How will the pension increase in April of the year. Who is eligible for the allowance? Indexing state pensions

The cost of a pension point increased from April 1 to 78 rubles 58 kopecks, or by 0.38 percent. This means that pensions will also increase by the same percentage.

This is stated in the law on the budget of the pension fund for the current year and the planned 2018-2019 years, Rossiyskaya Gazeta writes.

"Since 2015, the indexation of insurance pensions has been carried out through indexation of the value of the pension point. As a result, the average annual amount of the old-age insurance pension in 2017 will now be 13,655 rubles," the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) explained to RG. And they added - this will amount to 159.9 percent of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner.

Recall that this is the second increase in pensions this year. The first one took place on February 1, it amounted to 5.4 percent - by the amount of real inflation. But since the budget of the pension fund initially included an increase of 5.8 percent (this was the inflation forecast), the authorities decided not to deviate from the original plan and re-index pensions in April. There is no need to adopt any special government decrees for this, Russian Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin previously clarified to RG. The pension fund of Russia will spend 14 billion rubles on additional indexation, the press service of the Ministry of Labor specified.

In addition, from April 1, insurance pensions of Russians will also increase - by one and a half percent, according to a government decree of March 16 this year. Moreover, not only non-working, but also working pensioners will receive an increased amount of this type of pension, the Pension Fund specifies.

The growth of exactly one and a half percent, and not 5.8, like insurance pensions, is explained by the fact that social pensions, according to the law, increase not by the level of inflation, but by as much as the pensioner's subsistence minimum becomes larger. Moreover, starting from this year, if the subsistence minimum has not increased, but decreased, then the pension cannot be reduced after it.

According to statistics, in 2015 the living wage of a Russian pensioner was on average 7965 rubles, last year - 8081 rubles, the difference is one and a half percent.

As a result, this year the average annual social pension will amount to 8,742 rubles (102.4 percent of the pensioner's living wage). The average annual social pension for children with disabilities and people with disabilities since childhood of group I will be 13,241 rubles.

The increase will also affect the pensions of conscripted military personnel and members of their families, participants in the Great Patriotic War, citizens awarded the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad", people affected by radiation or man-made disasters, and members of their families, workers of aircraft test personnel, bonuses to pensions for the service of cosmonauts and members of their families, employees of the flight test personnel and recipients of other categories.

According to the Ministry of Labor, a total of 3.9 million people will receive a pension increase.

What increase in pensions awaits pensioners in April 2018? How much can pensions increase as a result of indexation? Who is entitled to a pension increase?

Increase in pension from April 1: who is entitled

indexation and how much in real

in terms of increase in pensions?

Dmitry Medvedev officially announced increase in pensions from April 1, 2018 . 10 MLD have already been allocated from the budget. Russian rubles.

On March 22, an order was signed according to which about 4 million people throughout Russia will receive increase in pension in the form of indexation . The increase will be 2.9%. Of course, this is not a lot of money, but still indexation is carried out every year, therefore, the purchasing power of citizens of retirement age does not decrease so much.

This value in percentage terms is exactly the average increase in the subsistence minimum for citizens of retirement age in 2017.

Speaking in numbers, the average increase this year will be 255 rubles. I would like to answer that budget workers do not expect any increase in wages at the moment and, of course, I want to believe that in our Russia after the elections more favorable conditions for life and work will come.

Who should wait for the indexation of pensions?

To whom pensions will be indexed from April 1, 2018? Will it indexation of pensions for working pensioners ? Or just expect indexation of pensions for the unemployed ? What's up with indexation of social pensions ?

Index social pensions

Federal Law No. 166 establishes the categories of social pension recipients:

  • disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3, including disabled children and disabled since childhood;
  • small peoples of the North;
  • children who have lost their breadwinner;
  • citizens over 60 years old (women) and 65 years old (men).

Social pensions are assigned under an important condition - the absence of insurance experience. At the same time, the social old-age pension is provided only for non-working pensioners.

Indexing state pensions

The appointment of state pensions is also fixed by Federal Law No. 166.

State pensions are assigned:

  • military, including WWII veterans;
  • liquidators of Chernobyl;
  • test pilots and space industry workers;
  • in recipients of social pension;
  • civil servants.

The amount of the state pension for these categories can be established on various grounds:

  • depending on monetary allowance during service or work;
  • in a fixed amount;
  • as a percentage of the social pension.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection proposed index social pensions Russians April 1 . "Approve the coefficient indexation of social pensions in the amount of 1.029″, the document says. The Pension Fund of Russia was instructed to bring information about the level of the coefficient to the regional divisions, so that from April 1, 2018, social pensions would already be paid indexed.

As stated in the explanatory note, social pensions will be indexed by 2.9 percent.

“Based on the data on the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the Russian Federation for 2017 (8,315 rubles) and for 2016 (8,081 rubles), the growth rate of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the Russian Federation for 2017 amounted to 102.9 percent,” the document says. .

In real terms social pensions will grow by 255 rubles - up to 9062 rubles.

The average pension for children with disabilities and people with disabilities from childhood of group I will increase by 378 rubles and 382 rubles, respectively, and after the increase will be 13,410 and 13,556 rubles. Zoom in social pensions , according to the explanatory note, it will take 1.07 billion rubles a month, or 9.6 billion rubles by the end of 2018.

Who can not wait for the indexation of pensions

The most common type of pension provision is insurance pensions. It is assigned to people who have insurance experience and deductions on individual personal accounts. However indexation of insurance pensions (including working pensioners) from April 1, 2018 is not planned.

In Russia, a pension is called cash benefits paid to those citizens who, for objective reasons, cannot work and support themselves on their own. There are several types of them, but each of them is subject to mandatory annual indexation.

Revision of pensions is carried out according to the schedule determined by law for each year:

  • February- labor (insurance) pension payments are indexed for those Russians who do not continue their labor activity;
  • April– indexation of social pension payments;
  • August- pension benefits are being revised for Russians who continue to work under an employment contract even after reaching retirement age.

We propose to consider whatthere will be indexation of pensions from April 1, 2017, latest newsabout its size and other possible changes.

Benefit types

All pension benefits paid in the Russian Federation are divided into:

  • labor pension benefits: paid out of the Pension Fund;
  • social pension benefits: paid from the state budget. These include pensions assigned by age to those who have never worked, benefits for certain social categories of citizens (disabled people, orphans, etc.) and military pension benefits assigned for length of service.

Servicemen's pensions, although paid from the federal budget, differ in many ways from other social benefits. Firstly, they depend on the monetary allowance received before going on vacation. Secondly, the indexation of pension benefits for military personnel is carried out at different times: in January and October of each year. In order of appointment, they are more related to labor, therefore, they will not be considered in the proposed article.

The allocation of payments to working pensioners as a separate item is not accidental: since this year it has been officially accepted that the revision of all benefits to Russians of the official retirement age who continue to work will differ from the general one. So, for 2017, he canceled the indexation of the insurance part and indicated the maximum possible number of points: three.

Indexation of social benefits

Government Decree on Pensions from April 1 states that on an annual basis all social pensions must be indexed. T This is required for the reason that during the year there is an increase in consumer prices. However, recently, after the crisis, amendments have been made to this resolution, partially changing its effect.

  1. Previously, indexation was advancing, that is, benefits and salaries increased by the amount of expected inflation next year. Now, when reviewing, they are guided by the actual price increase, indexation is catching up.
  2. In 2015, indexation was not fully implemented due to insufficient funds in the budget. Inflation in 2014 amounted to almost 13% , but benefits are indexed only on 4% . A one-time payment is planned for 2017 5000 rubles as a compensation.
  3. Since 2015, pensioners who continue to work have lost the right to annual indexation of pension benefits, including social benefits.

According to preliminary official statements from the authorities, next year the indexation will take place in full, the exact figure will be announced at the end of the annual period. In December-January, this will be announced additionally, but the expected order of increase is 5,5-6% . However, when talking about the expected indexation of pension benefits, the above additions must be taken into account.

Recipients of social pensions

Consider now who can expectpension increase from April 1 and by how much . There are quite a few recipients of such benefits, and for them the conditions for appointment and the amounts payable are different. But the amount of the allowance for each category is fixed and determined by law in the first quarter annually.

Social allowance by age

A social pension differs from a regular labor pension, although it is assigned upon reaching a certain legal age. It is assigned to all older people who do not have the required insurance work experience under an employment contract. The amount of such payment is fixed and does not depend on other factors. Nowadays it is equal to 4959 rubles, and will remain so until the end of March 2017. The amount is very small, and many of its recipients are waiting for an increase.Latest news about the increase in old-age pensions from April 1, 2017report that full indexation to inflation should be expected. And this is not bad, since the experience of last year shows that it can be even less. The exact percentage is not yet known, but according to preliminary official estimates of the Ministry of Economic Development, it will be 5,5-6%. Thus,pension from April 1, 2017reach in old age figures of 5,230 rubles.

The small peoples of the North can count on a similar increase. They are also credited with this type of allowance by age, but ten years earlier: from the age of 50 for women and from 55 for men.

Social allowance for disability

Russians with a confirmed disability group are also entitled to social benefits. Moreover, it will differ depending on the group.

The maximum is due to disabled people with the second group and disabled children: 11,903 rubles. This amount is fixed until April 1, after which it will also be indexed to inflation. An approximate calculation allows you to count on 12,550 rubles.

Disabled children of the second group and disabled people of the first group have a slightly lower allowance - 9919 rubles, however, after indexing in April, its size will exceed for 10 thousand and will amount to 10,460 rubles.

Second group disability means payment in the amount of 4959 rubles. Howeverpension increase for disabled people from April 1, 2017, latest newsabout which the indexing is confirmed, will increase it to 5230 rubles.

Third group disability implies the possibility of continuing to work, but with restrictions. Therefore, citizens who have it receive only 4215 rubles per month. Of course, this allowance will be indexed in April, but the increase is only about 230 rubles .

Children's pension

Children up to the age of eighteen, or up to 23, but in the case of full-time education in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, can also count on material support from our state. An allowance is assigned in the event of the loss of one parent - 4959 rubles, or both - 9919 rubles.Increase in pension from April 1, 2017for them will also be 5.5-6%.

Social pension for working pensioners

A social pension is assigned, as noted above, if the Russian has not gained a certain length of service. This year it is 7 years, but as part of the pension reform, its duration is increased annually by a year until it reaches 15 years. That is, in 2017 the minimum will be 8 years. In addition, a prerequisite for the appointment of a labor pension is the accumulation of pension points introduced into the calculation of benefits since 2015. You can accumulate them only by working under an employment contract, since they are a kind of universal expression of the amount of the employer's insurance contributions.

The amount of such social assistance is almost two times less than the established subsistence minimum, it is very difficult to live on this money. On the other hand, the labor pension is higher, and according to the decree, it should not be lower than the subsistence level. Therefore, some social pension recipients decide to improve the required length of service and the number of points in order to be eligible for a larger work pension. They are certainly interested in whatthere will be indexation of pensions from April 1, 2017 for working pensioners.

In the current year, those who were officially employed are considered to continue working. as of September 30, 2015. This is due to the last day of the reporting period of employers, available to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation when indexing is assigned. If a citizen who applied for indexation of a social pension stopped working later than the specified period, but before the date of indexation, then he had to personally notify about it. The procedure for next year has not yet been approved, but most likely it will be similar.

Starting this year, the Government of the Russian Federation has decided that the conditions for revising benefits for pensioners who continue to work will differ from the rest. In the part concerning indexing, it means that it will not be carried out. That is, it will not change.pension for working pensioners from April 1, 2017. Last newsalso report that this measure is temporary and is associated with a lack of funds in the treasury.


Question -who will receive a pension from April 1, 2017 - is relevant for a fairly large part of the population, because about 7 million people receive social benefits. Up-to-date information from official sources confirms the full indexation of all non-working pensioners for the amount of expected inflation.

Pension benefits paid from the state budget leave much to be desired. Of course, the reasons for explaining this situation are quite objective and understandable. Here is the demographic situation with a decrease in the proportion of the working population and an increase in the number of recipients of social benefits, here is the economy shaken as a result of the events of 2014, and unemployment. All this explains the need for pension reform and budget savings.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307 dated March 16, 2017, from April 1, 2017, the coefficient of indexation of social pensions was approved in the amount of 1,015.

Thus, from April 1 of this year, the amount of social pensions, as well as the amount of pensions for state pension provision, the amount of additional material security and other payments, the amount of which is determined based on the corresponding amount of social pension, as well as the amount of additional monthly material security in accordance with decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, the provisions of which provide for their increase in connection with the indexation of social pensions.

Example 1 Citizen A. is a recipient of a state old-age pension for living in a zone of radioactive contamination. As of March 2017, the pension amounted to 9919.70 rubles.

From April 1, the size of the state pension will be recalculated taking into account the indexation coefficient of 1.015 and will amount to 10,068.50 rubles. (9919.70 * 1.015 = 10068.50) and will increase by 148.80 rubles compared to March.

From 01.04.2017, the amount of insurance pensions of non-working citizens is subject to adjustment, with the exception of a fixed payment to the insurance pension.

In accordance with Article 8 of the Federal Law of December 19, 2016 No. 416-FZ "On the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2017 and for the planning period of 2018 and 2019", the cost of the pension coefficient from April 1, 2017 is set at 78 rubles 58 kopecks.

Example 2 idle G Citizen B. is a recipient of an old-age insurance pension. As of March 2017, his pension was 8,892.45 rubles. for 113,598 pension coefficients. The amount of the fixed payment to the insurance pension is 4805.11 rubles. The total amount of the insurance pension and fixed payment as of March 2017 was 13,697.56 rubles.

From April 1, the amount of the old-age insurance pension will be recalculated taking into account the new value of the pension coefficient of 78.58 rubles. and will amount to 8926.53 rubles. (113.598 * 78.58 = 8926.53 rubles), the amount of the fixed payment does not change from 04/01/2017. Thus, the amount of the old-age insurance pension and the fixed payment will be 8926.53 + 4805.11 = 13731 from 04/01/2017 .64 rubles, and will increase compared to March by 34.08 kopecks.

The next indexation of pensions in the Russian Federation will take place on April 1, 2017. Social and insurance pensions are indexed to inflation. This indicator is calculated on the basis of data on the subsistence minimum for pensioners.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation signed a few weeks ago on indexation for all recipients of social pensions, from April 1, 2017, payments increase by 1.5%. Earlier, in February of this year, old-age pensions were indexed, and an increase in military pensions is expected in October.

Social and insurance pensions: how are they different, who are assigned

Today in Russia, pensions - called payments from the state budget for people who have reached a certain age by law - are received by men after 60 years and women after 55 years.

Residents of the northern regions or those who are engaged in industries that are harmful and hazardous to health have other age limits - they have the right to retire earlier than the established age, sometimes the retirement age comes after 40 years.

Pension payments can be divided into two groups. State, or labor - accumulated throughout the labor activity on a special savings account. The social pension is paid to those who do not have a work record or have a short work record, which did not allow them to save for their pension.

The social pension is paid as financial support for people who do not have secure sources of income. All social pensions can also be divided into several parts. Old-age pension for those who have a short (up to five years in total) work experience.

A disability pension is due to all disabled people with a disability group who have not worked a single day and therefore do not have experience (the same type of pension is due to disabled children). A pension paid for the loss of a breadwinner upon the death of one or two parents who do not have work experience - it is assigned to children before the age of majority and students under 23 years of age studying in full-time departments of educational institutions.

The size of the increase and the average pension in the Russian Federation in 2017

Taking into account the increases in insurance pensions and fixed payments made in February and April, the average annual insurance old-age pension in Russia this year will be 13,649 rubles.

In addition, given that pensioners received a one-time payment in the amount of 5 thousand rubles in January 2017, the total average annual old-age insurance pension also increased and amounted to 14,066 rubles.