Certain categories of pensioners will receive their January pension ahead of schedule. Most Russians will receive January pension payments well in advance When January pension payments start

The official calendar year in January begins with a series of holidays

Since the New Year holidays in Russia will last from January 1 to January 8, all pensioners are interested in the question of when they will receive their pensions. It should be clarified that usually the first payments begin at the beginning of the month, that is, in fact, pensions for January should have been calculated on the 3rd and 5th, but in January these days fall on holidays, so the pension will be issued at the end of December 2017, RIA reports. VladNews with reference to Informing.

It should be noted that the official calendar year in January begins with a whole series of holidays, when the bulk of state institutions and organizations in Russia do not work. The Pension Fund takes all this into account and makes some changes to the money disbursement schedule in advance: payment dates that coincide with public holidays are postponed to other days; partial issuance of January pensions is carried out at the end of December of the current year.

Thus, if an elderly citizen should receive social benefits from the state on a holiday, then this period is automatically transferred to the next working day. But even here it is necessary to take into account how exactly the organization that pays and delivers targeted benefits on the eve of the holidays will work.

Those pensioners who receive their payments through Sberbank, mail or the Pension Fund itself, as a rule, are warned in advance about changes in the payment schedule. Relevant information is posted on the Internet resources of these organizations or in the media. According to preliminary data, older people who receive a pension at the very beginning of January (no later than 3-4 numbers) will receive cash allowance ahead of schedule, for example, from December 25 to December 30.

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When will the pension for January 2018 be credited to the Sberbank card: bank work schedule

On the eve of the winter holidays, many Russians are interested in the work of Sberbank in 2018. In this article, you will find out: on what days you can make mandatory payments, when you can receive a pension for January on a card, salary, or perform other financial actions.

Sberbank work in January

Given that Sberbank is part of a group of commercial organizations with state participation, it is subject to all government regulations regarding state institutions. The Ministry of Labor has already provided the work schedules of state structures for January 2018. Following the working calendar, all state institutions will not work during the "New Year holidays", and this also includes holidays until 01/08/2018. In this regard, all branches of the Security Council will begin to fully work only from 01/09/2018.

It is also worth noting that the specifics of the work of this banking structure does not allow you to have days off for a long time. Therefore, as before, special duty days will be assigned to the bank.

Based on practice, in order to resolve the primary current issues, the bank will need no more than 3 days. On specially allotted duty days, usually in the branches of the Security Service, payments are accepted. It is important to note that during this period, all bank branches have a reduced work schedule from 8.30 to 16.00.

Weekend calendar for January 2018

Duty days on Sat

All lists of branches that will work on duty days, as well as specific dates, are provided on the official website of the Security Council. The accrual terms are adjusted by the Central Bank of Russia. Taking into account the work of payment systems, spare working days of Security Service branches are assigned. In 2018, such days are: 01/03/18 - 01/05/18. During this period, you can resolve the necessary financial issues in the on-duty branches of Sberbank.

However, the bank warns all citizens that it is necessary to perform only primary operations - this will allow them to maintain the rhythmic work of the institution without an excessive influx of customers.

Duty days in the branch of Sberbank

Customer service during the holidays remotely

Regardless of whether the bank is open or not, remote devices serve customers every day, 24 hours a day. Before a long weekend, all SB ATMs are fully loaded with cash, therefore, there should be no failures in issuing money. As the practice of previous years shows, the bank's terminals served customers regardless of the amount requested by the user. The bank assures that there will be no restrictions on the issuance of money. Also, during the New Year holidays, all remote services of the Security Service will work properly.

The user's personal account will be available around the clock, even on New Year's Eve. Holidays and weekends do not apply to automated systems. The only thing that can be is an increased time when processing a payment. For legal entities, all accounts will also be available. This also applies to remote offices of organizations operating as usual. However, payments will be made according to duty days - from 01/03/18 to 01/05/18.

Sberbank opening hours

Pension payment schedules for January 2018

According to the legislation since 2001, all pensioners of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to receive their pensions in Sberbank. Older people already know exactly when pension funds are transferred to their bank cards. They are informed about this by the SB service - “SMS-banking”, which is connected automatically during the registration of the issuance of pensions through the bank. A banking institution has a single charter for all its divisions, regardless of the region of the Russian Federation in which they are located.

Therefore, the terms for calculating pensions throughout the territory of the Russian Federation are the same. Nevertheless, there are such dates when the usual schedule for calculating a pension may be violated. This has to do with such long holidays as the New Year holidays. As a rule, the Security Council informs its clients about the change in the established schedule: paperwork; the issuance of pensions; payment of mandatory fees.

Therefore, according to the experience of past years, pensioners already know that the Security Council starts calculating pensions only after the end of the New Year's entrance (from 01/09/2018). Those pensioners who have pensions in Sberbank need to calculate their savings in order to buy gifts for their loved ones and celebrate the New Year.


When will pensions for January 2018 be paid through Sberbank in Moscow and the Moscow Region?

In Moscow, a pension for pensioners in January 2018, despite the New Year holidays, when all office workers go on vacation, will still be issued on the same day as always, namely, on the 3rd day of each month, and all this because that in Sberbank the management organized a duty for three days from January 3rd to 5th and the bankt will work, but only, unfortunately, as on a holiday - until 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Almost every year, it makes a decision on the early payment of pensions for January of the next year, if the pension payment period falls on the period from January 1 to the last non-working day, that is, in 2018, if according to the pension payment schedule they should be paid from January 1 to January 8, 2018, then in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region, these payments will be postponed to December 2017 and pensions will be paid until December 28, 2017. If, according to the schedule, pensions are paid on January 9 and later, then payments will be made in accordance with this schedule.

As far as I know, Sberbank of Russia has just announced that the transfer of the required pension payments to plastic cards for January 2018 in the city of Moscow, for those Russian pensioners who were supposed to receive them in the period from January 1 to January 8, 2018, will be made on Thursday, December 28, 2017. In addition, starting from Tuesday, January 9, 2018, Sberbank of Russia will make the required pension payments on plastic cards for January 2018 in the city of Moscow in its usual manner.

When will Sberbank transfer the pension for January 2018 in Moscow? What's the latest news?

Many pensioners are concerned about this question, and therefore we answer.

That the pension will be transferred already in the first days, namely the third of January.

Despite the big New Year "holidays", Sberbank will transfer money from January 3 to January 5, 2018 to all pensioners. I mean in Moscow.

Pensioners in Moscow and the Moscow Region, who receive a pension every month on the first days, will receive it at the end of December, on December 28 or 29, 2017.

The remaining pensioners who receive a pension in the middle and at the end of each month will receive a pension after the holidays, according to their pension schedule.

In addition, you can consult Sberbank specialists by calling this phone number.

All pensioners in Moscow will start receiving pensions on their bank cards from January 3rd. It is on this day that Sberbank begins duty during the New Year holidays. Well, the Russian Post will start the difference in pensions a little later, but still they won’t delay for a long time, since Christmas is not far away there either. Of course, you don't need to worry about this. There is money to pay pensions, even taking into account indexation for last year's inflation and even higher.

The specifics of the work of Sberbank does not allow employees to rest all holidays. Someone needs to pay their bills, and someone needs to receive a pension. Duty days are allocated for such operations, they will be from January 3 to January 5, 2018 inclusive. Therefore, pensioners can come and receive their pension on these days.

New Years is soon. Almost all state institutions will leave for the New Year holidays and start working only from January 9, 2018.

Pensioners are concerned about such a question when they will be transferred their pension for January. It is good for those who have a pension at the end of January, pensioners will receive it exactly on time.

Many branches of Sberbank will also work on New Year's holidays.

You can find out how Sberbank will work in your region by phone number

8 495 500-55-50. Also, if you receive a pension at the beginning of the month, it is possible to pay your pension ahead of schedule, at the end of December, on the 28th-30th.

So don't worry, you will still receive a pension.

For each region, branches of Sberbank Bank can individually set the dates for the offices on the January holidays, usually the work of the offices starts on January 4 and goes every other day. It is at this time that pension payments will be made.

New Year's holidays are just around the corner. Many pensioners are interested in when they will be given (transferred) a pension by Sberbank of Russia. Since all citizens of the Russian Federation will have a rest for 10 days, therefore, some of the branches of Sberbank will not work on holidays. You can find out the work of branches of Sberbank of Moscow and the Moscow Region by phone: 8 800 555‑55-50, 8 495 500‑55-50.

Perhaps Sberbank will issue (transfer) pensions ahead of schedule at the end of 2017. All other pensioners of the city of Moscow and the Moscow region will be able to receive their pensions after January 09, 2018.


Fast questions and instant answers to them

Pension for January 2018 - when will it be given, what is the schedule for paying pensions for January 2018?

Sometimes it happens that pensions for January are issued in December of the previous year, which, of course, is very good and makes pensioners happy, but more often they receive their pensions directly in January, but New Year and Christmas holidays must be taken into account. In 2017, the official last working day in many organizations is December 30, but most post offices in Russia work on the 31st, respectively, it is also possible to receive a pension on this day, but it is better to find out in your particular office whether they will be issued in advance.

The official holidays at the post of the Russian Federation are the numbers of January 1.2, then 7, and the sixth - the day is shortened by an hour because it is Christmas Eve. All other days at the post office are regular mode and you can receive a pension as usual. Those who receive a pension are usually given in advance, and they are also warned about it, they can give it 10 days before the end of December, if they didn’t, then on non-holidays they will give it according to the schedule.

Everything will depend on whether there will be a budget deficit at the end of 2017 or not? About 2% (if we take GDP as a whole) - this is the forecast and these are quite good indicators, since the same European Union has almost 1% more indicators. It would seem that it is a good opportunity to start paying off debts on January pensions at the very end (December) of 2017, but you should consider:

  • indexation will still be in 2018 and its amount is planned exactly for the corresponding annual budget;
  • it is planned to replenish the same reserve fund, from which the possible budget deficit is repaid. In 2018, it has a planned level that is twice as high as this year, namely, 4%;
  • the truth and elections, as they say, are "on the nose" and this may affect populist measures.

So, most likely, payments will still begin in December and continue in January. Everything will go according to the payment schedules predetermined by the fund.

When will the pension for January 2018 start? How to find out the terms and amount of your pension for January 2018?

Due to the fact that we usually have long holidays for the new year and many organizations do not work, many pensioners are worried about when they will be given a pension if their issue date falls on the dates that fall on the New Year holiday.

To begin with, let's decide on the end date of these protracted holidays: according to the production calendar, the holidays will be considered the end of December and the first days of January: December 30-31, 2017 and from January 1 to January 2 inclusive and then from January 6 to January 7, 2018 inclusive. So, the working days will be such days: 3, 4, 5, 8 and beyond.

So, those pensioners whose pension payment comes out on the first days of the month will be paid a pension at the end of December 2017. Those pensioners who have this date on the 5-8th day are also early. There is no need to worry about this, the state has provided for everything. Further, the payment schedule will work as before.

Regarding the size of the pension, indexation is expected for all pensioners by 3.7%. To find out the amount of your pension, you need to multiply the amount received by this number.

January for pensioners is a time of nerves and a time of joy at the same time. First, pension indexation is coming. Albeit insignificant, at 3.7 percent. But still, it's good. Secondly, on the nose of the holiday and you need to understand how and where to get a pension in January 2018. And here everything is quite simple. The distribution by the pension fund is done in such a way that part of the pensioners will receive at the end of December. And some on the eve of the holidays and after them (from January 9 or in some bank branches on duty).

In any case, there is nothing to worry about! Everyone will get their money. So it was in previous years, so it will be in the future.

All pensioners know that in many state institutions, including banks, there will be New Year holidays until January 9, 2018. At this time, some banks do not work, but on New Year's holidays, on-duty bank branches will work.

In December, a pension can be issued to pensioners ahead of schedule if the period for receiving a pension falls at the beginning of January, from the 1st to the 8th. Others will receive pensions after the New Year holidays. Starting January 10, 2018. Do not worry, all pensioners will receive their pension. there may even be a slight delay of a couple of days due to public holidays.


Let's look at the December 2017 pension and benefit payment schedule for discrepancies with the standard timing for receiving pension benefits. The schedule for paying increased pensions for December 2017-January 2018 has become known. Pension for January 2018 - when will they be given, what is the schedule for paying pensions for January 2018?

The payment of pensions for January 2018 in the Moscow region will be timely or early, for example, in Sberbank, VTB and Bank Vozrozhdenie, pensions can be received on December 29, and in Russian Post offices - according to the schedule, and pensions for January 7 will be issued January 5, according to the press service of the Pension Fund of Russia branch in Moscow and the Moscow region.

“The branch of the Pension Fund of Russia in Moscow and the Moscow Region reports that due to the holidays in January 2018, pensions and other social payments for January will be made according to the following schedule. Department of the Federal Postal Service of Moscow - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post: January 3, 4, 2018 - according to the established schedule; January 5, 2018 - for January 5 and 7, 2018; January 6, 2018 - according to the established schedule; from January 8, 2018 - according to the established schedule.

The Federal Postal Service of the Moscow Region - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post and alternative home delivery services for pensions will work from January 3, 2018 according to the established schedule.

Sberbank of Moscow, Centralny branch of VTB Bank and Bank Vozrozhdeniye will issue pensions on December 29, 2017; Central Russian Bank of Sberbank of the Russian Federation - December 29, 2017, January 10 and 15, 2018.

Adjustment of the schedule for the delivery of pensions in December

Pensioners in Russia belong to a certain social category, which is protected by the state. The task of pension benefits in the country is to maintain a decent standard of living for their recipients. In this regard, the delivery of pensions should be regular and uninterrupted. It is regulated by the state.

The basic schedule for the delivery of pensions and the procedure for its issuance are contained in the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development “On Approval of the Rules for the Payment of Pensions”. According to it, the schedule for the delivery of pension benefits may change in a situation where the set day for payment coincides with a weekend or holiday.
If this happens, then the schedule is adjusted taking into account the interests of pensioners. There are no holidays in December, so there will be no major changes in delivery dates.

Where can I get information about the dates of payment of pensions for December

Beneficiaries can find out information about the delivery time of a pension in various ways:

In the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation: by calling the hotline, in territorial offices, on the official website;
In state media (newspapers, television and radio channels);
In institutions that are selected by the pensioner for the delivery of benefits.
Pension legislation provides for the issuance of pensions in one of 3 ways:

Through the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post. The institution offers two options:
In the post office at the place of residence;
At home through the postman.
Payments are made at the beginning of the month. The exact schedule depends on the specific post office and can be specified there.

Through banking institutions (in most cases, Sberbank of Russia). Retirees have access to:
A plastic card;
Receipt at the cash desk of a bank branch. The due date falls on the 20th of the month. The bank transfers funds to the pensioner's account immediately after receiving them from the FIU. You can learn about replenishing the card balance when connecting the mobile banking service.
Pension Delivery Services. Benefits are issued at the pensioner's home or in a branch of an authorized organization. The deadline for receiving this direction falls on the middle of the month.
The choice of delivery option for pension benefits is left to the pensioner.

Schedule for the delivery of pensions in the regions

Delivery of the pension in December will be carried out according to the standard schedule, since there are no other reasons for making changes to it except for holidays.

At the moment, information is available on the timing of the payment of benefits in St. Petersburg, published in the newspaper "Evening Petersburg". Here are a number of changes made due to the date of issue falling on a weekend:

Via Russian Post:
3-4 4
8-9 8
10-11 11
15-16 15
17-18 18
Sberbank will transfer payments on December 20-22;
Credit institutions will settle accounts with pensioners on December 15.

In December, the schedule for the payment of pensions in post offices will be reduced to the 21st. Therefore, pensions paid after December 22 will be delivered ahead of schedule - on the 20-21st.

December 14 For December 14 For December 14, 15, 16
December 15 For December 15 -
December 16 For December 16, 17 For December 17, 18, 19
December 18 For December 18 -
December 19 Over December 19, 20 Over December 20, 21
December 20 For December 21, 22 -
December 21 - December 22
Delivery Service CJSC, serving pensioners in Volzhsk, Volzhsky and Zvenigovsky districts, changed the payment schedule for December 4 only: on December 19, payments will be made for December 19, 20, December 20 - for December 21 and 22.

In connection with the upcoming New Year holidays, the payment of pensions by postal organizations and pension delivery services in December 2017 will be carried out in the following terms:

in the cities of the Orenburg region - in the period up to December 23 inclusive;
in district centers - until December 22 inclusive;
in villages - until December 20 inclusive.

In city post offices, delivery dates are as follows:

December 2 - for the 4th;
December 8 - for the 8th and 10th;
December 9 - for the 9th and 11th;
December 15 - for the 15th and 17th;
December 16 - for the 16th and 18th.

The Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in Tomsk reports that in December 2017. the payment period for receiving a pension in the city of Tomsk will not be reduced and, as in all previous months, will last until December 25th. Thus, each Tomsk pensioner will be able to receive pension payments on his delivery day.

Recipients who receive pensions and other social payments on the 18th-24th, will be delivered ahead of schedule from 12/12/2017 to 12/18/2017.

December 12, 2017 - for 12 and 13;
December 13, 2017 - for 14 and 15;
December 14, 2017 - for 16 and 17;
December 15, 2017 - for 18 and 19;
December 16, 2017 - for 20 and 21;
12/18/2017 - for 22, 23 and 24.

payment of pensions and benefits for December through post offices will be carried out in the following order. From December 3 to December 13, pensions will be paid according to the current schedule. From December 14, the delivery of pensions will be carried out ahead of schedule:

On December 14, pensions for December 14 and 15 will be paid,
December 15 - for December 16 and 17,
December 16 - for December 18 and 19,
December 18 - for December 20 and 21,
December 19 - for December 22, 23 and 24,
December 20 - payment of unreceived amounts for all days of delivery (for regions of the Trans-Baikal Territory),
December 21 - payment of unreceived amounts for all days of delivery (for the city of Chita and the Chita region).

Payout in December 2017:

December 15 - for December 15.17, 2017,
December 16 - for December 16, 18, 2017,
December 19 - for December 19, 21, 2017,
December 20 - December 20, 22, 23, 2017
In rural OPS with the working hours Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday:

December 16 - for December 16, 17, 18 and 21, 2017,
December 19 - for December 19, 20, 22, 23, 2017
A pensioner can clarify the schedule and mode of work by contacting the department where he receives a monthly pension. If benefits are delivered to your home, you should find out about the date of the next receipt from the courier or postman personally.

The branch of the Pension Fund of Russia for Moscow and the Moscow Region informs that due to the holidays in January 2018, pensions and other social payments for January will be made according to the following schedule:

Department of the Federal Postal Service of Moscow - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post:
January 3, 4, 2018 - according to the established schedule;
January 5, 2018 - for January 5 and 7, 2018;
January 6, 2018 - according to the established schedule;
from January 8, 2018 - according to the established schedule.
AFPS of the Moscow Region - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Post of Russia" and alternative services for the delivery of pensions to the house: from January 3, 2018 - according to the established schedule.

Sberbank of Moscow: December 29, 2017;
Central Russian Bank of Sberbank of the Russian Federation: December 29, 2017, January 10 and 15, 2018;
Branch "Central" of VTB Bank: December 29, 2017;
Bank Vozrozhdenie: December 29, 2017;
Other credit institutions: January 10, 2018.
Saint Petersburg

Through the post offices of St. Petersburg:

January 5 for the 5th and 6th.
January 8 for the 7th and 8th.
January 12 for the 12th and 13th.
January 15 for the 14th and 15th.
January 18 for the 18th and 19th.
January 19 for the 20th and 21st.
Through bank branches - January 19, 22 or 23, depending on the area of ​​​​residence.

In 2018, Russian Post branches will begin their work on January 3. Therefore, pensioners whose payment date falls on January 3 and subsequent days will receive the money on time.

The exception is January 7, this day is officially declared a day off in all branches of the Russian Post. Therefore, pensioners whose pension date falls on the 7th will be able to receive money earlier - on January 4.5 or 6. At the same time, January 6 is a pre-holiday day, the opening hours of post offices will be reduced by 1 hour.

Only Christmas will be a day off for mailers. Thus, those citizens whose pension payment date falls on January 3-6, 8 will receive money on the usual day. The pension for January 7 can be received earlier - in accordance with the work schedule of the post office. At the same time, please note that January 6 is a pre-holiday day, the post office hours will be reduced by 1 hour.

Early, before December 30, the pension will be transferred to those who usually receive it from the 5th to the 10th through a credit institution.

In cities and districts of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, in which the delivery of pensions through credit organizations is usually carried out in the first ten days of the month, the payment of pensions will be made ahead of schedule, in December 2017 for January 2018, December 28-29, by crediting to the settlement account with a credit institution.

In other municipalities of the Okrug, where the pension is delivered in the second and third ten days of the month, its payment will be made in January, at the scheduled time.

In January, the Russian Post will start making payments on January 3rd. The payment of pensions will be carried out in the following order.

In rural post offices of 4th and 5th grade:

January 3 - for the 5th and 7th day (for post offices with working hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday);
January 5 - for the 6th and 8th day (for post offices with working hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday);
January 4 - for the 5th and 7th day (for post offices with working hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday);
January 6 - for the 6th and 8th day (for post offices with working hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday);
In cities and regional centers of the Samara region:

January 5 - for the 5th and 7th;
January 6 - for the 6th and 7th.
From January 8, 2018, the payment of pensions and other social payments will have to be made according to the schedule in the cities and regional centers of the Samara Region, in rural post offices of the 4th and 5th grade from January 8 and 9, 2018.

Through banks, pensioners will receive payments on January 12 (for the 14th), 17th and 23rd.

In January 2018, the payment of pensions and other social benefits will begin ahead of schedule from January 5 and will be carried out in the following order:

January 5th will be paid for January 5th and January 7th;
January 6 - for January 6 and January 8.
Further delivery will be made in accordance with the delivery schedule at the recipient's place of residence during the established "payment period".

Pension payment for January 2018: when pensioners will be able to receive January pensions. Pensions for January 2018 will be paid on time or ahead of schedule.

According to Anton Drozdov, the head of the Russian Pension Fund, banks will receive money for the payment of January pensions before the New Year. Such a measure is designed to ensure timely payment of pensions, taking into account holidays and weekends in January of the coming year. The FIU has already made sure that those pensioners who receive a pension at the beginning of the month will receive their pension for January at the end of December. They will be able to collect their pensions on duty days.

Payments of January pensions at branches of VTB, Vozrozhdenie and Sberbank banks will be carried out from 3 to 5 January. These are the so-called duty days, on which payments are likely to be made from 08:30 to 16:00.

Those who cannot collect their pension these days will be able to come to the bank for money from January 9. This is due to the fact that on January 6 and 8 there will be days off in bank branches. Days off in all branches will be January 1, 2 and 7.

In Russian Post, the payment of pensions will take place in accordance with the work schedule. Therefore, those who receive a pension in the mail should find out in advance which days will be days off on New Year's holidays. It is also important to know the opening hours of the post office, as the post office may close earlier during the holidays.

The good news is that pensioners receiving their pensions won't have to wait until mid-January for their pension payments. They will be able to receive them in the first ten days of January, since the PFR will transfer the money for the payment of the first January pensions before the New Year holidays.

Funds are planned to be transferred on December 28-29. Recipients can also request a pension in the first decade of January, as soon as the branches of the Russian Post open, Rossiyskaya Gazeta writes.

Recall that from January 1, 2018, insurance pensions in Russia will be indexed. Payments will increase by 3.7% and amount to approximately 4.98 thousand rubles.

There are no pensioners with a monthly income below the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region of residence. In 2017, 3.9 million people received federal social supplements for pensions up to the PHC level. “In general, in 2017, the Pension Fund allocated 8.1 trillion rubles for pension and social security,” the fund reported.

Pension Fund Chairman Anton Drozdov told a TASS correspondent that pensions would rise. The following figures are given: the average pension in 2018 will increase to 14,300 rubles, in 2019 - up to 14,900 rubles, and in 2020 - up to 15,400 rubles.

From January 1, 2018, insurance pensions, including a fixed payment, for non-working pensioners will be increased by 3.7%. And the amount of a fixed payment after indexation will be 4,982.9 rubles per month. The average annual insurance old-age pension will increase to 14,075 rubles, the average annual insurance old-age pension for non-working pensioners - 14,329 rubles.

Payment of a pension

Pension is guaranteed by the state monthly payment disabled citizens who have reached retirement age, citizens with seniority, the disabled, persons who have lost their breadwinner and other citizens. From 2013 to 2015, a pension reform was carried out in Russia, aimed at changing the procedure for calculating and paying labor pensions. In December 2013, two federal laws were adopted "About insurance pensions" And "About funded pension" entered into force on January 1, 2015.

As a result of the adoption of these laws, labor pensions have been transformed into insurance and funded pensions. They are separate types of pension and self-paid.

  • Right to receive state pension federal civil servants, military personnel, participants and veterans of the Second World War, citizens affected by radiation and man-made disasters, as well as disabled people who have no work experience.
  • The rest of the citizens who have work experience are paid insurance pension.
  • Persons who are entitled to receive two pensions at once receive one of them of your choice. Certain categories of citizens have the right to receive two pensions at the same time.

    When does the pension start?

    The right to a pension arises upon reaching retirement age, length of service, disability, as well as in the event of loss of a breadwinner. After the right to payment has arisen, you can apply for payment at any time, and such an appeal not limited by any period.

    The beginning of the payment of a pension begins after its appointment, which is carried out from the day of applying for it. An insurance pension may be assigned earlier than the day of applying for it in the cases provided for in paragraph 5 of Art. 22 FZ "On insurance pensions".

    The pension is assigned and paid by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) at the place of residence of the pensioner, to the branch of which he needs apply accordingly with the necessary documents. It can be submitted by the pensioner in person, and then the day of receipt of such an application is considered the day of application.

    There is still multiple ways to apply:

  • direction by mail;
  • in the form of an electronic document;
  • through the multifunctional center (MFC).
  • In these cases, the date of application is considered to be the date indicated on the postmark, or the date of submission of the application using the Internet, including the public services portal, or the date of receipt of the application by the MFC.

    Pensioners from among the military personnel and pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are assigned and paid not by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, but by the department in which they served - the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, respectively.

    Pensions are assigned and paid to certain categories of citizens ahead of schedule, that is, before reaching the generally established age (men 60 years old, women 55 years old). These categories include citizens who have the necessary experience in performing certain jobs and citizens who, according to social criteria, have the right to early retirement (Articles 30 and 32 of the Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ). Required for early retirement the presence of the following conditions:

    • reaching a certain age;
    • the presence of work experience in the relevant types of work or social grounds related to the birth and upbringing of children, visual impairment and due to military trauma, living or working in the Far North;
    • availability of the necessary insurance experience.
    • The procedure for paying pensions in the Russian Federation

      The pension is paid by the pension body that accepted the pensioner's application for a pension. Insurance pensions are paid by the territorial office of the PFR at the place of residence of the pensioner.

      pensioner receives pension monthly for the current month the way you choose for yourself. If a pensioner does not receive a pension within 6 months, then its payment suspended and in the future he will need to write an application to the FIU for its renewal.

      There are some specific conditions for receiving a pension by individual citizens:

    • If the recipient of the insurance pension is child, then one of the parents or guardian receives the pension. The pension can be credited to the bank accounts of these persons or handed over to them in case of delivery of the pension to their homes. A child who has reached the age of 14 has the right to independently receive a pension in any convenient way.
    • Disabled citizens placed in educational and medical institutions, guardians (trustees) are not appointed (Article 35 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), therefore, their duties are carried out by these organizations.
    • Pension orphan child and a child left without parental supervision, located in a children's institution, is paid by crediting funds to the child's personal account, which was opened by the administration of the children's institution.
    • A special payment procedure has been established for persons in psychiatric institutions, and citizens serving sentences in prison. Their pension payments are transferred to a separate account of the institution opened in the bank to store these amounts.
    • Retiree living in the organization social services(nursing homes), receives a pension in accordance with the generally established procedure.
    • Bodies that pay pensions

      The pensioner chooses the method of receiving a pension and the organization delivering the pension on one's own by submitting an application to the territorial body of the FIU. Organizations delivering pensions interact with the Pension Fund on the basis of agreements concluded with them.

      Pensions are delivered through credit organizations (banks), postal organizations or through other organizations. At the same time, from the pensioner, the delivery fee and commission in the credit institution not charged.

    • It is possible to receive a pension from a credit organization by receiving it at the cash desk of this organization or by issuing a bank card. Pension amounts credited by the bank to the pensioner's account are considered received.
    • If the pension is delivered by postal organizations, the pension can be delivered to the house or the pensioner independently receives it at the post office at the place of residence.
    • The pensioner can get acquainted with the list of other organizations in the territorial body of the Pension Fund. These organizations deliver pensions at home or pay through their cash desk.
    • If a pensioner wants change shipping method pension, then he needs to submit an application about this to the territorial body of the Pension Fund.

      Pension delivery schedule

      In order to provide better service to the population during the payment of pensions, a special schedule for the delivery of pensions is drawn up.

      Each post office has such a delivery period and a pension delivery schedule, according to which the pensioner is set date of receipt of pension.

      • If the day of receipt of the pension falls on a weekend or holiday, the pension can be delivered earlier than the date set, but in the current month and not earlier than three days before the date of receipt of the payment.
      • Retiree can get a pension later, but within the delivery period (schedule) set by the post office.
      • If a pensioner has chosen a credit organization as a delivery body, then the procedure for paying a pension (schedule) in these organizations is the same as in post offices.

        Power of attorney to receive a pension by another person

        Various methods of delivery of pensions provide the pensioner with the opportunity to choose the most convenient way for him to receive a pension. But there are situations when a pensioner, due to various life circumstances, cannot receive a pension on his own. In this case, the pension can be received another person on the basis of a power of attorney issued by a pensioner.

        A power of attorney is a notarized document that the pensioner himself issues to his authorized representative in order to receive a pension. It can be issued by a notary on a paid basis, or it can be certified free of charge and it will be equated to a notarized one (clause 2, part 1, article 185.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

        In addition, from September 1, 2013, a power of attorney for receiving pension payments can be certified free of charge by the organization, in which the pensioner studies, or works or the administration of the medical institution in which he is undergoing treatment (clause 3 of article 185.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Previously, powers of attorney were certified by housing maintenance organizations, but from September 1, 2013 they lost this right in connection with amendments to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. However, powers of attorney confirmed by these organizations prior to September 1, 2013 remain valid until their expiration date.

      • If in power of attorney no deadline specified for which it was issued, it is considered that it was issued for one year (Article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) and the trustee will be able to receive a pension during the year.
      • If valid for more than one year, then the payment of pension provision is made during the entire period of validity of the power of attorney, but subject to confirmation by the pensioner of the fact of his registration at the place of receipt of pension payments every year.
      • Relocation pension

        If a citizen changes his place of residence, then the payment of a pension is carried out at his new place of relocation. In this case, the pensioner must notify the territorial branch of the FIU in order for the pension file to be sent to the new place of residence.

        It is necessary to request a payment case in connection with the move even if you receive a pension on a bank card. The fact is that it contains all the necessary information that a pensioner and an employee of the PFR at a new place of residence may need, for example, to recalculate the amount of a pension.

        The pensioner left Smolensk for permanent residence in St. Petersburg. The pension was transferred to a bank card account opened with Sberbank in Smolensk.

        In St. Petersburg, a pensioner must apply to the territorial body of the PFR with a request for a payment (pension) file from the previous place of residence. At the same time, he must present a passport with a mark of registration at the new place of residence. Employees of the Pension Fund of St. Petersburg, no later than one working day after the pensioner's request, send a request to the Pension Fund branch. Smolensk, from where the payment case must be sent no later than three working days from the date of receipt of the request.

        After the receipt of the pension case, within 2 working days, an order is issued to register it and extend the payment of the pension.

        The pensioner can change the method of delivery or the carrier by written notification of the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg.

        If a pensioner leaves for permanent residence in another state, then this procedure does not apply. There is a different procedure for paying pensioners traveling abroad.

        How to get a pension after the death of a pensioner?

        Payment of unreceived amounts of pensions after the death of a pensioner are made by the PFR body, which previously paid the pension. The amounts of the pension due to the pensioner in the current month and remaining unreceived in the specified month due to his death are paid. These amounts are paid to persons (relatives) living with a citizen on the day of his death . The list of these persons is specified in part 2 of article 10 of the law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ "About insurance pensions".

        If several relatives apply for an unpaid pension at once, then the amounts due to the deceased will be divided between them equally.

        To receive a pension of the deceased, it is necessary to write an application at the Pension Fund office, as well as provide the following documents:

    1. death certificate;
    2. information about the composition of the family;
    3. documents confirming family relations with the deceased pensioner;
    4. applicant's passport.

    An unreceived pension should be applied for within six months from the date of death of the pensioner, otherwise these amounts will be included in the inheritance and will be inherited on a general basis.


    Pension provision of citizens is carried out by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund at their place of residence. Establishment and payment of pensions declarative character, therefore, if a right arises, a citizen must independently apply for an appointment to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, where it is also necessary to choose a convenient delivery method.

  • The pensioner can receive payments personally or through a trustee.
  • In order to receive pension coverage when changing the place of residence, a citizen must apply at the new place of residence (stay) to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  • After the death of a pensioner, the accrued, unreceived pension is entitled to be received by citizens who lived with the pensioner on the day of his death.
  • Comments (5)

    Hello! I am interested in the timing of the transfer of pensions if the birthday falls at the end of the month.

    Hello! Tell me, please, on what basis is the pension postponed for three months in the city of Zelenogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory? The pension was paid from the 9th to the 11th, because I was born on the 1st. But in February the pension was paid on the 14th, in March - on the 17th, in April - today is the 19th, and there is still no pension. If it's not legal, where can I go? Local authorities are not going to explain anything.

    When will there be stability at least in receiving a pension, what will everyone gain with the transfer of payment numbers? I took out a loan on the 11th, since I received my pension on the 9th. After a while, the pension was transferred to the 11th. It seems to be just in time for the loan repayment, but today is already the 13th - there is still no pension, although the payment for the loan is being withdrawn from the bank pension card. What is my fault that, according to someone's ideas, I should feel forever guilty? When will human experiments end?

    How long does it take to calculate a pension if the birthday is November 3, the documents were submitted on October 19, and today is December 19, and the first pension is not yet?

    When will pensions for January 2018 be paid through Sberbank?

    When will Sberbank transfer the pension for January 2018?

    According to an official statement from Sberbank, he will also have New Year holidays and they will last until January 3 of the new year, 2018. Then there will be a time period January 3rd to 5th when will this very payment of pensions take place.

    All residents of the country know that in January 2018 (the year of the Yellow Dog), there will be New Year holidays and state institutions do not work until January 8 inclusive. The PF RF does not work either. But it does not follow from this that pensioners do not receive pensions through Sberbank on these holidays. From January 3 to January 5, Sberbank will have duty days, and it was on these days that the bank transferred pensions to many pensioners. So it will be in the capital, so it will be in the regions.

    No intervals in the issuance of pensions in January 2018 are expected. Yes, on the first and second of January, then on the sixth, seventh, and eighth of January, Sberbank employees will rest, like the rest of the working population. However, it has already been announced that duty hours will be established in Sberbank branches for the long winter holidays - from January 3 to January 5. It is clear that only some employees, and not all, will come out so that customers can pay the loan and carry out other extremely important operations.

    But pensions may well come to the cards at the very end of December 2017, that is, ahead of schedule. Sberbank has never failed pensioners before.

    The payment of pension accruals on New Year's holidays, of course, worries many pensioners. After all, until the eighth day, all state institutions have a rest. But, Sberbank thought about its customers, and already from the third to the fifth of January, some branches of Sberbank will be open to visitors. Branches will work in a reduced mode until four in the afternoon. On New Year's holidays, pensioners do not need to worry, they will be able to receive their pension on time.

    For many pensioners, payments do not come in the first days of the month, so it’s hardly worth worrying about accruals. For example, my mother receives her pension on the eleventh, by which time all the festivities will be over. You won’t spoil at Sberbank, they have everything seriously built - everything will be done according to plan, as the Central Bank of Russia orders, it will be so. If your payments should be earlier (5, 6, 7, etc.), then they will be listed. Sberbank also works on holidays, you just need to find a working branch on New Year's holidays. Although it is not necessary to do this nowadays, teach your parents how to use Sberbank Online or terminals, then they will not have to push in line for their pension crumbs.



    Fast questions and instant answers to them

    When will pensions for January 2018 be paid through Sberbank in Moscow and the Moscow Region?

    In Moscow, a pension for pensioners in January 2018, despite the New Year holidays, when all office workers go on vacation, will still be issued on the same day as always, namely, on the 3rd day of each month, and all this because that in Sberbank the management organized a duty for three days from January 3rd to 5th and the bankt will work, but only, unfortunately, as on a holiday - until 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

    Almost every year, it makes a decision on the early payment of pensions for January of the next year, if the pension payment period falls on the period from January 1 to the last non-working day, that is, in 2018, if according to the pension payment schedule they should be paid from January 1 to January 8, 2018, then in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region, these payments will be postponed to December 2017 and pensions will be paid until December 28, 2017. If, according to the schedule, pensions are paid on January 9 and later, then payments will be made in accordance with this schedule.

    As far as I know, Sberbank of Russia has just announced that the transfer of the required pension payments to plastic cards for January 2018 in the city of Moscow, for those Russian pensioners who were supposed to receive them in the period from January 1 to January 8, 2018, will be made on Thursday, December 28, 2017. In addition, starting from Tuesday, January 9, 2018, Sberbank of Russia will make the required pension payments on plastic cards for January 2018 in the city of Moscow in its usual manner.

    When will Sberbank transfer the pension for January 2018 in Moscow? What's the latest news?

    Many pensioners are concerned about this question, and therefore we answer.

    That the pension will be transferred already in the first days, namely the third of January.

    Despite the big New Year "holidays", Sberbank will transfer money from January 3 to January 5, 2018 to all pensioners. I mean in Moscow.

    Pensioners in Moscow and the Moscow Region, who receive a pension every month on the first days, will receive it at the end of December, on December 28 or 29, 2017.

    The remaining pensioners who receive a pension in the middle and at the end of each month will receive a pension after the holidays, according to their pension schedule.

    In addition, you can consult Sberbank specialists by calling this phone number.

    All pensioners in Moscow will start receiving pensions on their bank cards from January 3rd. It is on this day that Sberbank begins duty during the New Year holidays. Well, the Russian Post will start the difference in pensions a little later, but still they won’t delay for a long time, since Christmas is not far away there either. Of course, you don't need to worry about this. There is money to pay pensions, even taking into account indexation for last year's inflation and even higher.

    The specifics of the work of Sberbank does not allow employees to rest all holidays. Someone needs to pay their bills, and someone needs to receive a pension. Duty days are allocated for such operations, they will be from January 3 to January 5, 2018 inclusive. Therefore, pensioners can come and receive their pension on these days.

    New Years is soon. Almost all state institutions will leave for the New Year holidays and start working only from January 9, 2018.

    Pensioners are concerned about such a question when they will be transferred their pension for January. It is good for those who have a pension at the end of January, pensioners will receive it exactly on time.

    Many branches of Sberbank will also work on New Year's holidays.

    You can find out how Sberbank will work in your region by phone number

    8 495 500-55-50. Also, if you receive a pension at the beginning of the month, it is possible to pay your pension ahead of schedule, at the end of December, on the 28th-30th.

    So don't worry, you will still receive a pension.

    For each region, branches of Sberbank Bank can individually set the dates for the offices on the January holidays, usually the work of the offices starts on January 4 and goes every other day. It is at this time that pension payments will be made.

    New Year's holidays are just around the corner. Many pensioners are interested in when they will be given (transferred) a pension by Sberbank of Russia. Since all citizens of the Russian Federation will have a rest for 10 days, therefore, some of the branches of Sberbank will not work on holidays. You can find out the work of branches of Sberbank of Moscow and the Moscow Region by phone: 8 800 555‑55-50, 8 495 500‑55-50.

    Perhaps Sberbank will issue (transfer) pensions ahead of schedule at the end of 2017. All other pensioners of the city of Moscow and the Moscow region will be able to receive their pensions after January 09, 2018.

    Increased pensions and benefits for January 2018 will be transferred the day before

    Payment of pensions and benefits 2018

    In 2017, the insurance pensions of more than 31 million non-working pensioners were increased by 5.8% (indexation from February 1 by 5.4% and from April 1 by 0.38%). In August, the Pension Fund conducted an annual adjustment of insurance pensions for more than 11.8 million pensioners who worked in 2016.

    As a result, the average annual insurance old-age pension for non-working pensioners in 2017 amounted to 13.8 thousand rubles (164.1% of the pensioner's subsistence minimum).

    Since April 1, 2017, state pensions, including social pensions, have been indexed for both working and non-working pensioners by 1.5%. This increase affected 3.9 million pensioners.

    As a result, in 2017 the average annual social pension amounted to 8.8 thousand rubles (104.1% of the pensioner's living wage). The average annual amount of the social pension for children with disabilities and people with disabilities since childhood of group I is 13.2 thousand rubles.

    In the Russian Federation, there are no pensioners below the poverty line: there are no pensioners with a monthly income below the pensioner's subsistence minimum (PMP) in the region of residence. All non-working pensioners receive a social supplement to the pension up to the level of the PMP in the region of residence. In 2017, 3.9 million people received the federal social supplement to pensions, which is carried out by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

    In January 2017, pensioners received a lump sum payment of 5,000 rubles. This payment was received by absolutely all pensioners living in Russia: both civilian and military - a total of 43.7 million people. 221.7 billion rubles were allocated for these purposes.

    Since February 1, 2017, the amount of the monthly cash payment (UDV), which is received by 15.6 million federal beneficiaries, has been indexed by 5.4%.

    In general, in 2017, the Pension Fund spent 8.1 trillion rubles on pension and social security.

    In the last days of December 2017, the Pension Fund will finance the payment of pensions and social benefits for the holiday period. Thus, some pensioners will receive payments to their bank accounts even before the start of the new year 2018. Russian Post will deliver pensions and social benefits according to the usual schedule.

    In 2018, insurance pensions, including a fixed payment, for non-working pensioners will be increased by 3.7% from January 1, which is higher than the forecast inflation rate. The amount of the fixed payment after indexation will be 4,982.9 rubles per month, the cost of a pension point is 81.49 rubles (in 2017 - 78.58 rubles). The average annual insurance old-age pension will increase to 14,075 rubles, the average annual insurance old-age pension for non-working pensioners - 14,329 rubles.

    From April 1, 2018, pensions for state pension provision, including social ones, will be increased by 4.1% for working and non-working pensioners. As a result, the average annual social pension will increase to 9,045 rubles. The average size of the social pension for children with disabilities and disabled since childhood of group I will be 13,699 rubles.

    In August 2018, the Pension Fund will adjust the insurance pensions of pensioners who worked in 2017.

    From February 1, 2018, the amount of the monthly cash payment (UDV) received by federal beneficiaries will be indexed by 3.2%.


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    Sometimes it happens that pensions for January are issued in December of the previous year, which, of course, is very good and makes pensioners happy, but more often they receive their pensions directly in January, but New Year and Christmas holidays must be taken into account. In 2017, the official last working day in many organizations is December 30, but most post offices in Russia work on the 31st, respectively, it is also possible to receive a pension on this day, but it is better to find out in your particular office whether they will be issued in advance.

    The official holidays at the post of the Russian Federation are the numbers of January 1.2, then 7, and the sixth - the day is shortened by an hour because it is Christmas Eve. All other days at the post office are regular mode and you can receive a pension as usual. Those who receive a pension are usually given in advance, and they are also warned about it, they can give it 10 days before the end of December, if they didn’t, then on non-holidays they will give it according to the schedule.

    Everything will depend on whether there will be a budget deficit at the end of 2017 or not? About 2% (if we take GDP as a whole) - this is the forecast and these are quite good indicators, since the same European Union has almost 1% more indicators. It would seem that it is a good opportunity to start paying off debts on January pensions at the very end (December) of 2017, but you should consider:

    • indexation will still be in 2018 and its amount is planned exactly for the corresponding annual budget;
    • it is planned to replenish the same reserve fund, from which the possible budget deficit is repaid. In 2018, it has a planned level that is twice as high as this year, namely, 4%;
    • the truth and elections, as they say, are "on the nose" and this may affect populist measures.

    So, most likely, payments will still begin in December and continue in January. Everything will go according to the payment schedules predetermined by the fund.

    When will the pension for January 2018 start? How to find out the terms and amount of your pension for January 2018?

    Due to the fact that we usually have long holidays for the new year and many organizations do not work, many pensioners are worried about when they will be given a pension if their issue date falls on the dates that fall on the New Year holiday.

    To begin with, let's decide on the end date of these protracted holidays: according to the production calendar, the holidays will be considered the end of December and the first days of January: December 30-31, 2017 and from January 1 to January 2 inclusive and then from January 6 to January 7, 2018 inclusive. So, the working days will be such days: 3, 4, 5, 8 and beyond.

    So, those pensioners whose pension payment comes out on the first days of the month will be paid a pension at the end of December 2017. Those pensioners who have this date on the 5-8th day are also early. There is no need to worry about this, the state has provided for everything. Further, the payment schedule will work as before.

    Regarding the size of the pension, indexation is expected for all pensioners by 3.7%. To find out the amount of your pension, you need to multiply the amount received by this number.

    January for pensioners is a time of nerves and a time of joy at the same time. First, pension indexation is coming. Albeit insignificant, at 3.7 percent. But still, it's good. Secondly, on the nose of the holiday and you need to understand how and where to get a pension in January 2018. And here everything is quite simple. The distribution by the pension fund is done in such a way that part of the pensioners will receive at the end of December. And some on the eve of the holidays and after them (from January 9 or in some bank branches on duty).

    In any case, there is nothing to worry about! Everyone will get their money. So it was in previous years, so it will be in the future.

    All pensioners know that in many state institutions, including banks, there will be New Year holidays until January 9, 2018. At this time, some banks do not work, but on New Year's holidays, on-duty bank branches will work.

    In December, a pension can be issued to pensioners ahead of schedule if the period for receiving a pension falls at the beginning of January, from the 1st to the 8th. Others will receive pensions after the New Year holidays. Starting January 10, 2018. Do not worry, all pensioners will receive their pension. there may even be a slight delay of a couple of days due to public holidays.