Presentation for the golden autumn event

Materials for holding a holiday for high school students "Golden Autumn"
- holiday scenario, presentation, music.

Event development author: Anzhelika Matinova
Archive size - 65.7 MB

In the archive you will find all necessary materials for the holiday:
- scenario of the event with all applications,
- colorful presentation - 38 slides,
- music in MP3 format: 3 songs to create a pre-holiday mood + 7 wonderful melodies for background music.

The plan of the holiday "Golden Autumn":
1. Opening speech of the presenters.
2. Scene-blank about Kholodryga and Slush.

3. Competition with the audience "Harvest".

4. "Autumn models" (showing prepared outfits in autumn style).

5. "Parade of vegetables" (cooked presentation of vegetables).

6. Impromptu dramatization with the audience "In the autumn meadow."

7. The final song "What is autumn."

try again.

(for students in grades 8-11)

Music sounds 01 Slides 2-12

Presenter 1:
Good evening, dear friends!
This is not the first time in this room.
We celebrate the autumn holiday
And today is the time for fun!

Host 2:
The merry mistress walks the planet
Beauty-autumn for adults and children.
Came at dawn, did not sit down for a moment,
I looked around - and immediately to the point.

Presenter 1:
Beauty-autumn splashed paint:
Heavenly blue, as if from a fairy tale.
Lilac linden and aspen flame,
Farewell cliques of the crane family.

Host 2:
Leafing through November golden pages
And the white birch trees are already dreaming of winter.

Sounds music 02.
Slush and Frostbite crawl out onto the stage, covered with a veil of leaves.

Am I sleeping, or do I think..., (pinches himself) no, it doesn't look like autumn is in full swing. Hey Chill, wake up!

Brrr! What are you shouting, neighbor!

Wake up, autumn has come!

As soon as autumn comes, our turn comes,
And Slush and Chill are coming.

And no one is waiting for us. And we, on the contrary,
And we are always scolded, but scolded.

I'm Slush, I'm around in galoshes and with an umbrella
I wander through puddles, I catch up with dampness.
And Kholodryga-friend keeps running around,
On all passers-by letting cold.

Listen, Slush, where are you and I? For a holiday, or what? Everything here is somehow beautiful, in autumn ... Maybe we were called here?

What are you, Kholodryga, what are you! Apchi! How many years I live in the world, no one has ever called me to visit. It's a shame …(whimper) Here they are invited (points to the hall). And we are not with you!

Phew, what a mess! Don’t cry, it’s disgusting without you, let’s better think about how to spoil the holiday for these gentlemen!

Invented! Now we will enchant all the guests, and they will fall asleep and not see the beauty of autumn. And we will breed such slush, we will arrange such a cold that Autumn will turn from golden into rainy.


To the sad!


Now I'll scout the slush in a bucket (spreads a bucket of water)

Hooray! Happened! Well, hold on, now we will freeze you, we will catch a cold!

Music sounds 03.
Frostbite runs with a big fan, while Mud splashes water.

Well, what's disgusting? Frozen?

What, you don't want to have fun! That's it!

Presenter 1:
No, it won’t work like that… We have a holiday… we need to do something…

Host 2:
I know what autumn dampness is afraid of!
First, have a good laugh:
Laughter is a hindrance for villains.

Presenter 1:
From a kind, gentle word
Even the slush is ready to cry,
And there is neither desire nor joy
Arrange the old nasty things.

Host 2:
So, dear friends, at today's holiday we will not only show our abilities and talents, but also joke, play and have fun!

Presenter 1:
And we invite you to take part in the first competition.

Music sounds 01. Slide 13.
Contest "Harvest"- Invite a couple of students from each class. While the music is playing, you need to collect as many small balls from the floor as possible. The complexity of the task lies in the fact that each pair must do this, holding a large balloon between their backs.

Host 2:
We continue our program with a show autumn models.

Presenter 1:
Here, not in dreams, but in reality,
Decided to help you "House of Models"
Understanding the important issue
What to wear this season.

Host 2:
Well, well, everything is beautiful, everyone is smart, everyone is ready to meet autumn!

Presenter 1:
Do you hear? rustling leaves,
Plays with drops!
Autumn in a golden carriage
Our world is going around.

Host 2:
Do you hear? It goes here.
Accept autumn, people!

Music sounds 05, Slide 15-17.
Autumn appears.

Good evening, my friends!
Waiting for, come on, me?
The summer was hot -
For a long time the power did not yield,
But everything comes to a time -
I've come to the door!

Presenter 1:
We are glad to see you, Autumn, in this hall and invite you to take an honorable autumn place.

Host 2:
Lady autumn, we have prepared well for your arrival, we have gathered a rich harvest of vegetables and are ready to present them.

Presenter 1:
I grow in the garden
And when I mature
They cook a tomato out of me,
They put it in borscht and eat it that way. …What is this? … tomato.

Host 2:
Thick and yellow skinned
He spends his whole life lying down ... What? … pumpkin.

Presenter 1:
For a curly tuft
Dragged a fox from a mink.
Feels very smooth to the touch
It tastes like sweet sugar... What is it?... Carrot.

Host 2:
Round and smooth
Take a bite - sweet
sat down firmly
In the garden... What?... a turnip.

Presenter 1:
There is a white matryoshka
On one leg
Wrapped up, confused... What is it? … Cabbage.

Host 2:
In the garden, leaned on a barrel
A solid, round-headed ... What? ... zucchini.

Presenter 1:
And now we invite all the vegetables to the stage for a fun "Garden Dance"

Sounds "Garden song" 06.
Vegetables repeat dance movements after the leader.
Slides 27-31

Presenter 1:
Autumn has a wonderful view -
With all her heart she set to work:
Maple burns with a red flame.
Already the rowan has blushed ...

Host 2:
Forest, like a painted tower,
Purple, gold, crimson,
Cheerful, colorful wall
It stands over a bright meadow.
Birches with yellow carving
Shine in the azure blue ...

Presenter 1:
And we invite you to relax in the autumn forest and get to know its inhabitants.

Impromptu dramatization "In the autumn meadow" (the text is in the archive attached to the script).
The host invites those who wish from the audience, distributes roles, reads the text “In the autumn meadow” loudly. Participants must depict what the text says.

Sounds music 05,

Presenter 1:
November will end, Indian summer has passed,
But the rowan lanterns will burn with a bright light.
We will remember this autumn for a long time,
Let's give ourselves rowan advice one:

Host 2:
In any year, in joy or bad weather
Shine with the fire of good and life is enough,
Keep friends, build your happiness
And talk about love with hope, faith!

Presenter 1:
And let beautiful music sound on this November evening,

Host 2:
your legs do not know fatigue in dancing,

Presenter 1:
unbridled cheerful laughter flows like a river,

Host 2:

May your fun never end!

Music sounds 07. Slides 32-37
Everyone sings the song of the group "DDT" "What is autumn" (the text of the song is in the archive attached to the script).

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CONTENTS 1. Title page 1. Title pageTitle page 2. Contents 2. Contents Contents 3. Preparation for the holiday 3. Preparation for the holiday 3. Preparation 3. Preparation 4. Participants of the holiday 4. Participants of the holiday Participants 5-8. Holiday "Golden Autumn" 5-8. Holiday "Golden Autumn" Holiday 9. The final part of the holiday 9. The final part of the holiday Teacher's review 13. Teacher's reviewReview 14. References 14. References List

Preparing for the autumn holiday A few days before the holiday, we announced a competition of drawings and crafts on the theme of autumn. The guys did their best and brought crafts made from vegetables, fruits, as well as drawings. A few days before the holiday, we were announced a competition of drawings and crafts on the theme of autumn. The guys did their best and brought crafts made from vegetables, fruits, as well as drawings.

Participants of the holiday "Golden Autumn" Students participated in the staging of the holiday primary school. The characters of the holiday were: early autumn, late autumn, harvest, rain, cabbage, beans, garlic, carrots, cucumbers, onions, pumpkins, potatoes, tomatoes, crows, raindrops. Primary school students participated in the celebration. The characters of the holiday were: early autumn, late autumn, harvest, rain, cabbage, beans, garlic, carrots, cucumbers, onions, pumpkins, potatoes, tomatoes, crows, raindrops.

Holiday "Golden Autumn" At the beginning of the holiday, our teacher Anna Alekseevna Medianova told us about autumn and invited the main characters: early autumn and late autumn. I played late autumn. Early autumn was joyful, magnificently harvested, rich in harvest, and late autumn was sad, in patches of falling leaves, with a quiet cry of light rain. At the beginning of the holiday, our teacher Anna Alekseevna Medianova told us about autumn and invited the main characters: early autumn and late autumn. I played late autumn. Early autumn was joyful, magnificently harvested, rich in harvest, and late autumn was sad, in patches of falling leaves, with a quiet cry of light rain.

Early autumn invited her assistant Harvest. Harvest began to make riddles about the gifts of autumn. The children quickly guessed his riddles! And to amuse Harvest, the guys prepared a fairy tale about why the tomato turned red. Early autumn invited her assistant Harvest. Harvest began to make riddles about the gifts of autumn. The children quickly guessed his riddles! And to amuse Harvest, the guys prepared a fairy tale about why the tomato turned red. In this tale, the vegetables that grow in the beds told about themselves, and the tomato always boasted that it was the tastiest of all. But the guys came and collected all the vegetables, but they didn’t notice the tomato. Then a crow flew in and shamed the tomato that he was not friendly with anyone. Tomato felt ashamed and blushed. In this tale, the vegetables that grow in the beds told about themselves, and the tomato always boasted that it was the tastiest of all. But the guys came and collected all the vegetables, but they didn’t notice the tomato. Then a crow flew in and shamed the tomato that he was not friendly with anyone. Tomato felt ashamed and blushed.

Early autumn began to tell that the entire crop was harvested and it was time for her to leave and give way to her sister - late autumn. The guys began to sing a song and dance a dance about a rainy, deciduous autumn. Late autumn came and invited all the children to play the game "Who will make the autumn bouquet faster." Early autumn began to tell that the entire crop was harvested and it was time for her to leave and give way to her sister - late autumn. The guys began to sing a song and dance a dance about a rainy, deciduous autumn. Late autumn came and invited all the children to play the game "Who will make the autumn bouquet faster."

After the game, the music of the beginning of the rain sounded. Late autumn invites Rain. But no one is happy with the rain. And to cheer him up, he offers to play with him the game "Who fills the glass with water faster." After the game, the music of the beginning of the rain sounded. Late autumn invites Rain. But no one is happy with the rain. And to cheer him up, he offers to play with him the game "Who fills the glass with water faster." After the game, late autumn said goodbye to the joyful Rain and he went to water the gardens and orchards, fields and forests to water the earth with water before the long winter. After the game, late autumn said goodbye to the joyful Rain and he went to water the gardens and orchards, fields and forests to water the earth with water before the long winter.

The final part of the holiday To the music, both Autumns come out into the hall with a basket and with trays in their hands. They treat all the children and guests of the holiday with fruits. To the music, both Autumns come out into the hall with a basket and with trays in their hands. They treat all the children and guests of the holiday with fruits.

Games in which the guys took part The game "Who will collect the autumn bouquet faster" There are two drivers with leaves in their hands in the middle halls. The teams are lined up behind each other's heads facing the leaders. For the first part of the music, the first of the teams approach the leader, bow, for the second part of the music they each run around their line and take a leaf from the leader. Then the baton is passed to the second participants, etc., until the leaders have no leaves left. The team that collects the "bouquet" first wins. The game "Who will collect the autumn bouquet faster" There are two drivers with leaves in their hands in the middle halls. The teams are lined up behind each other's heads facing the leaders. For the first part of the music, the first of the teams approach the leader, bow, for the second part of the music they each run around their line and take a leaf from the leader. Then the baton is passed to the second participants, etc., until the leaders have no leaves left. The team that collects the "bouquet" first wins. The game "Who will fill the glass with water faster" Two teams of 56 people each transfer water from a bowl with a spoon, pouring it into an empty glass, which stands at the other end of the hall. The team that fills their glass with water the fastest wins. The game "Who will fill the glass with water faster" Two teams of 56 people each transfer water from a bowl with a spoon, pouring it into an empty glass, which stands at the other end of the hall. The team that fills their glass with water the fastest wins.

Songs performed at the festival "Autumn ask" poems and music by T. Lomova. "Autumn ask" poems and music by T. Lomova. "Harvest Harvest" lyrics by T. Volgina, music "Harvest Harvest" lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko A. Filippenko "Merry Garden" lyrics by P. Sinyavsky, music by Y. Chichkov "Merry Garden" lyrics by P. Sinyavsky, music by Yu Chichkov "Falling leaves" lyrics by E. Avdienko, music "Falling leaves" lyrics by E. Avdienko, music by T. Potapenko T. Potapenko "The rain was offended." verses by M. Plyatskovsky, music "The rain was offended." lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by D. Lvov D. Lvov "What to do after the rains", lyrics by V. Danko, music by N. Eliseev "What to do after the rains", lyrics by V. Danko, music by N. Eliseev

Conclusion (conclusions) At this holiday, I learned what autumn is. All seasons are good, but only autumn can please us with warm days, among cloudy days, torrential mushroom rains, multi-colored colors of tree leaves, rich harvests. So I want to enjoy before the long winter, the warm rays of the sun, inhale the fragrant smell of ripe fruits, run through the fallen leaves. Rejoice in the coming autumn! On this holiday, I learned what autumn is. All seasons are good, but only autumn can please us with warm days, among cloudy days, torrential mushroom rains, multi-colored colors of tree leaves, rich harvests. So I want to enjoy before the long winter, the warm rays of the sun, inhale the fragrant smell of ripe fruits, run through the fallen leaves. Rejoice in the coming autumn!

Feedback from the teacher The presentation reflects the materials of the holiday, the most memorable moments. The student vividly expressed her assessment, drawing conclusions on the event. Interesting design, fits the theme of the holiday, brevity and accessibility of the show, interesting photos. The presentation reflects the materials of the holiday, the most memorable moments. The student vividly expressed her assessment, drawing conclusions on the event. Interesting design, suitable for the theme of the holiday, brevity and accessibility of the show, interesting photos.

Presentation to extracurricular activity"Hello, golden autumn!"

This material can be used in the lessons of literary reading, the world around, in extracurricular time.

Contains verses, riddles, proverbs, sayings, colorful illustrations.

The objectives of this presentation: 1. to summarize and systematize children's knowledge about autumn;

2. combine familiarization with seasonal changes in nature with the formation of aesthetic ideas;

3. to form an ecological culture of children;

4. educate careful attitude to plants and animals.


Slides captions:

Presentation for an extracurricular event: "Hello, golden autumn!" Autumn is knocking at our door, And after autumn, winter. We do not wait for her, we do not ask, but she goes herself. Cranes are flying south. "Hello, hello, autumn!" Come to the holiday to us. Very much. Very much we ask!
Are you talking about me? Here I am! Hello autumn to you, friends!
The season is autumn. Month of SEPTEMBER. September - FROWN, because the weather begins to frown and act up. Take a look at the trees. The leaves have turned yellow, some barely, and some are completely yellow and have already begun to fall off. It's time to put on a jacket and take an umbrella with you so as not to get wet. After all, in autumn the rain is not as warm as in summer. (S. Marshak) On a clear September morning Villages thresh bread, Birds rush over the seas - And the school opened. Month of OCTOBER. October is DIRTY, because the golden autumn - the beginning of October is replaced by rains in the second half of the month. Look! The whole forest became golden. The leaves fly off in a light breeze, sparkling with variegated colors in the sun. This time is called "Golden Autumn". Just a little time and the leaves will fly off the trees completely. Autumn at the edge of the paint bred, Through the foliage quietly spent with a brush. The hazel turned yellow and the maples blushed. In purple autumn only maple green. Autumn consoles: “Do not feel sorry for the summer! Look - the grove is dressed in gold!”
Month NOVEMBER. November is LEAF because the last leaves fall and nature is ready for winter. The trees have lost their last leaves. The forest began to shine through, empty and wet. It became noticeably colder, it is not far from frost, but then the first snow appeared. And joy filled the passers-by, because everything on the street suddenly turned white white, which means winter is coming. Which means soon New Year. In the forest, the Christmas tree has become more noticeable, It is tidied up before dark and empty. And bare, like a whisk, Clogged with mud by the country road, Blown with hoarfrost, Trembling, whistling the vine bush. , looked at the autumn rain and said: what a berry tastes like, how many warm days Indian summer gave, and whether snow will fall on Pokrov. So many different proverbs about autumn were walking among the people, and some sayings were also composed in verse. Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.
Autumn is harvest time. The more ant heaps, the more severe the winter will be.
Warm autumn - to a long winter.
Gathered together in the sky, They need to fly south. Their way is far, my friends, Where there are warm lands.
Who slammed the gate loudly, Buzzed and stomped in the yard, Blowed by the collar, flew into the house ... and immediately wilted? Answer: (dǝɯǝʚ)
They lie under your feet, You walk - they rustle, Bright, colored, Carved edges. Answer: (ʁqɯɔ and v)
Our crafts The presentation was prepared by a primary school teacher and educator of the GPA GBOU secondary school No. 2088 Graivoronovo Karpova Marina Anatolyevna