Rules for driving in a circle with two lanes. Rules for passing roundabouts - new rules. What is a circle

Crossing intersections on busy highways is a tricky maneuver. But even more difficult is the passage of a car at a roundabout. The rules of its passage are somewhat different from the usual ones, so it is advisable to dwell on them in more detail.

What is circular motion

At a normal intersection, the streets "meet" at right angles, and the driver has three options for continuing to move: straight, left, or right. And when entering the intersection of streets with a roundabout, cars find themselves on a circle and move along its diameter in a counterclockwise direction until they turn onto the desired highway, when it turns out to be on the right in the direction of travel.

Their features include:

  • Lack of regulators and.
  • Traffic is regulated and established there road signs.
  • The signal is required only when changing lanes from one lane to another.
  • Entry to intersections of this type is allowed from any of the on the highway.
  • The roundabout is defined as the main road.

Such intersections are marked with the corresponding road signs:

  • Sign warning of approaching roundabout.
  • A sign informing about the number of streets facing the intersection.
  • A sign pointing to ("Give way").

The video below discusses the procedure for passing roundabouts according to the new rules (SDA):

Rules for passing roundabouts

The passage of roundabouts is regulated by special rules that are visualized on the road through the signs at the disposal of the road service or the markings applied by them. Therefore, at such intersections, one must be especially careful.

One of the main requirements is the observance of traffic lanes. If you can enter from any lane, then you need to rebuild in advance to leave. Otherwise, there are a few key points that you need to tune in well.

  • Right turn. If your car is driving through an intersection in the left or center lane, then you need to change lanes to the extreme right lane in the direction of travel. Just before the turn, you need to slow down.
  • Left turn. With this maneuver, you need to fix attention on the markup. To perform this movement, it is necessary to “stake out” the left lane (according to the movement of the car). Do not forget about the turn signals when driving in a circular manner according to the rules.

The main thing is caution and a correct assessment of the traffic situation at the intersection.

  • Rectilinear movement. Theoretically, for travel in the forward direction, you must choose the middle lane. But if the traffic is two-lane, then you can go both in the left lane along the way and in the right traffic flow. It all depends on the current situation on the roadway and the road signs and marking lines placed there.
  • Departure. The main rule when driving through intersections with circular traffic installed on them is the requirement to exit exclusively from the right lane along the way. Therefore, to prevent dangerous situations, prepare for this in advance.

We will tell you below about what awaits the driver for violating the rules of driving on a roundabout.

This video diagram of the passage of a roundabout will help you learn how to make a maneuver:

Punishment for violators

When driving through an intersection with a roundabout established there, several points of the rules may be violated. These violations have a different degree of danger, and the punishment for this also varies.

  • A fine of one thousand rubles for the first violation and five thousand for punishable for:
    • Violation at the entrance to this intersection (traffic light, sign).
    • Refusal to provide a travel advantage.
    • Not turning on turn signals when rebuilding a car from a row to a row.
    • Wrong exit from the intersection (from the left lane).
  • For closer than five meters from the intersection or the entrance to the intersection, they will immediately be punished with five thousand rubles.
  • And the movement towards (clockwise) can turn around.

Tips for following the rules of the road when driving roundabouts are given below.

Since there is nothing new in roundabouts, their passage is governed by general rules, and there is also enough practical experience, the observance of certain traffic principles can significantly increase safety when performing this type of maneuver. Here are those tips.

Any driver is obliged to comply with traffic rules not only in order not to receive a fine, but also in order not to become the culprit of an accident and not harm themselves and other people.

The motorist must understand how he should be in each specific situation. For example, the traffic rules for a roundabout imply choosing a certain lane and carefully leaving this section.

What is a roundabout?

This term refers to a section of the carriageway, which is made in the form of an island. Driving around the ring takes place before the vehicle leaves a specific section.

Traffic lights are sometimes installed in such areas. Movement along the 2020 traffic rules ring is determined by signs, special markings or traffic lights. Turn on turn signals while driving roundabout not necessary. Their inclusion is required only when the motorist decided to move to another row.

  • A new clause has been introduced in SDA No. 13.11 with a corresponding note: the car that is already moving directly in a circle has the advantage, and entering the roundabout, which is designated as 4.3, must give way.
  • If there are priority signs in front of the roundabout, for example, from 4.3 there is a “give way” or there is a traffic light, then the movement in this case will be determined by these signs.

A similar rule applies in many European countries. In order to avoid disagreements and confusion, Prime Minister Medvedev signed a corresponding amendment to the SDA.

Until some time SDA circular movement was indicated by the sign 4.3. Subsequently, it was supplemented with a “give way” sign. It determines the advantage of the vehicle while driving on the ring.

How to choose a lane?

When entering such a road section big role plays the lane from which the driver entered the ring. According to the traffic rules, you can enter such a site from any line that is adjacent to the road.

If, while driving around the ring, the driver needed to go straight or turn right, then it is better to stay on the right line. If a turn is required to the left, then it should be located on the left side. Similar actions must be taken by a motorist who plans to make a U-turn. The position should be located in the center only when the movement is planned in a straight line.

Driving through a roundabout

There are some requirements according to which a roundabout must be carried out. The rules for driving this section are regulated by traffic rules.

When driving through the described area, it is worth looking at the accompanying signs that are located in front of this section. The circle is mostly the main road. All other roads are secondary. But there is also another situation.

When moving around the ring, the driver must first of all observe the row. If he loses his line, he will cause great discomfort to other motorists and increase the risk of an accident.

If the driver decides to turn right, he needs to slow down, turn on the turn signal and change lanes to the far right. It is worth entering the ring carefully, it is important to make sure that other cars are ready to give way to the new vehicle.

Driving at an intersection with three lanes is the same. Only here it will be necessary to go twice to right side. It is necessary to perform such a maneuver very carefully. It is important to assess the situation that has developed on the road.

The listed methods are valid only in that situation, if no other order of movement is provided. To resolve the issue of who has the advantage, it is important to look at the road markings and signs.

Driving in a straight line

A plurality of roads may adjoin such a section of road. Depending on their number, the driver will make a decision when making a maneuver. If the number of lanes is more than 2, you should drive along the center line. If there are only 2 rows, the choice will need to be made based on a specific situation. If the car is driving on the main road, it is important to see that other cars are ready to give way to the vehicle before entering the roundabout. When driving on a non-main road, the car must let other cars pass.

If a moving car intends to continue moving in a straight line, it has the ability to move along the right line. But from this, the situation on the road can be aggravated if the driver from the middle lane wants to move to the right. To avoid similar situations, it is worth moving to the center.

Departure from an area with a roundabout

We figured out how to enter the ring correctly, now you need to understand how to competently move out of it. The traffic rules state that the exit from this zone should be carried out only from the right line. Before moving to the next lane, you need to skip the vehicle moving to the right.

A driver can enter an intersection that has traffic in a circle from any lane. But he can only move out of it on the right.

A feature of such sections is that overtaking is allowed on them.

Punishment for incorrect passage of roundabouts

If a motorist drives in a circle incorrectly, he will face a fine.

The amount of the penalty depends on the nuances of the violation:

  • So, entering this zone at a red light is punishable by a fine of 1 thousand rubles;
  • If the driver commits the offense again, he will be issued a fine in the amount of 5 thousand rubles.

There is also a possibility that the owner of the car may be deprived of the rights for half a year. The punishment will be determined by the court.

A charge may also be filed if the driver:

  1. did not let a moving car with an advantage pass;
  2. went to the oncoming lane;
  3. did not turn on the turn signal during the transition from row to row;
  4. left the ring not from the right line;
  5. stopped at the ring.

A fine is imposed if the motorist did not provide an advantage to vehicles entering this section of the road, but the road sign was not standing. A fine in the amount of 1 thousand rubles. will be issued in that situation if there are signs, but the motorist ignored them.

In areas where there is a circular traffic sign, traffic rules suggest overcoming this area only counterclockwise. Failure to follow these rules may result in severe penalties.

Parking in this section is allowed when the vehicle is 5 meters from the crossed carriageway. If these requirements are not met, the driver will have to pay a fine of 500 rubles.

Each driver should drive as carefully as possible on this section of the road. Basically, the difficulties with crossing this section are right choice lines. Riding around the ring without following the rules is dangerous. If you do not let a car passing by that has advantages, then this can end up at least with a fine, and at most with an emergency. So every time you notice a familiar road sign, you need to remember the rules for driving at a roundabout.

In order not to get into trouble, the driver must be aware that not all intersections with a circular roadway have roundabouts. The traffic rules corresponding to roundabouts are valid only at those intersections where these road signs are installed. Thus, if a road sign 4.3 SDA is not installed in front of the intersection, then it must be passed in accordance with the general requirements for the passage of street intersections.

Road sign 4.3 "Roundabout"

Roundabout: driving rules

At intersections with organized roundabouts, the direction of movement along the circular road is set counterclockwise, which, by the way, is indicated by arrows on the road sign. If the arrows on the sign are directed clockwise, then this means that the sign is "self-made" and its effect is not legally valid. In this case, you need to cross the circular section as a normal unregulated intersection, if there are no other priority signs.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree dated October 26, 2017 on changing the priority of car traffic at a roundabout. The new rules for passing roundabouts come into force on 8 November. According to the decree, now the priority of travel is given to those who move in the circle itself, and those entering will have to give way. The new rules apply only to an equivalent intersection, which is indicated only by sign 4.3 and is installed in all directions. At an unequal intersection, priority signs are additionally installed and drivers are required to follow the requirements of the signs. Read more about this below.

Road sign 4.3 "Roundabout"

Road signs that are not so common on the road sometimes cause difficulty not only for beginners, but also for motorists with a sufficiently large driving experience. A similar kind of hitch for some drivers can cause a traffic sign "Roundabout". In small towns, such a sign can be seen extremely rarely, but in larger cities you can easily encounter this sign. And, in order not to get into a difficult or even dangerous situation on the road, each driver simply needs to know how to drive to the “Roundabout” traffic sign correctly.

Before you start studying the features of the rules for driving to the "Roundabout" sign, you just need to refresh your knowledge in various areas of traffic rules, and also know well how it looks and in what places it is installed.
There are two types of signs in front of the ring:

Where is a warning sign 1.7 "Intersection with a roundabout"

Sign 1.7 "Roundabout" in a triangle can be installed at a distance of 50 to 100 meters to the ring in the city and 150-300 meters on the highway and outside the cities.

Warning sign 1.7 "Roundabout"

New rules for passing roundabouts

On November 8, 2017, adjustments were made to the traffic rules on this issue in order to approximate European standards. Now, according to the amendments, priority has been set for cars already on the ring, so car owners who are just entering the ring let all cars that are already moving along it pass. Regardless of whether there is a “Give way” sign in front of the roundabout or not, the innovations require car owners to give way to all vehicles that are already moving around the ring.

According to the amendments, priority is set for cars already on the ring.

Today, the joint installation of the “Roundabout” and “Give way” signs in tandem is simply not relevant, and if you come across such a combination, then most likely they were installed before the introduction of innovations in the legislation and have not yet been removed.

If there is no “Roundabout” sign in front of the roundabout

It is possible that the roundabout is not marked with appropriate road signs. If you find yourself in a situation where roundabouts are carried out without signs, remember that the driver must rely on the general rules and move along the intersection in accordance with the rules that govern movement on this particular type of intersection.

How to properly move around the ring

The movement of cars around the ring

Approaching the ring, the motorist can take any lane that is most optimal for subsequent movement, since the rules do not contradict the arrival of the ring from any of the available lanes.
In the event that there is no priority sign or traffic light in front of the intersection, the motorist has the right to enter the ring only after giving way to vehicles already on it.
When entering from the main road, the car on the main road will have priority. And on the ring, regulated by a traffic light, it is possible to call only when the necessary traffic signal turns on.
There can be a different number of lanes on the ring, so you need to choose the lane for movement very carefully and responsibly. When choosing a lane for driving around the ring, one should build on the specific situation. So, if you need to drive straight along the ring, it is better to use the center or right lane. If you need to turn right, then it is allowed to do this only from the right lane, if the direction of movement along the lanes is not established. For left turns, it is best to give preference to the leftmost lane.

The ring, in fact, is by default the main road, and the exits from it are secondary. On the aforementioned section of the road, the rules allow you to overtake and, if necessary, stop (but, remember, stopping is only allowed at a distance of 5 meters from the nearest adjoining road).
Leaving a roundabout should be done with extreme care and caution. The rules strictly require that the exit from the specified section of the road be carried out exclusively from the extreme right lane. Although at large intersections, for example, two lanes (of course, properly marked) can be assigned to the right for the exit. With this in mind, before the maneuver, you should move your car to the appropriate lane in advance, without interfering with other motorists, and only with this condition should you exit.

Penalties for non-compliance with the rules of traffic on the ring

The main punishment for inattentive and negligent drivers is a fine. The size of the fine for various violations varies from 500 rubles to 5000. So, if you stop at the wrong place, you will be fined 500 rubles, and if you enter the ring under a traffic light, disregarding the requirements of the law will cost 1000 rubles. The repetition of the same violations entails more serious consequences, namely, a monetary fine is already significantly bigger size- 5000 rubles, an alternative to a monetary penalty is the deprivation of the right to drive transport for a period of 4 months to six months, the period of deprivation depends on the specific circumstances of the offense.

Innovations in the rules for driving at roundabouts are aimed at reducing dangerous situations and approaching European standards.

The introduction of innovations in the rules for driving at roundabouts is aimed at reducing dangerous and embarrassing situations on this difficult section of the road and approaching European standards. When moving around the ring, a motorist simply needs to carefully monitor not only compliance with the rules, correctly choose a lane for further movement, clearly change lanes, but also adequately assess the overall situation. Thus, knowledge of the main theses within the framework of this topic will allow you not only to save your money, to avoid unwanted meetings with traffic police officers, but also to arrive at your destination calmly and unhindered.

Driving around the ring has always caused a lot of controversy among car owners. This section of the road is one of the most dangerous, and all for the reason that even drivers with great driving experience do not know how to behave when driving around the ring. Let's put an end to this issue once and for all.

According to the traffic rules (section 8. Starting movement, maneuvering), you have the right to enter a roundabout from any lane of the carriageway in the same direction. However, it should be noted that if you enter the circle from the right lane, you must first take the right lane on the circle. Accordingly, if you enter the circle from the left lane, you must take the inner left lane on the circle.

Thus, it turns out 2 options for entering a roundabout, we will consider each of them in detail:

If you entered the roundabout from the right lane, you can safely drive along the right (outer) lane, turning off the circle when necessary. In this position, you do not change lanes, and there is no need to let anyone pass.

For cars going along the inner ring, you will be a "hindrance on the right", and they are obliged to let you through.

If you enter the circle from the left lane, of course, you must let those who are already driving in a circle pass. Then you go to the left (inner) lane and drive along it. You should leave the roundabout in the same way as a regular one, having previously changed lanes to the right, while you must let those who drive to your right pass.

An emergency in most cases occurs when the cars on the inner circle are about to leave the ring and forget to let the cars on the outer ring.

From the above, we can conclude that it is best to enter the ring from the right lane, while you do not need to let anyone through when you leave the ring.

If it so happens that you are on the outer circle, then do not forget to give way to cars on the right when you leave the ring.

For a better understanding, we suggest you watch the video tutorial "Movement around the ring":

Show this article to your friends and acquaintances, and, perhaps, there will be fewer unpleasant situations on the road.