Minimum pension from 1 May. The old-age pension is the maximum and minimum amount in Russia. The procedure for calculating the old-age pension

The very concept of “minimum old-age pension” remains rather vague: the legislation does not establish a single base amount, its amount will depend on a number of factors. By the beginning of 2016, it is 55 years old and 60 years old for men; upon reaching this age, citizens become entitled to payments from the pension fund.

However, their size depends on the official one, and if its size is less than 7 years, the usual insurance pension will not be paid. What awaits an elderly person by the time they reach retirement age?

For the minimum old-age pension you need to score 6 points

The smallest possible value of the old-age pension is determined by the subsistence minimum in a particular region. Even if the total income of a citizen entitled to an insurance pension turns out to be less, the state will pay the difference from the federal budget, since the total amount of payments cannot be lower than the subsistence level.

To receive it by the beginning of 2016, you need to have at least 7 years of service and 6 points of the pension coefficient, but in the future it is planned to gradually increase these indicators. By 2024, the minimum length of service required to receive an insurance pension should be at least 24 years, and the number of coefficient points should increase to 30.

If the length of service of a citizen does not meet these conditions, he can only count on a social pension from the state: its size will be very small, and it starts to be paid 5 years later than the insurance one. In 2015, the size of the social pension is 8,311 rubles, and a pensioner will receive it, only while he is not working. The value of the labor pension consists of two main values:

  • The insurance part of the pension, which is provided by the state. In 2016, after indexation, this amount amounted to 4558.93 rubles, to which you need to add the cost of pension points accumulated by the pensioner. The cost of one point today is 74 rubles.
  • . This is the money that was paid to the pension fund by the employer in the continuation of the citizen's labor activity. This money is kept in state or non-state funds, and its use in financial activities helps to increase the final amount of the pension in the end.

To calculate what the payments will be in the end, the calculator posted on the official website of the pension fund helps. It determines the amount of available savings in a personal account and shows what a pension would be if you applied for it right now. This allows you to visualize the accumulated value.

How can the old age pension be increased?

Unfortunately, the minimum old-age pension will not ensure a happy and prosperous life...

The labor pension may increase over time. It depends both on the financial condition of the pensioner himself, and on the financial stability of the state. There are several cases in which the minimum amount of payments may increase:

  • A pensioner reaches the age of 80. It is clear that at this age, spending on medicines increases and the state provides financial support to citizens.
  • The pensioner has dependents. These can be minor grandchildren placed under guardianship, close relatives with disabilities, etc. For social support, the state allocates an increase in pensions.
  • The pensioner continues to work. If he reaches the required age limit, but does not apply for pension payments, they continue to accumulate in his personal account, and this increases their final size. Accordingly, the later a citizen comes for his pension, the higher it will be.
  • The state is indexing the minimum pension. For example, in 2016 it is expected that the insurance pension will be increased by 4%, but this will only affect non-working citizens.
  • Usually indexation is carried out several times a year, it depends on the economic situation in the state. By the beginning of 2016, the average Russian insured pension amounted to 13,132 rubles, which is significantly more than the subsistence minimum in most regions.
  • The social pension in the Russian Federation is also expected to be increased by 4%, and from February 2016 it will be 8,562 rubles. It is also expected to increase monthly payments by 6.4%, as well as increase the cost of the social package available to pensioners.

Social pensions are paid not only to people who have reached retirement age, but also to other privileged categories of citizens. Among them are children with disabilities, disabled people of groups 1,2,3, as well as those who have lost their breadwinner and need social support.

Children of the first group can count on the maximum social pension - in 2016 it will be 11,445.68 rubles. Financial assistance for disability can be issued monthly indefinitely or within the period specified in medical documents. If the disease progresses and the condition worsens, you can apply for the next disability group and get an increase in payments. To do this, you will have to go through a medical examination again.

How is the insurance period calculated?

The amount of pension is affected by the length of service

One of the key concepts that affect the formation of a pension is the length of service: this is the period of official employment, during which the employer transferred the due contributions to the pension account. To confirm the length of service, you will need an extract from the personal account in the PF department, as well as entries in indicating the terms of employment.

If entries in the work book are not made at all, or errors were made in them, you will need to contact the organization in which the pensioner worked and obtain certificates and extracts from the archive. Problems arise if the enterprise has already been liquidated, in which case it is much more difficult to prove the existence of experience.

It is necessary to monitor the correctness of filling out the work book and start collecting certificates in advance so as not to delay the process of applying for an old-age pension. In addition to periods of official employment, some more time periods may be included in the length of service:

  • Period of military or alternative civilian service. It can also be equated with customs service, it is also included in the total length of service.
  • Time under the age of 1.5 years. In total, this period cannot exceed 6 years, even if there were more than 4 children in the family.
  • The period of care for a disabled child, as well as for any disabled person or relative who has reached 80 years of age.

However, these periods will be credited to the general insurance period only if before them the person was officially employed or was engaged in other activities during which contributions to the pension fund were made. All additional periods included in the length of service will require documentary evidence, so the citizen will need a lot of time to collect all the edits.

What is an individual coefficient?

IPC - as an innovation in the pension system

One of the innovations of the pension system was the IPC - individual pension coefficient. This is a new basis for calculating the insurance part of the pension, which depends on the time of official work in organizations.

The IPC system is the sum of annual pension coefficients (APC), their other name is pension points. The longer a person officially works, the more beams he accumulates, and when he retires, they will turn into real money.

For those who retire in 2015-2016, a system is provided for converting the traditional insurance part of the pension into boarding points, and this makes them eligible for pension payments. A special calculator will help you understand the transfer system and the principles of recalculating pensions under the new system - such a program is available on the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The value of one pension point changes over time. If in 2015 it was about 64 rubles, then already in 2016 it was about 74 rubles. An increase in the cost of one point in the future will lead to a significant increase in the actual. So far, the system is being finalized and changed almost every year, so it is now extremely difficult to predict the final minimum amount of old-age pension payments.

The state has not yet raised the retirement age, although in Russia it is considered one of the lowest compared to many other states.

However, at the same time, financial incentives are offered to working pensioners, and it is more profitable for them to retire later than the term prescribed by law. It is not yet known whether the retirement age will be raised officially, although the burden on the pension fund is increasing every year due to a reduction in the working population and an increase in the number of pensioners.

With all the difficulties of calculating the size of the pension in the Russian Federation remains the largest in the territory of the post-Soviet space. In all regions, the minimum value exceeds the subsistence level, and the state continues to reform the system of social security for the elderly. If a citizen takes care of his savings and official seniority in advance, he will be able to count on substantial material support in the last years of his life.

Opinion of a legal expert:

The article correctly explains that the size of the pension depends on many factors and is purely individual. When calculating the pension, the Pension Fund takes into account the earnings that the pensioner chooses himself. It doesn't have to be the last five years. Conscientious specialists of the fund always suggest the best option for a pensioner.

If the pensioner continues to work, then his initial data for calculating the pension is constantly changing. They may be able to increase the size of the pension. In this case, the pensioner can re-apply for the recalculation of the pension.

You can find out how pension points are calculated from the video:

Topic of today's article: "Who has the biggest pension in Russia?".

The pension provision of the Soviet Union was rightfully considered one of the most worthy in the world. The Soviet pensioner did not worry about whether his pension would be enough to pay utility bills and food, he was able to give gifts to children and grandchildren, sometimes quite substantial ones.

The population of Russia has experienced a change in social formation, and today's Russian pensioners are already living under capitalism, the catchphrase of which is - "Nothing personal, it's just business". It contains, in addition to a dry statement of this fact, a hint of an apology: they say that I personally have nothing for you, but I will have to rob you - due to circumstances beyond my control.

So on the part of the officials of the Russian Federation, when it comes to pensions, one hears words about the crisis, about sanctions, about unfavorable economic circumstances, and so on. This is all true, of course, but not all: there is no longer a huge country in the world that has demonstrated a high level of social protection of the population, including in the field of pensions. And the situation of pensioners is deteriorating all over the world, and not only in Russia.

In Russia, due to the fact that not all citizens have forgotten about their past life, the authorities are still trying to support the process of constantly increasing the size of pensions, either by indexing, or by revising the subsistence level, or by other measures that are taken annually.

Along with those citizens who have minimum pensions, there are other pensioners in the country who do not experience any financial problems. Moreover, their retirement life can generally be called luxurious, especially from the point of view of the average Russian pensioner.

This fact was brought to the attention of the ONF in 2015, a public movement created in 2011 and uniting several separate political organizations.

The ONF working group went through the leaders and authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as a result of which they presented the public with information on how they take care of their own well-being in the upcoming retirement, not forgetting to keep their salaries at an appropriate level.

So, municipal officials are trying to bring their pension to the level 100-300 thousand rubles, and they are not at all embarrassed by the fact that in the regions entrusted to them the average pension does not exceed 20 thousand.

Here are a few of these cities, the heads of which tried to ensure their own retirement well-being:

CityOfficial positionEstimated pension of an official (thousand rubles)Average pension in the region (rub.)
Khanty-MansiyskMayor127-213 18200
-«- 149-248
EkaterinburgMayor107-156 13600
-«- Head of City Administration121-176
VoronezhMayor190-320 11000
NovosibirskMayor142-245 11690
Ulan-UdeMayor190-260 12700
Rostov-on-DonMayor122-166 11630
-«- Head of City Administration135-184

The former governors of the regions of Penza, Chelyabinsk, Rostov, Leningrad, Astrakhan were also mentioned.

It should be noted that, according to regional legislation, the rights to such a high pension are granted to municipal workers after 6 years of work in this position, or after 3, or even after one year of work - where as.

Pension allowances are also calculated in different ways, but almost everywhere it is not the salary that is taken as the basis, as is done for federal officials, but the average earnings, with all bonuses, financial assistance, and various kinds of allowances.

As a result, the pensions that the heads of cities of various constituent entities of the Russian Federation receive in due time turn out to be significantly higher than the pensions of major federal officials.

Thus, the ONF report notes that persons who worked in high government positions receive significantly lower pensions, namely:

  • former deputy chairman of the government, retired - 50-88 thousand rubles;
  • ministers of the federal level - 44-78 thousand rubles.

The fact is that pensions are assigned to them on the basis of presidential decrees, and in the regions all additional payments and specific indicators that regulate them are established by local authorities, and the costs are borne by municipal or regional budgets.

That is why there is no reaction from the PFR on this matter - it does not spend its funds on the payment of astronomical allowances.

Theoretically, the former president should have the largest pension in the country, about 530 thousand rubles, which Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev could lay claim to, since both were presidents of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the law adopted in 2001, the former president is entitled to life support at the level of 75% of what the current president receives.

Deputies can receive a pension, which is focused on the income of current officials - 55-75% of this amount. The pension of both ministers and parliamentarians is calculated on the basis of the base salary, which is 81.5 thousand rubles, so the pension will be at the level of 18 thousand rubles.

But the additional payment, ministerial or deputy, will be somewhat more, 44-77 thousand rubles, depending on how long a person has occupied the corresponding chair, deputy or ministerial.

This means that the pension of a former deputy or minister will not exceed 90,000 rubles. Bypassed their regional bosses!

In Moscow, traditionally, the standard of living is higher, because everything costs more. Therefore, pensions must be higher than in the whole country. Otherwise, local pensioners would feel very uncomfortable, they would have to limit themselves in everything.

Thus, the average Moscow pension was 13.5 thousand rubles in 2015, 14 thousand rubles in 2016, and about 15 thousand in 2017.

Moscow has its own difficulties with pension financing. There, the territory of the city has significantly increased, new pensioners have been added, who need to allocate a capital allowance, bringing their pension to the minimum value. But, given that relatively few pensioners live in the annexed territories, the capital's budget will survive.

As for high pensions in Moscow, they are received by the same categories as throughout the country.

The former mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, who once found his way to the hearts of the capital's residents, does not remember exactly the size of his pension, but claims that it is about half that of his regional colleagues.

He believes that the amount of pensions for the heads of regions and cities, including in Moscow, should be linked to the following indicators:

  1. With the average pension of the facility that the official was in charge of.
  2. With his achievements in the process of leadership.
  3. With experience and other technical indicators.

So who gets the biggest pensions in Russia?

These lucky ones personal pensioners. State pensions of a sufficiently large size are received by civil servants from the administrative apparatus of the Russian Federation. They are not charged in a standard way, but in a special order.

We will not learn about their pension, it is a trade secret.

Personal pensions are also due to Participants in military operations, Participants in the liquidation of man-made accidents, Heroes of socialist labor, veterans of the Second World War, and heroes of labor.

Military pensioners receive a pension through the channels of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSK, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Penitentiary Service from the Ministry of Defense, it is one and a half to two times higher than the pensions of state employees.

In addition to the listed categories of citizens who receive a high pension, there are others who are well provided for after the end of their employment. For example, retired military judges, former .

According to unofficial data, these citizens receive pensions in the region of 100,000 rubles. Approximately half of this amount, about 50 thousand rubles, is received by war invalids with a solid work record behind them. Large pensions from former prosecutors, deputies and municipal officials.

As for ordinary pensioners, those who served in the army as a midshipman or officer have a chance for an increased pension.

And the rest of the citizens of Russia, in order to receive a good pension, they need to work longer, receive a decent salary and honestly pay contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Judging by the information provided by the PFR, it amounted to 9,227 rubles in Russia.

However, the range of pensions is actually very large. The same can be 4 thousand rubles, and can reach 40 thousand rubles. Is it true, no one in Russia receives a pension below the subsistence level but the fact remains.

And some people find it difficult to accept this fact. They have nothing against a tenfold difference in wages, but they consider such a difference in pensions to be unacceptable.

The bad thing is that the inequality of pensions is very difficult to detect, not without reason only the ONF was able to publicize the grandiose distortions of regional leaders in terms of providing pensions to themselves, their loved ones.

Statistics on the actual size of pensions is not published, all data are limited to indicating the size of the subsistence minimum adopted for pensioners by region, the corresponding values ​​of the minimum pension and the average - by country and by region.

The due allowances and measures to increase pensions are also described in detail in the press. But, when the question arises of what is the real value of the pension of a former teacher, or a health worker, or some other profession, then information on the merits, except for the average for the country or region, simply no. And the one that is, is given without reference to the categories of pensioners.

Everything rests on the phrase that there is no maximum pension in Russia, since it depends on many factors. This is understandable, we are talking about the fact that there is no limit to the size of the pension.

But what are the pensions in reality, exactly those that are obscured by the average value "hospital temperature"? So far, they can only be identified with the help of household surveys, and here what accuracy.

For some reason, since 2007, the publication carried out by Rosstat on the size and number of new pensions established in this period has ceased. This indicator would be very useful in order to understand the first results more clearly.

Apparently, the corresponding statistics will appear later, when the difficulties with pension provision will be overcome. In any case, it is of great interest to specialists, pensioners, and the general public.

The topic of pensions worries millions, both future pensioners and people who have already taken their well-deserved rest. What is the minimum pension in Russia in 2019 depends on several factors, the most important of which is the level of the subsistence minimum established in a particular region.

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Please note that in different regions of the Russian Federation the cost of living can also differ significantly.

Basic concepts

A pension is a state cash payment that is assigned to disabled persons, citizens who have reached retirement age, as well as some other categories of citizens.

The minimum pension is significantly influenced by various factors:

  • the age of the citizen;
  • indicator of total work experience;
  • features of work;
  • the presence of the necessary social experience.

At the legislative level, the accrual of pension payments and the basic rules for registering pensions are regulated by the Federal Laws:

To date, the Russian pension legislation presents several types of pensions:

  1. Old age pension.
  2. By disability.
  3. Survivor's pension.

The minimum pension directly depends on the level of the subsistence minimum in the specific region of residence of the pensioner.

And also on the circumstances under which a citizen needed to apply for a pension - age, disability.

What is taken into account when calculating

According to the Federal Law, in order to calculate the old-age labor pension, the average salary for one calendar month of the insured person for the period from 2000-2001 is taken, according to the accounting data that is in the state pension insurance system.

Wages for any 60 months in a row from the entire length of service up to December 31, 2001 inclusive can also be taken into account.

Which is based on the relevant documentation issued by state (municipal) bodies on the basis of primary accounting documents.

Please note that only one part of the pension is calculated - the insurance. The labor part is basic, and its size is fixed and regulated at the legislative level.

Calculus example

To calculate the insurance share of the old-age pension, a special formula is used:

Insurance part = PC / T + B

Where, PC is the amount of the estimated pension capital of a particular person for the day, specifically from which the insurance share of the labor pension is assigned to an individual citizen.

T - this indicator is equal to the number of months of the expected period for the payment of an old-age labor pension.

B - the basic part of the insurance share of the old-age labor pension, which is fixed.

To date, the amount of insurance experience required for registration of a labor pension is:

If the future pensioner does not have the necessary insurance experience, he can only count on receiving the minimum social pension.

Video: how pensions will change in 2019

How to calculate yourself

You can also calculate the size of the pension calculation using the system of service coefficients. Its main principle is to convert the length of service earned before the pension reform in 2002 into length of service coefficients.

For women whose total experience exceeds 20 years, this figure is 0.55, while men will need at least 25 years of experience.

The coefficient increases with each year worked in excess of the required length of service by 0.01% - but the increase cannot exceed 0.02%.

Also, when calculating a pension, you can use a coefficient that is taken from the average monthly salary received in Soviet times up to 2002 and divided by the average salary within the country of the same time.

This coefficient cannot exceed 1.2.

In order to receive an old-age pension, it is necessary not only to have an experience, but also to reach the retirement age.

In Russia, the retirement age for citizens is:

For example, a woman born in 1959 in 2009 applies for a pension. The first thing to determine is the ratio.

In this case, it is equal to 0.55 and 0.10 for continuing to work after retirement age.

Total - 0.65. The salary of a citizen in the period 2000-2001 was 2112 rubles, and the average salary in the country varied within 1671 rubles.

The following formula is used to calculate the pension:

0.65 x 1.2 x 1671 = 1303.38 p.

We multiply the amount received by the time of waiting for a pension - in this case, by 186 months:

(1303.38-450) x 186 = 158728.68 rubles.

158728.68x 1.307 x 1.177 x 1.114 x 1.127 x 1.16 x 1.204 x 1.269 = 543328.72 p.

The next step is to add the amount of insurance premiums to the date of the pension. In this case, 484328 rubles:

543328.72 + 384328 = 927656.72 rubles

Accordingly, the amount of the pension in this case will be:

927656.72 /186+2562=7549.4 r.

The legislative framework

In 2019, the registration and calculation of pension payments is regulated by the following Federal Laws:

  • "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation";


Common types of pension contributions include social pensions. What are they and in what cases is it possible to issue them?

Social pension is the minimum cash payment, which is assigned to disabled persons who are not entitled to another type of pension contribution.

As a rule, a social pension can be awarded to people of retirement age whose insufficient work experience does not allow them to apply for an old-age pension.

Social pension - the minimum amount of this pension contribution is always lower than the amount of labor (insurance) pension. The minimum amount of social pension is 7595 rubles.

Social pensions also have a certain classification, which also affects the minimum amount of payments:

Indicators Description
First category these are social pensions that are given for disability of 1, 2, 3 groups. This type of pension contributions is assigned to disabled people who independently and intentionally caused harm to their health, or who committed a criminal offense, after which disability occurred. The minimum social pension for disability of the 3rd group is 7139 rubles
Social pension for the loss of the breadwinner this type of payment is assigned to children under 18 years of age who have lost both or one parent. To apply for a social pension for the loss of a breadwinner, the presence of insurance experience is not required

Upon admission to study at any full-time educational institution, a child who has lost one or two parents is entitled to receive social benefits up to the age of 23.

The size of the social pension in connection with the loss of a breadwinner is 7142 rubles.

It is also necessary to single out a separate category of citizens who are entitled to receive a superannuation pension - these are employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In order to be eligible for a superannuation pension, a future pensioner must work in the FSB, the Ministry of Defense, the prosecutor's office, the customs authorities of the Russian Federation, and the Internal Affairs Directorate for at least 20 years.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in the case of service in the northern regions, the length of service is calculated on a preferential basis - this means that one year of work can be considered as two years.

You can also use the “combined” length of service method to receive a pension. This technique consists in combining length of service in different places of work - but in order to receive a preferential pension, the term of general service in the internal affairs bodies cannot be less than 50% of the total length of service.

If the length of service is 25 years, the term of service in the bodies should be 12 years and 6 months.

The retirement pension is calculated using the following formula:

(salary according to position + salary according to rank + bonus for length of service) * 62.12 * (50% + 3% * number of years of service)

62.12 is an indicator of the reduction factor. From January 1, 2019, a planned increase in the amount of pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by 5% was carried out.

In 2019, the minimum pension for participants in the Second World War amounted to 18531 rubles. - it is worth noting that this amount is the maximum cash payment that the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation makes.

Minimum pension for miners

Also, persons whose labor activity is related to the production or extraction of minerals can count on receiving a preferential pension. Such citizens can expect to receive a miner's pension.

To apply for pension payments, you must have a length of service, the total amount of which is at least 25 years.

During which the miner took part in carrying out open or underground work related to the development or production of various minerals.

If the miner was directly involved in the excavation of rocks or work with a jackhammer, the length of service required to receive a preferential pension is slightly reduced and equals 20 years.

The minimum amount of a miner's pension is at least 16,500 rubles.

Is it possible to increase the size?

The minimum old-age pension in Russia in 2019 is 11,582 rubles. In the settlements of the Far North, pensions, like the cost of living, are higher - about 13,900 rubles.

As mentioned above, these figures cannot be called specific - they are average indicators, since the minimum pension is directly based on the subsistence minimum, which can differ markedly in different regions of the Russian Federation.

During 2019, it is planned to carry out a pension reform, which will fix at the legislative level new rules and norms for calculating a pension and calculating its minimum amount.

A year of work experience under the new reform will be evaluated in coefficients or points. How to calculate the size of pension payments in coefficients has already been described above, but how can the size of the pension be increased?

Each pensioner has a different indicator of calculated points, which directly depend on many factors, among which one can single out the total figure of a person's work experience, the amount of the official salary, and the age of retirement.

The maximum amount of points received in one year cannot exceed 10 points.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that, according to the new pension reform, in some cases it is planned to accrue additional points for non-insurance periods of life.

These are the periods during which a citizen of the Russian Federation did not work officially, respectively, insurance contributions were not made.

These non-insurable factors include:

  • military service in the army;
  • the birth and care of a child;
  • caring for a disabled citizen whose age exceeds the mark of 80 years.

Also, non-insurance periods include caring for a disabled child. It can be concluded that the larger the official salary and total length of service, the more points you can get for each year.

It is also planned to stimulate the continuation of work activities after reaching the age at which one can retire at the legislative level.

Upon reaching a certain age, most citizens of the Russian Federation are entitled to insurance pensions. But there are several categories of persons who do not claim insurance payments due to their disability. The state does not forget about needy citizens and provides them with the right to social assistance. The minimum amount of a social pension is directly dependent on the subsistence minimum in the subject of the Russian Federation where the recipient lives.

What is the amount of payments in 2019, and what changes await pensioners in the future? More on this later.

Social pension as state aid

Social pensions are called regular benefits, which are assigned to disabled persons who are deprived of the right to receive a labor pension. Like regular pension payments, social benefits are paid regularly, and the nature and conditions of their accrual are regulated by the main Federal Law “On Pensions in Russia” N 166-FZ.

The legislation distinguishes 3 types of such benefits:

  1. On the loss of a breadwinner. It is intended for orphans under the age of 18 (up to 23 years of age, subject to full-time study at a university or any other educational institution), left without one or without both parents. It is paid only to those children whose deceased relatives have not accumulated a single day of work experience.
  2. By disability. It is intended for children with disabilities, as well as adults with any category of disability in the absence of work experience.
  3. By old age. It is paid to disabled citizens of a certain age by law (it is 65 and 70 years for women and men, respectively), as well as residents of the Far North regions who have reached the age of 60/65 years for women / men.
  4. Children whose parents are unknown. Paid from 01/01/2018 to minors whose parents have not been identified. The conditions and amount of payments are similar to those for full orphans.

The main requirement for receiving social security is belonging to one of the listed categories. Also, a citizen must permanently reside in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Important! The main condition for the appointment of social benefits for old age for 2019 is the absence of insurance experience for a period of 10 years and an IPC of 16.2. If these conditions are met, the citizen receives the right to transfer to insurance coverage.

The minimum amount of social pension in 2019 depends on the type of benefit, as well as on a number of other factors.

Minimum State Security

This table shows the size of state pensions, taking into account all indexations made for disabled Russians.

The assignment of payments occurs on the 1st day of the month in which the applicant applied for it, but not earlier acquiring the right to it.

The benefit is paid over the life of an old-age pensioner. Disabled people are paid a pension until the person loses their status, or indefinitely. For children who have lost their breadwinner, the provision ceases to be valid upon reaching the age of majority or after employment, but no later than the age of 23 years.

The amount of the payment may vary depending on several factors:

  • change in the category of a pensioner (in relation to the disabled, if the category of disability changes);
  • annual indexation using the inflation rate;
  • departure from the subject in which a regional allowance or a special regional coefficient is applied (for residents of the RCS);
  • transition to insurance coverage (for example, when an orphan, upon reaching the age of majority, begins working).

How is the amount of collateral determined?

The source of social payments is the state budget. This means that their size does not depend on the length of service of the recipient or on the fact that he paid insurance premiums to the Pension Fund. The minimum social pension in the Russian Federation is set in a fixed amount separately for each category of recipients. According to article 18 of the current pension legislation, payments are indexed annually.

The statutory minimum social pension in the Russian Federation is increased by a certain coefficient for residents of the regions of the Far North (RKS). The district coefficient is designed to compensate for the severe climatic conditions that make life difficult for pensioners in the CSW.

Indexing order

The instability of the Russian economy is forcing the Government to regularly review the amount of pension payments. The depreciation of the Russian ruble against more stable currencies, the constant increase in prices - all this must be reflected in social benefits in order to restore the purchasing power of citizens dependent on state security.

Twice a year, in February and April, the inflation coefficient is calculated, with the help of which the amount of the social pension is recalculated. In 2016, social payments were increased only once by 4% with inflation of 12.9%, since the country's budget did not have enough funds to fully cover the price increase. The shortfall was compensated by a lump sum payment in the amount of 5,000 rubles.

In 2017, as promised by the authorities, the minimum social pension was indexed in the traditional manner - on April 1. The amount of benefits increased by 5.8%. This does not mean that pensioners have become more free in their means - their income has only caught up with the level of increased prices for goods and services.

State pensions, including social pensions, have been indexed by 4.1% since April 1, 2018. Social pensions from April 2019 will be increased by only 2%.

The EDV indexation is held annually in February. In 2019, the indexation rate was 4.3%.

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Increasing Benefits in the Northern Regions

In the regions of the Far North (RKS), as well as in areas with difficult climate conditions, where residents require additional financial costs for comfortable living, pension payments are increased by a special coefficient, determined by legislative acts of local executive authorities.

Only representatives of the peoples of the Far North listed in the official list of Art. 11 of the Federal Law "On Pension Provision". The law also contains lists of areas whose residents are entitled to a pension increase by a coefficient.

Attention! If a citizen no longer intends to live in extreme climatic conditions and leaves his region, the amount of his state support will be calculated without taking into account the regional coefficient.

Supplement to pensioners

According to Federal Law N 178-FZ "On Social Assistance to Citizens", the monthly income of a state-supported pensioner cannot be lower than the subsistence level established in his region (Law 4).
Therefore, the state provides citizens with sums of money as an additional payment.

Good to know! The state is ready to pay additional funds to the required minimum only for non-working citizens. Social assistance does not apply to working pensioners.

The amount of money for each pensioner is set individually and depends on the total amount of his monthly income. In addition, the surcharge comes from two different sources:

  • from the federal budget - a federal surcharge, which is assigned by the PFR.
  • from the regional budget - a local surcharge, appointed by the social protection authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The federal social supplement is paid by the territorial bodies of the PFR and is set automatically if the SGP in the Russian Federation is significantly higher than the SGP level in the region.

The regional social supplement is paid by the social protection authorities of the region if the subsistence level of a pensioner in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is higher than the size of the SGP in Russia.

When calculating the total amount of income of a non-working pensioner, the following are taken into account:

  • the size of the pension;
  • the amount of additional material (social) security;
  • the amount of the monthly cash payment;
  • the cost of a set of social services;
  • the monetary equivalent of social support measures (payment for the telephone, housing and utilities, travel by passenger transport, as well as monetary compensation for the costs of paying for these services).

In general, the living wage in Russia is 8846 rubles.

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Average benefit

Federal statistical services have summed up the number of pensioners in Russia and their payments received in 2018. According to Rosstat, at the moment about 43 million citizens who receive pension payments live in the Russian Federation. Of this amount, only 7% are on state security and receive one of the 4 types of benefits.

The statistics established the average amount of social payments in the current year - it was about 8.5 thousand rubles. Given the fact that the main recipients of social security are citizens with a disability status who do not have other sources of income, this amount seems insignificant.

In 2018, after the April indexation, the average annual amount of social pensions increased to 9,045 rubles. (103.7% to the pensioner's PM). The average amount of social pension for children with disabilities, incl. disabled since childhood 1st group, amounted to 13 thousand 699 rubles.

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On the basis of the norms of law in force in our country, all Russians have the right to claim pensions in old age. However, its value depends on many objective and subjective circumstances. Including not the last place here has a minimum old-age pension. Now we will try to figure out what the minimum old-age pension is and what its volume depends on.

What determines the size of the pension

All citizens with the necessary labor (insurance) experience can count on an insurance pension. In case of insufficiency of such experience, a person is entitled only to a social pension. And only under the condition of survival to a certain age. The amount of pension payments due under any circumstances cannot be less than the amount established at the legal level.

Nowadays, many different factors influence the amount of old-age pension. But it should be remembered that the volume of such social payments is determined primarily by the current system of law.

Important! At present, the basic legal act regulating the issuance of a pension benefit, as well as other key aspects directly related to it, is FZ-173.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that this act is subject to constant editing.

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How to determine the amount of payments

Now, according to the federal act on labor pension benefits, a relatively simple format is used to calculate the amount of pension benefits: P \u003d IPC x SIPC x K + FV x K,

Where: P - the benefit itself;

The value of "PV" is the minimum amount of old-age pension payments. But it must be understood that this kind of variable varies significantly depending on the category to which a particular pensioner belongs.

For the following persons, it was:

  • age period under 80, no disability - 5334.19 rubles;
  • age period over 80 years or there is a 1st gr. disability - 10668.38 rubles:
  • who worked in the Far North for over 15 years - 8001.29 rubles:
  • if the applicant is over 80 years old or has a 1st gr. disability and worked in the Far North for at least 15 years - 16,002.58 rubles:

The situation is identical with respect to other categories of persons - applicants for pension benefits due to the onset of the corresponding age period.

To date, the following age limits for receiving pension benefits have been fixed:

  • women become eligible for pension benefits upon reaching the age of 60;
  • for a man - upon reaching 65 years.
Important! The minimum amount of the old-age pension is indexed annually. Appropriate amendments are also made to pension legal relations.

There is currently a transition period for the retirement age. A gradual increase to the established 60 for women and 65 for men is envisaged.

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The amount of the old-age pension

In 2019, despite the difficult economic situation in the country, the pension accruals of all Russians were indexed. The exception is officially employed pensioners.

At the same time, money was indexed by 7.05% (with a coefficient of 1.070504). And real inflation was not lower than 12%.

After indexing procedures:

At the same time, social-type pension benefits also increased by 2% in 2019. On average, their value amounted to 9.5 thousand rubles. UDV - monthly payments was increased by 4.3%.

At the same time, along with these payments, the social package will definitely increase. It can still be obtained in cash.

The volume of fixed payments after indexing amounted to 5334.19 rubles.

Attention! According to the legal norms in force in the territory of the Russian Federation, the amount of pension payments cannot be less than the living wage established in the place of residence.

If, for some reason, a particular pensioner receives less than this value established at the legal level, then the state must make him an additional payment.

Terms of receipt

It is legally established that in order to qualify for an insurance pension benefit, you must have at least 10 years of the official insurance period and not less than 16.2 points. If for some reason these conditions are not met, then the pensioner will receive the minimum social pension benefit.

Nowadays, an additional payment to a pension benefit is allowed - this point is enshrined at the legal level. But in order to receive this kind of payments, it is necessary to take into account some significant aspects.

Mainly, the value of the pensioner's financial security must be less than the established minimum. This value is determined quite simply. It is necessary to sum up the following monetary accruals:

  • pension benefit or some part of it;
  • payments for additional material support;
  • monthly payments - while the price of social services provided by the state is necessarily taken into account;
  • various other measures of social support established by acts of individual subjects of the Russian Federation.

Regional support

In some regions, the pensioner is provided with financial support in the form of payment for housing and communal services, other necessary social needs.

Such a list may include:

  • telephone use;
  • payment for living in a residential building;
  • travel by public transport;
  • material compensation of other types.

When calculating the financial security of a pensioner to calculate the difference between the minimum subsistence level and his income, all of the above is taken into account. If the resulting amount is greater than or equal to the subsistence minimum, it will simply be impossible to receive any additional payments.

In what situations is it possible to receive an increased pension benefit?

In some situations, the state pays a pension benefit of an increased amount - different from the standard one. But in order to receive this type of pension benefit, certain prerequisites must be met.

These include:

  • increase in the number of financially dependent;
  • the appearance in the family of a disabled person of 1 or another group;
  • surviving up to 80 years;
  • receiving 1 gr. disability (or other) to the recipient of the pension benefit;
  • liquidation of technogenic accidents;
  • participation in hostilities.
Advice! The range of situations in which the amount of pension benefits increases is quite wide. To get acquainted with their complete list, you should definitely study the nuances of the current legal norms in advance.

At present, it is quite difficult to independently calculate the amount of pension benefits. Since the reform of pension law has occurred relatively recently. And not even all lawyers thoroughly understand the intricacies of pension legal relations. And even more so in the calculations carried out there.

Therefore, for the correct calculation of pensions, it is better to contact specialists with experience and the necessary qualifications in working with pension legal relations. Including those who know the current changes in the system of pension law.

You can first consult with specialists from the PF. And then with independent experts to analyze the information received from two sources.

Important! The calculation format has undergone significant changes - to get acquainted with the amount of pension benefits received in the future, you should contact the Pension Fund directly.

The full list of operating officially registered NPFs can be found on the website of the Deposit Insurance Agency»

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