How to choose bed linen. Standard bed linen sizes What should be the size of the sheet

A well-chosen set of bedding is the key to a comfortable sleep. Pillowcases, duvet covers and sheets are matched to the existing bed. Therefore, it is important to know their characteristics. Let's see what are the standard sizes.


The choice of bedding is based on the size of the bed.

One and a half

This set is suitable for one person. Sometimes one and a half sets are confused with single sets, which have not been produced for a long time.


Double is designed for most standard beds for two sleepers. In terms of filling, the set is no different from one and a half, all the differences lie in the dimensional characteristics, so the sheets and duvet cover are enough for a comfortable sleep of a couple of people.


Euro-standard bedding is even wider and longer than double sets.

Important! In European countries, the parameters of pillowcases are 50x70, while domestic manufacturers make them 70x70.


The family version includes five items: a large sheet, two pillow covers and the same number of one and a half duvet covers. The sheet in it can be made according to the usual double or European standard. It is suitable for couples who sleep together but prefer to use separate blankets.

The sizes of popular bed linen sets are presented below in the summary table.


Along with adult sleep sets, there are two types of underwear for children:

  1. A one and a half (teenage) set is not always distinguished into a separate group, because its dimensional characteristics are identical to standard 1.5 products. Differences are present in the configuration, usually there is only one pillowcase.
  2. Nursery models fit into a crib for newborns, its parameters are calculated on the basis of a standard mattress for children - a pillowcase 60x40, a sheet 150x110 and a duvet cover 147x112.

Advice! Never buy a pillowcase, sheet, or duvet cover back to back, a small difference will be completely unnoticeable.

Differences in the configuration of foreign products

According to the domestic standard, sleep sets are designed for a family: they include two pillowcases, a duvet cover and a sheet.

In foreign countries, incomplete sets are popular, for example, they do not have a sheet at all, or it is on an elastic band. This option is practical, because slipping or crushing of the product is excluded due to strong fixation to the mattress.

There are sets without a duvet cover, they are replaced with sheets with buttons or a zipper. Such bed linen is popular in the USA.

Some bedding is divided into seasons. The summer set consists only of a sheet and a pair of pillowcases. When choosing European underwear, be prepared to purchase a sheet separately. In some versions, 4 pillowcases are included at once - two matching the style of the set and two regular standard ones.

Unfortunately, many women in the happiest period of pregnancy can overshadow the occurrence of a disease. This is due to the fact that under normal circumstances, the immune system is quite strong and can resist the effects of pathogenic microorganisms. However, in women in an “interesting position”, the forces of the body are more focused on maintaining the fetus in the womb. Accordingly, during pregnancy, women are more susceptible to various infectious diseases. Therefore, the question of how to protect yourself from genital infections during the entire period of pregnancy and at the same time not harm the baby is very relevant. And the most common drug that is prescribed to expectant mothers for the purpose of treatment or prevention is Hexicon. It is about him that will be discussed in this article.

Hexicon during pregnancy, as an effective drug of the antiseptic group, has a fairly wide spectrum of action. Hexicon suppositories are a really useful and at the same time safe drug that helps get rid of the inflammatory process and eliminate its consequences, without adversely affecting the fetus.

In what cases should the drug be used?

ABOUT weakened immunity of a woman during pregnancy, which occurs against the background of hormonal failure, is characterized by weak protective functions of the body. Due to the fact that pathogenic microorganisms and infectious agents can almost freely enter the body of a woman carrying a child, there is a risk of a particular disease. In some situations, late detection of symptoms is even fraught with infection of the baby.

As a rule, in order to prevent complications, the mother, who is responsible for the health of her unborn child, should consult a doctor at the slightest change and deterioration in well-being. And since the organs of the reproductive system are most susceptible to infection, it is worth paying attention to this particular area and not skipping visits to the gynecologist.

In order to avoid infection, a specialist may prescribe a drug in the form of Hexicon suppositories. And this is quite understandable, because Hexicon candles during pregnancy are able to cope with a mass of various diseases. This tool perfectly copes with pathogens-agents of infections of the urogenital group and helps with:

  • thrush;
  • chlamydia;
  • sometimes with gonorrhea;
  • syphilis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • and others.

The above diseases and other inflammatory processes that can affect the internal genital organs cause disturbances in the normal microflora of the vagina. As a result, a woman during pregnancy (I, II, III trimester) may well show symptoms of a urogenital disease:

  • (with thrush - creamy white, cheesy, with vaginitis yellowish-green, etc.) with an unpleasant odor;
  • accompanying discharge itching and discomfort in the genital area;
  • sometimes pain during urination.

However, no matter how safe Hexicon is while carrying a child (I, II or III trimester), you should not self-medicate. Having found symptoms in yourself that indicate an inflammatory process that has arisen in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe internal genital organs, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe Hexicon in the form of a suppository during pregnancy, if the tests confirm the need for this.

How does the drug work?

Hexicon is considered a universal drug, the active ingredient of which is the active substance - chlorhexidine. In combination with polyethylene oxide, it softens the vagina and restores its flora, having a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria that have become the causative agents of a particular disease (including those transmitted through sexual intercourse).

The advantage of Hexicon is that the active substances of the drug do not enter the bloodstream and the general system. In fact, these suppositories act locally, which eliminates the risk of exposure to the fetus in the womb. Therefore, this antiseptic is widely used in medicine and, in particular, in gynecological practice.

The drug Hexicon can be prescribed throughout the entire period of pregnancy, whether it is the I, II or III trimester. An indication for the appointment of candles (most often in this form it is used by pregnant women) Hexicon can be:

  • treatment of diseases of an infectious or venereal nature;
  • preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of such diseases;
  • the need to restore the normal microflora in the vagina;
  • the need for treatment of the birth canal, genital organs immediately before childbirth;
  • prevention of possible complications (purulent) in the first days after the birth of a child.

Treatment with Hexicon

Treatment with Hexicon involves the invaginal use of the drug. In typical situations, the doctor prescribes Hexicon during pregnancy according to the standard scheme. That is, 1 suppository must be administered twice a day. Such a course can last from seven to ten days. It depends not only on the type, but also on the form of the disease. If there is an urgent need, the specialist may well extend the course up to 20 days. Taking the drug in such a situation should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a physician.

A slightly different scheme is used by doctors for women during the postpartum period. In these cases, Hexicon is administered at the rate of 1 candle per day. The course of treatment lasts about 5 days.

However, these are generally applicable schemes. The main treatment with this drug is determined by the doctor. Only a specialist, based on the overall clinical picture, is able to correctly diagnose and determine the direction of treatment.

Prevention with Hexicon

There are also situations when, during pregnancy, a gynecologist prescribes Hexicon as a prophylactic. For example, if a woman "in position" is not sure about the fidelity and "purity" of her partner, she can insert a candle immediately after sexual contact. In such situations, suppositories are able to increase the protective properties of the genital organs, preventing the effects of pathogenic and infectious microorganisms. In addition, as described earlier, the drug is safe for the fetus, which increases its effectiveness and provides an excellent opportunity for the expectant mother to take care of her baby throughout the entire pregnancy (I, II and III trimester).


Even being a safe loyal remedy, Hexicon during pregnancy in suppositories must be used very carefully, because, like any other drug, this one can also cause, albeit minor, side effects. Due to the fact that high sensitivity of the cervix can be attributed to the number of contraindications, in the first place, Hexicon is not prescribed for women who are prone to this. Otherwise, during the application of the suppository in the patient's vagina, discomfort may occur due to burning and itching.

In cases where a woman cannot accurately indicate the characteristics of her body, then she will be able to find out in the first few minutes after the introduction of the suppository. During this period, characteristic symptoms (itching, burning), as well as signs of an allergic reaction may appear due to individual intolerance to the drug. Therefore, after entering the Hexicon candle, it is worth carefully monitoring the sensations that arise. If redness, rash or itching appears in the genital area, you should immediately contact a specialist.

In addition to the contraindications described above, there is also an overdose in case of attempts at self-medication or incorrect dosage. And if, after the suppository has been administered, the pregnant woman has pinkish, bloody or other discharge, an urgent examination by a specialist is necessary. It happens that such discharge is evidence of progressive bacterial vaginosis or placental abruption, which can be fraught with miscarriage or premature birth. Sometimes, discharge can also appear with thrush, which was provoked by taking this drug.

While taking Lexicon, you should follow special recommendations so as not to cause side effects and not harm your health and the health of your unborn baby.

So, for example, while undergoing treatment with Hexicon (the form of release and the trimester can be any), you should not use gels for, shower gels. When using care products containing anionic group detergents, you should be careful, because Hexicon is incompatible with these substances. After bathing, the skin must be thoroughly cleaned from the remnants of soap and other cosmetics. Neglect of these recommendations may lead to inactivation of the active component of Hexicon (chlorhexidine).

In addition, it is worth consulting with your doctor, respectively, complex treatment and the simultaneous use of several medications. In this, the relevance of the use of Hexicon and its interaction with other medical devices can only be determined by a specialist.

In general, as practice and numerous reviews show, this drug is very effective. Due to the wide range of uses and harmlessness in relation to the health of the patient and fetus, Hexicon during pregnancy is considered the most popular remedy.

A comfortable bed and linens that match perfectly with pillows and duvets are the formula for a comfortable sleep. Therefore, when choosing the next set of bedding, you should pay attention not only to the fabric and colors, but also to the dimensions.

Choosing the Right

We pick up a tape measure and measure the following parameters: the length and width of the mattress, pillows and blankets.

The sheet should be 80-100 cm wider than the mattress, and the duvet cover should be 5-6 cm wider and longer than the blanket.

If you have a wide non-standard bed with two one-and-a-half mattresses, then you can consider purchasing two identical one-and-a-half sets.

Bed linen differ not only in size, but also in the number of components. By type they are divided into:

  • Single
  • One and a half
  • Double
  • Family
  • Baby
  • For newborns

Sizes and complete set of bed linen for adults

Single bed

Today, single sets are not popular, and therefore they are quite rare on sale, table:

One and a half

Usually such a set consists of a duvet cover, a sheet, one or two pillowcases. Ideal for both single and single beds.


The set includes a duvet cover, a sheet, two or four pillowcases. A great option for a sofa or bed where two adults sleep under one blanket.

Bed Euro

This is a new type of bed linen, which very quickly won the sympathy of many consumers. Its equipment is the same as that of a double, but the dimensions are slightly larger. Suitable for large double beds with orthopedic mattress and wide sofas.


Ideal for those couples who prefer to sleep on the same bed, but under different blankets. The set consists of two duvet covers, a fitted sheet and two or four pillowcases.

Each manufacturer may have their own kit sizes, but they do not differ much from accepted standards. The table will help you choose the right bed linen.

* in centimeters

Sizes of baby bed linen


Today in stores you can find a wide variety of children's bedding. The set includes a duvet cover, a sheet and 1 pillowcase.

Sizes of baby bedding:

For teenagers, a regular one and a half set of bed linen is perfect.

Bedding for newborns

Here the main selection criterion is the quality and naturalness of fabrics. The sizes of bed linen for newborns directly depend on the standard sizes of a crib. A fairly convenient option for children is a sheet with an elastic band, which is selected according to the size of the mattress.

Some manufacturers sometimes offer complete sets for the crib, which, in addition to bed linen, also includes a blanket, pillow, pocket and side.

Foreign bed linen

Foreign manufacturers designate sizes in English letters:

Double or full - double bedding set (5 centimeters larger)

Extra long single - one and a half set of bed linen, but the sizes are slightly larger

Single or twin - single bedding set

King size - a set for a large bed

Family - family bedding set

Queen - complies with Euro bed linen standards

Children or Baby bed - children's sets.

European lingerie sizes

* in centimeters

Mattress Sheet Fitted sheet Duvet cover Pillowcase
Single/Twin 90x190 183x274 90x190 145x200 51x76 | 65x65
Double/Full 140x190 229x274 140x190 200x220 51x76 | 65x65
King/Queen 150x200 274x297 150x200 230x220 51x76 | 65x65
baby bed 56x118 120x170 60x120 100x120 40x60

European manufacturers sometimes produce incomplete sets (without sheets). Before buying, carefully study the complete set of bed linen.

US lingerie sizes

* in centimeters

In American bedding sets, quite often, instead of a regular duvet cover, there may be a sheet that is attached to the duvet with buttons or zippers. Before buying, carefully check the availability of a duvet cover.

Each of us spends a significant part of his life in a dream. Our well-being, mood and health depend on its quality. To ensure a calm and healthy vacation, it is important to take into account everything to the smallest detail. The bed, mattress, pillow and even linens should be of the best quality possible.

Today we will talk about the last factor, because many people do not attach much importance to it. And in vain, it is bed linen that is in contact with your body all night, therefore it can directly affect the quality of sleep, making it comfortable and calm.

Most people have a question: “How to choose bed linen so that it is inexpensive and of high quality?” This is the subject of our article.

To begin with, let's figure out - what should be the bed linen, what are the requirements for it? In fact, many criteria must be taken into account.

The choice of bed linen: the main characteristics

In order to choose a really good set, you should pay attention to the following parameters of bed linen:

  • packaging and label;
  • canvas;
  • tissue density;
  • smell;
  • bed linen sizes;
  • from what fabric;
  • design.

Let's deal with all this in more detail.

Packaging and label

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a bed set is its packaging. A manufacturer that produces a really good product and values ​​​​its reputation will not save on packaging. Therefore, we do not even pay attention to goods with a poorly printed and poorly glued label that does not have the manufacturer's coordinates.

The label of a good bed linen should contain the following information:

  • name of the manufacturer, its address and telephone number;
  • the composition of the fabric (often by especially cunning manufacturers is indicated in the corner and in small print);
  • kit scheme and dimensions of each of the products;
  • care tips.

cloth fabric

The second thing to look at is the canvas. Poor quality fabric has a sparse structure and is translucent. It is better to refuse to buy such a set - it will not withstand even 3 washes.

Fabric Density

This is one of the most important criteria when choosing bedding. The greater the density of the material, the stronger and better the product. As a rule, the density of the fabric (the number of threads per 1 cm²) is indicated on the label only by the manufacturer of very good products.

Classification of bed sets by density

  1. low fabric density - 20-30 threads per 1 cm²;
  2. below average density - 35-40 threads per 1 cm²;
  3. the average density of the material is 50-65 threads per 1 cm²;
  4. fabric density above average - 65-80 threads per 1 cm²;
  5. high fabric density - 85-120 threads per 1 cm²;
  6. very high material density - 130-280 threads per 1 cm².

Remember - the thicker the linen, the longer it will last.

On a note

  • Batiste has a low density (at least 20-30).
  • Linen and cotton - below average and medium (there must be at least 60 weaves per 1 cm²).
  • Turkish silk is above average.
  • Percale, satin and Chinese silk - high (more than 65).
  • Japanese silk and gloss satin - very high.

On the label you should find tips on how to care for the linen, information about the composition of the fabric, the appearance diagram and the number of pieces of the bed set.

By the way, it is much more practical (and healthier) to choose a set with a classic “deaf” duvet cover, as well as pillowcases and sheets with an elastic band around the perimeter.

The main advantage of such underwear is the possibility of fixation, it will not peel off during sleep, which means it will not cause inconvenience, prints on the body and circulatory disorders. It is not recommended to purchase duvet covers and pillowcases with buttons and zippers, as they can scratch the skin.

Quality bedding should be made from solid material and not have seams and joints in the middle. And it's not just about convenience. A bed set made of solid material is more aesthetic and beautiful, comfortable and reliable.


To choose the right bed linen, you need to look at its wrong side. Good underwear should be stitched exclusively with a linen seam.

If it is sewn with a regular seam and has raw edges, you should not take it, it will spread along the seam after two or three washes.

It is worth paying attention to the threads with which the linen was sewn - they must be strong enough and strong, matched by color. Their ends must be hidden.


Good bed linen should only smell like new textiles, additional smells (paint, mold or chemicals) indicate its poor quality. If the kit has a too strong smell of paint, then it will most likely shed quickly. In addition, such underwear can provoke allergies and even poisoning.

Pay attention to the color intensity: it should not differ much from the inside and the front side.

We check the durability of the paint application as follows: we strongly rub it on the front side with our hand, if there are no color marks, then the paint is resistant, and the linen is of good quality. You can also find out how good the dye is from the values ​​on the label: if the maximum allowable washing temperature is 60 ° C, then it is stable.

Wrong-sized bedding - what could be worse? To prevent this from happening, before buying a brand new sleeping set, measure yours, mattress, available and blankets (of course, if you are not going to change them at the same time).

When choosing bedding, everything matters, even the height of the mattress. To figure out what size sheet is right for you, add the height of the mattress to its width.

When choosing a set, do not forget that the sizes of domestic and imported linen are slightly different.

For example, “our” underwear is made in 3 sizes:

  • one and a half;
  • double;
  • euro size.

Foreign bed sets are:

  • single ("1-bed" or "single");
  • one and a half ("1, 5-bed" or "extra long single");
  • double ("2-bed" or "full");
  • enlarged, suitable for a triple bed ("king size").

Sizes and shapes of pillowcases also differ depending on the country of manufacture, so always keep this in mind when buying. And it is better to be guided by the dimensions in cm and mm.

Also, keep in mind the following bed linen size standards:

  • children's set - pillowcase 60x40 cm, sheet - 100x150 cm, duvet cover - 112x147 cm;
  • one and a half - pillowcases 70x70, 50x70 or 60x60 cm, sheet 150x215 cm, duvet cover 145x210 cm;
  • one and a half European: pillowcases 50x70, sheets 180x220 cm, duvet cover 160x220 cm;
  • double (Ukrainian): pillowcases 60x60 cm, 50x70 or 70x70, sheets 200x220 cm, duvet cover 175x210 cm;
  • euro (king size): pillowcases 70x70 or 50x70, sheet 220x240 cm, duvet cover 200x220 cm.

Bed linen fabric

The fabric from which the bed linen is made is the most important criterion when choosing it. Consider what fabrics are and how to choose the best.

So, what characteristics should the best fabric for bed linen have?

There are several indicators that it must meet.


This is the most important setting. High-quality fabric well passes moisture and air, and also absorbs sweat. These criteria can only be met by natural bedding made from materials such as linen, silk and cotton.


A very useful feature. Since linen needs to be washed frequently, durability is a guarantee of its long service life.

A set that is sewn from too delicate and soft material, after a couple of washes, can present an unpleasant surprise in the form of holes and sprawling seams. When choosing, it is worth remembering that the more weight the fabric has, the more dense and durable it is.

Also consider the wear resistance and purpose of the materials (summer / winter). Read about the most common and popular bed linen fabrics below.

Types of fabric for bed linen


Cotton bedding is the most popular today. A variety of materials are produced from cotton, which differ in the technology of torsion and interlacing of fibers: ranfors, calico, batiste, satin, biomatine, chintz.

From the same raw material, different materials can be obtained, which differ in terms of density and surface quality. The denser the weave of the threads of the fabric, the greater the strength of the underwear, the longer it pleases with its good service.

High-quality cotton fabrics have up to 500 weaves per cm², but already at 60 cotton underwear is considered good.

A cotton bedding set is famous for its durability, it is able to withstand a large number of washes.

Cotton fabric has good ventilation, as well as excellent moisture absorption. Another important advantage is that it does not accumulate static electricity.

In stores, combined fabrics made of cotton and polyester are often found. They are much more durable, but artificial fibers cannot completely replace natural ones. Their disadvantages include the ability to electrify and roll, easily slide off and stick to the body.


Chintz is one of the cheapest and at the same time practical fabrics that do not need special care.

However, cotton bedding does not tolerate washing well - it quickly loses its former brightness and becomes thin.

Terry jersey

Terry bed linen consists of small villi, which give it a special softness and tenderness. Does not need ironing and stretches well, warms well, easy to wash. The only drawback is that it dries for a long time, it is recommended to dry it in a special machine.

Coarse calico

Coarse calico bed sets are characterized by good strength and wear resistance, they are slightly stiffer than calico. High-quality coarse calico is a very dense and practical material. She is able to serve for years without losing her beauty.


Batiste successfully combines seemingly incompatible qualities: lightness, transparency, airiness and excellent strength.

But after twenty washes in the washing machine, its threads begin to “gather”, which contributes to the formation of gaps in the material. Therefore, cambric is most often used to make expensive sleeping sets that are not intended for daily use.

Satin (Egyptian cotton)

In appearance, the fabric is similar to smooth silk. It is made by twisting a double-weave cotton thread.

The material has a luxurious sheen and radiance, which depend on the degree of twisting of the thread.

Satin is a durable and reliable fabric, it has good ventilation, does not wrinkle and can withstand a large number of washes.

Cons: fades a little over time, costs more than other cotton fabrics.


Warm and soft fabric with a slight fluff that can warm you up on a cold evening.

With frequent use, flannel bed linen can become spooled and lose its original appearance.


It is considered the most environmentally friendly and practical fabric. A very pleasant and soft to the touch material that is easy to wash and iron (if the linen is made from a mixture of linen and cotton).

The beneficial effect of linen on the body has long been proven by scientists: linen fabric inhibits the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, therefore it is considered more hygienic than other materials. Linen underwear can bring particular benefits in the summer - it is well ventilated and suitable for sleeping even at a temperature of + 40 ° C.

Due to this property, linen bed linen has gained great popularity in countries with a hot climate. It is better to iron linen while it is wet.


Cotton thin material, easy to wash and keep warm.


The fabric does not need ironing, keeps warm, dries quickly.


100% cotton. Poplin bed linen has a dense soft texture with transverse scars and a noble sheen, very pleasant to the touch.


Cotton material with twill weave. Twill fabric is characterized by a diagonal structure.

The twill bedding set is breathable, easy to wash, does not wrinkle and dries quickly. Twill can be called a good middle ground between satin and calico linen (it has the quality of satin and the price of calico).


The most beautiful and expensive fabric for bed linen. But not all silk is good.

The most valuable is Japanese, its price is several times higher than the cost of a bed. Thanks to Japanese silk, your bed can become luxurious and elegant, but Turkish or Chinese silk can turn your vacation into a nightmare: it either cools, then slips, then completely sticks to the body in the heat, and after some time it “pleases” with a large amount of puffs.

If you decide to buy a silk bedding set, then either get ready to shell out a tidy sum for hand-made Japanese fabric, or completely abandon this idea.

High-quality Japanese-made silk can be used at any time of the year, but it needs special care - hand washing (dry cleaning is possible) and protection from direct sunlight.

artificial fabrics

Most often on sale you can find bedding sets made of cotton with polyester or pure polyester. These are the most practical, easy-to-wash and iron materials. But they are completely useless.

When choosing bed linen made from synthetic fabrics, you need to know how your body reacts to them. Underwear made of artificial fabrics can cause poor health, allergies, a feeling of cold or vice versa - heat.

Video: bedding fabrics

Bed linen design

The design of bed linen is a matter of taste for everyone. However, some general recommendations do exist.

  • One of the main rules that it is advisable to follow when choosing a bedding set is that its colors should be combined with the overall design of the bedroom. The easiest option is white or classic pastel shades.
  • Romantics will suit bed linen with bouquets of roses, ruffles and flowers.
  • For strong-willed and resolute natures - bright lingerie in oriental style.
  • A calm, balanced person will like a set in warm colors with a pattern of a plant theme.
  • For business people - plain jacquard fabrics.
  • If you want to emphasize the beauty of wooden furniture in the bedroom, buy bedding in blue and white shades.

That's all the main criteria that should be considered when buying bed linen. Finally, I would like to give a few more recommendations for the selection and care.

When choosing a bed set, be guided by the following rules:

  1. The stronger the material, the better. Loose tissue is immediately visible.
  2. Be sure to smell the linen before buying - it should not smell like chemical dyes, mold or dampness.
  3. Feel the fabric - it should be pleasant to the touch for you personally.
  4. One of the main rules of the market is that the better the packaging, the better the product.
  5. Choose bedding with a fabric density of at least 60.
  6. Pay attention to the seams - they should be linen, neat and even, not have protruding or torn threads, the color of which should match the shade of the set itself.
  7. The frills and embroidery on the underwear should be made of high-quality threads and fabrics that do not scratch the skin. This is easy to check - just rub the frill on the back of your hand.
  8. A high-quality bedding set should be sewn from a single piece of fabric and not have seams in the middle.
  9. Good bedding usually does not have bright, flashy colors.
  10. The packaging must be reliable and durable, it must contain information about the manufacturer, the size of the kit, as well as advice on care.
  11. When choosing bedding, pay attention to its cost. A quality set cannot be cheap!

Now you know everything about how to choose bedding. Happy shopping and healthy sleep!

It is an important part of our life. It provides the body with a good rest and helps to restore strength. The quality of sleep depends on many factors: temperature and humidity in the room, sufficient silence, mood, and also to a large extent on the comfort of the bed and the quality of bed linen, which should not only be pleasant in design and touch, but also match perfectly with the pillow and blanket.

How to determine size?

For sizing bed linen you only need a centimeter tape, with which you need to measure the mattress (bed) and bedding.

When choosing a set, it should be noted that the sheet should exceed the size of the mattress by 80-100 cm (in width) so that it can be easily filled. The duvet cover is recommended to choose 5 cm wider and longer than the blanket. If the pillows are square, then pillowcases 70 * 70 will fit them, and if they are rectangular, then 70 * 50.

There are the following types of bedding sets (the table shows Russian sizes):

Bed linen size chart

Linen size Sheet Duvet cover Pillowcase
nursery 100x150 147x112 40x60 (1pc)
145x214 143x215 70x70 (2pcs)
195x220 175x215 70x70 (2pcs)
2 sleep Euro
220x240 175x215 70x70 (2pcs)
Euro 1 220x240 200x220 70x70 (2pcs)
Euro 2 220x240 200x240 70x70 (2pcs)
Family 220x240 143x215 (2 pcs) 70x70 (2pcs)

* If there are 4 pillowcases in the set, then 2 more pillowcases 50x70 are added to the basic set


Designed for use in newborn cribs (children up to 3 years old) and is suitable if the width of the blanket does not exceed 140 cm. The set includes one pillowcase (60*40), as well as a duvet cover (147*112) and a bed sheet (100* 50);
children's- most often distinguished by a bright design using images of popular cartoon or movie characters and the same size as a 1.5 bedroom set. The set includes a duvet cover (143*215), a sheet (145*214) and always only 1 pillowcase (70*70);

1.5 sleeping

Ideal for a bed that sleeps 1 person and for a duvet 140-150 cm wide. The set consists of 1 or 2 pillowcases (70*70), a duvet cover (143*215) and a bed sheet (145*214). An important measurement for buying such a set is the width of the mattress (bed). If it is from 90 to 140 cm, then you can safely purchase this particular option. If the resulting value is more than 140 cm, then you should consider buying one of the kits described below;

2 bedroom

Suitable for duvet width 170-180 cm and includes 2 or 4 pillowcases (70*70), duvet cover (175*215) and bed sheet (195*220);

2 bedroom with euro sheet

Ideal for the same size duvet as the double set, but designed for a wider bed. The set contains 2 or 4 pillowcases (70*70), a bed sheet (220*240) and a duvet cover (175*215);

Euro set(euro 1)

You can buy if the width of your blanket is not more than 190-200 cm. The set consists of 2 or 4 pillowcases (70*70), a duvet cover (200*220) and a sheet (220*240);

Euro set maxi(euro 2)

Suitable for duvets 210-220 cm wide and includes 2 or 4 pillowcases (70*70), duvet cover (200*240) and bed sheet (220*240); basically, these parameters are typical for jacquard and satin bedding sets On Silk;

Family (duet)

The ideal solution for couples who prefer to cover themselves with 2 separate duvets and consists of 2 pillowcases (70*70), 2 duvet covers (143*215) and a bed sheet (220*240).

Bed sheets It is produced in many countries of the world, and each of them has its own standards for its sizes and their designations. Before buying, you need to carefully measure your bed, blanket and pillows in centimeters. When ordering kits in American or English stores, you must convert the results to inches (1 inch = 2.54 cm).

Bed linen: what materials are used

As for the material from which bed linen is made, natural fabrics are the best option:

cotton(cambric, calico, chintz, satin) - the most inexpensive, it is easy to wash and iron, it does not slip, but it wrinkles and shrinks a little when washed;

linen- very durable and wear-resistant, absorbs moisture well, but wrinkle very strongly and poorly ironed;

silk- the most expensive material, light, hygroscopic, breathable, pleasant to the body, wash well and iron easily.

And one more thing: in the store, be sure to carefully examine the packaging, pay attention to the information - it should be very detailed, indicating the address of the company and the composition of the fabric. If the seams along the edges of the product are poorly processed, or you suddenly feel a pungent smell, this is a reason to doubt the integrity of the manufacturer and refrain from buying low-quality goods.

And in order not to buy low-quality goods, try to choose bed linen from leading manufacturers. So you can be sure of the quality of the material, coloring and tailoring. This is especially important if you purchase bedding sets for children and newborns.