Minimum old age pension. The size of the old-age insurance pension The minimum pension by region

In accordance with the pension legislation of the Russian Federation in 2019 (as well as in the previous ones), each person living in the territory of the Russian Federation, upon reaching a certain age, is assigned an old-age pension. This type of maintenance is established in order to financially support citizens who, due to their age, are limited in their former ability to work or, having reached age parameters, cannot work for other reasons.

In order to receive at least minimum pension coverage, in addition to reaching retirement age, the recipient must meet other minimum requirements established by law:

  • The main condition for the appointment of a pension payment is the presence of a certain amount of seniority.
  • At the same time, pensions are provided both for citizens who have earned the required length of service, and for those who do not have it.

Types of old-age pensions and conditions for their appointment

Depending on the compliance of the recipient of pension provision with the conditions specified by law, he may be assigned one of the types of old-age pension:

Insurance pension provision

The old-age insurance pension is assigned in our country more often than other pension payments. The overwhelming majority of pensioners (about 83%) are its recipients. this type of payments are regulated by the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ "About insurance pensions", according to which the right to appoint him is acquired by his recipient in the presence of:

  • age 60.5 years in men and 55.5 years among women.
  • duration at least 10 years.
  • (IPK) not less than 16.2.

The above parameters for the number of insurance experience and IPC are set for 2019 and, in accordance with the law, increase annually. The seniority requirement increases by 1 year until it eventually reaches 15 years, and IPC by 2.4 to size 30 .

For persons who worked in difficult climatic conditions, as well as in jobs with harmful, especially difficult or hazardous conditions for health, access to the old-age insurance pension is possible earlier than the generally established retirement age, that is. The conditions for granting an early pension, as well as the list of professions and persons entitled to it, are established by the same law. "About insurance pensions".

Is there a pension if there is no work experience?

There are cases when a person for some reason did not have the opportunity to work at all or had only temporary official earnings. In a word, by his retirement age, he could not earn such a length of service that would give him the right to an insurance pension. And for this category of citizens, pension support is provided by the state.

If the insurance period and IPK of a citizen do not reach the minimum size required for the establishment of an old-age insurance pension, or missing at all, a pension is assigned to such a category of recipients.

However, in order to receive this financial support, there are conditions that are provided for by the Federal Law " On state pension provision in the Russian Federation"of December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ, in accordance with which the social old-age pension benefit is assigned disabled persons:

  • from the number small peoples of the North reached 55 years(men) and 50 years(women), as well as on the day of the appointment of a pension permanent residents in the territory considered to be inhabited by these peoples.
  • Citizens of the Russian Federation, permanent residents in our country, as well as citizens of other states, or who do not have citizenship at all, provided that they permanent residence in our country at least 15 years upon reaching both the age 65 years old(men) or 60 years(women).

What is the minimum old-age pension in Russia by region?

concept "minimum pension" in itself is very subjective, since in different regions of our country both wages and prices differ significantly from each other, and in some areas, such as the Far North and other areas, regional coefficients are applied to wages. The amount of pension payments depends on many circumstances and in different regions of residence it may vary.

If the recipient meets the minimum conditions provided for by law, the old-age pension in 2019 was established in the following amounts:

  • Social pension benefit - from April 1, 2019 5163.2 rubles(until April 1, 2019 - 4959.85 rubles);
  • Insurance pension - 6107.46 rubles(as of 2019, see calculation below).

Social pension payments are established to their recipients in fixed form, while the old-age insurance benefit: CPI multiplied by its value plus a fixed payment.

Depending on the region of residence of the pensioner, the minimum amount of the pension payment received may differ due to the different subsistence minimum in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This is due to the appointment of one of the measures of social support for pensioners - additional payments to pensions.

Minimum size in 2019

Annual pension payments. Legislation provides for an increase in pension provision at the level of actual inflation of the previous year. Now the Government has provided for the indexation of pensions in 2019 more than inflation in 2018 - by 7.05%(according to calculations, inflation in 2018 was 4.3%):

  • at the same time, the value of the pension coefficient will increase to 87.24 rubles;
  • and the fixed payout 5334.19 rubles.

Thus, given that from January 1, 2019, the conditions for assigning an insurance pension are changing (it will already be necessary to have 16.2 pension points), the minimum old-age insurance pension will be:

16.2 x 87.24 + 5334.19 = 6747.48 rubles.

As for social pensions, the Government of the Russian Federation (in particular, the forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development) reports that it will be indexed by only 2.0%, then in 2019 the social pension benefit for old age will be 5163.2 rubles.

What if the pension is less than the living wage?

Minimum Pension Benefit idle a pensioner, by law, should not be lower than the subsistence level determined by the state for such citizens, while the total income takes into account not only the pension itself, but also additional monthly payments, allowances and compensations.

If the monthly income of the recipient of the pension is below the level of the pensioner's subsistence minimum (PMP), then he is set for a pension.

Depending on the level to which (in Russia or in the region of residence) the maintenance of a pensioner falls short, a social supplement is assigned to him:

  • federal paid from the funds provided in the budget of the PFR;
  • regional(from the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

Accordingly, for its appointment, it is necessary to apply to the territorial branch of the pension fund or to the territorial body of social protection of the population.

Living wage for pensioners in 2019

In 2017, the amount of the PMP, which determines the right to receive a federal social supplement, decreased (relative to 2016). The Federal Law on the Budget of the Russian Federation included the amount of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner (for the whole country) to determine the social supplement to a pension at the federal level in the amount of 8,540 rubles. This measure was aimed at reducing budget expenditures for the payment of social supplements to pensions.

However, in 2019, an increased amount of the pensioner's subsistence minimum was included in the budget - 8,726 rubles.

Here it should be taken into account that the social surcharge is set to the level of the regional PMP, and in many regions it differs in one way or another from the federal value (maybe both up and down). For example, in Moscow in 2019, a PM was established to receive a social supplement for a pension of 11,561 rubles, and in the Khabarovsk Territory - 10,895 rubles.

Maximum old-age pension in Russia in 2019 (in rubles)

It is difficult to determine the maximum amount of the old-age pension benefit precisely, since it also depends on many components. For example:

  • from the taxable base (in 2017 it was 876,000 rubles, in 2018 - 1,021,000 rubles);
  • from the age of retirement of a citizen;
  • from the maximum possible amount for the year of work, etc.

As an incentive for a later retirement of citizens, the state establishes for their pension provision, increasing it and depending on how many months later the citizen applied for a pension payment from the day he became entitled to it.

In accordance with the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ "About insurance pensions"(Appendix 1) such coefficient is provided in the calculation from 1 year up to 10 years postponement and maximum its value is 2,32 .

The size of the pension content largely depends on the number of individual pension points earned by a person during the period of his labor activity and formed by converting the insurance premiums paid during this period, and their pension payment established at the time of assignment. However, in accordance with Appendix 4 to the above law, their maximum value per calendar year can be no more than 10. In 2018, this indicator is 8.70 points.

How will the indexation of pensions in Moscow in 2019

In general, the annual process of increasing pensions in Moscow takes place in the same way as in all of Russia - in three stages.

1 . As you know, the indexation of the old-age insurance pension for non-working pensioners in 2019 took place not from February 1, as many are used to, but from January 1, as was the case last year. Vladimir Putin outlined the main parameters of the increase in his televised address. The President said that "in 2019, the indexation of old-age pensions will be about 7 percent." On average, the pension will increase by 1,000 rubles per month.

The indexation details were specified by the Pension Fund. As follows from the press service of the Fund, since January 1, 2019, the old-age insurance pension for NON-working pensioners has been indexed by 7.05 percent. This resulted in an average monthly increase in the insurance pension by 1,000 rubles. Working pensioners did not receive this increase. But many pensioners were dissatisfied with the January indexation. After mass appeals to Putin, it was decided to recalculate. Read about the situation with indexation and recalculation of the insurance pension

2. From April 1, 2019, in Moscow, as well as throughout Russia, social and state pensions will increase. Putin did not say anything about them in his televised address. The prospects for the growth of social pensions in 2019 were outlined by the Pension Fund itself. So, at first, it was planned to increase social pensions from April 1, 2019 according to the growth index of the pensioner's subsistence minimum for the previous year, namely by 2.4%. But then plans changed. To date, social pensions are planned to be increased by 2.0% from April 1, 2019. Learn more about social pensions

3. In August 2019, insurance pensions for Muscovite pensioners who worked in 2018 will also increase. The maximum increase, most likely, will be the same as before - the cash equivalent of three pension points.

Now let's recall two types of minimum pension in Moscow.

Minimum pension in Moscow in 2019

As you know, older people in Russia cannot receive a pension below the average annual subsistence level for a pensioner in the territory of residence. If the accrued pension turned out to be less than this bar, then the Regional Social Surcharge (RSA) is additionally paid from the budget to the pension.

In 2017, the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the city of Moscow was set at 11,561 rubles. Thus, the minimum pension in 2017 in Moscow, taking into account the Regional Social Surcharge, was 11,561 rubles.

In 2018, the living wage for a pensioner in Moscow was set at 11,816 rubles.

For 2019, the living wage for a Moscow pensioner is set at 12,115 rubles. Accordingly, such a figure can be considered the minimum pension in the MSC this year.

But this "minimum wage" is set for those pensioners - Muscovites who are registered at the place of stay / place of residence in Moscow for a total of less than 10 years.

There is a different minimum pension for Moscow old-timers. It is adjusted to the City Social Minimum Income Standard.

Supplement to pension in Moscow in 2019 up to the size of the city social standard

The supplement to the pension up to the amount of the City Social Standard (SCS) is established for non-working pensioners and certain categories of working pensioners and disabled people registered at their place of residence in Moscow and having such registration for at least 10 years in total (including the time of residence in the territory annexed to Moscow) .

In 2017, there was no increase in the GSS, and the minimum pension in 2017 in Moscow for recipients of the City Social Standard was 14,500 rubles.

But in 2018, the size of the GSS was increased. Thus, the minimum pension for non-working pensioners with more than 10 years of residence in Moscow amounted to 17,500 rubles this year.

Plans for the growth of the City Social Standard for 2019 have not yet been announced.

Increasing the amount of payments to beneficiaries in Moscow

In 2018, monthly payments to citizens of preferential categories also increased. Below is the size of some of them.

Monthly city cash payments to preferential categories

Payments to families of disabled people and families raising disabled children

Plans to increase payments to beneficiaries for 2019 have not yet been officially announced.

The minimum pension in the Moscow region in 2019

Elderly people in Russia cannot receive a pension below the average annual subsistence level for a pensioner in the territory of residence.

The size of the minimum pension in the Moscow region in 2017 was equal to the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the territory of the Moscow Region and amounted to 9161 rubles. In 2018, the minimum wage in the Moscow region was increased to 9,527 rubles, and in 2019 it was increased by the amount of inflation - by about 4%.

As a result, the subsistence level for a pensioner on the territory of the Moscow Region, and, accordingly, the size of the minimum pension in the Moscow Region for 2019, was set by the Moscow Regional Duma at 9,908 rubles.

Follow this publication, correspondents of the ​​business information agency will definitely supplement it as soon as more recent news about the increase in pensions in Moscow and the Moscow Region in 2019 appears!

Retirement in Moscow for visiting pensioners has always raised many questions and disputes among elderly people moving to live in the capital.

Moscow is rightly considered the most expensive city in Russia. For some reason, it is generally believed that the level of pension payments in Moscow is one of the highest, but this is not so.

The highest pensions are among residents of the Far East, Yamalo-Nenets district and Yakutia. The size of pension payments in Moscow is slightly higher than in other regions of Russia, but this is due to various social supplements.

Let's try to figure out how pension payments are calculated to native and visiting Muscovites?

Pension in Moscow for visiting pensioners

First, it should be clarified what is meant by the term "visiting pensioner"? From the point of view of legislation, this is a person who, before reaching retirement age, lived in the capital for less than 10 years.

The pension payment is calculated for such people based on the subsistence minimum approved in the region.

At the beginning of 2019, the subsistence minimum amounted to 18,781 rubles per month, however, to receive a pension, it was registered in the amount of 12,115 rubles. (Law of the city of Moscow dated October 31, 2018 No. 22).

If a pensioner has been registered in Moscow for less than 10 years, then he will receive the approved living wage.

A pensioner will be able to apply for social supplements after he has lived in the capital for ten years. For 2019, the amount of the insurance pension for visiting pensioners is 10,715 rubles.

To receive an insurance pension payment, a person must have eight years of insurance experience.

Many people are interested in the question - will the size of the pension change if a person receives temporary registration in Moscow?

No, it won't. A person must be permanently registered in Moscow for at least ten years. The registration period in Moscow and equivalent areas is summed up.

The amount of the minimum pension for working pensioners in 2019

Currently, there are heated discussions in the Government of the Russian Federation on the topic of abolishing pensions for working pensioners. So far, this bill has not been adopted and is under consideration.

Working pensioners in Moscow are also entitled to receive a social allowance. There are certain categories of people who are entitled to this payment:

  • WWII invalids;
  • Disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
  • Children aged 18-23 who receive a survivor's benefit who combine work with full-time education.

In these three cases, a social payment is assigned to a person, regardless of the level of his income and position.

  1. Pensioners employed in budgetary institutions in the field of education, culture, social security, health care, whose income does not exceed 20 thousand rubles. monthly.
  2. Pensioners employed by concierges, watchmen, porters, whose income level does not exceed 20 thousand rubles. Rub. monthly;
  3. Pensioners employed by cloakroom attendants in budgetary organizations in the field of education, sports and healthcare, with an income level not exceeding 20 thousand rubles.
  4. Retirees employed in the field of landscaping and cleaning. This institution should be included in the List of housing and communal services organizations, and the employee's salary should not exceed 20 thousand rubles. monthly;
  5. Disabled citizens with group 3 disability who received it as a result of the liquidation of the Chernobyl disaster. The salary of such a pensioner cannot exceed 20 thousand rubles.

The rest of the pensioners who work are not entitled to claim social supplements, regardless of the size of their pension.

What additional payment is due to non-working pensioners in Moscow?

The cost of living in Moscow for 2019 is 12,115 rubles. If the size of the pension payment does not correspond to the approved minimum subsistence level, then the pensioner is entitled to an additional payment.

The amount of the supplement depends on the difference between the pension received and the approved subsistence level in Moscow.

To make a payment, a pensioner must provide the following papers to the social protection department at the place of registration:

  • Passport and a photocopy with a mark of permanent registration in Moscow;
  • pensioner's certificate;
  • Certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the size of the pension payment and the timing of its appointment;
  • Employment book with a mark on the termination of employment;

In addition to mandatory residence in Moscow for 10 years, a pensioner must meet the following criteria to be eligible for additional payments:

  1. The pensioner should not be officially employed;
  2. The pensioner should not conduct entrepreneurial activity;
  3. The material security of a pensioner should not exceed the established social standard;

What other benefits are due to Moscow pensioners?

Moscow pensioners are entitled to the following benefits:

  1. 50% discount on utility services;
  2. For free travel around the city in public transport;
  3. For free spa treatment for medical reasons;
  4. Production of dentures in State clinics. Prostheses made of valuable metals and ceramics are excluded;
  5. Pensioners in Moscow are entitled to a 50% discount on cable TV;
  6. For compensation of 250 rubles when paying for a landline phone;
  7. Serviced by a social worker. This benefit is available to single pensioners or older couples;
  8. For a social service for cleaning apartments;
  9. For food and clothing assistance to pensioners who find themselves in a difficult life situation;
  10. Patronage. The service is provided to single pensioners and consists in their full or partial service;

If a retired Muscovite temporarily registers elsewhere, but permanent Moscow registration is retained, he will receive all social supplements due to him on his account.

He will have to confirm annually that he is alive. To do this, he is obliged to appear in person to draw up a special act at the PFR department.

In cases where the pensioner is outside the country, the act is drawn up at the consulate, embassy and certified by a Russian notary.

If the pensioner does not confirm his existence, then pension payments will be suspended until the relevant act is drawn up. After the appearance of the pensioner in the FIU, payments will be resumed.

Video: Moscow has canceled the increase in the retirement age.

The question of the size of the old-age pension worries many Russians. When calculating benefits, it is necessary to take into account the subsistence minimum approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. paid to the elderly in 2017? The amount of income of an elderly person depends not only on the place of residence of the person. The category of the recipient of the pension affects the amount of payments.

What is the old-age pension: types of pensions and conditions for their appointment

There are several types of payments: insurance, social, state.

old age insurance

Funds from the budget are paid to men aged 60 years. Women can apply for a pension after reaching the age of 55. The Pension Fund annually tightens requirements for applicants. The income of the candidate depends on the place of residence. For example, what kind of old-age pension in 2019 is due to elderly residents of Moscow? A social standard of 14,500 rubles has been approved in the capital. Recipients of modest benefits are eligible for additional payments.

The list of people who can make payments earlier than usual include:

  • pensioners who have worked a certain number of years in hazardous work;
  • disabled children;
  • women who have given birth to at least 5 children;
  • Soldiers injured in the course of their duties.

The amount of the fixed payment is adjusted depending on economic indicators.

Social old age pension

There is a category of older people who cannot qualify for insurance payments. The reason may be insufficient length of service. In this case, the person will be paid a monthly social pension. The state provides support to the small peoples of the Far North. They have the right to retire 5 years earlier than other citizens.

Social pensions are paid to disabled people who have been assigned a certain group. To confirm disability, you must pass a medical examination. Financial support is provided to families who have lost a breadwinner. Children can receive benefits up to the age of 18. Upon admission to a university for a full-time department, payments can be extended up to 23 years. What is the minimum old age pension in 2019 will be paid to the elderly? The Ministry of Finance plans to increase the cost of living by 253 rubles. Benefits will be recalculated in January next year. The living wage will reach 8,703 rubles.

State old age pension

Participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident are entitled to state payments. The right to receive a pension is granted to local residents who were taken out of the affected area. Financial provision is due to elderly people who have received a disability due to man-made disasters.

Category of the elderlyWhen can I get a pension
Persons who were taken out of the resettlement zone

Local residents who were registered in the accident area

People who worked in contaminated areas

The right to receive payments arises 3 years ahead of time.

As an additional bonus, the state adds 6 months for each year of stay in the exclusion zone.

Citizens who decided to leave a dangerous place of their own free will. They took advantage of the right to resettlement and moved to a new place.A person is paid benefits 2 years earlier than ordinary pensioners.

To this period must be added 12 months for every 3 years spent in the radioactive zone.

People who permanently live in a privileged zoneThe state reduces the requirements for the retirement age by 1 year.

Additionally, a person can achieve a reduction of 12 months for every 4 years that he spent in this region.

State pensions are paid from the budget to employees who participated in a rescue operation in conditions of high radiation. will be paid to the liquidators of the consequences of man-made disasters in 2019?

Age at which a person can apply for pension benefits
The category of people who are entitled to receive a state pensionMenWomen
Participants in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant50 45
People who were taken out of the infected area50 45
Victims of a man-made disaster who received a disability50 45
Elderly people who become ill due to radiation exposure55 50

An elderly person must provide the staff of the institution with his passport. Applicants must bring their workbook with them. It should indicate that the person does not work anywhere. The liquidator needs to collect medical documents that confirm the fact of living in the zone of radiation contamination.

Terms of appointment

Employees of the Pension Fund review the applicant's documents within 10 days. After that, they are obliged to make a decision and inform the elderly person about it.

What if the benefit is less than the living wage?

The owner of a modest pension should contact the local branch of the Pension Fund. To apply for an increase in the amount of payments, you must prepare the following documents:

  • passport;
  • pensioner's certificate;
  • SNILS;
  • documents indicating the amount of surcharges.

The solution to the issue of raising pensions is within the competence of the regional authorities. With a negative conclusion of the commission regarding the payment of the allowance, the elderly person can apply to the court.

What is the minimum old age pension in Russia due to the elderly in 2017? The income of poor citizens cannot be less than 8,540 rubles. In case of loss of a breadwinner, the process of obtaining additional payments is simplified.

The applicant does not have to prove his right to increase the amount of benefits. The amount of the pension is subject to automatic recalculation to the subsistence minimum, which is valid in the region. The cost of living depends on several parameters:

  1. The cost of products that a person needs.
  2. Prices for non-food items that are necessary to meet basic needs.
  3. The cost of social services.

The living wage is recalculated quarterly. Moreover, the calculation of the indicator takes place not only at the federal level. Regions independently set the minimum pension. The federal surcharge is paid if a person's income does not reach the all-Russian subsistence level.

The value of a regional pension may exceed the minimum amount approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The minimum amount of payments due to pensioners

Many people are trying to get a modest pension increase. The amount of the subsistence minimum can differ many times depending on the region of residence of the pensioner. However, allowances are only for non-working pensioners. In case of employment, the payment of additional funds is terminated.

What is the minimum old age pension will be installed by the federal authorities in 2019? Next year, payments due to pensioners will reach 8,703 rubles.

Maximum old-age pension

  • recipients of individual pensions paid by large organizations;
  • heroes of the Russian Federation;
  • people who took part in hostilities;
  • WWII veterans;
  • liquidators of accidents that occurred due to man-made causes.

Increased pensions are provided to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Penitentiary Service and the FSK. Pilots who test equipment can count on the maximum payments from the budget. Deputies do not live in poverty when they reach retirement age. War invalids receive about 50,000 rubles. Large benefits are paid to employees by procurators and municipal officials.

Several factors affect the amount of the pension:

  1. Applicant's income level.
  2. At what age did the person decide to retire?
  3. Length of work experience.

An increase in pension can be achieved if you apply for payments later than the due date. The maximum amount of old-age benefit depends on the number and value of pension points. The government constantly indexes the value of the coefficient. In 2017, a person cannot earn more than 8.26 points. This significantly limits the potential income of a pensioner.

What documents do the employees of the Pension Fund require from applicants

What categories of people are entitled to an old-age pension? Which documents will require in the Pension Fund? These questions arise for most older people who are not familiar with the procedure for processing payments. To receive a pension, an elderly person must write an application in accordance with the model.

Before visiting the Pension Fund, collect all the documents necessary for calculating the pension:

  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • documents that confirm the fact of work experience.

Often a person does not have some documents. In this case, the employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation must inform the applicant about this. A person is obliged within 3 months to collect the papers that are needed to apply for a pension.


There are several types of pensions: old-age, social and state. The federal authorities provide support to older people who receive a modest pension. The amount of the benefit cannot be less than a certain level necessary for a normal life. In 2017, the lower income limit for a pensioner is 8540 rubles.

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Pensions are paid to Russians both from the national budget and from the local one. Therefore, the minimum pension in Moscow in 2017 will be slightly higher than in other regions, due to the fact that the city of Moscow and the Moscow region have more opportunities and resources.

If the able-bodied population of Moscow can feed itself on its own by choosing a higher-paying job, then for pensioners there is only one way out - uncontested faith in the full security of the state.

Despite the fact that Russia has been swallowed up by a very serious economic crisis associated with sanctions, the fall of the ruble against other currencies, a significant drop in prices for resources, oil and gas, the authorities, both at the federal and local levels, are trying to support defenseless old people as much as possible.

The pension benefit of Moscow pensioners is constantly growing, which is the great merit of the mayor of the city of Sobyanin. In his public speeches, he always emphasizes the importance of this issue. Recently, Sobyanin promised that in 2017 Moscow pensioners will definitely feel the increase in pensions.

The subsistence minimum for pensioners in 2016 by region

The name of the region of the Russian Federation - the value in this region for a pensioner (rubles):

Kursk region RUB 6,391
Leningrad region. RUB 7,868
Saint Petersburg RUB 8,668
Nenets a.o. RUB 16,510
Chechen Republic RUB 8,156
Volgograd region RUB 8,510
Republic of Tatarstan RUB 7,526
Khanty-Mansiysk a.o. RUB 10,732
Krasnoyarsk region RUB 8,411
Chukchi a. O. 19 000 rub.
Republic of Crimea RUB 8,048
Moscow RUB 11,428
Moscow region 8 950 rub.

Latest news for working and non-working pensioners

The Government of the Russian Federation, headed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, has adopted documents according to which, from January 1, 2017, an average subsistence minimum will be set for pensioners, the amount of which will be 10.5 thousand rubles. This decision will soon be submitted to the deputies of the State Duma. This amount will be average throughout Russia, including in Moscow and the Moscow region. It is also worth noting that for non-working Moscow pensioners who have been registered at an address for at least 10 years, in the spring of 2016, local authorities made a surcharge up to the main amount of their pension benefit in the amount of 20%. The rest of the pensioners were given a choice:

  • individual subsidy;
  • social benefits.

Without going beyond the legislation of the Russian Federation, the following types of benefits were offered for women and men of retirement age:

  1. Elderly pensioners are allowed to receive a free vacation ticket to rest homes or boarding houses.
  2. The authorities have offered to fully or partially compensate for the money that pensioners spend on utility bills.
  3. For certain categories of pensioners, it was proposed to receive free travel in public transport in Moscow and the region.

Military pensions for Muscovites in 2017

According to the forecasts of the government of the Russian Federation, in the new year the indexation of pensions for Russians will be made twice, as it always happened before. Only in the second half of 2016, as a result of an empty treasury, this could not be done; this shortage for pensioners is compensated by a lump sum payment of 5,000 rubles. As for pensioners who once defended our homeland, there are no special changes in their pension provision for 2017. However, military pensioners in Moscow and the region will be able to count on such privileges from January 1 of the new year:

  1. They, like all pensioners in Russia, including working pensioners, are entitled to a lump sum payment of 5,000 rubles.
  2. Full or partial compensation by the Moscow authorities of the costly amounts for the use of public services.
  3. The possibility of free travel in all types of public transport in the Moscow region and its capital.
  4. Some types of free treatment:
  • free voucher for recreation in health-improving institutions with compensation for round-trip travel;
  • the possibility of free dental prosthetics.

What surprises does the pension reform bring in the coming year?

As a result of the huge hole in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the authorities decided to speed up the process of reforming it. The main task facing the state authorities is to find additional funds to fill the PFR budget, reduce the gap and balance its expenditure and revenue parts. Now pensions for civil servants will be paid differently. More precisely, the retirement age of civil servants will be changed, it will be increased by 5 years.