Adoption of a law on raising the retirement age in Russia. Latest news about retirement age in Russia Retirement age from year latest

In early October, the head of the country signed an act on amendments to the pension sector related to raising the retirement age to 65 for men and 60 for women. The increase in the retirement age in Russia will start in 2019. The adoption of the decision was accompanied by numerous protests from the population and disputes among experts. This did not prevent the draft law from successfully passing three readings in Parliament. After approval in the first reading by the president, adjustments were made to soften the law and the transition procedure, but 70% of Russians were still against its adoption.

The increase in the retirement age in Russia occurred for the following reasons:

  • pension fund budget deficit. By 2018, it amounted to 257 billion rubles and grew 2.4 times. Recall that it is funded from the federal budget. When funds are allocated to close the gaps in the pension system, the possibility of additional financing for the development of education, healthcare, and economic support is lost;
  • a decrease in the number of employees and an increase in the number of pensioners. The situation could reach a critical level, and there might not be funds to cover the gap;
  • low pensions and the standard of living of older generations. For 2018, the average payment to pensioners is 14,100 rubles with a living wage of 10,328 rubles;
  • change in life expectancy, which in 2017 amounted to 72.7 years, and the period of working capacity;
  • the last time the decision to raise the retirement age was made during the Soviet era in 1932. Since that moment, the constitutional system has changed, there has been a transition to a market economy;
  • global trends. In Russia, one of the lowest indicators of the retirement age remained. In foreign countries, it is higher: in the USA - 67, in Japan - 65.

Experts agree that raising the retirement age is designed to maintain the stability of the pension sector and ensure a high standard of living for pensioners, as well as redistribute part of the budget funds to finance significant projects in the field of education and healthcare. The latest news regarding the increase in the retirement age in Russia is not encouraging, it will begin next year.

Procedure for raising the retirement age

What will happen to the retirement age next year for citizens?

Ordinary Russians

The retirement age will rise to 65 for men and 60 for women. The transition will be carried out gradually according to the schedule:

Year Increasing retirement age for women Increasing retirement age for men
2018 55 60
2019 56 61
2020 57 62
2021 58 63
2022 59 64
2023 60 65

The restrictions on the time of conducting work activities and the number of pension fund points required for retirement remain unchanged:

  • work experience and other similar activities from 15 years (in 2018 - 9, an increase of 1 year by 2024);
  • have at least 30 points from the pension fund (in 2018 - 13.8, an increase by 2024).
Year of retirement How much experience is needed for retirement (at least) How many points do you need for a pension (IPK, not less)
2018 9 years 13,8
2019 10 years 16,2
2020 11 years 18,6
2021 12 years 21
2022 13 years 23,4
2023 14 years 25,8
2024 15 years 28,2
2025 15 years 30

Having fulfilled the relevant conditions, a citizen can independently decide whether to continue his labor activity or not. By choosing the first option, he will not lose the right to issue payments, the amount is charged in full.

It will be possible to forget about raising the retirement age in Russia for men who have worked for at least 42 full years and for women with a total experience of 37 years. They will be able to apply for pensions two years faster, but only when they reach the age of 60 (men) and 55 (women).


Federal beneficiaries in Russia can be divided into groups:

  • pedagogical workers, teachers, educators and other employees in the field of education;
  • physicians, doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals;
  • representatives of positions with dangerous and difficult working conditions;
  • people of creative professions.

In Russia, these groups include a third of citizens, and they are also worried about the latest news about raising the retirement age in Russia in 2018.

For most of them, past conditions will not change, and the increase in the retirement age will happen unplanned. The current situation on preferential pensions is presented in the table.

Conditions for retirement in 2019
Additional changes from 2019
Representatives of the field of education Work as a teacher for 25 years.
Employees in positions with dangerous working conditions Work in a rural medical institution from 25 years, in a city - from 30. Postponement of retirement - 5 years after reaching the required length of service.
Employees in positions with dangerous working conditions. Reached the age of 50 years for men, 45 years for women. Total work experience of 20 years for men, 15 years for women. Work in dangerous working conditions from 10 years for men, 7.5 years for women. There are no changes.
Employees in positions with difficult working circumstances Reached the age of 55 for men, 50 for women. Total work experience of 25 years for men, 20 years for women. Work in difficult working conditions from 12.5 years for men, 10 years for women. There are no changes.
Representatives of creative professions Work experience from 15 to 30 years, depending on the field of activity. Reached the age of 55 to 60 years, depending on the direction of activity.
Increase in age from 50–55 years.

An interim time has been set for teaching and medical staff until 2023, at which the grace period will gradually increase from 1 to 5 years until it is finally fixed.

When the required length of service has not been worked out until the age of 65 for men and 60 for women, a doctor or teacher can start receiving pension payments in the usual way, that is, an old-age insurance pension.

If citizens have 50% of the required length of service in professions with difficult and dangerous working conditions and a full total length of service, then for the next year of work:

  • in difficult circumstances, there will be a reduction in the standard retirement age by 1 year for 2 years for women and 2.5 years for men;
  • in dangerous circumstances - for 1 year for the next year of work.

For artists, dancers, musicians and other people involved in creative work, as well as for other citizens, stages are provided for raising the retirement age in Russia from 2019 by 1 year to 2023.

For the population of the north of Russia

What will happen to the retirement age in Russia for the inhabitants of the north is also a topical issue. To the north include the Arkhangelsk, Irkutsk and other regions, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, as well as areas adjacent to it (Perm, Primorsky Territories, etc.).

The conditions for retirement are established for a citizen whose place of residence is located in this territory:

  • the period of work activity is not less than 15 years in the northern regions or 20 in the regions adjacent to them;
  • work experience of 20 years for women and 25 years for men;
  • the sum of pension fund points from 30 (in 2018 - 13.8, an increase by 2024);
  • age 55 for women, 60 for men.

For them, an increase in the retirement age is planned, as for other Russians: for 5 years from 2019, until it is finally set by 2023. If a potential pensioner has worked in the northern regions for less than 15 years, then with an experience of more than 7.5 years, each additional year leads to a reduction in the retirement age by 4 months. A year of work experience in the area adjacent to the northern regions is equal to 9 months of labor activity in the regions of the north.

Who will not be affected by the reform

According to the latest news about raising the retirement age, it will not be increased for the following categories:

  • representatives of the field of education;
  • representatives of the health sector;
  • employees of professions with complex and dangerous working conditions.

For other categories, the retirement age in Russia will be increased by 5 years from 2019 to 2023, 1 year each year. The considered features concern only insurance pensions for old age and for length of service.

Innovations in pension payments for mothers

The group for which no increase in the retirement age is planned are mothers with many children. Prior to the beginning of the reorganization of the pension sphere, mothers who gave birth or adopted 5 or more children had a preferential right to early retirement at the age of 50. The following conditions must be met:

  • children over 8 years old;
  • work experience of at least 15 years;
  • the sum of pension fund points from 30.

Points are also awarded for parental leave. A woman living in the northern region needs to give birth or adopt two children to retire at the age of 50. They are subject to additional conditions:

  • children over 8 years old;
  • the sum of points of the pension fund from 30;
  • work experience of at least 20 years;
  • work in the northern regions from 12 years old or in the area adjacent to them, from 17 years old.

The new law establishes preferential conditions for mothers with three and four children. They can go on a well-deserved rest 3 and 4 years earlier, respectively:

  • at 57 years old - with three children;
  • at 56, with four children.

The insurance period must be at least 15 years, and children over 8 years old. The changes will start in 2020.

Until 2019, they were due to persons who have reached the age of 65 for men and 60 for women (that is, 5 years later than the generally established retirement age for 2018 of 60/55 years). Under the new law, this right will only arise upon reaching 70 and 65 years(i.e. also with an increase of 5 years from the new age of 65/60 years).

At the same time, the law also provides for transitional provisions for social pensions, which establish a phased increase in the retirement age, starting from January 1, 2019(and in 2019 and 2020 preferential retirement conditions will apply, according to those proposed by the President).

All new statutory retirement ages for receiving social pensions for men and women (70 and 65 years, respectively) will be finally set from 2023.

Who will not be affected by the increase in the retirement age in Russia?

First of all, statutory changes from 2019 will not affect those who are already retired- all pensioners will continue to receive all payments already assigned to them in accordance with the rights and benefits acquired earlier.

In addition, the adopted law does not provide increasing the retirement age for certain categories of citizens:

  1. Employed in jobs with difficult and harmful working conditions, namely:
    • employees in favor of whom the employer pays insurance premiums at the relevant rates, which were determined as a result of a special assessment of working conditions;
    • pilots of civil aviation, engineering staff for aircraft maintenance;
    • flight test personnel involved in testing aviation and other equipment;
    • workers of locomotive crews, workers organizing transportation and ensuring traffic safety on railway transport, in the subway;
    • machinists of construction, road, loading and unloading equipment;
    • tractor drivers working in agriculture and other areas;
    • workers in logging, timber rafting, as well as those involved in the maintenance of mechanisms and equipment;
    • truck drivers in mines, crankcases, mines, etc.;
    • in underground or open-pit mining, in mine rescue units, in the extraction of shale, coal, ore and other minerals;
    • in the construction of mines and mines;
    • in geological exploration, search, topographic teams and expeditions, in survey and other works;
    • in the crew of the sea, river fleet, in the fishing industry;
    • drivers of passenger transport on regular city routes (buses, trolleybuses, trams);
    • lifeguards in emergency services;
    • working with convicts in organizations executing criminal sentences in the form of deprivation of liberty;
    • women working in the textile industry with heavy loads in conditions of increased intensity and others.
  2. Citizens who are entitled to a pension for health reasons or social reasons:
    • one of the parents or guardians, who brought them up to the age of 8;
    • visually impaired people of the 1st group;
    • women who have given birth to 5 or more children and raised them up to the age of 8;
    • women who have given birth to 2 or more children and have established work experience in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them and others.
  3. Persons who have suffered as a result of man-made or radiation disasters (at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the Mayak chemical plant, the Semipalatinsk test site, etc.).

A complete detailed list of persons who will not be affected by the increase in the retirement age planned by the Government from 2019 is provided in (PDF file format) prepared by specialists from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Also changes military personnel and security forces will not be affected, whose pension is paid not from the Pension Fund, but directly from the federal budget (the budget of the relevant power ministries and departments). Rumors about in connection with the adoption of the new law are also not substantiated, but in the future it is not excluded for the retirement of military personnel and security officials.

Parliamentary hearings on pension reform 08/21/2018

On August 21, 2018, parliamentary public hearings on pension reform were held in the State Duma for 4 hours, in which over 600 people- these are members of the Government, deputies of the State Duma, heads of factions and specialized committees, as well as representatives of the expert community and public organizations.

The purpose of the these hearings - it is better to work out amendments to the bill so that it is possible to pass a quality law about changes in the pension legislation.

Based on the results of the discussion, on August 21, a special draft law working group headed by Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Olga Timofeeva. The working group analyzed all submitted proposals, summarized them and, if necessary, held additional consultations with the Government. It was reported that the working group will continue to deal with issues related to changes in pension legislation in the future.

Vladimir Putin on raising the retirement age from 2019

On August 29, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the citizens with a statement in which he formulated their opinion on the pension reform planned by the Government. The President noted that the decision to change the pension system must be made, since in the future "the state will not have enough funds to index pensions", and in the long term "regular payment of pensions may become a problem, as it was already in the 90s" .

As a mitigation of the reform Vladimir Putin proposed his amendments to the draft law. It is worth noting that all of them were worked out, formalized in the form of amendments and submitted for consideration by the Parliament. On September 26, 2018, they were unanimously approved by the State Duma and adopted in the second reading of the bill. The following measures have been proposed:

  1. Reducing the retirement age for women from 63 to 60 years old(i.e. the increase relative to the old law is only 5 years, not 8).
  2. For citizens who should have taken out a pension in the first two years of the new law (i.e. in 2019-2020), it is proposed to reduce the standard age by 6 months relative to the values ​​proposed by the bill. The table of retirement age values ​​in this case will look like this:

    New retirement table from 2019

    YearRetirement age
    2019 60,5 55,5
    2020 61,5 56,5
    2021 63 58
    2022 64 59
    2023 65 60
  3. Early retirement:
    • a woman with three children will be able to issue payments 3 years ahead of schedule;
    • if there are four children, then 4 years earlier;
    • for women with 5 or more children, the age will be kept at 50 years.
  4. Early retirement if available. In such cases, payments can be made 2 years earlier established retirement age.

The President also noted the need to preserve all federal benefits for people of pre-retirement age during the transition period (this real estate and land tax incentives), the need to develop a program for advanced training of pre-retirees, mandatory medical examinations and the development of measures to encourage employers to keep older employees at work.

When will the law on raising the retirement age be finally adopted?

The law in its final form was adopted and already signed by the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin on October 3, 2018, i.e. less than 4 months after the bill was submitted to the State Duma.

When considering the law in first reading its concept was presented, an assessment of its main provisions, compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, etc. After it was adopted in the first reading, the deputies continued to work on it, making their comments in the form of amendments, for which the deputies voted when discussing the law second reading. When considering a bill in the third reading no amendments are being made - the document was considered in the final version, all technical shortcomings at this stage have already been eliminated.

After that, the draft law adopted by the State Duma was sent for approval by the Federation Council, after which it was signed by the President (10/03/2018).

Talk about changing the retirement age continues to this day. The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Labor and other departments have already spoken about this. Such a friendly excitement around this topic suggests that the problem is acute and in the near future a document will appear that meets all the demands of society.

When will the retirement age increase?

The crisis phenomena in the economy have led to the fact that today it is more and more difficult to find a job for young people, not to mention those who are over forty years old. Many people approaching the age of fifty are waiting, can not wait until they can rest and collect their pension accruals.

In fact, many experts explain the uncertainty with the adoption of a final decision by the Russian government on pension provision by the upcoming presidential elections in 2018. None of the current officials dare to influence their rating on the eve of the will of the Russians.

The bill will go to the deputies of the State Duma most quickly after the election of the head of the country. What will be its final version will depend on the new government, although the developments of the document are already underway. Economists and experts are in full swing discussing the future increase in the retirement age.

Why are they going to change the retirement age

Analysts argue that the current pension reform cannot be successfully carried out according to the old principles and criteria. Analyzing the current situation in our country and abroad, they came to the conclusion that raising the age for taking a well-deserved vacation is already overdue and inevitable.

According to experts, economic difficulties in the country are simply forcing to reduce the burden on the budget. The Russian government is looking for additional sources of funding as best it can. Raising the retirement age can reduce the number of pension contributions while increasing the income from the increase in the number of jobs.

The demographic situation and the real employment of the population also make it necessary to speed up this process. Currently, the number of pensioners is growing faster than the number of workers, so the moment may very soon come when the working population will not be able to support the armies of the elderly. This picture is inherent in many states where the number of births is significantly less than dying people.

An analysis of the situation with the retirement age shows that the limits of retirement in Russia are the lowest. They were determined back in Soviet times, when life expectancy differed significantly from the current situation. Today, citizens of the Russian Federation live much longer and this indicator is steadily approaching the value of the leading industrial countries, where, in turn, the retirement limit is also higher than in Russia:

A country Women Men
America 65 65
England 60 68
Germany 67 67
France 65 67
Italy 65 67
Spain 65 65
Japan 70 70

And this is how a similar table looks like in the CIS countries and our closest neighbors:

A country Women Men
Kazakhstan 58 63
Azerbaijan 57 62
Moldova 57 62
Georgia 60 65
Lithuania 58,5 62,5
Hungary 62 62
Poland 60 55

These tables show that many countries have already moved to the new retirement age. Experts believe that Russia should not mechanically adopt foreign experience.

It is necessary to take into account Russian realities and only then proceed to a large-scale program. In doing so, pay attention to:

  • life expectancy of Russians;
  • gender equality;
  • health improvement;
  • opportunity to open new jobs.

For example, if in Germany the average life expectancy is 79.9 years, and retirement for men comes at 67, this means that German men will be on state support for almost thirteen years. In our country, if we assume that men will begin to retire at 65, and their life expectancy at the moment has not even reached seventy years, then it turns out that they will have less than five years to live in retirement. This circumstance causes furious indignation in Russian society. It turns out that the state throughout the entire working life of a person receives deductions from him in order to provide him with a not quite decent pension for only a few years.

With regard to gender characteristics in Russia, it should be taken into account that Russian women receive less than men throughout their lives, naturally, deductions to the Pension Fund are also much more modest. As a result, when they retire, they can count on a small pension provision.

Pension reform is also closely linked to the creation of new jobs. In order to provide for all the pensioners who have remained at work, a sufficient number of jobs is needed. And for young people, you need to find work if older people hold their positions for several years longer.

How will the retirement age be increased?

Since 2017, a bill has come into force, according to which the retirement age for civil servants is gradually increasing. The old bar began to rise by six months every year. This process will continue until the border reaches 63 and 65, respectively. The increase in the retirement age will continue until 2032 and 2026.

From January 1, 2018, the increase in the bar for civil servants will take place for the second time and men will have a retirement age of 61 years, and women - 56 years.

According to this bill, the retirement age for state employees and the military has not yet changed. Presumably, this will happen along with the presentation of a new program of the Government of the Russian Federation after the presidential elections in 2018. The age increase will most likely be carried out according to the already proven scheme, that is, six months every year.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that the Cabinet of Ministers will prepare proposals to change the retirement age and submit them to the State Duma in the very near future. The current retirement ages for men and women are 60 and 55 respectively. Currently, the retirement age in Russia in 2018 seems to be optimal 53% of respondents, 35% of citizens noted that the retirement age should be reduced, while only 6% of respondents agree to raise it, another 6% found it difficult to answer. Read more about the decision of the government adopted on June 14.

How and by how much to increase

Oksana Sinyavskaya, Deputy Director of the Institute for Social Policy at the Higher School of Economics, recalled that among the options that have recently been discussed in the expert and political environment, there were proposals to raise the retirement age to 60 for women and 63 for men. This is the most modest proposal, she stressed. The second option is to set a threshold of 63 for women and 65 for men. The most radical proposal was put forward by the Ministry of Finance: 65 years for both men and women.

“The demographic argument is that women live longer and are less likely to be employed in hard jobs, so the retirement age needs to be equalized in that logic. However, gender stereotypes are very strong in Russia, especially among politicians. Therefore, I think that the most likely option is this: the difference between the thresholds for men and women will remain, but, most likely, it will be reduced - that is, it will not be five years, but three years, maybe two, ”she said.

People declaring the need to raise the retirement age, called the optimal threshold of 63 years for men and 60 years for women. Those in favor of a decline, on average, indicated 54 years for men and 50 years for women.

The expert also noted that, according to polls, the majority of Russians support the earlier retirement of women: this is motivated by the fact that they have a double burden - raising children and then grandchildren, and, in fact, employment.

“I don’t think that the most radical option proposed by (Finance Minister Anton) Siluanov will pass. Most likely, the thresholds will be set at 60/63 or 63/65 (years). But here it is difficult to judge what the cabinet will decide on. From the point of view of the fiscal interests of the Ministry of Finance, the 63/65 option is, of course, more profitable,” Sinyavskaya said.

Tatyana Maleva, Director of the Institute for Social Analysis and Forecasting of the RANEPA, also notes the low probability of the Ministry of Finance's scenario being implemented in Russia.

“There is an option to quickly raise the retirement age in order to achieve a financial effect. This effect really depends on the speed of raising the retirement age, and the Ministry of Finance is trying to reduce the transfer from the federal budget to the pension system. But this means that for women the retirement age should be raised immediately by 10 years. This is a lot, and no one in the world has ever done this, ”Maleva emphasized.

From the point of view of Sinyavskaya, from a social standpoint, the most acceptable and rational option is to raise the retirement age to 60/63 years. Moreover, it is desirable to do this in stages: a number of European countries did this at one time, and there are examples among the former Soviet republics.

“The second parameter that is being discussed, in addition to the boundaries, is the rate of increase. The proposals of the Ministry of Finance were also the most radical - one year a year. I think that the Cabinet will not decide on this, most likely, a scheme will be proposed for six months a year. This is the most intensive increase in the retirement age from world experience, and a number of countries in Central and Eastern Europe have raised the age in this way,” she said.

Sinyavskaya stressed that since these measures have a pronounced fiscal argument, the most likely scenario would be an increase of six months a year.

From Maleva's point of view, the most reasonable and sparing options for increasing are 65 years for men and 60 years for women, that is, raising the threshold by five years for each gender group.

“We launched this process in such a way that it should have started 20 years ago. This was the extreme point, in fact, it should have been done before. Now we must understand that this will not give an instant effect. We cannot raise the age very quickly, so we need to raise the age for half a year, a year a year, or even three months for men. This is not excluded, since they have high mortality risks at these ages, but is unlikely. I think women will be promoted one year a year, and men six months a year,” she said.

Will the labor market be ready?

As for the timing of the implementation of the reform, Sinyavskaya considers 2020 the most likely year. It is necessary to give time for the labor market to prepare, she notes. In turn, Maleva points to the ambiguity of how the reforms may affect the state of the market.

“We can raise the retirement age to at least 90 years, but the problem is that people will start to leave their jobs due to disability. Nothing prevents us from setting the retirement age at 100, but we understand what will follow. After all, is the Russian labor market ready to keep older people at work? Do they have high enough productivity to increase GDP by 1.5 times? For an economy that is losing its labor force, it is necessary to attract older people. But there are no obvious solutions,” she said.

In general, Sinyavskaya notes, both social and economic arguments will be expressed at the presidential level. “Their clash will not allow for radical options. But at the same time, those growth scenarios that provide minimal savings and are more socially acceptable are also unlikely,” the expert notes.

Sinyavskaya emphasizes that raising the retirement age is unlikely to be the only measure taken in this area. “Most likely, there will be some package of measures to reform the pension system, because raising the retirement age should by no means be considered a panacea for all problems,” she argues.

Raising the retirement age for civil servants

Under current legislation, in 2018 the retirement age is raised for civil and municipal civil servants. The effect of this law began on January 1, 2017 and annually increases the retirement age by six months.

This will happen no earlier than 2027 for male officials and by 2032 for women. As a result, from January 1, 2018, the retirement age for women working in the civil service is 56 years, and for male officials, 61 years, respectively.

Who is eligible for the 2018 retirement age increase? According to the law, the increase is valid for employees who fill the state positions of the Russian Federation, state positions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, positions of the civil civil service of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Also included here are all municipal employees who replace, on an ongoing basis, the positions of the municipal service, that is, officials at all levels.

An important point: the specified increase in the age for the appointment of an old-age insurance pension is valid only during the period of replacement of the above positions. If an official leaves the civil service and at the time of dismissal he is already 60 years old (for men) or 55 years old (for women), then such a citizen is entitled to a pension in the usual manner.

Retired civil servants will be given the same retirement age as ordinary citizens. Even if, after the appointment of a pension, a citizen re-enters the civil service, the payment of a pension continues as for other working pensioners.

In addition to increasing the retirement age, officials are also waiting for an increase in the minimum required length of service in the state service, which is necessary for assigning a bonus for length of service - the increase began on January 1, 2017 for 6 months. The minimum length of service for applicants for establishing an additional payment to the superannuation pension in 2018 is 16 years.

Will the retirement age in Russia be raised in 2018? According to the federal official, raising the retirement age should be accompanied by mechanisms to mitigate the transition period. The most common world practice is the opportunity to retire early (for example, at 60 years old, when the retirement age will already be higher than this), but “paying” for this with a proportional reduction in the amount of pensions for each year of early retirement, RBC’s interlocutor argues. In addition, according to him, it is necessary to reduce the risk of a large flow of older citizens to disability pensions and avoid stagnation in the employment of the younger generation, because a delay in the labor market of older people will further delay the entry of young people.

Decision is made

On June 14, 2018, the Russian government proposed to raise the retirement age for men to 65 years, for women - to 63 years, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said at a cabinet meeting. It is reported by TASS.

The head of the Cabinet explained that the transition period could begin in 2019 and last until 2028 for men and until 2034 for women.

"It is proposed to introduce a fairly long transition period - it is proposed to start it from 2019 in order to step by step reach retirement at 65 for men in 2028 and at 63 for women in 2034," Medvedev said.

According to him, the increase in the retirement age will make it possible to allocate additional funds to increase pensions above the inflation rate.

According to RIA Novosti, the head of the Cabinet said that the Government will retain pension benefits for workers employed in hazardous industries, disabled people of the first group, disabled children and a number of others.

Medvedev noted that the government proposes to provide citizens with 45 years of work experience with the opportunity to retire two years earlier.

Based on materials: