Preferential pension - conditions for obtaining. Early retirement Retirement at age 55

Effective January 1 retirement age law(its text is below). On September 27, 2018, the State Duma considered and finally adopted this bill along with the proposed amendments to it; on October 3, 2018, it was signed by President V. Putin.

You can open the text of the law in full by clicking on the image below.

The changes will take place in stages - the retirement age will increase from 2019 annually for 1 year, except for the first two years, when preferential conditions for retirement will apply - 6 months ahead of the deadline set by the new law. The final values ​​for men and women (65 and 60 years respectively) will be set from 2023. These changes in the law can be illustrated in the following table:

Retirement age - table by year

Retirement under the old lawRetirement age under the new lawYear of retirement under the new law
I half of 201960 + 1 – 0,5 = 60,5 * 55 + 1 – 0,5 = 55,5 * II half of 2019
II half of 20191st half of 2020
1st half of 202060 + 2 – 0,5 = 61,5 * 55 + 2 – 0,5 = 56,5 * II half of 2021
II half of 20201st half of 2022
2021 60 + 3 55 + 3 2024
2022 60 + 4 55 + 4 2026
2023 etc. 60 + 5 55 + 5 2028 etc.

Note:* - according to Vladimir Putin's amendment about, six months earlier the new retirement age (set by an annual increase of 1 year) will be able to reach those citizens whose retirement age, according to the old law, was supposed to come in 2019 and 2020.

Thus, the so-called "transitional period" with an increase in the retirement age will be 5 years for men and women. It will affect those citizens of Russia who, according to the current standards, should have retired in 2019-2023. Accordingly, this is:

  • men born in 1959-1963;
  • women born in 1964-1968.

Russians born after this period (men born in 1963 and women born in 1968 and younger), according to the new law, will retire already upon reaching the new established retirement age (respectively 65 and 60 years).

It is noteworthy that, in accordance with the proposed schedule for raising the retirement age, retirement before the end of the transition period should be in a year, and only in even years - 2020, 2022, 2024, 2026 and 2028. However, in 2019 and 2021, men and women will also retire, who, at the time the new pension law comes into force, will be less than 2 years old before the old retirement age ( see table above).

Early retirement in 2019

The new law on pensions from 2019 also involves changing the timing of retirement for privileged categories of citizens(the so-called "preschedules").

The pension legislation provides for the right to early retirement (the so-called preferential pension) for certain categories of citizens, respectively, for women aged 50, 52, 53, 55, 58 years, for men - 55, 57, 58, 60, 63.64 years .

As a general rule, as a result of the ongoing pension reform, taking into account the increase in the retirement age in 2019, the old-age insurance pension is assigned and paid to insured persons under the following conditions:

  • reaching the age of 65 for men, 60 for women (with the exception of civil servants. For them, the retirement age is set to 65 for men and 63 for women).
  • the presence of insurance experience (annual increase up to 15 years by 2024 is provided);
  • the amount of pension points (IPK) (an annual increase of up to 30 points is provided for by 2025).

Read more about the conditions for assigning insurance pensions in the article at the link.

The right to early retirement for men is regulated by Federal Law No. 400-FZ "On Insurance Pensions in Russia" (as amended in 2019).

Conditions for the appointment of early retirement

The law provides for the possibility of early retirement upon reaching:

  • certain age;
  • the presence of a minimum number of pension points;
  • minimum insurance experience;
  • minimum length of service in the relevant job

Depending on the types of work, these conditions may be required in full or selectively. At the same time, the presence of a certain amount of the individual pension coefficient (IPC) is required for all categories. For early retirement, you must have at least 30 points.

Early retirement for men at the age of 40 is provided:

  • persons who have worked for at least 15 years as rescuers in professional emergency rescue services, professional emergency rescue units of the EMERCOM of Russia and participated in emergency response.

Early retirement for men at the age of 45 is provided:

  • patients with pituitary dwarfism (Lilliputians), and disproportionate dwarfs, if they have an insurance record of at least 20 years.

Early retirement for men at age 50

The right to early retirement for men at the age of 50 is granted:

  • visually impaired people with I disability group if they have insurance experience of at least 15;
  • permanently residing in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them, as reindeer herders, fishermen, hunters;
  • if they have worked for at least 10 years in underground work, in work with harmful working conditions and in hot shops and have an insurance record of at least 20 years. If these persons have worked at the listed jobs for at least half of the period established above and have the required length of insurance period, they are granted early pension with a decrease in the previously established retirement age (60 years) by one year for each full year of such work;
  • if they have worked for at least 25 years in the positions of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (fire protection, fire fighting and emergency services).

Early retirement for men at age 55

The right to early retirement for men at the age of 55 is granted:

  • one of the parents of disabled children who raised them until they reach the age of 8 and have at least 20 years of insurance experience;
  • disabled due to military injury if they have an insurance record of at least 25 years;
  • if they have worked in jobs with difficult working conditions for at least 12 years 6 months and have an insurance record of at least 25 years. If these persons have worked at the listed jobs for at least half of the established period and have the required length of insurance period, they are assigned an early pension with a decrease in age by one year for every 2 years and 6 months of such work;
  • if they have worked for at least 12 years and 6 months as working locomotive crews and employees of certain categories, directly organizing transportation and ensuring traffic safety on railway transport and the subway, as well as drivers of trucks directly in the technological process at mines, open pits, mines or ore quarries for the export of coal, slate, ore, rocks and have an insurance record of at least 25 years;
  • if they have worked for at least 12 years 6 months in expeditions, parties, detachments, sites and brigades directly in the field of geological exploration, search, topographic and geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest management and survey work and have an insurance record of at least 25 years;
  • if they have worked for at least 12 years and 6 months as workers, foremen (including senior ones) directly at logging and timber rafting, including maintenance of mechanisms and equipment, and have an insurance record of at least 25 years;
  • if they have worked for at least 20 years as machine operators (docker-machine operators) of integrated teams in loading and unloading operations in ports and have at least 25 years of insurance experience;
  • if they have worked for at least 12 years 6 months as a crew member on ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet (with the exception of port ships permanently operating in the port water area, auxiliary and crew vessels, suburban and intracity ships) and have an insurance record at least 25 years old;
  • if they have worked as drivers of buses, trolleybuses, trams on regular urban passenger routes for at least 20 years and have an insurance record of at least 25 years;
  • if they have worked in the field of direct flight control of civil aviation aircraft for at least 12 years and 6 months and have an insurance record of at least 25 years;
  • if they have worked in the engineering and technical staff for the direct maintenance of civil aviation aircraft for at least 20 years and have an insurance record in civil aviation for at least 25 years;
  • if they have been employed at work with convicts as workers and employees of institutions executing criminal sentences in the form of deprivation of liberty for at least 15 years and have an insurance record of at least 25, respectively.

Preferential pension for men at age 60

Early pension is assigned to men upon reaching the age of 60, if they have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in areas equivalent to them and have an insurance record of at least 25 years. For citizens who worked both in the regions of the Far North and in areas equated to them, an insurance pension is established for 15 calendar years of work in the Far North. At the same time, each calendar year of work in areas equivalent to the regions of the Far North is considered nine months of work in the regions of the Far North. Citizens who have worked in the regions of the Far North for at least 7 years and 6 months are granted an insurance pension with a reduction in the retirement age by four months for each full calendar year of work in these regions. When working in localities equated to the regions of the Far North, as well as in these localities and regions of the Far North, each calendar year of work in localities equated to regions of the Far North is counted as nine months of work in the regions of the Far North.

Early retirement for men at age 63

There is another type of early pension, which can be assigned before reaching the generally established retirement age, but it does not depend on working conditions or health status, but is associated with the loss of a job and the recognition of a citizen as unemployed. The right to early unemployment pension comes when men reach the age of 63 years, for women - 58 years. One of the conditions for early retirement is that the dismissal must occur in connection with the liquidation of the organization or the termination of the activity of an individual entrepreneur. The requirement for insurance experience is at least 25 years.

Early retirement for men when working in certain specialties

There is no specific retirement age for early retirement for workers in certain specialties. A prerequisite in this case is the minimum length of service by profession, upon reaching which a pension benefit arises. In such cases, a man can retire at the age of 48, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59 years.

The right to early retirement is granted to men:

  • persons with at least 42 years of insurance experience, the old-age insurance pension can be granted 24 months before reaching the retirement age.
  • directly employed full time in underground and open pit mining(including the personnel of mine rescue units) for the extraction of coal, slate, ore and other minerals and the construction of mines and mines if they have worked in the specified jobs for at least 25 years, and for workers in leading professions - miners of a stope, sinkers, jackhammers , drivers of mining machines, if they have worked in such jobs for at least 20 years;
  • who have worked for at least 25 years on ships of the marine fleet of the fishing industry at work on the extraction, processing of fish and seafood, the acceptance of finished products in the fishery (regardless of the nature of the work performed), as well as on certain types of ships of the sea, river fleet and the fleet of the fishing industry;
  • who have worked for at least 25 years in the flight crew of civil aviation, and when leaving flight work for health reasons, who have worked for at least 20 years;
  • for at least 25 years pedagogical activity in institutions for children (teachers, educators). Since 2019, the minimum retirement age for teachers has changed. Read more about early retirement for teachers in the article at the link;
  • carried out medical and other health care activities population in health care facilities for at least 25 years in rural areas and urban-type settlements and at least 30 years in cities, rural areas and urban-type settlements, or only in cities. Since 2019, the minimum retirement age for healthcare workers has changed. Read more about early retirement for doctors in the article at the link;
  • carried out creative activity on stage in theaters or theater and entertainment organizations (depending on the nature of such activities) for at least 15 - 30 years.

Prepared by "Personal"

1. How much sea experience does it take to retire at 55 for a man in 2019?

1.1. At least 12 years 6 months (FZ 400 on insurance pensions)

2. I am a man, born in 1958, retired at the age of 55 due to northern experience. In NPF Otkritie I have 60 thousand rubles of savings. How can I get them? Where and how to apply.

2.1. Good afternoon

You should apply for a lump sum payment (standard form).
Specify the procedure for the application form and submission of the application by phone directly to JSC NPF OTKRITIE.

3. Man, 55 years old. To retire at 60, I heard that you need 40 years of experience (or 42?) Studying at the institute (worked before entering) and military service are included in the experience?

3.1. Based on your year of birth, you should retire at 65. With 42 years of service, the retirement age is reduced by 2 years. Service in the Army is included.

4. Preferential pension.
For builders, a retirement benefit was provided at 55 for men who have worked for 12.5 years in privileged professions. Valid... 0 replies

4.1. If you mean certain professions (positions) in construction, which are listed in list No. 2 as giving the right to early retirement, then they act, nothing has changed in this part.

5. A 55-year-old man (turned this year, Kr. Severa region) PFR does not accrue an old-age pension, because. experience is small, only 7 years. This year he was recognized as a disabled person of the 3rd group. A person cannot work, barely moves on crutches, means of subsistence-0 rub. There is an elderly 78-year-old father from relatives. They live separately. What are the next steps, what to do?

5.1. Dear Tatyana!
Your friend is entitled to a disability pension.
In accordance with Art. 9 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ (as amended) "On insurance pensions", "insurance disability pension is established regardless of the cause of disability, the duration of the insurance period of the insured person, the continuation of labor and (or) other activities by the disabled person, as well as whether the disability occurred during employment, prior to entry into employment, or after termination of employment.

5.2. Good evening, Tatyana!

The old-age pension is assigned to men at 60 years old, and not at 55 years old. You do not confuse early retirement for those men who have 25 years of insurance experience and 15 years of northern.

Art. 9 FZ-400
1. Citizens from among the insured persons recognized as disabled of groups I, II or III have the right to an insurance disability pension. The recognition of a citizen as a disabled person and the establishment of a disability group are carried out by federal institutions of medical and social expertise.

2. The disability insurance pension is established regardless of the cause of disability, the duration of the insurance period of the insured person, the continuation of labor and (or) other activities by the disabled person, as well as whether the disability occurred during the period of work, before entering work or after the termination of work.

6. What will happen to our pensions? Our region is equated to the regions of the Far North. Men - exit at 55, women - at 50 Wife - born in 1971, I - 1966 In what year will we retire?

6.1. Nothing. No decisions were made on early pensions, according to the text - your northern ones, five years earlier than the generally established age, so you will leave. It's just not at 55 and 50, but a year and a half later.

7. How will the retirement time change if a man turns 55 years old (lives in Murmansk, north) on January 01, 2019.

7.1. Hello Nina!

At the moment, in accordance with subparagraph 6, paragraph 1, article 32 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ (as amended on June 27, 2018, as amended on October 3, 2018) "On insurance pensions" Old-age insurance pension is assigned earlier reaching the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law, if there is an individual pension coefficient of at least 30 for the following citizens: men over the age of 55, women who have reached the age of 50, if they have worked at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in areas equivalent to them and have an insurance record of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively.

What will happen from 01/01/19 will be clear when the changes to the mentioned Federal Law come into force.

7.2. Good evening.. If you have enough seniority for early retirement, then according to the new law, your retirement will be shifted by one year.
Benefits for citizens who, according to the old legislation, were supposed to retire in the next two years (2019 and 2020) - have the right to apply for a pension six months earlier than the new retirement age.

8. We have a pension for men in Arkhangelsk - 55 years old. I am born in 1961 In recent years, he worked in various "LLC and Chp". They appear to have paid no taxes. Up to pence. The experience was not enough for 5.5 years. All the records are in the labor, but I was to blame. In the pension they said, you will receive at the age of 60, as in Russia. Until this term, I have less than 2.5 years. Now a new pension law has come out. Tell me, please, will I now receive a pension at the age of 60, as they said, or will my pension somehow be postponed in time under the new law? Thank you in advance.

8.1. Hello, yes, most likely, if you do not have 25 years of insurance experience and 20 years of experience in an area equated to regions of the far north, you will be issued a pension already under the new law, at the age of 63. However, at the age of 60, apply to the FIU, you may have gained the missing experience. It is necessary to look at the decision of the FIU to refuse to accrue a pension to you. I had a lot of court cases when they included periods of work for which the employer did not pay contributions to the insurance period. Contact me, I'll help.

9. According to the old law in the north, women retired at 50, and men at 55. The question is, according to the new law, what is the retirement age, just don’t talk about indigenous peoples?

9.1. According to the bill

The pension system should be adequate to the modern economic development of the Russian Federation and comply with international standards, taking into account the experience of raising the standard retirement age by a number of European states and states from among the former Soviet republics that are economic partners of the Russian Federation within the framework of

of the Eurasian Economic Union, the draft law proposes a gradual increase in the age at which an old-age insurance pension will be awarded, including early, in

G. No 400-FZ "On insurance pensions"

Yes, it is proposed

Fix the generally established retirement age at

The level of 65 and 63 years for men and women, respectively.

The increase in the retirement age will be carried out gradually during the transition period from 2019.

Until 2034. This measure will affect men born in 1959. and women

born 1964 Citizens of the indicated years of birth, subject to transitional provisions, will be entitled to retire

In 2020, at the age of 61 and 56, respectively.

Accordingly: 1) men born in 1960, women born in 1965

G.R. get the right to retire - in 2022

Year (at the age of 62 and 57, respectively);

2) men born in 1961, women born in 1966 - get the right

Retirement - in 2024 (at the age, respectively,

63 years old and 58 years old);

3) men born in 1962, women born in 1967 -

Receive the right to retire - in 2026 (in

Age, respectively, 64 years and 59 years);

4) men born in 1963, women born in 1968 - get the right

Retirement - in 2028 (at the age, respectively,

65 years old and 60 years old);

Similar practice of raising the retirement age

It is found in a number of foreign countries (Belgium, Israel, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Greece).

10. When should men retire if they had a benefit for "harmfulness" with an exit at 55 instead of 60? How now? Add 5 years? Or not...?

10.1. Good afternoon Currently, the retirement age has not yet been raised and previously existing norms are in effect. Since I do not know your age, I cannot predict the date of retirement, but I recommend that when you reach 55 years old, apply to the pension fund of the Russian Federation. If at that time there are grounds for refusal, then it will explain exactly when you have the right to retire.

11. In 2019, I will turn 55 years old (male), I will be able to retire (northern) or the age limit will already increase.

11.1. Good afternoon So far, only the bill has been passed. The law has not yet been passed. They plan to adopt in 2019 and gradually increase the retirement age by one year, every year. So you can retire at 55.

12. I can’t understand why at 45 years old, because the pension in the north for men at 55 years old, according to part 2 of article 33 fz 400, the age for granting a pension is reduced by 5 years. That is, 50 years and not 45? Or I don't understand.

12.1. Hello Guest.
Yes, taking into account the length of service, it is possible to reduce the retirement age. In this case, the maximum reduction will be 10 years. For a more detailed analysis, it is necessary to study the documents on experience.

13. What should be the length of service for men when they retire at 55 in the regions of the Far North and equated to it?
Is service in the army in the regions of the Far North and equated to it included in the length of service or not?

13.1. 1. General experience - 25 years.
Federal law on insurance pensions. Article 32

1. An old-age insurance pension is assigned before reaching the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law, if there is an individual pension coefficient of at least 30, to the following citizens:

6) men who have reached the age of 55, women who have reached the age of 50, if they have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in equivalent areas and have an insurance record of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively . For citizens who worked both in the regions of the Far North and in areas equated to them, an insurance pension is established for 15 calendar years of work in the Far North. At the same time, each calendar year of work in areas equivalent to the regions of the Far North is considered nine months of work in the regions of the Far North. Citizens who have worked in the regions of the Far North for at least 7 years and 6 months are assigned an insurance pension with a decrease in the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law by four months for each full calendar year of work in these regions. When working in localities equated to regions of the Far North, as well as in these localities and regions of the Far North, each calendar year of work in localities equated to regions of the Far North is counted as nine months of work in regions of the Far North;
2. Service in the army is included in the general experience in the usual calendar order, even if you served in the nuclear submarine.

13.2. Hello! In accordance with clause 6, part 1, article 32 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Insurance Pensions", the right to early retirement is granted to: "6) men who have reached the age of 55, women who have reached the age of 50, if they have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in areas equated to them and have an insurance record of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively. 15 calendar years of work in the Far North.In this case, each calendar year of work in areas equated to regions of the Far North is considered nine months of work in the regions of the Far North.Citizens who have worked in the regions of the Far North for at least 7 years 6 months, an insurance pension is assigned with a decrease in the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law by four months for each full calendar year of work in these areas. equivalent to the regions of the Far North, is considered to be nine months of work in the regions of the Far North".
Good luck and good!

14. I have been a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs since 2008. They live in the Chernobyl zone where men retire at the age of 55. This November I will be 55 years old.
Q: Can I apply for a civil pension upon reaching the age of 55?
Thank you.

14.1. In any case, no, if strictly according to the text. The right to an insurance pension - you will not have, the length of service used to determine the right to a service pension is not taken into account in insurance pensions.

15. I have been a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs since 2008. They live in the Chernobyl zone where men retire at the age of 55. This November I will be 55 years old.
Q: Can I switch to a civil pension upon reaching the age of 55?
Thank you.

15.1. Hello, not to switch to a civil pension, but to apply for a civil pension, these are slightly different things. You will receive a pension for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as well as a civil pension If you have earned.

16. I am a pensioner since I was 50 years old. I live in Murmansk. Men in the North retire at the age of 55. I went to sea, sailors. Profession from the list. From the age of 50, an old-age pensioner. Can I change my pension to northern, taking into account the fact that after 50 I continued to work and whether it will be more than before. Now I receive, taking into account the regional coefficient, 14,942 rubles without kopecks. Twice, as a working person, my pension was not indexed. Loss within 1000 rubles. Thank you.

16.1. Good day!

You can apply to the FIU with an application for the recalculation of pensions. If YOUR OPTION is beneficial to YOU, YOUR pension will be recalculated
Good luck to you! Always happy to help

17. Pension should be at the age of 55 on a preferential list, man. The year before, he had been made redundant. He could not find a job. Is it possible to apply for a pension without waiting for 55 years?

17.1. If a citizen is registered with the employment center and they cannot find a job, then in the direction of the employment service, the citizen will be assigned a pension ahead of schedule.

18. A man retired at the age of 55 according to the northern experience, will there be a recalculation at the age of 60?

18.1. At the age of 60, there will be no recalculation of the pension if the man does not continue to work. The evaluation of pension rights is carried out on the same grounds as at the age of 55.

18.2. Of course, there will be a recalculation if this pensioner, after receiving the right to a pension, continued to officially work for five years.

19. Is it possible to retire not at 55, but at 50, if men served in a hot spot (Afghanistan) in the highlands for 2 years on conscription. Experience 23.5 years on the second grid + 1.5 years.

19.1. The hot spot does not provide any benefits for early retirement, so retirement in this case is not possible under the circumstances you specified.

20. For early retirement on harmfulness at the age of 55, a man needs to gain 12.5 years (150 months) of service on the 2nd grid of the qualification guide. He is not confirmed by 13 months, but I confirm only 137 months of harmful experience.
Does he have the right to retire early, at what age is the basis.

20.1. It may well be, if the insurance experience is enough.

Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 (as amended on December 19, 2016) "On Insurance Pensions" (as amended and supplemented, effective from January 1, 2017)
Article 30

1. An old-age insurance pension is assigned before reaching the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law, if there is an individual pension coefficient of at least 30 to the following persons:

2) men upon reaching the age of 55 and women upon reaching the age of 50, if they have worked in jobs with difficult working conditions for at least 12 years, 6 months and 10 years, respectively, and have an insurance record of at least 25 years and 20 years, respectively. In the event that these persons have worked at the listed jobs for at least half of the established period and have the required length of insurance experience, the insurance pension is assigned to them with a decrease in the age provided for in Article 8 of this Federal Law by one year for every 2 years and 6 months of such work for men and for every 2 years of such work for women;

21. I read on the Internet that in order to receive a pension in 2017, a 55-year-old woman or a 60-year-old man needs at least 8 years of service and at least 11.4 pension points. Can I find out what these points are and who calculates them and how?

21.1. Hello! Depending on the amount of your salary, pension points are credited to your personal account with the Pension Fund at the end of the year. Good luck and good!

22. The man retired at 55. has the title of Veteran of Labor. At what age is he eligible for benefits for this rank? (Tambov region, city of Morshansk)

22.1. Dear Olesya, in case of awarding the title of labor veteran, he has the right to benefits, including utilities, from the moment this title is awarded. Good luck to you and all the best.

23. Women born in 1961 have already retired at 55. And for men of that year of birth, what will not be in 60? Where is social justice, like everyone is equal under the laws. From the idea of ​​raising the retirement age in the near future, such inequality follows.

23.1. If he is not a state or municipal employee, then the retirement age has not changed. See Article 8 and Appendix 3 to the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions".

24. In areas equivalent to the Far North, men are entitled to a pension at 55 years of age. If there is a disabled child, can the child's father retire at 50?

24.1. Hello! By virtue of subclause 1, clause 1, article 28 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On labor pensions", a pension is assigned to one of the parents of disabled children who raised them until they reach the age of 8: for men upon reaching the age of 55, for women upon reaching the age of 50, if they have insurance experience of at least 20 and 15 years.

25. When is the retirement age? Men retire at 60 and women at 55, is it the same? Or has it changed since January 1, 2017?

25.1. What time is the retirement age? Men retire at 60 and women at 55, is it the same? Or has it changed since January 1, 2017?
No, for ordinary citizens nothing has changed yet ..

25.2. The retirement age for state and municipal employees has changed. They are retiring this year at the age of 55.5 for women and 60.5 for men.

25.3. Hello dear.
Article 7. Conditions for assigning an old-age labor pension

""1. The right to an old-age pension is men over the age of 60 and women over the age of 55.
2. An old-age labor pension is assigned if there is at least five years of insurance experience.

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26. What benefits does a man who retired at 55 have? Worked on the railroad.

26.1. What benefits does a man who retired at 55 have? He worked on the railroad. At the federal level, these benefits are not provided.

26.2. Social security for pensioners

A one-time incentive for conscientious work upon dismissal of an employee from Russian Railways in connection with retirement, regardless of age, including disability groups I and II.
Provision of a corporate pension to employees dismissed no more than 2 years before the age for the appointment of an old-age pension, upon its appointment.
Non-state pension provision of employees through the NPF "Welfare".
Monthly material assistance to non-working pensioners who do not have the right to non-state pension provision, through the "Honor" charitable foundation.
Monthly financial assistance to non-working pensioners - Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, as well as those awarded the Order of Glory of three degrees, the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees, Heroes of Socialist Labor in the amount of 7,500 rubles through the Honor Charitable Foundation.
Financial assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War on Victory Day.
Medical care in non-state healthcare institutions of the company.

Sanatorium-resort recovery.
Providing needy non-working pensioners with domestic fuel.

Right of free travel (granted to pensioners and their dependent children under the age of 18):
on a one-time transport request in a compartment car of long-distance trains;
in suburban trains for a total distance of two directions up to 200 km.

26.3. Your husband has already exercised the right to preferential retirement under schedule 2 or 1, he is assigned pension payments. If local acts of Russian Railways provide for any additional payments to pensioners, then it is better to contact the railway management directly. If I fully answered your question, I'm glad to help you! You can use the services of a site lawyer to solve your problems.

27. I live in the city of Kurgan. I am 55 years old male. I have been receiving an old-age pension since August, as I have worked out harmful experience. I was awarded a government award, I have a labor veteran certificate. I applied to the Department of Social Protection of the Kurgan Region for housing and communal services, but I was refused due to not reaching the age of 60. Is such a waiver legal?

27.1. Is such a waiver legal?

Address your question to those who specialize in these matters. I can give you a lawyer's phone number.

proposed by the government. However, it will take place taking into account the adjustments proposed in Vladimir Putin's address to the citizens of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2018. All planned changes from 2019 already provided for by Law No. 350-FZ of October 3, 2018, signed by the President.(text below).

Retirement age law from 2019

In his televised address in August 2018, the President noted that in Russia “the attitude towards women is special, careful”, therefore, on his instructions, the Cabinet of Ministers prepared an amendment to the bill, which provided for reducing the retirement age for women by 3 years relative to the 63 years proposed in the original version - i.e. up to 60 years old, as well as having three and four children. Further fate of the bill (in the second and third readings in the State Duma).

Will implement gradually from January 1, 2019. Given the mitigation of the rate of increase in the standard age in the first 2 years, the changes for women will be implemented as follows:

According to the proposed schedule, the increase in the retirement age will affect all citizens who, as of January 1, 2019 not yet in time to retire under the old law (women who are under 55 at the beginning of 2019).

This means that the retirement age will be raised in one way or another for all women (with the exception of early-age workers) who in 2019 will be 55 years old or less- and this. A pension from the age of 60 will be assigned to those women who turn 55 in 2023 and later.

Retirement schedule by year from 2019 for women

Date of reaching 55 years of ageHow many years will retirement be delayed?Retirement age under the new lawWhat year will you retire
2018 - 55 2018
1st half of 2019+ 0.5 55.5 2nd half of 2019
2nd half of 2019+ 0.5 55.5 1st half of 2020
1st half of 2020+ 1.5 56.5 2nd half of 2021
2nd half of 2020+ 1.5 56.5 1st half of 2022
2021 + 3 58 2024
2022 + 4 59 2026
2023 and later + 5 60 2028 etc.


  • Those women who Turns 55 in 2019 are already subject to the transitional provisions of the new law. For them, retirement will be delayed by 6 months - they will be able to make payments when they reach 55.5 years (respectively, in the second half of 2019 or the first half of 2020).
  • To those who have 55th anniversary will be in 2020, the increase relative to the old standards will be 1.5 years (instead of 2 years according to the schedule proposed by the Government). They will be able to make pension payments in the second half of 2021 and the first half of 2020, respectively, when they reach the age of 56.5 years.
  • To those who Turns 55 between 2021 and 2022, an intermediate value of the retirement age will be established, taking into account the annual increase by 1 year - 58-59 years.
  • Women who 55 years will be in 2023 and later, will retire already according to the final standards of the new law - at 60 years old. They will be able to make payments starting from 2028, etc.

New table of retirement from 2019 by year - women from 60 years old

As noted earlier, women will fall under the action in Russia, since 1964 year of birth, since they will reach the age of 55 after the amendments to the pension legislation.

But since the new law provides for conditions for retirement, some women will be subject to intermediate provisions (2019-2026) - for them, the age of payment will be less than 60 years old.

You can determine in which year women of a particular year of birth will retire after 2018 using the following table:

Retirement table from 2019 by year for women


  • For women born in 1964 the so-called "working period" will be extended by 6 months (i.e. until reaching the age of 55.5), as they fall under the transitional provisions of the law.
  • For women born in 1965 the retirement date will be delayed by 1.5 years, i.е. until reaching 56.5 years.
  • For women born in 1966 and 1967 the rate of increase in the retirement age standards will be greater - an increase of 1 year annually. Payment processing for them will be delayed for 3 and 4 years, respectively.
  • Women born in 1968 and later will draw up a pension from the age of 60 - for them the final value of the retirement age will be set.

Retirement of mothers with many children

The new law provides for the possibility of having three or four children. Such a change was adopted at the proposal of the President - the amendment was considered and approved in the second reading by the Parliament of the bill on pension changes from 2019. The final content of the law was adopted on September 27, 2018 during the third reading, signed by V. Putin on October 3 and officially published on October 4.

In his address to the citizens of the Russian Federation on August 29, 2018, Vladimir Putin noted the need to provide such benefits to mothers of large families according to the following scheme:

  • if a woman has three children, then she will be able to 3 years earlier than the generally established retirement age make pension payments;
  • if four children, then 4 years ahead of schedule;
  • if there are 5 or more children, the current legislation already provides for such mothers retirement at 50.

The age of early retirement will be determined based on the final retirement age - those. from 60 years old. This means that women with many children will be able to make payments ahead of schedule. only upon reaching 56/57 years (for three/four children, respectively).

  • Women will be the first to leave early on preferential terms Born in 1965 with 4 children(in 2021, upon reaching the age of 56, when the general retirement age for women born in 1965 will be 57 years).
  • The following will be able to take advantage of early payouts women born in 1966 with 4 children also at the age of 56 (they will retire in 2022, while on a general basis, women born in 1966 will retire in 2024 at the age of 58, and if they have 3 children - in 2023 at the age of 57 ).
  • And so on.

Has the law on a pension at 60 been adopted for a woman in Russia?

О lowering the retirement age for women from 63 to 60 years old announced by President Vladimir Putin during his address to citizens, which took place on August 29, 2018. An amendment to the bill containing such adjustments was prepared by the Government - on September 26, 2018, it was already unanimously approved by the deputies of the State Duma.

The final form of the law on raising the retirement age in Russia was adopted by the State Duma September 27, 2018. This law () was signed by the President on October 3.

According to the procedure provided for by Russian legislation, the consideration of the Government bill passed all required steps:

  1. Until September 24, 2018 was held collection of amendments to the bill which were considered in the second reading. Among those approved by the Parliament, the following can be distinguished:
    • Introduction of an amendment proposing a reduction in the retirement age for women from 63 to 60 years.
    • Enshrining in the law the new order proposed by the Government with rates above the level of inflation (on average).
    • Fixing the concept of “pre-retirement age” in legislation in order to oblige employers to notify the Ministry of Labor of the dismissal of older employees.
    • The advanced training program for citizens of pre-retirement age, to finance which the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population proposes to allocate about 5 billion rubles annually.
    • An increase in the transition period in the first 2 years of the reform (i.e., a decrease in the rate at which the normative value of the age will increase annually), etc.

      The final list of amendments to the law was considered by deputies during the second reading - September 26, 2018

  2. During the second and third readings, the deputies considered and voted for the proposed amendments, as a result of which the parameters proposed by the Government for raising the retirement age for women and men were adjusted.
  3. After the draft law was finally adopted by the State Duma, it was approved by the Federation Council and signed by President Vladimir Putin on October 3. Further, the final law was officially published, and the entry into force of the law took place as of January 1, 2019.

Early retirement is assigned according to professional or social indicators. For their registration, the applicant must meet the requirements approved by law. The main criteria are the presence of specific and / or general experience, length of service, residence in the northern regions. For each category of beneficiaries, their own age limits are determined, which can reach 40-55 years or not depend on age at all. Women with many children, guardians and parents of the disabled, unemployed pre-pensioners can also apply for the benefit.

The list of persons who may qualify for early retirement has been approved at the legislative level. Moreover, the requirements for residence, lists of professions, social status and other conditions are mentioned in various regulatory documents.

Table 1. Regulatory documents

Name of the law The essence of the document
Ch. 6 FZ-No. 400 of December 28, 2013 (as amended on June 27, 2018) Indicates eligibility for early retirement benefits.
from 16.07.2014 The lists of professions, jobs, positions, industries, organizations and the rules for calculating the length of service for assigning preferential early payments have been approved.
Article 14 of Federal Law No. 426 dated December 28, 2013 (as amended on July 19, 2018) Assesses harmful working conditions.
Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR No. 10 of 01/26/1991 Complete List 1 and List 2 of harmful and difficult working conditions with professions, positions, etc.
Art. 11 FZ-No. 166 dated 12/15/2001 (as amended on 03/07/2018) On the state provision of disabled people and small peoples of the North.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. dated 01.01.2015 A list of regions and small peoples of the North has been approved.
Art. 32 FZ-No. 1032-1 dated 04/19/1991 (as amended on 07/03/2018) On the rules for calculating early pension payments to the unemployed.

In addition, as a result of the implementation, a number of provisions of existing legislative acts will be amended or supplemented in terms of age norms, length of service, other conditions and the provision of additional benefits.

Who can apply for early retirement

Prior to the start of the pension reform norms, women at the age of 55 and men at the age of 60 were entitled to a labor pension. It was from this age criterion that they repelled when calculating early retirement.

The right to earlier processing of payments is granted according to social indicators:

  • women with many children who gave birth to 5 or more children and raised them up to 8 years;
  • one of the parents or guardian of a disabled person from childhood, subject to the upbringing and care of him until the age of 8;
  • disabled people who received a military injury;
  • visually impaired group I;
  • midgets and dwarfs;
  • permanently residing in the regions of the Far North;
  • the unemployed who lost their jobs at pre-retirement age.

A more extensive list of beneficiaries is provided for the appointment of an early labor pension. You can apply for a pension earlier than the generally accepted period:

  • workers in heavy, hazardous and hazardous industries;
  • persons with a "northern" experience;
  • citizens of the Russian Federation whose total experience exceeds 45/40 years.

To determine groups of professions, areas of activity, preferential lists or hazard nets have been developed.

List I includes professions associated with dangerous and unhealthy working conditions. This right has employees who work:

  • in metallurgical, coke-chemical, chemical production;
  • in mining, underground works;
  • in medical institutions with radioactive or radiological substances;
  • on railway, maritime transport, subway, civil aviation;
  • associated with the processing of gas, oil, coal, shale, gas condensate;
  • in glass, pulp, printing industries;
  • with explosive and radioactive, chemical substances;
  • in nuclear energy, etc.

In total, the list of areas of activity that give the right to early retirement according to the first list has 24 positions.

List II includes difficult working conditions, which, in addition to the listed areas, include work in the field of communications, agriculture, light and food industries, etc. (a total of 34 positions).

Conditions for the appointment of early payments

Since citizens of various categories have the right to early retirement benefits: by profession, place of residence, social status, length of service, the conditions for assigning payments differ significantly.

Hazard pension

The main criterion for the appointment of an early pension for work in hazardous working conditions is:

  • the presence of special experience;
  • duration of the general work experience;
  • achievement by the applicant of the retirement age established for his category.

Table 2. Conditions for assigning payments under Schedule 1

Note! For each additional year of work in harmful conditions, if more than half of the established norm is exceeded and the necessary length of service is available, early retirement is increased by 1 year.

Table 3. Conditions for assigning payments under Schedule 2

To reduce the age limits by 1 year, a man must additionally work in difficult conditions for 2.5 years, women - 2 years, with a total excess of special experience by 1.5 times.

Important conditions for the appointment of a preferential pension:

  • compliance of working conditions with established standards;
  • transfer by the employer of additional insurance premiums: 9% of the employee's salary from the 1st list, 6% - from the 2nd list.

Important! During a televised address to the people, Vladimir Putin said that the age limits for entering a well-deserved rest for persons involved in hazardous industries will remain unchanged.

Preferential labor pension

There are a number of professions for which there is no mandatory work experience.

In these cases, the main criterion for assigning preferential payments is the presence of special experience. In the people, this type of provision is called a service pension. In fact, it is a preferential early pension for specific work.

Table 4. Conditions for the appointment of early retirement benefits

Profession Special experience Retirement age
Men Women Men Women
Textile industry with increased weight 20 50
Underground and open pit mining 25 Regardless of age
Leading professions in underground and open pit mining 20
On the ships of the marine fleet of the fishing industry 25 20
In the flight crew of civil aviation (when leaving work for health reasons) 25(20) 20(15)
Lifeguards in professional emergency services 15 40 or whatever age
In the fire department 25 50
25 Regardless of age
Health workers in rural areas and urban-type settlements 25
Doctors in cities 30
Creative activity on the stage in theatrical and entertainment organizations or theaters 15–30 50–55 or whatever age

Note! For registration of payments, the applicant is obliged to document the presence of special and / or general experience.

This type of early security is paid to the pre-pensioner until the moment of employment or retirement due to old age.

Details about the registration of early retirement for the unemployed in the video:

Early retirement for the disabled

Early retirement of disabled people is provided only for a few categories in the presence of seniority.

Table 6. Conditions for assigning payments to disabled people

Also, parents and guardians of a disabled person from childhood have the right to issue pension insurance coverage ahead of time if they raised a disabled person before reaching the age of 8. For them, the age limit is 50/55 years with a 15/20 year term of employment.

Important! For every 1.5 years of guardianship, the vacation period is reduced by 1 year, but cannot exceed 5 years in total.

Pension provision for mothers with many children

According to Art. 32 of the Federal Law No. 400 in the last edition of 2018, insurance payments ahead of schedule are due to women who have given birth and raised 5 or more children. The main condition is the upbringing of children up to 8 years of age and the presence of insurance experience of 15 years. Subject to these conditions, a woman has the right to issue payments from the age of fifty.

But in connection with the pension reform, this period will be systematically increased. In his speech on the softening of the reform, the head of state announced new rules for mothers of large families. All women with many children received the benefit. At the same time, the terms were reduced:

  • for 3 years - for mothers of 3 children;
  • for 4 years - for women who raised 4 children;
  • for 5 years - for mothers who have 5 or more children.

However, this reduction will be calculated taking into account the new age limits. That is, after 2028, when the retirement age of women reaches 60, mothers with many children who have raised more than 5 children will be able to apply for labor support at the age of 55.

Education: Higher economics, specialization - management in the industrial sector (Kramatorsk Institute of Economics and Humanities).
September 11, 2018 .