Life publishes Vodonaeva's scandalous confession about breaking up with her fiancé (audio). Alena Vodonaeva explained why she broke up with her fiancé The young man of Alena Vodonaeva Anton

News of Tyumen and the Tyumen region - 10.07.2015

Alena Vodonaeva stopped hiding her new lover. Together with Anton Korotkov, she appeared at the wedding of Ksenia Borodina, after which she began to actively post joint photos on her Instagram.

Recall that earlier Vodonaeva, a former participant in the Dom-2 television project and a native of Tyumen, carefully concealed her personal life from outsiders. She did not post photos of boyfriends on her social networks - in the pictures one could see only separate fragments of their body, for example, an arm or part of a leg.

On Friday, June 26, Alena Vodonaeva for the first time added a photo with a young man, but did not mention his name. Immediately after that, the couple began to actively flicker together at various parties and events. So, they not only attended the wedding of Ksenia Borodina, but also celebrated Family Day with each other.

Boyfriend Vodonaeva Anton Korotkov: who is he, what does he do

The new Anton Korotkov calls himself a "fighter". Little is known about the guy. Only the fact that he works as a tattoo artist in one of the Moscow salons, there are a lot of tattoos on his body, he also actively goes in for sports, swings and, judging by his page on Vkontakte, does not drink or smoke.

By the way, Alena Vodonaeva celebrated her birthday a week ago. Her closest friend Aiza Dolmatova, congratulating Alena on the holiday,

34-year-old model and TV presenter Alena Vodonaeva stunned everyone with the news of the cancellation of her wedding planned for the summer of 2017: the girl said that she had ended her relationship with tattoo artist Anton Korotkov. Vodonaeva has already voiced the official reason for the gap - the young man did not share her desire to pursue her career. However, as it turned out, the reasons for the separation of the couple are much deeper. At the disposal of Life was a recording of Alena Vodonaeva's emotional story about a conflict with her lover - in a conversation with a friend, not embarrassed by expressions, the girl described in detail "family life" with Korotkov.

It is easy to understand from the reasoning of the star - the 29-year-old tattoo artist actually lived on the content of his famous chosen one. Vodonaeva paid all the expenses of the guy, making him her director, waiting for a long time when he himself would start earning. Korotkov, on the other hand, was clearly in no hurry to leave the comfort zone, which brought the situation to a conflict.

Life publishes a scandalous recording of the confessions of Alena Vodonaeva.

“At some point, I just had to open everything. I just one morning, in fact, our last morning, I asked him: do you hear, what kind of wedding are we talking about if a person doesn’t think about studying, working, earn money, buy your own car, improve your apartment? I asked: are you going to work at all?! Not for me, but in general in general?"- Vodonaeva is indignant. - So that in the apartment in which you live for a year and a half, at least start public utilities pay?"

"And in joint work how many shoals there were! I failed, I was late, I confused everything! I am a super responsible person, but I forgave everything, I decided it myself. But why should I be director to director, f...?- asks the star, confessing about the ex-boyfriend - And he doesn’t want to do a damn thing, he lives on everything ready, like in a hotel. The man is 29 years old - it's almost thirty! He should have done a hell of a lot at thirty, and already at twenty-five!

"The cup just overflowed,- explains his decision to leave Vodonaeva. - And his accusations that I spend a lot of time on Instagram? Yes, this is your bread, which you also eat! But to lie like a seal on the couch and talk about how bad I am - this is normal. Such a disappointment, to be honest."

“The hardest thing is when the children get used to it. When Bogdan asks now where Anton is, I say - at work. But this is n ...! Now I understand that I need a reliable, sane, caring man, partner next to me. Father for Bogdan. But this, unfortunately, is not Anton - the guy doesn’t take it out, he didn’t take it out. In the p ... in short!"- the TV presenter ends her monologue with an emotional conclusion.

Recall that Alena Vodonaeva’s romance with Anton Korotkov became known in the summer of 2015, when Life caught a couple. For a year and a half, Vodonaeva was published with a new boyfriend - they even got tattoos on each other's body as a sign of their love. The “black cat” ran between Alena and Anton in August of this year during a joint trip to Barcelona - according to the star, then their quarrels had already begun.

Vodonaeva broke up with fiance Anton Korotkov

As you know, Alena Vodonaeva met for several years with tattoo artist Anton Korotkov. The couple's relationship could become family when Anton made a marriage proposal to Alena, and the girl agreed. The fan was already waiting for the wedding, when all of a sudden the girls began to disappear from Instagram joint pictures with the groom, and then Alena commented on the situation. She confirmed that she finally broke up with the young man, and told why. As it turned out, literally on the day she decided to break off the engagement, her interview came out, where she told how everything was fine with Anton.

“Usually I don’t give any explanations, and it’s certainly not in my rules to report, justify, whine or report (underline the necessary as you like),” the beauty began her story (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - approx. site) . - It was an honest interview about how I know how to love and how ready I am to take care of, create and be proud of a man. To my great delusion, not fully understanding the honesty and courage of a person to be next to me. For the awareness of onlookers: the cover of the magazine came out exactly at the time when I made this decision within myself. And when I said it. Final and cold-blooded. Now the only thing that is important for me personally is to be and remain as honest and frank in front of all readers and fans. And that's why I'm now entering into this dialogue. I just understood and felt the limit. I was mistaken".

It turned out that the young man literally.

“The fact that I am tired of stupidity, emptiness, jealousy and my independence, I have already said. But what is more surprising is that I did not expect to go through copper pipes with this man. I was ready to put up with endless checks on my phones, tantrums and breakdowns, fights, mood swings, and not wanting to grow up. And I was looking for a solution. In the end, I realized that my choice fell on a person who is not ready to either lead, or go hand in hand, or follow a woman, even if she is (emphatically) more successful than you. I heard words addressed to me that I had not heard even from fierce enemies. I was accused. in success. In excessive employment with the career ladder and the child and ... in growth. I never set criteria for success. But journalists have been attacking me for a week now, they are also attacking my PR director and my assistant. Friends, I'm ready to take a hit, just give me some time. And this is the case when silence will not work. I understand. If you want to know how I feel, then I will answer - better than before! I have a job, affairs, development, friends and my personal life. We are all adults, we all understand everything. Yes, parting with people is sometimes very sad. And it hurts. But, let's be honest again: who said that this is bad? Now I like what is happening, ”Vodonaeva shared shocking details.

It also turned out that Alena had new chosen one. “I also like the other person. Which surprises. Because…” Vodonaeva finished with an ellipsis.

Recall that before that, Vodonaeva was already married to businessman Alexei Malakeev. However, this marriage broke up.

Account: _korotkovvv

Occupation: tattoo master

Anton Korotkov is an Instagram user who has an athletic build and a strong, strong-willed character. He is an open, positive person who is not shy about showing his feelings.

Anton Korotkov Instagram photo of which they talk about a rich self

bright events of life, often shares new records. The guy is actively involved in sports, adds photos from training. He is engaged in boxing, shows his biceps to his subscribers. The guy loves animals, as evidenced by the pictures of his beloved dog on the page, with whom he often walks. He devotes a lot of time to his friends who also go in for sports. Since Anton works in a tattoo parlor, he has many different tattoos on his body, which he constantly shows off. He also publishes photos from his work. In the tattoo parlor in which the guy works, a close-knit team of guys works.

On the Instagram page of Anton Korotkov, you can find many joint photos with his beloved girlfriend Alena Vodonaeva. The couple travel a lot different countries. Real passions rage between lovers, they often add romantic photos. The guy really treats his girlfriend with warmth, gives her gorgeous bouquets, protects her. They participate in various photo shoots. The guys see each other very often, despite the fact that Alena works a lot, leads programs. Also, in the pictures from the summer trip, Alena's son, Bogdan, is present. Anton and Bogdan have friendly relations, the photos show that they like to have fun. He keeps a lot of things in secret, does not reveal some details of his life, so as not to draw too much attention to himself and his beloved.

Biography of Anton Korotkov

Anton Korotkov's biography, which began on October 27, in 1987, never talked about where he was born and raised. He received his education in Moscow at the RSSU.

  • In 2011, he worked at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation as a 1st category specialist.
  • In 2013, he decides to completely change his life, to do what he loves. He started working as a tattoo artist in a Moscow salon. Since that time, the biography of Anton Korotkov has been forever associated with this activity.
  • In 2016, he is an active tattoo artist at the MAGNUM salon in Moscow.

In a recent interview, the TV presenter explained why she decided to take such a serious step. The star said that six months ago she appointed Anton as her director. The boyfriend could not cope with such a task, despite the efforts of his beloved. "I became a director to my director," Vodonaeva said.

Alena had to teach him how to act, what to do, how to cope with his duties. As a result, she felt stronger than Anton. “And when there is no normal balance in the relationship between a man and a woman, don’t expect anything good. The guy just couldn’t stand it,” the TV presenter explained.

She also admitted that she did not intend to change her mind. Vodonaeva never gives a second chance to men, because she believes that only a weak person can ask for him, and the star does not intend to connect her life with a weak man. “I never return. Almost all the men with whom I had a relationship, including my husband, asked for a second chance after breaking up. But for me, a man who asks for a second chance is a priori weak. If he wants to be with a woman, he will not nothing to ask - he will come and take. Even if a woman resists. I will go after such a man, but so far there has not been such a thing in my life. Everyone I sent tearfully begged for a second chance, but I, like alpha- females, it doesn’t light up inside, even if I love this person,” says Alena.

Parting is difficult to survive, but Vodonaeva believes that it is better to "amputate" this relationship from her memory and move on.

Korotkov was weaker than Vodonaeva

Alena Vodonaeva and Anton Korotkov in Thailand

Alena Vodonaeva's new man / Photo: Instagram

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