Life hacks for mothers of many children. How to keep up with a mother of many children. Sorting while ironing

Many mothers of many children devote themselves entirely to children and everyday household chores without the possibility of self-realization. But it turns out everything is exactly the opposite: chaos reigns in the house and there is not enough time for anything. It seems that it remains only to wait until the children grow up, and then it will definitely become easier! Believe me, it's not like that at all! Each person can do much more if they properly allocate time not only to put things in order, but also to implement their own plans!

From an early age, teach children to help, educating them in such a quality as independence. Usually mothers complain that most of the time is spent cleaning up after everyone and cooking. But after all, by the age of three, kids may well learn to dress themselves, put away their toys and do something around the house. Let at first all attempts be slightly clumsy, but over time, good helpers will grow out of the kids. And when else will cleaning bring such joy?

Try to make it a rule to leave the house on time. The task is not easy, but quite doable. The main thing is to collect all things from the evening, set yourself an alarm clock 30 minutes before the children wake up, in order to make breakfast and get ready yourself. Next, so that the dressing process does not drag out, arrange competitions and see which of the children will win today!

Learn to explain to the child that he is not yet old enough for some action. There are many options, one of them is to make a comic height meter with pictures instead of marks, for example, a bed, a TV or a walk. Having once wanted to go to bed later than usual, the baby can go to the height meter and see if he has grown to this possibility (from 120 cm). And you can go for a walk alone, having overcome the mark of 150 cm. So one day the child himself will understand that he has grown up to the point where you can no longer say “It's too early for you!” and in this matter his opinion will be considered.

Redirect attention in disputes. Brothers and sisters often find out the relationship between themselves. Understand that this is normal and is an integral part of life. You should not take on the duties of a judge all the time. If there is nothing critical in the situation that has occurred, you should not interfere - but it is better to just keep them busy. Moreover, it is best to give tasks that are difficult to cope with alone. Working together will surely unite them!

Make lists or tables for everything: when to wash, when to clean, when to cook, when to go to the store, what to buy, what schedule to give medicines, etc. So you don’t miss anything and you can constantly control yourself.

Get in the habit of making time for yourself for example arrange quiet time. Every day you can set aside some time for yourself, in which children will not distract you from business. They can go to bed, play quietly in the nursery or watch cartoons - most importantly, teach them to be left to their own devices. It will be useful for both you and the children.

"Get down a level" in the literal sense of the word. If you want children to help you, you need to make sure that this is possible. Designate the lowest drawers in your closet for their things and toys so you can easily reach them. Cleaning supplies (rags, brooms and dustpans) should also be placed in such a way that children can take them without assistance.

Everything that you plan to do around the house is best done in the morning.. As practice shows, if the case is postponed for a day or evening, it is basically not done.

Pay regular attention to all family members. Each child should have their own individual time to communicate with dad and mom, at least 30 minutes a day. It could be playing time, reading a book, going to the movies, taking walks, or even driving to a workout. The main thing is to be able to talk with the child, learn about his achievements, interests or problems.

Find time to be creative or do what you love. Allow yourself to occasionally spend time doing what you like! You can choose anything - drawing, embroidery, sewing or cooking. The main thing is that this hobby inspires you. Then for your household you will become an undeniable carrier of drive!

Are you a mom and don't have time for anything? Children do not allow you to be realized the way you want? Is there chaos in your house and in your life, and it seems that it will be like this until the children grow up? Believe me, no! You can do a lot more, put everything in order, implement plans and spend a lot of time with your children.


Before you start optimizing time, take care of your basic needs and sort out your resources. Sufficient sleep and physical activity, quality nutrition - what should be a priority.

1. Find your resource

Mom has a lot of places where you can spend your energy, but where to get them, she does not think. In the meantime, the resource should not be allowed to run out to zero. You have to constantly replenish it. What fills you up: a bath, a book, a walk, delicious food, laughter, an interesting movie, sports? Plan it, let there be something in every day that will support you.

If you go for a walk with your children, go for a walk for yourself, not for them. Cook - cook for yourself, not just for the family. Put things in order - get out as if you are having cardio or. Hand out mops to the kids too.

2. Know your limit

Learn what drains you and minimize those impacts. If you do not like to play - do not play, organize a company of peers for children. Do not like to read aloud - turn on audio fairy tales.


You must want to do what you do.

3. Define your global goals and life mission

This is the most difficult point, and for some it takes a lifetime to complete. But it's worth it. To understand, try different ways: work with feelings, childhood traumas and attitudes, psychotherapy, constellations and so on.

4. Take Small Motivational Steps

For me, this is a daily morning ritual of setting up for the day. I learned about this method from the book "" by Hal Elrod. I wake up before everyone else, meditate for a few minutes, read short affirmations, write in my diary. Reminding myself what I can do every day best day. To do this, you need to do what is necessary, and not what is convenient, and not waste time on what does not lead to the goal.


Don't box yourself in too tight. Do not make a plan in which the day is scheduled by the minute. With children, you still can't follow it. But he will put pressure on you, upset and demotivate.

5. Plan no more than two big things per day

Depending on your activity, this can be one work case for a certain time and one home or children's business. Meeting with a client and a trip to the grocery store. Laundry and one hour and a half webinar. Preparing and meeting via video link. A trip to the doctor with children and yoga. And that's all - there are no more mandatory cases and plans for this day. Made them - praise yourself, you completed your plan for the day.

6. Make a list of global things that bring you closer to your dream.

Write a book, listen to a course of lectures, read the complete works of Tolstoy, sort out all the cabinets, wash the curtains - everyone has their own. Break them into small parts of 30-40 minutes. Do it in the order you want and when the opportunity presents itself. But do it.

Time optimization

Learn to do things well and quickly. Good doesn't mean perfect. Quickly means without further thought and without delay. For example, I work a lot on the computer, I spent three months learning how to touch type. I have to write - I sit down and write. I need to make an unpleasant call - I just pick up the phone and call. This is a common skill, each time it will get easier and easier.

7. Simplify weekly food preparation

A steamer, an egg cooker, an oven, a stove with a timer cook almost by themselves. What you can prepare, do with a margin. Homemade soups, fermented and dried vegetables, freeze-dried broth and sauces all save time.

8. Organize the care of things correctly

Teach your children to clean up after themselves, not to put dirty things in the closet. Sort out their wardrobe, let there be a little clothes, get rid of everything unnecessary. Clean up in a timely manner seasonal clothes. Run the tumble dryer - you won't have to hang clothes and iron most of them. Well, use dry cleaning and laundry - your time should be worth more than their services.

9. Organize your closets

I have this: what can be hung - hangs, what can be folded - folded vertically. The vertical way of folding is very important: then everything is immediately visible and there is no mess when pulling out. So panties, socks, t-shirts, sweaters, pants, home clothes, sportswear - everything is folded. Lay out things after washing yourself, do not trust children or your husband - this way you can control the order in the cabinets and sort things in a timely manner.

10. Create a place for every thing in the house

Then it will be much easier to clean up. Keep all the same type of things in one place: documents, toys, clothes, stationery, books - let everything have a clear place in the apartment. Shelves and drawers should not be packed to capacity - then everything is in sight and conveniently accessible. Maintaining order will also happen by itself. There is a wonderful book about this "" by Marie Kondo.

11. Sort the cases by the conditions they need and by duration.

  • Things that require solitude: scheduling, complex paperwork, construction and other calculations, writing, recording videos and podcasts, business conversations and meetings, yoga class, massage. They all take about an hour and a half. Set aside time for them in the morning when everyone is asleep, when the children watch a long cartoon or play with friends. Let them be no more than 2-2.5 hours a day.
  • Things that do not require loneliness and concentration, do with your children: cooking, cleaning, washing, exercising, listening to webinars, informal or short communication with clients, walking, swimming, reading, surfing the Internet or daytime sleep. From such joint activities, communication with children is formed, and there is no need to play with them and entertain them.
  • Cases for 15 minutes: prepare a simple dish and put it in the oven, read 20-30 pages of text, outline an article or some other plan, wash and style your hair, do a set of exercises, load a dishwasher or washing machine, clean up 1-2 shelves, have a bite to eat, read an article, answer letters, write to a friend and chat, cut children's nails, iron a set of bed linen or 10 T-shirts, for the future, scroll through a social network feed (I recommend including this in a 15-minute business, then you will not get carried away) - well, a lot more.
  • Cases for 30 minutes: prepare a more complex dish or cut everything for soup, make a complex or complex preparation, iron and arrange linen in cabinets from one wash, change 4–5 sets of bed linen, read 30–60 pages of text, write several pages, listen to half an hour webinar - and so on, everyone will have their own.
  • Div per hour there will not be so many, two - even less. It must be remembered that a big task can always be divided and carried out in two stages, if circumstances do not allow doing it at once.

12. Multitask

This is what really increases the number of hours in the day. Everyone can have their own actions, the general principle remains. I will tell you how it works for me, and you form your habits of Julius Caesar.

  • When I clean or cook, I either do it with the kids or something. I always have something to listen to, I have a whole list. It is clear that there must be technical capabilities: mobile Internet, Wi-Fi, wireless headphones.
  • When I go for a walk with children or to the sea, to classes, I always have a book with me or something to listen to. If the walk promises to be long, then I even take a laptop. While the children play, and they play for hours, I can even complete an hour and a half task that requires solitude.
  • When I take part in webinars or some online meetings that require me to connect only occasionally, I simultaneously put things in their places, sort out clothes, fold small things, sharpen pencils, arrange socks by color, polish pots, sometimes squat and do push-ups . And the webinar was watched, and things were done, and I went in for sports.
  • When I'm cooking something complicated, I don't stand and wait for the water to boil or the pan to heat up, I take apart the dishwasher, I can quickly rearrange the pots or wipe the drawers, put things in their places. You can cook soup at the same time, for example. And you can do all this with an audiobook in headphones. And you can also with a fitness rubber band on your legs.
  • When I'm just going somewhere or driving and there is no way to listen or read something, then I make plans and think, write down in notes or in a notebook. During massage and care procedures, I try to relax as much as possible, and during a pedicure I am always at the computer - this is another opportunity to do the very thing that requires loneliness.
  • When I watch a cartoon with my children or a movie with my husband, I do something with my hands: ironing, sewing, knitting, sorting things, mending clothes and books, cleaning cutlery.
  • When I’m driving in a car, I listen to audio, watch videos in traffic, have long conversations on the speakerphone that I don’t allow myself at other times, or do facial exercises, sometimes I paint.

In general, this is a matter of habit and desire. Look for opportunities to combine - and there will be more time in the day.

13. Put things in order

In order not to waste time looking for the right recipe, document or book, everything must be kept in order and always at hand. I have several lists, they are called very simply: "Buy", "Read", "Listen", "Cook", "View", "Go". So everything is always at hand and you don’t have to remember anything - you put it on the list and returned to it when possible. Very convenient programs-schedulers, programs for shopping, storage of books, audio and video. The main thing is to make your clear lists in them.

14. Eliminate Time Wasters

  • First of all, these are social networks - I allocate time to them in 15-minute intervals so that the frames make me switch off in time and do business.
  • These are people who are constantly dissatisfied with everything. You will not help them, you will not solve their problem, you will simply waste time and effort on them. Avoid them.
  • This is a mental "chewing gum" and hanging on past events. Instead of thinking and planning something inspirational or listening to something interesting, you replay past events or fantasize who and what you will say and what will be answered. You also need to get rid of this.
  • Alcohol, fatty rich food, TV also do not allow you to spend time consciously and effectively. Don't let them control you.

All these rules of life allow me to feel free and relaxed with four children, household tasks and several “jobs”. A lot to do, but not to be in the constant grip of time pressure. This summer they allowed me to fulfill my dream and start writing. And write a lot: a dissertation, half a book and six articles.

I love to enjoy life, and I also love it when everything happens by itself. Try it too!

Irina Semina, wife of priest Roman Semin, cleric of the Church of St. Nicholas of Myra in Klenniki (Moscow) – mother of four children, icon painter. In an interview with Pravmir, Irina spoke about her acquaintance with her husband, about how difficult it is to live with her mother-in-law, about why it is harder with her first child, and about many other things.

– Our acquaintance with my husband began from Maroseyka, from the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

And even earlier, after graduating from an art school, I came to Father Jerome at the Sanaksar Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin. I came for one blessing, and he unexpectedly says to me: “Learn icon painting.”

For me, then, icon painting seemed such a distant field of activity! I just didn't feel ready for it. Therefore, she wrote to Father Jerome: “Father. If you give your blessing to engage in icon painting, then pray that I have the best teacher.” As a result, I ended up on Maroseyka, in the workshop of Irina Vasilievna Vatagina, an amazing person, icon painter, and teacher.

And around this time, my husband, who had just begun the path of churching, came to the temple on Maroseyka. He wanted to do something useful for the temple. A strong nineteen-year-old youth immediately found something to do.

The first time he did physical work. Then he began to help at the altar. Over time, he matured the desire to go to study at the seminary.

At first we didn't communicate at all. We met, being at the same time in the room of Father Alexy (Mechev): he repaired the battery, I washed the floors.

But I noticed him as soon as he appeared in the temple, where there were very few young people, especially tall, handsome, physically strong ones: he went in for sports. In general, a prominent man. I have what is called love at first sight. I realized that I want to marry this man.

Four years passed from the moment we met to the wedding. But at the very beginning, Roman did not think of me as a bride. And he didn’t like me at all, in no way suited him as a wife. He had very different plans. He thought about the monastic path.

And then I also had hesitations: I didn’t want to be a priest’s wife, because I thought (and continue to think) that this is a big responsibility.

Now I’m telling my husband: “Why didn’t we get married then, at the age of 20, now we would give birth to a bunch of children.” He replies: “Why didn’t you come to me?” And why approach, I felt that at that moment nothing would work ...

For two years I made 100 bows every day for him ...

When the confessor asked if I was going to get married in principle, I replied that there is one person whom I would like to call my husband, but, in my opinion, everything is deaf there.

And there were a lot of girls around my future husband. And there was one that he liked then, and he thought of marrying her. But she said in the end: “We won’t succeed. The confessor said that you are not suitable for me.

And I've been patiently waiting all this time. Moreover, I was also not deprived of the attention of young people, and one tried to take care of me seriously.

And then one day I arrived at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, went to the seminary and everything changed. Roman says that like a veil fell from his eyes: "I understood - this is my wife."

Then he began to come, to seek meetings with me. And I came to the Lavra, including with children: I helped in orphanage. Roman led tours of the Lavra.

Six months after this conversation, we got married.

It's easy to deal with mother-in-law

We got married and began to live with Roman's parents. No special difficulties in the early years family life I do not remember.

My mother-in-law is very a wise man. In general, I really like that you can clearly talk to her, without emotions. When we got married, she said: “I am glad that you got married, that my son did not go to the monastery. I wish you had children. Live. We will help as much as we can." And they helped all the time. And until now they somehow pamper us, make some purchases for us, take the children to them.

So we got on well together. Mother-in-law doesn't like to cook. I love it, and it made her very happy, because, all the time, I cooked some kind of pies, goodies. I don't like cleaning, she cleaned all the time.

I think everything can be negotiated.

Arseniy, 12 years old

The first two years we had no children, we even began to lose heart about this. But, on the other hand, we were on our own. We could go somewhere (not very far: we didn’t have much money then). For example, in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

My husband has a sister 14 years younger than him, and I really liked working with her: we went to English, went to exhibitions ...

When the first child was born, our mother-in-law also helped us a lot. He did not sleep at night, he screamed. She also got up at night to him, rocked him.

Then my parents and wealthy relatives helped us a lot: they bought an apartment in Butovo. And when we already had a child, we moved.

Serezha, 10 years old

There have always been people who helped. When the second child was born, the husband was ordained by that time. By the way, when they were ordained and he took off wedding ring I didn't even think to worry about it. It so happened that I also had to remove the ring, because the fingers got better.

While repairs were being made in our new apartment (everything had to be completely changed there), we lived for free with some good people. So they also offered their help and walked with the stroller in which the youngest was sleeping.

There were everyday difficulties, of course, where would we be without them! But now everything is easier to relate to. Now you look back and think: well, the child did not sleep and did not sleep, it was necessary, for example, to let him out of the crib to crawl.

Zlata, 5 years old

Family disputes and domestic children

In the early days of our family life, we didn’t have any rubbing. Now, having lived together for 14 years, we can argue on this or that topic. Somewhere I show my insubordination ...

Most often, such disputes arise about the upbringing of children: the husband wants the children to do more sports, but that they have more free time. And it seems to me that he pities them, on the contrary, I say that you need to be constantly busy, learn languages, read, go to all sorts of useful events and communicate with peers.

Stefan, 4 years old

Our children are very domestic, that is, literally - they like to sit at home, draw. I don't know what will happen next. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, it seems to me that they develop so worse, and it will be difficult for them to find themselves in life.

They are very self-sufficient, self-sufficient family. And sometimes it scares me. For example, it seems to me that they have few friends at school because of this. They are used to cooking together all the time, talking together.

Birth and stress

We always remember that before the birth of children, we always had some kind of stress, or even tragedy: the departure of loved ones.

The birth of Senya coincided with the departure of my grandmother, a close person who did a lot for me. Everything that is good in me comes from her.

When the second, Seryozha, was born, her husband's grandmother passed away. She never married, because during the war their parents died, and she, the eldest, devoted her whole life to raising them. Then she raised her grandchildren. She also helped us. With great-grandson. Everyone called her grandmother-nanny. When the daughter was born, the grandmother's nanny's sister left.

For some reason, the birth of children coincided with our moving. When our second child was born, we decided to move from Butovo closer to our parents and changed our apartment. And almost immediately from the hospital - plunged into the car and drove to a new apartment.

It seems that you could wait a month, why move with a newborn? And now you think: such stress, as it were, mobilizes a person, it makes him do something, move. And somehow you begin to pray more correctly ...

At the level of need

I have always tried to work, to write, it is at the level of need. And the work brought some money, which was extremely pleasant and I always wanted to support my husband.

Yes, and I just can not work. So I always wrote, just not so much, and now, when I look at the breakthrough that has occurred in icon painting over the past ten years, how people have learned a lot, discovered a lot, use unusual technologies, it seems to me that I am somewhere slowed down. You come to some exhibition, you see, you think: “Oh, wow, what a great man did!”

In general, I think that a person who draws should do it all the time.

I remember when the first child appeared, he crawls around my kitchen, opens cupboards, I draw. Then they came to my grandmother in the village, she also worked there. The second child was calm, he could sit in bed for a very long time, and then there was the eldest next to him. And I am writing. When the third, a girl, was born, my mother came to help. So again there was an opportunity to take up brushes.

In general, it is difficult when the first one appears, all the attention is around him. When I was waiting for the second, I was worried: how will I raise the eldest? After all, the difference is only a year and three, one eats, and if at that moment the other wants to? But he still doesn't know how. It turned out that everything was not at all scary, and he quickly learned to eat, and if he had to wait a little, he perceived it as normal.

At the time it seemed like a huge problem. And I was nervous.

With each child, you begin to relate to many things easier. In general, each child was a gift for us.

By the way, I found out that I was pregnant with my fourth when I was 25 weeks pregnant. I found out in September, and gave birth in early January.

And before that, the doctors made me some kind of diagnosis that threatens infertility, prescribed medication. Ultrasound done beforehand. Okay, I didn't start taking these drugs. At the beginning of autumn, I feel something moving in my stomach! As I was frightened, I began to think that I had some kind of terrible disease.

I also began to get better, everyone fits, congratulations on the pregnancy. Here I already thought that the doctor then, maybe overlooked something ...

Now you think, what if we had one child? The very first, he is so well-read, so reasonable. But proud. And the other is so very kind, so big. The girl is generally a separate, special story. The fourth one is so sweet. How can you combine all this in one child? After all, this is to infringe on oneself, to deprive oneself of something very important.

Early in the morning

Dad gets up before everyone else and leaves before everyone else.

Although children have breakfast at school and in kindergarten, everyone loves to have breakfast in the morning at home and drink tea. Some of the children are praying. I don’t make everyone pray in the morning: I don’t have enough time and energy.

Then the elders go to school. In general, they themselves began to get there early. From second grade.

When the younger ones didn't go to kindergarten We tried to walk a lot in the morning. Now they go to kindergarten, and I strive to come to the workshop, to work.

By lunchtime I try to come home to meet the children from school, feed them and send them to additional classes. It seems to me that children should feel that they are expected at home.

I cook either in the morning or in the evening. I can ask the elders to help, for example, peel the potatoes.

In general, it is strange to talk about the complexities of life now, when it is so facilitated by all kinds of technology. Especially if you are cooking something simple.

On Saturday and Sunday we try to cook something unusual: bake a cake, come up with some delicious soup. To tinker with food longer.

And on weekdays, I try to involve schoolchildren in cleaning: sweep, vacuum. When I have time.

The elder now often comes at 16:00, and at 17:00 he already has boxing.

By the way, often in the evening the husband washes the dishes, he somehow even likes to do it.

After feeding the children lunch, talking, preparing something for dinner, I return to the workshop. Then I go for the kids. With them we go to additional classes - to rhythmics, to reading.

If the weather is good, we meet with all the children. We walk together. I talk to them all the time, I ask them, I tell them.

Here is an article I recently read: simple ways how to show your child that you love him. For example, take a picture of him and hang up the pictures in some unusual way. Or collect some very tasty dishes for him for breakfast at school. Somehow take him and not take him to school for no reason and just go with him to the park, to the cinema, somewhere else.

It turned out that I do a lot just in accordance with these points. Usually we try to go to bed at 10 pm. The evening rule is read, everyone talks, the lights are turned off.

And sometimes we can let them stay up until 12 at night - to talk. I believe that although children need a routine, it should not be "iron", so as not to step aside.

In the evening I try to check my lessons. Dad is checking something. If something is difficult in mathematics, I call my mother, she still remembers higher mathematics from me.

We love to participate in various city competitions with children, drawing, for example. We sit together, paint, glue.

Here, the iPad was recently won.

Walk down the street

When possible, we sometimes put the children to bed and go for a walk. Father Roman likes to organize pilgrimage trips and I like to travel with him. And help cook them. My husband says to me: "Call so-and-so, so-and-so, you like to chat." I help him, for example, documents, take him, discuss something, advise.

But now, in fact, everything revolves around children. My husband and I went to Greece, we were released for the first time for such a long time together. And there - they almost quarreled: somehow it’s not customary without children

We never take children to shops. Once a week we go to a large supermarket (to buy "chemistry", some products with a long shelf life). It seems to me that children should not be dragged to the shops. Because it educates them in consumerism, which is now being promoted in every possible way.

Head of Finance

We, thank God, do not have serious financial problems. In general, they were never special. Finances are all in our hands. Every day he allocates funds to me for urgent needs.

When I take the children to the garden, I go to the nearest store and buy groceries for the day. I do not like to go and buy a lot of things at once: then all the best is eaten. So I buy for that day what I like. Without any plans.

We don't have any plans at all. Here at the husband Wednesday and Thursday – days off. In the morning we woke up and: “Let’s go to the dacha today!”. And we can also decide not to go anywhere ...

Two different people

My husband and I are very different. Even physically. I am an unsportsmanlike person, my husband loves sports. Still lifting dumbbells. In the evening, they have boxing and push-ups with their children.

Now I try to listen to it more. And in the end it's always better, already verified.

I can somewhere and quarrel, and quarrel. And Father Roman is always able to resolve the situation peacefully. For example, a child had a conflict with a teacher, I asked my husband to go. He knows how to smooth sharp corners, he has more wisdom.

"Gift" from the robbers

One day we returned from vacation and see - the door was rudely forced open, everything is upside down at home. Apparently there were thieves. We immediately call the police. We go into the kitchen, and on the table are ... three thousand rubles and a photograph of Father Roman in vestments. I have always loved this small photograph, taken for a priestly certificate, and put it on the refrigerator, although Father Roman did not like it, and he tried to remove it.

What were they guided by? Respect for sacred dignity? Some superstitious fears? Maybe they saw the correspondence that Father Roman had with the prisoners? Unknown. And they obviously left three thousand as compensation for the lock broken by the crowbar.

When a child is bullied

It is very frustrating when children are faced with injustice. There was a period when the eldest son was beaten by almost the whole class. I talked with my parents, with the teacher. In that situation, it was necessary to leave immediately. It's not right when the whole class is against the child. And he is just a maximalist, always standing for justice ...

Children and Faith

With children, we try to discuss everything that happens, talking about the providence of God. Everything is different for them, they grow up in a family of a priest. We came to faith already at a more conscious age, and we appreciate it as a gift. But on the other hand, I see how they know how to be grateful, pray for everyone who helped us.

But still, it's impossible to talk about anything right now. It will be possible when the children are 35 years old, I will see that they go to the temple, that they do not do anything so anti-human.

Secrets of family happiness

Strive to become better. In everything. For the sake of my husband, I even go on a diet from time to time. It is important to constantly, a little bit for the sake of another person, press on the throat of your pride. Just a little bit trying to get better. Just trying to change. Just say to yourself: "I want to save the family."

There are no ideal picture-happy families. Because it doesn't happen ideal people To understand this, all you have to do is look at yourself.

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Meeting by chance a family with three children on the street, passers-by sigh heavily and sympathize with the tired woman, because at home the hostess needs to cook dinner, iron the curtains, wash the children's undershirts, and don't forget to pay attention to her husband.

To do everything, you should know 10 life hacks for mother of many children.

Tricks for Mom

Women, trying to have time to do all the important things around the house, often forget about taking care of themselves. At the end of a hard day, you need to take a relaxing bath, read your favorite novel, or just sit alone with a cup of hot tea. This will help to avoid a nervous breakdown and maintain emotional balance at an optimal level.

Cooking is a rather time-consuming and energy-intensive work. that has to be done every day.

Sometimes mother's efforts remain invaluable, so the desire to cook new and original dishes disappears.

Housewives with experience know how to save time in the kitchen:

  1. The main rule of busy parents is a hearty breakfast. Healthy meals are prepared very quickly and saturate on long time. Oatmeal is considered the perfect start to the day all over the world. To do this, put milk or water on the fire, after boiling, pour a large amount of oatmeal.
  2. To save a lot of time, experienced moms advise preparing food a few days in advance. Let the little helpers also take part in the cooking process. In a playful way, it is easier and faster to work, and the kids will be happy that they could help their mother.
  3. Order groceries or ready meals at home.
  4. A dishwasher, a slow cooker, a double boiler are a real salvation for busy women.
  5. Don't put off cleaning until the next day. Dirty dishes and drops of fat on the stove will definitely not cheer you up in the morning.

Time optimization

Psychologists say that daily scheduling of tasks for tomorrow will help you work even more efficiently.

Two common complaints of women with a child are lack of sleep and lack of time for self-care. The situation becomes more difficult if there are many children. How to find time for yourself: life hacks for a mother of many children will help organize family life so that you have enough strength for everything. The main thing that every woman should understand is that a happy, rested wife and mother are much more important for loved ones than an exemplary order in the house.

Tale of found time

Setting priorities and getting rid of the A student syndrome is the first step in freedom. It is necessary to find out what the family cannot do without, and put these things in the first place. The list is not very big:

  • food and washed dishes;
  • clean clothes;
  • order in things so that they do not have to look for.

These are the main daily tasks that need to be done first. Everything else can be postponed or even cancelled. Women do a lot of extra work because it's tradition, they've been taught that way, or out of fear of being judged.

Life hacks for mothers of many children will allow you to plan household chores so that you have time for your hobbies.

  1. Culinary time management. The secret to saving cooking time is simple recipes, homemade semi-finished products, large portions.
  2. Appliances. Useful appliances for the hostess - multicooker, dishwasher, robot vacuum cleaner. They reduce the time for cooking and daily cleaning. Washing machine with a large drum will allow you to cope with a weekly wash in 1-2 loads.
  3. Jobs you can do without. Bed linen and diapers do not need to be ironed. Toys in the nursery are enough to rake in a box, and not put them on the shelves. Dust can be wiped off once a week. Saved time to spend on yourself.
  4. Minimalism. Lots of things - lots of cleaning. Works for the hostess will add tulle on the windows, carpets, small trinkets. For large family Scandinavian interiors are suitable with their freedom from unnecessary details, simplicity and thoughtful storage systems.
  5. Family logistics. The task of the mother is to competently organize life. Arrange cabinets so that it is easy to put things in them, think over places for games and cooking lessons. Buy clothes that do not require complex care. When the household is arranged simply and reasonably, cleaning does not take much time.
  6. Independent children. Teach children self-service skills, not check the correctness of each letter in homework, let older children teach kids how to make sandwiches or cook dumplings. A mother who gives freedom will teach much more than a mother who controls.

Perfectionism is the enemy of a happy woman

The desire to become the perfect hostess leads to chronic fatigue. In a house with many children, there will never be perfect order, it's useless to try.

The ability to stop will help mom save time and energy. It is better to spend energy on thinking through convenient storage of things, getting rid of unnecessary things.

In addition, in a large family there are many helpers.

Teenagers will do a good job of cleaning, spend the younger ones on developmental classes, and grandmothers will sit with the children so that the mother of many children is away on business.