Providing benefits to single pensioners at the federal and regional levels. Lone pensioners and their rights to social payments, benefits Benefits for single non-working pensioners

The legislation of the Russian Federation in relation to pensioners pursues the main goal - to improve the quality of life for the elderly. Thus, benefits were also developed for pensioners living alone in the Moscow region, which should make life easier for the elderly population of the country.

What benefits are provided to pensioners living alone in Moscow and the region?

This region is of particular importance for the state, and regional and federal authorities pay considerable attention to the development of benefits for certain, socially unprotected groups of people. These categories of citizens include pensioners living alone. So, in the capital region for them are provided:

  • Absolutely free movement using public transport, with the exception of taxis;
  • Free dental prosthetics as needed and no more than once every 5 years. Dental prostheses recognized as expensive, such as those that are based on precious metals or stones, are not paid either;
  • A pensioner can exercise the right to receive. It is issued once a year and paid from the regional budget. There is an opportunity to return the funds spent on the road to the health facility. Most often, a referral to a sanatorium is provided within the region, but, if necessary, it can be issued to Sochi or the Crimea. It all depends on the specifics of the disease, as well as the conclusion of the therapist;
  • Single pensioners can purchase the necessary;
  • The social services of the region can also provide sanitary and hygienic care for pensioners living alone if they have lost the ability to carry out such care on their own;
  • Social services also provide assistance in the form of making necessary purchases, such as food or things;
  • There are benefits for funeral services;
  • Pensioners who have reached the age of 70 are not charged contributions for the overhaul of a dwelling that is in the ownership of the corresponding citizen;
  • Regional authorities provide for a number of tax incentives, such as: property, land or transport taxes. Thus, pensioners receive either a discount or a complete exemption from paying tax liabilities, depending on individual circumstances.

Benefits for housing and communal services

Special attention should be paid to such preferential indulgences that are associated with the payment of utilities. So, pensioners are supposed to:

  • 50% discount if the total income of a family living at the same registration address is at the level of the subsistence minimum established in the region or does not exceed it by more than 10%;
  • It is also possible to issue a 50% reimbursement of expenses for cable television;
  • Also, pensioners are entitled to payments covering the costs of the phone.

Important! As of 2019, the living wage for pensioners in Moscow and the Moscow Region is set at 12,181 rubles per month. This indicator is subject to regular increases and indexations in accordance with the situation in the region.

How to apply for benefits for pensioners living alone in Moscow and the region

In order to receive preferential concessions, you must adhere to the algorithm of actions established by law:

  • At the place of registration, the pensioner must apply to the social service with a corresponding request;
  • Next, you need to fill out an application in the prescribed form. So, an example by which you can be guided will be provided on the spot in the relevant state body;
  • Provide a full package of documents required for granting benefits.

The list of these documents is fixed at the state level and includes:

  • Identity card, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Candidate registration. Such a certificate can be taken at the passport office at the place of residence;
  • Required to have a pension certificate;
  • If available, certificates of disability;
  • And also a number of other documents, the purpose of which is to confirm the complexity of the current situation, in particular, a certificate of income.

This list may be supplemented by some additional documents, depending on the situation. For example, when applying for a spa voucher, you will need the conclusion of a general practitioner from the clinic where the recipient underwent the necessary examination. Such a conclusion should contain recommendations on the need for health-improving procedures for a citizen.

The terms for checking documents and making a decision on the provision of certain types of social support for pensioners are set at one month from the date of the applicant's application. After the approval of the application, a lonely pensioner will be able to take advantage of the due privileges in one area or another.

Features of preferential provision of pensioners living alone in Moscow and the region

It is important to note that working pensioners, even if they are single, are deprived of almost all established benefits from the state, both at the federal level and at the regional level. Thus, this category of citizens is subject to all the same benefits and living conditions as the rest of the country's population. However, in fairness, it is worth noting that they will be able to apply for:

  • Additional two-week vacation during the year;
  • This category of citizens is exempted from the need to work out a two-week term in case of dismissal.

Citizens who carry out labor activities after reaching retirement age can also use social supplements, regardless of their financial situation or the amount of total income.

In 2015, amendments were made to the law of the Moscow Region, which cancel free public transport for many categories of pensioners. At the same time, the regional authorities also foresaw such difficult situations in the lives of elderly people as insufficient material support. Pensioners whose income does not exceed the subsistence level can receive an additional payment for travel in public transport in an amount not exceeding 400 rubles per month. Here there is another feature, the surcharge is carried out only if the pensioner travels to a medical institution in the direction of the attending physician.

Hello! My name is Belova Olga Borisovna. I have been working in the field of law since 2013. I specialize primarily in civil law. She studied at the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Faculty: Jurisprudence (Lawyer).

Each person should know their rights and privileges, especially if this person is a single pensioner. The category of single pensioners also includes citizens whose families consist only of pensioners. Compensation for single pensioners and benefits are required to be paid under the law of the Russian Federation.

What is a single unemployed pensioner entitled to?

In addition to monthly pension payments, there are also various discounts, subsidies and allowances. The receipt of some benefits occurs automatically with retirement, others require personal participation in the form of filing an application and providing the necessary documents. Sizes and form of benefits depends on the status, age, region of residence, length of service and some other conditions.

Here are the benefits that retirees living alone should be paid:

  • on tax deductions;
  • those who have reached old age;
  • health care;
  • veteran;
  • to use public transport;
  • on utility bills.

tax incentives

Monthly labor pensions are not taxed, and it is not levied on material assistance, gifts, subsidies.

Russian pensioners do not pay taxes on property. Tax on a house, garage, country house is not levied from pensioners. To apply for a benefit, you need to present a passport, and documents confirming the status of a pensioner and ownership.

The pensioner is not completely exempt from the transport tax, but its amount is determined by the region in which he lives, as well as the number and characteristics of the transport he owns. The land tax is determined at the local level.

Tax deduction

If a pensioner has purchased or built housing, a building plot, he can take a tax deduction for personal income tax. The same deduction may be for the repayment of interest on loans taken and spent on the construction or purchase of housing, land for housing, (13% of the money earned) is calculated from the amount of earnings for the previous 3 years of work. Subsidies for pensioners living alone are defined by Article 159-160 of the LC.

old age

At the age of 80, you can get:

  1. Double the insurance pension.
  2. Free treatment and stay in nursing homes.
  3. If there is a need - free housing.
  4. Assistance from a lawyer, psychologist and compensation for care. Its size is determined by the place of residence.

Health Protection

Benefits in medicine are determined in each individual region. Within the Russian Federation, all pensioners from 60 to 99 years old undergo medical examination once every three years free of charge. You can also get a free flu shot.

The rights of single pensioners who are veterans must also be considered. There are two categories of veterans: federal and local. Benefits for veterans of the first specified category are valid throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, and for regional ones they may vary depending on the area of ​​​​residence.

The rights of those with federal status:

  • free use of urban public transport;
  • the same applies to suburban trains and buses;
  • partial reimbursement of utility bills;
  • free prosthetics and dental treatment in public clinics;
  • 50% discount on home phone use.

Travel concessions

In this list includes discounts for public transport transport. There are differences in regions of residence. This benefit does not exist if the health resort is located outside the Russian Federation.

Public utilities

The standard order specifies that pensioners living alone can get a discount on utility bills. This amount is not fixed, depends on the level of income of citizens and differs in different regions.

Gasification services

Unemployed single pensioners granted discount for gasification buildings, if it is his only dwelling, and the pensioner is his master. Its size is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 456 of 06/10/2011.

Subsidies for single pensioners are established by article 159-160 of the LCD. The nuances and distinguishing features for various categories of pensioners are determined by thematic laws, such as, for example, the Federal Law "On Veterans". The necessary information can be found in Government Decree No. 761 dated 12/14/2005.

Retirees may receive subsidies for:

  1. Payment of utilities. Such a subsidy is provided only to those pensioners whose income for each family member does not exceed a certain amount. After six months, the subsidy must be reissued.
  2. Purchase of medicines. Article 219 of the Tax Code provides for a tax deduction for the purchase of medicines. Expenses are not fully refunded, but only the money paid as tax.

What benefits are due to single pensioners, every elderly person should know. If a person finds himself in a difficult life situation
, he can receive material assistance in cash, basic necessities or food

If a single pensioner is disabled, to him reimbursement of expenses for medicines on the list. Documents required for this:

  • prescriptions in the form 107/U;
  • payment checks;
  • certificate of the amount of the pension.

The life of a lonely pensioner is difficult, so the state is trying to provide support and assistance.

Compensation for pensioners living alone: ​​how to get

To obtain reimbursement for rent, the MFC presents:

  1. Certificate of persons registered at the place of residence (stay).
  2. About no debt.
  3. Information about the details of the account in the credit institution.
  4. Information about payments for housing and utilities.
  5. Passport.
  6. Certificate of state registration of rights.
  7. State service application.

Care for single pensioners is carried out by special services.


According to article 169 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, every citizen is obliged to pay a monthly fee for the overhaul of an apartment building. But for single pensioners, whose age over 70 years old, provided fifty percent discount if age Age 80 or over, this fee is waived.

There are conditions for obtaining this exemption, namely:

  • living space no more than 54 sq. m;
  • registration in this area;
  • an elderly person must be registered there alone, or with other people over 70 years old;
  • no arrears in payment of utility bills and overhaul.

In the Russian Federation, single pensioners can offset the tax deduction for the repair of a dwelling they bought or built. The purchase and sale agreement must indicate that the apartment (house) needs to be repaired.

In order for the state to reimburse the costs, you must present payment receipts for materials and confirm the costs of paying for the work done. For this category of citizens, there is an opportunity receiving compensation expenses for large purchases(household appliances, furniture). It is provided no more than once a year. The size is assigned individually by a special commission.

To apply, please attach:

  • passport;
  • certificate of no debt for housing and communal services;
  • purchase receipt indicating the delivery address and the name of the buyer;
  • a statement describing the financial hardship.

If an elderly disabled citizen needs care, the caregiver is provided with a monthly payment of 1,200 rubles, which is accrued along with a pension. Requires confirmation from the medical institution.

pensioners, living in the far north, have the right to reimbursement of expenses for the trip to the place of rest and back, but only if the rest is not abroad of the Russian Federation.

There are two contact options:

  1. Prior to travel, apply for the purchase of tickets to the social security authorities.
  2. Upon returning from the trip, attach the used tickets to the application and return the spent money.

Compensation is paid based on the minimum ticket price and the shortest route. The fare is paid no more than once every two years.

Disabled and war veterans in many regions can receive free vouchers to all health resorts in Russia. This right is stipulated in Federal Law No. 122. Order of the Russian Federation No. 328 dated December 29, 2004 establishes the procedure for registration.

If there are indications and there are no contraindications for sanatorium treatment, the citizen receives a certificate in the district clinic for obtaining a ticket. No later than ten days should receive a response about the possibility of its provision. After receiving the voucher, it is necessary to issue a sanatorium-resort card at the clinic at the place of residence.

Video "Help for single pensioners in hospitals"

Upon reaching the retirement age, in order to obtain all the necessary “preferential” documentation, one should contact the district department of social protection of the population (mandatory place of permanent residence).

Benefits for all pensioners

Pensioners (men over 60 and women over 55) who do not belong to privileged categories are entitled to:

Free movement in absolutely any city public transport;

Free dentures. Subsequent repair of dentures, associated costs for precious metals, cermets are not taken into account in the manufacture of dentures.

Benefits for single pensioners

Single pensioners or families that consist only of pensioners are entitled to:

Free movement in various city public transport;

Free dental prosthetics, subsequent repair of dentures. Also, the associated costs for precious metals, cermets in the manufacture of prostheses are not taken into account;

Monthly monetary compensation in the amount of 190 rubles for fixed-line telephone services (only for telephone network subscribers);

Exemption from payment for services for the removal of solid household waste.

Single pensioners receive a subsidy for monthly utility bills. This is a must. Also, single people of retirement age reserve the right to use a television collective antenna, paying only 50% of the established tariff.

Benefits for pensioners who are supported by minor children

Practically the same benefits are received by pensioners or single families of pensioners who are in the care of minor children, those who are under 18 years old. In this case, the right of free travel in any public transport is also retained. People are provided with free dental prosthetics, receive monthly monetary compensation for telephone fixed communication services.

Benefits for single labor veterans

If a single pensioner has a document confirming his status, he can count on additional benefits. This means free travel on suburban railway transport (trains). Lonely returns 50% of utility bills. Also, for medical reasons, a full-fledged free spa treatment is provided with travel by rail to the destination and back.

Subsidies for lonely pensioners do not differ significantly from other options for state support. To obtain them, specific conditions are required to consider a citizen lonely and needy. At the same time, concessions affect several areas of a pensioner's life at once and are applied as necessary for the implementation of such assistance. The status of a pensioner living alone and benefits for him are regulated by legislation adopted at the federal and regional levels, which increases the guarantee of their provision.


Subsidies to single living pensioners are provided in the manner provided for in the implementation of social state support measures. But who counts as a single pensioner? For this category of citizens, separate conditions are provided for applying for material assistance.

The first condition is obtaining the status of a pensioner and registration of pension provision. There are three payment options available:

  • insurance, provided for those who have reached the age limit and minimum length of service;
  • social, established for persons who have not received the right to an insurance pension;
  • state, assigned to individual citizens (military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, civil servants, and so on).

The right to such accruals arises simultaneously with the assignment of the status of a pensioner and the issuance of a certificate.

Assistance for single pensioners will be provided if additional requirements are met. For this category of persons, these include the following:

  1. Required to receive benefits. It is provided exclusively by federal law.
  2. A citizen is a loner, that is, he must live alone or with disabled family members.
  3. The person is not married, which also suggests loneliness.
  4. Mandatory self-management and without the help of other people, in particular family members.

For persons meeting the above requirements, not only subsidies and subsidies, but also various tax, social and compensations can be provided in full.

Support Options

What benefits will single pensioners be entitled to under the stipulated conditions? Subsidies are provided in several areas. Both social security and taxation will fall under the preferential regime.

The first group includes standard benefits for single pensioners. The following assistance options will be available:

  1. Reimbursement of utility costs. This option is valid only if the person has the status of a veteran, which provides for the presence of orders and the receipt of a special rank from the state. Or his costs exceed the limits established by law. Also, if a pensioner has reached the age of seventy, then he can receive a fifty percent discount when paying for major repairs, and a hundred percent reduction in all payments when he reaches eighty years of age. It concerns the benefit of electricity, heating, gas, garbage collection, overhaul and other utilities.
  2. Assistance in purchasing medicines. This option will mean that upon presentation of a prescription from a doctor and a medical card, you can get a discount on medicines from fifty to one hundred percent of the payment amount. This also includes treatment in resort conditions with the provision of medical services.
  3. Address help. It involves the implementation of gasification of specific homes of needy citizens.
  4. . A non-working pensioner receives such assistance only on a first-come, first-served basis.
  5. Benefits for travel in public transport. Not only discounts are assumed, but also a complete exemption from payment. You can apply for benefits without taking into account the address of residence.
  6. Includes free installation and use. This subsidy is also implemented on a first-come, first-served basis upon application.

In some areas, other options for benefits for single pensioners may be established. In the Moscow region in 2019, for example, they offer additional compensation from Mosenergo.

Most socially significant payments provide for the regular nature of the provision. Most often, additional payments to pensions are paid monthly. The size of such benefits is usually no more than the subsistence minimum, and indexation is 4.1%. You can get free services from doctors, telephone companies, prosthetics clinics and the like at a time.

The second group concerns the payment of taxes. It also includes several options for one-time concessions:

  1. Abolition of personal income tax. Provided for a pensioner recognized as unemployed. This type of tax is not withheld from benefits, allowances and other charges. If the person continues to work, then personal income tax is calculated on a general basis.
  2. Property tax relief. It is supposed to abolish the obligation when it comes to an apartment, house or other real estate. However, the rule only applies to one object. When there are several of them, the property suitable for release is determined by the owner himself.

Also, according to the general rules, it is allowed to issue a tax deduction if a citizen of retirement age purchases a new home.

How to receive

Benefits for single pensioners in 2019 are issued in accordance with the general rules of federal law. A separate type of assistance will relate to a specific authority. If a social benefit is implemented, then the necessary structure is social protection, if tax breaks, then the Federal Tax Service, and pension supplements are provided by the Pension Fund. It is necessary to determine the structure according to the address of residence.

What documents are needed to apply for a subsidy for a single pensioner? You will need to prepare the following list of papers:

  • identity document;
  • pensioner's certificate;
  • work book;
  • statement;
  • documents confirming the grounds for receiving a subsidy.

Social protection of the population or tax authorities may require additional information: utility bills, no debts, medical cards, and so on.

Lonely pensioners are more in dire need of state support, in this regard, our expert Ivan Lukin deeply understood the problem, read the results below. So, what kind of support measures can lonely pensioners count on.

Lonely pensioner: who is this?

In order for a certain category of citizens to be able to classify themselves as a certain category of unprotected subjects, they must understand whether they meet the established criteria or not. So it is with a single pensioner. You need to understand who it is.

While each person may have their own vision of loneliness, there is a well-established definition of a lonely retiree that must be reckoned with.

The lone pensioner is a citizen who has reached retirement age and retired legally, who does not have relatives who provide him with material and physical assistance.

In addition, the subject who has a relative, but he is not an able-bodied member of society, can also be recognized as lonely. For example, if a pensioner has a disabled son, then she can also receive the status of a single pensioner.

In other words: the pensioner must manage his household on his own.

reference Information: a single pensioner can only obtain this status if he does not have any registered marital relationship with another subject. And this, perhaps, is one of the main problematic issues in this industry. It is not so rare that situations arise when people do not actually live, and their marriage is registered. So, in this case, it will not work to get the status of a single pensioner.

If a person meets this definition, then the current legislation provides him with the opportunity to use a number of privileges.

What can a single pensioner who does not have close relatives expect:

  • For material support, which will be realized through the provision of cash payments;
  • Benefits, which can also be expressed in the provision of free travel, free rehabilitation, discounts on utility bills, etc.;
  • Social service support.

At the same time, the range of benefits provided in each individual region may differ, since the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to independently establish such support and assistance measures. In addition, titles, awards, achievements, etc. play an important role in establishing discounts and benefits.

Therefore, in order to determine exactly what benefits are due to a single person, it is best to contact the social protection service of your locality.

What benefits can single pensioners count on?

Again, please note that the list of benefits presented below is not universal. Further, only a list of possible benefits will be disclosed, within which a pensioner can count on assistance. But what is the size of the benefit, it is necessary to specify.

Possible benefits for a single pensioner:

  1. Benefits for payment of housing and communal services. There are options here. The benefit can be provided as part of a formalized subsidy for housing and communal services due to a small amount of income, or as part of the privileges that a particular pensioner has. For example, in almost all regions of the Russian Federation, pensioners who have reached the age of 80 can receive a 100% discount;
  2. Free travel in public transport. This measure is valid in almost every region. The list of public transport to which the exemption applies may only differ. For example, not in all cities pensioners can travel for free in the subway;
  3. Benefits for medical care. In the field of medicine, single pensioners may also be granted certain privileges in the form of free provision of medical procedures;
  4. Receiving targeted financial assistance.

This is perhaps the most popular list of those benefits that pensioners can use. Although, in addition to these measures of state assistance, there are also social measures to support such people. And then we'll talk about them.

Social support for single pensioners

It is clear that the main problem of single pensioners is the inability to fully take care of themselves. And if in the case of the presence of relatives such support can be provided by relatives, then in this option there is no one to provide assistance.

That is why any single pensioner has every right to contact the social protection center of his district and ask for help from social workers.

In 2019, the list of social support measures for single pensioners includes the following measures:

  1. Home care for a person who has lost the physical ability to take care of himself;
  2. Cooking by a social worker;
  3. Acquisition by a social worker of all necessary goods for normal life support;
  4. Accompanying a person to organizations that he needs to visit without fail. Such organizations include polyclinics, hospitals, laboratories, government agencies, etc.

In order for all these functions to be performed, a specially trained social worker is assigned to a pensioner who does not have close relatives. He must fulfill the tasks assigned to him. Visits for single pensioners are held at least several times a week.

Another thing is that the wages of such workers are not high, so there are not many people who want to get a job. Because of this, there is a large number of lonely people per social worker, despite the established norms. Therefore, not every social worker has the opportunity to pay due attention to people in need.

Benefits for single pensioners in Moscow and the region

The capital has the most funding, including in the social sector. Therefore, the sector of social protection of single citizens should be one of the best in Moscow. Although not a fact. A large number of single people, a large number of other highly paid vacancies, leads to the fact that it is not always possible to receive proper social assistance in terms of care and support. There are not enough social workers. Although other benefits are denied in full.

What can a single retiree expect? in the capital:

  • Discount on the purchase of medicines;
  • Obtaining medical care in medical institutions out of turn;
  • Free pass;
  • Receipt of monetary compensation for the use of urban communication services;
  • Free prosthetics.

The list, as you can see, is not long. But even this can somehow help a lonely person.

tax incentives

In addition to the fact that a single pensioner can receive social support from the state, he can also receive some benefits to pay his tax obligations. At the same time, all tax rebates are provided not only to single citizens, but also to all pensioners.

What taxes is a single pensioner exempt from:

  1. From paying income tax. This applies exclusively to the pension, which is the only source of income;
  2. From paying property taxes. All pensioners, without exception, have the opportunity to annually not pay tax on one of the real estate objects;
  3. Discounts on transport tax. Discounts vary by region.

Thus, it cannot be unequivocally said that state support measures for single pensioners in 2019 comprehensively protect and help this category of citizens. But, despite the shortcomings, the main thing is that the help that is written on paper should be implemented in reality. Otherwise, single pensioners are left alone with their problem.