How to find out if you love a person or not test. How to understand if you love your husband? How to check if you love your husband? Keys to true love: how to distinguish the real from the fake

It is impossible to say with absolute certainty that a person really loves you. However, there are many ways to determine a person's true attitude. To do this, you should pay attention to his behavior, words and actions, especially when you are together. And despite the fact that the idea of true love each person is different, it can be distinguished from simple love, interest or a fleeting hobby. If you want to know the true feelings of a loved one, be guided by the following guidelines.


How does he behave?

    Can a person be himself next to you? To love means to be open to your soul mate. If a person changes, being alone with you, then he loves you. For example, if in public he is serious and courteous, but in private with you he fools around and does stupid things, then he is completely open and loves you.

    • If a person shares their deepest emotions and experiences with you, while feeling comfortable, he loves you.
    • If a person feels comfortable without pretending to be perfect, relaxes and doesn't care about food stuck in their teeth, then they don't mind if you see that side of their personality.
  1. Is the person happy to see you after a hard day? If a person has had a bad day but perks up when he sees you, that's a sign of love. If the person loves you, the sight of you or the sound of your voice will already make them feel a little better.

    • The next time he's not in the mood, see how he reacts to your presence.
  2. Does your loved one look at you with loving eyes? Have you noticed on yourself a blurred look full of adoration? You will immediately understand what it is about, as soon as you see it. Sometimes you may notice this look in the morning, or even casually during lunch.

    • You may also notice that the person is staring at you with the same facial expression.
  3. Does the person like to play the fool around you? Love makes a person dumber, more inspired and makes you laugh for no reason. If a person behaves like this in your presence, he is most likely in love.

    • If you said something not very funny, and the person just bursts with laughter, he is devoured by love for you.
    • If the person is nervous or fidgeting, they are most likely excited by your presence.
  4. Is a person sad when you are sad? If you are experiencing incredible emotional suffering or simply feeling overwhelmed by illness, this condition should be transferred to the person who loves you. It will soak up negative emotions to make you feel better.

    • While the person doesn't have to feel the same way you do, they will definitely be influenced by your mood.

What he says?

  1. Does the person talk about your future together as something taken for granted? If a person really loves you, the thought of a joint future will be natural for him, he should not feel uncertain or insecure. If it is in the order of things for him to talk about what you will do in the future, what will your living together in a year, two, ten years, then he really loves you.

    • True love implies the desire to live forever with your loved one. If a person does not see his future without you, he definitely loves you.
    • If you're discussing what your kids will look like, where you'll live in retirement, or where you'll go on your honeymoon, you're in love.
  2. Does your loved one give you meaningful compliments? There is a big difference between "I love your hair" and "You make me feel better no matter what." It is important that the person tells you that he appreciates you as a person and respects some of your character traits.

    • You don't have to be complimented all the time. Quality matters, not quantity.
  3. When a person says “I love you” to you, does he really mean it? There is a huge difference between "Liu Cha!" I love you too". If a person really loves you, he talks about it, looking into his eyes, his voice sounds sincere and he does not demand anything in return.

    • You don't need a reason to confess your love. He should not do it out of a favor or because it sounds appropriate at the moment.
  4. Is the person really open to you? A loving person will not be afraid to talk about their thoughts, feelings, fears, and the like. He will talk about his childhood, his regrets, difficult periods, dreams, and he will be comfortable sharing it with you.

    • If a person says “I haven’t told this to anyone before ...”, then most likely he really loves you and trusts you.
  5. Does your loved one tell you that he misses you when you are apart? If you are far from each other, but continue to correspond, call up, making it clear that you are missing, then you cannot imagine life without each other. If you left for 3 weeks and did not receive any news, most likely this is not love.

    • A loved one should not call you all the time to say that he misses you.
  6. Does your loved one see your flaws? He should not idealize you. For real loving person will be able to point out to you an error, incorrect statement or indecent behavior. However, he should not criticize you all the time. It should be healthy, constructive criticism, meaning that the person knows you inside and out and accepts you with all your strengths and weaknesses.

    • You should be alerted if a person never criticizes you and never argues with you. Make sure the person loves you, not your ideal version.
  7. Does your loved one respect your opinion? If he is interested in yours on a variety of issues, from the assessment of a pair of new shoes to the political situation in the world, then he really loves you. A loving person can ask for your advice or opinion on any subject, even if he already has his own formed opinion.

    • He does not have to ask your opinion about everything - only about the things that are most important to him.

What is he doing?

  1. Does your loved one listen to everything you say? If a person truly loves you, he will not only be open with you, but he will also listen to what you say to him, even if he has heard about it before. This does not mean that he should act like your dog. It’s just that he will be there so that, without interrupting or being distracted, he will listen to your thoughts and express a reciprocal point of view.

    • To love means not only to speak, but also to be able to listen.
  2. Does a loved one come to your aid at any moment, even at the wrong and inconvenient time? Of course, he is always there for a couple of drinks at the bar or a delicious lunch, but will he drive you to the airport if necessary? Or will he walk your dog when you are sick? A loving person will share with you both joyful and sad moments.

    • If a person is near you when you are happy, in a good mood and with a light heart, but disappears when you are sad or depressed, he does not love you.
    • Love is being close to a person, no matter what. A loving person will accept you with all your strengths and weaknesses, as well as share happy and difficult times with you.
  3. Does your loved one do nice things for you? A loving person will fill your car when you're busy, buy you groceries, or make chicken broth when you're sick. He shouldn't be constantly fussing around and overprotecting you, but if he loves you, he'll want to give you a reason to smile or make your life a little easier.

    • True love is the ability not only to take, but also to give in return.
    • If a person truly loves you, they will do these things without asking your permission. This should be taken for granted. If you yourself ask him for help every time, most likely they do not like you.
  4. Does the person always want to be by your side? To love means to always strive to be there, even when it seems impossible. Of course, this does not mean that you should stick to each other, but loving people use every opportunity to be together.

  5. Does the person you love give you enough freedom? A loving person will always give you time to be alone with yourself and go about your business. If a person does not let you go even a step, this is already a blind obsession. In a couple, everyone needs time to do their own thing and be themselves.

    • The desire to be around constantly speaks not about love, but about the fact that a person is not confident in himself.
  6. Does the person really understand you? True love is true understanding. If a person knows how to recognize your mood, knows what you like and what not, and how to please you, then he loves you.

    • It's okay if in part you remain a mystery to a person. You should not expect that he understands you 100%, but you should have a strong confidence that the person feels and understands you most of the time.
  7. Does your loved one want the best for you, even if it's not the best for them? A loving person understands that you need to do some things for yourself and for yourself. He must be aware that it is important for you to spend the summer on a distant island if you are studying to be a marine biologist, or that you need to go home early to get enough sleep before an important test.

    • Consider other people's feelings. When someone likes you, whatever you do will mean a lot to that person. Be careful.
    • If a person does not talk to you, this does not mean that he does not like you. Maybe he's just shy.
    • Don't confuse flirting with friendship, or you'll get hurt later.
    • It is necessary to give a person freedom, but if you are not at all interested in where, what and with whom he does, you risk losing him.
    • If a friend or boyfriend seems pushy and overprotective of you, it may be because they care about you.


    • A person may try to sacrifice their love if you are no longer interested in them and are already in a relationship or marriage with someone else. However, he will not do this if you constantly feed his hopes.

Falling in love, the bright beginning of a relationship, it's time for courtship - the hormones in the body play like that, and the whole world seems kind and joyful. But time passes, and instead of the previous delight, fatigue from the relationship appears. Only the shortcomings of the chosen one catch your eye, and you have to ask not from the heart, but from the mind: “How to understand if you love your husband?”

How to know if a wife loves her husband

To understand your attitude towards your husband, you need to understand what you are ready for for him. What troubles and misfortunes will you go through together, shoulder to shoulder? The following are a series of questions that need to be answered "yes" or "no":

  • Can you trust this person with your life?
  • Will you let me make important decisions for you?
  • Will you be able to donate a kidney or part of the liver in case of his illness so that he stays alive?
  • Would you give your life for the one you love?
  • Are you ready to be with him if he finds himself in wheelchair, care for him and support him in difficult times?
  • Are you ready to see this person every day of your life?
  • After spending time apart (for example, a month), will you miss, yearn for your husband and wait for his return?

If you answered yes to all these questions or most of them, then this is really love, and you should think about connecting your whole life with this person.

Rethinking Relationships

Most often, a woman asks the question: “How to understand if I love him?” at the moment when the feelings of partners are dulled. A person gets used to what surrounds him, and over time begins to see only flaws in a partner. In such a situation, you will not immediately remember why you so wanted your husband to always love. Doubts about feelings can appear in two cases:

  • Selfishness. Yes, the husband may wonderful person and a family man, but only instead of love in the soul of his wife - emptiness. Then it is worth considering how much effort is invested in maintaining relationships. Indeed, sometimes a woman only expects something from her husband, forgetting that giving attention to a partner is even more pleasant than receiving it.
  • Grievances. It happens that a husband accumulates a large number of reasons for apologies, and then there are doubts about the feelings experienced. It's not easy to love when you're waiting for an apology. In this case, you need to decide for yourself whether the husband deserves your love. And also remember why you fell in love with him in the first place. If he was able to win your feelings, then are his small mistakes and blunders so important?

How to check if you love your husband

These simple actions will allow you to understand how strong the feelings for a partner are:

  • Understand emotions. Is the situation really that serious, or is it just a momentary moral devastation? Everyone has hard days when it's so bad that you don't want to see anyone around. And you need to understand the difference between a momentary annoyance with your husband and serious problems in a relationship.
  • Decide what love means to you. Perhaps before you thought it was a strong heartbeat and sweaty palms. It happens that, having moved to a new stage in a relationship, people mistakenly consider this a cooling of old feelings. But after all, for many couples, love is finding peace and tranquility next to a partner.
  • Remember why you fell in love with your husband. There were reasons for marriage, and now you just need to remember the first dates and experienced emotions, conversations and plans for the future. So you can understand what is now missing in your relationship and fix it.
  • Imagine that your husband has disappeared from your life. What would she be then? Yes, relatives and friends remained, more time for hobbies and friends appeared, but are you ready to live with emptiness where he was always there before?

What should a married woman remember?

If a long relationship in marriage began to turn into a routine, then you should think about whether it was your fault. A good relationship requires effort on the part of both partners, but it happens that a woman lets the problems that arise in marriage take their course, and then asks herself the question: “How do you know if you love your husband?”

Listen to your partner. Men and women show their emotions differently, so your husband may not understand that you expect him to do something. Or he just does not voice his opinion about family problems. You need to pay attention to your partner and talk directly about the relationship, improving them together.

He is not you. So, your husband's point of view may differ from yours. Try to look at the problem through the eyes of your husband. Perhaps he does not realize that you are wondering: “How to understand if you love your husband?” and doubt your own feelings.

Don't live in illusion. Each family has its own ideal marriage, so you don’t need to look at your friends and adapt to their relationship. Start appreciating what the two of you are creating for your future.

Family is the whole world. By forming a family, you and your husband create your own space where you will be safe. Whatever difficulties may befall a person, but the mere knowledge that there is a place where he will be supported already gives strength. Therefore, it is worth fighting for your family and finding ways to solve the problem without destroying the relationships that have already been created.

It's not always easy to know if you really love a person. But if you think that you cannot live without him, if he is more precious than your own interests, then these are real feelings.

After living with a person for several years or even just spending a long time nearby, many people ask themselves questions: “Do I really love him / her? Am I confusing love and affection, habit and sympathy? Is this the companion with whom I would like to meet my old age? . From the point of view of psychology, these are absolutely normal feelings, because gradually emotions fade into the background, and the mind appears in the center. It is he who seeks to cool our ardor, taking care of nervous system and a heart that can break. So the voice of reason is a good and necessary phenomenon, it testifies to a healthy human psyche.

Signs of love

In general, the very concept of “love” is different for each person, because everyone loves in his own way, but still this feeling has common features: love is something good, warm, very important and expensive for everyone, you just feel good when you are with a soul mate.

Let's find out what are the symptoms of true love:


True love is the most selfless feeling, and if a person is trying to find benefit in a relationship or is constantly waiting for something to be done for him, then there is no way to talk about love here. It is no longer emotion, but enjoyment.

sexual attraction

One of the controversial questions is whether true love can do without sex? It's hard to say, everyone decides for himself, but psychologists say that love is always combined with sexual desire, and this is absolutely natural. But along with the desire to possess a lover, one also wants to see and hear the chosen one, to be near and not only because of "animal" instincts.

Unconditional acceptance

To love means to accept a partner completely, with all his pluses and minuses. Love does not seek to remake a partner to fit its own standards and ideas, it cherishes them, no matter what.


This is a very important indicator of true love. If you can share absolutely everything with a partner - both feelings and joy, without fear of being misunderstood, then you can be congratulated - you have real feelings.


True love differs from falling in love in that it does not give in to external circumstances, for example, when friends or relatives are against the chosen one, the loving person remains of his opinion and continues to build relationships.


True love assumes that a person will be ready to sacrifice something for the sake of a loved one. Moreover, sacrifice does not imply any kind of exchange, the most important thing is your personal moral satisfaction from the fact that you made a person happy.

How do you know if you really love a person?

Method number 1 - test

If there has come a time in your life when you can’t figure out your own feelings, then try to pass this test for yourself, answering sincerely simple questions:

  • When you fall asleep, do you think about your loved one, do you want to wish him a pleasant night and dear morning?
  • Do you try and strive to do things to make him happy?
  • Do you feel comfortable around him/her?
  • When you start thinking about him/her, do you smile or worry?
  • Do you hurry up the hours and count the minutes before meeting him?
  • Do you consider him the best in the world?
  • You already know about all his shortcomings, but still continue to love a person and accept him for who he is?
  • Does separation from him/her make you sad, worried?

By answering in the affirmative to all questions, you confirm that your feelings are real, but if among the answers there were hesitation and uncertainty, then it may be worth taking a deeper and more thoughtful look at your relationship. But remember, you should answer questions in a calm state - without much euphoria or spat.

Method number 2 - classic

One of the most common and effective psychological methods is to divide a sheet of paper into two columns, write down all the pros and cons of your soul mate, so you can see the real attitude towards him and his assessment of his personality. After analyzing the number of advantages and disadvantages, you will understand what you really feel for him, and, of course, the predominance of positive qualities is another evidence of your love.

Method number 3 - meditation

This is a great way to relax, distract yourself and look inside yourself - for this, sit in a comfortable easy chair or on a pleasant carpet, turn off all sources of sound, close your eyes and start breathing deeply but slowly through your nose.

After calming down and disconnecting from extraneous thoughts, imagine a loved one. Remember all your feelings - what did you want? Come and hug? Or did you get upset and want to run away? Decide on all your feelings - meditation is very good at helping you understand your true feelings for your loved one.

Method number 4 - tough but sure

The technique is considered one of the most effective - try to imagine for a few minutes that a loved one is no longer with you, or, conversely, you may never have met at all. What is the first thing that comes to your mind? How do you feel during this, what does it bring you - pain and discomfort? As you know, a person understands the full significance of someone or something only after losing him, so the result of these reflections will be an understanding of what you really feel for the chosen one.

Love or affection?

Another point that worries many, how can you still distinguish and understand - love or affection binds you? Take note of a simple condition: true love is, first of all, disinterested care, and affection is still a kind of psychological dependence on a person.

And the basis of attachment is not selflessness and happiness, but dependence and even suffering that the addict experiences, and if attachment is also accompanied by special feelings that deprive a person of freedom, then we can already talk about psychological obsession.

Of course, sorting out your true emotions is not so easy, but now you know exactly what can and should be done. Let you not have to doubt your choice. Love and be loved!

Throughout the ages, mankind has tirelessly spoken of love - and modern world not an exception. She lives forever in popular hits and soap operas, books and life stories - real and fictional. But how to understand that you love for real, without pretense and falsehood, and how to distinguish a real feeling from what only “seems”?

12 keys to true love: how to tell the real from the fake

“You are not just a hobby, you are the most important thing” - is sung in one of the popular songs of our time. Indeed, love and passion are, as they say, two big differences, but the difference is not easy to notice with the naked eye. However, if you take into account each of the following components, you can still consider the most important. So, try the following test:
  1. What is attraction? If you love a person, then the least interested in his physical data, for example, a beautiful face or an impeccable figure. Perhaps this is important, but something else is much more important: the whole personality of the chosen one, and not some of his specific features.
  2. Number of Attractive Qualities. Love accepts the vast majority, if not all, of the other person's qualities. Take a short test in the form of a question: how many features do you notice in the object of your attention, and which part of them is attractive to you? With a normal hobby, the number of such characteristics is insignificant.
  3. The beginning of the story. A real feeling, the very one that “for life” is alien to swiftness in principle: it develops slowly, gradually, aiming at knowing the object of its sympathy, before really “sticking” to it forever. Therefore, the eternal and not losing relevance wording “love at first sight” is not entirely true - thanks to the first impression, you can only get carried away.
  4. Persistence of interest. Warmth and tenderness are the main components of genuine love. Constancy is something without which it is impossible, because everything that has a price takes root tightly and sprouts slowly. Only what is unimportant remains on the surface.
  5. Influence of feeling. Genuine affection reveals and reveals only the best features in a person, which is why the lover always strives to become better. This one will always say: "I love him / her not because she is impeccably beautiful, but because he / she helps me bring out the best that is in me."

    At the same time, it is easy to recognize a trite person who has become carried away by such signs as a decrease in responsibility, constant immersion in dreams. Nothing matters to him except love.

  6. Attitude towards other people. If you love, the world of your loved one seems to automatically become yours. All. And the world is the whole Universe: relatives, relatives and friends. That is, everything that is important and significant for the chosen one becomes the same for you.

    If the Cosmos is liquefied by the framework of a single person, without anyone else, if you think that love justifies everything, therefore everything is allowed, even to the detriment of others, then there is nothing real in this “amazing” feeling - only mean egoism.

  7. Opinion of others. The real is always in sight, because he has nothing to hide. Therefore, such fluids are difficult not to notice the immediate environment. Since a person in love is often “blind”, it is the attitude of society that very often becomes a kind of indicator of the honesty of feelings, this is such a test of authenticity, so you should not quarrel with your parents if they do not approve of your choice.

    Friends and acquaintances, of course, may be wrong, but perhaps their point of view is a reason to think and prevent the biggest mistake in your life.

  8. The impact of breakups. The breakup test is a win-win, albeit a bit cruel, test of feeling. The absence of a loved one will exacerbate true love and “grow together” with the second half even more, and kill a fake one.

    If you love, then at a distance of separation you will not be able to fill the void with anyone else, constantly sad and worried: “What if he (she) meets someone else?” Everything is so simple and banal, like two and two.

  9. Spat test. There are disagreements in any couple, but the point is that in a true union all this is “deeply experienced”, therefore people tend to quarrel less often and insignificantly, and if “sharp corners” arise, smooth out the conflict by honestly and openly discussing problems. IN frequent quarrels, headed by their own egoism (“You, it’s all your fault (a)!”), In skirmishes that arise because there is nothing more to talk about - everything is false through and through.
  10. Relationship perspective. If you, thinking about a couple, perceive, first of all, two different personalities, it is unlikely that such a feeling can be called the word “love”. But when this is really the case, you don’t perceive an important person separately from yourself, using only the wording: “we”, “us”, “our”. A couple, held together by a thread of real feeling, is always pleased to do something in tandem.
  11. Selfishness and unselfishness. A guy can meet to console his own pride: “She is such a spectacular girl - I will become a king next to her!”, And a girl can only meet to raise her price in the eyes of society. But a person is loved not for something that he gives, but for the fact that he simply is.
  12. basis of feelings. Selflessness and devotion are the foundations of love. The test is simple: at any cost, you strive to give joy and give something, and not receive. If you care first of all about yourself and your interests, about what you can take out of a relationship, the essence is obvious.

How to comprehend and get an answer?

So, the test is passed, there are honest answers to all questions. It remains only to correctly comprehend them. Of course, the answers to the above keys cannot be purely "black" and "white" - most often, it is a mixture of "love" and "hobby".

Therefore, for convenience, evaluate each test question on a 10-point scale: the more real - the more points. If the end result is from 80 points and above, we can confidently assert a sincere and reliable feeling.

10 signs you love

Another test for love can be passed on such grounds. If:
  • a loved one is the best part of the day, decorates it simply with his presence;
  • he is the first one you think about when you open your eyes in the morning, and the last one you dream about before going to bed, and also when you want to share with the “half” not only sorrow, but also everything beautiful that happens in life;
  • self-interest is always in the background;
  • anything can be done to the detriment of selfishness for the happiness of another, because love has no boundaries;
  • there is no fear and embarrassment to demonstrate their feelings in front of the whole world;
  • there is a recognition of the shortcomings of a loved one and an acceptance of the fact that the object of your love is imperfection. Only by sincerely falling in love, one can learn to accept the “blots” of another;
  • there is a desire to plan a joint future for the long term;
  • there is a desire to become better than now;
  • there are no conditions for love, because the real feeling is absolute, this is not a mathematical problem that depends on specific circumstances.
Finally, if we are talking about love, then the second half is, first of all, best friend, and only then the object of attraction between the sexes. The last test: do you feel ready to move mountains, but only if he (a) is nearby? Hold on and don't let go!

Love is an extremely subjective feeling and concept, however, everyone who has fallen into its network can confidently say that there is nothing more beautiful and desirable in the world. However, how not to be mistaken in your feelings and recognize the first "symptoms" of love fever? It is no secret that infatuation, falling in love, passion and love have similar features. And it is extremely difficult to see the difference, because the difference lies deep within us. How do you know if you love someone or not? Let's answer a few important issues and understand what lies behind the irresistible craving for the chosen one.

First of all, it is necessary to think about why this question arose in the first place. Where did this idea come from? Everything is quite simple. At the beginning of a relationship, when a candy-bouquet romance “blooms and smells”, a girl or a guy does not doubt his own feelings at all - we are firmly convinced that we love this person!

However, after a few months (or weeks), rose-colored glasses fall off, and the lover begins to wonder how his chosen one corresponds to the ideal. Are emotions real? Maybe it's just affection? In this case, feelings fade into the background, and the prudent mind is in the center. He seeks to cool the ardor of our emotions, taking care, among other things, of a heart that can break. The voice of reason is a good phenomenon, indicating a healthy human psyche.

The concept of "love" is unique and individual, because everyone loves in their own way. However, common features are inherent in all people without exception: love is something good, warm, expensive, associated with a feeling of comfort when your chosen one is nearby.

Signs of love

Making sure that you really love a person is not always easy and simple. What to do? Take off your rose-colored glasses and try to look at your own relationship from the outside with maximum honesty. You don't need to listen to your friends and "well-wishers"! So, the symptoms of true love:

  1. Unselfishness. True love is a selfless feeling. If a man or woman is looking for profit, all the time waiting for the chosen one to do something for him or, moreover, to help financially, there is no need to talk about love. It's not emotion, it's enjoyment.
  2. Sexual attraction. Can true love do without sex? It's hard to say, because everyone knows the so-called platonic love, which does not involve physical contact. However, many psychologists are sure that love is always combined with sexual attraction, which is completely natural. Simultaneously with the desire to possess, a person in love wants to see and hear the chosen one, to be around just like that, not because of the satisfaction of "animal" instincts.
  3. Unconditional acceptance. To love is to accept a partner with all his advantages and disadvantages. A man in love does not seek to remake the chosen one under his own patterns. Do you want to redo something in a heart friend? Most likely, this is not love.
  4. Confidence. The ability to trust a loved one is an important indicator true love. If you are used to sharing your problems and joys with your partner, do not be afraid that you will not be understood or ridiculed, this is SHE. Incomplete trust is one of the signs that you still do not love this person.
  5. Constancy. True love differs from falling in love in that it is not influenced by any external circumstances. For example, if relatives and friends oppose the chosen one, a loving person will defend his opinion and feeling. In addition, real emotions do not change plus to minus, even if the partner turned out to be far from perfect.
  6. sacrifice. Love implies the willingness to sacrifice oneself for the one whom the heart considers the best person in the world. Sacrifice does not imply a desire to receive something in return, the most important thing is moral satisfaction from the happiness of a loved one.

Several ways to understand if you love

Of course, we would need a kind of indicator that would allow us to determine whether this is love or not. However, wise scientists have not yet invented such a device, which is why we will “identify” interest, affection, sex, sympathy and love according to certain signs and parameters.

Method number 1. Test

Can't make sense of your own experiences and feelings? Answer a few simple questions:

  1. Do you think about him (her) before falling asleep, want to wish him pleasant dreams?
  2. Are you trying to make him happy?
  3. Do you feel good, calm next to your chosen one?
  4. When you think about him, smile, blush and worry?
  5. Are you counting the hours until you meet him?
  6. Do you consider him the most best man(by a woman)
  7. You know about all his shortcomings, but you continue to accept him as he is?
  8. Does the long breakup bother you?

If you answered all the questions with a confident “yes”, congratulations, your feelings are sincere. When there is uncertainty in the answers, it is worth thinking. Remember that the test should be taken in your normal state, avoiding special joys and quarrels.

Method number 2. Pros and cons

A common psychological method is to divide a sheet of paper into two columns and write down the positive and negative qualities of your chosen one. So you can get your real attitude towards him and a vision of his personality.

Analyze the pros and cons. What is your loved one made of? Of the advantages or disadvantages? The predominance of positive qualities is another joyful evidence of your love and good attitude towards your partner.

Method number 3. Meditation

Sit more comfortably in an easy chair, on a carpet that is pleasant to the body - you will have to spend half an hour on it. In addition, there should be no distractions, extraneous thoughts. Entering into a "trance" is easier to do by focusing on your own breathing.

Having calmed down and abandoned extraneous thoughts, imagine this person. Happened? What do you feel? Do you want to approach, kiss, hug or run away? Decide on all your feelings (negative and positive) that arise when the image of a loved one appears.

Method number 4. "He is no more"

Quite a brutal but effective technique. Try to imagine that your chosen one is no longer with you (no need to get hung up on this idea). Or perhaps you never met at all. What are you thinking about? Are such performances comfortable? Or perhaps they only bring you pain and discomfort? We understand the significance of any thing or person when we no longer possess them. The result of reflection will be an understanding of what feelings you have for your chosen one.

Love or affection?

Another common question: how do you understand if you love a person or is it just affection? First of all, you need to understand that pure relationships and emotions are almost never found. Love, jealousy, sexual attraction, desire, attachment - we all experience it at the same time, but only in different proportions.

As we said above, important feature true love is considered unselfish care. Attachment is considered a kind of psychological dependence on a chosen one or partner.

The main feature of attachment is not selflessness and happiness, but dependence and sometimes suffering that a dependent person experiences. If attachment is accompanied by special feelings that deprive a person of freedom, we can talk about psychological obsession.

So, sorting out your true emotions and experiences is sometimes quite difficult. But if you are firmly convinced of the correctness of your own choice, you should not doubt your chosen one. Love is the most beautiful feeling to be enjoyed, especially if it is mutual. Love and be loved!