Competitions for an adult company for the new year. Merry New Year: holiday contests for adults. New Year's games with the family


New Year's Eve is for that and New Year's Eve, so that it would be fun and unforgettable. But do not forget that it is also long ... Therefore, you need to stock up in advance with a sufficient amount interesting games and entertainment. That is what we will try to help you in this article.

Comic test for couples.

The first to write on a piece of paper - in a column, under the numbers - ten names of animals (insects, birds, reptiles) present at a party married men- without showing their wives. Then the wives do the same. The test leader asks the couple to look at the other side of the sheet, where the representatives of the fauna chosen by the husband appear in a column. So, husband: 1 Affectionate, like... 2 Strong, like... 3 Sociable, like... 4 Authoritative, like... 5 Independent, like...6 Smiling, like... 7 Neat, like ... 8 Amorous, like... 9 Bold, like... 10 Handsome, like...

Then the representatives of the fauna chosen by the wife are called. So, the wife: 1 In transport, like... 2 With relatives, like... 3 With work colleagues, like... 4 In a store, like... 5 At home, like... 6 In a cafe or restaurant, like.. 7 With the boss like... 8 In a friendly company like... 9 In bed like... 10 In the doctor's office like...

Eating cake.

Guests are divided into two teams. Each team is given a piece of cake, and if the teams are large, then a whole cake in cardboard box tied with rope. Each team has a member with a bottle of lemonade to drink for their team. Everyone's hands are tied behind their backs, including those of the drinkers. The first team to eat their cake wins. You can eat corn flakes, desserts, and the like in the same way.

Thick-cheeked lip-slap.

To play, you need a bag of sucking candies like "Barberry". The game is played by two people. They begin to take turns taking candy from the bag (in the hands of the host), put it in their mouths (swallowing is not allowed), and after each candy they call their opponent "thick-cheeked lip-slap". Whoever stuffs more sweets into his mouth and at the same time manages to pronounce the "magic phrase" will win.

Miss Sensibility.

Only women participate in the competition. They become facing the audience, behind each there is a chair. The facilitator discreetly places a small object on each chair. On command, all participants sit down and try to determine what kind of object is under them. Looking and using hands is prohibited. The one who determines first wins.

Wet pants.

The game involves 3-5 people. It is more interesting if these are slightly tipsy men. They come out, stand facing the audience. The leader gives each plastic bottle(1-1.5 liter). Men put the bottom of the bottle into their belts, into their pants. The bottles are prepared in advance, small, inconspicuous holes are made in the bottom of them with a needle. Next, the leader gives each man a mug of water and a spoon, with which you need to scoop the water from the mug into your bottle. Men compete for speed. At first it seems to them that they are spilling water past the neck. But when someone scoops up the last spoon, and the leader asks to get the containers, it becomes clear that a whole glass of water was in his pants.

Dress up the lady.

Each lady holds a ribbon twisted into a ball in her right hand. The man takes the tip of the ribbon with his lips and, without touching his hands, wraps the ribbon around the lady. The winner is the one with the best outfit, or the one who completes the task faster.


In a "close" company, two tipsy men are invited to check who is more drunk. To do this, they are given felt-tip pens, and behind them - a scale drawn on whatman paper, where degrees are indicated in increasing degrees - 20, 30, 40 degrees and above. The task of the participants is to bend down, stretching their hand to the "Alcohol meter" between the legs, and mark the degrees on the scale with a felt-tip pen. Everyone wants to be more sober, so the degrees on the scale are arranged from a higher number to a lower one, so that the players raise their hands higher.

mission impossible.

For this competition, some delicate dish is suitable - for example, jelly. The task of the participants is to eat it as quickly as possible with the help of toothpicks.


The task of the players of each team is to transfer oranges to a certain place as quickly as possible without the help of hands.

Tear up the newspaper.

Two, three or more people participate in the competition. The task is to tear the newspaper as soon as possible and smaller - with one hand. At the same time, the hand is extended forward, it is impossible to help with the free hand.


The guests sitting at the table pass a roll of paper in a circle (better, of course, if not a toilet paper, but a paper towel in a roll). Each guest tears off as many scraps as he wants, the more the better. When each guest has a stack of scraps, the host announces the rules of the game: each guest must tell as many facts about himself as he has torn scraps.

Ride the ball.

All participants of the competition line up in teams of 3 people. Each three players receive a tight ball. At the signal of the leader, one of the players of the trio, supported under the elbows by two other players, stepping on the ball, rolls it. The group that reaches the finish line first wins.

Vice versa.

Players are invited to try to draw or color something, but with their left hand, and those who are left-handed - with their right.


One or two players go out. They are then told that they have to find out something ("solve a crime") by asking questions that imply "yes", "no", "maybe" answers. But in fact, the rest did not think of any story. They simply answer "yes" - if the last word question ends in a vowel, "no" in a consonant, "maybe" in "b"...

New Year wishes.

You can play this game at a New Year's corporate holiday. The names of employees are thrown into one box (or one hat, for example), and wishes to them for the next year are thrown into another. Then the leader randomly pulls out one name and one wish and reads them out.

Lung volume.

The task of the players is to inflate Balloons for the allotted time without the help of hands.


One leader is selected, and all the others become in a very close circle (shoulder to shoulder). Players' hands must be at the back. It is necessary, in secret from the presenter, to pass a cucumber behind their backs and, at every opportunity, bite off a piece of it. The task of the presenter is to guess in whose hands the cucumber is. If the presenter guessed correctly, then the player caught by him takes his place. The game continues until the cucumber is eaten.

Money down the drain.

Participants of the competition are given a banknote. The task of the players - with three attempts to "puff" the money as far as possible. After another attempt, the players approach the place where the bill fell and blow again. Whose banknote flies further - he wins.

Erotic contests

Erotic banana contest.

At least two pairs are required, preferably consisting of a man and a woman (but only men or only women are allowed). Each pair is given a banana. They take a peeled banana in their mouth from both sides. A light lyrical melody is turned on, and the couples begin to dance. Do not touch bananas with your hands. They must be kept only with the lips. The winner is the pair that "holds on" for as long as possible with a banana (which is slowly melting).


This game is best played at the table. The organizer of the game takes a doll - an ordinary naked baby doll, and invites everyone to kiss him in turn, declaring where and why he is doing this. For example, "I kiss his ear so that he can hear well." The doll is passed in a circle or in random order. You can't repeat. If the company is not very large, then the puppet is launched into the second round. The host diligently remembers who kisses the baby where. After the end of the circle (first or second), the host announces that it’s enough to train on the baby doll, and that now everyone should kiss the neighbor in the place that he announced, in the order in which the doll was passed. If the doll was passed two circles, then two circles pass and "kiss the neighbor". With special resistance of the parties to kissing, it is possible to allow kissing to be replaced by some action (toast, song, help in the kitchen, etc., etc.). "Punishment" is subject to the one who refused to kiss.

Roll the ball.

The game is played by several couples. Each pair receives two ping-pong balls. The man must roll these balls from the right sleeve of the lady to the left sleeve, and the lady - through the trousers of the man from the right leg to the left.

Ball under the chin.

Two teams are selected, which stand in two lines (in each alternation: a man, a woman) facing each other. The condition is that the players must keep the ball under their chin, during the transfer it is impossible to touch the ball with their hands in any case, while it is allowed to touch each other in any way, so as not to drop the ball.

Raise the ball to the chin.

Partners (a man and a woman) stand opposite each other, holding a small rubber ball between their stomachs. The task is to roll the ball with rotational movements to the chin of one of the partners who is smaller.


Several couples are invited. Each participant in the game is blindfolded. Then, to different parts of the clothing of each of the participants, the presenter and guests cling to several clothespins. At the signal of the leader, you need to remove all clothespins from your partner or partner. The pair that completes the task faster wins the competition. This competition is conveniently held to the music.


The host calls two couples (in each pair, a man and a woman): “Now you will try to open a whole network of banks as quickly as possible, investing only one bill in each. Get initial contributions! (Gives candy wrappers or cut pieces of paper to couples). serve as pockets, lapels, and all secluded places. Try to clear your deposits as quickly as possible, open as many banks as possible. Get ready, start!". The facilitator helps the couples complete the task, and after one minute sums up: “How many bills do you have left? And you? Great! All the money is invested in the business! Well done! complicate the task, we blindfold them." The women are blindfolded and at this time the men are swapped. At the command of the host, unsuspecting women begin to eagerly seek deposits from other people's partners.

Dancing on the newspaper.

The music turns on, and the guys and girls are divided into pairs. Each pair is given a newspaper sheet (large - A2 format). Sheets are placed on the floor and everyone starts dancing, each couple on their own sheet. The couple that goes beyond the newspaper is eliminated. After a few minutes, the leader folds the sheet of each pair in half and everything continues. This is repeated several times, and soon there is almost no newspaper left ...


A path from a roll of wallpaper (or a carpet path, or a long rug) is placed on the floor. This path is declared a "brook". Women are invited, legs wide apart, to walk along the "brook" without getting their feet wet. After the first attempt, it is proposed to repeat the "walk along the stream", but with a blindfold. All other future participants in the game should not see how it is played. After walking the path blindfolded, and eventually removing the blindfold, the woman discovers that a man is lying face up on the path (or several men!). The man is laid down on the track at the moment when the task has already been completed, but the bandage from the eyes of the participant has not yet been removed. The woman is embarrassed. The second contestant is invited, and when everything is repeated again, the first contestant laughs heartily.


A blindfolded man enters the room. His hands begin to drive on the lying "Pharaoh" from the bottom up. The role of "pharaoh" is played by one of the dedicated participants. The rest of the "victims" are waiting outside the door. Mournful music and words sound: "This is the pharaoh, here are his legs, this is the pharaoh, here are his hips, this is the pharaoh, here is his stomach, ..., here is his head, this is the pharaoh, here is his brain!" With these words, the victim's hands are immersed in a pan with boiled cold pasta (horns, shells, etc.) mixed with ketchup. The effect exceeds all expectations.

Flour. Place a balloon in the middle of the table. Two participants are blindfolded and they sit down at the table. They are invited to compete in blowing this balloon. The ball is discreetly removed, and a plate filled with flour is placed in its place. The members blow on the cymbal until they suspect something is wrong... :)

With matches.

The prank is offensive, so the "victim" needs to have a good sense of humor. So, the victim is asked to take a test of coordination (dexterity, sobriety, etc.). The essence of the test is as follows: you need to lift a box of matches, using two matches for this. Holding them by the heads with two fingers each, rest against the center of the box from different sides and thus raise it. As a rule, after several attempts it succeeds. After that, it is proposed to complicate the task: at the moment when the box is already raised and held, the victim must stamp his foot several times. If the box falls at this moment, then the attempt is repeated. Very quickly, the victim will stomp his foot on the floor with a satisfied face, and hold a box of two matches in front of him. The face is usually very stupid and happy, especially if you first bet that the victim will never succeed.

This is where the presenter turns to face the audience and announces in the voice of the master of ceremonies: "That's how they start a motorcycle in a madhouse ...".


All participants leave the room, only the presenter and his assistant remain. Two chairs are placed opposite each other in the room. Not far from the chair of the future "victim", as if by chance, an assistant sits down with a wet rag (handkerchief, etc.) hidden behind his back in advance. The "victims" are launched one at a time. The "victim" comes in and stands near his chair (like the leader). It is necessary that the chairs are behind them, and the leader and the "victim" look at each other.

Then the host greets the "victim" and says: "Today you entered the flight school, I am your instructor and we have practical exercises today, you must repeat after me all the movements, sounds, etc." Then everyone sits down, and the victim, feeling a trick, looks at the chair and, finding nothing, sits down. Next, the host says: "The first lesson, they give us a corncob" (the host pretends to be holding the steering wheel in his hands, and starts making sounds of a wound up aircraft, something like "Peck-peck-peck-peck" ""), then he says: "Let's take off!", gets up from the chair, respectively, the "victim" also gets up, then both sit down.

The same maneuver takes place a second time, only this time they give a "Boeing", (well, the corresponding sounds to it), the third in the park is the SU-27 (or something similar jet, with loud sound). The "victim" by this time has already been distracted from the chair, and the assistant imperceptibly puts a wet rag on the chair (only not very wet, so that it does not squish when they sit on it). The main thing is that the ""instructor"" at this time look into the eyes of the "victim", and not behind her back. Further, the words of the presenter: "The left engine fails, the right engine fails, we are falling!" With these words, everyone sits down together.

The instructor and assistant laugh, and the victim at first does not understand what is the matter (clothes do not get wet immediately). Then the first "victim" sits down somewhere to the side and, without giving a look, becomes a spectator. The next "victim" comes in and everything repeats again. And so on until the last participant looks at the laughing crowd of "flying away" people, waiting in bewilderment until the pants get wet! Trust me, it's super funny.


We have put these games and pranks especially for those who understand a sense of humor and will not torment their guests, as it is written below :-)))


The number of players is not limited. Suddenly, one of the players is recognized as the leader and tied to a chair, and then all the other players give the leader beer for 5-6 hours. The game is considered over when a stream appears.


The number of players is not limited. The players are in a circle. In the center of the circle, the leader, untied by that time from his chair and dressed in the uniform of an ordinary player, spins an empty bottle on a long string. The player who exclaimed: "Oh, yo!" and clutching his head, not only counts, but is out of the game. The game continues until either there are no players left in the circle, or one of them can not get close to the leader and again tie him to the chair. In the latter case with new force the trickle game resumes.


The number of players is slightly limited by previous games. Suddenly, one of the players is recognized as the leader and tied to a chair, and then the rest of the players drink beer for 2-3 hours. Compared to 5-6 hours of playing trickle, what is happening seems to the presenter just nonsense. Hence the name of the game.

"Hide and Seek"

The number of players is not limited. Suddenly, one of the players is recognized as the leader and tied to a chair. Then the first player says loudly and clearly: "We have an extra 20 liters of beer. Where can we hide them in 5-6 hours?" After that, the actual game of hide and seek begins.


The number of players is not limited. One of the players (optional) is tied around the neck with a scarf and untwisted for another 20 liters of beer for the leader. The player goes for a beer, and the host squints in displeasure.

"Sea figure, freeze!"

The marine figure is untied from the chair and placed on the sofa. All players go home, and the marine figure freezes until the morning. The winner is the one to whom the sea figure calls the last one in the morning.

And contests to entertain guests at home

"New Year's cocktail"

Participants of the competition are divided into pairs, one of the participants is blindfolded with a towel or scarf.

The second player from the pair prepares a cocktail in a deep glass from the ingredients available on the festive table. Everything can be mixed in a cocktail, the main thing is not to overdo it, since the second participant will have to drink this cocktail inside ...

The participant, who is blindfolded, tries the "nuclear mixture", his task is to guess the ingredients of the cocktail. The pair in which all or most of the components are guessed wins.

"Dancing on Ice"

This competition is for those who love to dance literally until you drop. Participants are invited to remember the main characters of the film "Titanic" and to fully experience the acuteness of the experiences of two lovers who were on the verge of death. The host tells a beautiful and tragic romantic story: after the shipwreck, she and he find themselves lost in the ocean on a huge, unsinkable ice floe. The lovers have no hope of salvation and are aware that these are the last moments of their lives. A tragic ending is imminent...

So, after listening to the sad story, the participants are divided into pairs. An “ice block” is laid on the floor - a newspaper is spread out and lyrical music is turned on (it can be performed by Celine Dion). The participants begin their last dance. The task of the players is not to leave the newspaper even a single step during the dance. Then the "floe" begins to melt - the newspaper is folded in half. And the tempo of the music also changes to a more dynamic one. However, the water continues to wash away the ice floe, it melts ... The newspaper is again folded in half. The music becomes even more dynamic. As a result, the couple wins, which, continuing to dance, will be able to stay on a small piece of "ice".

"Winter Blizzards"

For this competition, the host needs to prepare several small pieces of cotton wool (according to the number of players) and distribute them to the participants. At the command "The blizzard has begun!" - all players simultaneously toss their "snowflakes" and start blowing them from below. The task of the participants is not to let the cotton wool fall to the ground. The winner is the participant who keeps his "snowflakes" in free flight the longest.

"I know everything about you!"

Everyone who has gathered can take part in this game, and without getting up from the tables. The facilitator needs to write the question and answer on separate sheets. Answer cards are distributed to everyone present. The facilitator shuffles the remaining cards with questions and asks one question to each of the players, and they read out the answer they got.

Possible questions

♦ Do you like to go to the theatre?

♦ Are you able to fall in love at first sight?

♦ Do you have problems in your personal life?

♦ Do you have a sense of humor?

♦ Do you know how to have fun alone (alone)?

♦ Do you shave your legs often?

♦ Have you tried skydiving from a balcony?

♦ Do you like women's legs?

♦ Do you love your soul mate?

♦ Do you wash often?

♦ Do you remember the road well?

♦ Do you often paint your lips?

♦ Do you often kiss women's hands?

♦ Do you wash your feet before going to bed?

♦ Do you have endurance?

♦ Can you resist beautiful woman (handsome man)?

♦ Do you smile at passers-by on the streets?

♦ Have you visited public baths?

♦ Do you trust yourself?

♦ Would you be able to date two members of the opposite sex at once?

♦ Are you satisfied with your appearance?

♦ Do you enjoy eating?

♦ Do you often frame unknown women (men)?

♦ Do you have a lot of free time?

♦ Do you pay enough attention to your significant other?

♦ Do you raid the refrigerator at night?

♦ You have been told that you have beautiful eyes?

♦ Have you been told that you are damn attractive?

♦ Are you an amorous person?

♦ Do you often talk to yourself?

♦ Do you know how to have a good rest?

♦ Do you often find yourself in extreme situations?

♦ Are you a reliable person?

♦ Do you run after buses?

♦ Do you often reminisce?

♦ Have we met anywhere?

♦ Do you happen to jump on the trampoline in the morning?

♦ Are you able to control your emotions?

♦ Do you often get "sausage" with a hangover?

♦ Would you like to become a member of the Beer Lovers party?

♦ Do you want to change your gender?

♦ Are you good with people?

♦ You use public transport?

♦ Do you often take a bath?

♦ Do you like to daydream at your leisure?

♦ Do you like to sleep on fresh air?

♦ Do you go hiking?

♦ Do you go fishing with your friends?

♦ Do you have sex with strangers?

♦ Do you like adventure?

Possible answers

♦ Yak got used to it from childhood.

♦ I have big problems with this.

♦ Definitely not here!

♦ Yes, this is my element!

♦ I do it best.

♦ Only if you agree to keep me company.

♦ Yes. And not only...

♦ Only on Mondays.

♦ I spend all my free time like this

♦ If only there was a wish...

♦ I have been dreaming about this since childhood.

♦ Isn't everyone doing this?

♦ Of course! After all, this is what makes humans different from animals.

♦ Only in the bath.

♦ Immediately after the first drink.

♦ Yes. But that's not all...

♦ Who do you take me for?!

♦ Isn't that nice?

♦ Oh! Great idea!

♦ Let's do it together!

♦ If only I'm in my underwear

♦ Yes, when I take off my socks.

♦ Of course! But today I'm taking a break from it.

♦ If we stay alone, you will learn much more about me.

♦ I practice this often.

♦ Yes! And in this I will be useful to you.

♦ Alas, but this is a sad truth...

♦ Don't you think that you are too carried away?

♦ So what. I am not one (one) like this (like this). There are a lot of us!

♦ It happened two or three times.

♦ Yes. And it gives me a lot of pleasure.

♦ Yes. This is one of my talents.

♦ Well, once at a time it doesn't have to.

♦ Usually at night.

♦ Especially at the dentist's office.

♦ Yes, even by phone.

♦ Well, there are many different ways.

♦ On crowded public transport.

♦ I'm sure you like it too.

♦ A couple of times I had to.

♦ This is my hobby.

♦ They forced me!

♦ Especially in trains.

♦ Are you out of your mind?

♦ Only in a hammock under a tree.

♦ Everything seems to be all right with my head.

♦ And how did you guess?

♦ Speak quietly. I don't want everyone to know about it.

♦ Why hide it. Yes! But this happens against my will.

♦ Nothing human is alien to me.

"Favorite knees"

The facilitator arranges chairs in a circle. Participants sit on them - men and women alternately. The driver is blindfolded. To the music, he begins to walk in a circle. As soon as the music stops, the driver must kneel to the participant next to whom he stopped. The one who is "lucky" in this should not give himself away. The rest of the participants ask the driver: “Whose knees?” If the driver guesses to whom he “landed” on his knees, then the “lucky one” becomes the driver. An important condition of the competition: the driver does not have the right to use his hands when guessing.


Participants are divided into pairs - a man and a woman. The host gives the participants a chocolate candy. The task of each pair is to unfold the candy without the help of hands and eat it. The first couple to complete the task wins.

In this material, we present New Year's fun with which you can entertain your guests. In order for the participants to be enthusiastic about participating in games and competitions, let them first get used to it a little: chat, sit at festive table, drink up. And only then invite everyone to participate in the entertainment program of the evening.

"This item is needed to..."

The facilitator calls the participants any object (for example, a blanket, a pen, etc.), and they should take turns saying how the hidden thing can be used, starting the phrase with the words: “This item is needed to ...” The game becomes interesting, when all the obvious functions of a thing end and you have to invent them on the go. The one who could not come up with a use for the thing lost.

over bumps

This game is suitable for the moment when the feast is coming to an end and the guests want to warm up a bit. Two or three participants are given two sheets of paper. These are “hummocks”, and the floor in the room is a “quagmire”. It can only be crossed by stepping on each sheet in turn, and moving the other forward. Players must cross the "bumps" to the other side as quickly as possible without stepping on the floor.


An old and familiar game that you can change a little. Participants can get fanta out of the “hat” with funny tasks: depict an animal - a symbol of the coming year, sing a New Year's song, loudly call the Snow Maiden, etc. This, so to speak, is a traditional approach to this game.

But you can slightly modify the meaning of "Phantoms". Write on the pieces of paper various states of a person, but try to pick up only original and funny ones. For example, “puppy delight”, “stormy raskolbas”, “languid thoughtfulness”, etc. The player who pulled out the phantom must depict what was written without words, and the rest of the participants must guess what he is showing.

color kaleidoscope

This game is mobile and can be played by at least 5 people. Children love this kind of entertainment. After the facilitator calls out the colors (for example, yellow, then red, etc.), the players must grab some object of the named color. The host at this time counts to three. Who does not have time - leaves. The pace of the game can be increased, and its complexity increases.

blind artist

The players are divided into pairs in random order, one of the two partners is blindfolded and given a pen, pencil or felt-tip pen. "Blind artists" should hold their drawing device in an outstretched hand. The second participants are given sheets of paper, the topic of the future creation is reported. It can be from the simplest (draw geometric figure) to quite complex (to create a New Year's landscape). Then the "sighted" partners return to their pairs and begin to draw, moving the sheet around the writing object held in the hand of the second participant. At the same time, the “blind artists” themselves should not move their hand. After the end of the competition, their eyes are untied, and the winners are determined by the best and most accurately reflecting reality drawing.

football players

The host announces to the guests that a competition for the best football player will be held, and everyone can participate in it. Then the players are given air balloons. The task is to prevent the “ball” from falling to the floor for a certain amount of time (for example, 3 minutes). Someone will "mint" the ball with his head, and the most ingenious will simply blow on it from below, thus supporting it in the air. If it is not possible to identify a clear winner, then the game can be complicated: give the “football players” one more “ball”. The winner is the one whose balls do not fall on the floor.

Oh those fairy tales! Oh those storytellers!

This competition develops oratory skills and Creative skills participants. On the cards you need to write the names of different fairy tales (for example, you can take Kolobok, Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, etc.). Each player pulls out one piece of paper and remembers the plot of the fairy tale he got. Then the participants should tell what they remembered to the audience, but at the same time they should adhere to a certain genre (which can also be written on a card). For example, "Little Red Riding Hood" will sound differently in the detective genre, "Sleeping Beauty" or "Snow White" - in the melodrama genre. The most inventive storyteller wins.

Fair-selling men

To conduct this competition, at least three men will be required, for each of them “sellers” are selected: one or more women. As props, you need to provide participants with bright scarves, pieces of fabric, various jewelry, and cosmetics. The first task of the girls is to dress up their "product" as best and original as possible. You can create some recognizable image: for example, Casanova. This task will take no more than 3-5 minutes to complete. Then the "sellers" must advertise the "product" to potential buyers, they may even hold an impromptu auction. The team that does the best job wins a prize.

Too touchy and impressionable in this game is better not to participate - it's a shame when they don't share with you! Participants stand in a tight circle facing each other, while their hands should be behind their backs. The leader becomes the center. The players begin to imperceptibly pass an apple from hand to hand (with other culinary preferences, it is possible to replace an apple with a banana, cucumber, a piece of sausage, in the end). A person who has fallen into the center of the circle must guess who has the fruit at the moment. The difficulty is that you also need to bite off a piece of an apple - naturally, when the driver does not see. If the lucky owner of the fruit is "caught red-handed", then it is his turn to stand in the center of the circle. And so it continues until the main subject of the game is eaten entirely.

"Show Elephant"

Very funny, but quite a tough prank. The host starts a well-known game: you need to guess the animal, depict it without words, and all those gathered must understand who the participant is portraying. The facilitator leads the unsuspecting victim out the door and explains that an elephant (or any other animal that is easy enough to depict) will need to be shown. At the same time, you need to have time to inform the rest that the player will portray such and such an animal, and their task is in no case to name, “not to guess”, offering any other versions. Then, for some time, you can enjoy the sight of a surprised participant who cannot understand in any way whether he himself depicts an elephant poorly, or whether no one has ever seen this animal. The main thing is not to torment the victim for too long.

Two halves

The players are divided into pairs. The host announces the simplest, at first glance, task: cut a snowflake out of paper. Participants are given scissors and paper. If you are afraid that guests will cut themselves with scissors, then distribute bundles, wrapping paper and a bow. In this case, you will need to wrap the "gift". Then the partners should hug each other, hug, leaving only one arm free. Thus, the "halves" interlock into one two-armed whole. And now they must complete the task. Those who do their job faster and better than everyone else win.

New Year's Dictionary

It is necessary to prepare in advance cards with all the letters of the alphabet, except for Ъ, b, b, s, th opaque container. The host announces the preparation for printing of the Special Holiday Dictionary. Each participant in turn takes out one card and immediately names the word of the New Year theme, starting with the extracted letter. It is also desirable, together with all the players, to come up with a funny interpretation of this word. All concepts are written down so that later it would be possible to create a Dictionary in memory of the celebration.

New Year's songs

The host puts the words related to the holiday written on separate pieces of paper into an opaque bag or into a hat: “herringbone”, “icicle”, “snowman”, “hoarfrost”, “frost”, “snow”, “dance”, “gift” and etc. Participants take turns pulling out cards, and then trying to remember and sing lines from a song with a given word, receiving points for this. The winner is the one who scores the most points, i.e., remembers more songs.

snow shooting range

In advance, you need to prepare as many "snowballs" as possible - balls rolled from paper, cotton wool or, better, made from papier-mâché. You can use ping pong balls as snowballs. Participants are divided into two or more teams. Several people (one from each group) stand on chairs - now they are "targets". Opponents are trying to hit the target with "snowballs". At the same time, players on chairs can move, in every possible way dodge "enemy projectiles". The most accurate team wins.

In winter conditions

As you know, in order not to freeze in winter, you need to dress warmly. Invite your guests to check if they have a chance to survive the harsh winter frosts. Participants wear issued warm mittens and bathrobes. Their task is to fasten all the buttons as quickly as possible. The one who completes the task the fastest is the winner. The rest must be saved from the cold in another way - pour a glass of something intoxicating.

Leap into the future

Draw a “scale” in advance: you need to turn a long strip of paper (you can use wallpaper or toilet paper) into a kind of large “ruler”, that is, mark it in centimeters.

Now connect your imagination and write some New Year's wish or prediction near each mark.

It will be great if you write something humorous.

Participants will have to jump from a place in the long jump, see how much they jumped, and find out what awaits them next year.

Understand me

This game is similar in essence to the television show that was on our screens a few years ago. The participants are divided into two teams (at least 4-5 people in each). Teams line up in two rows. The facilitator passes to the first participants the cards on which the phrases are written, preferably more intricately. It is necessary to quietly and quickly transfer the contents of the card to the next player's ear. He tells the next one, and so on. The last participant must say out loud what he heard. The team that completes the task the fastest and, of course, does not lose the meaning of the phrase during the transfer wins.


The host will need to prepare for this game in advance. It is necessary to cut out various phrases from newspapers, preferably funny or ambiguous, and stick them on cards. Then these cards are distributed to the guests, and they will need to make a coherent story out of them.

It will be fun, especially if the prepared passages concern politics, show business, and many other areas of life; You can even take the endings of jokes.

And the further development of the game will depend entirely on the imagination of the participants.

Who said "woof"?

All participants stand in a circle, in the middle stands the blindfolded driver. At the command of the "blind" the round dance begins to move in a circle, at the other command it freezes. The participant standing in the center must point blindly at any other player, who barks once. After that, the driver must guess who he pointed to. If he is right, then the "barking" takes his place, and the game continues. The task may be too difficult, because short word difficult to identify the speaker. Then "Wow!" can be replaced with the phrase "Happy New Year!".

Now prove it!

The facilitator writes down the intended word on a piece of paper in advance (for example, "Santa Claus", "Christmas tree" or something else on New Year theme). All those gathered must, without knowing what was hidden, say what this object looks like. Then the host announces the word, and now each participant must prove that the hidden thing really resembles what he compared it with. For example, "Santa Claus is like a sofa because he is just as big and soft."

New Year…Even from the name of this holiday it breathes incredible freshness and magic, because with this holiday we connect new hopes, make new plans, wait for new gifts and unforgettable meetings. And therefore many new year entertainment are directly related to these expectations, with fortune-telling and endless wishes to each other all the best in the new year.

New Year games at the table, presented here help to plunge into this magical atmosphere.

1. Game at the table "Next year I ..."

At the festive table, you can arrange an auction: who is the last of the guests to come up with a rhyme for the phrase: “On next year I promise ... ”- receives a prize. At the same time, it is not truthfulness that is important, but the speed of inventing, the first thing that comes to mind. For example,

"Next year I promise-

I will give birth to many children!

Next year I promise

I'm flying to the Canary Islands, etc.

You can tighten the conditions of the game: let the guests sitting at the table come up with one by one (for “one, two, three”) did not have time, leaves the game, the winner is the one who has the richest imagination and the fastest reaction - he gets the prize.

If the conditions of the feast allow, then this game can be based on predictions. For example, everyone receives three pieces of paper on which he writes his wish or dream, then all the pieces of paper are collected in a hat, mixed, and what someone pulls out will come true.

2. Distribution of gifts at the New Year's table "Winless lottery"

Each guest draws (or receives for participation in games and contests) a lottery ticket with a certain number, each number is a certain prize.

Sample list of prizes:

1. You got a piano in the bushes - a New Year's calendar.

2. You surprised the whole world - get a souvenir.

3. And you have a hangover miracle and a miracle - a bottle of cool beer.

4. And for you, what adults and children love, of course, sweet candies

5. And you got a prickly darling, but a fork useful in the household.

6. And with this prize you will definitely not be lost, carry it with you and always leave full (gives a spoon)

7. Get a place for a stash and useful thing in addition (stockings or socks).

8. Remember us more often, invite us to tea (pack of tea)

9. Will give thrills, and come in handy, no doubt (jar of mustard)

10. You will be more beautiful with this prize of ours (some cosmetics)

11. Sadness and despondency will go away, here's fun for you all night (pacifier)

12. Even if something does not go well and does not stick, you definitely have something to hope for. (tube of glue)

13. You got the main prize - get it and sign (any prize)

14. In any feast, useful and important, paper napkins.

15. Three, whatever you want, it's not a pity, because you have a new washcloth.

16. Help solve the problem with styling your hair (curlers or hairpins)

17. Montana will envy such a product for a slender camp (family shorts)

1 8. Brush your teeth often, your smile will be cool (toothpaste)

19. To keep you hair, we will give you a comb.

20. We, friends, will not hide - now there is a fashion for crystal, a chandelier today we give you the production of "Montreal" (bulb).

21. You got a rose flower, which does not fade from heat and frost (postcard with a flower)

22. The symbol of the year given today will help you in any weather. (magnetik or souvenir)

23. Of course, it's not bad to win a Persian carpet or a house. But fortune rewarded you with a self-writing pen (pen)

24. You got an ancient gadget, the amount of memory is immense (notebook or notebook)

3. Common toast "New Year's alphabet".

In order to add playful notes to the announcement of toasts, the toastmaster in the midst of the New Year's celebration may, for example, doubt that the merry guests remember the alphabet. Then he invites everyone to fill their glasses and, in turn, make a toast for the New Year, the first with the letter “A”, such as: “ A wow, what a fabulous night! I propose to drink so that it never ends! The second person begins his toast, respectively, with the letter "B" and so on.

The most interesting thing is when it comes to "Y" or "Y". Here the facilitator can suggest that you can start with the exclamation: “Yyy! How good!” or “Wow, what kind of ladies have gathered here!” etc.

Of course, letters that do not represent sounds are skipped. Comic medal receives a guest whose toast-congratulation was especially liked by the public.

4. Call for dancing "Both the boys and girls are all very good"

This board game can serve as fun entertainment and a call to the host announces that there is New Year's omen, that whoever cheerfully celebrates the New Year, dances a lot, can "get out" from all problems and leave them in the past, then suggests a little warm-up. As soon as the word “boys” is heard, all the young people quickly get up and spin around their axis and sit down again, and at the word “girls”, the girls spin, respectively. And so - for every heard word "boy" and "girl". Ready, start.

In the New Year in our country, everyone gives gifts, and everyone gets hot from fun and love. Boys often give girls flowers so that all their dreams come true. And the Girls kiss them back and say that they are the best in the world. The girls raise their glasses for the Young Man, they wish the Young Men good health. Young men, of course, do not lag behind them, for the Girls today they dance and sing. The gathered Girls are, well, very good. And Young men with such - will dance from the heart.

5. Activation of the hall "New Year's bells".

Leading. In Central America, as soon as the clock strikes midnight, all the sirens and bells begin to ring deafeningly. Before the final summing up, it is time to arrange a deafening New Year's bell ringing.

(The host goes to the 1st sector.)
You will play the part of a big bell, ringing preferably low, booming and slow: "Boo-um! Boo-o-um!". Rehearsing…

(The host goes to the 2nd sector.)
You have a middle bell part, your sound is higher and shorter: "Bim-bom! Beam-bom!". Trying...

(The host goes to the 3rd sector.)
Your part is the part of a small bell, the sound is even higher and more frequent: "Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!". So…

(The host goes to the 4th sector.)
You also got a batch of bells, the sound is the highest and most frequent: "La-la! La-la! La-la! La-la!". Picture...

So, attention! The big bell begins to sound... The middle bell enters... The small bell connects... And ringing bells pour in...

Each sector performs its part - this is the bell ringing.

Option 2.Salute to Santa Claus.

The same game to activate the hall or you can organize before the arrival of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, offering to arrange a salute in their honor. To do this, the host divides the hall into three teams, the first, when Santa Claus appears, shouts in unison: “Hurrah!”, The second applauds loudly, and the third stomps his feet. Any game either in honor of Santa Claus or with him will be very useful.

6. Game at the table "In the new year without debt."

The lead to the game is something like this: “Everyone knows the sign that in order to live the whole next year without debt - you need to pay them off in the old year. I suggest for those who have not had time to do it yet to conduct a ritual. Here is my magic box (shows a piggy bank or box). Anyone who wants to part with his creditors once and for all can throw any amount into it, while internally you need to very strongly and sincerely wish yourself wealth and prosperity. And remember, the more generous you are in repaying debts, the more favorable the coming New Year will be to you!

Then the "casket" goes in a circle to the song "Money, Money". When everyone who wants to repay their debts “replenishes the treasury” and the piggy bank returns to the host, you can arrange an auction, saying that one of the guests will become richer right now, it will be the one who most accurately guesses the amount collected. Let special people write down all the versions put forward along with the names of the "foretellers". Then, together, the people must choose a "banker" who will "break" the piggy bank and conscientiously calculate how much money it actually contains and hand it over to the winner (differences of five to ten rubles are allowed).

7. The game "Magic bag of predictions".

A list of inexpensive little things that you can take as gifts from Santa Claus: a box of matches, a balloon, chewing gum, a tennis ball, a lighter, a lollipop, a disc, a brush, a pencil, glasses, an adapter, a package, decals, paper clips, a tea bag, calendar, notepad, postcard, coffee bag, eraser, top, sharpener, bow, magnet, pen, thimble, toy, bell, medal, etc.

Choice cards: What will I do with my gift?

I will kiss it

I'll powder my nose with this

Eat immediately with pleasure

This will be my talisman

I hope and I will admire

I will share this with my friends

I will fight off the fans with this

I will brush my hair with this

For this gift I will pray

I will use it instead of a spoon

I'll be waving it like a flag

I will make beads out of this

I will lick it and smack it

I'll be sniffing it all evening

I will share it with my loved one

I will write these letters

I'll stick it on my forehead, let everyone envy

I'll stick it in my ears and be the most - the most

I will stroke my neighbor's hands with this

I will ring it very loud

I'll put it on my hand instead of a watch

I'll sprinkle this on my hot

I will use this instead of cigarettes

I will beat my neighbor with this, he will like it

I'll put it in my pocket and keep it

I will draw a Christmas tree

I'll make a sandwich out of this

I'll make a snowflake out of it

Games at the table new year holiday help to entertain guests, raise the general mood, overcome the discomfort that many experience at the beginning of a party, activate them for dancing or become a good eyeliner for presenting gifts.

November 21, 2016

Starting with the first snowflakes slowly circling in the frosty air, we begin to wait for HIM! The most wonderful, most fabulous, incredible and fun party- New Year!

There is no longer a single holiday, three months before which, friends would ask: “Well, what do you think about the New Year?”. Yes, this is exactly the day when the aliens are in a panic from an unknown signal from the Earth - “The new year is rushing towards us, soon everything will happen ..”, and the whole planet glows with bright lights and fireworks! It is from December 31 to January 1 at 23:59 that we all stand with glasses of bubble champagne in our hands and are happy to meet the new year and new emotions that will burst into our lives, and this, by the way, is a great reason to throw an unrealistically cool party !

It is impossible to imagine any party without the company of beloved friends. With them, at least International Pancake Day, at least celebrate Bastille Day - always fun and interesting! In order not to interrupt this wonderful tradition, you should thoroughly prepare for organizing the main party of the year!

An important part of the 2017 meeting is entertainment: games and competitions for the New Year for adults. They make you get to know each other better, make the team more united, and the evening is more interesting, if you know what I mean 😉

website I am sure that almost all adults will take part in pranks with great pleasure, dance in a round dance, say funny toast and compete in exciting contests! They can be different: playful, smart, dexterous and, of course, with erotic overtones. It all depends on the degree of looseness of the party guests.

Offer 12 fun games and contests to celebrate the New Year, which will make the party fun and memorable.

1. So it's about me!

Small paper bags are taken in which you can put souvenirs, sweets or any small items (batteries, condoms, a glass ...). Nominations are written on the packages:
- the longest-haired;
- the one who kissed the girl before everyone else;
- the one that kissed the guy before everyone else;
- the owner of underwear with the largest number of colors and shades;
- the strongest armwrestler;
- the lady with the highest heel;
- the most thrifty smoker (the one or the one who has the most cigarettes with him);
- the coolest rapper (the fastest to read poetry);
— the most Blue eyes 2017;
- the loudest laughter of 2017;
- the craziest act of 2016;
- the most unlucky (the one who did not get any of the holiday packages).

You can come up with your own nominations - the most suitable for your friends and family.

Ready-made packages with contents need to be hung on a Christmas tree. This can be done before the guests arrive, but then they will be discovered too early, most likely even before everyone has gathered. Therefore, it is best to do this right after midnight, when everyone goes to look at the balcony or outside to watch the New Year's fireworks. At this point, hang the packages on the tree. Why not Original gifts for all those present.

The guests returning from the fireworks will notice the new Christmas tree decorations and start the competition…

2. What do you remember about the outgoing year?

Buy whatman paper in size A1 or A0. At the top, write in large letters “What do you remember about 2016”. To make the inscription look even and beautiful, print it on a printer using the New Year's font you like. You can stick photos of guests on whatman paper (for couples - use joint pictures). There should be space between photographs for drawings. It is even better if you order such a poster in a printing house.

Hang the poster on the wall or closet. Let everyone draw next to his photo the best event for him of the outgoing year. Someone will depict a palm tree, symbolizing a vacation in warm countries, someone will have a new car, and for someone it will be a child with a briefcase walking confidently to school for the first time.

You can make such collections of positive memories a tradition of your friendly company.

3. Coolest of all

We choose the main characters of the evening - Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Those who wish to change into costumes, take thematic attributes: a beard, mittens, a staff, a bag with gifts, and introduce themselves to the public in turn. The most cheerful, charismatic and irresistible guy or girl will become Santa Claus. The choice is made by applause voting. Not only girls, but also brave guys can take part in the casting for the role of the Snow Maiden! A little powder, red lipstick and a wig with pigtails will turn a serious top manager into a sweet granddaughter of Santa Claus. A short fashion show in a skirt will determine who will become the queen of the party, even if she is with bristles.

4. Alphabet

Further, to warm up the guests of the party, it will be correct to hold a competition for the best toast in alphabetical order. The bottom line is this - everyone in turn says a toast with wishes, but not just like that, but it should begin with a specific letter. For example, the first with “A” - “The sweetest orange, the tastiest tangerine, good Santa Claus will bring you as a gift”, then to “B” - “Great hopes, beautiful dreams, rays of goodness, and a cute beaver! Congratulations on the New Year!”, “B” - “Santa Claus comes to the house, he brought us gifts: a soft bear, a delicious cake, a telephone and a moon rover, pasta, an orange, soap, a gingerbread and a dolphin.”

In such a cheerful manner, everyone makes their toasts, the author of the most original rhyme receives a prize.

An easier option - a wish consists of one or two words per dropped letter. For example: wish A active rest, b wealth, V ezania, G lamura, d money…

Especially lucky for those who get the letters Y, Y, b, b 🙂

5. Hello, sleepwalkers

Such a competition is best held when all the guests are already in a cheerful mood. One participant is seated on a chair, and now he plays the role of the main lunar base, others will depict moon rovers and asteroids flying by. To do this, you need to crawl on all fours around the room, saying: “Reception, Lunokhod-1 is calling the base”, “Lunokhod-2, we need refueling at the lunar base, the battery has run out.”

An asteroid periodically flies between spaceships at speed, and with the words “Banzai” tries to get into the lunar rover. There is only one rule in this game - do not laugh! At all! The one who gets a laugh in his mouth crawls to the base to receive a task.

It might look like this:

  • remove two layers of skin from your lunokhod;
  • pour 200 ml of fuel into Lunokhod 1;
  • solder 3 new skin parts on Lunokhod-2;
  • dock with Lunokhod-3;
  • examine environment in reverse mode, etc.

Whoever never laughs wins. Great mood guaranteed to everyone!

6. New Year's sculptor

Props for two sculptures:
- round balloons different colors, pieces 100;
- balloons round with a pattern of a face (smiley), 2-4 pieces;
- balloons for modeling (those from which clowns make dogs), pieces 50;
- double-sided tape, 2 pieces;
- threads, 2 spools;
- multi-colored markers.

We divide into two teams and start creating a festive sculpture. The choice of image is at the discretion of the organizer: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, rooster (symbol of 2017), monkey (symbol of 2016), snowman or any other interesting character.

7. Pass it on

Old good game in a match will help those gathered to get to know each other better and to loosen up a little. All guests stand in a circle, alternating - a guy, a girl. The match is cleaned of sulfur, the first participant takes it with his lips and passes it to the next. After the first round, the match is cut a few mm, and it goes to new circle. The game ends when the participants have nothing to transfer, well, or at will.

8. News

Participants receive leaflets on which five words are written. According to them, in five minutes they must compose interesting news. Words from the card can be turned into any part of speech, for example:

  • England, Chinese, axe, genetics, Malvina (English geneticists crossed the Chinese with an axe. But he refused to chop wood, but he cut out a wooden Malvina for Pinocchio - let the kid have fun until the knot is dry);
  • Tula, flashlight, minibus, roofing material, camel;
  • Zimbabwe, pan, sun, skis, toothbrush;
  • Antarctica, soap, ostrich, bicycle, ear.

9. Associations

One person whispers a certain word into the ear of the next person, he passes a synonym or a word close in meaning to this word to his neighbor, and so on until the end. The last participant says the word aloud, and it is compared with the first, often at the end completely unrelated words are found, such as sea and olivier.

10. Slow motion

Everyone can take part in this game. In turn, each participant is given a task, which he must depict in slow motion:

  • capture of Sparta;
  • tearful declaration of love;
  • fight with the invisible;
  • escape from the tiger;
  • pitching a tent;
  • surfing, etc.

Whoever completes the task most creatively will receive a prize.

11. Alligator

Everyone likes the game of all times and peoples "Crocodile", regardless of age, preferences and other factors. But this is a festive crocodile, so let's call it "Alligator" today. The essence of this does not change: to show a phenomenon or object, without the help of words or sounds. Since the topic is known, it will be necessary to show tangerines, deer, Christmas decorations, crackers, garlands, etc.

12. Whose Santa Claus?

For some reason, everyone believes that Santa Claus comes from Lapland. The poor fellow annually in one night flies around all the children on the planet, delivers gifts to all the obedient, and magic pendals to the naughty. But is it?
Guess where each of these Santa Clauses comes from, and what he does in life:


  1. Originally from the Netherlands
  2. Lives in Smolensk
  3. The students of the 5th school No. 10 ask him for good grades


  1. Special Santa Claus for the very naughty
  2. Santa Claus from Germany
  3. Performs new year wishes landsknechts


  1. Canoeing through the canals of Panama
  2. Lives in Hawaii
  3. Part-time Santa Claus, got all the Santa Clauses with stupid questions, and often hears “Kana Kalok from here” in his address.

Pasquale's dad?

  1. Santa Claus of the Colombian drug mafia
  2. Is the "don" of the Italian Santa Clauses
  3. Initially, he was the brother of Carlo Pasolini, but, unable to withstand the glory of the latter, he retrained as Santa Claus

Fairy Befana?

  1. Ded Moroz transvestites
  2. Symbolizes the New Year in Italy
  3. Fairy - Santa Claus in the tribes of the Amazon

Popeye Noel?

  1. The oldest Santa Claus brought new Year gifts to the nomad camp of Khan Mamai, for which he received the respectful nickname "Papai"
  2. He began his career in England, then changed the climate and moved to one of the French colonies. The natives called him "Yohar papaya" (because he always brought not the gifts that he ordered), but the French colonialists "Noel" (that is, you went with your ale
  3. Papay Noel from Brazil, where there are many wild monkeys in the forest

And here are the correct answers: Sanderklass (1), Weichnachtsmann (2), Kanakaloka (2), Papa Pasquale (1), Fairy Befanu (2), Popeye Noel (3).

Arrange a quest

Come up with your own unique quest adventure for friends. See an example.

If there is not enough time, order a ready-made one. All you have to do is print and lay out the clues in the caches. Preparation will take no more than an hour. Or table quest for the New Year - you don’t need to hide anything at all, and spend 10 minutes on preparation. The link to the quests is below.

There is a child in each of us, and we all look forward to new year celebration something unusual, magical and wonderful. Everyone can arrange a cool holiday for themselves and their friends, and we hope our selection of New Year's contests will become a real lifesaver for you at the festive table in new year's eve 2017.

Have a nice holiday and a happy new year, friends!