Quick New Year's contests. New Year games at the table. Children's games for New Year's celebration

We carry interest and love for the New Year holiday through our whole life, there is something bright and childishly joyful in it, we expect gifts, miracles and special fun from it. And what fun without New Year's games, contests, fairy tales with dressing up and fun entertainment?!

New Year's games, contests and skits - the same obligatory attribute of the holiday as a Christmas tree, champagne and gifts. After all New Year- this is a time of general fun; the time when you want to make noise and play. Do not deny yourself this - have fun! Moreover, everyone wants to move a little and fool around after the New Year's table, traditionally generous with all sorts of goodies and drinks!

Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

Entertainment program for the new year 2020

We offer you a variety of new year entertainment which can be viewed via the links. They are suitable for corporate holidays, and for home parties, and for a close company of friends. There are a lot of games and competitions, and you can easily make an interesting entertainment program out of them.

In order to save time, we suggest purchasing collection “Entertain people for the New Year? Easily!"

The collection is intended:

  • for leading celebrations
  • for employees of organizations that plan to hold a New Year's corporate party on their own, without involving a toastmaster
  • for those who are going to hold a New Year's party at home
  • for active people who want to have fun and have fun new year holidays in the circle of relatives, relatives and friends

The proposed games, contests and sketches will be more than enough for you not only for the entertainment program for this New Year, but also for the future New Year holidays!

All buyers of this collection - New Year's gifts:

Contents of the collection“Entertain people for the New Year? Easily!"

Scenes and impromptu tales included in the collection

The collection includes funny scenes and impromptu fairy tales, the plot of which is associated with a wonderful New Year's holiday. All skits - with funny and original stories; in addition, the texts are well edited, and signs with the names of the characters are made for impromptu scenes, which is very convenient for the organizer of the holiday program; it is also provided that when printing a specific scene or sheet with signs, nothing extra will be printed. Here short description scenes included in the collection:

Guests from Italy on New Year's Eve(very funny costume New Year's greetings with original text). Requires a small preliminary preparation. Age: 16+
Happy New Year, or let's drink to happiness!(Impromptu fairy tale with chants, Host and 7 actors; all other participants also participate). Especially suitable for corporate celebration of the New Year.
Beauty and the Beast, or the Wrong Tale(fun tale-impromptu, host and 11 actors). For any conscious age :).
New Year's story in the forest, or Love at first sight(a short impromptu fairy tale, Host and 6 actors).
long-awaited gift(a miniature scene-pantomime, impromptu, from 1 to 3-4 people can take part in it). The scene is universal, suitable for both children and adults.
Magic Staff(New Year's theatrical scene, costume performance for adults, Storyteller (reader) and 10 actors). Long (at least 30 minutes), but at the same time interesting funny scene with an original New Year's story. Preliminary preparation is required. Age: 15+

Collection format: pdf file, 120 pages
Price: 300 rubles

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In this material, we present New Year's fun with which you can entertain your guests. In order for the participants to be enthusiastic about participating in games and competitions, let them first get used to it a little: chat, sit at festive table, drink up. And only then invite everyone to participate in entertainment program evenings.

"This item is needed to..."

The facilitator calls the participants any object (for example, a blanket, a pen, etc.), and they should take turns saying how the hidden thing can be used, starting the phrase with the words: “This item is needed to ...” The game becomes interesting, when all the obvious functions of a thing end and you have to invent them on the go. The one who could not come up with a use for the thing lost.

over bumps

This game is suitable for the moment when the feast is coming to an end and the guests want to warm up a bit. Two or three participants are given two sheets of paper. These are “hummocks”, and the floor in the room is a “quagmire”. It can only be crossed by stepping on each sheet in turn, and moving the other forward. Players must cross the "bumps" to the other side as quickly as possible without stepping on the floor.


An old and familiar game that you can change a little. Participants can get puffballs out of the "hat" with funny tasks: depict an animal - a symbol of the coming year, sing new year song, loudly call the Snow Maiden, etc. This, so to speak, is the traditional approach to this game.

But you can slightly modify the meaning of "Phantoms". Write on the pieces of paper various states of a person, but try to pick up only original and funny ones. For example, “puppy delight”, “stormy raskolbas”, “languid thoughtfulness”, etc. The player who pulled out the phantom must depict what was written without words, and the rest of the participants must guess what he is showing.

color kaleidoscope

This game is mobile and can be played by at least 5 people. Children love this kind of entertainment. After the facilitator calls out the colors (for example, yellow, then red, etc.), the players must grab some object of the named color. The host at this time counts to three. Who does not have time - leaves. The pace of the game can be increased, and its complexity increases.

blind artist

The players are divided into pairs in random order, one of the two partners is blindfolded and given a pen, pencil or felt-tip pen. "Blind artists" should hold their drawing device in an outstretched hand. The second participants are given sheets of paper, the topic of the future creation is reported. It can be from the simplest (draw geometric figure) to quite complex (to create a New Year's landscape). Then the "sighted" partners return to their pairs and begin to draw, moving the sheet around the writing object held in the hand of the second participant. At the same time, the “blind artists” themselves should not move their hand. After the end of the competition, their eyes are untied, and the winners are determined by the best and most accurately reflecting reality drawing.

football players

The host announces to the guests that a competition for the best football player will be held, and everyone can participate in it. Then the players are given air balloons. The task is to prevent the “ball” from falling to the floor for a certain amount of time (for example, 3 minutes). Someone will "mint" the ball with his head, and the most ingenious will simply blow on it from below, thus supporting it in the air. If it is not possible to identify a clear winner, then the game can be complicated: give the “football players” one more “ball”. The winner is the one whose balls do not fall on the floor.

Oh those fairy tales! Oh those storytellers!

This competition develops oratory skills and Creative skills participants. On the cards you need to write the names of different fairy tales (for example, you can take Kolobok, Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, etc.). Each player pulls out one piece of paper and remembers the plot of the fairy tale he got. Then the participants should tell what they remembered to the audience, but at the same time they should adhere to a certain genre (which can also be written on a card). For example, "Little Red Riding Hood" will sound differently in the detective genre, "Sleeping Beauty" or "Snow White" - in the melodrama genre. The most inventive storyteller wins.

Fair-selling men

To conduct this competition, at least three men will be required, for each of them “sellers” are selected: one or more women. As props, you need to provide participants with bright scarves, pieces of fabric, various jewelry, and cosmetics. The first task of the girls is to dress up their "product" as best and original as possible. You can create some recognizable image: for example, Casanova. This task will take no more than 3-5 minutes to complete. Then the "sellers" must advertise the "product" to potential buyers, they may even hold an impromptu auction. The team that does the best job wins a prize.

Too touchy and impressionable in this game is better not to participate - it's a shame when they don't share with you! Participants stand in a tight circle facing each other, while their hands should be behind their backs. The leader becomes the center. The players begin to imperceptibly pass an apple from hand to hand (with other culinary preferences, it is possible to replace an apple with a banana, cucumber, a piece of sausage, in the end). A person who has fallen into the center of the circle must guess who has the fruit at the moment. The difficulty is that you also need to bite off a piece of an apple - naturally, when the driver does not see. If the lucky owner of the fruit is "caught red-handed", then it is his turn to stand in the center of the circle. And so it continues until the main subject of the game is eaten entirely.

"Show Elephant"

Very funny, but quite a tough prank. The host starts a well-known game: you need to guess the animal, depict it without words, and all those gathered must understand who the participant is portraying. The facilitator leads the unsuspecting victim out the door and explains that an elephant (or any other animal that is easy enough to depict) will need to be shown. At the same time, you need to have time to inform the rest that the player will portray such and such an animal, and their task is in no case to name, “not to guess”, offering any other versions. Then, for some time, you can enjoy the sight of a surprised participant who cannot understand in any way whether he himself depicts an elephant poorly, or whether no one has ever seen this animal. The main thing is not to torment the victim for too long.

Two halves

The players are divided into pairs. The host announces the simplest, at first glance, task: cut a snowflake out of paper. Participants are given scissors and paper. If you are afraid that guests will cut themselves with scissors, then distribute bundles, wrapping paper and a bow. In this case, you will need to wrap the "gift". Then the partners should hug each other, hug, leaving only one arm free. Thus, the "halves" interlock into one two-armed whole. And now they must complete the task. Those who do their job faster and better than everyone else win.

New Year's Dictionary

It is necessary to prepare in advance cards with all the letters of the alphabet, except for Ъ, b, b, s, th opaque container. The host announces the preparation for printing of the Special Holiday Dictionary. Each participant in turn takes out one card and immediately names the word of the New Year theme, starting with the extracted letter. It is also desirable, together with all the players, to come up with a funny interpretation of this word. All concepts are written down so that later it would be possible to create a Dictionary in memory of the celebration.

New Year's songs

The host puts the words related to the holiday written on separate pieces of paper into an opaque bag or into a hat: “herringbone”, “icicle”, “snowman”, “hoarfrost”, “frost”, “snow”, “dance”, “gift” and etc. Participants take turns pulling out cards, and then trying to remember and sing lines from a song with a given word, receiving points for this. The winner is the one who scores the most points, i.e., remembers more songs.

snow shooting range

In advance, you need to prepare as many "snowballs" as possible - balls rolled from paper, cotton wool or, better, made from papier-mâché. You can use ping pong balls as snowballs. Participants are divided into two or more teams. Several people (one from each group) stand on chairs - now they are "targets". Opponents are trying to hit the target with "snowballs". At the same time, players on chairs can move, in every possible way dodge "enemy projectiles". The most accurate team wins.

In winter conditions

As you know, in order not to freeze in winter, you need to dress warmly. Invite your guests to check if they have a chance to survive the harsh winter frosts. Participants wear issued warm mittens and bathrobes. Their task is to fasten all the buttons as quickly as possible. The one who completes the task the fastest is the winner. The rest must be saved from the cold in another way - pour a glass of something intoxicating.

Leap into the future

Draw a “scale” in advance: you need to turn a long strip of paper (you can use wallpaper or toilet paper) into a kind of large “ruler”, that is, mark it in centimeters.

Now connect your imagination and write some New Year's wish or prediction near each mark.

It will be great if you write something humorous.

Participants will have to jump from a place in the long jump, see how much they jumped, and find out what awaits them next year.

Understand me

This game is similar in essence to the television show that was on our screens a few years ago. The participants are divided into two teams (at least 4-5 people in each). Teams line up in two rows. The facilitator passes to the first participants the cards on which the phrases are written, preferably more intricately. It is necessary to quietly and quickly transfer the contents of the card to the next player's ear. He tells the next one, and so on. The last participant must say out loud what he heard. The team that completes the task the fastest and, of course, does not lose the meaning of the phrase during the transfer wins.


The host will need to prepare for this game in advance. It is necessary to cut out various phrases from newspapers, preferably funny or ambiguous, and stick them on cards. Then these cards are distributed to the guests, and they will need to make a coherent story out of them.

It will be fun, especially if the prepared passages concern politics, show business, and many other areas of life; You can even take the endings of jokes.

And the further development of the game will depend entirely on the imagination of the participants.

Who said "woof"?

All participants stand in a circle, in the middle stands the blindfolded driver. At the command of the "blind" the round dance begins to move in a circle, at the other command it freezes. The participant standing in the center must point blindly at any other player, who barks once. After that, the driver must guess who he pointed to. If he is right, then the "barking" takes his place, and the game continues. The task may be too difficult, because short word difficult to identify the speaker. Then "Wow!" can be replaced with the phrase "Happy New Year!".

Now prove it!

The facilitator writes down the intended word on a piece of paper in advance (for example, "Santa Claus", "Christmas tree" or something else on New Year theme). All those gathered must, without knowing what was hidden, say what this object looks like. Then the host announces the word, and now each participant must prove that the hidden thing really resembles what he compared it with. For example, "Santa Claus is like a sofa because he is just as big and soft."

You are presented with a selection of the coolest contests for the New Year 2019-2020 for a fun company. I would like every guest to remember the next New Year's Eve, and contests, games, quizzes were used in your practice more than once.

The recommended sedentary competitions for adults at the New Year's party can be safely “diluted” with outdoor games, and children can also be involved in some. The choice of both is simply endless, so go for it!

You already know that 2019 is the year of the Yellow Earth Pig. The pig, although a domestic animal, is a fabulous creature applicable to the New Year. And very soon we will be happy to see off the Pig and meet the year 2020 - White Metal Rat. Therefore, New Year's games and entertainment should be selected in a similar style. The table and the apartment can be decorated with New Year's accessories with the symbols of the coming year. And the year 2020 itself is better to meet with friends, girlfriends, relatives, loved ones, with entertainment and fun games. think ahead to keep every guest interested.

Contests for the new year 2019-2020 for a fun company are the coolest

Competition "New Year's cocktail"

4 - 5 participants and 1 presenter are called, they blindfold him. A glass is placed in front of each participant. All drinks on the New Year's table are involved in creating a cocktail, so decide on them in advance, do not harm the guests. Each cocktail will be made from three ingredients. The presenter, before pouring the first cocktail ingredient (as well as all subsequent ones), asks one of the guests in the hall: “Does this person need to pour this?” Pointing to one or another drink until he answers “yes”. And so in three circles (that is, according to the number of cocktail ingredients). The resulting cocktails are drunk by the participants, making a New Year's toast.

Competition "Sharpshooter"

As an entertainment for the New Year 2019-2020, you can play snipers. It's most fun to start the competition when the participants are already a little tipsy, the coordination of the guests becomes more free, there is less constraint, and it is already a little more difficult to hit the target.
The task is as follows - the guests are divided into two teams, in turn, each player throws "snowballs" into the bucket. A bucket from the players is set at a distance of five to seven meters, as "snowballs" you can use cotton balls, crumpled paper, or just take a couple of sets of simple Christmas sparkling plastic balls that are sold in the nearest supermarket.

Competition "Photo Studio"

All the participants will be happy to take part in this competition, from the props - a camera, a smartphone, a camera. Each participant must draw a card with the role that he has to play. The player has only a few seconds to figure out in what position to appear in front of the others and what emotions to show. The leading photographer is armed with a camera and begins a photo shoot. He introduces the contestant and his role in turn, and then takes a couple of amazing pictures of the “actor” or video. It is desirable that pictures, videos can be immediately displayed on a large screen, so that all participants have a good laugh. Later, these photos, videos can be sent to all guests of the holiday by e-mail.

Pick up additional accessories for the competition, and you can come up with the following roles:
- Playing on his staff, like on a balalaika, Santa Claus;
- Dancing dance "Chunga-Changa" Snow Maiden;
– Tired Reindeer;
- The snowman is resting on the sea;
- Dormant Christmas tree;
- Smiling Pig - a symbol of the year, etc.

Game "Triple Trap"

Two participants stand opposite each other - in front of them on a chair lies a prize. The host considers: “One, two, three ... a hundred!” "One, two, three .... eleven!" “One, two, three…twenty!” etc. The winner is the one of the party guests who will be more attentive and be the first to take the prize when the host says “Three!”

The leader's digital score can be diluted with small rhymes to interest and amuse the participants. The absence of a rhyme at the end of a quatrain will confuse players:

I will tell you a story
In half a dozen phrases.
I'll just say the word "three",
Get your prize now!

Once we caught a pike
Consider what's inside.
Small fish were seen
And not one, but as many as ... five.

Dreaming guy hardened
Become an Olympic champion
Look, do not be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command "One, two ... march"

When you want to remember poetry
They do not bison until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
One, two, or better… seven.

One day a train at the station
I had to wait three hours.
Well, friends, you took the prize.
I give you a five.

Music and dance competitions

stir up New Year's campaign at a festive party it is not difficult with impromptu musical competitions or dances. Games during the dance, dance and song minutes will help to diversify such a program. Check out the ones below. Choose, play and make your holidays brighter and more fun.

New Year's "Macarena"

This cheerful dance is great for the New Year holiday as a warm-up for a friendly, cheerful company. A leader is needed for a dance minute. Many people know how the Macarena dance is performed. For those who have forgotten, the presenter will tell you the movements, they are:

"One" - stretch the right hand forward;
"Two" - left hand pull forward;
"Three" - the right hand on the left shoulder;
"Four" - left hand on the right shoulder;
"Five" - ​​right hand behind the head;
"Six" - left hand behind the head;
"Seven" - the right hand on the right thigh;
"Eight" - left hand on the left thigh;
"Nine" - wagged the lower part of the body.
Be sure to pick a tune.

Competition "Two Rings"

For this New Year's competition, you must prepare a twine 3 - 4 meters long and two medium metal rings. The diameter of the ring should provide for the capture of two palms. Thread the twine into the rings and tie the ends of the twine, one in one ring, the other in the other.

The number of players is eight to ten people sitting in a circle.

Stretch the rope in a circle, and let each of the players take hold of it with both hands. Hands must be kept on weight. Someone two, of your choice, take opposite places in a circle, along with a twine in one of the hands they will grab one ring.

How to participate?

The competition for the New Year 2020 for the most fun company of friends simply requires attention from the participants. Check who and to what extent possesses this valuable quality.
The rings, which were taken over by two participants from the total number of players, will not stay with them for long. As soon as the game begins, the participants pass the rings around the circle to other players from hand to hand. In order to lose track of them, everyone continuously intercepts the string, moves their palms in one direction and the other, pretending to accept or pass the ring to a neighbor. As a result, it will be difficult for a group of players to guess who has invisible rings.

In the game, you must always carefully observe the movements of the hands. It is clear that soon both rings will be in the hands of one of the players. Slowly, trying not to draw attention to himself and not letting go of the string, he should put his hands on his knees. Those participants who notice this will immediately and also secretly follow his example. One of the gaping players will do it last. In the form of a fine, take a phantom from him, offer to fulfill some playful desire, or ask him to drive in another competition, and this one can be continued.

Competitions for the new year 2019-2020 for a fun company are the coolest table

New Year's quiz

Another great type of entertainment for a fun New Year's party is a New Year's quiz. It will not let you get bored, diversifies other table games and will give you a break from active game or dancing. Quiz questions can be invented by yourself or use from the article.

Most cool contests 2020


What is the name of the party where you can't recognize the guests? (Masquerade).
- What is the name of the “soulmate” of the Snowman? (Snow Woman).
- What is the second New Year called in Russia? (Old).
- What does Santa Claus “exchange” his gifts from the bag for? (For a verse or a song).
- Where does winter live in an ice hut? (Near the forest at the edge).
- How does winter knock you off your feet? (Ice).
— A blizzard snaking along the road. (Drifting).
- How do you ring a Christmas tree? (Round dance).
- "Snow child" of joint yard games? (Snowman).
- Who does not need a diet in winter or summer? (Herringbone: slender in winter and summer ... was).
- An incendiary sign of a good New Year's Eve celebration. (Fireworks).

Competitions for the new year 2019-2020 for a fun company the coolest houses

dance quiz

We check the erudition and sociability of the public. For each correct answer we give a small souvenir. At the end of the quiz, those participants who have prizes in their hands are invited to the stage, let them prove themselves in the next competition. Thus, the required number of people will be recruited for other competitions. In addition, there will be the necessary, cheerful atmosphere at the beginning of the holiday, enthusiasm, solidarity, a good mood will be created.

Questions for the dance quiz:

"Fruit" dance of sailors (Apple).
The main dance of the carnival in Rio de Janeiro (Samba).
Letkin's half (Enka).
A dance whose characteristic feature is rhythmic percussive footwork (step, or tap dance).
Cuban dance, also widely used in Latin America (Cha-cha-cha).
Dance after vodka (Gopak).
Caucasian dance (Lezginka).
Popular Greek dance (Sirtaki).
The famous Spanish dance (Flamenco).
The first dance of Natasha Rostova (Waltz).
Dance with high throwing up of legs (Cancan).
Argentine couple dance, characterized by an energetic and clear rhythm (Tango).
Russian dance to the stomp (Trepak).
What kind of dance can polish the floor to a shine? (Twist).
What dance does the main character of the film "Dandies" learn? (Boogie Woogie).

How to make the quiz harder?

Alternatively, you can complicate the task of the quiz. Ask the participant who correctly named the dance to try to demonstrate it - dance to the appropriate short musical composition (you can ask the participants to hum a melody, beat the beat, clap their hands). That will be much more fun. In this case, it is better to purchase more significant incentive prizes, because a solo number will be performed, with the exception of a pair dance, a pair should be selected for it.

New Year's song contest

You can hold a New Year's song contest in many ways, both traditionally (participants take turns singing into the microphone), and more creatively. For example:
- All participants of the New Year's Eve are divided into two teams and sing each other. You can simply continue the song started by your rivals, you can perform songs starting with a certain letter, etc.;
- Teams or participants sing New Year's songs using only vowel sounds. Or, on the contrary, only consonants. Choose the option that seems funniest to you;
- New Year's songs are performed in the "animal" language: like a cat, like a dog, like a pig, etc. That is, the song needs to grunt, meow, bark, etc .;
- Parodies of popular songs - another version of the song contest. In this case, funny and interesting New Year's songs-alterations are prepared in advance;
- If on New Year's Eve a large creative company is expected, then you can arrange a competition for mini choirs, rock groups, ensembles, etc. Participants must form teams, come up with a name for their choir or group, choose an image, performance style and, of course, a song. The musical composition is played using any improvised means used as instruments or accessories.

Dance battle

Divide the participants into two teams and turn on a dance tune for each in turn.
Whose team of players deserves more applause wins.
Examples of dance compositions:

- a gypsy
- in the style of rap;
East Dance;
- Russian folk dance;
- romantic dance;
- club style
- Indian dance.
Such a dance competition will not only amuse the festive-minded guests, but also help to lose some calories.

Even more New Year's contests in our new selection:

We hope that these competitions for the new year 2019-2020 for a fun company are the coolest, funny, humorous ones that will not make you bored, and the event will be fun and provocative. Arm yourself with ideas, props, connect relatives, girlfriends and friends. Turn on your imagination, give yourself, your family and loved ones an unforgettable New Year's Eve!

We always look forward to the New Year with great impatience, because this is a favorite holiday for both adults and children. Each family carefully prepares for it: they plan, invite guests, buy outfits, think over the course of the event so that it does not turn into a simple overeating. New Year's table games for adults are the best option for those who have invited guests and want to have fun. If you yourself are embarrassed to act as a leader, it can also be determined at the table. Therefore, boldly and without hesitation, we appoint the most active of the guests as the person in charge of adult games. Well, preparing them will not be any problem.

New Year's games for a small company

table funny contests on New Year's celebration it’s easy to find, the main thing is to be able to adapt them to your company. If it is small, then entertainment should be selected accordingly.


You will need radio-controlled cars, two of them. Two contestants prepare cars and a “track” to any point in the room, put a shot of vodka on their cars. Then, gently, without splashing, they try to roll it to their destination, where they can drink it. The game can be continued by bringing also a snack. You can also make it in the form of a relay race, for this you will have to split into teams, the first one must bring it to the point and back, pass the baton to another neighbor, the last player drinks a glass or what is left in it.

Cheerful artist

The host thinks something to the first player, he gets into a pose that characterizes what they have thought of without voicing it. For example: a person screwing a lamp. In turn, each participant must adapt to the previous one so that a picture emerges. The latter stands up like an artist with a brush and an easel for painting. He is also trying to tell what exactly he “depicted”. Then, everyone talks about their posture.

"I never" (or "I never")

This is a joke confession. Each of the guests invited to begins to confess with the phrase: "I never ...". For example: "I never drank tequila." But the answers should go up. That is, those who have already confessed to trifles should continue to talk about something deeper. Table confessions can be very funny, the main thing is not to get carried away, otherwise you can give out the most secret secrets.

Board games for a large fun company of adults

If a large party has gathered to celebrate the New Year, it is best to hold group, team.

let's drink

The company is divided into two groups and stands in a row opposite each other. Each has a disposable glass of wine in their hands (it is better not to take champagne and strong drinks, as you can choke). Place the glasses in everyone's right hand. On command, they must drink their neighbor in turn: first, the last person drinks the penultimate one, the next one, and so on. As soon as the first has received his dose, he runs to the last and treats him. Whoever finishes first will be the winner.


A merry New Year's holiday is sure to have a lot of decorations. The company is divided into two halves, they are given a box of the same size. Also, each team receives a certain number of different things: Christmas decorations, candy wrappers, sweets, napkins, souvenirs, etc. It is necessary for a while and carefully put everything in the boxes, so that they close evenly without bulges. After a certain amount of alcohol, this is not so easy to do.

Which team will put things neater and faster, that one will be the winner. Quality should not suffer, if so, a vote should be organized from people not participating in the competition.


Guests at the New Year's table are divided equally and sit on chairs opposite each other. An apple is placed on the first player's lap, they must roll the apple over the lap from the first player to the last player without hands. If the fruit falls, the group has lost, but they can redeem themselves by picking it up without hands and returning it to the very beginning.


This will be a relay. We install two stools, on the stools there are plastic glasses with an alcoholic drink. There should be as many as there are players. We divide the guests in half, it is possible by gender, and put one after the other, in front of each stool at some distance from it. Everyone's hands are behind their backs. Next to them we place a trash can. One by one, they run up to the chair, drink any of the glasses without hands, then run back, throwing the empty container into the trash and return to the tail of the queue. Only then can the next person run.

Games at the table for the New Year's corporate party

The entertainment program can also be of the table type. Such a scenario is selected for a more shy group of people.

merry singers

For this game, you should prepare cards in advance with any words related to the holiday, alcohol, New Year's heroes, etc. For example: Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, snow, vodka, wine, sparks, candles, frost, Santa Claus, gifts. Then a presenter is selected who will appoint a player, pull out a card and voice the word itself. The selected person must sing a verse or chorus featuring that word in the song. No more than 10 seconds are given for reflection. This game can also be played by splitting into teams, the result will be a greater number of songs performed.


All guests at the table stand in a circle. The leader has cards with the words "uh", "ah", "eh" and "oh". The player draws a card, and the rest make a wish to him. For example, he drew out: "oh." The team says "Hug three" or "Kiss three" or "Catch three". Here is an example of several wishes:

"Walk on your hands";
"stand on your hands";
“share the news”;
"dance with guests";
"sing in front of guests";

“Say compliments to everyone out loud”;
"shout that you are a burdock";
“kiss of two at once”;
"crawl between the legs of two";
"tell your desires out loud";
"recognize two with closed eyes";

"make everyone laugh";
"hug everyone";
"get everyone drunk";
"feed everyone."

Cool answers can be invented indefinitely, the main thing is that the rhyme is observed.

Tell me about the owner(s)

Everything is very simple here. Prepare questions in advance for guests, such as:

If it's a pair, then:

  • Where did these people meet?
  • How many years have they lived together?
  • "Favorite vacation spot"


The first participant is given a pen and a piece of paper. He writes briefly his great desire: "I want that ...". The rest enter only adjectives like: let it be fluffy, it should be iron, or just smelly, meaningless, and so on.

Quite adult, funny and cool entertainment

Adult games at the New Year's table are not suitable for every company - this should be taken into account. But after a certain amount of time, you can try to offer them something from the repertoire below and further navigate the situation. Answers can be both serious and funny.

Christmas tree

For the competition, you need to stock up (preferably those that do not fight) and clothespins. First, attach all the toys by strings to clothespins. Several couples of the opposite sex are called, the men are blindfolded, for a certain period of time they must hook as much as possible more toys behind women's clothing. The game can be “diluted” by changing pairs and removing clothespins from other women. You can also change their roles - women will dress up men. And do not forget to evaluate each Christmas tree, because the one who has the most elegant one will win, and only then, to the stormy applause of the company, remove the toys.

Fairy tale

Any short fairy tale is taken in, All participants of the New Year's table become in a circle, leaving the center free. An author is appointed who reads a fairy tale, for example, "The Three Little Pigs", it is not very short, but it is easily reduced to a page. Then everyone, in a circle, chooses a role for himself. And not only animated characters, but also natural phenomena or objects. Tree, grass, even the phrase "they lived - were" can be beaten.

The story begins: Once upon a time - there were (went or went "lived - were") three piglets (piglets went). The sun was shining in the sky (the sky is shining, holding the sun in its arms). The piglets lay on the grass (there was “grass”, or rather three grasses, piglets fell on it), etc. If there are few people, the released heroes in the form of grass can take on the following roles to continue the game.

You can play not only a fairy tale, but also a song or a poem, or you can come up with your own funny stories.

sweet tooth

Several couples of the opposite sex are selected for the game. Men are blindfolded, women are placed on pre-prepared tables or chairs (sports mats). Napkins are placed over their body, on which chocolates without wrappers are left. Then a man is brought up to them, and he must find all the sweets without hands (respectively, without eyes). It is not necessary to eat them. To avoid embarrassment, it is best to call spouses or a real couple. But in adults, especially for New Year's table, with a good sense of humor, which is seasoned with a glass of champagne, usually there are no problems.

Eat a banana

Several pairs are called. Men sit on chairs, pinch a banana between their knees, women approach their couples and, hiding their hands behind their backs, must peel and eat it. Adults are given a certain amount of time for the procedure. Cucumbers can also be used instead of bananas.


New Year's games for a fun company should be prepared in advance. Especially if there will be a lot of guests and among them there will be unfamiliar people about whom you need to learn as much as possible. Entertainment competitions at the New Year's table for adults are diluted with dancing or singing karaoke for a change.

Table games 2020 can be held both for interest and for incentive prizes. If you choose team adult games, then the counting of votes is done for each group. If the participants compete alone, reward them with chips, and then the prize goes to the winner by counting the chips. The rest at the New Year's table for adults will be content with comforting gifts.

How to entertain guests at home? This problem has certainly been faced and still will be faced by those who decided to gather a company of friends or relatives. This task can be even more difficult than choosing gifts or decorating a room. To help with the decision, we have tried to collect some useful tips in this article.


If you are going to celebrate homemade ideas for preparation, you should draw from your head, calling for inspiration. Who, besides yourself, best knows the tastes and interests of the guests? So do not be shy and let your imagination run wild, and then New Year's Eve chores will turn into another, additional part of the holiday.


The most important thing to think about in the first place is gifts. It is not enough to choose something that every guest will like, it is also desirable to present it in an original way. The simplest and most banal is to put beautifully wrapped gifts under the Christmas tree. If everything was chosen individually, then it is still better to sign each box in order to avoid confusion and unpleasant surprises later.

There are more original ways to entertain guests on New Year's Eve. Buy universal gifts, like unpretentious souvenirs, T-shirts with funny inscriptions or pictures in honor of the symbol of the coming year, Greeting Cards, notebooks- in general, something that will please any of the guests. Arrange them in different boxes so that it is impossible to guess the size of the gift by the size of the package. And now hang it all on the Christmas tree, and let the guests choose what they like. It will turn out such a kind of lottery, and no one will be offended for what they gave him. It is possible to make this idea a part of competitions, if in this way the winner will receive his prize.


When wondering how to entertain guests for the New Year at home, you need to think about the theme of the event. Everything, of course, depends on the company that will gather, but there are several universal options suitable for any occasion.

Carnival or costume ball

When inviting guests to be sure to warn them about this specifics of the holiday. After all, no one wants to feel out of place by being dressed inappropriately, right? But just in case, you should still have a spare prop for those who forgot or did not have time to prepare. Elegant masks for women and false beards for men, cardboard crowns, hats or caps - all this will help to turn your guests' outfit into a carnival one cheaply and without any hassle.

Theme party

A great option on how to entertain guests on New Year's Eve is to dedicate a holiday specific topic. In this case, the main thing is not to make a mistake with her choice. If among your guests there are young people obsessed with computers and gadgets, then they may be bored at an impromptu medieval ball, and vice versa, connoisseurs of the Middle Ages and knights may not like a steampunk holiday. When choosing a treat, you should also take into account the tastes and preferences of your guests.

The idea for a theme for a holiday may come to mind unexpectedly, but if there is no inspiration, you can use several win-win options:

- Masquerade. Guests don't even have to rack their brains about costumes, because it's enough to add a mask to any evening outfit - and now you can already feel the mysterious spirit of a masquerade.

- Fantasy party. Suitable for those who are not averse to plunge into the world of elves and dwarves, magic and battles. True, here the preparation must begin in advance, because the manufacture of the costume may take some time.

- Fairy tale party - Another option on how to entertain guests for the New Year at home. Children will be especially delighted with such a holiday, but often adults also return to the world of childhood with pleasure.

- Party in the style of the 60s(80s, 90s, etc., depending on how old most of your guests are). Here it may be enough to decorate the house in the right style, pick up music from the right time - and now the right atmosphere has already been created.

- pajama party- a great way to have fun with your friends.

- "Babel". Invite guests to dress up in the traditional attire of the country they are interested in and bring one or two dishes that are eaten by its inhabitants. Let everyone tell a little about her culture, maybe teach the others a couple of phrases in her language. So the holiday will be not only fun, but also educational for everyone.

New Year with friends

Having gathered for a holiday with an adult company, it is not at all necessary to spend the whole night at the table, watching TV. There are a thousand and one scenarios for the New Year at home for adults, so with creativity and imagination, you can turn ordinary gatherings of a friendly company into something unforgettable.


You can contribute to holiday treat a note of mystery. To do this, it is enough to bake pieces of paper with predictions for the coming year into cookies, pies or buns. You can arrange a competition, for this one of the pies bake a special "secret" (a coin or other small object). The one who gets it will be able to choose a gift from under the Christmas tree. Just don't forget to warn the guests so that the winner doesn't accidentally hurt their teeth.

Entertainment for an adult company

Do not be upset if you had to stay at home for the New Year. at home, and even with an adult company - you can write entire books about this. The absence of children at the holiday in general opens up a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bopportunities for fun.

- Fanta- The game is universal, simple and fun. To carry it out, you just need to collect one small thing from each of the players. We put the entire “catch” in a box, bag or opaque bag. The host (it can be anyone who does not really want to take an active part in the undertaking) takes out one item at a time without showing the rest, and asks what to do with this phantom. And what the answer will be depends on the specifics of the gathered company (and on the amount of alcohol taken, perhaps, so if you want to be crazy, hold a contest towards the end of the holiday).

- twister- Another one traditional way of how to entertain guests on New Year's Eve at home. Perfect for a youth company (after all, participants need to have at least minimal flexibility).

- Mafia- a game for fans of psychological puzzles and those who want to practice their gift of persuasion. At first, everyone is assigned a certain role (civilian, mafia, policeman or doctor). The task of civilians is to figure out all the mafiosi and put them in jail, the task of the mafiosi is to “kill” as many civilians as possible, and preferably also police officers with doctors, while not impersonating themselves.

- Puzzles. It would seem like child's play, but it can be a great option for entertaining guests on New Year's Eve at the table. At the same time, the complexity and “maturity” of the puzzles can be chosen for the assembled company.

If you decide to spend your holiday in the style of "Babylonian pandemonium", then guests can be invited to play games traditional for different countries peace. For example, the Cambodian game "akugun". Players throw some fruits to each other, for example, tangerines. To win, you need to hold as many fruits as possible in your hands without dropping them. You can arrange an impromptu home bowling alley (Thai game "saba"), where instead of pins there will be plastic bottles.

- Dancing on the newspaper. A very close game, during which the guests, who have broken into pairs, must dance on the newspaper without stepping beyond it. The trick is that over time, the leader folds the newspaper in half for as long as it is generally possible.

-Divination. What does it do without making wishes for the next year under the chiming clock? Turn this seemingly banal action into an attraction. Have everyone write their warmest wishes for the other guests on a piece of paper and throw it in a hat or box. Having pulled out a piece of paper with a fallen wish, the audience will be able to find out what awaits them for the next year. It will be even more fun if each wish is divided into two, and then, by the will of the lot, connect the different halves.

Family New Year

One of the most important tasks of the hosts who invite guests to their place is to develop a scenario for the New Year at home. Family celebration It is always an occasion for relatives to show how much they love each other. That is why it is worth filling this holiday with an atmosphere of warmth and love.

Help in this can create comfort in holiday decoration Houses. Let the kids join in on this fun activity. Hanging toys together Christmas tree, cooking interesting sweets, recipes for which the children themselves will come up with, making various crafts on New Year's theme - all this will help to feel the spirit of the New Year long before its official start. And to make it more fun, you can already guess riddles while preparing for the celebration. Let the child take a candy, tangerine or other sweet as a prize for each guess, then the wait for midnight will not seem painfully long.

Preparing for a family holiday

It is difficult to imagine in the family circle, especially if there are children in it, without a Christmas tree. Let the kids choose the toys they would like to see on it, and then ask them to help you hang them up. Perhaps they would like to see bright shiny new balls on the green branches? Go to the store and choose together what you like. Or maybe your children have favorite toys, even if they are old and worn, but very important? Let then the Christmas tree turn out vintage.

Many children love to make things with their own hands. Give them the opportunity to make their own decorations for the Christmas tree or just for the room. snowflakes, paper garlands, snowmen - even the smallest can do all this. Let older children make more complex toys: Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, beautiful complex lanterns.

Children's competitions

Snow collection. Scatter on the floor as much as possible paper snowflakes. Let the children collect them in bags at speed with cheerful music. The one who manages to collect the most will receive a sweet or memorable prize.

Puzzles. Find out which of the children is the most savvy by guessing riddles. The winner can be given a chocolate medal or other symbolic gift, and the rest, so as not to be offended, give consolation prizes.

Fun disco. The host turns on the music for a while, and then, turning it off, calls the number. All participants should be divided into groups with the named number of people. The time for everything is three seconds. Those who fail to do everything correctly are eliminated from the game.

Good luck. Arrange chairs in the middle of the room so that there is one less chair than the participants. To the music, the players walk around the chairs, and when the music stops, they must have time to sit on the chairs. The unsuccessful person leaves, and one chair is removed with him.

Guess. The participant is blindfolded and asked to identify by touch one of the New Year's items. The one who was right most often wins.

Fairy tale. Invite the children to act out a play at home (adults are welcome to participate). Let everyone choose their favorite role, and then the narrator will read the beginning of the tale. Then you can either use ready-made scripts with time-tested dialogues and a well-known plot, or arrange improvisation.

A little final tip: when deciding how to entertain guests for the New Year, games, contests and other entertainment are best thought out in advance and discussed with future guests. However, even if plans changed in last moment or nothing comes to mind for a long time, do not be upset. Sometimes spontaneity and unpredictability make the holiday even more interesting than if everything was decided in advance.