Latest pension indexation news. Latest news on pension indexation The poorest did not see the increase

Certain categories of citizens will receive pensions in May 2017 before the rest. Those who receive social benefits on bank cards will be able to use pensions on May 3 or 5. The exact date must be clarified with the servicing bank, since some financial institutions will go on vacation from May 1 and resume their work only on May 10, after all spring holidays.

Citizens to whom benefits are delivered by mail will be able to receive them on May 4 and 5 for the periods of May 4 and 7, and May 5 and 9, respectively. At the same time, according to the latest news with reference to the Penfond, this schedule applies only to residents of Moscow. The department also recommends that you clarify in advance the schedule for receiving pensions at the place of residence.

Ways to receive pensions

The recipient of social benefits is required to present a document proving his identity. He also has the right to choose the method of receiving a pension:

  • home delivery;
  • at the cash desk of the delivery organization;
  • transfer to an account (bank card) in a credit institution;
  • third party with a power of attorney.

Home delivery or receipt at the cash desk of the organization is carried out by the Russian Post. Each branch has a benefit schedule according to which they operate. Sometimes situations arise when a pensioner receives payments a little later. This is usually associated with state or national holidays, so it is better to clarify the delivery time of the pension in advance. Also, if for some reason the recipient cannot collect benefits for six months, their payment is suspended.

In addition to the post office, social benefits can be received from organizations that deliver them. A complete list can be found in the Penfond branch at the place of residence. At the same time, the schedule for paying pensions is similar to that established in post offices.

Banks. Funds are credited to the card on the day they are received from the territorial branch of the Penfund. There is no enrollment fee. The pension can be received at the bank's cash desk or through an ATM.

To choose the most convenient method of delivering social benefits, a pensioner needs to write an appropriate application to the territorial branch of the PFR. If in the future a citizen decides to change the method, then he will also have to write a written application.

Indexation of social payments to working and military pensioners

Annually, social pensions are indexed taking into account the subsistence minimum. According to Federal Law-415 of December 19, 2016, the average subsistence minimum in Russia in 2017 is 8,540 rubles. At the same time, the highest level is set in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - 19 thousand rubles, and the lowest - 7 thousand 460 rubles in the Kursk region.

Region Kursk region Tambov Region Astrakhan region Kamchatka Krai Nenets a.o. Chukotsky a.o.
Minimum living wage 7’460 7’468 7’665
Maximum living wage 16’400 17’092 19’000

Attention! The pension cannot be lower than the subsistence level established in the region. If it is lower, then the non-working pensioner will be given pension increase by making appropriate payments.

The annual indexation of pensions is as follows:

  • insurance - based on the growth of consumer prices and the value of the individual pension coefficient.
  • social - taking into account the growth of the subsistence minimum.

This procedure is carried out annually, the last recalculation of the pension took place on April 1, 2017. The table below shows the amounts of monthly payments to all categories of recipients, including working pensioners, military pensioners, disabled people injured as a result of military operations, and others.

Pension old age insurance disability insurance Survivor's insurance Social Social for children with disabilities War invalids and WWII veterans
Size, rubles 13’714 8’465 8’619 8’774 13’026 30 thousand rubles and 34.2 thousand rubles

Living wage for pensioners in 2017

Living wage- the base value necessary for the appointment of various types of benefits and cash payments, including pensions. This element is regulated (as amended on 06/29/2015).

According to the law, it is set on the basis of the consumer basket and prices for its components, taking into account the growth of inflation. The concept itself includes a minimum set of products and other items necessary to maintain the vital activity of the human body in a healthy form.

The size of the basket itself is determined quarterly, both at the level of the subjects of the Federation themselves and at the state level. The adoption procedure is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation. There are two concepts: the subsistence minimum of federal and regional significance.

The federal cost of living for the 2nd quarter of 2017 was:

Compared to the 1st quarter, the PM was reduced for all categories, except for pensioners.

In 2017, the living wage for pensioners was reduced to 8540 rubles(accepted value against which social allowances are calculated - 8803 rubles in 2016). The decrease in this indicator did not lead to a decrease in various types of additional payments assigned as federal or social assistance to certain groups of people.

Pensions for working pensioners

Pension for working pensioners in 2017, as in 2016, will not be indexed. At the same time, if a citizen stops working and applies for a benefit to the FIU, he will be recalculated, taking into account all past increases and allowances.

Despite the abolition of the "February" indexation, cash payments to working pensioners must be recalculated in August, taking into account the accumulated points. A similar procedure was carried out in 2016.

The recalculation will tentatively be suspended until 2019. Such a conclusion is obvious from the pre-prepared budget of the PFR for three years, where indexation for working persons and funded pension payments are not provided.

At the same time, there were optimistic forecasts based on proposals and bills. However, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev issued a statement at the end of June extension of the freeze until 2019 according to the approved budget.

The only way to increase pensions is recalculation of pensions for working pensioners August 1, 2017. With full employment, the minimum can be added to the pension 79 rubles(1.07 IPK * 74.27 rubles). A maximum of three points will be taken into account - 223 rubles. Recalculation is carried out without applications of citizens.

Social pensions

social security benefit- a special type of material allowance for individual citizens, paid at the expense of the federal or regional budgets. Such a pension is established and assigned in accordance with the following categories of persons:

  • Disabled since childhood or other incompetent persons who do not have work experience (if such a citizen has worked at least one day for which mandatory contributions were deducted, he claims to receive an insurance pension).
  • Persons who have lost their breadwinner and have not reached the age of majority. Appointed up to 18 years. An extension of the term of payments is allowed if the recipient is studying at a full-time department of a higher or vocational educational institution.
  • Citizens who have reached the established retirement age, but do not have seniority. Including if it does not meet the approved criteria.

Social pension indexation in 2017 was held as usual on April 1. The recalculation of the benefit will depend on the amount of the living wage used. The indexation rate was 1.5%.

For example, in 2016 he receives a social benefit in the amount of 7 253 rubles, after indexation, it increased by 109 rubles. In 2017, the average amount of this type of pension was 8 803 rubles, and for disabled children and disabled since childhood of the 1st group - 13 349 rubles.

military pensions

They are appointed when they reach a certain age or in other cases established by law. Their size depends on the health status of the applicant.

The pension provision of the military and persons equated to them is regulated (as amended on 07/03/16). According to the law, such a citizen has the right to apply for benefits upon reaching 20 years of work experience (length of service). Similar payment conditions are provided to employees:

  • Fire service.
  • drug control authorities.
  • Service troops of the National Guard.

On January 1, 2017, a draft law comes into force, partially suspending the operation of the above law for approximately one year. According to the innovations, military pensions in 2017 will be multiplied by a reduction factor equal to 72,23% . Thanks to the amendments, in the short term, benefits for these citizens increased by 4%.

The recalculation of military pensions was carried out on January 1, when the law came into force. Indexation of military pensions in 2017 another type (insurance or calculated on the basis of social) took place on February 1 and April 1, depending on the type.

The military has the opportunity to receive a second insurance pension. To do this, he must have seniority in production or civilian work. If the applicant expresses a desire to apply for a second allowance in 2017, he must:

  • Dial 11.4 points ,
  • Reach a certain age (60 for men, 55 for women). For civil servants, it is planned to increase this period by 6 months every year, starting from 2017. For example, in 2018, a male official will be able to retire at the age of 61.
  • Have work experience. At the moment, it takes at least 7 years to process payments, in 2017 - at least 8.

Will it indexation of military pensions October 1, 2017 unknown. Recalculation can be performed for those pensioners whose benefits are calculated from the monetary salary of a military man of the same rank and specialization. However, the Government does not provide any information on this matter, so an increase in 2017 is unlikely.

Average pension in 2017

The approximate value of the pension benefit for the next period will depend on the inflation rate and the indexation parameter set. Pensions in 2017 will be:

  • Social disability allowance for a citizen of the 2nd disability group: 8 800 rubles.
  • Average insurance pension benefit (old age): 13 700 rubles.
  • Social benefit for a disabled child: 13 349 rubles.
  • War Veteran's Benefit: 38 124 rubles.
  • Average pension for ex-military: 24 357 rubles.

On March 12, the State Duma considered a bill providing for the recalculation of pensions in 2019 for non-working pensioners.

The document submitted by the Russian government has already received a positive recommendation from the State Duma Committee on Labour, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs. The deputies agreed on the need to revise the rules for raising pensions for 4 million citizens.

Why non-working pensioners will be recalculated

Recall that since January 1, 2019, a situation has developed in which a number of pensioners who are “paid extra” to the subsistence level did not see the promised increase by an average of 1,000 rubles. This money was counted instead of an additional payment to the subsistence level, and as a result, a real increase in pensions simply did not happen.

The pensioners complained to Putin, and he ordered to eliminate the injustice. Now in 2019, the second indexation of pensions will be carried out according to the new rules.

During his annual address to the Federal Assembly, Putin said: “... The state must first bring the pension to the subsistence level, and only then carry out indexation. It is necessary to recalculate and return to people the money that they have not received since the beginning of the year ... "

To remedy the current situation, the deputies are urgently adopting a bill on additional payments to pensions for low-income citizens.

How to recalculate pensions in a new way

According to the bill, first the total amount of income of a pensioner will be brought to the subsistence level, and then the pension will be indexed. As a result, the increase will be paid in excess of the “minimum wage” established for pensioners.

“If we take the form that the President spoke about, then, accordingly, the social allowance is calculated first. The pension was, together with a monthly cash payment of 8 thousand rubles, a living wage of 11.2 thousand rubles. This means that the social allowance is set at the level of 3.2 thousand rubles. Then the pension is indexed by 7.05%. It turns out that for an indexed pension of 8.56 thousand rubles. add a social allowance of 3.2 thousand rubles. - as a result, the pensioner receives 11.76 thousand rubles,” Yaroslav Nilov, head of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs, told the Rambler News Service (RNS) news agency.


In addition, non-working pensioners will be paid additional amounts that they did not receive in the current year. For recipients of insurance old-age pensions who are entitled to a federal supplement to their pension, the increase in payments will average 511 rubles per month, and for those who are entitled to a regional social supplement - 876 rubles.

When will pensioners be given unpaid money?

It all depends on how soon the deputies pass the necessary laws.

On March 12, the State Duma considered the bill in the first reading. And the State Duma is going to finally adopt the document prepared as part of the implementation of the President's Address to the Federal Assembly on March 21.

Then the pensions will be recalculated retroactively - from January 1 - and the money will be paid no later than July 1.

“If the document is adopted on schedule, the Pension Fund will have time to start paying in May and complete it by July,” said Andrei Pudov, deputy head of the Ministry of Labor.

Increase in social pension in 2019 from April 1

From April 1, 2019, state pensions, including social pensions, will be indexed. This increase will apply to all recipients of the state pension, regardless of the fact of work (both employed and non-working). Indexation of state pensions, including social pensions, from April 1 will be carried out taking into account the growth index of the pensioner's subsistence minimum over the past year.

According to the data initially cited by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the indexation of social pensions from April 1, 2019 was planned at the level of 2.4 percent.

However, at the end of February, new information appeared.

The Ministry of Labor has developed a draft resolution, which it is proposed to index social pensions by 2 percent from April 1, 2019.

This was reported in the press service of the department, noting that based on the data on the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in 2018 (8,483 rubles) and for 2017 (8,315 rubles), the growth rate of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in Russia in 2018 was 2%.

As a result, the average size of the social pension will increase to 9,266 rubles, including the average size of a pension for children with disabilities and disabled people from childhood of group I will increase to 13,674 rubles. and 13,812 rubles. respectively.

The average disability pension for conscripted servicemen will rise to 12,899 rubles, and the average survivor's pension for the families of conscripted servicemen to 10,942 rubles.


Since August 1, 2019, an unannounced adjustment of the insurance pensions of working pensioners has been carried out in Russia. That's when a holiday will come to the street of working pensioners.

For pensioners who worked in 2018, insurance pensions will increase in August 2019. The maximum increase will, as usual, be equal to the cash equivalent of three pension points. The increase that can be counted on will be about 230-250 rubles.

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In 2017, the issue of indexation of the old-age pension became the most acute due to latest changes in the pension legislation in the previous year - the abolition of annual indexation, a low percentage of its increase (only 4% with inflation of 12.9%) for those who no longer work, and replacement with the planned second indexation, which was paid only in January 2017.

The increase in the size of pension payments is carried out by the state in order to compensate their recipients for the decrease in the purchasing power of benefits due to inflation. Its size for 2016 was determined as 5.4% - this value is laid down when raising pensions in February.

How and when are pension payments indexed?

Conducted by the state annually:

  • On February 1, pension benefits increase.
  • On April 1, and increase.

The increase in the size of pension payments to Russian citizens depends on the inflation rate, which is determined based on the results of the previous year and is established by the Government.

Depending on the growth in income of the Pension Fund itself and according to the economic situation in the country, the law provides for the possibility of holding a additional indexing insurance pension by increasing and (clause 7, article 16 of the law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ).

Percentage of indexation of pensions in 2017

Until 2016, in accordance with the law, the increase in pensions took place at the level of price increases over the past year. By the same principle, in 2016, taking into account inflation in 2015, pension benefits should have increased by 12.9%. However, due to the difficult financial situation in the country, the Government made a number of decisions:

  • From January 1, 2016 to January 1, 2017, some legislative provisions were suspended that establish the procedure for the annual increase in pension payments to citizens based on the price growth index and based on the income of the PFR.
  • Indexation of insurance and social pensions was carried out only for a fixed amount 4% well below the real inflation rate in 2015.
  • Insurance old - age pensions are indexed .
  • Additional increase in insurance payments on April 1 not carried out.

However, already in 2017, the usual indexation procedure was returned, thus, insurance pensions and social payments were indexed in full.

Increase in insurance (labor) pensions

Change in the amount of insurance pensions in the direction of their increase in accordance with the law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ "About insurance pensions" occurs through the annual (February 1) increase in the value of the pension coefficient (IPC) and the size of the fixed payment.

In 2017, there was an increase in insurance pensions by an amount equal to the level of price growth in the past 20176 - 5.4% (according to Rosstat).

Thus, from February 1, 2017 the cost of IPC has risen to 78,28 , the size of the fixed payment - up to 4,805.11 rubles. As a result of indexation, the average amount of insurance pensions increased:

  • - about 400 rubles;
  • - about 160 rubles;
  • - for 315 rubles.

Additionally, on April 1, 2017, the cost of the pension point and the fixed payment was increased by 0.38%, which, together with the February indexation will be 5.8%. At the same time, now the SIPK is 78.58 rubles, and the value of the FV is 4823.37 rubles. This amount of the components of the insurance pension will remain until until February 1, 2018.

Increasing the state pension provision

The procedure for increasing the size of state pension benefits, including social benefits, is provided for by Federal Law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001 "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation". Legislative restrictions on the increase in pension payments in 2016 also affected these benefits, as a result from April 1, 2016:

  • the size of social pensions, indexed by 4%, increased on average to 8,562 rubles;
  • (EDV) for recipients of state pension benefits increased by 7%.

At the same time, an increase in social pension provision by 2.6% was planned for April this year, but in reality it was carried out only 1.5% This is due to the declining growth rate of the subsistence minimum for pensioners. EDV indexed on February 1 by 5.4%.

Will there be a second indexation in 2017?

Back in 2016, there was the issue of the possibility of re-indexing pensions, which was discussed for a very long time, and in May 2016 during his visit to Crimea Dmitry Medvedev noted that in the budget for an additional increase in pension payments no money. When deciding to conduct partial indexation in 2016, the Government provided for by law an additional increase in insurance pension payments, but taking into account the current economic and social situation in the country at the end of the first half current year. Thus, held on August 23, 2016, the fate of post-indexation of pension payments was decided: instead of raising pensions to the level of last year's inflation (12.9%), it was decided on an amount that partially compensates for indexation, equal to 5 thousand rubles.

Already in 2017, we planned indexation according to the level of actual inflation (5.4%), which was determined by Rosstat in the first half of January. However, earlier YES. Medvedev reported that indexing "will be 5.8%", after which the PFR budget included the value of the pension coefficient as of April 1, 78.58 rubles, which would be an increase in pensions by the previously assumed 1.054 times.

According to Maxim Topilin, in April, additional indexing to a total value of 5.8%.

Problems of indexing pensions for working citizens

Until 2016, pension payments were indexed to all pensioners, regardless of their continued employment. Since this year, the procedure for increasing state and social pensions has remained the same, which cannot be said about insurance payments.

An important feature of the indexation of insurance pensions in 2016 was that its payment applies to insurance benefits only non-working pensioners(Article 26.1 of the law "About insurance pensions"). At the same time, the legislation provides for the conditions under which a pensioner will again be able to receive an increased pension:

  • the recipient of the pension benefit needs to be income-generating;
  • from the 2nd quarter of 2016, the increase in benefits takes place in an informal form, that is, it is no longer necessary to apply to the pension fund, the calculation will take place on the basis of.

After the dismissal of a pensioner, the amount of his old-age pension will be increased using all indexations which he missed. At the same time, he will be able to receive an increased payment in the month following the month in which the pension authority became aware of the termination of the pensioner's employment.

Receiving an indexed pension payment does not prohibit its recipient to get a job again, while payments will not be reduced..

At the same time, working retirees received a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles, which should serve as compensation for the lost pension income in 2016 for both the unemployed and the old-age pension.

Cancellation of pensions for working pensioners in 2017

For quite some time now, the Government has been talking about reduction of the rights of working pensioners, linking this to their total monthly income (pension + salary). Therefore, back in 2015, a draft law was created, according to which, with an annual income of more than 1 million rubles, the payment of pensions would be canceled.

It was never adopted, but the issue of other restrictions on working pensioners is already being rather vigorously discussed. Based on the results of meetings held in the Government at the beginning of 2016, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation prepared a plan for the next change in the pension system during the crisis, some of the points of which contains suggestions:

  • Cancel the payment of pensions to working pensioners, or at least a fixed part of it.
  • Stop pension payments to workers in hazardous and hazardous industries who continue to work in the same conditions that they were given the right to receive.

The measures proposed by the Ministry of Finance were discussed at the level of ministries, and it is not yet known whether they will be accepted for implementation, but they already have a number of negative reviews. To implement such a plan, it is necessary to properly calculate everything and predict the possible consequences of its application.

However, in 2017, the payment of pensions to working citizens will not be canceled.

  • . The freeze will last until 2020. Experts believe that there will be no return to its formation, the funded part will be replaced by individual pension capital.
  • . Insurance indexation will be postponed to January 1. The increase will be 3,7% . Indexation of social pension from April 1 will be 4,1% .
  • . Indexing will be frozen in 2018 as well. Maxim Topilin noted that the growth of the standard of living of employed pensioners is ensured by increasing wages.
  • . The period of payment of the funded pension has been increased to 246 months. This is the so-called survival period, which is involved in the calculation of the monthly amount of the supplement to the basic pension - the amount of savings is divided into it.
  • . The project of the system is at the final stage of approval. The launch is planned to begin in 2018, and fully commissioned in 2019.
  • . With the recalculation of pensions for working pensioners. The amount of the increase depends on the amount of insurance premiums for 2016, but should not exceed 3 IPC or 223 rubles in monetary terms.
  • July 20. From 2018, a survivor's pension will be granted to orphans whose parents are unknown. Previously, they were denied pensions.
  • 30 June. The term for indexing pensions of working pensioners after dismissal has been reduced from three months to one. Pensioners in an increased amount will be able to receive pensioners the next month after their dismissal.
  • . Indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2017 will not take place. The issue of returning indexation in 2018 is under discussion by the Government.
  • . Social and insurance pensions were increased for the second time in a year. The indexation of the social pension was 1.5%, and the insurance pension was 0.38% (annual indexation was 5.8%).

Indexation of pensions in 2016

In 2016, the issue of pension payments was repeatedly raised. Parliamentarians and representatives of various departments offered ways to solve the problem. The thing is that the economic situation in the country did not allow then to carry out a standard recalculation of payments in favor of pensioners, namely, to increase benefits to the real inflationary level.

As a result of numerous meetings, it was decided to index insurance pensions only for 4% which has passed. At that time, the question of a second wave of increases was not at all raised, and over time it was announced that additional indexation was possible in the fall, but its percentage would depend on the economic state of the state and its most important industries.

Currently, the government has decided to replace the second indexation of pensions with a lump sum payment of 5,000 rubles. According to Prime Minister D.A. Medvedev, these funds in January 2017 will receive about 43 million pensioners, including working citizens and military pensioners.

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Indexation of pensions in 2017

Latest pension news 2017, it is reported that the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev, in his recent statement, called on the governing bodies of the state and employees of leading departments to make every effort to return to the normal schedule for indexing pension payments. According to him, the current situation with the increase in benefits has led to the loss of purchasing power by the pension, and the only thing that can change this state of affairs is a return to the procedure for recalculating benefits, stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The head of government demanded to restore the existing order from 2017 and return the size and possibilities of payments.

Insurance pension in 2017

At the moment in Russia, the average size for old age is 13 657 rubles(Pensions for Muscovites in 2017 will be higher than the national average). For each citizen, access to a well-deserved rest provides for the calculation of benefits, taking into account his seniority and accumulated points.

After the reform of the pension system in 2015, the old-age benefit began to consist of insurance and parts. The insurance is a fixed part of the benefit, which is annually indexed upwards, and the funded part is assigned only to those citizens who were born after 1967. Depending on the reasons for the appointment of pension benefits, three types of payments are distinguished:

To calculate the pension and in connection with disability, the approved formula is used:

SP=FV*K+PK*S*K, where:

  • SP - total pension accrual.
  • PV - a fixed part of the allowance on the day of settlement.
  • K - additional bonus points.
  • PC - the total amount of annual pension coefficients.
  • C - the cost of one IPC point at the time of calculation.

For the loss of a breadwinner, the pension payment is calculated somewhat differently:

SPspk = IPC x SPK,

where SPspk - the size of the insurance pension in case of loss of the breadwinner;
IPC - individual pension coefficient of the deceased breadwinner;
SPC - the cost of one pension coefficient as of the day from which the insurance pension is assigned in case of loss of a breadwinner.

Indexation of insurance pensions in 2017 produced on February 1, 2017 by 5.4%. From April 1, an additional indexation of 0.38% will be carried out. The total increase will be 5.8%.

An example of calculating the insurance pension in 2017

Sergei Semenovich, who worked as a leading specialist in a municipal institution, turned 59 years old. Since there was still an opportunity to stay at work and get additional points and experience, the man decided to independently calculate his allowance in order to make the right choice: stay at work for a few more years or go on a well-deserved rest.

Sergei Semenovich turned to the local branch of the pension fund, where he received information about the rules for calculating future benefits, the necessary information and got down to business.

The citizen learned what constitutes - 4805.11 rubles. The man also calculated that the number of earned pension points - 73 points. Point value 78.58 rubles.

The calculation is as follows:

4805.11 + 73 * 78.58 \u003d 10541.45 rubles.

As a result, the man decided not to rush into retirement. In addition, every year the benefits will be indexed, and the value of the point will increase, and as a result, the benefit will increase even more.

Funded pension in 2017

One of the components of the pension benefit is a funded one, which is not provided for every citizen. Only people born in 1967 or later are eligible. A citizen can independently choose the tariffication, according to which the employer's deductions in his favor will be divided in the future.

Different opinions were expressed about the reform of the funded part. For example, it was proposed to transfer the funded part to a voluntary basis. The contribution rate was to be from 0% in the first year, increasing by 1% in subsequent years, up to 6%. It was supposed to defer payment at the rate for 5 years. Participation in this system is declarative. Citizens who have not submitted a refusal application will be enrolled automatically.

There are several options for obtaining pension capital. In particular, 20% of the accumulated amount can be transferred 5 years before the retirement age. This is done only in emergency situations.

For the first time, the funded part of the allowance was “frozen” in 2014. This decision was explained by the need to stabilize the work of the pension fund of the Russian Federation. To date, the "freeze" of the formation has been extended for the third year in a row.

According to officials, this step allows to reduce the size of pension payments in favor of citizens, and to use the released funds to resolve the issue related to financing the anti-crisis plan.

In October 2016, a decision was made to extend freeze until 2019.

The period of payment of the funded pension was also extended to 240 months. This indicator is used to calculate the size of the monthly payment, which will continue to be for life.

The most popular question and answer on funded pensions in 2017

Question: Hello. My name is Tatyana and I work as an economist. I was born in 1983 and have the right to a funded part. Now the question is which one to choose. In addition, doubts have arisen as to whether I will be able to use my funded pension in more than twenty years in connection with the latest events in our state. Tell me what decision to make so that the pension is definitely in full, and at the same time I can manage it myself. Are any changes expected to end the "freeze" of savings next year?

Answer: Hello Tatiana. The situation is as follows. According to Federal Law "On funded pension", you have the right to choose one of the tariffs:

  • 10% - insurance and 6% - cumulative part;
  • 16% - insurance part.

In the first case, you will get the opportunity to increase your benefits through successful investment of savings and participation in the pension co-financing program, and in the second case, the increase will be stable, depending on the indexation and accumulation of pension points.

However, until 2019, the freezing of the formation of the funded part is still in effect. This means that all the insurance contributions of the employer will go to the formation of the insurance pension for you.

IPK in 2017

Last year, a new indicator was introduced to calculate the pension benefit -. For each citizen, this figure was calculated separately, and its size depended on the seniority and wages of the pensioner. The pattern in the calculation was extremely simple, the longer the length of service and salary, the higher the indicator, and hence the pension.

The IPC for each citizen is calculated individually, and then, using all indicators, the annual IPC is calculated, which is necessary to calculate the allowance. The coefficient is indexed annually by the government, which means an increase in the benefit itself. IPC is measured in points, and each point has its own value. The cost of one point in 2016 was 74.27 rubles. According to pension law from January 1, 2017 this value will be indexed and will be 78.58 rubles.

On the basis of the reform carried out, the conditions for assigning old-age payments have also changed. Since 2017:

  • a citizen must have at least 8 years;
  • the minimum number of IPC points is not less than 11,4 .

The last point depends on the total period of employment of a citizen and the amount of his salary. Upon receipt of the highest possible salary, the number of points received for the year in 2017 will be 8,26 and by 2021 will increase to the indicator 10 points. In the case of the formation of a funded pension, the size of the annual indicator will decrease significantly, but if you refuse this part of the benefit, then the required number of points can be scored very quickly.

The amount of pensions in 2017

According to the latest statement by Russian Prime Minister D. Medvedev, pension in 2017 will be indexed to the current inflation rate. Representatives of other state structures have repeatedly made similar statements.

  1. On January 1, the allowance for pensioners in rural settlements is increased;
  2. February 1 - old-age allowance, military pensions, monthly income and social benefits are indexed;
  3. April 1 social pensions, the second indexation of insurance;
  4. the recalculation of pension benefits for military personnel is envisaged;

In 2016, the following amounts of pension payments were established:

  • average pension benefit - 13 720 rubles;
  • payment - not less than 13 500 rubles;
  • allowance for a disabled child 13 349 rubles and more;
  • war veteran's allowance 36 000 rubles;
  • compensation for pensioners in Moscow 14 500 rubles.

The size of the subsistence minimum affects what will be in 2017. For 2017, the size of the PM for pensioners has been reduced and amounted to 8540 rubles.

Also, the February indexation will affect the UDV and the set of social services included in it, which will reach 1048.97 rubles per month.

Pension calculation for women with two children

Ivanova Galina is the mother of two children aged 25 and 15. In October 2017, she turns 55 years old, she decides not to continue working and take out an insurance pension. IPC amount recruited for work in the banking sector amounted to 156 points. Pension calculation for woman:

156*78,58+4805,11 = RUB 17,063.59.

However, the woman did not provide documents for the children. During maternity leave, 1.8 IPCs were also received for the first child and 3.6 IPCs for the second. Recalculation of pension for children in 2017 for Galina:

(156 + 1.8 + 3.6) * 78.58 + 4805.11 \u003d 17487.92 rubles.

Since Galina has a minor child in her care, additional payment for a dependent will be 1601.7 rubles. The final amount of the pension RUB 19,089.62.

The recalculation of the pension for women who raised two children in 2017 in this case amounted to RUB 2,026.03.

The amount of social pensions in the Russian Federation

Pension amount

  • Citizens from among the small peoples of the North who have reached the age of 55 and 50 years
  • Citizens who have reached the age of 65 and 60 years
  • Disabled people of the II group (with the exception of disabled people from childhood)
  • Children under the age of 18 and older who are studying full-time in educational institutions, but not longer than until they reach the age of 23, who have lost a parent
5034.25 rubles per month
  • Disabled since childhood, group I
  • Disabled children
12082.06 rubles per month
  • Disabled since childhood II group
  • Group I disabled
  • Children under the age of 18 years and older, full-time students in educational institutions, but not longer than until they reach the age of 23, who have lost both parents and children of a deceased single mother
10068.53 rubles per month
  • Disabled group III
4921.01 rubles per month

Retirement age in 2017

At the moment, for the female part of the population is 55 years, and for the male half - 60 years. If other requirements are met, a citizen who has reached this age limit has the right to receive a pension benefit.

In some cases, a person can retire early. This benefit is provided to citizens who have worked for a long time in, civil servants, military, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as those persons who, working in difficult conditions, quickly lost their physical ability and professional skills to further perform any labor duties.

As for the increase, this issue has been discussed by officials more than once and serious debates have flared up more than once, but there is no decision in favor of increasing the age. Moreover, according to the statement of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin, an increase is not planned in the next few years, although such a step would reduce the number of pensioners and bring the budget of the PFR to an overall balance.

On May 11, after the third reading, a bill was adopted, according to which the retirement age for state and municipal employees will be increased to 65 And 63 years old for men and women respectively.

Pensions for working pensioners in 2017

In 2016, a decision was made to cancel the indexation of benefits for pensioners who are in labor relations. Despite this, the increase in their payments still took place at the expense of deductions from employers and accumulated IPC. In addition, this category of citizens received a lump sum payment of 5 thousand rubles in January 2017, along with other pensioners.

Pensions for working pensioners in 2017 will not be canceled, and citizens will continue to receive both a pension and a salary.

The Government also resolved the issue will there be indexation of pensions in 2017. The increase in pensions for working pensioners has been suspended until 2019.

A citizen of retirement age will be able to get the right to indexation when he terminates all labor relations. In addition, the allowance will be recalculated taking into account all increases that have occurred during employment.

The only opportunity to increase their pensions for employed pensioners remains the annual recalculation on August 1. In 2017, it will be carried out according to the amount of insurance contributions for 2016, converted into IPC points. The maximum will be taken into account no more than three points. Thus, at minimum wage increase will be around 80 rubles, maximum - 223 rubles.

In addition, the Ministry of Finance made several more proposals regarding the future pensions of working pensioners. In particular, it was proposed to abolish all types of pension payments to citizens whose income over 500 thousand rubles per year(or more than a million rubles, according to another proposal) and deprive the fixed part of the pension, which for 2017 is 4823 rubles.

Calculation of military pension

Oleg Petrovich holds the post of platoon commander in the Russian army (salary 20,000 rubles) with the rank of captain (surcharge 11,000 rubles). The length of service is 31 years, for which a salary increase of 15% is required. Cash allowance during service was 35 650 rubles.

In July 2017, Oleg Petrovich decided to leave the service. Military pension calculator in 2017 will look like this:

35650 * (50+11*3)% = RUB 29,589.5.

Legislatively established reduction factor for military pensions. In 2017 it is 72,23% . Oleg Petrovich's pension is:

29 589,5 * 72,23% = RUB 21,372.5.

The most popular question and answer on pensions for working pensioners in 2016-2017

Question: Hello, my name is Vladislav Pavlovich Ivanov. I retired a year ago, but my allowance was only 13 580 rubles. This amount was absolutely not enough for living, and I had to go to work as a watchman. The salary is small, however, all together allows a tolerable existence. Every month I receive my official salary, and I know that the employer makes contributions to the pension fund of the Russian Federation. Unfortunately, recent innovations have introduced restrictions on the indexation of pension benefits for employed pensioners. Tell me how can I increase my pension without indexing and is it possible that in the future such a restriction will be lifted?

Answer: Dear Vladislav Pavlovich, unfortunately, the current amendments made to the Federal Law "On insurance pensions" have led to the fact that working pensioners have lost the right to an annual increase in payments. In early February, indexation only affected benefits for unemployed citizens of retirement age. However, due to your formal employment, you can increase your benefits in the following ways:

  • for a year of work, the total number of points will increase - by a maximum of 8,26 ;
  • Every year on February 1, there is an increase in the value of one point - today 78,58 ;
  • increase in the size of the fixed part of the pension.

Each of these parameters can have a significant impact on the amount of the benefit.

As for the decision regarding the future cancellation of the amendments, unfortunately, the pension benefits of working pensioners will not be indexed in 2017. It is very likely that in the next 2 years, too. We will wait for the improvement of the economic situation in the country.


As a result, a number of conclusions should be drawn:

  1. In 2016, the indexation of pension benefits occurs in violation of the procedure established by law. The recalculation is made without taking into account the inflationary level: on February 1, pensions were increased by 4%, in January 2017 pensioners will receive a lump sum payment in the amount of 5 thousand rubles.
  2. According to D. Medvedev indexing benefits in 2017 will take into account the real level of inflation in the country.
  3. The conversion of accumulated funds into points is carried out on the basis of a standard formula and is necessary for the further accrual of pension benefits.
  4. The retirement age has been raised only for civil servants.
  5. Benefits for employed pensioners in 2017-2019 are not subject to indexation.
  6. The formation of a funded pension is frozen until 2019.