All about the benefits for pensioners to travel on long-distance trains. To whom and what is the privilege for travel in public transport? Preferential travel on bus 1004 for pensioners

The state seeks to support pensioners. For this category of citizens, a list of benefits is provided. However, the crisis forced the authorities of the capital to think about saving.

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Because of this, pensioners were deprived of privileges for the right to travel on the metro in Moscow in 2019. The action allowed to save more than 4 billion rubles.

However, the state has not forgotten about the citizens. Pensioners received a subsidy in the form of an increase in their pension.

Initial Information

Before dealing with the issue of free rides in the metropolitan metro, it is worth finding out what benefits are provided to pensioners.

Ticket price

The deprivation of benefits forced pensioners to buy metro tickets at a cost that is relevant for ordinary citizens. From January 1, 2019, there was another increase in the fare.

It increased by about 7.5%. The price of a metro ticket in Moscow depends on the number of trips that a citizen purchases at a time. If he wants to buy:

Additionally, there are tickets that allow you to purchase trips around Moscow on all types of public transport.

The cost of a travel card depends on its validity period and ranges from 210 to 18,200 rubles. The number of trips is not limited.

What transportation benefits are provided additionally

When the benefits were abolished, a special subsidy was appointed. It is paid as a supplement to your pension. Its size is 400 rubles.

In practice, pensioners will have to pay only for travel in the subway. Today, a regional carrier operates in the Moscow region.

It allows pensioners to travel on some types of public transport for free. Veterans of labor and military service will be able to travel without paying a fee and by train.

Today, the following types of transport benefits are available to pensioners:

  • free movement on suburban transport, including trains;
  • providing a 100% discount if a pensioner goes to Moscow to visit medical institutions;
  • free use of public transport, such as a bus.

If the situation is not included in the category of the above, the pensioner will have to pay the fare on his own. Benefits do not apply to private shuttle carriers and taxi services.

All categories of citizens must pay for their services, including pensioners who previously worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, deputies and the disabled.

The consequences of the abolition of the State Service

Thanks to the reduction in the number of benefits, the Moscow authorities managed to save a large amount of money.

They were used to finance other social companies for the elderly. However, pensioners say that the abolition of the right to travel for free on the subway is very unprofitable.

The authorities of the capital are trying to compensate for the cost of travel by increasing the size of the pension and providing the Moscow allowance.

Having moved to the capital for permanent residence, a pensioner will be able to count on an additional increase in pension.

The abolition of benefits for free trips to the subway hit the pockets of Moscow pensioners hard. The compensation provided by the authorities is not enough to move around the capital without any problems.

However, the decision made allowed to significantly reduce the costs of the region. The authorities saved more than 4 billion rubles, which were used to implement other programs for pensioners.

No changes are expected in the near future with respect to the issue. The authorities do not plan to return benefits in their original form.

However, retirees can access a limited number of free rides provided each month.

Video: how prices for public transport in Moscow have changed


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The Russian government is doing its best to support pensioners and ensure their dignified old age. This category of citizens of the Russian Federation can count on a variety of benefits that really simplify many everyday moments and save money. However, one should not forget about the crisis and the deterioration of the economic situation in the country, which forces the state as a whole to save.

Due to negative trends in the economic plan, the Moscow government had to decide to deprive pensioners of the right to preferential travel in the metropolitan metro, trams and trolleybuses already this 2018. This action in aggregate should save at least 4 billion rubles, which will go to the primary goals of the Moscow annual budget.

But retirees need not despair. In connection with such a decision, they will receive supplements to the amount of their pensions. If they do not use the metro and other public transport too often, then there is a good chance to get out of this situation with a plus by slightly increasing the amount of their monthly income.

Partial return of benefits for pensioners in 2018

According to the latest news, one can understand that such a decision of the capital's officials did not satisfy the local pensioners and even caused a wave of discontent. This resentment did not affect the decision, but judging by the latest statements, the authorities want to make a small compromise.

Specialists began to develop a new project for the implementation of privileges for pensioners, which, after all, will not be able to return the initial amount of benefits, but will allow them to be implemented in a certain amount. A system will be introduced that makes up to 10 free trips to the subway within a month.

Such a decision does not cancel the additional payments to pensions, the decision on the payment of which was made earlier. As a result, pensioners will receive coupons for preferential travel and surcharges. Everyone will be able to spend additional amounts to the pension on travel if he needs it so often, or simply use it for other purposes, which is undoubtedly a plus for the monthly consumer budget of a Moscow pensioner.

Although, not everyone is happy with the amount of the surcharge, because 400 rubles, according to most pensioners, is too small an amount that cannot fully cover travel costs if they need it regularly.

As a result, we have a smoldering conflict between pensioners and the Moscow authorities, because it is impossible to return benefits due to lack of money in the budget. And pensioners, in turn, now take on the burden when they use public transport more than 10 times a month.

Today we will be interested in such a moment as a travel allowance for pensioners. This is what worries many people. Indeed, in Russia there are many citizens of retirement age. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to constantly use public transport, because prices in Russia are steadily growing, and pensions are not indexed. Therefore, the travel allowance came in very handy for pensioners. Let's discuss what the state offers to this category of citizens and what privileges they can hope for.

general information

It should be noted right away that in Russia all benefits and privileges for pensioners differ. And many factors influence this. Even travel benefits for pensioners in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities are not the same.

Why? Of course, it all depends on the status and seniority of the former employee. In addition, the retirement age for different categories of persons does not occur at the same time. This, in turn, also affects the nature of benefits. Including travel. So it's worth considering. It is quite easy to decide what exactly is due to this or that pensioner. The main thing is just to be aware of what affects the nature of the travel benefit.

War veterans

Well, perhaps, we will begin to consider each case separately. Fortunately, the benefit for pensioners in public transport (buses, trolleybuses, trams) is provided, as a rule, without any problems. And the first category worthy of attention is veterans.

Such persons by age are entitled to free travel. That is, they can travel for free on any public transport as many times as they like. True, with one caveat: the vehicle must be urban. If you are planning a long journey, you can only count on a certain discount when buying a ticket. At the moment it is 50%. Veterans, upon reaching retirement age, have the full right either to free travel in public transport, or to half the amount for a ticket when traveling by rail and shipping. Such a travel concession is provided to pensioners in Russia. But that is not all.

Labor veterans

Travel benefits for Moscow pensioners (and not only) are also offered if they have the status of a labor veteran. Do not confuse this privilege with the previous one. It has significant differences. What are we talking about?

The fact is that the travel allowance for pensioners with the status of labor veterans is offered on a mandatory basis only for urban public transport. That is, it is on it that you can move for free within the area as many times as you like. And this is already pleasing.

But if we talk about long journeys, everything is very confusing here. The problem is that pensioner benefits for travel in public transport (urban) are always offered. And in the case of using shipping or, for example, railway - no. It all depends on the internal rules of your region. Thus, someone makes a "discount" for labor veterans, someone provides completely free travel, and somewhere there are no privileges at all. This is decided by the authorities of each city separately.

Partial compensation

It is not always possible to ride public transport around the city for free. In some cases, non-working pensioners are entitled to partial compensation for travel in both directions. This privilege extends to those who live in the Far North or in areas with similar conditions.

So travel benefits for pensioners in the Moscow region of this type will not be offered. Only as an exception and if there is a certificate of a long stay in such areas. Practice shows that partial compensation of travel in Russia is a huge rarity. So the most ordinary pensioner can not count on her. But there is a category of citizens who are allowed to ride public transport for free without any problems. It's definitely better than being compensated.

Discount travel card

Next, it is worth mentioning another rather pleasant moment that will be provided to pensioners. Citizens who have reached retirement age (for men - 60 years, women - 55) are entitled to the so-called preferential travel card. What does it mean?

Travel benefits for pensioners in the Moscow region are provided to everyone falling under this category. Consequently, pensioners can ride public transport (urban, of course) at a discount. How much is it? 50% of the ticket price.

True, in order to take advantage of this benefit, you need to present a social card or a pension certificate. A travel ticket with a corresponding mark on the right to receive compensation is also suitable. Please note: the document must contain a photograph of the bearer. Often, pensioners are denied benefits in the absence of images confirming their identity.

Public opinion

Travel benefits for pensioners near Moscow (and not only them) cause a double opinion in society. Especially when it comes to a particular pensioner. Unfortunately, not everyone behaves culturally in public transport, and this causes bewilderment among citizens who honestly paid the fare and expect to comfortably get to the right place. Sometimes negative public opinion forces pensioners not to use benefits.

For those who do not know where to get information about possible benefits, it is worth considering that each city has special privileges in this regard. Therefore, you can find out about them by calling or personally appearing at social services. Any citizen has the right to demand from employees comprehensive information about what exactly he is entitled to in the form of travel benefits.

Where does the rule not apply?

Travel allowance for pensioners does not apply everywhere. There are some categories of public urban transport that do not allow older people (with the exception of war veterans, and even then not always) to enjoy privileges from the state. Usually, in such cases, you can understand the carrier: if all pensioners are transported for free, then the company will be left without income. Or you will have to raise once again the fare for an ordinary citizen. And this is far from the best reception, because society is already dissatisfied with fares. And an increasing number of people refuse this type of movement, preferring to walk, ride bicycles or their own cars.

In what cases can pensioners not count on any benefits and privileges at all? First, in a taxi. If you call yourself a private car, the driver will not care who is in front of him - a young man or an elderly man. The fee in such cases is taken regardless of age. The state does not encourage taxi drivers to provide fare benefits. Unless you can count on a certain discount, which is given according to some general events and rules. That is, if any, they apply to all citizens, not just pensioners.

Secondly, route vehicles. They also do not have any travel concessions for the elderly. And all for the same reason: the lack of legal compensation to companies. And it is not planned to introduce this kind of privileges, since a fixed-route taxi is a rather small-capacity vehicle.


Now Russia is discussing the abolition of travel benefits for pensioners. And in general, the complete disappearance of such a thing as a benefit for public transport. This forced measure arose in connection with the current crisis in the country. True, so far the matter has not gone beyond discussions.

This measure is motivated by the fact that there are few war veterans left, and every year there are more and more pensioners in Russia. It turns out that in order to survive the crisis, it is necessary either to significantly raise the fare for ordinary citizens (which, of course, will entail negative consequences, because the quality of transport and service is not improving), or to refuse benefits in principle.


Almost all privileges have already been canceled in the capital. Practice has shown that citizens cope with the abolition. Yes, there is some dissatisfaction, but this is better than raising the fare for buying tickets. Therefore, now the government is trying to cancel travel benefits for pensioners in all regions of the country.

Is it correct? Only to some extent. Benefits for pensioners to travel in public transport should not be completely canceled, but it is necessary to limit the privileges, given the conditions of the crisis.

Citizens of the Russian Federation of retirement age need to apply to the local social security authority in order to arrange travel compensation for a pensioner in 2018. Financing of transport subsidies will be carried out from the federal and regional budgets on the basis of relevant legislative acts. The right to free use of municipal public transport will remain for a number of preferential categories, the rest of the elderly will be able to apply for financial compensation or a reduced ticket.

What is travel allowance for pensioners?

Subsidies for travel to pensioners are one of the types of social state support for this category of citizens. Every citizen of the Russian Federation after the retirement age (women - 55 years old, men - 60 years old) has the right to receive benefits when using urban public transport (metro, buses, trams, trolleybuses). The rules for reduced fares do not apply when using fixed-route taxis.

What benefits are provided

Reduced travel for pensioners in urban transport is partially subsidized at the federal level, partially funded from regional budgets. The amount of payments and the scheme of their accrual change annually. State social services recommend annually to apply for clarification of information and execution of the necessary documents to receive compensation. In addition to preferential travel, pensioners are entitled to a number of other federal and regional benefits.

At the federal level

Travel compensation for pensioners in 2018 for a number of privileged categories of citizens at the federal level will be made on the basis of the following legislative acts:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the rules for compensation of expenses for paying the fare to pensioners" dated 01.04.2005 No. 176.
  • Law "On Veterans" dated January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ.
  • Law "On the Social Protection of the Disabled" dated November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ.

According to federal law, along with travel compensation, citizens of retirement age have the right to use the following benefits financed from the federal budget:

  • Tax incentives - exemption from property tax (one object owned), tax deduction for the purchase of housing for working pensioners (due to income tax compensation).
  • Vacation pay is the right to additional paid leave of 14 days.
  • Utilities - a benefit when paying a contribution for a major overhaul: 50% for persons over 70 years old, 100% - for citizens over 80 years old (in the absence of arrears in payments for utilities and only for people living alone).
  • Financial - additional payment up to the subsistence minimum to all categories of pensioners, when the amount of the assigned pension is below this minimum allowable threshold. There are also bonuses for age, for disability, for caring for a disabled dependent, for work in the Far North and regions equivalent to it.
  • Transport - for persons living in the territories of the Far North and regions equated to it, an annual travel paid from the budget to the place of rest and back through the territory of the Russian Federation is provided. There are transport benefits for military pensioners and employees of the internal affairs and state security agencies.

Local Benefits

The regional level provides for special fares and other methods of providing concessionary travel (eg compensation). At the same time, each region determines the amount of subsidies and the procedure for their provision independently, based on local programs of social support for the population of preferential categories. For Moscow residents of retirement age in 2018, free travel by municipal transport and suburban electric trains will be replaced by an increase in monthly transport compensation. Other regional benefits include:

  • benefits for utility bills (water supply, electricity) - for pensioners living alone in the absence of debt for housing and communal services;
  • allowance for seniority for civil servants, the military (for injuries during service), for maternal work, professional allowances, bonuses for donors, allowances for Moscow pensioners.

Discounts on public transport

Cash compensation is provided to all categories of citizens of retirement age, does not apply to long-distance transportation (with the exception of the right of pensioners of the Far North to a place of rest on the territory of the Russian Federation), is carried out at the local level with the help of registration:

  • special travel tickets;
  • establishing special travel rules for citizens of retirement age;
  • payment of a compensatory pension supplement.

Benefits and compensation are provided when using city municipal public transport, do not apply to taxis, minibuses and private bus routes. Reduced tickets for suburban trips (buses, trains) are provided only to certain categories of citizens of retirement age in the amount of full compensation (free travel).

Seasonal benefits are provided for air transportation - for pensioners living in remote regions (Siberia, the Far East), for long-distance railways - for elderly citizens - residents of the Far North. The amount of compensation for other categories of citizens of retirement age is set by the regional authorities individually, in accordance with the local policy of social protection of low-income strata of the population.

Who is eligible for free public transport?

Full compensation - free travel for pensioners in public transport - is provided for by federal law for such categories of Russian citizens as:

  • participants and invalids of the Second World War (Great Patriotic War);
  • family members of the military who died in the fighting;
  • victims of the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident;
  • rear workers;
  • heroes of labor of the times of the USSR and the Russian Federation, members of their families:
  • concentration camp prisoners, prisoners of war;
  • disabled people of all groups;
  • persons recognized as victims of political repressions, rehabilitated;
  • awarded with the sign "Honorary Donor" (in Soviet times and in the period of modern Russia);
  • families raising children with disabilities, plus persons looking after children with disabilities;
  • children and other categories of citizens receiving a survivor's pension.

Who is entitled to a discount on travel by train in 2018

Preferential travel in electric trains will be provided to federal beneficiaries. For other categories of pensioners, the issue of compensation will be decided at the regional level. Moscow pensioners in 2018 will lose free travel on suburban electric trains - it will be compensated by a doubling of monthly transport payments. Veterans of the Second World War, the disabled and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other state security agencies will retain the right to preferential use of suburban transport throughout the Russian Federation.

Pensioners of St. Petersburg will be able to get a seasonal discount when using short-range electric trains in the amount of 90% in the period from May to October. Residents of the Leningrad region of retirement age will enjoy an 85% discount regardless of the season. Pensioners permanently residing in Moscow and having a Moscow residence permit will retain the right to travel free of charge on electric trains within the Moscow Ring Road. Residents of other regions should clarify their benefits with local social security authorities.

Compensation for travel to and from the place of rest

At the federal level, for privileged categories, payment for transportation to places of treatment is provided. There is a payment for travel to pensioners of the Far North who receive a labor pension for old age or disability to a place of rest and back once a year within the country. To receive compensation, you must contact the pension fund. The application is submitted in the form prescribed by law, indicating the place of rest and documents confirming the forthcoming stay of a citizen in a sanatorium, dispensary or any other place of rest.

Northerners who have a confirmed official status can receive compensation in the form of reimbursement of expenses for the purchase of tickets, or in the form of a preferential travel document. The benefit applies to the following types of travel:

  • railway transport (classroom cars of passenger trains);
  • air transport (economy class);
  • inland water transport (cabins of the third category on all ships operating domestic flights);
  • sea ​​transport (cabins of 4-5 groups of a sea vessel for all lines of regional communication);
  • motor transport (intercity buses on regular routes).

Benefits for travel to the place of treatment within the Russian Federation rely once a year and military pensioners with a length of service of 20-25 years. Compensation for the price of tickets is also provided for persons accompanying them. Preferential tickets upon presentation of the relevant documents are issued at any box office. Restrictions are imposed on persons who retired after 2012. These citizens will have to pay for their own transport services by rail, air and motor transport.

Where to get a travel card

To issue a travel ticket, a pensioner must contact the social security authorities, write an application in the prescribed form and attach the relevant documents to it (passport, pension certificate and documents giving the right to receive benefits). After receiving a certificate of passing a medical social examination, a citizen is registered in a single database of beneficiaries. The received certificate is the basis for issuing a travel card, which is issued at any ticket office and is valid for all types of municipal public transport.

How to get free travel

Travel compensation for pensioners in 2018 will be issued on the basis of the necessary documents in the departments of local social protection. A citizen of retirement age has the right to refuse to receive a preferential travel pass in favor of receiving a compensatory monthly payment. The financial benefit will have to be transferred in parallel with the main pension payment. The funds are disbursed monthly.

In a number of regions, instead of a travel ticket, the state issues a transport card with a limited number of trips per month, which, upon presentation of the relevant documents, can be issued at multifunctional public service centers. For pensioners of St. Petersburg there will be a single nominal travel card for citizens with a residence permit or officially registered registration (valid for permanent residence). With its help, older people will be able to purchase tickets for all types of municipal public transport at a reduced price.


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Russian legislation guarantees citizens the right to pensions (FZ No. 166), as well as state social assistance (FZ-178). The federal law establishes rules that are binding on the entire territory of Russia, the constituent entities of the Federation are expanding the list of benefits for pensioners, introducing additional privileges, and increasing salaries.

The Moscow authorities began 2019 with a decision to increase pension benefits, cash, compensation. The laws of the city of Moscow, the decrees of the Moscow Government and the Federal Law answer the question of what benefits are provided to pensioners in Moscow in 2019.

Preferences for Moscow pensioners

The types of indulgences and their amount largely depend on whether the pensioner receiving the old-age allowance has additional grounds for realizing the benefits. Moscow Law No. 70 establishes a list of beneficiaries for whom social support measures are provided.

Moscow legislation:

  • retained federal privileges;
  • significantly expanded the list of privileged categories of citizens;
  • offered other concessions to the residents of the capital, not stipulated by the Federal Law.

Most exemptions are provided for:

  • rear workers;
  • labor veterans;
  • rehabilitated persons;
  • WWII participants.

Slightly fewer local concessions are offered:

  • the blockade of Leningrad;
  • old age pensioners.

Benefits for Moscow pensioners in 2019 depend on:

  • belonging of the applicant to the preferential category;
  • the amount of his income;
  • time of residence in the capital;
  • fact of employment.

Benefits for housing and communal services

  1. When the expenses of pensioners-residents of the capital to pay utility bills exceed 10%, the budget compensates for the difference or allocates funds under the subsidy program. , military personnel.

    Federal regulations are limited, Muscovites are compensated for expenses based on actual expenses, metering devices.

  2. 100% expects citizens who have reached the age of eighty, 50% - or living together with another recipient of state security.
  3. The city authorities subsidize for pensioners: telephone communications, garbage collection and disposal, payment for Russian Railways tickets to the place of treatment and back (for those who are not working).

Transport benefits

The presence of titles, awards, regalia will provide a number of additional transport benefits to Moscow pensioners:

  • discount on Russian Railways and air tickets;
  • special fares for travel by trains "Sapsan", "Lastochka", electric trains;
  • privilege in terms of paying the cost of the OSAGO policy;
  • social taxi for the disabled;

The right of free travel on public transport is used by residents of the capital on a social card, including pensioners.

Medical Benefits

For medical reasons:

  • health resort vouchers;
  • social assistance during the day;
  • preferential purchase of medicines (50-100%);
  • free dentures;
  • provision of prosthetic and orthopedic products;
  • extraordinary entry into gardening, horticultural partnerships.

Social card benefits

Elderly people can apply for a social card (Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 668-PP), which will provide many benefits:

  • free travel by city, suburban transport;
  • preferential services in the service sector (shops, pharmacies);
  • use instead of a policy in medical institutions;
  • receiving allowances, subsidies, compensations to the card account;
  • payment of utility bills without commission.

The card is issued to people who are registered with the social security authorities:

  • parents with many children;
  • privileged categories of citizens (veterans, heroes, disabled people, etc.);
  • the poor.

tax incentives

Ownership of property ( , ) imposes an obligation on the owner to pay taxes. For the elderly, the NC has prepared privileges.

  1. The news was the amendments to the Tax Code. Federal Law No. 436 (December 28, 20017), when calculating the land tax, reduced the tax base for pensioners by 600 square meters (Article 391 of the Tax Code, clause 5.8). For a plot, the area of ​​which does not exceed the specified values, no payment is charged.
  2. Article 407 (clause 4) gives a list of real estate objects, in relation to each of these types, a pensioner is provided with a 100% benefit (1 object of each type). An additional discount is provided for: outbuildings up to 50 sq.m., located on summer cottages, garden plots, lands for individual construction; space for creative activities.
  3. Regarding the ownership of transport, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Moscow Law No. 33 did not provide benefits to pensioners in Moscow for 2019. Muscovites do not pay duty if they own a car: specially equipped for the disabled; purchased through social security (up to 100 l / s); power up to 70 l / s.
  4. When purchasing housing, an elderly Russian has the right to count on a refund of 13% of the cost of housing (Article 220 of the Tax Code).
  5. Personal income tax is not withheld from all types of social payments.

Additional payments

Decree of the Moscow Government No. 74 indicates the procedure for assigning city surcharges. Unemployed retired Muscovites are paid extra by the city authorities up to:

  • living wage;
  • regional social standard (RSD).

The living wage for Moscow pensioners in 2019 is 11,816 rubles, RSD is 17,500 rubles.

Old-timers of Moscow who have been registered in the city for at least 10 years receive an additional payment to the standard.

For example, veteran athletes receive 13,500-15,000 rubles from January 1, 2019. monthly. The medal "For the Defense of Moscow" will add 8,000 rubles to the owner's pension, the title of Hero of the USSR - 25,000 rubles. as additional financial security, 1500 rubles EKB.

In case of refusal from a set of social services (NSU), a citizen will be given the monetary equivalent of assistance - a monthly allowance due to the law on "monetization of benefits".

One-time financial assistance awaits:

  1. Anniversary couples: 50 years old - 20,000 rubles; 55, 60 years old -25,000 rubles; 65, 70 years old - 30,000 rubles
  2. Centenarians (100 years or more): 100 years - 25,000 rubles; 101 years and older - 15,000 rubles.

Registration of benefits

The pension fund and social security authorities are the authorities where a resident of Moscow needs to turn for clarification on what benefits Moscow pensioners have in 2019. Government officials will help with registration.

IFTS is a tax service. Calculation of fees, taking into account the benefits in the powers of this executive body.

The MFC is an institution created for the convenience of citizens. An elderly person can get the realization of preferential rights through this center.

Many actions with a minimum expenditure of effort can be performed by the government web portal "Gosuslugi":

  • get information;
  • apply;
  • transfer information.

FZ-384 (December 5, 2017), from January 1, 2019, made it possible to receive services in a subdivision of an authority on the territory of the Russian Federation that is convenient for a citizen, regardless of where the applicant is registered or lives.

Capital life is expensive for the elderly. Transport and utility tariffs are rising. The indexation of pensions, the increase in city surcharges, the maintenance by the authorities of the policy of social support for Muscovite pensioners will help maintain a decent standard of living for older citizens in Moscow.