Benefits for Afghan Veterans. List and rules for obtaining benefits for Afghans upon retirement. Benefits in the social sphere

Benefits for combat veterans are one of the government's areas of social support for the population.

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Participants of the Afghan company are also considered to be participants in hostilities, therefore they can count on certain payments and privileges enshrined at the legislative level.

Main Aspects

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, military personnel, as well as other direct participants in hostilities, can count on some assistance from the state.

It will consist in payments, as well as some benefits, the purpose of which is to support such persons and provide them with some vital needs.

Such privileges are, in a way, encouragement and compensation for the participation of citizens in the protection of state interests, as well as for the moral and physical suffering suffered.

Important Concepts

Combat veterans These are citizens of several categories who took part in some military conflicts on the orders of the state and the Ministry of Defense. These include the military who participated in hot spots and demining the territory after the Second World War, pilots of certain categories and persons sent to certain work in the territories of military conflicts
Hot spot This is the territory in a certain time period on which a conflict took place with the participation of armed forces by order of the Ministry of Defense
Privileges These are some encouragements certain categories citizens, which may consist in providing them with social services free of charge or providing a discount on the payment of certain services up to a complete exemption from such payment

Who is entitled to them

The following persons are entitled to the benefits established for Afghans:

  1. Persons who were directly involved in hostilities in Afghanistan on the orders of the USSR.
  2. Citizens involved in the transportation of goods on the territory of the Afghan state.
  3. Pilots who carried out assignments of a military nature.
  4. Civil pilots and crew members of such aircraft who received awards or were injured during the military conflict.
  5. Persons sent to Afghanistan on a business trip during the conflict.

If we consider the benefits of such persons as a whole, then we can conclude that they are completely the same as those of veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

The legislative framework

Basic information about the status of veterans of any military operations, about the benefits and other incentives they are entitled to, is enshrined in.

Specifically, article 16 of this legal act defines a list of measures social support assigned to such persons.

If the combatant is also disabled, then he is entitled to the benefits established.

For example, one of the articles establishes that such a participant in hostilities may receive some compensation from the state for the purchase of a prosthesis.

But first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the norms, which determine the basic rights of citizens, as well as the obligation of the Russian Federation to provide social support to all segments of the population.

What are the benefits of Afghan soldiers in Russia

Afghan veterans can count on the following benefits:

Retirement Benefits In accordance with current legislation
Providing such citizens with housing If a person in need was registered before 2005, then the order of the law "On Veterans" is applied, and if after - then already the norms
Payment of half of the payment amount utilities The important point is that the promotion is provided regardless of the type of housing stock
Installing a landline phone Produced out of order
Joining cooperatives (for example, garages) Or other combinations are made without a queue
Benefits in the field of medical services As well as the right to secure in specialized clinics associated with the place of work, after retirement
Provision of prostheses With the exception of dental or compensation for their acquisition
Vacation can be taken at any period of the veteran's choice There is also the right to additional unpaid leave for up to 35 days
Purchasing transport tickets And also for cultural events without a queue
Training At the place of work is carried out at the expense of the employer
Admission to educational institutions out of competition As well as an additional scholarship for veterans who are undergoing training

Those veterans who were sent to Afghanistan on a business trip to perform work are provided with the following benefits:

  1. Service in specialized medical institutions after retirement, maintaining a place at the clinic.
  2. Provision of sanatorium treatment in case of such need.
  3. Joining cooperatives and associations of citizens out of turn.
  4. The choice of vacation time in any period convenient for the veteran, as well as additional unpaid leave.
  5. Additional scholarship for veterans who are undergoing training.
  6. Providing housing on a par with veterans who directly took part in the hostilities.

As you can see, the veterans of the Afghan conflict are entitled to quite significant benefits.

Registration procedure

The first thing that a participant in the Afghan conflict needs to issue is a veteran's certificate. For its registration, it is necessary to prepare an appropriate application and a package of documents.

TO necessary documents include:

  1. Military ID, as well as a personal file.
  2. An extract from the order for enrollment in the ranks of the armed forces received in the prescribed manner.
  3. Documents on awards and wounds received.
  4. Archived documents of great importance.
  5. For pilots - flight books.
  6. Other documents confirming the fact of participation in hostilities.

If some documents cannot be obtained, but the fact of participation can be proved, then this will have to be done in court.

Types of state support

Several types of benefits apply to veterans of the Afghan conflict:

Retirement Benefits Consist in providing additional payments, which will slightly improve the financial situation of the veteran
tax incentives Reducing the amount of taxes or exemption from them, depending on the decision of the regional authorities, as well as benefits for paying utility bills up to half of their amount
labor benefits Such as vacation timing and other incentives
Social Which consist of some help, such as securing medical institutions, receiving certain services out of turn, and so on.
Which are expressed in the provision of free travel in some modes of transport
When entering a university

There are also other benefits that cannot be fully attributed to one of the categories.

When you retire

Retirement benefits and other benefits include:

  1. A monthly cash payment to which all veterans are entitled.
  2. A package of social services that is paid either in cash, or the veteran chooses a package of services free of charge (travel, medicines and payment for sanatorium treatment).
  3. Disability pension if the Afghan has disabled status.

At the same time, the assignment of pensions will be made in accordance with the same procedure that applies to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, but with one difference, which is in the calculation - one year of service in a hot spot is counted as three.

In addition, 1,000 rubles are additionally added to the amount of the social allowance, which in percentage terms will be 32%.

The amount of the pension will be calculated on an individual basis. However, if the amount is less living wage, then from the funds of the regional budget he will be made an allowance.

By taxes

Afghans also enjoy the following tax benefits:

Property tax Apart from land plots, such citizens are not paid
There is a certain “discount” for the land plots they own. The tax base can be reduced by ten thousand rubles. Additional benefits may be provided by regions where veterans live
Transport tax Its payment to veterans is also regulated by regional law. Some regions completely exempt veterans from paying such a tax, others reduce it
When applying to the court (it doesn’t matter on what issue) it is not paid And also when paying other taxes and fees (for example, in the privatization of an apartment)
Income tax relief The reduction will be five hundred rubles

Additional tax breaks may also be established by the regions.


All veterans, including Afghan veterans, are eligible for a monthly cash payment.

In addition, they are entitled to a set of social services, which includes travel, medicines and sanatorium treatment.

To understand what local social security benefits Afghans are entitled to, it is worth referring to the norms of regional and municipal legislation, as they can differ significantly depending on the region.

housing and communal services

All veterans of the conflict in Afghanistan are eligible for utility bill benefits.

It applies not only to them personally, but also to their family members (provided to wives, children, and so on). The amount of the discount will be half of the amount of utilities payable.

Benefits for Afghans for utilities can additionally be provided by regional authorities.


Veterans who receive the Social Services Package are eligible for reduced travel fares. However, those who chose monetary compensation cannot count on it.

Additional benefits may be established by regional authorities, including those regarding the establishment concessionary travel or complete exemption of veterans from its payment.


All Afghan veterans can count on some labor benefits. First of all, this is the provision of additional leave, which will be unpaid.

Regarding the main one, a rule is established according to which a veteran can choose his period on his own, and the employer does not have the right to prevent him from doing this.

Assistance to public organizations

Not only the state provides social and other support to veterans of Afghanistan. An important role is played by various public organizations that help financially, morally and psychologically.

Thus, such organizations provide assistance to veterans in employment, treatment, prosthetics, provide support at the legal level.

Such societies employ psychologists who can provide significant assistance to veterans who need this support.

Benefits for veterans of Afghanistan are quite diverse. Such persons enjoy significant support from the state, but it is financial payments that cannot always provide them with at least basic living needs.

The problems of these citizens require special attention and more thorough consideration with the involvement of specialists.


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The state helps people who took part in the war in Afghanistan. A system of measures of social support has been developed for them. What legislation provides benefits for Afghans?

Legislative regulation of the issue

The provisions relating to the status of a participant in hostilities, including on the territory of Afghanistan, are regulated. It contains a list of persons related to Afghans, the procedure for conferring a title, a list of measures of social support for this category of persons.

Who are the participants in the hostilities in Afghanistan?

According to the law, Afghans include:

  • military who served in Afghanistan;
  • employees of automobile columns delivering goods necessary for the life of people during the war;
  • pilots participating in the Afghan hostilities;
  • persons, including civil aviation crews, injured in the process of serving military units;
  • people who are in civilian service and sent to Afghanistan on a business trip during the war.

List of benefits for Afghans

The authorities secured benefits and payments to Afghans in 2019 in various areas. Before talking about privileges in taxation, labor, medicine and other areas, we should also mention the provision of pensions for this category of people.

A year of service during the war in Afghanistan counts as 3 years for such citizens. Therefore, they retire much earlier. Afghans receive an increased amount of pension payments, unlike ordinary citizens. The exact amount of monetary reward is calculated individually depending on the number of years spent in the hot spot.


Benefits for Afghans at work are provided if the citizen is officially employed. A veteran is entitled to the following concessions from his employer:

  • the choice of any time of the year to receive paid vacation.
  • vacation increase without saving wages up to 35 days and provision at any time convenient for the veteran.
  • free professional training, advanced training and retraining.
  • priority right to employment.


Tax incentives for Afghans are as follows:

  1. A tax deduction of 500 rubles, which is accrued when a citizen pays personal income tax. If a veteran is recognized as disabled due to fighting, the amount of the deduction increases to 3 thousand rubles.
  2. Exemption from payment of the state fee upon filing statement of claim to court as a plaintiff.
  3. Reducing the tax base for land owned by a citizen by 10,000 rubles. An Afghan has the right to use this benefit only in relation to one property.


The legislation also establishes the following benefits for Afghans in 2019 in Russia:

  1. in the form of a 50% discount on utility bills.
  2. Issuance or receipt of an apartment under a social tenancy agreement.
  3. Priority right for admission to dacha and housing cooperatives.

If social housing is received for an Afghan, is it possible to buy it in the future? The citizen has such an opportunity. This question deal with the local government.


Veterans of military operations in Afghanistan are served in medical institutions out of order and free of charge. They are also provided with preferential purchase of vouchers for sanatorium treatment.


There are travel benefits for Afghans in 2019. Citizens have the right to travel free of charge in urban public transport, buy tickets for all types of transport out of turn, as well as once free of charge to go by rail in the redistribution of Russian territory (there and back).

When buried

Benefits for Afghans in 2019 also include benefits in the event of the death of a veteran. Relatives of the deceased are paid monetary compensation for preparing the body for burial and transporting it to the cemetery. Various are also given. If a participant in the hostilities in Afghanistan continued to serve in the RF Armed Forces, then he is entitled to military honors at the funeral.

The procedure for applying for benefits

Before applying for benefits, Afghan soldiers in Russia should obtain a certificate of a participant in hostilities in Afghanistan. To do this, you need to submit an application to the body from which the citizen was sent to Afghanistan.

Where to apply?

After receiving the certificate, the veteran can safely apply for state support to the body that provides benefits.

To receive a pension and additional payments to it, you must visit the branch pension fund. For tax exemptions, please contact tax office. To use benefits at work, you will need to send an application to your employer. To receive a discount on utility bills and free travel, you should visit the SZN branch.

Required documents

To apply for benefits for Afghans upon retirement, you will need to collect a certain package of documents. It will vary depending on what privilege the citizen wants to receive. The papers common to all instances are: a passport and a veteran's certificate.

Terms of consideration

Consideration of the application of a citizen is also carried out in different dates depending on the organization to which he applied. Usually a decision is made no later than 30 days from the date of submission of documents.

Can privileges be denied?

When applying for benefits for Afghans upon retirement at the age of 55, they may be denied. The reason for this may be the presentation of an incomplete package of documents and false information about yourself.

Servicemen who were on combat duty in the Republic of Afghanistan are considered combat veterans. The state gives them social assistance in the form of benefits and compensations to provide the Afghans with decent living conditions and active social activities.

Who is a combat veteran in Afghanistan

The legal framework includes Law of the Russian Federation No. 5-FZ "On Veterans" dated 12.01.1995, regulations federal level and subjects of the Russian Federation.

  • who took part directly in the military conflict;
  • employees in the automobile parts that ensure the delivery of goods to the place of conflict;
  • flight personnel who participated in the military operation;
  • civil aviation pilots who ensure the delivery of people and cargo to the point of conflict, who were injured or awarded a state award for their service;
  • persons who served during the period of the conflict the military units of the Armed Forces of the USSR (and later the Russian Federation), who were on the territory of Afghanistan, who received injuries, contusions or were awarded insignia;
  • civilians sent to work in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989.

To obtain the title of a member of the database, you need documentary evidence of service in the territory of the republic during the Afghan war.

All types of state support for veterans of Afghanistan

Goals state support war veterans in Afghanistan is material assistance, social protection and support, as well as propaganda in the media of the importance of military service, the importance of state awards for feats of arms.

IMPORTANT! Benefits for combat veterans of Afghanistan are provided for in federal and regional social assistance programs and are the spending obligations of government officials.

List of benefits for combatants in Afghanistan:

  1. Retirement benefits for combatants. Veterans of the BD receive 2 types of pensions: one - for the length of service, the second - for participation in hostilities. The amount of payment depends on the military rank, the conditions for entering a well-deserved rest, the time spent in the combat zone and participation in them. The amount of the monthly compensation is indexed every year. It includes a package of social services, which you can refuse and receive additional funds.
  2. Disability payments. If a person was injured during an armed conflict, in the database zone, then he is entitled to material compensation in the form of monthly allowance. The procedure for payment and its size depends on the severity of the injury, disability group.
  3. Housing benefits for Afghans. Veterans are provided with housing in case they need better living conditions. Extraordinary right to receive housing - from war invalids. Veterans of the BD have an advantage when joining gardening, housing and other cooperatives.
  4. Benefits for Afghan veterans to pay utility bills in the amount of 50% discount. They are also given the right to install an apartment telephone without a queue.
  5. Medical Benefits for Afghans: Free Provision medical care in healthcare facilities, including hospitals. If necessary, the veteran is provided with free prostheses and rehabilitation means. According to the indications, Afghans are given vouchers for sanatorium treatment.
  6. Employment benefits for veterans of the Afghan war are the opportunity to receive additional education paid by the employer. In addition to paid leave, the veteran receives an additional 35 days of unpaid leave.
  7. participants in combat operations in Afghanistan are given the right to priority purchase of travel documents for all transport of state-owned carrier companies.
  8. Social benefits: a veteran of the database receives the right to preferential use of the services of communication organizations, visits to cultural events and sports complexes.
  9. tax benefits. Afghans do not pay property tax, the land tax discount is 10,000 rubles. When calculating income tax, a veteran of the database is entitled to a discount of 500 rubles, a disabled person - 3000 rubles.

IMPORTANT! The full list of privileges is specified in the social security authority at the place of registration, since regional programs may include an extended list.

As a measure to increase public attention to the exploits and merits of Afghan soldiers, as well as to increase the attractiveness of military service, the non-profit organization “Russian Union of Afghan Veterans” was created, the purpose of which is patriotic education youth.

The procedure for obtaining benefits

Veteran status is documented in the certificate of a participant in hostilities in Afghanistan. To obtain it, they turn to the city military registration and enlistment office or the military registration unit of the administration, where they will make the necessary requests.

Documents required for a participant in hostilities to obtain a certificate:

  • statement;
  • copy of the passport;
  • 2 photographs 3 by 4 cm;
  • documents confirming participation in the database.

IMPORTANT! Application processing time is one month.

After issuing a certificate, a person can apply to authorities that provide benefits:

  • Pension Fund;
  • district administration;
  • department of social protection;
  • medical organizations;
  • the personnel department at the place of work;
  • tax office.

Having a certificate with him, a citizen can fully enjoy the right to receive the privileges due.

Benefits for Afghan family members

The relatives of the Afghans are also protected:

  • payment to family members of veterans who died in the line of duty;
  • social support measures to pay for housing for family members living with a veteran;
  • children of the military receive a priority right to enroll in educational institutions, and applicants have an advantage in admission;
  • relatives have the right to priority registration in boarding schools for the disabled, boarding houses for the elderly, social service centers;
  • children are sent to children's health-improving institutions on vouchers, and an allowance is also issued for organizing summer holidays;
  • after the death of a veteran, his family continues to enjoy social rights.

IMPORTANT! Children receive benefits until the age of majority, and a widow until the next marriage.

List of required documents

To take advantage of the benefits, the following documents are required:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • certificate;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • certificate of availability of real estate;
  • extract from the house management;
  • medical card;
  • certificates of marriage and birth of children;
  • other documents upon request, depending on the situation.

By risking life and health in the Afghan war, people have earned the right to decent living conditions, and the state provides them different kinds privileges, confirming it legislatively.

In Russia, in addition to the usual pension upon reaching a citizen retirement age, in 2019, a pension is also paid to war veterans.

Among them are veterans of the Second World War, Chechen and Afghan soldiers. The amount of these payments depends on a number of factors.

Types of veterans' pensions

The pension for combat veterans is paid in accordance with the norms of Article 8 5-FZ.

Veterans' pensions are divided into three main types:

  1. insurance part - labor pension they are entitled to along with military and disability pensions, they are also subject to various federal and regional allowances;
  2. social pension - is assigned subject to the establishment of disability;
  3. state pension - it is due to veterans with relevant length of service. So, for veterans of the Second World War and residents of Leningrad during the blockade, the additional payment is 100-250% of social pension.

The pension fund is responsible for payments in a fixed amount, while a variety of allowances come to veterans from the budget.

The amount of a veteran's pension depends on several factors:

  • how long the military was in the place of armed conflict;
  • whether he was injured and whether he received awards;
  • what rank and position he had during the period of armed clashes;
  • length of service.

Combat Veteran's Pension Supplement

In addition to the listed types pension payments this group of persons is entitled to a single cash payment(EDV). Such compensation is paid to blockade survivors, participants in the Second World War, home front workers and those who received a disability during the war.

You can apply for a EVD at your territorial branch of the FIU. You can also apply on the website of the pension fund.

  • disabled veterans - 5403.22 rubles;
  • participants in military conflicts - 2972.82 rubles.
  • participants of the Second World War - 4052.40 rubles.

Registration of a pension

To apply for a pension, you must contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence / registration with the established package of documents: passport, photographs, work book, award documentation.

You must first obtain a certificate of participation in hostilities and a veteran's certificate from the military registration and enlistment office.

What is the pension for war veterans? It depends on the seniority, the territory of combat operations, the presence of injuries and disabilities.

So, for example, WWII veterans receive an average of 21.8-30.3 thousand rubles. The minimum bar is valid for the widows of participants in the Second World War, the maximum - for disabled veterans of the Second World War.

Combat Veteran Benefits

Apart from pension provision in a very high amount, before the appropriate age, participants in hostilities can count on a wide range of different benefits and allowances.

Among them:

  1. Tax relief. In addition to the tax deduction of 500 r. the veteran is entitled to exemption from property tax (in some regions and from transport).
  2. Housing assistance - beneficiaries can receive assistance from the state in acquiring housing (if they managed to get on the waiting list before 2005), as an alternative, they are entitled to a land allotment for individual housing construction.
  3. Free service in medical institutions, vouchers for spa treatment, subsidized medicines, etc.
  4. The right to unscheduled installation of a telephone, purchase of a ticket, etc.
  5. The right to an annual extraordinary additional leave of 35 days (of which 15 days are paid).
  6. Free provision of funeral services.
  7. Discount on utility bills (for example, for veterans of the Chechen campaign 50%).

In addition, regions may establish additional benefits and monetary compensation. They are declarative in nature and can be obtained only after the veteran applies to the authorized structures.

Video: Tax on monthly payments combat veterans:

Pension for combatants in Chechnya

The military, who served in Chechnya in 1994-96, received the status of veterans not so long ago. They can get veteran's certificates at the Department of Internal Affairs, the FSB or the military registration and enlistment offices.

The legislation provided for them to pay a pension in an increased amount and the right to a single income tax, which is not subject to taxation.

In 2019, the payment of UDV is made to him in the amount of 2972.82 rubles. The social package is 1121.42 rubles. It includes payment for medicines (863.75 rubles), vouchers for sanatorium treatment (133.62 rubles) and travel to and from places of treatment (124.05 rubles).

Veterans of the war in Chechnya have a choice: replace benefits with money or use them in kind.

Residents of the northern regions are entitled to additional allowances for pensions.

If a veteran became disabled during operations in Chechnya, he is entitled to additional allowances. For disabled people of the first group, this is 3782.94 rubles, the second - 2701.62 rubles, the third - 2162.67 rubles.

The veteran's pension depends on several factors: the amount of monetary allowance during military service and length of service (time spent serving in a hot spot). At the same time, it should not be less than the subsistence level (otherwise the PFR is obliged to compensate for the difference).

Pension for combatants in Afghanistan

The provision of pensions to soldiers-internationalists is carried out according to a scheme similar to veterans of the Second World War. One year of service in a hot spot is equal to three. They also receive an additional 32% of the minimum social pension.

Afghan veterans who refuse social services receive an additional 4094.24 rubles. Instead, they can get free travel, medicines and spa treatment.

If a veteran works in a civilian enterprise, he may receive additional service pensions if he has sufficient service.

The minimum pension for veterans of Afghanistan in 2019 is 8-9 thousand rubles. But on average in Russia, this figure is 20 thousand rubles.

Video: Benefits for combat veterans:

Warriors-internationalists, and colloquially "Afghans", have a well-deserved right to a number of benefits from the state. It should be clarified that the servicemen who took part in the fulfillment of international duty in Afghanistan are equated in our state with veterans of the Second World War. Thanks to this status, they enjoy a whole list of benefits established in several government decrees. Benefits for "Afghans" in 2017 did not change, but remained at the proper level. For those. who does not yet have complete information about the required subsidies and compensations and this article has been written.

Benefits established for internationalist veterans

According to several government decisions, "Afghan" soldiers have several categories of benefits:

  1. Medical.
  2. Educational.
  3. Additional.

Medical Benefits:

  • extraordinary medical care and treatment;
  • lifelong treatment in hospitals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, provided out of turn;
  • preferential prosthetics, in some cases including free production of dentures.

Utility benefits:

  • free living space on a first-come, first-served basis among internationalist veterans;
  • extraordinary installation of a fixed home phone;
  • reimbursement of half of the cost of paying for the maintenance of the apartment and utilities.

Work and study benefits:

  • the right to extraordinary and additional leave;
  • training at the expense of the organization in which the soldier-internationalist is employed;
  • university enrollment for preferential terms after successfully passing the exams;
  • receiving a state scholarship during the study.

Fringe benefits:

  • monthly cash payment;
  • cash payment in exchange for benefits for free travel, spa treatment and purchase of medicines or these benefits to choose from;
  • preferential payments for disability received in the course of fulfilling an international debt;
  • preferential taxation.

In addition to the benefits provided by the federal authorities, there are also regional benefits. A complete list of benefits of various subjects of the federation should be sought in the legislation of the region of residence. In addition, the right to extraordinary service when buying all types of tickets for transport and in various government institutions is also reserved for veterans of the war in Afghanistan.

Categories of military personnel classified as veterans of the Afghan war

It is necessary to designate a list of persons who are subject to benefits for veterans-"Afghans" in 2017:

  1. All categories of military personnel sent by the Soviet Union to help the people of Afghanistan in the fight against illegal armed groups and a self-proclaimed government.
  2. Military personnel serving in automobile formations that ensure the delivery of goods to the territory of Afghanistan.
  3. Pilots of the USSR Air Force, who flew sorties to Afghanistan from airfields located on the territory of the Soviet Union.
  4. Wounded or shell-shocked pilots of civil cargo and passenger aviation, who flew to provide military units during hostilities.
  5. Civilians posted to Afghanistan between December 1979 and December 1989 for work purposes. For this category of beneficiaries, there are certain periods of stay in Afghanistan.

Pensions for "Afghans"

The accrual of pensions for soldiers-internationalists is based on the calculation: one year in the war is equal to three civil twelve-month periods. In addition, there is an additional 32% of the regular social pension. The monetary equivalent of the allowance is 1,000 rubles.

It must also be taken into account that the pension of an internationalist soldier must be no less subsistence level region of residence. If for any reason it is less, then the local authorities are obliged to pay an additional amount that does not reach minimum size pensions. In the country as a whole, internationalist soldiers in 2017 receive minimum pension not less than 8,000 - 9,000 rubles.

Disabled veterans of the Afghan war receive separate pension supplements. To be eligible, the following conditions must be met:

  • receiving an injury or illness resulting in disability while serving in Afghanistan or 3 months later;
  • an injury received during the performance of an international duty was the reason for the receipt of disability during civilian life.

Disability allowances:

  1. First group. Three times the amount of the seniority pension is paid.
  2. Second group. Paid double the amount of service.
  3. Third group. The supplement is one and a half salary for the length of service.

Benefits for "Afghans" who have state awards

For soldiers-internationalists awarded with the highest awards, additional benefits are provided:

  1. Increased pension for years of service, disability or old age.
  2. Free treatment in hospitals and civil medical institutions.
  3. Free travel to the place of sanatorium treatment.
  4. Providing free medicines.
  5. Allocation of free vouchers to departmental sanatoriums.
  6. Free housing or land.
  7. Priority overhaul of the dwelling at the expense of the state.

In addition, order bearers are entitled to a pension supplement of 400 rubles, and holders of three medals "For Courage" are paid an additional 1,000 rubles. Regional surcharges for combat awards are also present.

Benefits for the families of the fallen and deceased soldiers-internationalists

The family of the deceased "Afghan" can claim the following benefits:

  • 50% compensation for the child's rest in a children's health camp or sanatorium;
  • additional payment to the widow's pension for the deceased husband-internationalist.

A widow can use the benefit for life or until her next marriage. For children, the exemption extends to the age of majority.