Will there be an increase in pensions for military personnel. Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces. What to expect for military pensioners with insurance experience

The length of service does not include periods of service in law enforcement agencies, for which a citizen has already been assigned a pension through the Monodefense line. In 2018, this length of service is 9 years, and in the future it will increase annually by 1 year to 15 years in 2024, according to the table: 2018 9 2019 10 2020 11 2021 12 2022 13 2023 14 2024 15 Minimum amount of pension points for assigning a second pension to military personnel in 2018 In order to earn a second pension, a military pensioner must receive a minimum amount of individual pension coefficients (points) “in civilian life”.

Increase in pensions for military pensioners in 2018

The government intends to increase this indicator to 25 years (at the moment, the required length of service is 20 years). The reform will be launched immediately after the elections, experts predict.

The main goal of officials is to reduce government spending on the payment of early pensions. Such a measure will reduce budget costs by 300-400 billion rubles, the authorities predict, which will positively affect the budget deficit.

Experts believe that the authorities in 2018 should adjust the key indicator for calculating pensions for military pensioners - the monetary allowance of the military. At the same time, representatives of the Ministry of Finance suggest proceeding from the real possibilities of the budget.

Pension reform: what to hope for military pensioners in 2018

To obtain an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS), you must apply in person to the territorial body of the PFR at the place of actual residence or registration. Second pension for military personnel: conditions for granting A second pension through the FIU can be assigned to a military pensioner, subject to the following conditions:

  1. Required age
  2. Minimum experience
  3. Minimum Retirement Points
  4. Ministry of Defense pension

In other words, a military pensioner can apply for a second pension only from a certain age, having the necessary length of service, while earning the minimum amount of pension points and already receiving a pension through law enforcement agencies.

The second pension for military personnel after 60 years To receive a second pension through the FIU, a man must reach the age of 60.

Military pensions from February 1, 2018


In 2018, the government plans to change the principles for calculating military pensions, which will significantly save the state budget. At the same time, the authorities are considering options for increasing pension payments to former military personnel.

The final decision will be made based on the state of the national budget. Content
  • 1 Expected changes in 2018
  • 2 Indexation of pensions for military pensioners
  • 3 Savings on the military
  • 4 Cancellation of military pensions

Expected changes in 2018 The amount of the military pension depends on several key indicators:

  1. official salary;
  2. military rank;
  3. allowance (accrued depending on the length of service).

According to experts, the average pension of military pensioners last year amounted to 23 thousand rubles.
rub., which significantly exceeds the national average.

Latest news from the State Duma on pensions for military pensioners in 2018


According to preliminary calculations, the average military pension in the country in 2018 will be 24.5 thousand rubles. There will be no significant increase in pension payments in 2018, experts say.

A tangible increase in military pensions can be expected not earlier than in a year or two. In the meantime, the authorities note that they are doing everything possible to increase pension payments to all pensioners. But due to economic problems, they cannot approve a more significant increase in pensions Experts note that next year, retired military personnel should not expect a significant increase in pension payments. In particular, from January 1, 2018, the size of their pension provision will be indexed by 3.7 percent, in other words, exactly according to the inflation rate for 2017.

This was announced by the Russian government. At the same time, many analysts predict that inflation could reach 10 percent this year.

Military pensions in 2018

Accruals should not be less than the social pension benefit. At the same time, the maximum estimated amount of state material support should not exceed 85% of the DVA.

It is possible that this year the elderly, who gave their best years to the service of the Motherland, will be in for pleasant surprises. What is the result? The increase in the pension for the military from 01.01.2018 amounted to 4%.

Percentage increase in military pension in 2018 Military pensions in 2018. Boost. Last news. This year, pensioners who have given a significant part of their lives to military service are expected to receive a 4% increase in payments compared to last year.

This should be enough for the pensioner to solve any domestic problems that may arise. Despite inflation, 4% is a fairly good increase, especially considering that the pensions of the former military are already quite large.

The second pension for military pensioners in 2018

The amount of accrued funds depends on the level of wages, since the main determining value is the number of points. Its value is equal to the ratio of paid contributions from earnings to contributions from the maximum salary from which they are withheld.

Increasing the amount of military pensions for disabled people in 2018 For persons who have received a disability due to an injury, the amount calculated according to the formula should not be less than:

  • 300% SP for 1 group;
  • 250% SP for group 2;
  • 175% SP for group 3.

For retired pensioners whose disability has occurred as a result of illness, the amount of the benefit should not be less than:

  • 250% SP for 1 group;
  • 200% SP for group 2;
  • 150% SP for group 3.

To whom and by how much pensions will be raised from May 1, 2018

After the reformation, the pension provision for a disabled child will increase to 13,410 rubles, and the pension for people with disabilities from childhood in the first group will increase to 13,556 rubles. The families of servicemen who have lost a breadwinner were not ignored either, their income will increase to 10,746 rubles. Who else will receive a pension increase Since we have already decided that social pensions will increase by 2.9%, it remains to understand who can count on this increase:

  • people who have reached the age of pensioners with an average work experience of less than 5 years;
  • disabled children;
  • other categories of disabled people;
  • soldiers who were injured in the course of their service;
  • WWII participants.

Experts commented on this increase as not very significant, but it's still better than nothing.
At a meeting with members of the Government, President of Russia Vladimir Putin noted that it is necessary to synchronously index the accruals to persons who have retired. Always from January 1, an increase in pensions for military personnel was carried out, and then from February 1 - indexation of material support for all other equated categories. Features of the accrual and payment of military pensions Since the President of the Russian Federation instructed the Cabinet of Ministers to conduct a simultaneous indexation of pensions for military pensioners in 2018 for everyone from January 1, he instructed to provide funds for these purposes in the state budget of 2018. This is due to the fact that the amounts accrued to pensioners according to the law, retirees are paid a month before the indexation, so they should be carried out in December. Indexation of military pensions The size of the expected indexation of accruals to pensioners who have retired from service is expected to be at the level of 4%.

Why did not raise pensions for military pensioners in 2018

If someone did not know what pension increase is expected in 2018, now everything has fallen into place. Everyone who has already completed his military career and went on a well-deserved rest will receive a legitimate 4% increase. It is expected that in the next couple of years, the increase for the former military will remain at the current level, that is, every year the increase will be the same 4%. This amount should fully cover inflation, so retirees should not worry. It is important to note that the size of the military pension differs not only depending on the length of service, but also on the rank in which the person retired. For example, a lieutenant colonel can receive almost 25 thousand rubles a month. This is a fairly large amount of pension payments, because in other areas people receive much less.

Many servicemen of the Russian Federation who have retired on a well-deserved rest are interested in the question of whether military pensions will be indexed from October 1, 2018? Do legislators plan to increase funding, and to what extent? The last significant revision took place in 2012. For 6 years, the dynamics of growth in food prices amounted to almost 40%, so the previous indexation against the background of this picture seems insignificant.

The final amount of the monthly cash payment depends on the rank of the military man who has left the reserve, and the position he previously held. Additional compensation for special working conditions may be added to the principal amount. If during the service a person becomes disabled, a special coefficient is applied.

On January 1, 2018, a document came into force in the State Duma providing for an increase in monthly deductions for former military servicemen by 5 times compared to recalculations in 2012. There is no need to wait for indexation and increase in military pensions from October 1, 2018. It was carried out in January of this year by 3.7%, and the salary of the active military increased by 4%.

According to the latest news from legislators, the next recount is planned only in 2019 and 2020. The monthly monetary allowance for citizens who previously worked in the military departments and went on a well-deserved rest will increase by 4% only from October 1, 2019. These data came from the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Tatyana Shevtsova. The next indexation, if there are no other amendments, is planned for October 1, 2020. It will also be 4%.

Future plans

According to information received from Tatyana Shevtsova, the Effective Army program is being implemented this year. It provides for the competent distribution of funding, finding funds to support military pensioners and working military personnel. It is planned to increase the amount of payments to retired military personnel up to 2 living wages. Disabled people who were previously liable for military service now receive 16,000 rubles. The question of an annual two percent indexation of all military pensions after 2018 in Russia for those who are already retired is under discussion, but the lack of a budget is still hindering the adoption of such decisions.

Attention! It is planned to increase the length of service from 20 years to 25. That is, a person liable for military service will need to have 25 years of service in order to retire, but so far such a bill is only at the development stage.

Starting next year, 2.7 million former military personnel will be indexed. These are firefighters (who are equated with the military), employees of the Armed Forces, the National Guard. Employees of the FSO, the intelligence department, and the FSB are also waiting for an increase in pensions. The size of their military monetary subsidy is affected not only by seniority and length of service, but also by work in difficult conditions, the presence of a disability.

What to expect for military pensioners with insurance experience

At the end of the service, a military pensioner can continue his labor activity in a “civilian”. He is eligible for military retirement benefits if:

  • reached retirement age;
  • has a minimum experience of 9 years;
  • earned the required points (for 2018, this is 13.8 points).

In January 2018, indexation of insurance payments was carried out for such retired military men. It amounted to 3.7%. As for the former military employed in commercial structures, the recalculation of their insurance amounts is planned to be postponed to the beginning of 2019.

If an employee, in addition to military service, has earned a long service in another position, he is entitled to pension payments not only from the Ministry of Defense, but also from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. To do this, he must have reached the retirement age for receiving a civil pension and have the necessary points. If there is no reliable data on these points, and the commercial employer has not paid contributions to the Pension Fund for his employee, he is not entitled to a state pension, but only to payments from the Ministry of Defense.

Putin on the indexation of military pensions: video

Government reforms concerning Russian pensioners have certainly provoked popular indignation. Therefore, military personnel who have yet to enter a well-deserved rest have a serious reason to think about how such reformations will affect their future. The biggest unrest in the country is related to a number of government measures aimed at raising the age barrier for retirement. This question is extremely important for people in uniform.

In this article, we bring you the latest military pension news starting January 1, 2019. The draft budget for next year provides for an increase in salaries in the army and military pensions by 4.3%. We talked about the fact that State Duma deputies proposed finding funds to increase military pensions more than salaries.

The indexation of pensions for military pensioners in 2019, therefore, will be more significant than expected. In this regard, the head of state instructed the government to provide appropriate resources in the draft federal budget for 2019-2021, and asked parliamentarians to support the necessary amendments.

The growth of military pensions next year will exceed 6%, said Russian President Vladimir Putin. “From October 1, 2019, taking into account the decision on indexation, the monetary allowance of military personnel and persons equated to them will increase by 4.3%, and military pensions will also be additionally indexed by another 2% from October 1 next year. Thus, the overall increase in military pensions will be 6.3%,” Putin said at a meeting with senior officers and prosecutors on the occasion of their appointment to higher positions, conferring them higher (special) military ranks and class ranks.

The State Duma adopted in the third reading a law providing for the indexation of pensions for military, firefighters and law enforcement officers. It is expected that military pensions will increase by 6.3% and will average 26,200 rubles.

The law, which provides for the indexation of pensions for military, firefighters and police officers from January 1, 2019, was adopted by the State Duma in the third reading at a plenary session on November 22.

Currently, according to the norms of Russian legislation, a military pension is calculated based on the monetary allowance of a person serving in the same rank and position as a military pensioner before retirement. In addition, until recently, the annual increase in the coefficient by which the military pension is tied to monetary allowance was fixed by law. So, from January 1, 2012, this ratio was 54%, i.e. the military pension was 54% of the salary of an active serviceman. The law provided for an annual increase of 2% of this ratio until it reaches 100%.

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The bill approved by the State Duma provides for the extension of the norm of the annual increase in the coefficient until January 1, 2020. At the same time, an increase in the monetary allowance of military personnel is also envisaged.

Thus, from October 1, 2019, military pensions will increase by 4.3% due to an increase in the amount of monetary allowance in the army and by an additional 2% provided, the total indexation will be 6.3%, due to which the average amount of military pensions will reach 26,200 rubles per month .

Latest news from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the increase in pensions for the military

The Minister of Defense's latest news on military pensions was announced at a meeting with journalists at the end of 2017 - December 29. News sources TASS, Interfax, media group Zvezda report that Deputy Defense Minister Tatyana Shevtsova reported on a gradual increase in the pay of all categories of servicemen and military pensioners. It is planned that this will happen in the period 2018 - 2020. The first indexation from the plan has already taken place on 01/01/18. Military pensions in 2018 increased by 4 % . The remaining two indexations will pass 1.10.19 And 1.10.2020 by the same 4%.

The budget for 2018 and the planned 2019-2020 contains sufficient financial resources and sources of replenishment for this. A total amount of 81.8 billion rubles is planned for the activities. By October 2020, the total increase in pensions will be - 12 % .

How is military pension calculated?

The basis for calculating the military pension is monetary allowance (VDD), which consists of many components. This is the main difficulty. VDD includes:

Salaries for military rank. Payroll salaries. Regular payments. Accruals in the form of allowances such as: for qualifications; for special conditions of military service; for attitude to state secrets; for length of service. Since January 1, 2019, the minimum prices for vodka, cognac and brandy

The amount of the pension payment is determined by the formula:

P \u003d (VDD * 50% + SDD * In * Cl) * Kp,

VDD- total allowance accrued at the time of dismissal, Ying- the percentage for exceeding the established length of service, takes the value of 3% for length of service and 1% for length of service, cl- a year beyond the established period, Yip- the coefficient establishing the pension rate as a percentage of the GDD in 2018 is 72.23%.

After the calculations have been made, the amount of the pension is compared with the minimum and maximum amounts established by law. So the lower limit should correspond to the size of the civil social pension, and the upper limit does not go beyond the amount defined as 85% of the VDD. Let's turn to the table.

Calculation typeThe amount of the pension payment By military service: - 20 years - for the year more than 2050% of the VDD + 3% of the VDD The presence of mixed experience - 25 years or more, of which 12 months - military service - for the year more than 2550% of the VDD + 1% of the VDD

If a retired military man receives a pension calculated according to the length of service, then, in accordance with Article 17 of Law No. 4468-1, he receives an additional payment. Its specific size depends on one of the conditions:

32% if 1 disabled person is dependent; 64% is supported by 2 dependents; 100% for the maintenance of 3 dependents or the recipient himself has a registered disability of group I, the recipient has reached the age of 80 years; 100 - 300% of the amount of social civil pension , if there is a disability; 100 - 200% of the blockade of Leningrad with official status.

The second pension for military pensioners: what is it for?

Military pension comes early, when a citizen has not reached the age recognized for calculating a pension on a general basis - 55 or 60 years. Such persons have the opportunity to find employment in sectors of the economy not associated with the Ministry of Defense and earn a second pension. The pension for military personnel in the reserve is calculated and transferred by the department where he served: the Ministry of Defense, MIA, FSB, Russian Guard. The presence of the first military pension does not cancel the right of a citizen to receive a civil insurance pension.

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Second pension for military pensioners is accrued by the Pension Fund subject to a number of conditions:

a person must register in the system of compulsory pension insurance, thus open an individual pension account; it is necessary to be officially arranged when the employer pays the due contributions to the Pension Fund; access to a second well-deserved rest at the age of 55 years for women, 60 years for men ; the minimum civil work experience as of 2018 is from 9 years (for the following years, this figure gradually increases to the norm of 15 years); earn the maximum number of points on the pension account - 13.8 points in 2018.

The formula for calculating the second pension is as follows:

P2 \u003d Bp * Cb,

Where Bp- the amount of accumulated pension points. This indicator is available for verification in your personal account on the portal of the Pension Fund, State Services. Information can also be obtained with a personal application to the client department;

CB- the price of 1 point, in 2018 - is 81.49 rubles. Each year, the value of one pension point is increased by a relevant government decree.

A preliminary calculation can be carried out using the online calculator located on the Pension Fund portal. For example, with a civil service of 10 years and a salary of 25,000 rubles, 29.38 points will accumulate, and the pension will come out - 7377.33 rubles.

Pensions for working pensioners have not been indexed since May 1, 2018, because they are based on no minimum wage. Therefore, working military pensioners receive insurance payments in the same amount.

For retired military personnel belonging to the following categories, it is possible to use pension savings in a way convenient for them:

receive the amount by a one-time transfer to the account; make an urgent payment; distribute it in such a way as to receive a supplement to the insurance part of the pension.

People can do this:

1967 born and younger, from whose income contributions were transferred to the funded part; owners of the maternity capital certificate, when the formation of the funded part was chosen; who voluntarily transferred additional contributions under the Co-financing Program; men born in the period from 1953 to 1966, women - from 1957 for 1966, if for 2002-2004. contributions to the funded part were transferred from their income. A system of fast payments began to work in Russia

Will the reduction factor for military pensioners be canceled in 2019: Latest news?

On January 1, 2012, the regulatory act dated November 08, 2011 No. 309-FZ came into force. He established a modified mechanism for calculating the magnitude pensions for military pensioners. An indicator equivalent to 54% of the VDD has been introduced into the formula. In subsequent billing periods, this ratio should be indexed by 2% until the total value is 100%.

The government decided to take this forced step, since the country experienced instability in economic development, and there was a severe shortage of budget funds.

A simple calculation shows that this should happen in 2035. The document also provided that the coefficient could be increased due to inflation. In practice, this norm has become known as the “reducing coefficient” or “pension tax”, since it does not allow the pensioner to receive the entire amount of the payment received in the standard calculation. Its abolition could significantly improve the position of retirees. On the positive side, the reduction rate grew at an accelerated pace, and this year it is equal to 72.23% of the VDD, instead of the 66% prescribed by law.

Since the introduction of the reduction factor, all the military and some representatives of the parties demanded to remove it, claiming that it violates constitutional rights. However, a number of rulings of the Constitutional Court (07/17/12 No. 1433-O, 09/24/12 No. 1800-0) established the fact that the norm does not entail a decrease in the absolute value of the pension payment, since there is a procedure for step-by-step indexing of the indicator, which partially compensates for the level of inflation.

For 2019, it is planned to increase military pensions for October in the amount of 4%. However, the issue of indexation, the abolition of the reduction coefficient, changes in length of service and the replacement of pensions with a social package remains open.

Despite the announcement by officials that the pension reform at this stage will not affect the military sphere, there is conflicting information on the network about the abolition of preferential accruals and an increase in length of service. We will try to figure out how payments for retirees will change, what to expect for future pensioners.

Legislatively, the accrual of seniority allowances and allowances is regulated by decrees and acts that are different from the laws on civil pensions. In this area, first of all, they rely on:

  1. Government Decree No. 941.

Both documents were adopted back in 1991. In addition to them, the fundamental law in the field of accrual adjustment is Federal Law No. 306, according to which a reduction factor was introduced and the indexation of payments to retirees was frozen. Every year, amendments are made to this document, and current Resolutions are adopted, which regulate the growth of pension payments for former employees of the Ministry of Defense and those equivalent to them.

In connection with the implementation of the pension reform and, an important question began to be raised among the security forces, what will happen to their benefits, benefits and other indicators related to pensions.

Since the very procedure for adopting a new pension law is under consideration, it is too early to draw conclusions. In addition, the authorities officially announced that the reform at this stage will not affect former military personnel. As for the specific figures and prospects for increasing military pensions in 2019, they will be reflected in a separate Decree, which is signed simultaneously with the federal budget, that is, in October-November 2018.

How military pensioners increase pension payments

Due to the specifics of the accrual of benefits to retirees, an increase in payments is possible in several directions:

  1. In proportion to the increase in the allowance of active military servicemen, since pensioners' benefits are tied precisely to this indicator.
  2. Due to the annual change in the reduction factor - according to the law, the indicator must increase by 2% every year.
  3. Carrying out indexation above the level of inflation is frozen by Federal Law No. 306 for 6 years.

In addition, former security forces with mixed length of service can count on an increase in old-age pensions. Those who decide to pursue a career in the civil service will receive increased payments through the recalculation of pension points. Separate increases await pensioners who receive social benefits for disability,.

Since each indicator is regulated by separate acts, and the increase is carried out at different times, it is worth considering each of them in more detail.

Military pension increase

In 2018, the moratorium on the indexation of allowances and, accordingly, pension payments to military personnel was lifted. But the recalculation of benefits was not traditionally carried out in October, but at the beginning of the calendar year. Such an adjustment of the terms was made by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. This was the reason for the cancellation.

The postponement of indexation provoked rumors about an increase in benefits for retirees in January 2019. However, this information has not been officially confirmed.

The immediate prospects for growth in allowances were outlined at a joint meeting of the security forces in March 2018, where Tatyana Shevtsova, Deputy Minister of the Defense Ministry, announced that payments to military pensioners, except for January 2018, would be indexed in October 2019 and 2020. Moreover, the size of indexation will remain unchanged - 4%.

It turns out that the next increase in benefits to the military will have to wait until October 2019.

To receive the allowance, the pensioner does not need to submit documents or apply for recalculation. Payouts are recalculated automatically.

Reduction factor prospects

The concept of "reducing factor" was introduced by Federal Law No. 309 of November 8, 2011, according to which the allowance of retirees was almost halved, compared with the VDD of the active military. It was planned to gradually increase the coefficient by 2%, bringing it to full size.

The issue of abolishing the “pension tax”, as the military themselves call the reduction factor, is raised regularly. But the decision was never made due to the lack of budgetary funds.

However, the indicator for 5 years increased much faster than planned by the legislative act. So, in 2017, there were payments to retirees with a coefficient of 72.23%, instead of 66% laid down by law.

In connection with the indexation of the VDD at the beginning of the year, the reduction factor was left unchanged in 2018 - its growth was frozen until January 1, 2019.

The question of raising the reduction factor for military pensions in 2019 before the adoption of the federal budget remains open. But based on officials' statements about the growth of payments due to the indexation of the GDD, which, according to forecasts, will be higher than inflation rates, the coefficient will be left at the same level - 72.23%.

How the second pension of military pensioners will change

A retired soldier with mixed service is entitled to receive insurance accruals provided:

  • reaching retirement age;
  • more than 9 years of civil service;
  • accrual of pension points in the amount of more than 13.8.

Such benefits can be received both by retirees who worked in the civil spheres before the service, and by pensioners who have earned civil service after going on a well-deserved rest after years of service.

In 2019, pensioners in this category can count on a 7% increase in payments. But such indexation applies exclusively to the second insurance benefit and will not affect the military pension.

Important! It should be borne in mind that from 2019 the age for applying for a social pension will increase.

If the retiree continues to work after reaching retirement age, his second pension will not be indexed in 2019. In this case, payments will increase due to the recalculation of pension payments. Usually this procedure is carried out automatically in August.