Law on Large Families. Benefits for large families New for large families this year

Families with many children are considered to be those cells of society in which 3 or more minor children of full-blooded kinship, adopted or officially adopted. The legislative document, which includes a system of measures aimed at improving the quality of the conditions of the families concerned, is the Federal Law “On State Support for Large Families”.

It is also worth noting other regulations:

  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 “On measures for public support of parents with many children”;
  • Federal Law of December 17, 2006 No. 173 "On labor pensions in the territory of the Russian Federation".

In accordance with the main provision, each family with 3 or more minor children must receive a plot of land for individual construction free of charge. The financial support of the state can be extended even after the child reaches the age of majority in connection with his education in the general education system or university.

Federal Law "On State Support for Large Families" No. 138-FZ was adopted by the participants of the State Duma on November 17, 1999. This bill defines a purposeful and targeted system of measures for nationwide support for large families in order to increase and improve the demographic situation in the Russian Federation. The purpose of the regulatory document is to provide conditions for the full-fledged upbringing, development and education of children from large families.

The structure of the resolution consists of 3 chapters and 10 articles:

Chapter 1(Articles 1-3). Basic rules of the law. Establishes the scope of this document, funding and the procedure for implementing measures for nationwide support for parents with many children.

Chapter 2 (verses 4-5). State support measures. Regulates the requirements for the care of children and their upbringing, as well as a complete list of the rights and benefits provided to these families.

Chapter 3(vv 6-10). Final provisions of the bill:

  • Article 6. Social associations;
  • Article 7. Responsibility for non-observance of this law;
  • Article 8. Documentation confirming the powers and benefits;
  • Article 9. Entry into legal force of this draft law;
  • Article 10. On bringing normative legal acts in accordance with Federal Law No. 138.

The conditions and measures for providing nationwide support are as follows: a public institution allocates living space, the total cost of which is partially repaid by the state. For this, subsidies or social employment contracts are provided, which are valid until the youngest child reaches the age of majority.

To receive state assistance, you must provide a package of documents:

  • photocopies of birth certificates for each child;
  • a photocopy of the marriage certificate if the parent is not single;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • photocopies of parents' passports;
  • a certificate from the guardianship authorities that the spouses are not deprived of parental rights;
  • documentation confirming registration at the place of residence;
  • unified form statement.

The federal law on large families in 2011 was subject to some changes. On June 14, 2011, the State Duma adopted the Federal Law “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On State Support for Large Families”.

What benefits are provided to large families by law?

According to Decree of the President of Russia No. 431 “On measures for public support of large families”, parents are entitled to the following benefits:

  • discount on utility bills and compensation for fuel for heating housing;
  • travel free of charge for children in school and public transport;
  • enrollment in kindergarten without waiting in line;
  • free school meals;
  • free school uniform and sports kits for schoolchildren;
  • once a month, children have the right to visit any recreational, cultural and entertainment establishment (museum, parks, exhibitions) free of charge;
  • municipal assistance to parents in the development of business, economic, farm structures, namely: the provision of land, tax cuts and discounts on rental property;
  • exemption from payment of commercial registration tax;
  • allocation of land without a queue for economic needs;
  • preferential provision of building materials, vehicles and housing;
  • assistance in acquiring interest-free credit, leasing and loans.

Important! The Law on Assistance to Large Families provides parents with other benefits that are valid even after the majority of all children. Mothers have the right to retire 5 years early if their insurance period in total is more than 15 years.

Download Federal Law 138 "On State Support for Large Families"

The Law on Large Families also provides for social benefits in the following order:

  • lump-sum at the birth of a child, are issued at the place of work of one of the parents. For 2016, the amount of the allowance was about 16,000 thousand rubles;
  • allowance for child care up to 1.5 and three years. The first accrual is calculated on the basis of the mother's average salary, i.e. 40 percent of the total. The payment of benefits up to three years is regulated by each region separately and is fixed for all parents with many children;
  • compensation, which is associated with an increase in the cost of living in the Russian territory and amounts to about 700 rubles per month;
  • additional benefits for families with 10 or more children in the amount of 10,000 or more rubles;
  • families with more than 7 minor children are awarded the Order of Parental Glory, and they are also paid an allowance in the amount of 100,000 rubles.

Since the beginning of 2014, large families have the right to unite in public organizations. As a rule, the relevant associations are formed according to the territorial principle. The purpose of these communities is to provide better protection of their interests before the members of the Government. Indeed, despite the large number of rights of large families, most of them remain unfulfilled. This applies in particular to the provision of housing. The government of the Russian Federation explains this by the fact that the needs of the population, regarding housing, exceed the financial capabilities of the regions of the country.

Photo: Press Service of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, Evgeny Samarin

Moscow in 2016 retained funding for all programs to support socially vulnerable residents. For material assistance to the townspeople, 931.5 billion rubles were allocated, including 346.6 billion from the capital's budget.

Today, over four million people receive assistance from the city. At the same time, social payments have been increased for 730,000 residents since last year.

Social support for families

To support families with children in Moscow, 41 types of monthly and one-time benefits are provided. Particular attention is paid to large families and single-parent families, young families and parents with disabled children.

Since 2010, the number of large families and children raised in them has almost doubled in the capital. In 2016, benefits were paid at the birth of a child in the amount of 3.6 billion rubles. 8.9 billion rubles were allocated to help low-income families with children, and 4.8 billion rubles were allocated for social payments to large families with children.

Since March 1 last year, children's goods have been introduced to provide targeted social assistance to families. They are issued to families in a difficult life situation, whose average per capita income does not exceed one and a half subsistence levels. During the implementation of the pilot project, Muscovites received more than 37,000 such certificates for a total of 74 million rubles.

In addition, there are 31 family and childhood support organizations in the structure of the capital's Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population. 44 departments of day care for minors have been opened on their basis. More than 10 thousand children can eat and have fun here.

For women with children who need help and support, there are 12 specialized stationary institutions in the city. Services for preventive work have been set up in every district of the city, where a social assistant and a family psychologist are assigned to the families who are being served.

A psychologist's consultation for children and their relatives is available around the clock by calling the psychological service 051, which has been combined with the city helpline. In 2016, more than two thousand calls were received to the number on issues of family and domestic relations.

Thanks to individual work, the number of families in a socially dangerous situation has decreased by 14 percent.

The device of orphans

Significant results have also been achieved in the sphere of the family. For six years, the proportion of children in orphanages has decreased from 25.7 to nine percent.

Today, about 20.8 thousand children are registered with the city's guardianship and guardianship authorities. These are orphans and children left without parental care. 91 percent of them are brought up in families. The most common form of family placement has become gratuitous guardianship (guardianship), followed by adoption and foster family.

The program for the rehabilitation of children with disabilities and young people with disabilities is actively developing in the institutions of the Republic of Crimea, the Krasnodar Territory and the North Caucasus. In 2016, more than 6.7 thousand people (with accompaniment) used the service.

In addition, disabled people are provided with technical means (TSR) and prosthetic and orthopedic products. Over the past year, 250 thousand people received them - 95 percent of the total number of applicants. For these purposes, 1.6 billion rubles were allocated from the city budget, and 2.1 billion from the federal budget.

When purchasing technical means of rehabilitation, citizens with limited mobility could use an electronic certificate. This method allows you to independently choose the brand and model of the TCP. As of December 2016, 8.9 thousand certificates were sold for a total of 46.6 million rubles.

Support for pensioners and veterans

The minimum income of non-working pensioners from March 1, 2016 increased by 2,500 rubles and reached 14,500 rubles. Today, two million 50 thousand people receive regional social supplements for pensions, and the average amount of the supplement is 4,460 rubles.

In January last year, the monthly compensation payment to participants in the defense of Moscow increased from 2,780 rubles to 4,000 rubles. And in the fall, they paid out a one-time financial assistance for the 75th anniversary of the defeat of the Nazi troops near Moscow. Its size was 10 thousand rubles.

Today, 99,271 veterans of the Great Patriotic War live in Moscow. Of these, 15,761 people are disabled and war veterans, and 83,510 people are home front workers.

The city pays special attention to the organization of social services, recreation and rehabilitation of veterans. For example, in 2016, 3,300 veterans were sent for rehabilitation and recreation to the Republic of Crimea, and another 3,500 veterans rested at the Social and Rehabilitation Center for Veterans of Wars and the Armed Forces and at the Nikolsky Park boarding house.

Over five thousand single and lonely disabled people and war veterans who, due to health reasons, cannot exercise their right to sanatorium-and-spa treatment, annually become participants in the "Sanatorium at Home" program. More than 27,000 veterans also receive social services at home.

All needy disabled people and veterans of the Great Patriotic War are provided with Panic Button devices, and nurses come to 700 bedridden veterans.

Outcomes in the field of employment

In 2016, a number of changes took place in the field of employment promotion. To optimize the work, 10 district centers and a single employment center were reorganized, and a system of professional supervision was developed. Now a specific specialist is assigned to each applied resident, who accompanies him until the moment of employment.

To improve the availability and quality of services, a new interface for the Q-matic electronic queue management system was launched, SMS informing applicants and receiving an electronic application for recording services was introduced.

In total, in search of work in January-November last year, 171.1 thousand people applied to the capital's employment service, 131.9 thousand of whom found work.

The number of registered unemployed citizens decreased by almost 20 percent (8600 people), and the level of registered unemployment decreased from 0.62 to 0.48 percent. 882.6 million rubles were allocated from the city budget for additional support for unemployed citizens.

The amount of unemployment benefits and material assistance in 2016 ranged from 850 to 4900 rubles. The average amount of a scholarship for receiving additional professional education in the direction of the employment service is 2,400 rubles.

Additionally, at the expense of the city budget, the unemployed were assigned an additional payment to unemployment benefits (850 rubles), an additional payment to scholarships in the amount of the minimum unemployment benefit (850 rubles) and compensation for expenses for using urban public transport services (1275 rubles).

Benefits for Muscovites

More than four million residents enjoy benefits in the capital. About 900 of them receive compensation for paying for communication services, and almost 3.7 million more people can ride public transport for free. Also, about four million Muscovites receive public services.

A 50 percent discount for the entire volume of consumed services, regardless of consumption standards, is provided to disabled people and families with disabled children, as well as citizens affected by radiation exposure.

Benefits for paying contributions for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings are provided to all citizens who are entitled to social support measures for paying for housing and communal services.

Additional assistance is provided to families with many children, honorary donors, the disabled and families with disabled children, as well as persons awarded the medal "For the Defense of Moscow", continuously working at enterprises, organizations and institutions of the city or undergoing military service in the capital since July 22, 1941 to January 25, 1942.

From January 1, 2016, the right to support in paying a contribution for the overhaul of common property in an apartment building was acquired by unemployed pensioners living alone who have reached the age of 70.

Services in electronic form

Muscovites can apply electronically for 27 public services in the field of social protection of the population. These are services for assigning allowances and compensations to families and social support for the older generation: additional payments to pensions, compensation for paying for the telephone, registration for receiving a free spa voucher and other services.

From March 1, 2016, a request for lump-sum payments in connection with the birth or adoption of a child is sent only in electronic form. By December, residents had already submitted 111.5 thousand such applications through the portal.

Since October 1, seven more public services for the appointment of social payments to large families have been transferred exclusively to electronic form. More than 27.3 thousand applications have already been received.

In general, last year received 216.2 thousand applications for public services in electronic form. This is 5.7 times more than in 2015.

In most of the territory of our state, it is customary to consider families with many children those in which there are three or more children, and at the same time the eldest of them has not reached the age of 18.

However, locally there are discrepancies with this wording, for example, in the Republic of Mari El, where families with children and more fall under this concept.

The state, taking care of increasing the birth rate in the country, sets itself a priority task - to support families. Assistance is provided in the form of benefits and allowances.

In the coming year, there will be no changes in the direction of state support for families with many children, and all types of assistance previously provided to them will remain.

Despite the rumors cancellation of benefits for large families in 2016 will not happen. The situation is more complicated with those types of assistance that come from the regional authorities, since they are entirely dependent on the local budget.

What benefits for families with many children in 2016 are guaranteed by the decree of the President

Reducing rates of 30% or more for utility bills.

Families with many children can claim compensation for expenses for coal and firewood if they live in a dwelling with stove heating.

Medicines for children under six years old from large families can receive free of charge, subject to a doctor's prescription.

Families with many children enjoy the right to free travel on city public transport, subject to the availability of a relevant certificate.

The right of free travel is used by those schoolchildren who have to go to an educational institution with the help of buses of suburban routes.

Children from large families have the right to be provided with a place in a nursery and kindergarten.

Benefits for low-income families with many children in 2016 provide for the provision of free sets of school or sports clothes for children, and the right to free meals in schools.

The law provides that families with many children can make monthly free tours of museums or exhibitions.

Provided benefits for large families in 2016 those who wish to start their own business, become farmers or start a small business, a piece of land will be provided for them.

Tax incentives for families with many children in 2016 will allow paying land taxes from the received allotment at a reduced rate. In most of the Russian Federation, regional authorities do not levy such a tax on large families at all, and moreover, they provide loans for the development of farming on favorable terms.

From entrepreneurs with many children, the state does not levy a tax for registering an individual entrepreneur or any other type of entrepreneurial activity.

Land plots for families with many children should be provided in the first place, in addition, these families are entitled to receive a preferential loan for the purchase of building materials.

Regional benefits

Among the benefits that will be provided at the expense of the local budget in the field, there will remain:

Free provision of land for organizing a farm or building your own house.

Payment of a cash allowance for every third and subsequent child, until they reach the age of three. The allowance is equal to the living wage and is paid every month.

Families with many children are given the opportunity to pay transport tax at a reduced rate.

Mothers with many children enjoy the right to lower the retirement age.

Changes in the provision of assistance for families with three or more children.

State social services plan to increase assistance to families with three or more children. New benefits for large families in 2016 provide for the allocation of living space to them from special funds. It is assumed that in the coming year more than 13 thousand families will be able to move into new housing.

Where and how can you get social assistance

To receive state support, you must contact the social security authorities. You must have documents with you confirming the right to receive benefits. Such documents include income statements of all working family members and birth certificates of children.

The subject of attention of many married couples is the social assistance from the state, which is due to families with three or more children. We decided to find out in detail this issue and got acquainted in detail with the norms of the current legislation. The good news is that benefits and allowances for large families in 2019, very varied. Assistance is expressed in the provision of various privileges in the field of medicine, the social sphere, and the norms of labor discipline. In addition, members of large families can count on tax benefits and receive benefits due to them, paid both at the federal and regional levels. In more detail about what is due to families with children, we will tell in this article.

The definition of a large family in this normative act is not given in each region of the Russian Federation to be established independently by local governments in order to provide targeted social support, taking into account national and cultural characteristics, the demographic situation and the level of economic development of the subject of the federation.

Benefits and allowances for the birth of a third child

The current measures to help large families are set out in Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 of 05/05/1992. The document is regularly updated through amendments and additions, but today it is actually the only current legislative act regulating relations between the state and large families.

This normative act provides for a number of specific benefits related to such areas of citizens' life as payment for housing and communal services, the appointment of subsidies, and assistance in creating farms, preferential loans and mortgages, providing school-age children with free food, uniforms, etc.

By the same Decree, the responsibility for comprehensive assistance and assistance to citizens with many children is assigned to a greater extent to the regional authorities. As a result, each subject of the Russian Federation has its own legislation regarding the ways and measures to support families with children. In addition to regional rules, a number of important benefits and privileges are established at the federal level.

Benefits for parents with many children on personal income tax

The tax deduction for personal income tax applies to all parents with minor children. At the same time, the amount of the deduction for the first and second child is set at 1,400 rubles, for each subsequent child (third, fourth, etc.) - 3,000 rubles. If only one parent brings up children, then the amount of the personal income tax deduction is doubled. In order to take advantage of this tax benefit, the family is not required to officially have the status of "large". It is possible to get a deduction by contacting the accounting department of the enterprise where the mother and father work, providing photocopies of the birth certificates of the children and writing a corresponding application.

Consider, for example, what is due to a family with three children. If the mother and father work, then each of them is entitled to a tax deduction of 5800 rubles (1400 rubles for the first child, 1400 rubles for the second child and 3000 rubles for the third). Thus, with a salary of 50,000 rubles, personal income tax will be calculated as follows: (50,000 - 5800) * 13%, which equals 5,746 rubles.

The right to a tax deduction for personal income tax may be retained by the parent even after the child reaches the age of 18. For example, if the child is a full-time, state-funded student or a cadet at a military university, the parent may receive a tax benefit until the child reaches 24 years of age. It is worth noting that the right to a tax benefit is lost if the amount of a person's monthly income exceeds 280,000 rubles.

Regional tax incentives for families with three or more children

Some subjects of the Russian Federation give citizens with many children certain indulgences regarding the payment of land tax and transport tax. This can be expressed both in the form of a complete exemption from taxation, and in a reduction in the established tax rate. So, for example, for the capital region, a benefit is provided for one of the parents of a large family, who has the right not to pay transport tax for 1 car.

In order to find out what tax breaks for large families operate in your region, you must contact the IFTS at the place of residence. In the same place, if you have supporting documents, you will be helped to apply for these benefits, correctly draw up and submit an application to the tax authority.

What benefits are provided to parents with many children under labor law

For citizens with young children, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for a number of certain benefits, the use of which does not depend on the presence of the official status of "large family".

Thus, an employee with two or more children under 14 is entitled to additional unpaid leave for up to two weeks. It is also worth noting that this right must be spelled out and enshrined in the collective agreement, which is concluded between employees and the employer. The time of the above vacation is chosen by the parent independently.

The employer does not have the right to unilaterally terminate and dismiss the employee on his own initiative, if the latter:

  • is the sole breadwinner of a child under 3 years of age;
  • the employee's family has three or more young children;
  • the second parent is not officially employed.

An exception may be cases where an employee commits repeated and gross violations of labor duties and discipline, this also includes misconduct by financially responsible persons. In addition, any employee can be fired due to the complete liquidation of the enterprise.

According to the Law “On Insurance Pensions”, the maternity period (the time of caring for a child up to one and a half years of age) is included in the total length of service, which gives the right to receive an old-age pension. The maximum possible number of years to be included in this seniority is six. In other words, a mother with many children can use this benefit for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th child.

If a parent with many children becomes registered with the Employment Center or at, then he has a preferential right to employment or training in a new, more demanded specialty. Programs for selecting vacancies and training unemployed citizens, including those with many children, are developed and approved at the regional level.

The procedure for granting benefits and allowances to large families

As noted above, state assistance to families with children is not limited at the level of federal legislation. Many subjects of the Russian Federation are entitled to provide their own regional benefits and payments. So, for example, in some regions, in addition to the usual cash compensation, families with many children receive an additional allowance for the third and each subsequent child.

Consider a one-time allowance for the birth of a child. It is paid at the place of work of one of the parents for each baby born alive. If the mother and father are not employed, then they can receive this payment by contacting the social protection department at the place of registration. In addition to parents, official adoptive parents can also receive this allowance, since they are endowed with exactly the same rights. The payment is made for each child transferred and accepted into the family.

As for the payment of benefits to non-working parents for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old, then the number of children matters. For the second and each subsequent child, the care allowance is twice as high as for the first.

In 53 regions of the Russian Federation (including Moscow and St. Petersburg), since January 1, 2013, an allowance for a third child has been introduced. This fact is primarily due to the fact that the birth rate in these subjects of the federation is below the national average. One of the conditions for receiving this payment is the amount of income of a large family per person. It should not exceed the living wage established by law.

Benefits and allowances for the birth of a third child for residents of Moscow

State assistance to families with many children is targeted and directed in most cases to support both parents or their minor children. However, there are a number of advantages that only a mother with many children can take advantage of. This measure is justified, given the fact that it is the woman who bears the serious burden associated with pregnancy and childbirth, as well as the subsequent care of one or more young children.

The first is the possibility of retirement at the age of 55. The following categories of women have this right:

  • mothers who gave birth and raised five or more children up to the age of 8, with a total work experience of at least 15 years;
  • women with two or more children who have worked in the regions of the Far North for at least 12 years, or in regions equivalent to it, for at least 17 years. At the same time, the total work experience of such mothers must be at least 20 years.

In addition, in the capital region, a number of privileges are legally established for mothers of large families who have given birth and, accordingly, are raising 10 or more children. Assistance is provided in the field of public medicine and includes:

  • dental prosthetics from materials of average cost (manufacturing and installation) in dental offices of state subordination;
  • obtaining the necessary medicines, according to prescriptions issued by doctors of outpatient medical institutions (state polyclinics).

Also, for mothers with 10 or more children and receiving a pension, Moscow provides for a monthly compensation of 10,000 rubles.

Benefits for large families in the capital region (Moscow and the region) in 2019

Every year the number of benefits for families with many children in the capital is increasing. Assistance is provided in accordance with the Law "On Social Support for Families with Children in the City of Moscow" and the annual resolutions of the Moscow government, which, as a rule, supplement all previous ones. So, among the measures of non-financial assistance, the following can be distinguished:

  • gratuitous delivery of clothes for a newborn in a maternity hospital;
  • free provision until they reach the age of three;
  • if there is a medical certificate, free meals are provided to children under 7 years old;
  • provision of medicines for children under 18 years of age;
  • free, two meals a day in a school institution;
  • free travel in public transport and suburban trains;
  • pre-emptive right to enter preschool institutions;
  • reduction in the amount of payment for kindergarten, or complete exemption (for families with 10 children);
  • subsidies and
  • free admission to sports complexes of urban infrastructure, the zoo and museums (once a month);
  • the possibility of preferential education in music schools and art schools;
  • free access to state baths;
  • getting a garden plot without a queue.

As for cash payments in the form of allowances and compensations for Muscovites with many children, the following can be distinguished among them:

  1. All large families in Moscow receive monthly compensation due to the rising cost of living. For parents of three and four children, the payment is 1,200 rubles per month. For families with five or more children, the amount has been raised to 1,500 rubles a month, and they are also paid 1,800 rubles once a month to purchase children's goods.
  2. A family raising 10 or more children is entitled to 750 rubles monthly for each child under 16 and student under 23;
  3. Parents with many children raising 10 or more children are entitled to payments for Family Day (20,000 rubles) and Knowledge Day (30,000 rubles);
  4. Retired mothers in families with 10 or more children receive 20,000 rubles a month in addition to their pensions;
  5. Reimbursement of expenses for utility bills - from 1044 rubles per family with many children per month (the amount of payment directly depends on the number of children in the family, for families with five children or more, the amount of such compensation is 2088 rubles per month).
  6. Monthly, 50% compensation of payment for the services of telephone operators (home phone).
  7. The annual payment for the purchase of clothes for children of school age is 10,000 rubles per year.

If a family in Moscow is raising three or more children, then it can count on all or some of the following types of payments and benefits:

  • a one-time compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses in connection with the birth (adoption) of three or more children at the same time;
  • a monthly compensation payment to reimburse expenses due to the increase in the cost of living for families with three or more children;
  • a monthly compensation payment to reimburse the costs of paying for housing and utilities to families with three or more children;
  • monthly compensation payment for telephone use to families with three or more children;
  • monthly compensation payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of food for certain categories of citizens for children under the age of three;
  • an annual compensation payment for the purchase of a set of children's clothing for attending classes for the period of study.

If a family brings up more than 5 children, then it has the right to a monthly compensation payment for the purchase of children's goods for families with five or more children. And if a large family brings up 10 or more children, then in addition to the above payments, they can also receive:

  • monthly compensation payment to families with 10 or more children;
  • monthly compensation payment to mothers who have given birth to 10 or more children and receive a pension;
  • annual compensation payment for the International Day of the Family;
  • annual compensation payment for the Day of Knowledge.

In conclusion, we note that state benefits and allowances for large families are indexed annually, sometimes in a year they increase two or more times. These social support measures are fully justified and are designed to help overcome the numerous manifestations of the demographic crisis in the Russian Federation, caused by the most difficult trials for the inhabitants of our country in the 90s.

Update: 15:14 05/31/2019

What is due to large families?

At the time of publication of the article, there is no federal law that clearly defines the concept of a large family and brings together all the benefits and payments provided for them. However, this issue is regulated a wide range of regulations. The article discusses the most important, which allow the family to receive various payments, ranging from various payments and (including), and, free, and up to.

In most regions of Russia, parents are considered to have many children if they have three children or more under the age of 18. To take advantage of legal benefits, you must register as a large family in the social security authority at the place of residence. As a result, it will issue large family certificate, which is the main document confirming such status.

It is also important to note that regional legislation changes quite often. The most up-to-date information on payments and other measures to support large families fastest way to get at the local Social Security office.

A brief overview of the article is also presented in .

Benefits for large families in 2019

Basic Benefits large families are established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 of 05.05.1992 “On measures for social support of large families”. It is important to note that according to this Decree, the criteria for having many children and need are determined regional authorities. Eligible families are entitled to:

  1. Discount at least 30% payments for heating (fuel - for families living in houses without central heating), water, sewerage, gas, electricity.
  2. Free medicines for children under 6 years of age by prescription.
  3. Free travel on intracity public transport (except for taxis), and for schoolchildren - also on suburban and intra-district buses.
  4. Priority admission of children in nurseries and kindergartens.
  5. Free breakfasts and lunches for schoolchildren and students of professional educational institutions.
  6. Free school uniform(or similar clothing), as well as a sports uniform for the entire period of study at school.
  7. Free admission to museums, exhibitions, parks of culture and recreation 1 day per month.
  8. Assistance in the provision of preferential loans, subsidies, interest-free loans for housing construction and purchase of building materials.
  9. Priority allocation of garden plots.
  10. If parents with many children want to organize farming then they can count on:
    • allocation of land for them for these purposes;
    • land tax benefits;
    • free mat. assistance or interest-free loans to cover the costs of developing such an economy.
  11. If parents with many children want to implement some another small business option, then they will also rely on:
    • rent incentives;
    • full or partial exemption from paying the registration fee for entrepreneurs.
  12. Regional employment programs should take into account the need for employment of parents with many children: including temporary, on a flexible schedule, at home, as well as (if necessary) with their training and retraining (depending on which specialists are in demand in the region).

Maternal (family) capital

Granted once at the birth of the 2nd or subsequent child, starting in 2007. At the birth of the following children, size does not increase, and again it not issued.

However, in some regions of the country it is provided. It is issued in addition to the federal one, but its size and conditions for obtaining are strongly differ from region to region. Typically, the requirements include:

  • Russian citizenship;
  • long-term residence of the family in a particular area;
  • the date of birth of the child is limited to a certain period;
  • the level of family income should not exceed the established value;
  • the number of children in the family, etc.

Allowance for 3 children up to 3 years

Presidential Decree No. 606 dated May 7, 2012 recommends establishing in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the amount of the regional children's subsistence minimum (PM) for the 3rd child (and, as a rule, each subsequent child) until they reach 3 years of age. As a result, these payments implemented in different ways:

  • every month or once a quarter;
  • the PM may be paid for the child in full, or it may be a different amount established by local legislation (often less than the PM);
  • sometimes indexation is provided, and sometimes it is an approved amount that does not change from year to year.

Conditions for obtaining also vary by region: the right to benefits may arise depending on the level of family income, date of birth, and even the number of children (payments may be assigned starting not from the 3rd child, but from the 4th or 5th).

Land plot for large families

Paragraph 6 of Art. 39.5 of the Land Code (LC) of the Russian Federation provides for the free provision of ownership of a land plot to citizens with 3 or more children. However, the procedure and additional conditions for its provision are determined by the regional authorities.

So, for example, parents should be registered with the administration as in need of housing or they must have grounds for such registration.

In addition, regional authorities may offer the family another option for providing housing or monetary compensation instead of providing land. This option is possible only with the consent of each particular family.

Features of the implementation of this benefit for large families differ considerably between subjects of the Russian Federation. To find out exactly what and under what conditions you can get in a particular region, it makes sense to contact to the local administration.

tax incentives

In accordance with paragraph 4 of part 1 of Art. 218 of the Tax Code (TC) of the Russian Federation, for a third child and subsequent children, the standard is 3000 rubles, while on the first and second 1400 rubles. These tax benefits are cumulative for all children under 18 (or under 24 for full-time students).

For those who have three or more minor children, Federal Law No. 63-FZ of 04/15/2019 "On Amendments to Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation..." provided additional options reducing the tax burden:

  1. Does not count towards property tax 5 sq. m apartments or 7 sq. m private house for every child under the age of 18.
  2. When paying land tax is not taken into account "6 acres" from the area of ​​one plot (at the choice of the taxpayer).

Retirement Benefits

Many parents may know that the period of care for each child is up to 1.5 years counted in the insurance period for calculating a pension. According to paragraph 3 of part 1 of Art. 12 of the Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 "About insurance pensions", in total can be taken into account no more than 6 years, which implies the duration of care for 4 children.

Moreover, for the specified periods, the so-called points (individual pension coefficients - IPC) are accrued, their value increases with the order of appearance of children in family. So, for a full calendar year of care one parent is entitled to:

  • 1.8 points - for the first child;
  • 3.6 - for the second;
  • 5.4 - for the third or fourth.

Accordingly, for a year and a half of care, 1.5 times more points.

In addition, mothers with many children can (if they have at least 30 points and at least 15 years of insurance experience), if they raised children under 8 years old:

  • five - already at the age of 50 years;
  • four - upon reaching 56 years;
  • three - at 57 years old.

State awards

In addition to the payments and benefits listed above, parents with many children who approached the upbringing of children with special responsibility and care can apply for state and regional awards.

So, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 775 of 05/13/2008, the Order "Parental Glory", along with which a one-time monetary incentive is also issued in the amount of 100000 rub. Parents (adoptive parents) have the opportunity to receive the award at least 7 children- citizens of the Russian Federation - under the following conditions:

  • the youngest child must be at least 3 years;
  • all children at the time of the award should be alive(except for cases of death in the defense of the Fatherland, its interests, in the performance of civil, official or military duty);
  • Adopted children should be adequately supported and brought up in a family at least 5 years;
  • family should exemplify exemplary education, harmonious and comprehensive development, lead a healthy lifestyle.

In a number of subjects of the Russian Federation, awards are provided (including medals and insignia) "Maternal Glory", which can also be accompanied by material rewards (depending on the capabilities of a particular region of the country).