Congratulations from officials on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Official congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day Official public congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day

Accept the most my sincere congratulations Happy Defender of the Fatherland! This holiday is one of the most revered in our country. After all, to protect the Motherland, home and family is the honorable duty of every man. I wish you good health, inexhaustible vitality and a peaceful sky above your head!

We congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day - a holiday of strength, courage, valor and honor. On the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, we sincerely wish you strength and fortitude, energy and optimism, well-being and reliable rear in the family. Let there be a place in your life for noble deeds and feats, courage and beautiful victories even in peacetime!

Dear men! Do you have today real holiday- we are ready once a year on this day to fulfill your desires, small whims and whims. After all, it is not difficult to bring your beloved a cup of coffee to bed, bring bags from the store, cook a delicious dinner, and also praise and cherish your dear husband all day long. But do not forget that from tomorrow our time will come when, throughout the year until the next Defender of the Fatherland Day, we will expect your attention, help, understanding and support. After all, you are so strong, smart and brave. Happy holiday!

Our dear men! We heartily congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! Although this holiday is winter, it is warmed by our love for you! And on this day, we want to wish you to boldly overcome any obstacles, be courageous, achieve your goals, because real men are not scared away by difficulties, but on the contrary, they inspire new feats! And may a beloved woman be with each of you, able to brighten up any life's hardships. Love to you, our dear men!

You are our knights, our pride and glory. We are behind your shoulders like behind a wall. It is so nice to know that there are still real knights among the young men. You have everything the knights were famous for. Mind, courage and honor. You will protect the weak and defenseless, you will help those who need your help. We are proud that such boys study with us in the same class.

On the holiday of real men, we congratulate our defenders! It does not matter whether they serve or not, they are always, every moment, ready to stand guard over our freedom and our lives! Let me on this day, in addition to congratulations, also wish you a peaceful sky and a prosperous life!

Our dear men! You are the ones who always guard our peace and well-being. You are those who, without fear, enter the battle at the first call of their country, those who protect their wives and children from all troubles with their broad backs. Let words of gratitude sound for you today simply for the fact that you are. Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day to you!

I want to congratulate all men on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Despite the fact that you no longer have to fight, you still remain real defenders. To protect us from the cold, you turn on the heater; to protect us from loneliness, you listen to our endless chatter; to protect us from self-doubt, you compliment us. Thank you for being you! Happy holiday!

I want to sincerely congratulate our men on Defender of the Fatherland Day, and wish you and your loved ones good health, happiness and prosperity, may your life be illuminated by the glory of the victories of our army, the strength and power of weapons, love and devotion to your Fatherland.

I sincerely want to congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day. On this holiday of the strong half of humanity, I wish you not to be afraid of any obstacles and boldly go towards any goals, because obstacles only spur and inspire a real man. And to achieve your goals, you need to have good health, so never get sick, be strong in spirit and body. And, of course, next to a real man there should be a beautiful woman - beautiful, smart and economic. This is the kind of life partner I wish for you. Let your dreams come true, and the bird of happiness follows you in all directions with an invisible shadow!

Defense of the Fatherland is the duty and privilege of real men. And the family is a tiny part of the vast Motherland, which you also need to protect. Our dear men, we are behind you - like behind a stone wall. You help us to be calm and confident in tomorrow - and in today's day. Happy Holidays!

All men in childhood love to play war, run around with a gun and imagine themselves as fearless pilots and tankmen. On this day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, we want to wish you that the game remains a game, and that you never have to shoot people for real in order to protect your loved ones. Peaceful sky above your head! Happy holiday to you!

Defender of the Fatherland Day, which is celebrated on February 23, is a holiday for all men, regardless of age, as well as women who have chosen a military profession. On this winter day, they remember the ancestors who gave their lives and their happy future for the good of the Motherland. Therefore, in order to express our respect, we offer the official ones in prose.

Solemn congratulations in prose

1. Dear men, our defenders! Today is yours and yours alone. On this February day, we want to thank you again! Thank you for the world, for your strength, for teaching the youth to be faithful, devoted. Today I would like to wish that the sun always shines on you, that your loved ones are always overwhelmed with pride for you! We are always glad to share this holiday with you, to make it brighter and more pleasant!

2. Gentlemen! Today I would like to congratulate men on the Defender of the Fatherland Day, because in our time, thanks to you, dear ladies do not know how hard the path of a soldier, warrior, defender is. Today is a holiday for everyone: and for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, and for those who gave two years to the army, who know what “two outfits out of line” are, who were deprived of the pleasure of watching a football match of their favorite team, because they learned to defend their homeland and their loved ones. We are proud of you, we are proud of what you do, and we never forget the feat of our ancestors, thanks to which we see birds and white clouds in the sky, and not bombs and clouds of smoke. We hope that these words really feel the depth of our feelings! From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you heroic health, joyful faces around, happiness, well-being and prosperity! Live peacefully and brightly!

3. Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, dear gentlemen! You are our support, our support, our pride, our future. And we speak without exaggeration! It is thanks to you that we feel safe, we can walk around the parks and streets of the country without looking back, we can be calm for our children. Today I would like to say not only thank you, but also to emphasize that without you, dear men, it would be very, very boring in the team. You can always support in a difficult moment and find Right words. You are not only the defenders of the Fatherland, but also the defenders of the family, children, friends, and even the work team. We are glad that we have such strong men. We wish you all the best, great love, a life without worries, success in your professional field, warmth in your home, and God's blessing. Happy holiday to you from the very depths of the heart!

4. Dear strong part of the population, men. I would like to express my deep gratitude to you for being our strength, our support, for giving your care, love, warmth, and, despite being tired, you always find an opportunity to make our life more pleasant and easier. We all appreciate it very much, we are proud of you, we love you. Let you become an example for our children to follow, as our children have become examples for you. Happiness, love, health, warmth, all the very best, kind and sincere!

5. Men, defenders of the Fatherland! On your day, I would like to wish you to remain the same brave heroes, conquerors of women's hearts, defenders of mothers and children, objects of pride for everyone! We wish that no stones or snakes come across on your way, that the road is always lit by the sun, that it is easy for you to achieve your goals, because you need to save your strength to protect the Motherland! Do good and sincere deeds, and fate will thank you three times!

Short congratulations in prose

1. Dear men! Happy Defender of the Fatherland. We express our honor and respect to you. We wish you and your loved ones all the best. Three cheers!

2. Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, we congratulate everyone who is involved in this holiday, who has done a lot for our happy present, and who is working on our equally happy future. Happiness, health, patience, strength!

3. Men, heroes, defenders! We officially congratulate you on February 23rd. We always remember and are always grateful to you for the feeling of safety and security. May your path be easy, happy, and there will be loving people nearby.

4. From February 23! Thank you, men, for being so strong, so wise, so purposeful. We heartily congratulate you, wish you well-being and prosperity.

Everyone from a young age knows about this holiday, but few people know the history of its formation. Why is Defender of the Fatherland Day celebrated on February 23rd?

This winter date has come to us since the days of the USSR, when the President issued a decree from 1992 to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23rd. Initially, this date was the founding date of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army.

After the Soviet Union ceased to exist, February 23 did not disappear from the calendars, but became even more popular and widely celebrated. Today, February 23 is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine, in Belarus.

IN Russian Federation February 23 has become an official holiday non-working day since 2002. This day personifies courage, feat, heroism, courage, care and protection.

Do not forget to congratulate dear men, once again emphasize how important they are. And as a gift, you can pamper men.

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you to always remain strong, wise, confident, courageous, invincible defenders of your families, your ideas, your aspirations and your life principles. Good health to you, guys, great opportunities on the path of life, tireless strength and worthy victories that deserve loud applause from relatives, friends and colleagues!

Our dear men! From the bottom of our hearts, our team congratulates you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! Thank you for your strong male shoulder, help in difficult situations and support. We wish you success in your work, new achievements and prosperity! Happiness in fate and a full cup in the house! Always a peaceful and joyful life to you!

Dear men, I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day!
I wish each of you to perform only peaceful deeds and may fate give love, happiness and interesting events in life. I wish that in our team there will always be a place for chivalry and gallantry, and strong male friendship and mutual assistance will help in the work. I wish you all optimism, health and luck in everything.

Dear colleagues! I sincerely congratulate you on February 23! On this beautiful day, I want to wish you to always remain men, to be loved and most necessary. Let your families be behind you, like behind a stone wall, so that everything in life works out, dreams come true, houses are built, trees grow, children are healthy. Happy holiday!

Dear men, colleagues, from February 23! Be invincible, strong, lucky, healthy. Let any obstacles submit to you, difficulties recede, and things are solved easily. Energy to you, patience, family well-being and financial heights.

Dear colleagues, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you strength of spirit, courage and perseverance. Victory on all fronts: both at work and in everyday life. I wish you to take a firm step towards the achievement of your goals. And let all obstacles surrender at your approach. May luck always accompany you, fortune smiles and everything works out!

Since February 23, colleagues! I wish you always confidently go to your goal and achieve what you want! More patience, health, joyful moments, good luck in all your endeavors! Let what each of you wishes to come true, positive and cheerfulness in all areas of activity, career growth and material well-being!

Happy holiday, dear colleagues, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, from February 23. You are our pride, you are our protection, you are our courage. All the women of our team sincerely wish each of you health, prosperity, love, courage, harmony in everything. May strength of mind and courage help you reach new heights in life. And let there be only a peaceful sky above your head.

Dear colleagues, congratulations on February 23. I want to wish you courage, courage, strength, courage, fortitude. May your goals be achieved, your career be excellent, and the loving support of your family always be around. I wish you to remain real men in any situations!

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, I would like to wish you to remain the same strong, courageous and self-confident individuals! Let success accompany you in all your endeavors and deeds! We wish you to move up the career ladder, conquer new heights and always live happily and prosperously!

Foam, gel, notepad with pen,
There will be no thrashing from the wife.
In general, a holiday and fun.
Accept congratulations!

Congratulations on February 23,
With all my heart and love
I wish to be brave
So that everyone respects you!

I wish you valiant victories
Less grief or trouble
Love the country, keep the vow
Live happily for many years!

You are the most important protector
I'd rather not wish
I know you can live in peace
And sleep soundly at night.

May you always be lucky in everything
faithfully follows you,
From February 23,
My man dear!

Defense of the Fatherland is an honor,
But the personal often doesn't count.
And if you are ready to serve the country,
That is quite worthy of respect.

And now on such a festive day in February
We all heartily congratulate you,
We wish you many new victories,
Leave a mark on history.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day to the entire strong half of the country,
We hasten to congratulate and thank you, we really need you!
We can live calmly, knowing that there is nearby, that they will protect,
We wish you love and peace, let the words strengthen faith.

Let courage, respect always accompany you,
After all, it is difficult to be an example, more strength and work for you.
Let all troubles, difficulties, worries be bypassed,
Let health not disturb you, let peace reign in your heart!

Men have a tough job
We must bravely defend the Motherland.
And your house, and a woman to boot,
Try to get a mammoth.

We are grateful to you, we appreciate you,
We are ready to help in everything.
In your life there is no place for laziness,
You are always ready to take responsibility.

We wish you reliable friends,
May fate keep from all troubles.
Joyful surprises of all kinds,
Strength, health, happiness, long years!

Defenders of the Fatherland, this day glorifies you,
Today you are the target of universal joy!
What to wish? Good luck, health and warmth,
So that life is full of strength and success,
So that you give happiness and give you light
Today, in a month and many, many years!

Today is Defender's Day
There is also a holiday.
For those who love their country
And protect yourself.

Who was at the post
And in the cold, and in the heat.
Who gave a helping hand
Both in life and in the rear.

For those who haven't slept for days
He was on duty in the regiment.
Who did not know rest and sleep,
Studied the craft.

Shoot and load the gun
You can do it without looking.
Today is your holiday
And he is the reward for everything.

May courage, honor and strength
Always live in the soul!
So that everything you want is
Put in a lot of work!

Be ready for difficulties
Look for support in relatives,
Be, most importantly, healthy
And you will conquer the mountain!

For those who have a job
to defend the motherland,
With some special note
Today I want to say:

For being quite calm
In the morning we meet the dawn
Thanks to those who are worthy
He carries out his service

Who in peaceful days and dashing
Answer: "Yes!" to order.
Thank you darlings,
Thank you and Happy Holidays!