard my thoughts, my neighbor appeared on the horizon, exactly in the place where he disappeared. I breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t drown, that’s nice, otherwise the weather will clear up, and swim for me where they caught the drowned man.
In general, I did not wait until he bought up, and went to the room. Dinner time was approaching - my stomach informed me about this, which today, out of forgetfulness, I deprived of breakfast. It was possible to eat on the territory of my rest home, but I desperately did not like the cuisine here. Therefore, I changed clothes and went to the other end of the resort area - to a small "fisherman's" tavern. There were very few people here, so I saw my neighbor right away.

Are you following me? - Tone young man showed irritation.

Why did it happen? This is my third day here either for dinner or lunch. - I sat down at my favorite table from the last vacation and ordered a combined hodgepodge.

Well, here we go again! It turns out that he also ordered this soup.

After such coincidences, it would be stupid to eat at different tables, and the guy moved to me. And although we were mostly silent, there was no awkwardness. So after lunch we decided to take a walk.

The first "bell" was Yegor's offer to ride the Ferris wheel. Yes, yes, it was here. Very, you know, romantic. The rain is not something that would be from a bucket, but it pours fairly. There is no one in the park, and only two weirdos climb the carousel to "look at the sea." You can see it, how.

Then Yegor dragged me to karaoke. And we, like two drunken sailors, were yelling, "The scows are full of mullet ...". I never thought that two and a half days of rainy solitude would bake me so much that I would be glad of any company and any entertainment.
The only thing that didn’t fit in my head was why Egor needed all this, and how he ended up here. Looking at him, I imagined Monaco, a yacht and a casino. And not his modest person, a provincial seaside town and a holiday home without any special amenities.

In the evening, the second "bell" sounded. Having sent me to the room, Yegor left somewhere. And when an hour later he knocked on the door and asked me to dress warmly, I decided that the yacht was still there. Just moored somewhere else. Yeah. In Monaco, for example.

But everything turned out to be easier. A huge sunshade was dug in front of the house, under it there was a brazier, on which skewers with pink meat and fish strung on rods side by side. There was also a small table and two chairs. And why was the garden to fence? Each room had a table and three chairs under a canopy. But, I agree, it's more romantic.

In general, the time before the end of my vacation flew by unnoticed. And it didn’t matter anymore that it rained for two more days, that I didn’t pick up books and needlework anymore - and yet I so dreamed of finishing the picture and reading everything that Moscow didn’t have enough time for, and, most importantly, I knew that there would be no continuation. It was not necessary, this is a continuation.

But there was a holiday romance. The real one. With walks under the moon, with night swims, with armfuls of roses and liters of local wine, with sex several times a day. There were horse rides and fishing on a boat, viewing sentimental melodramas and kisses, kisses, kisses ...

Yegor and I practically did not talk about that real life. The only thing I found out was that he was local. And what works in one of the city's restaurants. And here, like me, I just ran away, knowing that here you can relax in silence. Silence did not work. But it turned out to be a holiday romance ...

Each of us knew that we would not see each other again, and if we did, then nothing would happen again. Yegor had a girlfriend, practically a bride, I have a complicated personal life. But the main thing is that I was not going to stay here, just as I was not going to take Yegor with me. Yegor did not need Moscow, and I would even interfere here. In general, the potential difference.

However, I did not regret anything and do not regret it. A holiday romance is also a holiday romance, that it is a flash, a complete separation, bright, but fleeting emotions. I don't even have photographs of this novel. No need. Our "love" remained in a modest rest home, dissolved in traces on the sea sand, took off and exploded in the sky with a multi-colored "cracker".

It was last year. And this year I will go on vacation alone again. I have in mind another "calm and quiet" place.

Psychological assessment

Holiday romance is, from a psychological point of view, a whole phenomenon. On vacation, people relax and can afford things that they would never allow in their usual surroundings. In a real environment, a person is dependent on the rhythm of life, on the opinions of others, on stereotypes and norms of behavior. And at the resort, a person knows: no matter what he does here, leaving, he will simply turn the page. And no one will know about anything. Nobody will judge.

In order for a holiday romance to arise, it is not necessary to fall in love - just ordinary sympathy is enough. In order for the novel to develop, it is not necessary to follow all the “rules of the love game” - to walk “around and around”, to seduce or care for a long time. Holiday romance arises spontaneously, develops rapidly, and stops with the vacation.

Of course, there are times when on vacation people find their Destiny, their soul mate, but, by and large, you should not count on this. Otherwise, instead of pleasant impressions, you will bring a broken heart from your vacation.

Our today's heroine, Mashenka, was lucky in this regard. She initially did not count on any long-term relationship, she simply did not need them, which is why she accepted the acquaintance and subsequent romance with Yegor as a gift, as a bonus to the room and the sea.
True, circumstances also played an important role here - rain, an empty rest house, neighboring rooms. All this psychologically brought Masha and Yegor closer, they felt like two Robinsons on a desert island. And it's easier to "survive" together. If the weather were fine, the holiday home would be filled with people, and there would be nowhere for an apple to fall on the beach, these two would simply be “lost”. Masha would avoid the crowd, would put a psychological barrier between herself and those around her. And even if Yegor tried to get to know her, she would most likely “reject” him. And not because she is against holiday romances, but because she was purposefully looking for loneliness. And obsessive attention would irritate her a priori.

And in this situation, she "ate" this loneliness in full for a few rainy days. And it is safe to say that even if Yegor had not been such a spectacular young man, Masha would not have refused to make a close acquaintance with him.
As for Yegor's behavior, it seems that it is customary for him to act according to circumstances. If Mashenka had not turned up for him, he would have calmly spent his vacation either alone or by choosing a lady from a nearby hotel. And here everything worked out so well - there is no need to get to know each other, to crowd in on guests, because the neighbors are almost friends. And by the way, it’s not a fact that Yegor would have noticed Masha if he had just met her on the beach among other girls.

In general, these two were lucky, and they experienced for themselves what a real holiday romance is. Beautiful, sensual, fleeting. Without mutual obligations and reproaches, without impossible promises and oaths. A little fairy tale of one vacation.

Sometimes in life it happens that you do not expect any major changes, but they come in a wave, and you can no longer resist them.

I went to rest at sea with my mother, my sister refused such a promising company. I just wanted to soak up the sun, swim in the warm sea and forget about all the problems.

One evening, when I was relaxing in a cafe in the company of my companions, one young man invited me to a dance, then another one ... He told me about the stars, about the sea, and maybe it was not so exciting, but romantic! And the next morning we kissed by the sea, and I really wanted time to stop. A week has passed, it was time for us to part. No one wanted to admit that they were in love, just a kiss, and we went our separate ways.

And all? No, I did not try to impose, I just called and asked to meet. Then there was a whole year of relationships on wheels. I crossed 1000 km more often than once a month. Now I don't like trains. But I was so happy, there was never so much love, tenderness, attention in my life.

A year later, he took me straight from graduation and we went to the same place where we met. It was just a fairy tale. And a year later, from this beautiful place in the south, we brought a tiny piece of ourselves. Part is now 8 months old, he looks so much like the two of us, and he has dark skin, probably on the sea managed to sunbathe.


Become the hero of the plot on the federal channel!

The plot of holiday romances.

1 - We need a Heroine, or better a hero who had a holiday romance and ended somehow badly, broke up, or he still loves her or he fell in love for the third time on vacation and always fails.

2 - A couple who met 15 years ago on vacation and had a holiday romance, came and continued to meet! Maybe someone even moved to another city for their love. We have been together for many years and are happy, we have children))

I'm waiting for your stories

Best regards, Olga

I understand that my story does not look real. But it happens, you just need to believe in miracles. After giving birth, I had a terrible depression and only memories of a fabulous meeting, the sea and the miracle that united us helped me survive a difficult moment in my life.

Well, they also say that holiday romances are not serious!!! Good luck to you and your baby!

Directly sea air breathed from your story! I'm very happy for you and your loved one! And don't believe in fairy tales after that!?

02/24/2005 04:20:45 PM, Olga

it's nice that at least someone in life happens like in a fairy tale :-) Happy for you!

Comment on the article "Holiday Romance"

Bruce Cameron is a talented journalist and writer who has won the hearts of thousands of readers around the world. His unusual and touching novels about friendship between a man and a dog will leave few people indifferent. Stories about fidelity, affection, sincerity and love of four-legged friends for their owners can not only amaze the imagination, but also touch the soul. This time the author swung at a truly difficult topic - to show the process of domesticating a wolf. And he did it brilliantly in his new novel...

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Korshunov M. “Petka and his, Petkina, life” (stories), “House in Cheryomushki”. 31. Kun N. A. "What did the Greeks and Romans say about their gods and heroes" 32.

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All the stories found on the Internet, even if they are about difficulties, but all the same - with a good one. And my husband too :). And a completely different life took off - urgent collection of documents, punching ...

They sacrifice themselves in extreme situations, when something threatens life, well-being, etc. And for myself, how can this be .. then I watched porn, read erotic. stories seem to help...

Are there many ordinary joys in life? How often do we read here the stories of unfortunate tortured wives who seek solace on their side...

holiday romance (social survey). Serious question. About his own, about a girl's. Discussion of questions about the life of a woman in the family, at work, relationships with men.

I woke up at about six o'clock in the evening from a knock on the door. This is Sasha returning from the dacha.

Why are you so wrinkled? - he asked.

Slept. I answered, rubbing my eyes.

At dinner, I told him about what I saw today on the beach, and also asked about separate areas for nudists.

Roba, this blessed place has it all! There is also a separate area on the city beach, and a country camp site for such people. Another thing is that someone will not be too lazy to stomp the extra two hundred meters or drive five or six kilometers, and someone will be unbearable to get naked anywhere. It's just a matter of upbringing a person, I think so.

However, it does not hurt here, I see who is outraged about this. - I said.

You know, in my opinion, it's just useless to be indignant. It's the same as asking cockroaches to get out of your house on your own. Well, some granny will complain to the newspaper about this disgrace; Well, our administration will take some measures... So what? No, law-abiding fans of this type of recreation will go to a camp site or get naked at their dacha (why not!), And who doesn’t care about these measures, they will find another place within the city.

And for some, it has become as familiar as everything that happens around him, and he does not run anywhere, does not complain, does not spoil his nerves, but simply does not pay attention to it.

And someone even makes friends with such people or communicates like that. - I marked Sasha, remembering what he saw.

There are some. Speaking of which, one of them is having dinner with you right now. Sasha replied.

This revelation came as a surprise to me. I looked at him and couldn't think of anything to say.

Why are you staring at me? You might think that I just told you about love for men! - Sasha said, slightly indignant, continuing, - Yes, I am friends with some of these people. I even have a girlfriend from the same environment. My name is Polina; she is a journalist in one popular magazine; although she has a psycho-pedagogical faculty behind her back. But journalism turned out to be closer to her. Polina herself is a normal, cheerful and sociable person. However, my other friends-girlfriends are also quite educated, smart, sociable and successful people in their own business.

And you yourself did not hit nudism? I asked Sasha.

I haven't decided yet. He replied, and that was the end of the conversation.

Dinner was also over. Lighting a cigarette, I began to look out the window and think about Dasha with a slight sadness. Here is an amazing thing - I just met her for the first day and talked a little, I still don’t know anything about her ... But I missed her, as if she was a person I had known and dear to me for a long time, with whom we probably were together in a past life. Perhaps we lived on some far, far away island of happiness, where there was no fuss, pushing, envy, malice; we wandered on the warm sand, swam in the gentle sea, listened to the singing of the local birds ... But one day, obviously, some god of all weathers failed to agree on something with his brothers and out of frustration he thickened clouds over us, raised a storm on the sea; and the waves began to rise one higher than the other, and soon the sea flooded our island, and Dasha and I were blown to different ends of the earth for a very, very long time. Therefore, it is not surprising that, having met now, we did not recognize each other.

Listen, Rob, would you like to go with me to Polka's for barbecue tomorrow? Sasha asked.

Sorry what? I replied, waking up.

I say that now I was driving to the house and met Paul - she invited us to barbecue for tomorrow. Will you go? Sasha repeated.

Well, well, you can go. And where to? I asked.

At her sister's cottage. Sasha said.

At the sister? - I was surprised.

I was surprised not by the fact that my friend's girlfriend has a sister (she has three sisters and two brothers!), but I was surprised that she invited us to visit not at her dacha. But Sasha soon explained everything to me clearly:

Here's the thing, Roba: a sister's dacha, but she's a girl incapable of farming, and not a fan of country rest. It is understandable - a man "makes her good money", everything can be bought in the market and in the store, and in the summer it is best to go around Paris to roam ... Votona threw her dacha to the Field. And the dacha is good, big; everything grows except bananas and pineapples; there is a larger house on two floors, on the other side of the fence there is a small pond and a playground. Well, shall we go?

Are we coming back tonight? I asked Sasha.

For what? he asked.

Well... I just arranged with a girl to go to the beach in the morning.

- “Ah, this girl drove me crazy, broke my heart, took peace,” Sasha sang with a smile, realizing that we were talking about Dasha, “okay, let's think of something.

And after these words, I finally agreed to the trip, not suspecting what a cruel joke she would play with me later. You know, all my life I treated my friends like brothers; just as he loved them with all his heart and was always ready to go anywhere with them and support them in difficult times, so I thought about them and believed that they also love me, they will always help me and never betray me. And therefore, it never occurred to me that one of my friends might end up with a smell (in a figurative sense). I had the same attitude towards Sasha. He was raised by his mother. He never saw or knew his father. And in general, Sasha's environment in the family consisted of women - in addition to his mother, there were aunts and grandmother. Probably, someone will not believe me, but I am writing this from the words of Sasha himself. And then what only in life is not possible! Therefore, it was a little more difficult for him than for me to get used to the service, and I supported him, telling him to hold on, if only for the sake of his mother. And Sasha did not remain in debt - he also sometimes helped to understand in class miscellaneous items, since with books since childhood he was on you. Of course, I also read books, but everything always came to me through my hands.

To be continued.

(From the cycle "LIFE STORIES")
With minor cuts.

"The holiday romance ends quickly, but
remembered for a lifetime."
(S. Smirnov)

Oh, these holiday romances, sanatorium love stories! ..
Probably, this will not surprise anyone now: a common phenomenon! Who hasn't had one, right?
And they are attractive primarily for their brightness and transience.
And yet ... with impunity (without consequences)! - if ... you're lucky, of course! ..

Vacation ends, resort lovers leave for their cities, and only ... pleasant memories remain. No one makes serious plans by having an affair on vacation, so usually the relationship is not burdensome and non-committal. Husband (wife) will not know anything, in general, everyone is happy! After all, it brings such a variety to the gray everyday life, it gives such a surge of adrenaline!

And how many anecdotes, novels, films about this - a fertile topic!
And they are not created in a vacuum.

PART ONE. "Indian Summer" in the sanatorium

I have known Shura for a long time.

Pretty, youthful - and from this, it must be - a little eccentric, cheerful and easy to communicate with, she always attracted a wide variety of people, because she treated them with great warmth and trust, she was always ready to provide anyone with the most diverse help - and not only medical (and Shura worked immediately after graduating from medical school as a nurse in a regional hospital).

And, as if as a reward for her kindness and responsiveness, she got a smart and decent guy in all respects: calm, modest, kind, hardworking. And, most importantly, a non-drinker!
Ukrainian Grisha (or rather, a Ukrainian Jew) turned out to be a good family man and loving husband and father. He made money (he was a mechanic in the garage) always not bad, he dragged everything into the house, “before sebe - to the family!” - as he used to say.

And Shura was a match for him: a good housewife, an exemplary wife and caring mother of their two sons.
Unlike mine (stormy and short!), her family life from the very beginning was quite calm and prosperous.
They married early and, like, even for love. But, as Shura said, there was no violent passion between them even in their youth, and now even more so - after all, they have been together for more than twenty years. Everyone knows about each other, and the relationship is even, more friendly than marital.
They got along well, Shura appreciated her quiet Grisha and said that she was behind him like behind a stone wall.

Many even envied her!

... But not everything happens as smoothly as it may sometimes seem from the outside!

It must be said that Shura was prone to excitement: she was always terribly fond of playing lotto and cards - for money, bought lottery tickets in the hope of winning a car for herself - she, having seen enough American and Brazilian TV shows, had long dreamed of how, too, like the heroines of these beautiful films, she will drive herself and imagine herself to be a kind of “car lady”.

With age, primitive and monotonous sex with her quiet husband, a woman by nature quite juicy, energetic and temperamental, no longer suited her very much.
But, since Shura, without gaining sexual experience, married early and was always a faithful wife, she had nothing and no one to compare her husband with.

And she didn’t seem to intend to cheat on her Grisha, there weren’t even such thoughts in her head. But somewhere latently she was dissatisfied with him, or rather, with her dull and insipid intimate life.

... And I was convinced more than once that even the most devoted husbands and wives at least once cheated on their faithful and beloved "halves", parting for a short time!

For example, I do not believe that there is at least one husband (healthy and normal man!), Who does not use the opportunity - if any - to taste the sweetness of the forbidden fruit, no matter how much he loves his wife. And, interestingly, none of them consider going “to the left” a betrayal: they say, so, a primitive physiological process that is constantly necessary for a healthy man. "Physiology" - how they usually justify their ... kobelizm!
Any average alpha male almost always has a great opportunity to go beyond the meager marital obligations and in the abyss of casual sex to realize their secret desires and sexual fantasies.

Yes, and some wives will not yield to such "faithful" husbands! Especially - having escaped from home: on a business trip, to a resort, to a rest home.
When the opportunity arises to have a little fun "on the side" (without any damage to the family!), Not everyone can resist and refuse such a temptation.

An easy, non-committal resort romance, after all, does not threaten anything! ..

One day in early autumn, at the very height of the “velvet season”, I was terribly lucky: I got (quite inexpensively!) A “burning” ticket to a very prestigious sanatorium in Primorye. Not far from Vladivostok, on the beautiful Cote d'Azur!
I was also lucky with the weather: it was my favorite warm and beautiful time, popularly called “Indian summer”. Golden autumn! And she is in the Far East, in Primorye, surprisingly good!

On the first day, barely settled down, I hurried to the beach. The water in the sea was surprisingly warm, the sand was clean and hot, and the mood, accordingly, was excellent!
And in the evening, having come with Lyudmila, my roommate, to the disco at the House of Culture, I was surprised to see a familiar face there.
It was Shura! She arrived a day earlier, and I did not know about it, being late for the sanatorium for a day.

...Shura, elegant and cheerful, enjoyed great success with the representatives of the opposite sex, especially with those who are far "for ... ...twenty". Most often she was invited to the waltz.
I have always loved fast dances, but I am not a very good waltz dancer. Therefore, I watched the dancers more when the musicians ("live"!) Played the waltz, or chatted with my freshly baked "cavalier" - the same dislike of waltzes.

And Shura danced superbly!
I especially liked the fast waltzes in her, downright virtuoso, performance. She just flew around the huge hall - fortunately, there was where to turn around!
Her partners, especially not very young ones, were gradually exhausted, and she - at least that!
It seemed that she could dance like this until the morning!

But, unfortunately, the regime is the regime. The sanatorium has its own laws, and at exactly eleven, to everyone's chagrin, the dances ended.

Two of our new acquaintances accompanied her and Lyudmila and me to the sleeping quarters (and Shura and I lived in different ones).
We stood a little longer, chatted, laughed at their jokes, and everyone went to their rooms: Lyudmila and I went to ours, and the gentlemen went to ours.
Although, of course, they would not be averse not to do this, but to come to us ... for a glass of tea!

The next day, we met with Shura for breakfast, then for lunch and dinner.
And so - every day. She always sat at the same table with some married couple, very old and, apparently, very boring interlocutors for the sociable Shurochka.

…A few days have passed.

Everything went as it should be once and for all established sanatorium order: breakfast, oxygen cocktail, medical and recreational procedures, swimming in the sea or in the pool, therapeutic baths, lunch, sleep, afternoon tea, dinner, walks, sometimes excursions to nature or to a concert, and, of course, cinema and dancing.
I became friends with Lyudmila, and we had fun.

Shura and I also sometimes “crossed paths” somewhere, but we didn’t communicate much. She had her own company!

... Once I saw a man sit down at the Shurin's table, whom I noticed next to her that first evening at the disco.

Shura called him Boris. He was clearly younger than Shura - eight or ten years old, swarthy, rather handsome, similar to a Caucasian (later it turned out that he was almost Caucasian: half Armenian, half Russian).
They were talking cheerfully about something, and then together they left the dining room.
Since then, he also sat at Shurochka's table.

... Probably, Shura then emitted some special vibes, as they say now - pheromones, attracting to her sanatorium men who are bored away from their wives, those very alpha male hunters who are always in abundance in such places. Moreover, all of them, as a rule, are here ... "single"! And from a mile away they smell that a woman ... "wants ... adventures"!

And this, of course, did not go unnoticed by Boris - apparently, a great lover and a major "specialist" in the field of resort intrigues!

I, a lonely woman then (and relatively free: a man was waiting for me at home, an affair with which, unexpectedly for both of us, dragged on for many years and consisted of endless meetings and partings), it was interesting: would our Shurochka, “a faithful wife and a virtuous mother”, resist such a temptation that appeared before her in the guise of a hot and cheerful macho from the Caucasus?!

...And so my new friend Lyudmila and I even... made a bet, watching everything that was happening!
She said that this was not the first time she had seen such a thing, and she was sure that our respectable Shurochka was no exception to the general rule: she would not resist a holiday romance.

And I, knowing Shura, for some reason was sure that she would resist! But how wrong I was (and, alas, the bet - expensive French champagne - lost to Lyudmila)!

... Freedom and looseness, even some swagger that was present in her relationship with Boris, I must admit, surprised me a little and did not at all speak in favor of Brother-in-law's integrity, in which, as I said, for some reason I was sure - well, if not 100%, then certainly 99.9 for sure!

Sometimes she even acted emphatically in a youthful way - defiantly, as if forgetting about her age (she was already almost forty) and that she was the mother of two adult sons.
This was especially noticeable in the restaurant, where we decided to celebrate Lyudmila's birthday.

We booked a table in advance for four: me, Lyudmila, her boyfriend and Shura.
We did not invite our new boyfriends, and there was no talk about Boris, and therefore Lyudmila and I were very surprised to see him at our table, next to Shurochka blooming with happiness!

... All evening she drank a lot, chatted incessantly and laughed very loudly and unnaturally - as is usually the case with tipsy and broken women.
Dancing with Boris, she literally hung on him, clinging to the man with her whole body, as if ... she wanted to merge with him!

In general, Shura behaved like a ... accessible girl! And it was all the more strange that she was not such! as far as I knew her.

Our "sweet couple" (that's how Lyudmila and I called them with Boris!) left the evening before anyone else.

And, as I found out later, Shura ... spent the night with Boris!
She told me excitedly that with him she forgot about everything and behaved completely relaxed: she allowed everything and she herself was incredibly active - not at all like with her husband.

Apparently, the wine she drank, or rather, its quantity, relieved the tension and all sorts of moral prohibitions absorbed from a young age by her, born back in the USSR.
Boris was an incredibly skilled lover, and sex with him, according to her, was "well, just fantastic!"

It is quite possible that, being herself not very experienced in these “amorous affairs”, our Shurochka simply idealized her newfound boyfriend and therefore clearly exaggerated his sexual capabilities and abilities - well, of course, in comparison with her husband, he may have been “macho” for her!

She was implicitly looking for beautiful romantic relationships, having read modern romance novels and watched all sorts of sugary-tearful "soap operas" and, not finding them with her Grisha in the family, she found (as it seemed to her!) Here, in a sanatorium.

Shura dreamed of getting from Boris what she always secretly wanted and did not receive from her modest and silent husband, who was not at all experienced in the art of love ...

She said that Grisha in bed (and not only!) never called her affectionate names, but at night he simply silently, without any gentle preludes, habitually “does his job”, and then immediately fell asleep ... snoring like a locomotive! ..

And Boris called her a beauty, a queen, a sun! And... he hung long beautiful noodles on Shurochka's little ears with pearl earrings!..

But, according to my observations, they and Boris also didn’t have a particularly great love and romance. Yes, naked sex!

Where are declarations of love, flowers, meetings under the moonlight, candlelit dinners - all that we, women, so lack in everyday life. family life and what do we expect from gallant gentlemen-lovers?!

Not like a passionate lover, Boris... just slept with her, because he was so very comfortable, that's all!
And she, naive and trusting, like a girl, winding his noodles around her ears in the form tender words took it for love!..

Or maybe she herself fell in love with him, going to this for a long time?! ..

... Time in the sanatorium flew by cheerfully and imperceptibly.
Golden autumn and "Indian summer" ended, the time of long and tedious rains, spleen and runny nose began ...

We left home with Shura, and I saw that she, like me, returned in a great mood, prettier, fresher.

The husband was very happy to see her like this: rested, healed and right 10 years younger.
Of course, Grisha had no idea who else contributed to this, and therefore he thanked the sanatorium doctors and the healing sea air.

PART TWO. "Kinder Surprise"!

As the saying goes, everything comes to an end, both good and bad. And thank God!

So that short-lived autumn resort "fairy tale" ended, and it was necessary to continue to live on.

In everyday life, Shura did not even think about cheating on her husband, as she told me: “For a love affair, the head must be free - from washing, ironing, cooking and other daily women's worries!” But, inspired by her hot holiday romance, she was going to next year to go to a sanatorium - without a husband, of course, and, of course, not deny yourself anything there.

Life went on as usual; again, as before, family worries and worries piled on, and the sanatorium “love” began to be gradually forgotten ...

... And after a while Shura called me and excitedly and frightened said that she was ... pregnant! And, most likely, this is ... Boris's child!

Such a surprise!

And then she also received a letter from that same Boris - by regular mail, poste restante (they then exchanged addresses, just in case, although she did not even think of corresponding with him, knowing that he was married).
Boris said that he would soon arrive on a business trip for a few days and insisted on their meeting.

And Shura came to me in the evening to consult what she should do. She also really wanted to see him!

Actually, I don't really like to give advice in this kind of business - it's a thankless job! Everyone has their own head on their shoulders!

I recalled a well-known anecdote, where there is such a phrase: “She died - she died like that!” And I told Shura that the holiday romance is good because it usually does not continue, that it does not involve any claims, reproaches and obligations.
Everyone wants joy in life. But there is no eternal holiday! Yes, and they will get bored, holidays, quickly, if they are constantly. Remember the guests - how we get tired of them! Therefore, apparently, they say that “a good guest is three days!”

Grisha was in happy ignorance and lived calmly, and if this semi-Caucasian “macho” appeared again in their established, stable life, Shura would have to, like any unfaithful wife, lie and dodge, invent something in order to go on a date with him.

But she has a prosperous marriage, which many envy, and to spoil, destroy it because of such nonsense is useless.
It’s not for nothing that they say: “They don’t look for good from good!” * Well, I gave up slack once, and that’s enough! It's time to put an end or a bold blot on that love story!

And one more thing: why does she need this unexpected - sanatorium - "kinder surprise" ?! Not only is it not from her husband, it’s too late, it seems, to give birth already - not young, look at that, soon she will become a grandmother! ..

It was in this spirit that I said everything to Shura.
And she answered me:

But I really want ... a little one! .. What if there will finally be a girl?! .. And I also want ... and with my Grishka ... it would be the same in bed as with this accursed Boris!

I want real sex! Shura confessed to me.

But this, my dear, is not a problem now!
First, you can have an abortion.
Secondly, with an abundance of all kinds of literature, videos, an army of sexologists and psychologists, you can finally learn a lot! Yes, and it is quite possible to engage in self-improvement of the art of love. There would be only time and desire - both, of course!

And then (to finally put Shurochka's shifted brains in place!) I added:

In general, stop fooling around, girlfriend! God forbid, your Grisha finds out about everything - what then ?! Husbands like him don't scatter! - look, otherwise our divorcees will quickly pick up! There are three times fewer men on Earth than women - they died out like mammoths and dinosaurs! ..

But... Everyone has their own head on their shoulders and their own life!

Shurochka did not listen to me and ... at her own peril and risk ... gave birth.

Another boy! Dark-haired, swarthy, looking like a gypsy! But it's good that her Grisha is almost the same - curly and black-eyed.
So no one suspected anything.

And most importantly, Boris does not know that his son is now growing up in the Far East. There, at home, in the Caucasus, he has two children (or maybe someone else has already been born, the third or fourth!).

And thank God that he does not know! Why would he?

...Several years have passed.

Once we met in a neighboring town with Shura (they later moved there!).
And she boasted to me that now everything is “tip-top” with her husband, Grisha loves the last-born boy madly - even more than those two (his own!).

But what about "your" macho Boris - the "sexy giant of the Caucasus"? Winking, I teased and poked Shurochka.

Yes, my Grisha is still a man! That's who... the sex giant!!! And that Boris ... he is no match for him! Of course, thanks to him for his son - such a nice little boy turned out, wow!

Here is such a small, pretty "Grishok-sinner" now growing with us! .. (They also called him Grisha!) That's what we call him: Little Grisha, Grigory II!

Years have passed...
A lot of water has flowed under the bridge, a lot has changed both in my life and in the country.

I know from acquaintances that Shura and her husband, Grisha the Great, Grigory the First, live well, amicably. Both of their common sons got married, the granddaughter is already from the eldest, their universal minion and favorite.

And that boy, the sanatorium Kinder Surprise, is already a teenage schoolboy. Clever, obedient grows - parents and teachers do not get enough of him, little black-eyed Grisha!

They certainly say: “There was no happiness, so misfortune helped!”
Shurochka's memory for life is now left from that resort adventure!

And to have fun in the sanatorium ... Shura doesn't go anymore! - there is no need, he says, to look for good from good: she and her Grisha feel good!
They love each other!

And God forbid!


* The original title of the story was: “They don’t look for good from good!”
Based on real events.
But ALL names are changed, and any matches with real people- pure coincidence.

© Olga Blagodareva, 2012