The crisis of the family institution in modern society. Psychological vzlyad (PsyVision) - quizzes, educational materials, catalog of psychologists. All these functions are socially significant, they show that the family plays a big role in the life of society and the state, therefore t

1. Unconsciousness of one's own motives for marriage. Hence in the future a lot of manipulation, pretense, simulated emotions in relation to each other.

2. A lot of far-fetched expectations and illusions about family life(everything is very far from life, unreal perfect images husband and wife). The basis for future constant dissatisfaction with family life and companion.

3. Reckless, often rigid adherence to the generally accepted standard - etiquette (what a good family should be like). A "good" family is viewed from a certain angle. The main thing is that everything should be decent (especially in the presence of strangers). This position is the basis for further conflicts. ("it should not be!"- convinces one of the spouses and defends his point of view as an embrasure of the bunker). Children in such families learn to be emotionally cold, as obedience and obligatory adherence to the standard gives rise to constant fear in the soul.

4. The main task of modern society is the education of the superman. And then the main trend is constant competition and struggle for power. In the majority, we now see a family where the husband and wife are constantly trying to prove to each other their importance and “better”. A man proves that he is "not a fool", a woman - "that she is the same person." The struggle that exists in the family is often not realized by the spouses. In reality, it is expressed in disputes about nothing, the main thing is to show "who is the boss in the house."

5. Emotional alienation of people from each other (including spouses). People seem to live at a distance from each other. Communication is reduced to the necessary minimum (“soup on the stove”, “did you bring money?” Etc.). Spouses do not talk about what worries them. If spouses converge various families(one family has a much warmer relationship than another), then this can be a constant source of contention and envy (everyone praises the whole “nest” - whatever it is).

6. The inability of people to communicate constructively in society. Fear prevents people from engaging in sincere interaction. There is a constant accumulation of unmanifested emotions. A person relaxes a little when he comes home, removes the social mask of “calm”, “balanced”, “attentive and kind”, etc. In such cases, the family becomes an excellent place for relaxation - as a dump of negative emotions with all the ensuing consequences.

7. Sex has become a business tool. An industry that brings great profits. The media is heavily advertising and telling everyone (first of all, our children listen to this) what sex should be like. Certain norms, rules, standards are being introduced. Young people begin to believe in all this and expect that this should be the case in their lives. In reality, everything is a little different and much simpler. Assimilated knowledge and expectations of a rich sexual life lead to unreasonable ambitions, internal feelings of inconsistency, become the cause of family disagreements and strife.

8. Increasing trend of women's activity in society. Often a purely consumer position of women in relation to men. The number of passive infantile men is growing. These men are raised by women themselves (carefully raising dependent sons and passing them on to a certain age in the hands of another woman), who then actively complain to each other that “real men” have disappeared!

9. Material dependence of the spouses on each other. Economic impossibility of divorce. Prolonged forced living together has a detrimental effect on both the woman and the man. Growing children live in unbearable conditions, who perceive this way of life as natural (there is no other better analogue - “yes, everything is the same for everyone”, “my parents are still fine, Petya has a nightmare!)

10. The strengthening tendency of life "so that it does not get worse." Then the main thing that the family is concerned about is to survive, save, save up for a “rainy day”. Living in such conditions is a daunting necessity.

  1. Directions of psychotherapeutic work in marital psychotherapy

List of problems that were the reason for the consultation:

  • Various kinds of conflicts related to the distribution of marital roles and responsibilities.
  • Conflicts related to the difference in views on the family and family relations (this should not be the case in the family. But how? Only fantastic dreams).
  • Sexual problems (inability to build relationships so that there is good sex. There is no contact in the family).
  • Difficulties in the relationship of a married couple with their parents.
  • Physical or mental illness of one of the spouses and difficulties in adapting to the disease.
  • Problems of power and influence in marital relationships.
  • Lack of warmth, intimacy.

Sometimes clients claim one, but all or many of the reasons are present in the family. In the sphere of marriage, personal problems of spouses arise and are widely manifested. The consultant helps where he sees. We need to look for the thread. What is the single core on which all problems are strung?

Long-term therapy is important if couples want to rebuild their relationship.

Main task: to teach to distinguish inadequate ways of interacting .

  • Current ideas about parental family. The child has one ideal - his family. It is with him that he compares what relationships should be in his family. A person seeks to receive from his partner what he did not receive from a parent of the opposite sex (compensation for childhood problems: for example, a woman wants her husband to spend more time with her - lack of communication with her father). A person tries to get rid of family trauma. The current family acts as a testing ground: either to exacerbate or smooth out family trauma. The main task: to understand how in their adult life the patterns of life in childhood are realized and make it difficult to relate to both their spouse and children.
  • The notion that most conflicts are power struggles. Women have power in the family. But a real storm is brewing. This fight is sincere. Any means are used. Rejection sexual relations(“Yes, you are not capable of real sex either,” etc.). Children often get involved in the fight. The client can simply be told that his family is becoming unviable (the life of the family will deteriorate). Power in everyday life and in dullness. The one who does this work is really the power. Most of the time, this is done by a woman. Our century is the century of women's dominance (although sometimes they do not hold posts and often earn less - external discrimination). It's useless to fight. Our task is to help people understand that power has long been lost (to men). The result of evolution.
  • The main thing is the desire to live in a family. Family is work (you have to marry a lieutenant to make him a general).

Important to know:

  • How, when and in connection with what the conflict occurred.
  • In what situations does it escalate?
  • What do you dislike about the other spouse?
  • How do you contribute to the manifestation of this conflict in the family?
  • Who is the instigator?

In family crisis work, the following can be identified: installations spouses:

Continuing the relationship on a warmer level

Preservation of an unstable balance

Clear and final separation

  1. The main stages of psychotherapeutic work with the family.

Main stages of work:

  1. Identification of the central problem
  2. Emphasis on private matters
  3. Confrontation with the main problem
  4. Recognition of the underlying problem
  5. Family consolidation based on mutually acceptable solutions

Techniques used in the work:

  • Compromise techniques. Equality of duties. The wife is often unhappy. The husband often remains in the dark. He is used to acting on orders, he is passive. "They said - they did it, they didn't say - they didn't." Reach a compromise through negotiation.
  • Understanding your attitudes and behavior. Constant dissatisfaction with others is a manifestation of dominance. Why constantly prove this, if a woman already dominates the house? With one hand, she pushes her husband to activity and herself interferes, expressing constant dissatisfaction with everything that he does.
  • The main trend is to demonstrate their superiority. It is necessary to help one to accept some of the advantages of the other. If the spouses are ready, then you can discuss the following questions with them:
  • Why are they each fighting for power?
  • How exactly does he fight for power?
  • To whom and what are they constantly proving?
  • How do spouses control each other?
  • What gives them this way of life?

Information collection methods: free and standardized conversation, "Genogram" method, "Life Line" method.

Methods of psychotherapeutic influence: conversation, family disputes, playing situations, joint activities.

No matter how different modern families are from each other, most of them are complete, i.e. nuclear or extended. In general, it should be noted that the vast majority of people marry and have at least one child. In other words, the family way of life retains its universality, although it is going through a rather difficult period of its development. Nevertheless, in recent times more and more often they talk about the crisis of the modern family, which has affected many countries of the world, including Russia.

The crisis of the modern family is manifested in a decrease in the birth rate, as well as a change in the nature and indicators of marriage. Thus, the decline in the birth rate, which was noted in Russia since the second half of the 1960s, has become simply catastrophic since 1991: annually it amounted to at least 10%. In 1993, indicators were achieved that were previously typical only for large cities with increased divorce activity, in which there were two divorces for every three marriages. In addition, the number of marriages themselves is reduced by tens of thousands every year. All this justifies the assertion that the crisis of the modern family has also affected Russia.

In the literature on family studies, there are three causes of the crisis of the modern family.

The first of these reasons is related to the changing ideas about marriage and family that are characteristic of the modern world. In other words, it has global significance, although it operates primarily in highly developed countries. As already noted, the trend of nuclearization is clearly visible in the development of the modern family. Associated with the natural desire of a young family to build their own lives, it led to such unexpected consequences as a decrease in the birth rate, as well as an increase in the number of divorces and single people. The expanding practice of consensual marriage, when a man and a woman do not formalize their relationship, does not help to strengthen the family either. Delivering a lot of problems to social workers, this also indicates the weakness of the attitude towards creating a family in an increasing number of people. This attitude was the subject of sharp criticism during the sexual revolution that swept the countries of the West in the late 1960s: directed against hypocrisy in matters of the family, it often turned into a complete rejection of it as a social institution. In other words, the existence of any norms governing sexual relations between people was denied. Changes in the economy, politics and social sphere Western countries over the past three decades have allowed them to significantly alleviate the severity of the problems that led to the sexual revolution, but now Russia is experiencing something similar, where democracy is interpreted by many as permissiveness, and freedom in relations between people as sexual promiscuity.

The second reason for the crisis of the modern family is connected with the negative aspects of the Soviet way of life in our country in a totalitarian society. First of all, we are talking about the extremely unsatisfactory living conditions of most Soviet families, the dependence of young spouses on their parents, the excessive employment of women in domestic work, the disorder of family life, as well as the high level of drunkenness and alcoholism. In addition, the system moral education in a totalitarian society entailed a low level of personal responsibility, the absence of a culture of rational planning of one's own life, a very weak influence of morality on family relations and an orientation towards the development in children of such qualities as obedience and discipline, rather than initiative, independence or dignity of the individual. Finally, for 70 years there has been practically no charitable activity in our country, not to mention social work designed to professionally help both individuals and entire families in solving their everyday problems.

The third (perhaps the most important) reason for the crisis of the modern family is connected with the processes currently taking place in Russia. Since 1991, when changes in the economy actually began in our country, the social status of the family has been steadily declining. Today it has reached such a low point as never before, at least in the entire history of the Soviet Union, and perhaps even Russia. As already noted, the number of marriages is rapidly declining, while divorces are increasing. The birth rate is also declining, while infant mortality is rising. These and other negative phenomena have led to the fact that for several years now in our country the death rate among the population has exceeded the birth rate: this was not the case even during the Second World War, when the Soviet people suffered huge losses. According to sociological surveys, many spouses want to have children, but cannot support them. This is not surprising, since the poverty rate of a family increases with the appearance of new children. Many families were deprived of all previous guarantees: the right to work, free medical care, rest, leisure and even movement. In connection with the ongoing interethnic conflicts, their right to life, as well as a dignified death, was under threat. The social stratification of Russian society has led to the formation of various families: rich, middle-income, poor and even beggars who are on the verge of survival.

The state of the family is detrimental not only to the material, but also to the spiritual impoverishment of modern Russian society. It has become commonplace for the media to preach violence, cruelty, immorality, selfishness and pornography. Many families try to protect their children from this, but most often they cannot withstand the propaganda pressure. As a result, the moral principles on which the family is based are erased. A weakened family itself becomes dangerous for society, because it gives rise to deviants - people who violate the norms established in society. The origins of immorality, crime, alcoholism, drug addiction and prostitution are to be found in an unhealthy family, which is a reflection of our sick society.

At present, there is no more important state task than the creation of conditions - both material and legal - for the preservation and strengthening of the family. The collapse of the family leads to the collapse of society, and hence the state. And this applies not only to Russia, which is now going through one of the most difficult periods in its development, but also to any other country. Therefore, it is not surprising that a few years ago the United Nations (UN) carried out a number of activities as part of its announced International Year families in which Russia also participated. This shows that the international community attaches great importance to the role of the family in modern world.

Control questions

  • 1. What is a social institution?
  • 2. What are the prerequisites for the emergence of a social institution?
  • 3. What do you know the main groups of social institutions?
  • 4. What is life cycle families?
  • 5. What are the main functions of the family?
  • 6. What is the manifestation of the crisis of the modern family?
  • 7. What are the causes of the crisis of the modern family?
  • 8. Who are deviants?



Voronezh State Forest Engineering Academy


on the topic of:

« modern family: crisis and evolution »


Student 1121 gr.

Ganzikova M.N.


Kazmina O.O.

Voronezh 2011


The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that the family is the basic institution for the reproduction of human generations, their primary socialization, which has a huge impact on the formation of the individual, provides a qualitative variety of forms of communication, human interactions in various spheres of society. Disorganization of this social institution, especially stable and purposeful, poses a real threat to the future of this or that society, human civilization as a whole.

The family is a special social institution that regulates interpersonal relations between spouses, parents, children and other relatives connected by common life, mutual moral responsibility and mutual assistance.

The current situation in Russia (the economic crisis, the escalation of social and political tension, interethnic conflicts, the growing material and social polarization of society, etc.) has exacerbated family problems. For a significant part of families, the conditions for the implementation of basic social functions have deteriorated sharply. The problems of the Russian family come to the surface, become noticeable not only for specialists, but also for a wide range of the public.

The uniqueness of the family lies in the fact that several people interact in the closest way for a long time, numbering tens of years, that is, for most of human life. In such a system of intensive interaction, disputes, conflicts and crises cannot but arise.

Crisis or evolution of the modern family

The family, like all social institutions, has experienced a number of changes throughout its history. Its development did not stop at its modern forms. A thoughtful study of a number of phenomena shows that at present the family, as a socio-legal organization of a certain type, is undergoing an acute change; old and partly modern forms of it gradually disappear and give way to other forms, known so far only in the most general terms. In short, the modern family is changing and moving into the new, coming family in our day.

Of course, this process of changing it is connected with the change in the rest of social life. As the foundations of modern society change, so does the family.

But is it? Is this not a simple misconception? I think not: in the modern family, indeed, there is some kind of turning point that threatens to sweep away all the main features.

The modern family is a union, firstly, of husband and wife, then of parents and children, and, thirdly, more broadly, the union of relatives and in-laws.

The basis of the union of spouses is a marriage recognized by the state, concluded in a certain legal form and entailing certain legal consequences - personal and property.

The Church defines marriage as a sacrament by which two beings merge into "one flesh", into a union, like the union of Christ with the Church. Lawyers, following the definition of Modestin, understand marriage as a state of complete vital community between spouses, a lifelong relationship based on divine and human law. Translating these legal provisions into a simpler language, we can say that, in principle, modern marriage meant the complete merging of two beings, their lifelong march along the path of life and the joint implementation of the tasks set for themselves. This bond has been strong enough so far and for the vast majority - lifelong. Two creatures, indeed, turned into "one flesh" and, together with the children, represented a kind of "state within a state."

Being such an independent cell, the modern family, in addition to marriage as a sexual union, was united and sealed by a number of other ties. As a union of parents and children, it was a kind of independent economic whole ("home") and the first school and educator. Parents, who have a number of rights in relation to children, also had duties - to take care of their material security and mental and moral education. Children also have certain rights and obligations. The state almost did not interfere in this internal order of the family. It was surrounded by a kind of forbidden wall, beyond which, except in exceptional cases of a criminal nature, state power did not cross. She provided the family complete independence and jealously guarded its strength, independence and its foundations. Encroachments on the weakening or rupture of marital ties (sexual purity, desecrated by adultery, and extramarital sexual relations) were persecuted in every possible way and, especially in antiquity, severely punished.

In order to strengthen this connection more strongly, the state and the church prevented its rupture in every possible way, either through divorce or separate cohabitation. Catholicism, proceeding from the words of Christ: "What God has united, let no man separate," and still does not allow any divorce.

For the same purpose, the wife was placed in the custody of her husband, the children - at the disposal of the parents. The same task was pursued by the establishment of the community of property of the spouses, the solidarity of their interests and the transfer of material and spiritual care for children into the hands of parents.

In a word, the family was an integral social unit leading its own independent life in the state.

What do we see over the past decades? And we see that time is gradually and gradually undermining all the autocratic foundations of the family and little by little corrodes all the basic ties that made it an integral unit. As we approach our time, both the union of husband and wife and the union of parents and children become weaker.

The union of spouses becomes more and more fragile and easier and easier.

There are many proofs:

    faster and faster growing percentage of divorces and "separations from the table and the bed."

    a decrease in the number of marriages itself, indicating that more and more people are becoming unwilling to bind themselves with the modern bonds of "legal marriage".

    the growth of "extramarital" unions of a man and a woman.

    the rise of prostitution.

    a drop in the birth rate of children.

    the release of a woman from the custody of her husband and a change in their mutual relationship.

    destruction of the religious basis of marriage.

    increasingly weak protection of marital fidelity and marriage itself by the state.

These facts, if they are really true, are sufficient to say that the continued existence of the family in modern coercive forms is indeed becoming very difficult. Their totality, for someone who knows how to understand the language of "mute" figures, suggests that the modern family is going through a deep crisis.

In itself, the development of these phenomena is a sign of the fall of the modern "foundations" of the family, but in relation to the fact of the weakening of family ties, it is irrefutable evidence.

Both the reason for the weakening of the family and at the same time a sign of its disintegration is the fact of a decrease in childbearing in marriage. After all, but according to their assignment, the spouses still got married, roughly speaking, not only "for the sake of pleasure", but also for the continuation of offspring. Having children and being a father and mother for a family has been the norm until now. A family without children was an exception, something abnormal. What do we see in recent decades? And the fact that the birth rate is gradually falling. “Childless” marriages are “fashionable”; having children is now considered “inconvenient and impractical” for a number of reasons: in these cases they talk about the difficulties of life, and about material and economic worries, and that children are a “luxury” , which is very expensive, and about the difficulty of their maintenance, upbringing, training, and the fact that they tie their hands, interfere with work or trips to balls, spoil their mother’s bust and her beauty, prematurely age her, make her father overwork in excessive work, etc. etc. etc. The motives are different. But, no matter how diverse they are, the fact remains: the percentage of marriageable births is falling. In a number of countries, such as France, this phenomenon is well known. The same is observed throughout the cultural world. It is unnecessary to cite figures proving this fact in view of the well-known and indisputable nature of this phenomenon.

This phenomenon is not indifferent to the strength of the family. More clearly, it contributes to its decay, and in this sense is one of the reasons that weaken the family foundations. After all, children were one of those "hoops" that rallied the family union, forced the spouses to be patient with each other, prevented them from dispersing over trifles, and gave meaning to marriage. Concern for children interfered both directly and indirectly with the infidelity of the spouses, did not allow "betrayal", crushed by weight, directing the behavior of parents in the direction of preserving the interests of the family and its integrity.

The situation is different in a marriage without children. The only connection of spouses is spiritual and bodily unity. And both, as you know, are very often fragile and often subject to temptations and temptations. In this sense, the absence of children in many forms leads to greater frivolity: where earlier concern for children, the family hearth, its purity, etc. could stop the spouse from temptation and frivolity, in a marriage without children this "brake" is absent. and does not press its weight on human behavior. The husband risks only his relationship with another spouse, whom he often does not mind replacing with a new one and is not averse to making a “new nest”, since these “breaks” and new “connections” are now not so cumbersome, not so difficult and not connected with the fate of the children. . When marrying children, the question invariably arose: "But what about the children?" He got up and often kept from infringing on the integrity of the family. With childlessness, this question does not exist, and therefore there is no cement that holds the family together.

In addition to what has been said, the same absence of children in hundreds of other ways leads to the same weakening of the family. In wealthy families, they filled leisure time, especially mothers. They forced her to work and thereby removed the reasons for temptations. With childlessness, time is not occupied by anything, emptiness and boredom appear, and under such conditions fantasy flourishes very successfully, the imagination draws a number of pictures, all sorts of “departure trips”, visits, balls, zhurfixes, etc., are established, in other words, - appears a thousand temptations leading in different ways to one result - to the violation of the holiness and strength of the family.

That this is so is confirmed, among other things, by the divorce statistics. It turns out that the divorce rate is inversely proportional to the birth rate: it is especially high in countries with low birth rates (France and Switzerland) and low where the birth rate is high.

But let's go further and dwell on the fact of the emancipation of women. Let us ask ourselves, how should this fact affect the strength of the modern family? Positive or negative? Strange as it may seem at first glance, it is undeniable that the fact of women's emancipation under the given conditions is a factor that disintegrates the family, and does not strengthen it. This is confirmed, among other things, by the fact that in countries where a woman has gained greater rights and is more free, the percentage of divorces made at the request and petition of women is also higher, and the more rights she acquires, the more and more divorces at the request of the wife. more growing.

For everyone who has studied the history of the legal institutions of the family and marriage, in particular, it is known what an enormous role religion has played and is playing in public life. This role was also great in the field of marriage. One of the main foundations of the family and marriage was religion and its patronage of marriage and the family as a religious, sacred institution. On this basis, marriage was declared a "sacrament", the family - an institution of the deity, protected by the church and the state, encroachments against it - a sin and a great crime. The whole authority of the church, all its holiness, and therefore all the power of the state, were brought to bear in defense of the family and the foundations of marriage. A person who was about to encroach on a family union had to reckon not only with the question of convenience and happiness, as now, but had to commit a great sin, encroach on the dogmas and authority of the church, lose his soul, betray it to the devil and, moreover, reckon with considerable punishments. imposed by the state.

As you can see, there were many obstacles and delaying factors. All of them pressed on him with all their enormous weight, and only a few could decide to step over them.

This religious basis of marriage explains the fact of merciless punishments for adultery imposed by the state on adulterers.

The loss of this religious basis for marriage and the family was of great significance. What used to be a divine institution has become an ordinary human institution; what used to be surrounded by an aura of holiness has turned into the work of human hands; the encroachment on marriage, formerly a sin and a crime, has now become a matter of worldly convenience.

Breaking up or defiling a marriage used to mean an insult to the divine institution and commandments, now it has become a common occurrence. If before it was difficult to decide on a break, now all unnecessary obstacles have fallen. In short, the disappearance of the religious character of marriage made it possible to more easily and only from the point of view of convenience to consider and relate to it. Thanks to civil marriage, one of the levers that previously forced a more strict and serious attitude and respect for the "God-given" relationship has disappeared. Is it any wonder, therefore, that in parallel with this process of the disappearance of the religious basis of marriage, we see a gradual weakening of its protection by the state authorities. Punishments for extramarital sex, as well as for adultery, become softer and softer, until they gradually die out. The voluntary extramarital affair itself, as far as it does not involve violence, cunning, deceit or "abuse" of innocence, etc., the relationship of two capable persons is now not punished. (We finally abolished Article 994 of the Code of Punishment, which punished for extramarital affairs, in 1902.) The punishment for adultery was reduced to a minimum (conclusion in a monastery or short-term prison) and exists more on paper than in reality.

This decline in punishments indicates that the state has almost ceased to protect the purity of the family hearth through punishments and has granted almost complete freedom to the person here.

And if so, then it is clear that in this way the family and marriage have lost two walls that protected them from encroachment. If personal will was not enough before to resist the temptation of "illegal" sexual intercourse, then the tempted one could be stopped by the thought of sin ("And sin?"), if not this thought, then the consideration of the threatening cruel punishment, often threatening, in addition to shame, death. With the disappearance of both "brakes", two huge restraining forces also disappeared. And this, of course, cannot help to strengthen the old family, but only contributes to its disintegration, developing an "easy" attitude towards it, turning the question of its integrity and purity into a matter of practical convenience.

Taking into account that each of the above series of phenomena that indicate the disintegration of the family, shows constancy in their growth, we must conclude that in the future, they are likely to act and continue their destructive work, destroying the remaining foundations of modern marriage and the family. .

Having briefly outlined the signs that testify to the disintegration and weakening of the family as a union of spouses, let us now move on to a brief description of those "deviations" that have occurred in the family as a union of parents and children.

The fall of parental authority over children is the main feature that characterizes the history of the relationship between parents and children.

In ancient times, children were completely powerless and given to the uncontrolled power of their parents. The state decidedly did not in any way limit the power of the fathers. The parent had the right of life and death over the children, could sell them into slavery, could mutilate them without giving anyone an account of their actions. Along with personal lack of rights, children did not have any rights in relation to property. So it was in Rome, so it was with other peoples. But then the power of parents was gradually limited. The state gradually set a number of conditions that the father could not violate with impunity. The right of life and death, the right to be sold into slavery, and the right to inflict other insults and harm on children were taken away from parents. Along with this, the property legal capacity of children also grew.

As a result, the guardianship of parents gradually fell, their power was more and more limited, the state gradually intruded into the rights of parental authority.

A similar story happened with us.

With the fall of parental power, the "glue" of coercion also disappeared. The connection between fathers and children began to depend not only on the will of the first, but also on the second. What children used to have to endure, now they don't have to. If earlier they, with all the burdensomeness of their lot, had to maintain this connection, now they freely break it, without sacrificing either conscience, or honor, or well-being. Previously, children were slaves, now they are free and equal with the fathers of the individual. The slave endures everything, the individual demands respect for himself and protests against encroachments on his rights. Hence the conclusion - now forced, the connection between parents and children has become weaker, fallen and can be more easily broken. And this means that the "Chinese wall", which protected this connection on the basis of parental authority, has collapsed.

This is the end of the long road that developed the relationship of parents and children. Hence the conclusion - if before the family was the only or main educator, school and guardian, now this role of the family must disappear. Indeed, before our very eyes, we see how the state little by little takes away from the family its educational, teaching and guardian functions and takes them into its own hands. Previously, all this belonged to the family; now the state is taking over. Previously, the latter did not interfere in the management of the parents, now it is more and more breaking into this sphere, demanding an account from the parents, imposing a number of duties on them and saying: "You cannot do this, you have no right, you must do this" and etc.

Right prof. P.I. Lyublinsky, when he says: “The family, which has long been accustomed to being called the “cell of social life,” has in many cases ceased to be a necessary form for the birth and upbringing of children: in other cases, the bonds of family life are extremely weak, and every year the influence of the family in the region education narrows more and more."

In other words, the break in the relationship between parents and children that is taking place in our time means the fall of parental care and its replacement by the guardianship of society and the state, the gradual loss by the family of its teacher educational role and the acquisition of this role by society and the state.

And this, in turn, means nothing more than the further disintegration of the family as a union of parents and children and the deprivation of it of the functions that it has previously performed.

Figuratively speaking, the family, as it were, melts and dissolves, breaking up into parts, losing one after another its ties and its functions, passing from it to society and the state.

Other laws define in detail the conditions under which the state forcibly removes children from parental care, for example, in case of poor care of children, in case of drunkenness of a parent or guardian, in cases where a parent associates with thieves or prostitutes, if he lives in a house inhabited by prostitutes, etc. etc.

We must also not forget about the staging itself. modern education and learning. The very character of the modern school, playgrounds of all kinds, children's games, ever-growing institutions for the education of children, etc. - all this quite definitely leads to the same thing: and legally and actually the child is more and more taken away from the influence of the family and passed into the hands of society.

Even the time he spends with his family is getting shorter and shorter. Previously, he received all his education and upbringing in it ("home education"). Then, with the advent of public schools, a child from 7-8 years old moved from the family to school education and training. The first years until recently, he still spent in the family. But now, with the rapid growth and spread of kindergartens, playgrounds, children's games, etc. - even in these years the child already passes into the hands of society, leaves the shelter of the family into the wide world of his associates, into the world of "children's society "and on the environment of the "children's state".

Finally, the family breaks up and as a master entity. Until now, along with other tasks, she also performed economic functions. The family was at the same time a "hearth" in the sense of the kitchen and the table, the preparation of supplies, clothing, household items, etc. In the past, it was a whole economic unit, or, in the language of economists, a "closed subsistence economy." With the development of capitalism, its economic functions were reduced. The car, trade and shops took away from us a lot of household chores. More than once sung by a family dinner, or tea, or coffee, with a wonderful hostess at the table, with a hospitable host and lovely children - this image is becoming a thing of the past. They are replaced by prosaic restaurants, cafes and canteens, and the denser the population, the larger the center and the city, the faster these "public" institutions survive the old, sweet image of family table pictures.

And the livelier and larger the city, the more sharply this process is noted and, no doubt, it will grow more and more. It turns out that from this side, too, the family has lost one of those rods that used to gather family members around them and thereby made it possible to see each other, exchange with each other, in short, directly or indirectly brought them closer. Now this thread is disappearing.

From the foregoing, the fact of family dispersion emerges quite clearly. In both types the seminal bond - both as the sexual union of husband and wife and as the union of parents and children - is becoming more and more weakened and torn apart. The family loses one by one of its functions and turns from a solid ingot into an increasingly thin, shrinking and falling apart family temple.

Along with this causal explanation, another question may legitimately arise: And what's next? What form of family is replacing the obsolete one? Should this disintegration be fought or should it be welcomed?

About 30 years ago, G. Spencer noted the already beginning fact of the family's disintegration and raised the question: "Do these attempts to disintegrate (decompose) the family represent the necessary steps of normal progress? Is it possible to expect and is it desirable that the family completely disintegrate?" He answered these questions in the negative both from the point of view of possibility and desirability. He thought that the process of family disintegration would stop. “Not only do I not expect that the disintegration (decomposition) of the family could go even further, but, on the contrary, I have reason to suspect,” he wrote, “that it has already gone too far ... and we must now expect movement in the opposite direction. "and, probably," the family, consisting of parents and children, will be restored again and even undergo further integration (cohesion).

As can be seen from what has been said, the reality does not yet justify G. Spencer's assumptions. The decomposition has not stopped, and the further it goes, the faster it goes, and, apparently, it will go in the same direction in the future. Of course, it does not lead to the death of the family at all. The family, as a union of spouses and as a union of parents and children, will probably remain, but their forms will be different.

The specified process of "dissolution" of the family, on the reverse side of the matter, means the process of liberation of the personality from the diapers of seminal shelter and its transition into the wide sea of ​​universal humanity. Again, while paying tribute to the merits of the family, which has nurtured and strengthened altruistic feelings over the centuries, it is impossible not to point out at the same time that at present higher demands are made on a person in relation to altruism and the motives of his behavior. Until now, the main motivation for socially useful human behavior has been the family and its interests. The man worked decently enough, behaved decently, prompted by the good name of the family and in order to provide for it.

In short, the interests of the modern family and its prosperity in a niche time often collide with the interests of society and are a brake on the manifestation of higher altruistic impulses and actions. And the further, the more this clash of interests of the family and society grows.


So, the family as a cell of society is an inseparable part of society. And the life of society is characterized by the same spiritual and material processes as the life of a family. The higher the culture of the family, therefore, the higher the culture of the whole society. Society consists of people who are fathers and mothers in their families, as well as their children. In this regard, the roles of father and mother in the family, and in particular the educational function of the family, are very important. After all, how parents teach their children to work, respect for elders, love for the environment and people, depends on what kind of society our children will live in. Will it be a society built on the principles of goodness and justice, or vice versa? In this case, family communication is very important. After all, communication is one of the main factors in the formation of the personality of a child, a member of society. And therefore, in family communication, moral principles are very important, the main of which is respect for the other.

The consequences of bad communication in the family can be conflicts and divorces, which cause great social harm to society. The fewer divorces in families, the healthier the society.

Thus, society (and it can also be called a large family) depends in direct proportion on the health of the family, just as the health of the family depends on society.

The family is one of the mechanisms of self-organization of society, the work of which is associated with the assertion of a number of universal values. Therefore, the family itself has value and is built into social progress. Of course, the crises of societies and civilizations cannot but deform the family: the vacuum of values, social apathy, nihilism and other social disorders show us that the self-destruction of society inevitably affects the family. But society has no future without progress, and there is no progress without a family.


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We are starting to publish excerpts from the book “Family and Mental Health of Man” by the Greek psychiatrist Konstantin Kollias*, translated by nun Ekaterina especially for the magazine Matrona.RU.

In his book “Family and Human Mental Health”, the author informs about mental disorders in a simple and accessible manner, because in many cases it is the recognition of the symptoms of the disease in the early stages and the fight against it that helps. The information given in the book is based on the latest findings in psychiatric science. Particular attention is paid to the influence of the family on a person's mental health, as well as a detailed description of such a disease as depression and methods of dealing with it.

The modern era is different the crisis of all traditional institutions of society in particular families. The crisis, in which the institution of the family is now, not only leads to the destruction of the whole society as a whole and its foundations, but also has a strong influence on the development of various mental disorders in individual people who are part of this society. The value of the family for mental and spiritual development of a person, his formation as a full-fledged personality is beyond doubt. The special significance of the institution of the family has always been supported by the Church: many saints especially emphasized the role of the family in the development of a moral and mentally healthy person. Saint John Chrysostom said that “It is absolutely impossible for someone who has been brought up with all diligence and care from the very beginning to become bad. Since sins are not within the very nature of human nature, they fail to overcome such a great concern for a person..

In this chapter, we will talk about how service carried by the family in society, oh types, about modern family relationship crisis, O stress factors in our life and protective role of the family when a mental disorder occurs in one of its members. We will also talk about prevention of mental disorders, which is advisable to carry out in the family, about protection family members from the onset and recurrence of mental illness, on the importance of the institution of the family in conducting psychosocial rehabilitation.

Family Ministry

The family has a number tasks which she performs. This is reproduction, a contribution to the socialization of the individual, the formation of his individuality, as well as support for family members in their lives.

As for the task playback, it is not only about biological aspect(i.e., the fact that it is within the family that children are usually born). It also means psychological aspect , because in the family from generation to generation are transmitted patterns and patterns of behavior, and attitude to life that were characteristic of the older generation. These samples are not only reproduced, but also enriched and changed under the influence of new experience that representatives of the younger generation receive in the social environment of the family. There is also a third aspect - cultural or civilizational. Members of any family are carriers of local cultural traditions, customs, mores that are preserved and transmitted in this family.

The contribution of the family to socialization its members lies in the special social roles that members of this family play in intra-family relations. The family is the smallest structure in the social organism, society in miniature. Usually, the roles of father, mother, brother, sister, child prepare family members for the adoption of other social roles - such as friends, partners (in the broadest sense of the word), bosses, subordinates ...

The formation of personality, individuality family member is achieved through the development of his "private ego", and "social ego". Each person in the family is special and has their own personality. "Petya" or "Masha", "Maxim Ivanovich" or "Anastasia Vasilievna" - we realize that under these names lies a completely recognizable personality. This person is not "invisible", who is not even noticed, as it happens in the daily life of people in a "neutral" environment (at work, in public circles, at the state level, where often a person and his personality are "lost"). Of course, in the family environment it also happens that someone is “not noticed”, but this usually happens only if this family does not fulfill its functions. In addition, each family member has his own role, through which his "social ego" is formed. For example, Kolya, in addition to having his own "private ego", can also play the roles of father, brother, son or grandson, and the expectations of other family members are associated with these roles. These family social roles impose responsibility on him and give him certain advantages as a member of society.

Finally, the family serves its members support system. This may manifest itself in the most different levels and in various ways.

Firstly, family is fortress and defense against the enemy. No wonder the British say: "My home is my castle." Family members feel safe there, in the family they rest from the daily "struggle for existence."

Secondly, the family accepts and filters information from her social environment. News, experience gained are constantly discussed and analyzed in the family. In addition, the ideology, life values ​​and principles, opinions and views very often have family as their source.

Third family members support each other through various rewards, not only and not so much material such as money or things, gifts, but also, above all, emotional and moral, and this, for example, affection, approval of an act, a heart-to-heart conversation. Such encouragement builds, to some extent, a model of human behavior. In addition, by talking and getting an assessment of their actions, family members find solutions to various problems.

Fourth, the family gives a person opportunity more openly express your emotions, including the bad ones. For example, we are rarely able to show "in public" grief, resentment, disappointment, anger. At the same time, in the family circle, we can cry, open up to other people, complain, and this helps us withstand emotional stress. Of course, it is necessary to observe the measure and caution. After all, it so often happens that we “break down” at home, and this cannot be allowed!

Fifth family helps endure the negative answers of life to our wishes, especially when it comes to disrupting our plans. It is in the family that they teach and learn this, so to speak, kind of humility. Prudent parents will never buy their child any toy that he asks for, even if they have the opportunity to buy him an entire toy store, they will not fulfill his every whim. After all, if a child does not get used to the fact that sometimes they say “no” to his “I want” in the family, then it will be very difficult for him to get used to the reality of life, in which quite rarely everything turns out exactly the way we want it.

Family types

traditionally differ two types of family. The first type is extended family- is more common in areas where agriculture is developed, and it was more developed in earlier times. The second developed in modern times in cities and is called nuclear family(sometimes this type of family is also called marital, or partner).

extended family- complex, it consists of several generations (most often of three): children, parents and grandparents. In an extended family, the life of each of its members is also influenced by more distant relatives - aunt, uncle, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, brother-in-law, cousins ​​and second cousins. Thanks to this, the members of such a family get the feeling that each of them is supported in life by a large number of relatives. This type of family has almost disappeared in most developed and developing countries.

Creation nuclear family typical for city dwellers. It consists of parents and children, and sometimes only spouses. At the same time, relations between spouses (i.e., representatives of the same generation) are brought to the fore, and not relations between representatives of different generations (parents and children). Growing up, children quickly leave home and create (at best) their own nuclear families. Elderly people in this case live separately, often alone, and sometimes in nursing homes. Relatives of the “second plan” are already considered “strangers” and do not interfere in the affairs of families.

In recent years, this type of family has also gradually declined, new foundations are being formed and new types of family relationships. This single parent families(most often with the mother), which are obtained as a result of a divorce. And it happens that women give birth to children without getting married and without tying themselves by marriage. Another new type family is obtained if the couple lives in the so-called civil marriage . And finally, there are homosexual couples who wish to formalize their relationship (in many European countries this is allowed) and adopt a child.

No matter how we treat such different ways of cohabitation of people and the moral aspect of such coexistence, all these new types of families show that the institution of the family is currently in a deep crisis.

Family in crisis

As already mentioned, extended family of three generations and, in particular, the patriarchal family, has practically disappeared. We present only some of the consequences of this process. Firstly, there is a constant separation and alienation of elderly and senile people, who previously not only defended and supported in the extended family, but also had a certain authority and power in it. Secondly, all family members gradually separate from each other, prefer individual entertainment and activities - TV, computer, electronic games. Because of this, there is alienation between family members and a significant weakening of family ties.

In the XX and XXI centuries. the nuclear, partner family has also significantly lost its positions. Many factors influenced the emergence of this so-called crisis, which aims, first of all, at the degradation of the family institution with all the ensuing cultural and social consequences.

The first factor is change in economic relations in the family. A woman is now working, earning as much as her husband, and sometimes more than him. The man feels hurt, he understands that he is losing power, which was largely based precisely on the fact that he was the main worker and breadwinner in the family, which means that only he had the right to manage family finances.

Second the factor often acts simultaneously and in concert with the first factor in the destruction of the institution of the family. He touches cultural clashes and changes. These include feminist movements that fight for the emancipation of women, ideological movements that question traditional social institutions, youth movements that, through music, art, ideology, through different ways dressing and behaving not only challenge the traditional foundations of society, but also arrange a whole revolution in this area. All of these movements, which may well have begun with good intentions, end up having a bad effect on the existence of the traditional nuclear family.

For example, men and women should have equal rights, but no one can claim that the two sexes are perfectly equal. They are not the same, they have different biological and psychological, emotional manifestations and needs. Spouses should perceive each other as equal individuals, but the differences that exist between them must also be respected.

A woman is able to conceive and give birth new life, and she must be able to do this and be protected, which in a traditional society takes on the institution of the family. And this is contrary to the requirement of modern society that a woman must go to work on an equal basis with men. Thus, women sometimes drive themselves into a dead end - they fight for equality at work, make a career on a par with men, but neglect their feminine nature and often lose the joy that motherhood can bring them.

The third factor weakening the institution of the family in modern society is denial of the social and educational role of the family and the transfer of this role to state and public institutions - kindergartens, schools, the media. In particular, the latter broadcast cultural patterns that are completely contrary to the classical ideas about the family and its ideals, and we constantly hear about public figures, show business figures, etc., who constantly change sexual partners, get divorced and, moreover, boast of these events of their lives before the whole country.

A special role in the destruction of the institution of the family is played by the so-called family planning, the essence of which lies in the fact that the birth of children occurs only when the couple wants it, and this control is carried out with the help of a number of means of protection from unwanted pregnancy. Currently, in addition to the fact that the family planning system helps to reduce the birth rate, it also leads to the fact that couples do not seek to become officially husband and wife and form their own family, since there is no danger of having an “unwanted” child. Couples often remain childless or have only one child, leading to a trend of less responsibility towards their family and more frequent breakups.

*Konstantin Kollias has been practicing psychiatry since 1998. He received a degree in social and preventive psychology. The author is now President of the Union of European Psychiatric Experts and lecturer at the Psychiatric Faculty of the University of Athens, where he has been teaching since 2001. Konstantin Kollias publishes in Greek and foreign specialized journals, has published two books, and he is also the co-author of twenty-four publications in Greek.

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S. A. Bulgakova

IEiU, SurGU, Surgut, Russian Federation Scientific adviser: N.A. Butenko



The article deals with the concept of "family", the actual problems of family formation in modern society. The author raises the problem of the impact of the crisis of family values ​​on the development of society.


Family, society, traditional values, social institution.

Throughout his life, a person is part of many diverse groups - a company of friends, a school class, a dance team - but only the family remains the group that he never leaves. In modern society, the functions of the family as a social institution are weakening. This is due to the dynamic changes taking place in the world. The institution of the family is becoming more and more unstable every year, as its foundations, which are based on centuries-old traditions, are being destroyed. This is evidenced by sociological and psychological research in the field of family relations.

The family as a social institution is an association that is characterized by a set of social norms, patterns of behavior and sanctions that regulate the relationship between spouses, children, parents and other relatives.

In modern society, the problem of weakening the functions of the family as a social institution is raised, which is associated with dynamic changes taking place in the world. The institution of the family is becoming more and more unstable every year, as its foundations, which are based on centuries-old traditions, are being destroyed. This is evidenced by sociological and psychological research in the field of family relations.

Each family is a kind of world that is based on certain values, continuity, emotions, traditions, feelings.

But in the modern world, the institution of the family is going through a deep crisis. On the one hand, it is expressed in the transformation of the family from a cell of society into a decaying element, on the other hand, in the depreciation of family relations.

The family is currently undergoing various modifications. Family relationships lose their socializing and educational value. The family ceases to be a school of spiritual maturation for individuals entering into social relations. It is becoming more and more rapidly just a formal association, a kind of interest club. And the disintegration of the family consequently entails the disintegration of society.

In fact, society itself as a whole and all other social institutions are to a greater extent possible only thanks to the family, and without it they are doomed to death and stagnation. Society can perform some of the functions of the family and help a person in socialization, but it cannot replace the family, for the latter is the primary cell, the combination of which with others like it creates society.

Consider the essence of the evolutionary changes that the family is experiencing in modern society.


At the beginning of the 20th century a group of economists conducted a study on the study of family budgets in Russia. In the end, they found out that basically the money in the family is completely controlled by the man. In the 1920s repeated the same thing and saw that in 15% of families the woman began to be guided by the budget. And at the end of the XX century. in two out of three families, a woman disposed of all material resources. Traditional roles, when a woman brings up children and takes care of the household, while the husband is the owner and ensures the economic independence of the family, are changing.

Today, the family, as a whole, is less and less dependent on laws, mores, traditions, public opinion, customs, and so on. and more from interpersonal relationships, mutual understanding and mutual affection. As a result, the number of actual, but not legally formalized, “free” family unions and children born in them is increasing. Also, the professional interests of women and men become a serious rival to family interests.

The number of divorces and incomplete families is growing. Among the reasons for divorce, in the first place, there is a lack of preparedness for marriage. Love does not always help to cope with emerging conflict situations.

Family Development Trends in modern period

Traditional foundations Modern society

1. Patriarchal type of family. 2. The most important feature of the traditional family is the subordination of the goals and interests of the individual to the interests of the whole family. 3. "Father - breadwinner." 1. Egalitarian view of the family. 2. The economic support of the family often becomes the business of women. 3. Increase in the number of incomplete families. 4. Decline in the birth rate. 5. Zoom early pregnancy. 6. Change in sexual behavior of men and women. 7. Leisure function comes out on top. The educational function has decreased. 8. Increasing the number of divorces.

In Marxist theory, the family is interpreted as the economic unit of society. Its role in society cannot be overestimated. The crisis of the family in modern society should become one of the main directions of state policy. It should include the following:

1. Adoption of special measures aimed at increasing or reducing the birth rate.

2. Development of economic and social programs for family support.

3. Formation in the public mind of value attitudes towards a family lifestyle. State support for the family is carried out in Russia: additional holidays have been established,

monetary benefits were established, special benefits were introduced, etc.

In modern socio-cultural and socio-economic conditions, there is a decline in the universal value orientations of the family, as well as the moral degradation of society. Therefore, it is necessary to raise the prestige and significance in society of the social institution of the family, since the preservation of family traditional values ​​contributes to the stable development of society.

List of used literature:

1. Antonov A.I., Medkov V.M. Sociology of the family / A.I. Antonov, V.M. Medkov - M.: MSU Publishing House, 2013. - S. 65

2. Gurko T.A. Actual problems of families in Russia / T.A. Gurko. - M.: Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013. - P. 116.

3. Nosova A.V. Family policy in Europe: the evolution of models, discourses, practices. / Socis. 2014 №°5. -S.64

© Bulgakova S. A., 2016