You will be surprised: at what age do Russian football players retire? How old are the players of the Russian national team

Football(from English. foot- sole, ball- ball) - the most popular team sport in the world, in which the goal is to score the ball into the opponent's goal more times than the opposing team does in a set time. The ball into the goal can be scored with the feet or any other parts of the body (except the hands).

The history of the emergence and development of football (briefly)

The exact date of the emergence of football is not known, but it is safe to say that the history of football has more than one century and has affected many countries. Ball games were popular on all continents, as evidenced by the ubiquitous finds of archaeologists.

In ancient China, there was a game known as "Cuju", the mention of which was dated back to the second century BC. According to FIFA in 2004, it is considered to be the most ancient of the predecessors of modern football.

In Japan, such a game was called "Kemari" (in some sources, "Kenatt"). The first mention of Kemari occurs in 644 AD. Kemari is still played today at Shinto shrines during festivals.

In Australia, balls were made from the skins of rats, bladder large animals, from twisted hair. Unfortunately, the rules of the game have not been preserved.

In North America, too, there was an ancestor of football, the game was called "pasuckuakohowog", which means "they gathered to play the ball with their feet." Usually the games were played on the beaches, they tried to score the ball into a goal about half a mile wide, while the field itself was twice as long. The number of participants in the game reached 1000 people.

Who Invented Football?

Modern football was invented in England in the 1860s.

Basic rules of football (briefly)

The first rules of football were introduced on December 7, 1863 by the Football Association of England. Today, the rules of football are established by the International Football Association Board (IFAB), which includes FIFA (4 votes), as well as representatives of the English, Scottish, Northern Irish and Welsh football associations. The latest edition of the official football rules is dated June 1, 2013 and consists of 17 rules, here is a summary:

  • Rule 1: Referee
  • Rule 2: Assistant referees
  • Rule 3: Duration of the game
  • Rule 4: Start and Resumption of Play
  • Law 5: Ball in play and out of play
  • Law 6: Definition of a Goal
  • Law 11: Offside
  • Law 12: Fouls and misconduct by players
  • Law 13: Free Kick and Free Kick
  • Rule 14: penalty kick
  • Rule 15: Throwing the Ball
  • Law 16: Goal kick
  • Law 17: Corner kick

Each football team must consist of a maximum of eleven players (this is how many can be on the field at the same time), one of whom is the goalkeeper and he is the only player who is allowed to play with his hands within the penalty area at his goal.

How many players are on the team?

The team consists of 11 players: ten field players and one goalkeeper.

A football match consists of two halves of 45 minutes each. Between halves there is a 15-minute rest break, after which the teams change gates. This is done to ensure that the teams were on an equal footing.

The football game is won by the team that scores more goals against the opponent.

If the teams finished the match with the same score of goals, then a draw is fixed, or two extra halves of 15 minutes are assigned. If extra time ends in a draw, then a penalty shoot-out is awarded.

Football penalty rules

A penalty kick or penalty kick is the most serious penalty in football and is taken from the corresponding mark. When performing a 11-meter kick, the goalkeeper must be in the goal.

Punishment of post-match penalties in football is carried out according to the following rules: teams take 5 shots at the opponent's goal from a distance of 11 meters, all shots must be taken by different players. If after 5 kicks the score is tied on penalties, then the teams continue to take one pair of penalties until a winner is determined.

Offside in football

A player is considered offside or offside if he is closer to the opponent's goal line than the ball and the opponent's penultimate player, including the goalkeeper.

In order not to be offside, players must adhere to the following rules:

  • it is forbidden to interfere with the game (touching the ball that was passed to him or that touched a teammate);
  • it is forbidden to interfere with the opponent;
  • it is forbidden to take advantage of one's position (touching the ball that bounces off the goal post or crossbar or on an opponent).

handball in football

Football rules allow field players to touch the ball with any part of the body other than the hands. For handballing, a team is awarded a free kick or penalty kick, which is taken by a player from the opposing team.

Two more very important points belong to the rules of handball in football:

  • accidentally hitting the ball in the hand is not a violation of the rules;
  • rebounding from the ball is not a foul.

Yellow and red cards

Yellow and red cards are signs that the referee shows the players for violation of the rules and unsportsmanlike behavior.

A yellow card is a warning and is given to a player in the following cases:

  • for intentional handplay;
  • for delaying time;
  • for disrupting an attack;
  • for hitting before the whistle / going out of the wall (free kick);
  • for blow after whistle;
  • for rough play;
  • for unsportsmanlike conduct;
  • for disputes with an arbitrator;
  • for simulation;
  • for leaving or entering the game without the permission of the arbiter.

A red card in football is shown by a referee for particularly gross violations or unsportsmanlike conduct. The player who receives a red card must leave the field before the end of the match.

Football field size and marking lines

The standard field for big football is a rectangular area in which the goal lines (front lines) are necessarily shorter than the side lines. Next, we will consider the parameters of the football field.

The size of a football field in meters is not clearly regulated, but there are certain boundary indicators. For national level matches, the standard length of a football field from gate to gate must be between 90-120 meters, and a width of 45-90 meters. The football field area ranges from 4050 m2 to 10800 m2. For comparison, 1 hectare \u003d 10,000 m 2. For international matches, the length of the touchlines must not exceed the interval of 100-110 meters, and the length of the goal lines beyond the limits of 64-75 meters. There are FIFA-recommended football field dimensions of 105 by 68 meters (area of ​​7140 square meters).

How long is a football field?

The length of the football field from goal to goal must be between 90-120 meters.

The marking of the field is carried out with the same lines, the width of the marking should not exceed 12 centimeters (the lines are included in the areas they limit). The sideline or edge of the football field is commonly referred to as the "edge".

Football field markings

  • Middle line - a line that divides the field into two equal halves. In the middle of the center line is the center of the field with a diameter of 0.3 meters. The circumference around the center of the field is 9.15 meters. A kick or a pass from the center of the field starts both halves of the match, as well as extra time. After each goal scored, the ball is also placed in the center of the field.
  • The goal line in football is held on the lawn parallel to the crossbar.
  • Football goal area - a line that is drawn at a distance of 5.5 meters from outside gate posts. Two lanes 5.5 meters long are drawn perpendicular to the goal line, directed deep into the field. Their end points are connected by a line parallel to the goal line.
  • Penalty area - from points at a distance of 16.5 m from the inside of each goal post, at right angles to the goal line, two lines are drawn deep into the field. At a distance of 16.5 m, these lines are connected by another line parallel to the goal line. In the center of the goal line and at a distance of 11 meters from it, a penalty mark is applied, it is marked with a solid circle with a diameter of 0.3 meters. The goalkeeper may play with his hands within the penalty area.
  • Corner sectors - arcs with a radius of 1 meter centered on the corners of the football field. This line forms a limited area for corner kicks. In the corners of the field, flags are set at least 1.5 meters high and 35x45 centimeters in size.

The marking of the field is carried out using lines, the width of which must be the same and not exceed 12 centimeters. The image below shows the layout of the football field.

Football goal

The goal is placed exactly in the middle of the goal line. Standard size goal in football is as follows:

  • the length or width of the goal in big football - the distance between the vertical posts (bars) - 7.73 meters;
  • goal height - the distance from the lawn to the crossbar - 2.44 meters.

The diameter of the racks and the crossbar should not exceed 12 centimeters. The gates are made of wood or metal and are painted white, and also have a rectangular, elliptical, square or circle shape in cross section.

A soccer goal net must fit the size of the goal and must be strong. It is customary to use football nets of the following size 2.50 x 7.50 x 1.00 x 2.00 m.

Football field construction

The standard design of a football field is as follows:

  • Grass lawn.
  • Substrate of sand and gravel.
  • Heating pipes.
  • Drainage pipes.
  • Aeration pipes.

Football field surfaces can be natural or artificial. Grass requires additional care, namely watering and fertilizing. Grass does not allow for more than two games per week. Grass is brought to the field in special turf rolls. Very often on the football field you can see the grass of two colors (striped field), so it turns out, because of the peculiarities of lawn care. When mowing the lawn, the machine first moves in one direction, and then in the other, and the grass falls in different directions (multidirectional lawn mowing). This is done for the convenience of determining distances and offsides, as well as for beauty. The height of the grass on the football field is usually 2.5 - 3.5 cm. The maximum speed of the ball in football at the moment is 214 km / h.

Artificial turf for a football field is a carpet made of synthetic material. Each blade of grass is not just a strip of plastic, but a product of complex shape. In order for the artificial turf to be suitable for playing, it is covered with a filler of sand and crumb rubber.

soccer ball

What kind of ball is played in football? A professional soccer ball consists of three main components: the inner tube, the lining, and the tire. The bladder is usually made from synthetic butyl or natural latex. The lining is the inner layer between the tire and the chamber. The lining directly affects the quality of the ball. The thicker it is, the better the ball is. Usually the lining is made of polyester or compressed cotton. The tire consists of 32 synthetic waterproof pieces, 12 of which are pentagonal, 20 are hexagonal.

Football ball size:

  • circumference - 68-70 cm;
  • weight - no more than 450 gr.

The speed of the ball in football reaches 200 km / h.

football kit

Mandatory elements of a player's football kit are:

  • Shirt or T-shirt with sleeves.
  • Underpants. If underpants are used, they must be of the same color.
  • Gaiters.
  • Shields. Must be fully covered by gaiters and provide adequate protection.
  • Boots.

Why do football players need socks?

Gaiters perform a protective function, supporting the leg and protecting against minor injuries. Thanks to them, shields are held.

The goalkeeper's football uniform must differ in color from the uniforms of other players and referees.

Players may not wear any equipment that could be dangerous to them or other players, such as jewelry and wristwatches.

What do footballers wear under their shorts?

Underpants are tight-fitting compression shorts. The color and length of the underpants must not differ from the color and length of the shorts.

Set pieces in football

  • Initial hit. In football, the ball is played in three cases: at the beginning of the match, at the beginning of the second half, and after a goal is scored. All players of the kick-off team must be in their own half of the field, with their opponents at least nine meters away from the ball. The player taking the kickoff may not touch the ball again before the other players have done so.
  • Goal kick and throw-in by the goalkeeper. Putting the ball into play after it went over the goal line (to the side of the post or over the crossbar), due to the fault of the player of the attacking team.
  • Throwing in the ball from behind the sideline. It is made by a field player after the ball has crossed the touchline and left the field. It is necessary to throw in the ball from the place where it was in the “out”. The receiving player must be facing the field of play on or behind the touchline. At the time of the throw, both feet of the player must be in contact with the ground. The ball is put into play without the referee's signal.
  • Corner kick. Putting the ball into play from the corner sector. It is a punishment for the players of the defending team who kicked the ball over the goal line.
  • Free kick and free kick. Penalty for deliberately touching the ball with the hand or using foul techniques against players of the opposing team.
  • Penalty kick (penalty).
  • Offside position.

Refereeing in football

Referees monitor compliance with the established rules on the football field. For each match, a main referee and two assistants are appointed.

The duties of a judge include:

  • Match timing.
  • Recording match events.
  • Ensuring that the ball meets requirements.
  • Ensuring the equipment of the players requirements.
  • Ensuring the absence of unauthorized persons on the field.
  • Ensuring the care / removal of injured players off the field.
  • Providing relevant authorities with a match report including information on any disciplinary action taken against players and/or officials teams, as well as for all other incidents that occurred before, during or after the match.

Judge's rights:

  • Stop, temporarily interrupt or stop the match in case of any violation of the rules, outside interference, injury to players;
  • Take action against team officials behaving incorrectly;
  • Continue play until the ball is out of play if the player, in his opinion, has received only a minor injury;
  • Continue play when the offending team benefits from such an advantage (remaining with the ball) and penalize the original offense if the team did not take advantage of the intended advantage;
  • Punish a player for a more serious violation of the Rules in the event that he simultaneously commits more than one violation;
  • Act on the advice of his assistants and fourth referee.


Competitions are organized by the federation, each tournament has its own regulations, which usually prescribe the composition of the participants, the tournament scheme, and the rules for determining the winners.


National teams

  • The World Cup is the main international football competition. The championship is held once every four years, the men's national teams of FIFA member countries from all continents can take part in the tournament.
  • The Confederations Cup is a football competition among national teams that is held a year before the World Cup. Held in the host country of the World Cup. 8 teams take part in the championship: the winners of the continental championships, the winner of the world championship and the team of the host country.
  • Olympic Games
  • The FIFA Club World Cup is an annual competition between the strongest representatives of the six continental confederations.


National teams

  • The European Championship is the main competition for national teams under the leadership of UEFA. The championship is held every four years.
  • The UEFA Champions League is the most prestigious annual European club football competition.
  • The UEFA Europa League is the second most important competition for European football clubs belonging to UEFA.
  • The UEFA Super Cup is a one-leg championship between the winners of the previous season's UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League.


National teams

  • The America's Cup is a championship held under the auspices of CONMEBOL among the national teams of the countries of the region.
  • The Libertadores Cup is named after the historical leaders of the Spanish colonial wars of independence in the Americas. Held among the best clubs in the countries of the region.
  • The Copa Sudamericana is the second most important club tournament in South America after the Copa Libertadores.
  • The South American Recopa is an analogue of the continental Super Bowl. The tournament is attended by the winners of the two most important club tournaments - the Copa Libertadores and the Copa Sudamericana of the previous season.


National teams

  • The CONCACAF Gold Cup is a football tournament for the countries of North, Central America and the Caribbean.
  • The CONCACAF Champions League is an annual football championship among the best clubs in North and Central America and the Caribbean.

Football structures

The main football structure is FIFA (Fédération internationale de football association), located in Zurich, Switzerland. It organizes international tournaments on a global scale.

Continental Organizations:

  • CONCACAF (СConfederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football) is the football confederation of North and Central America and the Caribbean,
  • CONMEFBOL (CONfederacion sudaMERicana de FutBOL) - South American Football Confederation,
  • UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) is a union of European football associations,
  • CAF (Confederation of African Football) - African Football Confederation,
  • AFC (Asian Football Confederation) - Asian Football Confederation,
  • OFC (Oceania Football Confederation) is the Oceania Football Confederation.

We have tried to cover the topic as fully as possible, so this information can be safely used in the preparation of messages, reports on physical education and essays on the topic "Football".

In 2014, the CEOs of Insight ONE published interesting statistics on the state of the gaming industry in Russia in 2014. Statistics based on data from Group, J'son & Partners, NewZoo, RBK Money, White Label Statistics, Advertising Age, VirtualGiveaway, Jupiter Communications, MTS, Euroset, Nielsen, The Esa.

According to statistics:

  • 58% of Russians play games;
  • the average age of a player is 30;
  • 68% of all players are adults (over 18);
  • 45% of all players in Russia are women;
  • almost every 2nd player is a family person;
  • about 89% of parents play games with their children (most often children's games);
  • 77% of all players play at least 1 hour a week;
  • 36% play games on their smartphones;

Online games in Russia

The structure of the online segment has changed a lot over the past 2 years - the share of social games has increased dramatically. The average age of a player has also grown - 33 years. Currently, online games with a turnover of more than $1.3 billion are the most profitable segment of the Internet business in Russia.

typical player

  • the average age of a player is 33;
  • 45% of players are married;
  • 13% are in a civil marriage;
  • 40% of MMO players are parents;
  • women usually play social games.

How many players in Russia

47% of Russians are active Internet users, of which 68% actively play online games.

Who plays computer games

What do players pay more for?

The MMO segment has the highest share of paying players among online game users. Multiplayer games are distinguished by a loyal audience that is ready to spend about 1,100 rubles on in-game payments. per month.

Mobile games in Russia

  • There are more than 1.2 billion active players in mobile games in the world, of which Russia accounts for about 3.2%;
  • Growth of mobile Internet users in Russia for Last year amounted to 53%;
  • About 37% of people used smartphones in Russia in 2012, and in 2013 already 45%, by 2014 the figures are planned to be 56%;
  • In the third quarter of 2013, smartphones accounted for 66% of the mobile phone market, currently already 71%;
  • In 2013, 15.2 million smartphones were sold, up 69% from the previous year.

The decision on how old footballers retire has never been taken at the state level. However, a special kind of "football" pension and the possibility of its existence has been discussed for many decades. The salary accrued to professional footballers is several times higher than the standard salaries of the general working population - but also seniority the players are relatively short. After the age of 32, footballers begin to “say goodbye” to their professional activities - many go to study as a coach or do auxiliary work at the club.

Only a few football clubs take care of the “veterans” of football who were raised once and make special deductions for them. But there are few such organizations in Russia. When former football players reach old age, another question becomes relevant for them - at what age do football players have a pension.

Separate preferential category there is no pension provision for football players in Russian legislation. Special pensions for players are not allowed - additional payments only Olympic champions are eligible. For ordinary football players, the pension is accrued in the standard mode - upon reaching the age established by law.

What they say in the Pension Fund

It is sometimes difficult for pension workers to understand even the standard accrual pension benefits various categories citizens - tariffs are constantly changing. Therefore, the question, which is relevant for many, at what time the players retire, remains unresolved and is not considered by the employees of the accrual fund. state benefits. Because on federal level there are no decisions on pension provision for football players, employees do not provide information about any benefits for these citizens.

Thus, the question of how old footballers retire remains unresolved. There is no separate preferential category for players. All of them receive a standard pension only at the onset of old age, and at the end of their football career they can get any kind of work and wait until retirement age like all ordinary people. Retirement age football players in Russia is not regulated at the state level and social pension ahead of schedule not assigned.

Read also Pedagogical pension for kindergarten teachers: how to raise the retirement age

The opinion of the players themselves

In 2008, the RFU officially approved a special amount of pensions for the former "army", "Dynamo" and "torpedo". At the moment, ex-players of famous football teams receive a kind of scholarship from the state, and this is the only encouragement for work.

In 2016, the professional union of the football players' club tried to create specialized pension funds for the players, but the participants did not receive support at the state level.

The head of the Union of Football Players Alexander Zotov commented on the general situation in Russia with football pensions. He said that at the moment the players are not entitled to a special type of preferential pension provision, only some of the players receive scholarship allowances. These allowances are paid on an individual basis - they can only be received by meritorious players from professional list. It has already been proposed several times to create special pension funds for players who have completed football professional activity. But these attempts were unsuccessful.

Many football players, when they retire, have time to work in another field for more than 20 years, since the “playing” career is short-lived and after it is completed they have to go to their regular job. It is quite difficult for many of them to adapt to the usual social environment - that is why the members of the Football Players Union believe that it is necessary to appoint a type of special material assistance in the form of early retirement.

Information about the age at which players retire is presented only in the form of average statistics - all players go to pension provision upon reaching a certain age, like other ordinary citizens. At the state level, no attempts are being made to create special funds to ensure early payments for pension accruals. Therefore, information about the age at which footballers retire remains relevant for people who decide to link their professional activities with football.

At the last European Football Championship - 2016, the Russian team was one of the oldest. Perhaps it is precisely such a high average age of the players of the Russian national team that is one of the reasons for its unsuccessful performance at the Euro.

How old are the players of the Russian national team?

Judge for yourself: in terms of average age, the Russian team in 2016 was the second among the oldest at the Euro. Her average age at the time of the tournament was 29.3 years. Older was only the national team of Ireland - 29.8 years.

It should be noted that the leading defender of the Russian national team Sergei Ignashevich became the oldest player in the Russian national team - this summer he turns 37 years old. Interestingly, Ignashevich is the third among the oldest Euro players. Even older were only goalkeepers - the Irishman Shay Gevin and the Hungarian Gabor Kiraly, who were already 40 years old.

Keeping in mind the 2018 FIFA World Cup, home to the Russian team, the situation looks sad. In 2 years, the active, already aged players of the Russian national team will become even older, and, alas, there is no decent young replacement yet. One of these few promising players is the youngest player of the Russian national team at the last Euro, CSKA midfielder Alexander Golovin. He is only 20, while the youngest player in the European Championship - Englishman Marcus Rushford - was only 18 years old.

The age of the players of the Russian national football team 2016

If we talk about the age of the leading goalkeeper of the Russian national team, then Igor Akinfeev is relatively young for a goalkeeper with such experience. He is 30 years old, like the second goalkeeper of the Russian national team Guilherme, and Yuri Lodygin celebrated his 26th birthday in May.

The age of the Berezutsky brothers - Alexei and Vasily - is 34 years old. The captain of the Russian national team Roman Shirokov celebrated his 35th birthday in early July. One of the most promising players of the Russian national team and Zenit, Oleg Shatov, is ten years younger than Shirokov.

In conclusion - about the forwards. They are also relatively young. So, Artem Dzyuba is 27 years old, his Zenit partner Alexander Kokorin is even younger - 25, and Fyodor Smolov from Krasnodar, who became the top scorer of the last Russian championship, is 26 years old. We add that Alexander Kerzhakov, who was not included in the Russian national team for the European Championship, is 33 years old.