How much social pension per year. What is a social pension and how to apply for it? Conditions for the appointment of social pensions

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Who receives a social pension?

Social pensions in our country are established in accordance with the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ "On state pension provision in Russian Federation» .

These are state pension payments funded by from the federal budget and provided to those permanently residing in the Russian Federation.

Living wage and social pension

The cost of living for a pensioner (PMP) in the Russian Federation is calculated on the basis of the consumer's basket and statistical data on the size of consumer prices for non-food products and food products. Installed every year by the law on the budget of the country for the corresponding financial year and for the planning period.

The value of PMP in general in the Russian Federation to determine the size of the federal social supplement to the pension is set at 8726 rubles for 2018 (part 5 of article 8 of the law of December 5, 2017 No. 362-FZ); in 2017 it was 8540 rubles.

The minimum amount of the old-age pension should not be lower than the amount of the PMP established in the region of residence of the pensioner. But, when such a situation nevertheless arose, the pensioner is assigned such an amount that the pension payment is equal to the regional subsistence minimum. The surcharge is established at the request of the citizen and employed pensioners this payment not supposed to.

Disabled children and children receiving a survivor's pension do not need to apply for a social supplement to a pension, since in this case the supplement is assigned at the same time as the appointment the corresponding pension (parts 6 and 7 of article 12.1 of Law N 178-FZ).

Sizes of social supplements for pensions

The amount of the social supplement to the pension depends on several parameters:

  • quantities living wage in general across the country and in the respective region;
  • place of residence of a citizen and time of residence in a particular area;
  • the total amount of material support.

For 2019, the PFR budget plans to index the social pension provision by 2.0%, after which all types of social pensions will be increased by 1.02 times.

Sizes of pensions by years and categories of recipients

The table below shows the size of pensions in 2017 and 2018 after (including the increase on April 1 by 4.1%):

Categories of social pension recipientsFrom April 1, 2017 to April 1, 2018, rub.From 04/01/2018 to 04/01/2019, rub.
  • Citizens from among the small peoples of the North, aged 55 and 50 years (men and women)
  • Citizens aged 65 and 60 (men and women)
  • Disabled people of the 2nd group (except for disabled people from childhood)
  • Children under the age of 18, and for full-time students - 23 years old, left without a father or mother
5034,25 5240,65
  • Disabled people of the 1st group
  • Disabled since childhood 2 groups
  • Children under 18 years old, and for full-time students - 23 years old, left without both parents, orphans and children of a deceased single mother
12082,06 12577,42
  • Disabled children
  • Disabled since childhood, group 1
10068,53 10481,34
Disabled 3 groups4279,14 4454,58

Pension increase for pensioners of the Far North

Social pension for citizens living in regions with severe climatic conditions is accrued taking into account the regional coefficient. These regions include Far North, as well as the territories equated to it. An increase in payment due to the district coefficient is possible from 50% to 200%, depending on the specific area of ​​​​residence of a citizen. The amount of this allowance and the territory of its application are established by the Government.

The action of the "northern" coefficient applies to pension payments only while the person lives in this region. In the event of a move, the allowance will be reduced or canceled altogether.

Minimum social pension in 2019

Citizens who do not have enough experience or for some reason are absent at all are assigned a minimum. A social pension is established for disabled persons who do not have the right to receive another type of pension provision. Of course, it is less than labor, but at the same time it can be different, since it is calculated individually.

But it should be noted that in the end, the amount of the pension provision of a pensioner can't be less the size established in the region or in the country as a whole living wage. Otherwise, the pensioner will be established.


The main recipients of the pension social type are children and the disabled, since the majority of citizens still manage to accumulate the necessary experience by the onset of old age. But if, nevertheless, it so happened that a citizen does not have the right to receive, he will be assigned.

This pension is indefinitely, but the payment may stop if the citizen engages in activities subject to mandatory pension insurance (OPS).

In addition to a certain age, in order to receive social benefits, you must permanently reside in Russia.

  • During migration, even if you retain the citizenship of the Russian Federation, payments are canceled.
  • Also, persons who have two official places of registration - in Russia and abroad cannot receive a social pension.

The size of the social pension for old age and disability in 2019 will be increased from April 1. Read the latest news about how much percentage is planned to increase payments.

What's happened social pension and to whom it is paid

To begin with, let's figure out what types of social pensions are paid in Russia today, and who receives them.

A social pension is a pension state security, which is assigned to those who failed to qualify for insurance pension. Depending on the categories of recipients, it can be different types and sizes.

Social disability pension installed:

  1. Disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3, including people with disabilities since childhood;
  2. Children with disabilities.

Social old age pension appointed:

  1. Citizens of Russia who have reached the age of 65 (men) and 60 years (women), as well as foreign citizens and stateless persons who have permanently resided in the territory of the Russian Federation for at least 15 years and have reached the specified age;
  2. Citizens from among the indigenous peoples of the North who have reached the age of 55 and 50 years (men and women, respectively), permanently residing in the areas of residence of the indigenous peoples of the North on the day the pension is awarded.

Assign a social old-age pension to those people who do not have enough insurance experience or points for the appointment of an insurance pension. That is, those who have worked informally for most of their lives. Or maybe he didn’t work at all, like, for example, housewives who were supported by their spouse.

There is still survivor's social pension, and children whose parents are both unknown. But not many people receive such payments. Therefore, we will not dwell on them in detail in this publication.

Social pension: changes in 2019

From 2019, some changes will begin to occur in the procedure for assigning a social pension. They will not affect the disabled, but will affect recipients of social old-age pensions.

The Law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Assignment and Payment of Pensions”, which comes into force on January 1, 2019, provides for changes related to the age of access to a social pension.

In particular, citizens who have not worked or have not acquired a full length of service necessary to receive an insurance pension will receive a social pension not at the age of 60 (women) and 65 years (men), but at 65 and 70 years, respectively. However, these changes will be implemented gradually.

Social pension for working pensioners in 2019

Recently, there were rumors that in Russia, from 2019, they would allegedly cancel the payment of social pensions to working pensioners. However, the Pension Fund assures that this information not entirely correct.

According to the legislation, the social old-age pension is thus assigned only to disabled citizens. Even now they begin to pay it five years after the onset retirement age. And only if the person is no longer working. If he received a pension and then found a job, the payment of a social pension to him is suspended.

Changes in legislation only clarifies some of the "bureaucratic" nuances.

The amount of social pension in 2019

Social pensions in Russia are traditionally increased from April 1. In 2019 there will also be indexing.

According to the legislation, social pensions are increased from April 1 according to the growth index of the pensioner's subsistence minimum (PMP) for the previous year.

The site site provides a comparative table of the indexation of social pensions in previous years.










In 2018, the average pensions were:

√ social old-age pension - 9,062 rubles;

√ social pension for disabled children – 13,410 rubles.

What does the year 2019 bring us?

Putin did not say anything about social pensions. At first, as the Pension Fund reported, the following increase parameters were planned: “Pensions for state pension provision, including social pensions, will be increased by 2.4% for all pensioners from April 1, 2019, while the average annual social pension will increase to 9.2 thousand rubles. rubles."

But at the end of February, plans suddenly changed!

The Ministry of Labor of Russia has prepared a draft government decree on this matter (it is posted on the Federal Portal of Regulatory Legal Acts), in which the previously planned growth of 2.4% has shrunk to 2.0%.

It is reported that as a result the average size social pension will increase to 9,266 rubles, including the average pension for children with disabilities and disabled since childhood of group I will increase to 13,674 rubles. and 13,812 rubles. respectively.

The average disability pension for conscripted servicemen will rise to 12,899 rubles, and the average survivor's pension for the families of conscripted servicemen will rise to 10,942 rubles.

Follow breaking news about raising pensions in 2019 together with the site site!

In all ages, civilized society has sought to provide for disabled people who, for whatever reason, cannot get a job. This issue was more often dealt with by various charitable associations and patrons. IN modern Russia concern for the vulnerable segments of the population fell entirely on the state budget.

A separate Federal Law No. 166 was specially adopted, which regulates all the nuances of accrual pension payments in this domain. Social pensions are monthly payments from the state treasury, addressed to disabled categories of citizens.

All persons not registered with the insurance company are entitled to receive such payments. pension system.

Even with a small or complete absence of it, citizens of the Russian Federation can receive social assistance from the state in the form of pension payments, various benefits, free services, etc. This is their legal right.

One of the main types of social payments are. These are monthly amounts, the receipt of which can be issued upon reaching the age or length of service specified in the legislation. This category includes:

  • women aged 60 and men aged 65 with less than five years of service due to disability or other reasons (insurance contributions to the Pension Fund were made only during this short period);
  • persons belonging to small nations (women retire at 50, and men at 55).

These payments have two important features:

  1. It is impossible to issue pension payments to working people. During this period, sums insured are paid into the Pension Fund for them.
  2. But after recruiting the five-year service prescribed by law, a citizen can voluntarily stop working and draw up pension payments.


Pension payments related to the social type are indexed annually. This happens on April 1 - the current payment is adjusted in accordance with the coefficient approved by the government decree.

This payment in 2016 amounted to 3,692 rubles. The amount indicated by the government is clearly below the living wage. For this reason, its size is compensated from the budgets in the regions. The difference in payments ranges from 6,000 to 12,000 rubles, depending on the location of the region.

Persons who do not have in their labor activity sufficient experience (it is less than five years).

Not limited by law. The main factor influencing this indicator is the cost of living. It is installed in each region separately. Therefore, the maximum amounts can vary dramatically in different regions in the same way as the minimum payments.

Old age benefits may increase with later retirement. If a citizen continues to work in excess of the five years of experience specified in the legislation, and at the same time insurance contributions are made for him, payments will be increased in proportion to the period worked. But on social payments he will no longer be able to apply (according to the Federal Law under number 173). Such a payment can only be assigned if a person is not entitled to claim labor pension payments.

How to calculate?

It should be noted that there is no single formula for calculating, since any social payments are fixed amounts set by the government and local governments (which charge). It all depends on which category of persons the citizen belongs to.

When payments are made, for example, depending on the group (from 4,215 to 11,903 rubles). For residents of the North in 2016, this payment amounted to 4,960 rubles. And for persons who have not gained the necessary length of service to receive labor payments, a minimum of 3,692 rubles was set, which is compensated by an additional payment from local budgets. As a result, the pensioner will receive an amount that is not less than the subsistence minimum in a particular region.

In 2017, the social pension for the inhabitants of the North will be increased due to the regional coefficient (from 50 to 200% depending on the locality).

The legally acceptable reason for the lack of insurance experience can be both disability and informal employment.

The estimated amount of payments can be calculated using the online calculator on the website of the Pension Fund. But the calculator will not indicate the exact size, since the coefficient of this type of payment changes annually depending on the state of the economy in the country, the demographic situation, and others no less important factors.

For 2016, the following amounts of minimum payments are established (taking into account April indexing in the amount of 4%):

  • $12,866 - Persons with a disability childhood;
  • 11 903 r. - the first group of disability;
  • 9 920 rubles - the second group, including from childhood;
  • 4 960 rubles - the second group (adults);
  • 4 215 r. - the third group;
  • 4 960 rubles - persons who have lost their breadwinner;
  • 4 960 rubles - indigenous people of the Far North;
  • $3,692 - Persons with experience up to five years.

Who is entitled to payments?

The main conditions for receiving social type pension payments are:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • disability or belonging to categories that may qualify for such payments (for example, disability or);
  • reaching the age specified in the legislation or having a minimum length of service of five years;
  • the presence of documentary evidence that cannot be provided labor pension(this is indicated in a special certificate from the Pension Fund and recorded in the entries of the work book);
  • belonging to family members of citizens entitled to social benefits (for example, liquidators of man-made disasters, fallen soldiers, participants in the Second World War);
  • belonging to small nations;
  • minor age and death of parents or single mother.

Social payments are not allowed to persons who do not live in Russia. If they have already been assigned to a person, and he left the country, the payments stop.

How to apply for a pension?

To apply for payments, please contact your local branch. pension fund(in person or through a representative). You can also use the services of a multifunctional center.

The package of documents is formed:

  • from the passport (photocopies of the first page and registration are required);
  • a statement written on behalf of a person claiming payments;
  • certificates from the Pension Fund and the work book;
  • documentary evidence of disability, loss of a breadwinner or other important circumstances that may affect the positive decision of PF employees;
  • expert opinions (for example, on need or assignment of a certain disability group);
  • certificate of the liquidator of the accident (if any);
  • municipal certificate confirming belonging to small nations.

In each specific case, you need to clarify the complete list of all documents necessary for registration from the employees of the Pension Fund!

They can also get all the necessary advice to speed up the process of processing payments.

The procedure is:

  1. From applying to the PF authorities in person or through a representative with all the necessary documents for this. The representative must have a power of attorney issued in a notary's office.
  2. Waiting for consideration of the submitted application within ten calendar days.
  3. Definitions of the organization and place for the delivery of pension benefits. Citizens have the right to receive legal pension amounts at the post office or bank branch, as well as at home.

In connection with the growing inflationary processes, in order to provide material support to disabled Russians, pensions are increased annually in the country, and 2018 was no exception. So, from January 1, 2018, there was a planned increase in the amount of payments for non-working pensioners with a certain length of service, who are among the recipients of the insurance pension. And who and for how long to wait for the increase in social pension from April 1, 2018?

Social pension is a kind of pension provision, which is due to citizens with no work experience for any reason. It is appointed indefinitely, but its payment may be terminated for citizens who decide to engage in activities that provide for the payment of compulsory pension insurance. The amount of the security is set by the Government in a fixed amount, which depends on the subsistence minimum (PM) and, as a rule, is much lower than insurance (labor) payments to pensioners.

In the law of the Russian Federation No. 166 “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”, article 11 establishes that this type of provision is provided for the following categories of disabled recipients:

  • disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3, including disabled children;
  • children with disabilities;
  • children who have lost one or two parents, under the age of 18 years (or until the age of 23, subject to full-time education in educational institutions) if the parents did not have seniority(otherwise the insurance pension is due);
  • citizens representing the indigenous peoples of the North, over 50 (for women) and 55 (for men) years, with permanent residence in indigenous places of residence approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • unemployed men over 65 and women over 60 (provided there is no insurance record), including foreign citizens and stateless persons who can confirm permanent residence in Russia for 15 years or more.

On a note! In the Russian Federation, more than 4 million disabled citizens are recipients of social pensions.

TO mandatory conditions receipt also includes the need for permanent residence on the territory of the Russian Federation. The benefit is not available to persons who:

  • make a decision on migration (even with the preservation of Russian citizenship);
  • have two official places of registration.

You can read the full text of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ, as amended on July 18, 2017.

Increase size

In Art. 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 166 approved the procedure for indexing social pensions based on the subsistence minimum for pensioners, approved in the previous year. It is set annually and depends on the actual increase in consumer prices for food and non-food products,

Indexation date is April 1st each year. At the same time, the increase coefficient is calculated annually by the Government of the Russian Federation, but it should be borne in mind that the amount of indexation for social and insurance pension payments may differ.

In recent years, Russia has seen a reduction in pension indexation coefficients. For example, in April 2017 they were only indexed by 1.5%. For 2018, it was originally planned to set the indexation coefficient at the level of 1.2%, but as a result, the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin announced that from April 1, 2018, the indexation will be 4.1%. In monetary terms, the amount of the increase will be 175-495 rubles. (depending on the category of the recipient).

So, in 2017, the average social pension amounted to 8742 rubles, and from 1.04. 2018 it will increase to 9045 rubles. (103.7% of the PM for pensioners), and for disabled children and disabled children of the 1st group - up to 13,699 rubles.

For comparison, consider how social Security For different categories recipients since April 1, 2018 compared to 2017:

Important! Size Russian pension cannot be less than the subsistence minimum for the region of residence, otherwise he is entitled to social supplements (federal or regional), which, together with the pension allowance, should not be less than the PM. Overall size The PM in Russia for pensioners, on the basis of which the amount of the federal social supplement is calculated, was approved at the level of 8726 rubles. (compared to 8540 rubles in 2017).

Since 2010 in applications for appointment pension benefit a subparagraph on social supplements has already been included. Citizens who began to receive benefits before 2010 and its size is less than the PM in the region can independently apply to the nearest branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with a separate application for the appointment of an additional payment.

According to Alexander Kurtin, Deputy Chairman of the Pension Fund of Russia, in the next 2019 and 2020, it is still planned to increase the social pension by 3.9% and 3.5%, respectively.

Video on the increase and revision of social pensions: