Pension payments to working pensioners per year. Pension: indexation for working pensioners in Russia. Why was there such a delay?

Recently, pensions in Russia have been changed 3 times a year. In February, insurance pensions are increased, in April state pensions, including social pensions, are indexed, and from August 1, additional payments to working pensioners are recalculated.

As you know, in 2015 new rules for calculating pensions were introduced, but the existing system as a whole has not changed.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 400-F3 of December 28, 2013 “On Insurance Pensions”, a working pensioner can be additionally awarded no more than 3 points.

Considering that from February 1, 2016, the cost of a pension point is 74.27 rubles, the maximum increase in pension that a working pensioner can count on is 222.81 rubles.

If the pensioner continued to work on the recalculation date, i.e. in 2016 his pension was not indexed and he did not interrupt work, then when calculating the increase, the value of the 2015 pension point is taken, which is 71.41 rubles.

Thus, the maximum pension increase for these citizens, regardless of their wages, will be 214.23 rubles.

Will pensions for working pensioners be indexed in 2017-2019?

The head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin said that the pensions of working pensioners will not be indexed in 2017-2019, since such a norm is contained in the law and has been applied since 2016.

“We have this norm provided by the current legislation. Since this year, pensions for working pensioners have not been indexed, so we didn’t even discuss this issue, because this is the norm of the current law,” Topilin told reporters on Wednesday, answering the question whether indexation of pensions for working pensioners is provided for next year and in 2018-2019 years.

At the same time, the minister explained that the law also provides for compensatory indexation after the pensioner stops working.

“They won’t receive (indexation — IF) in February, but they will receive it when (finally — IF) they retire, that is, he will receive it not for the last year, but for the entire period when he worked from 2016,” said the head of the Ministry of Labor.

Indexation of pensions for non-working pensioners

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev assured that the Russian government will index pensions in 2017 according to the old scheme - based on real inflation in 2016.

“Yes, we will return to the previous pension indexation system. And at the end of 2016, we will index pensions taking into account real price increases, that is, real inflation, and we will do this at the beginning of 2017, ”Medvedev said in an interview shown on the Rossiya 24 TV channel.

The government made a decision on a one-time pension payment in the amount of 5 thousand rubles to each pensioner in January 2017. The Bank of Russia estimates that the one-time payment will cost the federal budget 220 billion rubles in 2017.

Good news to you and good luck!

The current Russian legislation regulates the right of Russian citizens to continue their labor activity even after they reach retirement age. At the moment, elderly citizens who have remained in their workplace and after the appointment of pension payments, in addition to the regular salary, receive monthly pension payments as planned.

Quite recently, the Russian Government actively discussed issues related to the possibility of stopping pension payments to officially working pensioners in 2017, which, of course, caused a wave of public indignation. This initiative was explained by the lack of public funds due to the economic crisis in the country. In connection with such discussions at the government level, many pensioners who continue to work are interested in how they will be paid in 2017.

In particular, the Ministry of Finance made several initiative proposals regarding future pension payments deducted by the state on a monthly basis in favor of working Russian pensioners. According to one proposal, as already mentioned, it was proposed to completely abolish all possible types of pension financing for working elderly citizens. According to another initiative, the abolition of pension payments concerned only the fixed part of pension finances, which in 2017 is 4,823 rubles. At the same time, the restrictive measure was designed only for Russian pensioners whose annual labor income is more than five hundred thousand rubles (or more than a million rubles, in accordance with another proposal).

As a result, all proposals to abolish pension payments to Russian citizens who receive both official labor income and pension accruals were rejected by the authorities, and the Government took the position of mandatory pension support for all needy elderly citizens, even if they currently receive additional income.

Thus, Russian pensioners who carry out official labor activities after the appointment of pension payments will continue to receive monthly payments from the state in 2017, and, as planned, in subsequent years too.

Pension indexation in 2017

Another acute pension issue, which is very relevant today in society, concerns the indexation of pension payments.

Pension indexation is one way to protect older citizens from inflationary growth. Indexing pensions is that the state increases the provisions in accordance with the increase in prices in the country.

By 2017, inflationary growth, according to the calculations of the authorities, amounted to 5.8%. Accordingly, pension payments should be indexed by this amount.

In 2016, a government decision was made to abolish the annual indexation of regular payments to pensioners who are in an employment relationship. However, despite this, the increase in their pension payments still took place due to the financial contributions of the employing companies and the accumulated IPC. Moreover, the category of citizens working at retirement age can count on a one-time state payment in the amount of five thousand rubles in 2017, along with other Russian pensioners.

This five thousandth amount, by decision of the authorities, is paid to citizens instead of the usual indexation of regular pension payments. Instead of indexation, each Russian pensioner, including working citizens of retirement age, will receive an additional amount of finance (in the amount of 5 thousand rubles), but this payment will only have a one-time nature.

An important advantage of the named system of payment of one-time assistance is the automatic procedure for its accrual. To obtain the appropriate one, you will no longer need to submit any additional applications or submit documentation packages.

But a further increase in pension payments in the order of indexation for working pensioners, as already mentioned, has so far been suspended by the Russian authorities, until 2019. A citizen of retirement age will receive the right to carry out indexation of state payments only when he officially terminates all labor relations. Moreover, his pension payments after dismissal will be recalculated taking into account all indexation increases that have occurred during the pensioner's working life.

Information that a working pensioner has become unemployed is received by the Pension Fund, and after that, a financial recalculation of pension payments is performed. This process usually takes several months, which is required for the receipt of the necessary information data in the authorized state services.

If, however, a pensioner who has stopped working, after some time period after his dismissal, goes back to work, the indexation of his pension, therefore, will stop again. At the same time, pension payments will no longer be reduced, they will, accordingly, remain at the same level.

The current regulatory amendments made to the law “On insurance pensions” led in 2017 to the fact that working pensioners lost their rights to an annual increase in pension funding from the state. The indexation of pension payments, carried out by the authorities in February of this year, affected only the pension benefits of unemployed people of retirement age. However, in August 2017, the traditional automatic recalculation awaits working pensioners.

Regular financial recalculation for the working category of pensioners is made taking into account the so-called pension points accrued during each year. The increase in pension payment as a result of recalculations in 2017 is individual in nature, and its specific amount depends on the amount of insurance premiums deducted by the employer company for the corresponding working pensioner to the All-Russian Pension Fund in 2016.

There is no documentation or application required from working pensioners to make an annual pension adjustment. It will be done automatically.

If the pensioner is an individual entrepreneur

If a citizen receiving pension payments carries out entrepreneurial activities or is a notary or a lawyer, pension indexation also does not apply to him. Such a pensioner, as in the case of ordinary work, will be officially considered to be working, since he is registered with the Russian Pension Fund as an insurer. Accordingly, it is advisable for persons of retirement age who have registered entrepreneurship, but actually do not conduct entrepreneurial activities, to close the status of individual entrepreneurs and deregister in a timely manner with the territorial tax inspectorate and the Pension Fund.

The increase in pension as a result of the August recalculation is purely individual in nature - the amount of the increase depends on the amount of insurance premiums that the employer paid for a working pensioner in the Pension Fund in 2016. To carry out the recalculation, no applications to the Pension Fund will be required - the recalculation is without application, except for persons who have the right to establish a share, but did not assign a share (civil servants, military personnel).

In accordance with Federal Law No. 400-FZ dated December 28, 2013. “On insurance pensions”, when recalculating, a working pensioner can be additionally awarded no more than three points. Considering that the cost of a pension point from April 1, 2017 is 78 rubles 58 kopecks, the maximum increase in pension will be 235.74 rubles. In cases where the pensioner continues to work on the recalculation date (i.e., his pension was not indexed in 2016 and he did not interrupt work), then when paying the amount of the increase, the cost of the 2015 pension point will be taken - 71.41 rubles. (not indexed). Thus, for this category of citizens, the maximum increase in pension will be 214.23 rubles (71.41 x 3).

In order to earn 3 pension points per year, you need to receive a salary of about 22 thousand rubles a month or more. Thus, a working pensioner will be able to receive the maximum pension increase, as a result of the adjustment, in the amount of 235.74 rubles (214.23 rubles for employees), receiving a salary in 2016 in the amount of about 22 thousand rubles or more. If the income of a pensioner is less than 22 thousand rubles a month, then the increase will be less.

As for individual entrepreneurs, if a fixed payment of 19,356.48 rubles is paid for the year, the increase will be 66.77 rubles.

"Pensions of working pensioners from February 1, 2016 are paid without February indexation, the August recalculation will also be paid. After the termination of employment by a working pensioner, his pension will be recalculated and increased by those indexation coefficients that were skipped during his employment. Indexed amounts pensions will be paid in accordance with the above law from the month following the month in which the decision of the territorial body of the PFR was made, the decision is made in the month following the month of receipt of information from the employer"- explains Anastasia Kychkina, head of the department for organizing the appointment and recalculation of pensions of the Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

For several years now, pensioners who continue to work have been faced with the fact that the payment is made in a smaller amount compared to non-working older people. This is due to the fact that the indexation of pensions for working pensioners was suspended. This category of citizens still has a slight annual increase in payments, but this applies to other grounds, and this recalculation is carried out at another time.

What is indexing

Monthly pension payments are set at a certain amount. However, food prices rise periodically, and a larger subsistence minimum is set. In order for the pension payment to remain at a level capable of ensuring normal life, annual indexation is carried out. It lies in the fact that in connection with inflationary processes and a reduction in purchasing power, the pension increases. Indexation for working and non-working pensioners was provided for by the Law “On State Pension Provision” No. 166-FZ. However, later the situation changed.

Types of pensions that are not indexed

Indexation of pensions in 2017 for working pensioners, and then in 2018 and 2019. ceased to be carried out. Therefore, those pensioners who continue to work cannot count on an increase in pensions based on rising prices for staples.

True, for pensioners this situation will not remain unchanged. After the dismissal, a recalculation will be made, which will take into account all indexations not previously made.

Comparison of the pension of a non-working and working pensioner

The following examples will help you understand how much the pension changes (indexation for working pensioners is not considered, but for non-working pensioners it is taken into account). In connection with the ongoing pension reform, this payment consists of:

  • a fixed part, which remains the same for all pensioners;
  • pension points, the amount of which is calculated on an individual basis, based on the work activity of a citizen.

In 2015, the fixed part was set at RUB 3,935, and the cost of 1 pension point was RUB 64.10. As a result of the indexation of pensions in 2017 (it was no longer counted for working pensioners), the unchanged part became equal to 4,805.11 rubles, and the score increased to 78.58 rubles. In 2019, the fixed part will be increased to 5,334.19 rubles, and the cost of the pension point will be increased to 87.24 rubles. Thus, taking into account the changes, the pension payment is significantly increased.

The following example will show the amount lost by an older person who continues to work due to lack of indexation. For example, he retired in February 2015 (it was during this period that the last indexation of pensions for working pensioners was made). At that time, he had accumulated 120 pension points. Therefore, the amount of the insurance pension will have the following size: 12,952.79 rubles. (4383.59 + 120 * 64.10).

If he quit immediately upon reaching retirement age, then in 2019 the payment will be 15,802.99 rubles. (5334.19 + 120 * 87.24). If he continues to work, then with the same number of points, the amount will remain in the amount of 12,952.79 rubles. However, the number of pension points is increasing every year, and at the same time, the pension payment will increase slightly. But more on that later.

There are also certain categories of citizens who, despite the continuation of their labor activity, receive a pension payment in full. It's about military personnel. Indexation of pensions for working military pensioners (for length of service) is carried out along with non-working military pensioners. However, if the question concerns the old-age insurance pension for former military personnel, then this procedure is not carried out in the same way as in relation to other citizens. Therefore, depending on whether the indexation of pensions for working pensioners, the insurance payment for this category of citizens will also change. The same rule applies to other special categories of citizens.

Indexation of pension after dismissal

As mentioned above, after the dismissal of an employee, due to recalculation, the pension increases. Indexation for working pensioners, which was not carried out, is completely recalculated after dismissal. Thus, the difference between the old and new amounts is corrected.

This procedure takes 3 months, during which all data is confirmed and processed, after which a decision is made to assign a new amount of payments. The new payment amount starts on the first day of the next month after the dismissal, and not after 3 months. The deposited funds will be transferred to the account of the pensioner later.

Three months is the maximum period during which recalculation must be made. But there are times when this does not happen. A reasonable question arises: will there be indexation of pensions for working pensioners after dismissal? Perhaps the reason lies in the late submission of documents by the employer. To clarify the situation, you need to contact the FIU.

When is the best time to quit your job?

Given the above information, a pensioner can independently calculate when it is better for him to quit. Some citizens are fired specifically in order to be indexed. After that, they are employed again, often at the same place of work. The Pension Fund does not have the right to deduct the recalculated indexation amounts. Therefore, a pensioner, on the one hand, continues to work and receive wages, and on the other hand, an indexed pension in the amount that is paid to non-working elderly people.

Other pensioners who feel strong in themselves and wish to work in the future, but are not going to put up with the fact that pension indexation in Russia for working pensioners is not carried out, quit their official jobs and get unofficial jobs without deductions to the Pension Fund.

Increasing your pension with Retirement Points

Despite the absence of indexation, the pension of working pensioners still increases every year. This is due to the fact that the employer periodically transfers amounts to the FIU for a working pensioner. Based on this, pension points are calculated. There is a restriction for pensioners. The maximum amount he can count on is 3 points. Therefore, the payment increases by only 200-250 rubles. in year. Such a recalculation is done in August, while the indexation of pensions is carried out in February and April.


Older people who continue to work are paid a smaller amount compared to that received by non-working pensioners, whose pension is indexed. Indexation for working pensioners was suspended several years ago, and it is not yet known when it will be resumed.

Citizens find for themselves a different way out of the situation. Some continue to work and expect recalculation after dismissal. Others decide to continue working unofficially. Still others leave specifically in order to get all the indexation, and then get employed again.

The amount of insurance pension payments and social pensions for state pensions.

  • The insurance pension is increased by a coefficient determined inflation results for the past year.
  • For social pensions, the determining factor is last year's minimum living standard pensioner in the Russian Federation.

But due to the current difficult situation in the country's economy, at the end of December 2015, a law was adopted that suspended the provisions on the procedure and conditions for indexation. The same law of insurance payments for working pensioners. The only possible option for increasing their pension remains, carried out at the expense of contributions to the Pension Fund received from employers over the previous year.

April 19 in the report on the work of the government Dmitry Medvedev mentioned that the issue will be considered in the near future return of indexation of pensions working pensioners, and on April 21, the Ministry of Economic Development began to study this issue. No specific decisions have been made so far.

When is the pension increase planned?

In connection with the rise in prices for goods and various services, an annual increase (indexation) of pensions is carried out to provide disabled citizens with basic livelihoods.

Indexation is an increase in the size of pension payments to compensate for the decrease in the purchasing power of pensions due to inflationary processes taking place in the country.

To increase the insurance pension (formerly the insurance part of the labor pension), the term adjustment.

The upgrade should take place:

The calculation of the pension is made taking into account all indexations for all years in total.

From 2018, an increased pension will begin to accrue. In order for the fund to become aware in a timely manner of the termination of employment, it is advisable for a pensioner to apply to the PFR department with an application, providing documents confirming the termination of employment or other activities:

  1. work book;
  2. employment or other contract concluded with the employer;
  3. a document on the termination of activities as an individual entrepreneur, lawyer, notary (certificates and other documents of the Federal Tax Service);
  4. passport or other identity document.

In the event of a subsequent employment of a pensioner for work, his insurance payment will remain at the same indexed amount.

Procedure for applying to the Pension Fund (PFR)

Since the second quarter of 2016, the procedure for reporting by employers to the Pension Fund has changed. In addition to the quarterly, they are required to submit monthly reports on all persons working for them. This is information about employees with whom employment contracts were concluded or terminated during the reporting period, as well as civil law contracts for the performance of work or the provision of services, for which insurance premiums are accrued from the remuneration paid.

As a result of these changes The FIU automatically learns about the termination of employment with all citizens, including pensioners. That's why:

  • if the dismissal occurred after March 31, 2016, then you should not apply to the fund. The FIU will index the pension payment on an unannounced basis, based on the information it already has.
  • if the pensioner stopped working in the period from October 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016, then in order to receive an increased amount of payments, the pensioner should still apply with an application and documents to the FIU in order to avoid various errors.

Other options for increasing the pensions of working pensioners

Despite the abolition of indexation, the amount of insurance payment for working pensioners is increasing every year.

August 1 is produced recalculation (adjustment) of pension, as a result of which its size increases due to the accumulated contributions transferred by employers or self-employed pensioners for the previous year. Contributions unrecorded at the time of appointment (previous recalculation) are converted into individual pension coefficients (IPR) or pension points.

However maximum IPC value limited by law and takes into account:

  • no more than 3 points - for pensioners who have only an insurance pension;
  • 1,875 points - for those who wished to make pension savings.

An annual adjustment is carried out in the event that one year (full 12 months) has passed since the date of assignment (previous recalculation) of the pension payment.

Recalculation is carried out PFR authorities according to the individual personal account automatically, without a pensioner's application.

In addition to the recalculation of the insurance pension, annually on August 1, funded pension adjustment(Article 8 of Law No. 424-FZ) based on contributions received during the year to the pension account of this pension.