All about retirement age: concept, standards. Changing the pension system. How the government sees it How it is supposed to increase the retirement age

Sooner or later, every person in his life is faced with the concept of retirement age. Therefore, it is necessary to know that this age is set as the limit, after which the citizens of Russia can leave their jobs and turn from a payer of regular pension interest from wages into a recipient of the pension they have earned. Let's figure out what the retirement age is now in Russia.

Workers employed in enterprises with difficult working conditions

Men at 55, women at 50 (with an existing work experience of 20 years). A list of professions with difficult conditions is presented in the section of the law on general professions.

For example, electric welders in all types of welding with a hazard of at least class 3 are entitled to early retirement. The length of permanent work in production should be 12 and a half years for men, at least 6 for women.

Workers employed in underground production with harmful conditions, in hot shops

Men - from 50 years old (with an existing work experience of 20 years), women - 45 (with an existing work experience of 15 years). For mine workers, there is a separate document, as an annex to the law, which announces the list of professions that give the right to early retirement.

It includes works that pose a danger to human health and life: in deep mines (more than 150 m) with harmful gas-dynamic manifestations, the possibility of rock bursts and explosions, in the extraction of minerals harmful to health.

Textile and garment workers

At 50 (with work experience of 20 years).

Military personnel and employees of law enforcement agencies, Ministry of Emergency Situations

Men at 55, women at 50. About the calculations relating to the military should be said separately. There is simply no specific age limit for being in the ranks of military personnel and structures, since it must be calculated based on a specific track record of a person.

This list includes the required requirements:

  • Work experience of 20 years or more, half of which must be in the army;
  • The presence of awards, titles, special merits (for example,);
  • The presence of preferential coefficients, for example, service in hot spots, participation in hostilities, injuries;
  • Disability acquired during service.

Legislators are not considering raising the retirement age for military personnel in the coming years (more on how old the military is when they retire,).

As for the police officers, with the introduction of the new law, they have the right to an early one, having an experience of 25 years, of which half of the term must be worked out in the bodies.

mothers of many children

From the age of 50. Conditions for early retirement: more than 15 years of work experience, the birth and upbringing of 5 children under the age of eight, the upbringing of adopted children is also taken into account.

There are a lot of inconsistencies in the law regarding the issues of retirement of mothers with many children, so it is planned to amend it.

Veterans of military operations in Afghanistan

  • officers
  • Conscript soldiers
  • workers
  • Drivers
  • Flight personnel
  • medical staff

The early retirement benefit begins for men at the age of 55, and for women at the age of 48.

Liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

The law does not designate a single figure, which would mean the time of retirement on a preferential basis for Chernobyl victims. This is due to the fact that they were in liquidation for different periods of time, and it is the length of stay in the danger zone that determines retirement earlier than prescribed by law.

Citizens evacuated from the scene of an accident are also entitled to early retirement.

Stay at the nuclear power plantDecrease (in years)Retirement (years)
From the date of the accident to July 1, 1986on 1050 45
From July 01, 1986 to December 31, 1986 from 5 days.
2 weeks in 1987for 852 47
From July 01, 1986 to December 31, 1986 less than 5 daysby 555 50
14 consecutive days in 1986 at a construction site or sanitation

Medical workers

There is also a benefit for doctors, but without specifying the exact age.

The presence of an appropriate length of service in medical institutions can send doctors to a preferential pension at any age, and it is not a fact that this will happen before the age of 50:

  • It is necessary to work 25 years in rural areas.
  • In urban medical institutions - 30 years.

On the prospects for changing the law

Changes to the law have already been adopted after long discussions in the State Duma of Russia.

The main innovations introduced into the law:

  • Increasing the retirement age. Changes will occur gradually, every 6 months.
  • The increase in the age pension qualification will affect state and municipal employees, starting from the federal level.
  • Gradual increase in the minimum length of service for this category of workers. It is planned to raise the bar to 20 years.
  • Raising the minimum term of office for deputies of the State Duma and Federation Council of the Russian Federation. For additional payments to a pension, an official will need to work for at least 5 years, for an increased surcharge - at least 10 years.

Changes in Russian legislation are an element that is being prepared by the government. One of its highlights will be raising the retirement age for all categories of workers.

Today, it is beneficial for the state to raise the pension bar specifically for civil servants, because this will save money on paying pensions, which are completely different from ordinary ones, and also retain qualified personnel for a longer time.

In Russia, the issue of reforming the pension system in terms of increasing the age required for old-age pension is being actively discussed. I would like to know, from what year of birth will the retirement age increase for women and men? Who will be affected by this in the first place, what should we all prepare for?

October 3, 2018 President V. Putin was signed a law on raising the retirement age for Russians No. 350-FZ. This law will come into force on January 1, 2019. Its final content was approved during the third reading of the bill in the State Duma on September 27, 2018. Changes will be made gradually - with a transitional period during which the retirement age will increase annually for 1 year. In 2019 and 2020, it will be possible to issue payments six months earlier than provided for by the new law.

In total, there will be an increase in the retirement age for men for 5 years(from 60 to 65), for women for 5 years(from 55 to 60). A transitional period is envisaged during which the age will gradually increase, so the new retirement age values ​​​​will be finally set for men and women in 2028.

It is worth noting that the law takes into account a new possibility of early retirement - upon reaching a long seniority:. In this case, early exit will be provided for two years ahead of schedule.

The text of the signed law on the retirement age from 2019 can be found below:

Law on raising the retirement age

From what year of birth will the retirement age in Russia be increased?

Since the reform of raising the retirement age provides for a smooth change, some citizens will be subject to a transitional period.. Such persons include men from 1959 to 1963, women from 1964-1968. Russians born after these years will be able to retire when they reach the new established age (60 and 65).

The retirement age by year of birth during the transition period is shown in the table below.

Men Women Year of retirement after raising the retirement age
Year of birth Year of birth New retirement age, years
1959 61 1964 56 2020
1960 62 1965 57 2022
1961 63 1966 58 2024
1962 64 1967 59 2026
1963 65 1968 60 2028

Who will be affected by the increase in the retirement age?

Since the law on raising the retirement age will be put into effect on January 1, 2019, it can already be said unequivocally that the changes will in one way or another affect all citizens who before the beginning of 2019 will not yet retire on old age. Thus, the reform proposed by Medvedev will affect:

  • men born in 1959 and younger;
  • women from 1964 and younger.

The signed law also provides for an increase in the age of appointment. The law provides for an increase in the age from 60 to 65 for women, from 65 to 70 for men. For areas equivalent to them, the age will increase to 60 for men and 55 for women. These changes will also be made in stages.

  1. Working in dangerous and harmful working conditions (railroad workers, miners, geologists, etc.).
  2. Women with 5 or more children.
  3. Visually impaired 1st group and due to military trauma.
  4. Parents or guardians of people with disabilities since childhood.
  5. Persons affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, etc.

What requirements for retirement will continue to rise in the coming years?

In recent years, more and more Russian citizens have learned from the FIU that even when they reach retirement age, they lacks the required number of experience and points to get an old-age pension. At the beginning of 2018, in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin himself spoke about this.

The fact is that now, according to Art. 8 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 "About insurance pensions" Russians can receive an old-age retirement pension while simultaneously fulfilling immediately

The Russian expert community is constantly discussing the issue of excluding the gender principle from the system of compulsory pension insurance (OPS). The retirement age for men and women is planned not only to be equalized, but also significantly increased. This is a complex and multi-level topic. This state of affairs is connected with the presence of a large number of preferential circumstances in the legislation of the Russian Federation, which provide preferences to the fair sex.

Let's analyze whether the rumors about the further reform of the pension system in Russia are true. How will this affect women? Until what age do you have to work? Will there be privileges for certain categories of citizens?

Increasing the age of granting an insurance pension for women

Reforming the pension insurance system has been planned for a long time. This was not implemented earlier due to disputes in government circles. Officials could not agree on, but not on the need for such a process. In addition, in half of the developed countries, women's rights are equated with men's rights in terms of reaching the age limit for compulsory employment.

The Russian authorities are changing social policy cautiously, focusing on the experience of other states. Therefore, there were basically two proposals:

  • equalize age parameters without taking into account the gender difference (everyone goes on vacation at 65);
  • raise the age limit for women to the level of 63 years (two less than for men).

Representatives of the authorities also argued about the timing of reforming the OPS system. Some would like to start the process of increasing the limiting parameters as early as 2016, while others consider the current plan ineffective. Therefore, the increase in the age for workers has occurred only since 2019. In January of this year, the first results of innovations have already appeared.

Last year, new rules were affected. Officials systematically increase the age parameter. So, in 2018, employees of state bodies got the opportunity to issue old-age maintenance at the age of 56. The same methodology was introduced for other participants in the OPS system.

For your information: changes in the OPS are made through the adoption of amendments to laws. The acts are being discussed in the State Duma, the Government and the expert community. After voting, they are sent for signature to the President of the Russian Federation.

Will the reform affect the retirement age for women?

Most workers are waiting for an insurance pension. In 2018, this was due upon reaching the age of 55 (there are exceptions). The reform implemented by the authorities will affect precisely this indicator. It was planned to increase it to 63 years. But in fact increased only to 60.

The fact is that older workers need to be employed. And there are no vacancies. Along with the amendments to the pension laws, the State Duma simultaneously adopted a number of related laws. And the Government of the Russian Federation was instructed to develop by-laws to detail state programs on pension reform. Including, in order to create conditions for women of pre-retirement age to earn their living.

Attention: an increase in the indicator led to the need to change . In the laws, privileges are tied to the standard parameter of 55 years. Now, from January 1, 2019, all benefits also apply to pre-pensioners, that is, women who have no more than 5 years left before reaching any pension.

Retirement age for women in 2019

The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the age limit for compulsory participation in labor activity in the context of gender. The indicator is related to the type of collateral.

For the fair sex, until 01/01/2019, it is as follows:

  • the insurance pension is due at the age of 55;
  • social - at 50;
  • preferential can be granted at 45 (depends on the grounds).

After 2019, the retirement age will gradually increase:

  • 2019 — 55,5
  • 2020 — 55,5
  • 2021 — 56,5
  • 2022 — 56,5
  • 2024 — 58
  • 2026 — 59
  • 2028 — 60.

In addition, the laws have preferences for women. For example, from 2028 at the age of 58 (and before that - 2 years before the generally established retirement), workers who have been laid off from their previous jobs and registered in employment agencies as job seekers can apply for a pension. If the CZN cannot employ them. The age of provision of old-age insurance payment for women who have worked for a certain period is reduced:

  • in hazardous and hazardous industries;

The service pension, in general, is not related to age parameters. Thus, the law of the Russian Federation allows representatives of certain professions to retire after 25 years of service in their specialty. These include:

  • teachers;
  • medical workers.

Privileges are also granted on social grounds. The state recognizes in this way the merits of mothers in educating the younger generation. Women are entitled to a reduction in the age parameter for a maximum of five years:

  • raised five or more children under 8 years old (relatives);
  • caring for a child with a disability (whether natural or adopted/adoptive);
  • having problems with vision (disability of 1 group is required);
  • with a diagnosis of midget or dwarf;
  • belonging to the small peoples of the Far North.

Women also have retirement benefits:

  • who gave birth and raised up to 8 years of 3-4 children. The retirement age decreases accordingly by 3-4 years,
  • who have worked out 37 years of experience, but not earlier than 55 years,
  • unemployed pre-pensioners - 2 years earlier.
For information: the privileges in the laws are described with reference to the standard age indicator. This gives reason to believe that the reform will also affect beneficiaries.

Who was excluded from the list of raising the retirement age

Some groups of women can still count on concessions. Saved benefits for the following Russians:

  1. who have given birth to and raised more than five children. The authorities are seriously concerned about the problem of increasing the birth rate.
  2. Representatives of the peoples of the Far North. The tribes are small, and it is not so easy for people to find a job in cold latitudes.
  3. Disabled and other persons receiving payments for social reasons. Registration of pensions for them still takes place without taking into account the age of the applicant. They were not affected by the reform.
  4. Workers of difficult (harmful) working conditions from the small List. The exact list of positions and professions can be found on the PFR website.
Attention: doctors, teachers and artists (persons of creative professions) have delayed their actual retirement for five years. Women workers in the Far North will be able to retire at 55. It is also proposed to change the conditions for receiving pensions by the military and equivalent employees.

Will there be an increase in the retirement age in Russia in 2019? Why raise the retirement age? The opinion of the authorities regarding the increase in the retirement age.

Raising the retirement age in Russia: when to wait and what models are proposed for raising the retirement age?

Moscow. May 17th. INTERFAX.RU- Question raising the retirement age became relevant, if such a decision is made, then it is necessary to do this smoothly and gradually, over ten years, said Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko.

“We have very educated people, you don’t have to beat around the bush, you have to speak honestly. Today, the time has come when the issue of raising the retirement age is on the agenda, it has become relevant“, Matvienko told reporters on Thursday during a trip to Volgograd.

« Another thing, we need to reassure our people that this will not happen either by decree, or by order, or by a law that says that from January 1, 2019, everyone should retire at 60, or at 62, or at 63. I believe that this should be a very smooth, transitional, calm period, that is, stretch the issue of raising the retirement age by ten years, and every year raise the retirement age for men and women by six months", - she said.

Thus, she noted, if a decision is made to raise the retirement age, for example, for women up to 60 years, although this must be discussed in society, then only in ten years it is necessary to achieve this indicator.

« People will know, people will prepare for this, but it must be done", - said Matvienko.

Former Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev stated that the authorities "one way or another" will have to decide on the retirement age. " So we are, in general, on the verge of starting to discuss this at the legislative level.”, - he said in an interview with the Vesti on Saturday program on April 28, 2018 on the Russia 1 TV channel.

According to the Prime Minister, the decision to review retirement age should be taken “carefully, so as not to unbalance the pension system”. Medvedev added that discussions on this issue have been going on "for more than a year", during which time a "quite serious" examination has been carried out.

The Prime Minister said that the current retirement age was set in the 1930s and a lot has changed since then, including life expectancy.

Urgently in the room!

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on June 14, 2018, during a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, announced an increase in the retirement age from 2019 and revealed the parameters of a new pension reform .

Why raise the retirement age

The current retirement age in Russia is 60 for men and 55 for women. By the way, this criterion has not been revised for more than 80 years. Such parameters were adopted as early as 1932. However, a lot of time has passed since then and many things have changed.

The pension fund is in deficit, and the annual loss of money amounts to hundreds of billions of rubles. This suggests that the taxes that citizens pay are not enough to provide pensions to all those in need.

Because of this, additional funding from the state treasury is required, which, against the backdrop of problems with the economy, is very painful for the state budget.

According to experts, the deficit will decrease over the years and is expected to fall by 20% in 2019. However, this is not enough. Raising the retirement age will help to quickly level the deficit and provide additional injections into the Russian treasury.

Increased life expectancy

Increasing life expectancy is a very positive feature, but specifically for the Pension Fund, it creates problems.

The fact is that at the time of the adoption of the current values ​​of the retirement age, the average life expectancy was much less. As a result, the country had a large percentage of able-bodied citizens who paid taxes to the Pension Fund and there was no deficit.

Now the situation has changed dramatically. About a quarter of all Russian citizens receive pensions. It is worth deducting the unemployed and children from the total population, and then we get such a picture when the taxes paid are not enough to ensure pension payments.

In addition, it is worth considering that many Russians do not officially find employment or hide their income level, as a result of which they pay smaller contributions to the Pension Fund.

At the same time, experts predict a constant increase in life expectancy of Russians. Already now it is more than 72 years old. In 5-6 years, it can reach a value of 76 years.

With such dynamics and while maintaining the current retirement age, by 2030 a third of the entire population of Russia will receive a pension. And it will be a very big blow to the economy.

Models for raising the retirement age

It should be noted that the initiators of such adjustments understand how painful the fact of raising the retirement age can be perceived by the population. Therefore, the government is offered several options in order to mitigate such an adjustment.

Options for raising the retirement age,

proposed by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Labor

  • The Ministry of Finance proposes to raise the retirement age for men by five years, up to 65 years, for women - by eight years, up to 63 years.
  • The approach of the Ministry of Labor involves increasing the retirement age for women - up to 60, and for men - up to the same 65 years.

The increase could start in 2019.

Disagreements between departments also exist on the issue of the rate of increase:

  • According to the approach of the Ministry of Finance, an increase in the retirement age should be made for a year every six months.
  • And in the design of the Ministry of Labor, the age should be increased by one year per year.

« At the moment, various proposals for changing the pension system are being calculated in the ministry, and they are being discussed with interested departments. The implementation of the proposals under consideration will be aimed at ensuring higher rates of indexation of pensions in accordance with the presidential decree of May 7, 2018", - RBC was told in the press service of the Ministry of Finance.

According to a federal official, raising the retirement age should be accompanied by transition mitigation mechanisms. The most common world practice is the opportunity to retire early (for example, at 60 years old, when the retirement age is already above this), but “paying” for this with a proportional reduction in the amount of pensions for each year of early retirement. In addition, it is necessary to reduce the risk of a large flow of older citizens to disability pensions and avoid stagnation in the employment of the younger generation, because the delay in the labor market of older people will further delay the entry of young people.

Scheme for raising the retirement age presented by the FIU

The head of the Pension Fund Anton Drozdov presented at the forum “Finance, money, credit, banks: sources of growth or risks?” scheme for raising the retirement age in Russia.

As RIA Novosti notes, the presentation proposed raising the retirement age gradually, starting this process in 2019:

  • It is proposed to increase the retirement age for men from the current 60 years to 65 years, for this purpose it should be increased by three months every year;
  • for women, the annual increase should be six months until the retirement age reaches 60 (now 55).

In addition, the presentation talked about raising the age for assigning a social pension, every year it could be increased by six months, until it reaches 70 years for men, 68 years for women.

The PFR is also discussing the topic of increasing the special length of service, in which state employees can be charged an early pension.

Ultimately, a set of these measures aimed at improving the pension system should lead to significant savings in budgetary funds - by 2030, the burden on the treasury will decrease by 638 billion rubles.

The model of raising the retirement age, proposed by the Center for Strategic Research (CSR) Alexei Kudrin

By 2034, the retirement age in the Russian Federation will be:

  • at 63 in women
  • and at 65 for men.

“Due to longer and healthier lives, citizens will be able to stay active and in demand longer. Over the course of 16 years, the retirement age will gradually increase,” the report says.

In addition, the CSR is confident that this will enable every person, even in adulthood, to realize themselves in a profession and receive a higher income in old age.

"It's simple, I worked 5 years longer - I received a pension a third higher," the authors of the report emphasized.

The document prepared by the CSR also contains information on the growth of the average old-age pension in Russia by 2024.


  • that the average old-age pension by 2024 should be 2 times higher than the subsistence level,
  • and "pensions will increase by no less than a third in real terms."

Note that the CSR has previously advocated raising the retirement age. Thus, the Center for Strategic Research proposed the option of creating a sustainable pension system that would ensure an acceptable standard of living for retired citizens. This system involves tightening the conditions necessary for receiving a pension.

The presented project assumes from 2019 an increase in the retirement age according to the following scheme:

  • each year, six months are added to reach the level of 63 years for women and 65 years for men.
  • The social pension due to citizens who have not earned an insurance pension will be granted after 68 years (currently 65 years for men and 60 years for women),
  • and in order to receive early retirement, doctors and teachers will have to have at least 35 years of experience.

live until retirement

Now the probability of surviving 20-year-old men to retirement age equal to 68%, RANEPA economists calculated. With an increase in the retirement age for men even up to 63 years (and the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Labor offer more), the probability of surviving to this age and living in retirement for a long time for Russian men becomes one of the lowest among developed countries (and below the level of Ukraine, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Belarus).

Russian women today are more likely to live to retirement age (92%), and they live longer in retirement (about 26 years), followed from the calculations of the RANEPA. With an increase in the retirement age of women to 60, Russia's indicators for the latter parameter will be at the average level (between Sweden and Slovakia), up to 63 years they will become the worst among developed countries.

“63 years is the limit for raising the retirement age for Russian men, because the probability of surviving to this age is extremely low and the length of the retirement period will be lower than in any country that has a pension system,” Deputy Director of the Institute for Social Analysis told RBC and Forecasting RANEPA Yuri Gorlin.

RANEPA experts consider raising the age to 63 for men and 60 for women as the best option in terms of balancing financial and social consequences, and the rate of increase in the retirement age should not exceed three to six months a year.


On the verge of decisions

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, during his speech in the State Duma in early May, said that the government "in the very short term" will submit its proposals to the lower house of parliament on raising the retirement age . At the end of April, the prime minister indicated that the government was "on the verge of starting to discuss this already at the legislative level." The newspaper "Kommersant" earlier reported that on May 17, that is, even before the formal appointment of ministers, the government will hold a meeting on the issue of pension reform. “No specific decisions were discussed,” a source told RBC after the meeting.

The State Duma expects that the introduction of the bill may take place as early as this spring session (it will last until the end of July). “Judging by the way Medvedev answered (to the question about the retirement age in the State Duma. - RBC), and judging by the fact that the government has not yet been formed, but discussions and meetings are already underway, I believe that this is a matter for the spring session, ”Yaroslav Nilov, head of the State Duma Committee on Labor and Social Policy, told RBC.

The retirement age is different from the generally established standards. This applies to the following categories of citizens:

From 2019, Russians with a long work experience can retire early -. Such a basis was introduced in order to mitigate the consequences of conducting.

Note that since 2017, the retirement age has been gradually increasing to 63 and 65 years.

Retirement age in Russia since 2019

Effective January 1, 2019 Law No. 350-FZ of October 3, 2018, according to which the retirement age, the achievement of which allows a Russian citizen to issue insurance old-age pension payments, was extended by 5 years. The retirement age is now 65 years for men and 60 for women.

  • Changes are being introduced not right away, but with a foreseen transition period (from 2019 to 2023).
  • Every year, the retirement age increases by 1 year, that is, in 2019 - up to 61/56, in 2020 - up to 62/57, and so on.
  • The final values ​​will be fixed from 2023, that is, it will be possible to apply for a pension from this time only at 65 and 60 years old.

For those citizens who were supposed to retire in 2019-2020, the law provided for a special benefit. They can make pension payments 6 months earlier than the schedule for raising the retirement age suggests. Accordingly, for 2019 the increase will be only six months, and for 2020 - one and a half.

The table according to which the increase in the retirement age will be carried out is presented below.

Retirement table by year from 2019

DVP under the old law (at 60/55 years old)PV (in years)Increase in PV (in years)DVP under the new law
2019 60.5 55.5 0.5 II p. 2019 / I p. 2020
2020 61.5 56.5 1.5 II p. 2021 / I p. 2022
2021 63 58 3 2024
2022 64 59 4 2026
2023 65 60 5 2028
2024 2029
2025 2030
2026 etc.2031 etc.

Abbreviations used in the table: DVP - date of retirement; PV - retirement age; n. - the corresponding half-year of the specified year.

The table shows the generally established retirement age standards for the old-age insurance pension. For Russians with retirement benefits (for example, northerners, teachers, mothers of many children, etc.), the terms for issuing a pension will differ from those indicated in the table (they will all be discussed below). The retirement schedule by year of birth can be found in the article on.

Early retirement in 2019

Pension legislation provides for certain categories of citizens on various grounds:

  1. When developing the established special work experience by profession:
    • (working in the conditions of the Far North and areas equated to the COP);
    • For , .
  2. For health reasons or social reasons(, parents and guardians of disabled children, etc.).
  3. (42 years for men and 37 years for women).
  4. registered with the employment service.

Hazard pension

Workers with experience in difficult, harmful or dangerous working conditions, legislation provides for the possibility early retirement on harmful.

Reducing the retirement age for these citizens depends on:

  • their professions (from the so-called, and "small lists");
  • duration of special (harmful) experience;
  • total duration.

The list of professions, jobs and working conditions, requirements for insurance and preferential length of service, as well as the preferential retirement age established for these persons are indicated in paragraphs 1 - 18, part 1 of Art. 30 and Art. 31 of the law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ " About insurance pensions».

Note that the increase in the retirement age from 2019 did not affect the harmfulness pension. All requirements for insurance and special experience also remained the same. You can read more about the appointment of a preferential pension for harmful and difficult working conditions in a separate one.

Retirement for northerners from 2019

For citizens living and working in the conditions of the Far North (KS) and areas equivalent to it (ISS), a pension is assigned ahead of schedule- until reaching . The provisions of Article 32 of Law No. 400-FZ establish the following retirement age standards for northerners:

Recipient CategoryAge, yearsWork experience at the CS in years, not less thanWork experience in the ISS in years, not less thanInsurance experience in years, not less than
Women with 2 or more children50 12 17 20
Men60 15 20 25
Women55 15 20 20
Men50 Permanently residing and working as reindeer herders, fishermen, commercial hunters25
Women45 20

Seniority pension for teachers and health workers

The right to early retirement pension medical and educational workers who have completed the required professional experience:

  • needs to be worked out at least 25 years old in institutions for children (clause 19, part 1, article 30 of Law No. 400-FZ);
  • need to work at least 25 years old in the countryside or 30 years in the city (clause 20, part 1, article 30).

Since 2019, the length of service standards for teachers and doctors have not changed, however, the procedure for applying for a pension has been adjusted:

  • Until the end of 2018, these categories of citizens could apply for a pension immediately after completing the necessary special experience.
  • From January 1, 2019, the provisions of Part 1.1 of Art. 30 of Law No. 400-FZ, according to which the date of assignment of payments postponed for 5 years after completion of service.

These changes will be introduced gradually, with an annual increase in the delay. for 1 year. In addition, in the first 2 years (in 2019 and 2020), a mitigating amendment to the law will be in force, allowing to reduce the delay by 6 months.

Below is a timetable for teachers and health professionals to now apply for retirement benefits:

Early retirement for the unemployed in 2019

Citizens who have lost their jobs due to downsizing or liquidation of the enterprise and registered with the employment service, pension payments can be issued ahead of schedule. This assignment is:

  • at the suggestion of the employment service and with the consent of the unemployed;
  • in case of impossibility to get a new job;
  • not earlier than two years before the retirement age, including on preferential grounds;
  • if there are 25 years for men and 20 for women, as well as the required amount, depending on the year of retirement (for example, in 2019, 16.2 IPC is needed).

Early retirement benefits for the unemployed are assigned and paid in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 1032-1 dated April 19, 1991 "On employment in the Russian Federation".

Upon reaching the established by law, recipients of early pension, as unemployed, re-register a pension for old-age insurance. More information about applying for early retirement for unemployed citizens can be found in the article on.

Who else is entitled to early retirement

For some categories of Russians, an old-age pension is assigned earlier than the generally established retirement age. due to health or for social reasons. The list of these citizens is listed in Art. 32 laws " About insurance pensions". These include, for example:

  1. Mothers with five or more children who raised them up to the age of 8;
  2. Parent, guardian of a disabled person from childhood, who raised him until the age of 8;
  3. Disabled as a result of a military injury, visually impaired group 1;
  4. Citizens related to midgets and dwarfs and so on.

The pension provision of these citizens is established ahead of schedule in the presence of the amounts provided for by law.

Since 2019 the list of such preferential categories of citizens was expanded - they included in it. They now have a fixed retirement age:

  • 56 years old- for mothers with 4 children;
  • 57 years old- for mothers with 3 children.

Raising the retirement age for civil servants from 2017

Since 2017, the law on raising the retirement age has come into force. The law applies to employees of state, municipal authorities, as well as to persons holding political positions. According to the adopted law, this category of citizens has the right to assign a pension benefit based on the length of service. will arise:

  • in men when they reach the age 65 years old, in women in 63 years old;
  • with a minimum work experience in the state. bodies 20 years.

Raising the age and minimum work experience will occur gradually- from 2017 they will increase annually for 6 months.

Law No. 350-FZ adopted in 2018, the schedule for raising the retirement age for civil servants it was changed. From 2020, the step with which the value of age changes annually will be not six months, but 1 year. So the final values ​​will be set in 2026 for women and 2023 for men, that is, faster than the original scheme.