Simple recipes for the birthday of 10 years. Different categories of dishes for a child's birthday (with examples of recipes). Chicken skewers in the oven on skewers

To start

Thinking through the menu for the children's table, you need to understand that food for kids should be different from what is usually prepared for an adult holiday. First of all, food should be pleasing to the eye and be useful.

  • do not use exotic products.
  • dishes should not be spicy, fatty, too salty or sweet, smoked.
  • ingredients should be familiar to children of this age.
  • avoid foods that are considered to be allergens. Or find out in advance from all parents if the invited kids have any allergies to any products.
  • do not serve food with bones or thick skin for children younger age(grapes, fish, berries, etc.)
  • Avoid unhealthy fizzy or coloring drinks.
  • completely abandon harmful sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, etc.)


The appearance of the festive table is just as important as the rest of the decor of the space. True, it is not necessary to try to embody complex ideas, it is enough to use bright colors.

So, for a children's feast, you may need:

  • tablecloth
  • napkins
  • tubes (can be decorated with tinsel, etc.)
  • plastic glasses
  • cutlery
  • plates (preferably paper ones)
  • canape sticks
  • dishes for placing dishes on the table
  • fondue
  • aprons

Light snack

Buffet for children's party will be good option especially for the first half of the event. It all depends on whether you plan to serve hot dishes or just appetizers and dessert. As for snacks, they should be in the form of small portions that would be easy to take and eat between games. For example:

Sandwiches. Even the most ordinary sandwiches can be served in their original form. To do this, it is enough to cut figures out of all its constituent ingredients using cookie cutters. And then you just need to fold and pierce with a canapé stick or wooden skewers. Products that can be used: bread (you can dry it a little in advance, but not to have a very hard crust), cucumbers, boiled meat, cheese, tomatoes, green salad, egg, sweet pepper, cottage cheese with herbs, potatoes, carrots, beets.

Fruits. They, like sandwiches, can be served on canapé sticks. There are two options: either just plant pieces of fruit or pre-cut figures from them. Fruits on sticks can simply be laid out on a plate, forming a circle, or sticking them into a piece of watermelon, melon, pear, etc. So, you can make a fruit hedgehog from a pear-shaped base. It is enough just to peel the “muzzle” (where the sharp end is) from the skin, insert a carnation instead of an eye, and black grapes instead of a nose. Where the peel is not peeled, stick a fruit canape (these will be needles). You can also arrange them in different colors. plastic cups(or paper).

A more complex option is a fruit figurine drawn on a plate. It will be easy to make a beautiful butterfly, for example. True, in this case, it will be more difficult for children to eat it.

Salad. For convenience, it is better to arrange salads in edible baskets, which you can make yourself from dough or buy at any supermarket.

You can also use cucumbers instead of tartlets. You need to take a large cucumber, cut it lengthwise into two parts, and then clean out the pulp. Put salad in it. And from above, in order to turn all this into a ship, you need to stick a stick on which, as a sail, the same cucumber will be planted. To do this, cut the cucumber into thin long slices and put it on a skewer from two edges. Like fruits, salad can be served in transparent glasses, laying them out in layers, so it will be more effective. Ingredients that can be used: cucumber, sour cream, meat, potatoes, lettuce, greens, eggs, tomatoes, corn, green peas, beans, rice, sweet peppers, beets, carrots, cheese, shrimp.

Warm meals

If you still decide to feed the little guests with warm food, then it can also be served, like snacks, without cutlery.

Pies. All children love pies, especially puff pastries. They are quite easy to prepare, and besides, they are also satisfying. They can be molded into figurines or animals using special cookie cutters. Only for children you need to make smaller pies than for adults. What can be put in them: cheese, meat, potatoes, eggs, onions, salted cottage cheese with herbs, cabbage.

Baskets. Dough tarts are ideal for serving cold appetizers as well as hot ones. Warm dishes are best cooked at the same time together in a basket. To do this, it is better to take cupcake molds, lay out a circle of rolled dough in it and put your preferred products there. Ingredients that can be put: potatoes, tomatoes, meat, shrimp, zucchini, corn, beans, cheese, onions, sweet peppers, eggs.

Pizza. A good dish for a children's party would be a mini-pizza, which children can also cook themselves, as part of a holiday and competition. To do this, it is not necessary to make the dough yourself, you can buy ready-made and cut out circles from it using any cup. Also, funny faces can be laid out from the products, and baked on each of them. Ingredients that can be put on pizza: meat, tomatoes, mushrooms, meat, cheese, sweet peppers, beans, corn, green peas.

Shashlik. This is the conventional name for pieces of meat that, after cooking (steamed, baked, fried), must be planted on a small wooden skewer. You can also make them with vegetables. Ingredients: meat, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, zucchini.

"Pizza" pasta. If you want something original, then we suggest making pizza from pasta, in the form of "nests". First you need to gently boil them so that they retain their shape. Then you need to put them on a baking sheet, put the ingredients (vegetables, meat, etc.) on top, and sprinkle grated cheese on top. You can also fill it with an egg, then such a “nest” will better retain its shape.

Pancakes. A Russian dish that can be served not only with sour cream, jam or honey, but also with stuffing. For kids, it is better to serve them in the form of bags in which you can put meat, vegetables, cottage cheese, etc.

Figurines. From rice or buckwheat, you can make funny animal figurines. Meat (small meatballs) and vegetables can also participate in this. So you can sculpt animal figures or depict the whole picture. However, in this case, you will have to lay out an edible image on each plate, for each baby separately.

What about compote?

No party is complete without drinks. The only question is what would be so interesting and useful to bring to the table.

For younger children, it is better to stock up on small packaged juices. For older children, you can make a mix of freshly squeezed juice. And also make homemade lemonade or compote, serving them in a beautiful decanter or glasses. If you are worried that children might spill the drink, then buy special plastic transparent glasses with a rounded lid where a straw is inserted. You can paint them or stick stickers on them.

Fruit milkshakes are just as popular at children's birthday parties as juices. But jelly may have gone out of fashion, but it will also be appropriate, although not everyone may like it. Dessert is best served with warm tea rather than cold drinks. Many will also prefer warm cocoa with milk.

sweet moment

Where there are children, there is always a sea of ​​sweets. This is especially true for children's celebrations. In addition to the birthday cake, there are always other goodies at such events. Since store-bought sweets are no different useful properties We invite you to cook them yourself. The main thing is that they are tasty and beautiful.

Homemade candy. It is necessary to soften a bar of dark chocolate in a water bath, and then mix it with nuts, dried fruits and 1/3 can of condensed milk, you still need to add a small piece of butter. Then pour the resulting mass into a small mold and place in the refrigerator for 10 minutes, and then in the freezer for an hour. After that, you just need to cut into pieces and you can serve.

Ice cream. This dessert will be appreciated by all children. However, you can not take the ice cream itself, but take frozen yogurt. It will be much more useful, and the taste is not particularly different. So that each guest can make his own version of dessert for himself, you need to buy waffle cones and cups, or just creamers. And also spread out “fillers” in various cups or decorative jars, which everyone will then add to their cup of ice cream. It can be: cookies, chocolate, coconut, fruit pieces, marmalade, nuts, berries. Alternatively, you can simply layer each cup with yogurt, fruit, liver, cereal, marmalade, and chocolate.

Jelly mousse. This dessert is sure to please the kids. It is quite light and useful. It can be done with different layers. For example: Boil 200 ml of milk, pour into a deep cup, add 1 tbsp. powdered sugar and 2 tbsp. instant gelatin. Then you need to beat everything until foam is formed. Take a banana and grate it. Pour milk into 2 cups. Add a banana to one of them and beat. In the second, put the strawberries and beat. Take 2 bowls and fill the middle of the banana and strawberry mass in different bowls. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to set the jelly. Remove the bowls from the refrigerator and top up with the remaining half. Only from above it is necessary to fill in layers of a different taste and color. And put it back in the fridge. When the jelly hardens, you can decorate it with berries, whipped cream, etc.

Cookie. All children love cookies, and making them is a pleasure. It is enough to make the dough, roll it out, cut out figures from it and bake. And then melt the chocolate in a water bath and dip the cookies there. With the help of adults, children will be able to make their own dessert during the holiday. To make cookies you will need: 250 g flour, 100 g sugar and butter, 10 g baking powder for dough, 3-4 tbsp. warm water, a pinch of salt. Put the softened butter and sugar in a bowl, add warm water (3-4 tablespoons for soft dough kneading). Then mix everything and leave for 10 minutes, covering it with a towel. Form a flat pancake from the dough and cut out figures from it using cookie cutters. Lay on a baking sheet covered with parchment (you can grease a little with sunflower oil), leave for 10-15 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, until browning.

"Chocolate Feast" Many children love chocolate. Therefore, if no one from the parents is against it, you can make a chocolate holiday. To do this, you need a chocolate fountain. But if your budget does not include such expenses, then just put fondue on the table. Thanks to this invention of mankind, chocolate can be kept liquid and warm throughout the entire celebration. Plus, we advise you to also arrange the sprinkles, which the children can sprinkle on their chocolate dessert. What can be dipped in chocolate: kiwi, bananas, apples, pears, pineapples, marshmallows, cookies, etc. What can serve as sprinkles: air flakes, crushed cookies, pastry sprinkles.

Wafers. If you have a waffle iron at home, then you can not rack your brains with a dessert for a children's birthday. waffles home production They always taste better than store-bought ones. You only need to prepare the dough and arrange bowls with yogurt, chocolate, condensed milk, sweet cottage cheese or jam to spread them on waffles. Waffle dough: Take 5 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 200 g butter and 1 cup flour. Whisk eggs with sugar. Melt the butter, and then mix it with the egg mixture and flour, mix. You have the dough for making waffles in a waffle iron.

Video: Children's menu. Festive table for birthday

All the kids are looking forward to important holiday in the birthday year. On this wonderful day, they are given many gifts, guests and friends come. Everyone is happy and eating a delicious cake. However, for mothers, this holiday often becomes a source of unrest and trouble. They wonder what is so delicious to cook on children's table . Not all foods can be eaten by small children.

Rules for choosing dishes

If you are going to buy products for the festive children's table, carefully consider the entire menu. Be sure to pay attention to the presence of allergic reactions in the child or intolerance to certain products. If you invite other kids to visit, you should check with mothers what foods their children should not eat. This will allow you to plan the menu in advance and not get into a mess with cooked dishes.

Do not include too spicy, hot, smoked or pickled dishes in the menu. Even when food is fresh, babies may experience tummy pains or upset stools.

Choose pitted fruits. During the children's holiday, kids are often in a hurry or run. During the game, they can grab the fruit and choke on the bone. Rinse all fruits thoroughly, it is better to remove the peel.

Choose neutral dishes, without an abundance of ingredients. Fruits and low-fat cheese go well together. It can be a great appetizer and a good start to a children's party. You should not prepare salads with a lot of products included in them. It is better to choose dishes that include no more than 2-3 ingredients. This is, for example, cabbage salad with sweet corn and carrots.

Refueling should also be as neutral as possible. Try to cook several dishes with different dressings. Perhaps some babies who were invited to the holiday should not have dairy products. In this case, you can cook one salad, but in two versions. One refuel vegetable oil and the other with sour cream.

For teenagers, you can dress the salad with mayonnaise, mixed in equal proportions with sour cream or non-acidic yogurt.

Do not cook the usual dishes that you eat every day. Soups for a children's holiday - not the best choice. It is better to cook a delicious hot dish, choosing the main product by age. Chicken is the best choice. Usually all kids love chicken meat. After a year, children can cook a variety of meatballs, kebabs, casseroles using chicken. A good alternative would be turkey.

Choose fish for children festive table still shouldn't. Every fish has small bones. When cleaning and butchering fish, you can leave a few unnoticed bones that babies can choke on. It is also worth noting that not all kids love fish. It is better to postpone it for ordinary days, excluding it from the festive menu.

The choice of desserts should also be taken very carefully. Today in stores you can find the most different variants cakes and pastries. However, it is better to buy finished products for kids from 5 years old. For younger children, it is better to bake the cake at home. This way you will know exactly which products have been used.

If your little one is intolerant of eggs or dairy products, you can substitute them or choose a different cake recipe. When cooking at home, you can choose all your child's favorite fruits or confectionery for decoration. You can also order a cake from the patisserie.. In this case, be sure to check the reviews of visitors and stop choosing only reliable options.

Usually children's parties are very noisy. Kids have fun, play, run. Of course they want to drink. Be sure to make sure that you have enough drinks prepared before the holiday.

Toddlers are very fond of carbonated drinks, but this is not the best choice. Such cooling drinks can damage the stomach lining. It is better to give your preference to homemade fruit drinks or compote. You can make fruit drink from berries. Think of how to present everything in an original way. You can dilute the fruit drink with carbonated mineral water and decorate with an interesting tube with an orange slice. Serve it like a cocktail, and the baby will be very pleased.


If you decide to organize a baby’s birthday at home, first decide what format of the event you will choose. There are several options for organizing a children's holiday:

  • In the apartment. Pre-decorate the room where the celebration will take place. Kids love theme parties. If your child loves a particular cartoon or movie character, you can decorate the festive table and room with the main characters drawn. The simplest design option: posters on the walls and curtains, themed cups and napkins on the table. Children can prepare masks or thematic elements of the holiday (for example, make crowns or tiaras for girls, and choose pirate hats for boys).
  • Outdoors. In this case, take care of all necessary things that you will need to organize a picnic. It will take a big beautiful tablecloth which is easy to wash and clean from spilled drinks. If you are planning a camping trip, it is better to choose disposable tableware. In supermarkets you can find a large number various kinds beautiful disposable tableware with images of cartoon characters. Don't forget to take straws for children's drinks and cocktails. Be sure to take a lot paper napkins. Choose bright colors that will decorate and diversify the decor of your holiday table.
  • Buffet table. It is an excellent choice for organizing a children's holiday. You can also think of interesting options for serving dishes, including sweets. To decorate such a festive table, choose a variety of options for snacks, canapes and sandwiches. Toddlers are very fond of snacks - especially in cases where they are interestingly decorated. Choose simple options for serving, rather than spicy seasonings, onions and garlic. On the table, put all the snacks away from each other so that the kids do not accidentally break the dishes.

We offer you to watch the video release of the TOP 10, where to mark children's holiday.

We take into account age

When compiling the menu, be sure to build on the age of the child. Not all foods that are suitable for teenagers are suitable for preschool and primary school children.

For babies aged 1-2 years

Include in the menu only neutral products, without allergenic properties. Do not overload the table with an abundance of salads or snacks. For kids of this age, they are completely useless. Make small chicken pate cracker sandwiches for an appetizer. For hot, you can make baked chicken meatballs with mashed potatoes. For dessert, give preference to cream jelly or soufflé. Cake for children of this age is not worth choosing. It is better to give preference to a light and healthy dessert that will not cause discomfort in the baby during digestion.

For toddlers aged 3-4 years

At this age, babies turn into real “negochuh”. Feeding a baby becomes extremely difficult. What can we say about the festive menu when you want to please your beloved baby! To make the baby enjoy the table, cook several snacks at once from the basic products that your baby loves.

A variety of canapes made from fruit, cheese and lean meats are perfect. All kids will appreciate the variety of small sandwiches with vegetables and chicken meat. You can decorate everything with boiled eggs, make a sail or a boat. Cherry tomatoes will help to make a banal sandwich with liver pate ladybug or flower. Kids will certainly appreciate the variety of snacks.

For hot, it is better to choose chicken or turkey. Pay attention to serving food. Turkey skewers with pieces of pineapple or apple look very original. Prepare sour cream sauce. This will be a great dish that the kids will love.

For decorating a cake, the theme with your favorite characters from cartoons or fairy tales is perfect. If you order a mastic cake in a pastry shop, the craftsmen will be able to make any figures on the cake or decorate it as you wish. Choose low-fat cakes with light cream. It is better to choose yogurt or sour cream. Berries or bananas are perfect for decoration.

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For kids 5-7 years old

Toddlers of this age can already significantly expand the number of dishes and ingredients. For the festive table, you can cook several vegetable salads with chicken or turkey. For snacks, canapes with vegetables, fruits, low-fat cheese and salted red fish are perfect.

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For hot, you can cook baked beef rolls (stuffed with prunes). As a side dish, multi-colored mashed potatoes are suitable for rolls. To do this, prepare the usual way. Divide into 3 equal parts. In one part, add a little juice from the squeezed boiled beets. In the second, you can add squeezed juice from spinach or parsley. Leave the remaining third as it is. Serve the rolls with colorful puree, garnish with herbs and chopped cherry tomato halves. Toddlers this age will love this one. interesting option hot.

For dessert, you can choose a cake with any decorative elements. If you want to cook something more dietary, so as not to overload the child's stomach with heavy food, give preference to multi-colored jelly or puddings. You can make them at home using gelatin, or you can order them from a pastry shop.

For children 8-10 years old

At this age, the holiday itself will be interesting for the baby. Discuss with your child which plot for the event he prefers. Perhaps the boys will choose a pirate theme or an intergalactic adventure. Girls will love magic castles or puppet themes.

For the festive menu, a variety of vegetable salads and snacks are perfect. As a hot dish, you can serve baked veal medallions with a side dish of vegetables. Boil loose rice or colorful pasta separately. In addition, prepare homemade tomato sauce.

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Children of this age are very fond of pizza or a variety of nuggets. You can easily prepare these dishes at home. Pizza can be made with different toppings. It's quick to prepare and the kids are sure to love it. If you want to surprise and please the kids even more, prepare small mini-pizzas with different toppings. Garnish the pizza with original sliced ​​olives and cherry tomatoes. Kids are sure to love this dish.

We take into account the budget

When compiling a menu for a children's holiday, any mother is faced with the question of how overhead it will be for family budget. Costs may vary. You can save money when you celebrate at home. To do this, include in the menu more salads from simple and affordable products, without delicacies and expensive ingredients.

Babies need a holiday atmosphere more than a salad on their plate. They will remember how the evening was organized, how the room was decorated, what games they played. Very often, kids remember a cake or dessert. Try to pay more attention to this.

The organization of the holiday can be different and depends on the thickness of the wallet. For kids under 3 years old, the organization of the holiday should include more decorative elements, rather than accents on dishes. Even a simple dish, brightly and beautifully decorated, will cause genuine delight in the baby and will be very appetizing for him.

If you do not want to cook at home and spend time decorating an apartment for a children's party, you can order a festive table in a cafe or restaurant. The cost in such cases varies greatly. Usually without paying for the services of animators - about 2000 rubles per guest. You can also discuss all the details and discuss the holiday menu with the cafe manager. In almost all children's cafes, you can bring a cake with you. This is very convenient if you trust a particular pastry shop or master.

Decoration of dishes

Interesting design dishes for the children's holiday table is extremely important. If your kid is fascinated by some cartoon or movie character, you can choose thematic design of dishes. If your child likes Spider-Man, you can arrange appetizers or salads with long thin strips of cheese that mimic the web. Sandwiches will look good with olives symbolizing spiders.

For girls, various decorations of dishes in the form of animals are perfect. You can make a salad in the form of a tiger or lion muzzle. An excellent option would be a salad "Turtle". It looks appetizing on the table, causing delight in the kids.

For any children's table, all kinds of canapes from various fruits and vegetables are perfect. Take skewers for decoration. different colors and arrange the canapés on a colorful plate. The more colors you combine when decorating a children's holiday table, the more appetizing all dishes will look.

You can decorate hot dishes with various figures carved from vegetables. These can be figures of hares, kittens or dogs, carved from cucumbers or boiled carrots. Choose vegetables that are denser for making figurines, so you can achieve a clear shape.

You can decorate sweet dishes with fruits and berries, whipped cream, jam or even simple sour cream. You can use chocolate or caramel syrup. The simplest (but no less spectacular) decor for sweet dishes will be powdered sugar along the edge of the plate. Moisten the edge of the dish with water and sprinkle with powdered sugar, the excess can be easily blown off. Place a piece of cake or dessert in the center of the plate.

When compiling a menu for a children's holiday, you should use a few tips:

  • Plan your menu carefully in advance. It is better to start preparing for the holiday a month before the event. So you can compose good menu, select and buy all necessary products for the holiday table. During this time, you can decide without haste where you will order a birthday cake.
  • Include dishes on the menu that do not contain many ingredients, choose not very complex combinations of products. The basic basis of the dishes should be daily products, but with a different way of cooking. These are, for example, chicken rolls with vegetable or rice filling for hot dishes.
  • Be sure to pay special attention to the design of dishes. Decorate them, focusing on the theme chosen for the holiday. Choose vegetables and fruits for decoration different colors. This will make the table more colorful and bright for children.

Here comes the birthday of the child. Colorful balloons are inflated, presents are prepared, entertainment carefully compiled thanks to numerous thematic sites on the Internet. It remains only to think over the menu for the festive table, and this, as you know, is a very responsible matter, because the dishes should please all the little guests.

Organization of a children's holiday

Some negligent parents prefer to buy carbonated drinks, children's sausages, cakes with whipped cream. Is this option not for you? And right! So you caring parent and show concern for the healthy eating of children.

Don't forget what's on the table there should be no food that contains a lot of nutritional supplements, as well as food that contains allergens that can cause indigestion and immunity disorders.

1 Buffet is most suitable for young children (4-6 years old). If you decide to organize a feast a la buffet, you can put together several ordinary children's tables, covering them with a common festive tablecloth. You can also use an ironing board. Do not forget that the height of the countertop or board should correspond to the height of the guests.

2 The buffet has a large number of different advantages. The most important advantage is that you do not need to puzzle over where to get children's furniture. Since not every family will definitely have a dozen children's chairs and tables.

3 The advantage is that no one forces children to eat, and this will undoubtedly delight them. And another advantage is that few of the children know how to handle cutlery, in our case, we avoid this problem.

4 And finally, none of those present will interrupt you with exclamations of “I'm thirsty!”.

It is desirable that your program contains funny contests and various surprises. Do not forget to warn parents in advance that the birthday will also be celebrated with a cake for adults.

Remember that a cheerful and joyful child is a suitable option for any mother. It would be best if you set the table with beautiful disposable tableware, which will depict favorite children's cartoon characters. As a rule, everyone perceives this without question.

Pay great attention to the design of festive dishes. Even the simplest of dishes, like mashed potatoes, will delight kids when they are decorated in a festive way.

Find out from mothers if their children have allergic reactions to certain exotic fruits or cocoa.

Forewarned is forearmed. Thus you will be able avoid various embarrassing situations. Also, it would not be bad if you included dried fruits in the holiday menu, as they are stores of vitamins and iron.

It is advisable to prepare hotels for children a few days before the holiday. For this purpose, you can visit souvenir shops where you will find the products you need. To order gifts in bulk, contact the supplier. If you need a small number of gifts, then it will be easier and faster to purchase them on the market. Another popular method of buying gifts is online shopping.

What to cook for the little ones?

puddings. cooking recipes

The smallest children can make pudding. There are many ways to prepare this simple dish. For a baby's birthday, this dish is quite suitable. This dish is quick to prepare and has excellent flavor properties. It is also affordable for anyone.

Rice pudding

We will need: 350 ml of milk, a third of a pack of butter, 3 chicken eggs, a glass of sugar, 250 grams of rice, half a pack of vanilla sugar, orange peel, dried apricots.

First of all, rinse the rice thoroughly, then boil it over low heat for fifteen minutes, put it in a colander, add milk, and boil it again for fifteen minutes. Put the egg yolks beaten with sugar and vanilla in advance into cool rice. Add orange zest, crushed nuts, dried apricots, as well as butter and whipped proteins there.

semolina pudding

Ingredients: 150 g semolina, 250 g sugar, lemon zest, a quarter pack of butter, 700 ml whole milk.

In warm milk, add all the ingredients except semolina. Then slowly pour semolina and, stirring, cook for a quarter of an hour. You can add chopped almonds or nuts if you like. Next, the resulting mass is placed in a prepared mold and sent to the oven for a quarter of an hour.

oatmeal pudding

You need to take: 500 ml of whole milk, 200 g of any oatmeal, a couple of eggs, 300 g of sugar, 40 g of fresh butter.

Cook porridge with granulated sugar and vanilla. Then beat the yolks with sugar and butter, then add everything to the porridge. Also add pre-whipped protein there. Having done all this, put the resulting mass into a mold, having previously covered its bottom with breadcrumbs. Then we send it all into a preheated oven and bake at medium temperature. To make the pudding look more presentable, you can decorate it with berries or jam.

Vermicelli pudding

Ingredients: 600 ml of whole milk, 150 g of sugar, 200 g of durum vermicelli, a quarter of a pack of butter, three eggs, 100 g of walnuts, citrus zest.

In milk brought to a boil, put sugar and zest. After that, we immerse a well-broken vermicelli into it. Vermicelli should cook no more than 15 minutes. During cooking, the main thing is not to forget to stir the mixture. After this time, the mixture is allowed to cool. And add the yolks, chopped nuts to the chilled mass, and also do not forget about the butter.

After thorough mixing, add protein. After that, stir the mixture in the oven for half an hour, and the pudding is ready. A little tip: pudding should be served at the table at least after a few hours, this will make the taste more bright shade which can be supplemented with fruits.

Children's birthday menu for children from 3 to 5 years old

Pyramid of pancakes from the cat Matroskin

Pancakes for this dish should be lush.

Put the pancake in the pan, sprinkle it with finely chopped chicken meat or chopped low-fat and ham, cover with the second pancake. Sprinkle grated hard cheese on top, cover with a third and garnish with tomato slices and herbs. Bake in a hot oven for 6 - 7 minutes or 1 - 2 minutes in the microwave.

Meat ball with cheese and mushrooms

The spicy filling of the meat ball with a classic combination of cheese and mushrooms will leave few people indifferent. Adding various ingredients that are on hand will allow you to experiment and fantasize during cooking.

For cooking you will need:

  • Pork or veal mince - 500 gr.
  • Champignons - 200 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 150 gr.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Pomegranate - 3 tbsp. tablespoons grains (for decoration)
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Spices and seasonings, such as Provence herbs - 0.5 tsp
  • Coarse salt and freshly ground pepper
  • Small bunch of greens
  • Lettuce leaves and cherry tomatoes for garnish

Meal preparation:

Finely chop the onion and garlic and fry in a hot pan until golden color. Mushrooms (can be frozen or canned) cut into small pieces and add to the onion and garlic.

As soon as the mushrooms warm up, they must be salted, seasoned with freshly ground pepper and a mixture of Provence herbs. Fry the mushrooms until golden brown. Finely chop a bunch of greens, grate hard cheese on a coarse grater. Beat the minced meat well, salt and season with pepper.

Add fried mushrooms, half chopped herbs and grated cheese to minced meat. Stir the mixture thoroughly, and form a ball with wet hands. You can add whole mushrooms to the ball, and pieces of mozzarella, diced carrots and bell peppers, pitted black or green olives, green beans, peas or corn.

Grease a baking sheet with oil, carefully lay out the meat ball, sprinkle a little vegetable oil on the top and bake for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180C., until a golden crust appears. Put the meat ball on a plate with lettuce leaves, cut into 8 parts, arrange cherry halves and pomegranate seeds on the sides.

The bowl is delicious both hot and cold. As an everyday dinner, it can be supplemented with a potato or rice side dish and vegetable salad.

homemade chocolate recipe

Nowadays, children eat, there is plenty of chocolate and therefore you will not surprise them with chocolate. Except homemade chocolate.

To make homemade chocolate you will need:

  • glass of sugar
  • Half glass of milk
  • A pinch of vanillin
  • One third of a pack of butter
  • Half glass of dry milk
  • A quarter cup of cocoa

So let's get straight to making homemade chocolate. Gradually add vanillin, granulated sugar and butter to boiling milk. We wait until the butter has melted, after which we add the baby powder and cocoa powder. And don't forget to stir.

When you notice that the density of the mixture has increased, transfer it to a plate previously moistened with cool water. When you make chocolate, to improve the taste, you can add various ingredients such as: raisins, coconut, walnuts, almond. After cooling, cut the tile into portioned pieces.

fruit jelly eggs

The dish is able to surprise all the little guests. There is one important nuance in its preparation, you will need a whole eggshell with a small hole. With the help of some sharp object, we make a small hole from the blunt end of the egg.

Let's start making jelly, which will serve as a filler for our shells.


  • Gelatin powder packaging
  • 250 grams of granulated sugar
  • Fruit platter

Fill with hot jelly eggshell, cool to room temperature, then send to the refrigerator overnight. Carefully peel the eggs - the festive dish is ready!

Salad "royal fairy tale"

For older children (from ten years old), you can cook all kinds of meat salads, and arrange them on small portioned plates.

For one serving:

  • 100 g chicken meat
  • 100 g ham
  • 80 g boiled or pickled champignons
  • 100 grams canned pineapple
  • 60 g pickled cucumbers
  • sour cream sauce

Chicken meat, ham, pineapple and cucumbers cut into small cubes. Mushrooms cut lengthwise. Mix all the ingredients, season with sour cream sauce. Decorate with pineapple slices.

Boy's birthday menu

Salad for adults

For one serving:

  • 60 g onion
  • 100 g boiled chicken fillet
  • 60 grams of prunes
  • one boiled egg
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • sour cream sauce

Chop and marinate the onion. Finely chop the chicken fillet and prunes. Grate the egg.

Lay the salad in layers on a platter. Top each layer with sour cream sauce.

The bottom layer is an onion. Then chicken fillet, prunes, egg and hard cheese. Garnish with pomegranate seeds.

Desserts with berries and fruits

If you want the holiday to be a success, treat your little gourmets with fruit desserts, snacks and drinks before the start of the competition program.

Desserts from fruits and berries are an integral part of fun children's feasts.

To prepare delicious and beautiful fruit and berry desserts, take:

  • 5 yolks
  • 400g 20% ​​sour cream
  • orange peel
  • Cherry berries, candied - half a kilo
  • a little vanilla

Cooking steps: Grind egg yolks with sugar, add zest and sour cream, as well as candied cherries, after removing the seeds from them, pour in a little vanillin.

Rub the mass well, mix and beat in a blender, put in beautiful molds, put in the freezer for six hours. Before serving this beauty to children, decorate desserts with berries or fruit slices.

Menu for children aged 5 - 10 years


  • premium flour - 750 grams
  • water - 350 ml
  • baker's yeast - one teaspoon
  • Salt to taste

To prepare the filling we need:

  • 300 grams of boiled lean pork or salami sausage
  • two onions cut into half rings, sautéed
  • hard cheese, grated on a coarse grater 150g
  • cherry tomatoes, cut into rings - 6 pieces
  • fresh basil and leaf parsley
  • sour cream sauce - 100 ml

Cooking steps:

We make yeast dough, and leave it in order to fit. After the dough has risen, knead and roll into a round cake, the thickness of the layer of which should not exceed half a centimeter. Carefully lay out the future pizza form on a pan or baking sheet, spread the filling on the dough, lift the edges of the dough so that the filling does not end up in the pan, pour grated cheese on top, bake the pizza in a well-heated oven.

Cut the finished pizza into portions, sprinkle them with herbs.

Delicious mushrooms from dough (cookies)

Products for cooking:

  • one pack of butter
  • glass of granulated sugar
  • a glass of sour cream
  • three egg yolks
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoons
  • soda quenched with vinegar - one teaspoon
  • premium flour - 800 grams

Cooking steps:

First of all, you need to make mushroom caps. To do this, we roll the dough in the form of sausages, cut it into pieces of different sizes, take these pieces in our hands, and sculpt mushroom caps from them, like from plasticine.

While the mushrooms are baking, prepare the sugar syrup to glue the components together. To prepare, take a glass of granulated sugar, pour 25 ml of water into it and cook the sugar syrup over low heat, stirring constantly.

With a sharp knife making holes in the caps, insert the legs there, glue them with sugar syrup. Place the mushrooms on a baking sheet.

To paint hats prepare the cocoa mixture. Take 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder, 2 tablespoons of water, two tablespoons of granulated sugar, mix and boil this mixture over low heat, stirring constantly, for 3 minutes. In this brown fondant, we dip the hats of our impromptu mushrooms. Hats will get very beautiful Brown color. Lubricate the mushroom legs with sugar syrup, and then sprinkle with grated poppy seeds on top.

Such mushrooms will serve as a true decoration of the festive table, they will surely attract the attention of the kids, and will delight them with their excellent taste and original look.

Marshmallow with your own hands

We will need:

  • 1 pack of gelatin powder
  • 1 glass of water
  • 650 g granulated sugar
  • teaspoon of citric acid
  • 1.5 teaspoons baking soda
  • 100 g powdered sugar

Cooking steps:

gelatin powder and water mix(until the gelatin particles are completely dissolved), set aside for half an hour for the swelling process. After that heat up over low heat until boiling, with constant stirring, pour out the sugar (650 g), pour in 200 ml of water and boil this mixture for 10 minutes, after which we combine with the swollen gelatin mixture. Whip all this mass with a mixer, put baking soda, continue whipping.

Five minutes later active whipping we dose citric acid, beat again at the highest speed. The resulting lush mass is needed place into a food syringe and squeeze out beautiful roses onto parchment paper, put cold for 60 minutes. After the marshmallow hardens, roll put it in powdered sugar, put it on a beautiful tray, decorate sprigs of mint and berries, and serve to guests.

homemade ice cream


  • whole cow's milk - 600 ml
  • 100 g sugar
  • one and a half tablespoons of corn starch
  • 2 egg yolks

Cooking process:

Yolks carefully grind with sugar, pour in milk. Boil this mixture over low heat, with constant stirring, until it thickens. Enter cornstarch, continue boiling. Don't forget all the time stir because the mixture tends to burn.

Pour in a teaspoon of cocoa powder, chopped almonds, vanilla sugar, cool down the resulting mixture to 20 degrees, send in the refrigerator for five hours. After the mixture has cooled, it will become thick, whip with a blender, put it in beautiful vases and send it to the freezer freeze

  • 2 cups sugar
  • To prepare a gentle cream, take:

    • a pack of butter
    • a jar of condensed milk
    • half a bar of dark chocolate

    This cake will be the decoration of the festive table. It consists of three cakes of different diameters: 25, 21 and 15 cm. The dough for the largest cake is made as follows:

    Whip eggs with a whisk until a lush and stable foam appears with sugar and vanilla (pour one tablespoon of boiling water). In a separate container whip egg whites, and sugar must be added to them very slowly, in small portions.

    Further cooking a mixture of corn starch and flour. Sifting flour directly into the prepared egg mass, add a spoonful of baking soda, slaked acetic acid, mix all the ingredients, put the dough in the prepared form, align place in preheated oven for 40 minutes we bake at a temperature of 180-190 degrees).

    We get the finished baked cake, cool down. Now we are engaged in two cakes of a smaller diameter. They are baked for 30 and 35 minutes respectively.

    Each of the cakes cut a draw for three layers, we rewind the layers with cream. For making cream melt down a pack of butter, add egg yolks and powdered sugar to the butter, add a jar of condensed milk, as well as chocolate chips or chips, everything on top pour glaze and decorate with sugar-coated cherries.

    Boiled egg ring and a piece of cheese, pinch edges, give the shape of a cutlet, plan in breadcrumbs, fry in boiling oil in a frying pan.

    Cooking hamburger buns themselves.

    Ingredients for making buns:

    • 550 ml skimmed milk
    • 3 tablespoons semolina
    • 2 tablespoons dry baker's yeast
    • two tablespoons of granulated sugar
    • salt to taste
    • 700 g premium white flour
    • sesame seeds - 2 teaspoons

    Steps to make a hamburger bun:

    From milk and semolina we cook ordinary semolina porridge, cool down.

    into the cooled mixture. pour in yeast, sugar, salt and flour. We knead a rather tight dough, leave it for several hours in order to rise, form buns and bake in a preheated oven for 35 minutes.

    After the buns have cooled down, cut them, and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Inside grease bun with butter and put a surprise patty, chopped tomatoes, a slice of cheese and a few lettuce leaves.

    Hamburger and fries

    Festive children's table

    Position and place of work: educator, MDOU kindergarten of the combined type No. 193, Yaroslavl
    Description and purpose of the material: Everyone understands that children cannot and should not eat adult meals. They have a special diet. Children are not allowed mayonnaise (if you really want, you can make homemade), hot sauces, and the combination of products from which we sometimes cook is unacceptable for them. This material is presented to help parents, grandparents. The recipes of the proposed dishes are easy to prepare, aesthetic and tasty. Most importantly, they are designed specifically for children.

    If a child’s birthday is coming up or just children’s gatherings, new year holidays, it's time to surprise the little guests with colorful delicious dishes. The main thing in organizing a children's holiday table is to make it tasty, healthy, original and desirable, and not take much time and effort. I offer a few tips and recipes that will help in solving this problem.

    Fruit kebab
    Cut fruit into slices (apples, pears, plum halves - any) or whole berries, put on the same stick and either dip in melted chocolate and let it harden, or dip in dough, as for pancakes, and fry in a pan, and sprinkle sugar on top powder.
    The second option is more satisfying, but a little more complicated.

    closed sandwiches
    For 4 sandwiches: 8 slices of square white bread, 50 grams of butter, 8 slices of Cheddar cheese (according to the size of the bread) (can be replaced with other cheese, even take cheese), 4 square slices of ham.
    Apply butter to each piece of bread. Place a square of cheese and a piece of ham on 4 slices of bread. Season. Place another piece of cheese on top. Cover with another piece of bread. Heat oil in a frying pan, fry sandwiches until golden and crispy. Cut different shapes out of sandwiches with a cookie cutter. Decorate with vegetables on top.

    Baskets with salad
    2 cups of flour without top, 200 grams of butter, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of sour cream, salt to taste.
    Chop flour with butter, add eggs and sour cream, knead the dough and refrigerate for 10 minutes. Grease molds with oil. Roll out the dough into a layer 1/2 cm thick, roll it onto a rolling pin and then spread it over the molds placed one next to the other in rows, pressing with the rolling pin so that there is a circle of dough on each mold. Press the dough with your fingers into the mold, so that its inner side is completely covered with an even layer of dough. Put the molds on a baking sheet in the oven, bake and cool.
    Fill the baskets with any of the salads.
    For example,

    Salad "Delicious"
    400 grams of apples, 300 grams of carrots, 150 grams of walnuts, sour cream.
    Peel apples, cut into thin strips.
    Grate carrots on a coarse grater, add chopped walnuts, season with sour cream.

    Salad "Ships"
    This salad is very beautiful on the table and resembles boats.
    You need to take 5 boiled eggs and cut them lengthwise into 2 parts. Free the whites from the yolks. Put the yolks in a deep plate, add 0.5 cans of any canned fish in oil and finely chopped onion.
    Thoroughly knead everything with a fork until smooth. You can salt and pepper to taste. Lay the halves of the proteins on a flat plate and carefully put the prepared minced meat into the hollows with a spoon. Top with sour cream or homemade mayonnaise (you can use yogurt). From hard cheese, cut out triangles in the form of parys, stick them into the middle of the eggs.

    mini meringues
    For 12 meringues you need: 4 egg whites, 250 grams of sugar, 2 tablespoons of flour, 1/2 tablespoons of vanilla essence, red food coloring, 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar, 375 grams of whipped cream, raspberries, blueberries and strawberries for decoration, sugar powder.
    Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Beat egg whites until thick. Add sugar, one tablespoon at a time, whisking constantly until all the sugar is gone. Stir with a large spoon with flour, vanilla, a few drops of food coloring and vinegar. Put the parchment on a baking sheet, attach a heart shape or a glass to the paper and circle around the contour six times. You should get six drawn hearts or circles. Spoon the mixture into the shapes you have drawn. Use a spoon to make a well in the center of each meringue. Put in the center of the oven and bake at 150 degrees for 30 minutes. Remove from oven after half an hour and let cool. When the meringues have cooled, whip the cream a little more. Place a spoonful of cream on each meringue and garnish with fruit on top. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top.

    2 packs of waffles, 2 tablespoons of sour cream, cherry juice.
    Pass 2 packs of any wafers through meat, add 2 tablespoons of sour cream, roll into balls, shape strawberries. Dip each piece in cherry or beetroot juice, roll in sugar, and refrigerate.

    stuffed oranges
    4 large oranges, 200 grams of ice cream, 2 tablespoons of chopped nuts.
    Cut oranges crosswise into 2 parts. Take out the pulp, clean it from grains and films, mix with ice cream and nuts. Fill the mass of oranges, put in the refrigerator.

    ice cream dish
    Roll out the finished puff pastry into a rectangular layer, cut into rhombuses, carefully grease the surface with yolk, without touching the side edges (otherwise they will not rise). These will be boats.
    Carefully cut the finished "boat" in half lengthwise, put ice cream balls inside: sprinkle with nuts, pour over icing or berry syrups, cover with the top half and put on the table.

    Banana cocktail
    500 grams of boiled chilled milk, 500 grams of fresh bananas, 200 grams of sugar syrup, 10 eggs, (ice on request).
    Finely chop bananas and place in glasses. Mix milk, syrup, eggs in a mixer for 1-2 minutes and pour over bananas with this mixture.

    Berry kefir
    1 cup of yogurt, a handful of any (frozen) berries, 3 teaspoons of sugar, 1-2 teaspoons of low-fat cream.
    Mash the berries with a fork. Add sugar and cream. Mix everything thoroughly, pour the mixture into kefir and beat with a mixer for about a minute. You can decorate with an umbrella.

    Zucchini rolls
    1 zucchini, 0.5 cups of rice, 1 bell pepper, carrot (season with pepper), dill (a couple of sprigs), salt, soy sauce for serving.
    Boil rice until tender in salted water. Add finely chopped greens. Finely chop the zucchini and fry until golden brown in a pan. Cut the bell pepper into thin slices, do the same with carrots (and sprinkle with black pepper if you are using unprepared Korean carrots).
    Spread the rice in an even layer over the zucchini, leaving a little space at the base.
    Peppers and carrots are put in an empty place at the base.
    We wrap the zucchini in a roll. Cut crosswise into pieces 2 cm thick.

    Muffins with apples
    90 grams of margarine, 100 grams of flour, 70-80 grams of sugar, 2 eggs, a pinch of salt, 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder, 1 large apple for filling + 1 for decoration, half a bag of vanilla, cinnamon to taste, powdered sugar.
    Mash sugar, margarine and yolks with a fork. Add flour, vanilla, cinnamon and baking powder. Stir until smooth. Peel the apple and cut into cubes. Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt, add to the bulk. Pour into muffin molds, filling 2/3 full. Using a slicer (or shredder), cut apples into half rings. We decorate the muffins with apple slices, arching them in a semicircle, like rose petals. We send it to the oven for 20 minutes at 180 C. Immediately sprinkle the finished muffins with powder.

    Hot chocolate
    200 milliliters of cream (10%), 50 grams of dark chocolate, 50 grams of milk chocolate (only black can be taken), vanilla or cinnamon to taste
    Heat cream, add finely chopped chocolate. Stir constantly until the chocolate is completely melted. As soon as it boils, let it “puff” for literally 1 minute. We pour into cups.

    potato cake
    1 kilo of shortbread cookies, 1.5 cups of milk, 50 grams of butter, nuts to taste, 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder, coconut crumbs (for rolling)
    Break the cookies and pass through a meat grinder with nuts. Part of the cookie (literally 2 tablespoons can be left if you want to roll the potatoes in it). Add cocoa and melted butter to cookies. Add milk and stir until a homogeneous paste-like mass is obtained.
    Let's make balls. Roll at will - in a cookie-nut mass or coconut, or you can not roll at all.

    Jelly tricolor
    3 bags of ready-made jelly of different colors, boiling water.
    Pour the contents of the sachet into any deep container. Fill with boiling water (see the proportions on the bag). Stir until the powder dissolves. We do the same with the rest of the jellies.
    By the way, when buying jelly - take bright colors, such as red, yellow and green (natural). When the jelly has cooled slightly, pour the first layer and send it to the refrigerator. As soon as the 1st layer has frozen - fill in the 2nd, of a different color. Repeat the procedure with the refrigerator, and pour the 3rd layer.

    Everyone good day! We all love to celebrate holidays. But a holiday for a child, you always want to do something special, especially when it comes to the birthday of your unique and adored children.

    After all, a child's birthday is the most important day in every family. Little guests always bring fun, laughter, joyful smiles, funny photos, chores to the house and create such an attractive atmosphere throughout the day.

    And therefore, no one will argue with the fact that for all this you will need a children's festive tasty table. On which there will be a big beautiful cake, and something creative from different products. And of course, everyone wants to decorate the table in a special way, with a creative approach, with various decorative things.

    In this article, I will share ideas for children's meals. Birthday for a child is first of all a holiday for our bellies. 🙂 so the menu needs to be simple, but at the same time tasty and healthy.

    I would like to note that the menu for a child's birthday has its own characteristics, this is primarily age-related. The menu for 1 year and the menu for a child at 3 years old or 7 years old, of course, will fundamentally differ from each other.

    1. In no case should there be smoked meats, too fatty, salty dishes on the children's table. Try to eliminate fried foods and try to use mayonnaise, pepper and garlic to a minimum.

    2. Don't get carried away with experiments. Remember that children most of all love those dishes that they know and those that are familiar to them in taste.

    3. If the kids are still very young, then remove fruits and vegetables that can cause allergies and those that can leave strong stains on clothes.

    4. If you are preparing fish dishes for the children's table, carefully remove all the bones.

    5. Eliminate soda. Carbonated water is the enemy for the child's body. It is better to prepare berry fruit drinks, compotes, natural juices, tea.

    Features of compiling a menu for a birthday child 1 year old, 2-3 years old, 5-6 years old

    Menu for 1 year old child

    Often, many parents do not know what menu to make for a birthday when a child turns 1 year old. Due to the fact that the child is still very small. You don’t need to invent something, it’s better to give the child something that is useful and that he loves. For example, it can be his favorite cottage cheese and fruit juice with children's cookies. And also make a fruit platter of purees. Well, for dessert, you can bake a light biscuit smeared with baby cottage cheese.

    Menu for 2-3 years old child

    Such a menu should also be simple. After all, a child at 2-3 years old is still too small to eat any delicacies. Exclude any smoked meats, fish, overly fatty and salty dishes from the menu, and of course recipes with mayonnaise. You can cook some vegetable salad, mashed potatoes and meatballs, snacks with cottage cheese and raisins, uzvara or jelly. You can offer young guests natural juice from fruits or berries.

    Menu for 5-6 years old child

    For this age, the menu is much easier to create, because children of these ages are allowed to eat almost all the ingredients. But still, it is better to serve chicken or lean beef first. As a side dish, you can use pasta or mashed potatoes. A salad would be best made from vegetables, such as tomatoes and cucumbers. Drinks can be used different kind fruit drinks, juices. Well, for dessert, a biscuit soaked in cottage cheese with berries.

    The best and most delicious recipes for children's birthday

    How to make sure that all children are happy and very full? The answer is simple, turn on your ingenuity and imagination and decorate beautifully festive dishes. Even the simplest ones, such as mashed potatoes with sausages, simple buckwheat porridge or pasta, can be decorated in an original and fabulous way, here are the options I picked up:

    In order to make your birthday bright and unforgettable, I suggest this menu for a child's birthday:

    Salads for children, recipes with photos are simple and delicious for a birthday

    Parents are always ready to feed their children for the holiday not only tasty, but also to make the dish very bright and original.

    I bring to your attention 2 options for children's salads.

    Option number 1 Simple and tasty salad for a child's birthday

    We will need:

    • Boiled chicken - 150 g (fillet or breast)
    • Boiled potatoes - 200 g.
    • Tomato - 1 pc.
    • Kiwi - 2 pcs.
    • Boiled carrots - 1 pc.
    • Boiled eggs - 1 pc.
    • Natural yogurt or sour cream - 2 tbsp
    • Salt - to taste
    • Greens - to taste

    Cooking method:

    1. Boil potatoes in their skins. Remove the skin from it and cut into cubes.

    2. Chicken meat should be boiled and also cut into cubes.

    3. Kiwi cut into small pieces.

    4. Now it remains to cut the tomatoes, chop them into cubes too.

    5. Salt, add natural yogurt and mix well.

    6. Well, now you need to decorate the salad in a peculiar way. Like I did for example. Quite simple and beautiful at the same time! Grate the carrots and lay them all over the salad. Make the details of a funny bunny out of eggs. Well, make grass out of greenery. Bon appetit!

    Option number 2 Simple children's salad for a child on his birthday

    We will need:

    • green apple - 1 pc.
    • carrots - 1 pc.
    • egg - 1 pc.
    • corn - half a can
    • sour cream for dressing - 2-3 tbsp

    Cooking method:

    1. Grate carrots and eggs.

    2. Apples need to be cut into small cubes.

    3. Mix all products together. Or you can put this beauty unmixed on the table. And when there is a dinner party, mix everything well and add sour cream.

    And now, I suggest watching this video “Salads for a children's holiday. Top 5 recipes for children's salads "

    Sandwiches on the festive table, simple options for children

    You can come up with many options for decorating children's sandwiches, just take the usual ingredients, invent some kind of cartoon character or animal using cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, cottage cheese, radishes, bread and any other products, like this:

    Option number 1 Sandwiches for children "Ladybug"

    To make your little guests happy, please them with cool sandwiches in the form of ladybugs.

    We will need:

    • toasted bread - 10 pieces
    • cheese - 200 g.
    • cherry tomatoes - 5 pcs.
    • garlic - 1 clove
    • olives - 6 pcs.
    • sour cream - 4-5 tsp
    • greenery for decoration

    Cooking method:

    1. Take the cheese and grate it on a fine grater. Add quite a bit of garlic to it. Pass the garlic through a press. Mix cheese and garlic together, adding sour cream.

    2. Spread this mixture on slices of bread.

    3. Cut cherry tomatoes and olives into halves. Cut a little off the stem. In this place you will need to put half of the olives.

    4. In order to create like wings, make small cuts in the tomatoes.

    5. Now stack the tomatoes and olives on the spreaded bread. Make black dots, for this chop the olives into very small pieces. Eyes can be made in the form of dots with sour cream. Put greens instead of grass. And here's what should happen. Beauty! And deliciousness!

    Option number 2 Sweet quick children's sandwich "Mug", a step-by-step recipe with a photo

    This type of sandwich is quite fast and easy to assemble)))

    We will need:

    • white bread
    • orange
    • prunes
    • butter

    Cooking method:

    1. Dry the bread. This can be done in a toaster or oven.

    2. Take the butter and spread it on the bread slices.

    3. Remove the peel from the orange and cut it into circles. Place the circle on the butter.

    4. Cut out the eyes and mouth from the prunes.

    Important! Don't forget to rinse the prunes well!

    5. Now decorate our funny sandwich! Sweet and tasty sandwich is ready! Treat kids to health!

    You can offer many options for decorating children's sandwiches, the main thing is to think of who or what you want to decorate the dish as. Here is another video with sandwich decorations.

    Children's sandwiches "Lion cub and hare"

    Chicken skewers in the oven on skewers

    Another option is to cook chicken skewers and potato colored balls. If you are celebrating a children's holiday in nature, then you can easily cook pork skewers for older children.

    We will need:

    • poultry meat - 700 g
    • sour cream - 3 tbsp
    • olive oil - 2 tbsp
    • lemon juice
    • onion - 1 pc.
    • pepper and salt

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut boneless chicken pieces into pieces.

    2. Prepare the marinade. To do this, mix sour cream, lemon juice, pepper and salt.

    3. Pour the marinade over the chicken pieces. Add chopped onion to the ingredients. Stir. Place in the refrigerator overnight.

    4. After the meat has marinated, put the pieces on skewers. You don't need to wear a bow! Wrap each skewer in foil. Put in the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes. The kebab is ready, remove the foil.

    Potato colored balls "Traffic light"

    This first hot dish will be completely natural, both girls and boys love it, you can use it even at home, even in the playroom! You can cook it in winter and summer.

    We will need:

    • potatoes - 1 kg
    • butter - 50 g;
    • cream - 200 ml;
    • carrot juice - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • beetroot - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • spinach juice - 3 tbsp. l.

    Cooking method:

    1. Make potato puree. Add cream to puree.

    2. The potato mass should be homogeneous and airy.

    3. Now divide the puree into 3 parts. Add carrot juice to the first, beetroot juice to the second, and spinach juice to the third.

    4. Form balls from each type of puree. Put the balls on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and bake in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Such multi-colored balls will be a very beautiful addition to the festive table.

    You can make mashed potatoes in the form of flowers. Looks great and simple!

    Sweet table for birthday, menu

    On sweet table fruits, biscuits and, of course, cake are suitable for children.

    Fruits can be laid out in an original and zest way, for example like this:

    Birthday tartlets for children with filling

    I suggest making children's sweet tartlets.

    We will need:

    • shortbread dough baskets - 15 pcs.
    • condensed milk - 1 can
    • cream - 1 tbsp.
    • gelatin - 2 tbsp
    • nuts, kiwi, chocolate for decoration

    Cooking method:

    1. Following the instructions, soak the gelatin with water.

    3. Fill the tartlets with the resulting mixture.

    4. After that, put the tartlets in the refrigerator so that the cream hardens.

    5. Garnish with fruit and chocolate. Chop small nuts on top. It turned out amazingly delicious! Cook with joy!

    Children's birthday drinks at home

    As for drinks, you can offer natural compotes cooked at home, juices, uzvars and morsiks.

    And you can cook milk jelly. This is a very tasty and healthy drink, especially in childhood. There are children who do not like to drink milk, but milk jelly will be a salvation for the majority, because it can be cooked not only on a birthday, but for example for an afternoon snack.

    We will need:

    • fresh cow's milk - 600 ml
    • sugar - 60 g
    • potato starch - 40 g
    • cold water - 120 ml

    Cooking method:

    1. Pour the milk and place it in a cooking pot. Put to cook on the stove.

    2. While the milk is cooking, take care of the starch. Pour water into the starch and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

    3. As soon as the milk boils, add sugar to it. Mix well so that it dissolves and there are no grains of sugar.

    4. Now carefully, very slowly, pour the starch into the milk in a thin stream.

    Important! When you pour in the starch, you must always stir the milk so that clots do not form.

    5. Boil the jelly for about 1-2 minutes after the milk boils again. And then take it off the stove. Cool down. Let the child try. Can be poured into a skanchik and sprinkled with chocolate chips.

    And you can decorate with slices of tangerines, which will cause violent emotions and a desire to quickly eat this delicious dish.

    Here is such an interesting holiday menu that can turn out for a child. The main thing is to want to please him! and decorate everything nicely.

    Make your child's birthday unforgettable! Give him your love, care and attention and then you will see that the child will reciprocate! What dishes do you usually cook in your family, how do you decorate them?

    Treat your guests with delicious dishes and, as they say, bon appetit, friends!!!

    R.S I think that when a child has such a significant day in his life, and even if he is a preschooler, then you will definitely take treats to kindergarten. I have interesting idea how to beautifully pack treats for kindergarten. This can be done in the form of a cake. In more detail how to make one, an article on this blog may be separately devoted.