Make a complex plan: The family as a small social group. Family and social system. Functions and types of families Community plan family as a small group

It is a primary small social group, an association of people connected by blood relationship or marriage, responsibility, a single economy and life, mutual assistance and understanding, spiritual community.

Each of its members plays a well-defined role - mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter. The cell of society is a conductor of the norms and rules that are accepted in society. It contributes to the formation of a full-fledged personality of a person, brings up spiritual and cultural values, patterns of behavior. It gives the younger generation the first ideas about morality and humanism, life goals.

Characteristics of the family as a small social group

The initial basis of all unions is marriage, which is concluded by two young people out of mutual love and sympathy. traditional view relations in our country is considered a union between a man and a woman. Other forms such as polygamy, polyandry or same sex are prohibited in Russia.

Cells are very different. In some, harmony, openness, emotional intimacy and trusting relationships reign, in others - total control, respect and submission to the elder.

A family, as a type of small social group, can be of several types:

By number of children

  • The childless are few, but they still exist.
  • One-children - most often they are residents of large cities who have only one baby.
  • Small children - in which there are two children. This is the most common option.
  • Large families - from three or more children.


  • Complete - in which there is a mother, father and children.
  • Incomplete - missing one of the parents for various reasons.

According to the residence of one or several generations on the same living area

  • Nuclear - consisting of parents and children who have not yet reached the age of majority, i.e. two generations who live separately from their grandparents. This is what every young couple strives for. Living separately, only with your family, is always better - less time is required to “grind” to each other, situations are minimized when a husband or wife is “between two fires”, forced to take one side and make a choice in favor of parents or spouse. However, it is not always possible to live separately immediately after the wedding, especially in large cities. Many newlyweds in their first years married life forced to "visit" their parents, waiting for the solution of their own housing problem.
  • Extended or complex - those in which several generations live at once, three or four. This is a common option for a patriarchal family. Such social groups are found both in rural areas and in cities. The situation when grandparents, parents and their grown children, who also managed to acquire their own wives, husbands and children, live in one three-room apartment is no longer a rarity. As a rule, in such unions, the older generation takes an active part in the upbringing of grandchildren and great-grandchildren - gives advice and recommendations, leads to additional developmental classes in the Palaces of Culture, Houses of Creativity or educational centers.

The nature of the distribution of family responsibilities

  • Traditional patriarchal. The main role in it is played by a man. He is the main earner, he fully financially provides for the needs of his wife, children, and possibly parents. He makes all the major decisions, settles controversial situations, solves emerging problems, i.e. takes full responsibility for the members of his family. The woman usually does not work. Her main duty is to be a wife to her husband, daughter-in-law to her parents and mother. She oversees the upbringing and education of children, as well as order in the house. Her opinion when making important decisions usually not taken into account.
  • Egalitarian or partnership. The exact opposite of patriarchy. Here, spouses play equal roles, agree, compromise, jointly solve problems, take care of children. Household duties in such cells, as a rule, are also divided. The husband helps his wife wash the dishes, floors, vacuum, takes an active part in the daily care of the children - he can also bathe them if they are still too small, change clothes, work out with them or read a bedtime story. Such families are usually more emotionally united. For spouses and children, gentle touches, affectionate words, hugs and kisses at night and before leaving are the norm. Children, following the example of their parents, express their feelings more openly both tactilely and verbally.
  • Transitional type - they seem to be not patriarchal, but still not partner. This applies to those unions in which the wife and husband decided to be more democratic, to equally share household chores, but in reality it turns out that the woman still carries all the burden on herself, and the husband’s actions are limited to only one thing - for example, vacuumed the apartment or washed the dishes once a week. Or, on the contrary, the union decides to become more patriarchal - the husband works, the wife takes care of the house. But despite this, the husband continues to actively help his wife in everything related to life and children.

Functions of the family as a small social group

They are expressed in its life activity, which has direct consequences for society.

  • Reproductive, the most natural function. This is one of the main reasons for creating a cell of society - the birth of children and the continuation of one's kind.
  • Educational and educational - it is expressed in the formation and formation of the personality of a small person. So children acquire the first knowledge about the world around them, learn the norms and acceptable patterns of behavior in society, and become familiar with cultural and spiritual values.
  • Economic and economic - it is associated with financial security, budgeting, income and expenses, the purchase of products, household items, furniture and appliances, everything that is necessary for a comfortable life. The same function includes the distribution of labor duties at home between spouses and grown-up children, in accordance with their age. So, for example, a five-year-old child is already introduced to minimal duties - to clean up toys, dishes, make the bed. Economic support also affects the care of elderly or sick relatives, guardianship over them.
  • Emotional and psychological - the family is a reliable stronghold, a safe haven. Here you can get support, protection and comfort. Establishing emotionally close relationships between relatives contributes to the development of trust and care for each other.
  • Spiritual - associated with the education of the younger generation of cultural, moral and spiritual values. This is reading fairy tales, poems and fables to children by adults, which tell about good and evil, honesty and lies, generosity and greed. From each fairy tale you read, you need to draw a conclusion about how to act well and how badly. To visit all children's puppet and drama theaters, the Philharmonic, to watch performances and concerts. All these actions contribute to the formation of moral and moral guidelines accepted in society, introduces to culture.
  • Recreational - joint leisure and recreation. These are ordinary everyday evenings spent with family, interesting trips, excursions, hiking, picnics and even fishing. Such activities contribute to the unity of the family.
  • Socio-status - the transfer to children of their status, nationality, or belonging to any place of residence, in the city or in the countryside.

Signs of a family as a small social group

As a group formation, it has several types of features - primary and secondary.


  • single purpose and activity;
  • personal relationships within the union, formed on the basis of social roles;
  • certain emotional atmosphere;
  • their values ​​and moral principles;
  • cohesion - it is expressed in friendly feelings, mutual support and mutual assistance,
  • clear distribution of roles;
  • control over the behavior of family members in society.


  • Conformity, the ability to concede or obey the general opinion.
  • Emotional closeness of relations, belonging, which are expressed in mutual sympathy, trust, spiritual community.
  • Norms of behavior and values ​​are passed from the older generation to the younger through traditions and customs.

Features of the family as a small social group: what characterizes the unit of society

The family, as a small social group, is distinguished by the following features:

  • Growth from within - performing a reproductive function, it expands. With each new generation, the number of its members increases.
  • Closeness regarding the accession of adults. Each child has his own mother and father, grandparents, there will definitely not be others.
  • Each change relating to a separate cell of society is controlled by the society and recorded by government agencies. On the day of the wedding, an entry on the registration of marriage appears in the official book in the registry office, at the birth of children, first certificates are issued, and then a certificate, and when a marriage is dissolved, all legal formalities also have to be completed.
  • longevity of existence. Each union in its development goes through a certain natural cycle - the creation, the appearance of the first child, then subsequent children, their upbringing and education, the period of the “empty nest”, when adult children themselves marry or get married and leave their father's house. And then ceases to exist when one of the spouses dies.
  • The family, as a small social group, unlike others, does not imply the existence of a single activity for all. Each member performs his duties, they are all different. Parents work, financially provide for everyone, keep order in the house. The main activity for children depends on their age - play or study. And only on certain days all relatives can be busy with one thing - joint leisure, for example, or a subbotnik.
  • Dynamic features - they are expressed in the norms of behavior, ideals, traditions and customs, which each cell of society forms for itself.
  • Mandatory emotional relationship. Parents and children are connected by love, tenderness and care. This psychological involvement is total for all members of the family.

A distinctive feature of the genus can also be the creation of its own pedigree, genealogical tree. The work on the design of a family album can perform several tasks at once:

  • Involves each member of the family in this process, joint activities - mom, dad, children, grandparents.
  • It contributes to the strengthening of the family, its cohesion.
  • Forms a respectful attitude of the younger generation to the history of their ancestors.

To make a family tree in accordance with all the rules and not get confused in scientific difficulties, use the service offered by the Russian House of Genealogy company in the form of a genealogical book. Its authors have developed a unique methodology, give detailed recommendations and instructions, guided by which you can easily make a documentary history of your family.

A small social group includes: A) the scientific and technical intelligentsia of the country B) graduates of all universities in the country

C) the country's national figure skating team D) teachers of higher educational institutions of the country
What distinguishes the family from other small social groups:
A) the assignment of household duties to a woman B) blood relations
C) stable ties D) own customs and traditions
Which social group allocated according to the settlement (territorial) basis:
A) Orthodox B) Ukrainians
C) Russians D) Muscovites
What is characteristic of social relations in modern Russia:
A) the growth of the industrial proletariat B) the stable position of the middle class
C) intensification of migration processes D) absence of unemployment
Nationalities are one of the stages of development:
A) ethnic group B) community
C) state D) class
What distinguishes a family from other small groups:
A) joint leisure activities B) similar social status
C) the presence of group rules and norms D) joint management of the economy
Tatiana is a teacher. In addition to lessons, she organizes holidays, quizzes, excursions, trips with students. Spends a lot of time communicating with parents of students. In the actions of Tatyana, it is manifested:
A) social role B) social conflict
C) social structure D) social policy
8. Which of the following social groups is distinguished by economic criteria:
A) Muscovites B) engineers
C) Muslims D) landowners
9. What is a characteristic feature of a nation:
A) common historical memory B) the presence of a political system
C) competitiveness D) availability of management apparatus
10. In the USSR, by the middle of the last century, the urban population was equal in number to the rural population. This fact characterizes the structure of society:
A) social class B) professional
C) socio-territorial D) socio-ethnic
11. Soviet society, as stated by the official ideology, consisted of two classes and a stratum. It characterizes:
A) political system B) social structure
C) economic structure D) the form of the state
12. In the 90s of the last century, new social groups appeared in our country associated with private property. Among these groups:
A) bureaucracy B) farmers
C) scientists D) employees
13. Masha and Olya's parents died in a car accident. The girls live and are raised by their grandmother. Their family is:
A) patriarchal B) large
C) incomplete D) small (nuclear)
14. The national identity of a person is a characteristic of him:
A) inborn status B) social role
C) achieved status D) public prestige
15. Studies in country S. have shown that the chances of children of farmers to become managers of large companies are three times less than that of children of engineers. This fact reflects the inequality:
A) social origin B) individual characteristics
C) personal characteristics D) marital status
16. Are the following judgments about social status correct?
A. Social status is the position of a person in society, giving him rights and obligations.
B. All social statuses people acquire from birth.

17. Are the following judgments about social conflicts correct?
A. The discrepancy between the interests of social groups can lead to social conflict.
B. Interethnic conflict is a kind of social conflict.
1) only A is true 2) only B is true
3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong
18. Are the following statements about family true?
A. The family regulates the behavior of its members.
B. The family provides economic support to minors and disabled family members.
1) only A is true 2) only B is true
3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong
19. Set the correspondence with an example of a social group and the sign by which it is distinguished. For each position given in the first column, match the position from the second column.


11. A holistic view of nature, society, man, which is expressed in the system of values ​​and ideals of the individual, social

groups, societies

1) nature centrism 2) science centrism 3) worldview 4) sociocentrism

12 . The process of mastering knowledge and skills, ways of behavior is called:

1) education 2) adaptation 3) socialization 4) modernization

13 . The form of interaction inherent only to man with the outside world is

1) need 2) activity 3) goal 4) program

14 . Definition by a person of himself as a person capable of making independent decisions, entering into certain relationships with other people and nature:

1) socialization 2) education 3) self-realization 4) self-consciousness

15. The form of interaction inherent only to man with the outside world is

1) need 2) activity 3) goal 4) program.

16 .The term "society" Not includes the concept:

1) Form of association of people

2) Parts of the material world

3) Natural habitat

4) Ways of interaction of people

17 .The transition from slash-and-burn to arable farming is an example of the relationship:

1) Society and nature

2) Societies and cultures

3) Economy and religion

4) Civilizations and formation

18. All examples, except for two, refer to the concept of "social needs". Give extra examples.

Creation of cultural values, labor activity, communication, social activity,

participation in the game, sleep.

19. Complete the sentences:

1) According to the need for the reproduction of the genus, a social

institute - ... .

2) Man is a product of biological, cultural and social ... .

3) What is most precious is sacred both for one person and for all mankind

- This … .

4) In accordance with social needs, social ... have developed.

5) The origin of man is called ....

6) Perfection, the highest goal of human striving is ... .

20. Spiritual and physical in man:

1) precede each other

2) Connected to each other

3) Oppose each other

4) Independent from each other

21. The hallmark of a person is


2) Adaptation to environment

3) Understanding the world and yourself

4) Use of tools

22 .Gennady has the knowledge and ability to protect personal rights, respects the rights of others, strictly fulfills his duties, and abides by the laws of the country. What qualities does Gennady have?

1) Citizenship

2) Conscience

3) Patriotism

4) Responsibility

23 .Are the following judgments about the social principle in man correct?

A. The social principle in man precedes the biological one.

B. The social principle in man is opposite to the biological

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

24. Are the following judgments about spirituality correct?

A. Spirituality is the highest level of development and self-regulation of a mature personality.

B. Spirituality is the morally oriented will and mind of a person.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

25 .Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

1. Avicenna, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin - these are several names of child prodigies whose genius has been revealed over the years in full force. 2. Ufologists believe the appearance of geeks is the intervention of aliens. 3. According to biophysicists, geeks "make" geomagnetic waves that affect the fetus. 4. The geomagnetic field of the Earth is different and its intensity depends on the Sun and other planets.

Determine which provisions of the text are: 1) Factual in nature 2) evaluative in nature

Write under the position number the letter that indicates its nature.

26 .Read the text below, where a number of words are missing. Choose from the proposed list of words to be inserted in place of the gaps:

“Society, state and culture are the means of organizing human _______________ (A), through which coordination is achieved between the actions of individuals / Coordination __________________ (B) of people simultaneously creates society and is created by it. People unite in order to achieve the __________ (C) facing them. Some researchers even expressed the opinion that the ability to create associations is a special form of _____________ (D) of a person to a dangerous ____________ (E). If animals change the form of their body or ________ (E), then the person combines his efforts with the efforts of other people. The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word, phrase can be used only once. Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps."

A family is a small group of people (at least two) connected by marriage and/or blood ties, common life, household, mutual assistance and moral responsibility. The family is one of the main tools for interaction, integration and the determination of priorities and needs in the life of each person. It gives an idea of ​​life goals and values, behavior in everyday life, morality, humanism, etc. In the family, a person receives practical skills in applying these ideas in relationships with other people, learns the norms of behavior in various situations of everyday communication. The family can be considered as a model and form of a person's life training. On the one side, social experience is acquired in the process of direct interaction of the child with members of his family, on the other hand, it is accumulated due to the child's observation of the peculiarities of the relationship of other family members among themselves.

Defined by various approaches to determining the basis for classification, for example:

  • by the number of children (childless, one-child, small, large families);
  • by composition (incomplete, simple, complex family);
  • by family length (newlyweds, young family, family of average marriage, elderly married family), etc.

Each of the categories of families is characterized by the socio-psychological phenomena and processes observed in the family, the characteristics of the emotional contacts of family members, the individual psychological needs of its members, etc.

Main goals families are as follows:

  • create maximum conditions for the growth and development of the child;
  • become the socio-economic and psychological protection of the child;
  • to convey the experience of creating and maintaining a family, raising children in it and respectful attitude towards elders;
  • to teach children useful applied skills and abilities aimed at self-service and helping loved ones;
  • educate self-esteem, the value of one's own "I".

Currently, many sciences study family problems: sociology, economics, law, ethics, demography, ethnography, psychology, pedagogy, etc. Each of these sciences, in accordance with its subject, reveals certain aspects of the functioning or development of the family group.

The sphere of family life, directly related to the satisfaction of certain needs of its members, is called a function. Different authors, listing, define them in different ways. So I. V. Grebennikov refers to the functions of the family the reproductive, economic, educational, communicative function of organizing leisure and recreation, and E. G. Eidemiller and V. V. Yustitskis - educational, household, emotional, spiritual communication, primary control and sexual and erotic functions. Many researchers are unanimous that the functions reflect the historical nature of the relationship between the family and society, the dynamics family changes at different historical stages. The modern family has lost some of the functions inherent in it in the past, for example, production, education, etc.

Among the many functions considered by different authors, we name several so-called traditional functions of the family as a small group:

  • economic and economic;
  • reproductive;
  • educational and educational;
  • recreational - organization of leisure, recreation, care for the health of family members.

However, it should be taken into account that there are many factors that impede the implementation of family functions, for example:

  • certain living conditions of family members (material, household, etc.);
  • personal characteristics of family members (level of education, character, certain interests, etc.);
  • features of relationships between family members, etc.

Man is a social being. There are few people who can endure loneliness for a long time and feel comfortable at the same time. Friends, enemies, relatives, colleagues, casual interlocutors - a person is connected with society by thousands of invisible threads, woven into society, like a knot in a knitted pattern.

Small social group - what is it?

These connections form small and large social groups. They constitute what is called the social circle of a person.

A large social group is any large community of people that has common interests and goals. Fans of the same football team, fans of the same singer, residents of the city, representatives of the same ethnic group. Such communities are united only by the most common goals and interests; it is often impossible to find similar features between their randomly selected representatives.

The concept of "small social group" implies a limited small community of people. And the connecting features in such associations are much more pronounced. Typical examples of small groups are colleagues, classmates, yard friends, family. In such communities, the unifying motives are clearly visible, even if the participants themselves are completely different people.

Types of small social groups

Exist different kinds small social groups. They can differ in the degree of formality - formal and informal. The former are officially registered associations: labor collectives, training groups, families. The second arise on the basis of personal attachments or common interests: friends who are familiar with a common hobby.

Groups can be with a constant composition - stationary, and with a random one - unstable. The first are classmates, colleagues, the second are people who have come together to pull the car out of the ditch. Natural groups arise on their own, the state does not make efforts to form them. This is a group of friends and family. Artificial small social groups are created forcibly. For example, a team of researchers created specifically to solve a specific problem.

Reference and indifferent groups

According to the degree of importance for the participants, small social groups are divided into reference and indifferent. In the first, the group's assessment of the individual's performance is of great importance. It is very important for a teenager what his friends think about him, for an employee - how his colleagues will react to his decisions and actions. indifferent

groups are usually simply alien to the individual. They do not interest him, and therefore, their opinions and assessments do not matter. The football team is also a small social group. But for a girl attending a ballroom dancing club, their opinion about her hobby will not matter. Usually indifferent to people are unattractive, alien groups. Therefore, there is simply no need to adopt their rules and traditions, just as a reader does not need to memorize the names of football teams, even if there is a stadium nearby.

The influence of small social groups on personality

In fact, it is precisely such seemingly insignificant associations that turn out to be the most significant. It is small social groups that play a significant role in shaping the character and worldviews of a person. Because the greatest influence on people is either by individuals who have undoubted authority in their eyes, or by their inner circle. Public opinion as such is an abstract concept, and its influence on the human psyche is greatly overestimated. When they say that everyone approves or disapproves of this or that action, they still mean the circle of acquaintances, and not really “everyone” - unknown and incomprehensible. Performing an act and thinking about how it will be evaluated, a person imagines the reaction of friends, neighbors, colleagues, family. A small social group is almost all communities that have a real impact on the choice of an individual decision. And family is one of them.

Family - small social group

The family forms the basis of the personality, the school class and the company of yard friends provide initial socialization, teach the basics of behavior outside the circle of relatives. And the work team is people with whom you have to spend more time than with the closest people. Of course, it is their influence that largely determines the style of behavior, the moral attitudes of a person.

Usually, when talking about the family and its role in society and the state, they forget that it is -

small social group. They just remember the common phrase that they are a social institution. Of course, many simply do not think about the meaning of the definition, they use an established expression. But a social institution is a complex of norms, dogmas, rules and attitudes, both formal and informal. It is designed to ensure the normal functioning of society.

Social groups and social institutions

The task of social institutions is to give society the opportunity to effectively organize the production of material values, exercise control over public order, and provide communicative functions. Well, to guarantee the proper rate of reproduction of members of society. That is why social institutions include not only the economy, religion, education and politics, but also the family. In this context, its meaning is absolutely utilitarian.

The family as a small social group has no purely demographic tasks. This already follows from the definition: a community formed as a result of

the emergence of close emotional contact, moral responsibility, love and trust. A family may not have children at all, which does not stop it from being a family, although this issue was rather controversial, the opinions of sociologists differed in this regard. And there may not be close relationships. Husband and wife are not blood relatives, but a great-aunt raising an orphan grandson, in fact, he is almost a stranger. But they will consider themselves a family, even if the documents for guardianship or adoption have not yet been issued.

The family as a subject of interest for sociology

An outstanding American psychologist and sociologist gave a wonderful definition of the term "group", which allows to bypass the moment of officiality, registration of relations. People interacting with each other, influencing each other and realizing themselves not as a collection of “I”, but as “we”. If you look at the problem from this angle, then the family, as a small social group, can indeed consist of people who do not have closely related ties. All determine the feeling of affection and emotional contact.

When the family is considered in such an aspect that special attention is paid to

relationships and their impact on group members. In this sociology has much in common with psychology. The establishment of such regularities makes it possible to predict the growth or decline in the birth rate, the dynamics of marriage and divorce.

Sociological studies of the family also play an important role in shaping the norms of juvenile law. Only by examining the relationship between relatives, one can draw conclusions about the climate that is favorable and unfavorable for the child, its influence on the development of the individual. The society forms the family, but the family also forms the society in the future, raising children who will create a new society. These relationships are what sociology explores.

Family and society

The family, as a small social group, fully reflects any change in society. In a strict, patriarchal state with a clearly defined vertical of power, intra-family relations will be just as linear. Father is the undisputed head

families, mother - the keeper of the hearth and children obedient to their decisions. Of course, there will be families built within the framework of other traditions and ways, but these will rather be exceptions. If the society considers such an organization of relations to be normal and correct, then it thereby sets certain standards. And family members, voluntarily or involuntarily, fulfill them, considering them the only possible and acceptable ones.

But as soon as the norms change, the internal, house rules immediately change. The change in gender policy at the national level has led to the fact that all more families exists in conditions of at least formal equality of both spouses. A strict patriarchal way of life in the Russian family is already exotic, but quite recently it was the norm. The structure of small social groups has adapted to changes in society, copying the general trend towards smoothing gender differences.

The influence of society on family life

The traditions of the Don Cossacks, for example, suggest that only a woman does all the housework. The destiny of a man is war. Well, or physically difficult, unbearable work for a woman. He can mend the fence, but he won't feed the cow or weed the garden. Therefore, when such families moved from their usual habitat to the cities, it immediately turned out that the woman goes to work and does all the housework. But a man, coming home in the evening, can rest - after all, he simply does not have adequate duties. Is it possible to fix plumbing or nail a shelf - but this is rare, but you need to cook every day. If a man is not employed in the production of heavy, physically exhausting labor, such a family way of life quickly ceases to meet the standards adopted in the city. Of course, the behavior of adult family members is unlikely to change. Small social groups are dynamic, but not that much. But the son who grew up in such a family, most likely, will no longer adhere to patriarchal principles. Simply because it will be in the minority, it will turn out to be “wrong”. His standards will not suit potential brides, and the guys around willingly help their chosen ones. Under pressure from society, he will simply be forced to admit that his usual way of life is no longer relevant and change the standards laid down by the family.

Why do we need a family

At the beginning of the twentieth century, it was fashionable to say that the institution of the family had exhausted itself. This is superfluous, unnecessary formation, a relic of the past. With proper social protection, people do not need a family, and therefore it will die out, disappear just like a tribal or tribal way of life. But the years go by, and people still get married, even if they are completely financially independent. Why?

Those who said so missed one point. A person needs to feel needed and loved. This is a deep psychological need, without which a person cannot function properly. It is not for nothing that one of the most severe punishments is imprisonment in solitary confinement, complete desocialization. And the emergence of warm trusting ties is possible only in a narrow permanent circle. This is what distinguishes small and large social groups. The family is a guarantee of the emotional involvement of the individual.

Is civil marriage a family?

Of course, then the question arises - is the fact of state registration really necessary for the emergence of close trusting ties? At what point does a family become a family? From a sociological standpoint, no. If people live together, take care of each other, fully aware of the full measure of responsibility and not avoiding it, then they are already a family. From the point of view of the law, of course, an official document is needed, because emotions, as they say, cannot be sewn into the case. family living civil marriage, the characteristic of small social groups allows us to consider an informal stationary natural and reference group.

The influence of the family on the child

In relation to children, the family acts as a primary group. It provides initial socialization, teaches the basics of interaction with other people. The family is the only community capable of shaping the human personality in a complex way. Any other social groups affect only a specific area of ​​mental activity of the individual.

The ability to learn, the ability to build relationships with other people, the main features of behavior, even in a certain sense, the worldview - all this is laid down in deep childhood, and therefore, in the family. The rest of the social groups are just developing, polishing what was already present in the individual. And even if children's experience extremely unfavorable, and the child categorically does not want to reproduce the scenario familiar from childhood - this is also a formation of its kind, just with a minus sign. If parents like to drink, grown children can avoid alcohol, and convinced childfree families can grow up in poor families with many children.

Family- this is a group of people (at least two), connected by marriage and (and) blood and family ties, common life, household, mutual assistance and moral responsibility. The family is one of the main tools that ensure the interaction of the individual and society, integration and determination of priorities and needs in the life of each person. It gives an idea of ​​life goals and values, behavior in everyday life, morality, humanism, etc. In the family, a person receives practical skills in applying these ideas in relationships with other people, learns the norms of behavior in various situations of everyday communication. The family can be considered as a model and form of a person's life training. On the one hand, social experience is acquired in the process of direct interaction of the child with members of his family, on the other hand, it is accumulated through observation by the child of the peculiarities of the relationship of other family members with each other.

The typology of the family is determined by various approaches to determining the basis for classification, for example:

By the number of children (childless, one-child, small, large families);

By composition (incomplete family, simple, complex);

According to family experience (newlyweds, young family, family of average marriage, elderly married family), etc.

Each of the categories of families is characterized by the socio-psychological phenomena and processes observed in the family, the characteristics of the emotional contacts of family members, the individual psychological needs of its members, etc.

Main goals families are as follows:

- create maximum conditions for the growth and development of the child;

- to become the socio-economic and psychological protection of the child;

- to convey the experience of creating and maintaining a family, raising children in it and respectful attitude towards elders;

- to teach children useful applied skills and abilities aimed at self-service and helping loved ones;

- educate self-esteem, the value of one's own "I".

Currently, many sciences study family problems: sociology, economics, law, ethics, demography, ethnography, psychology, pedagogy, etc. Each of these sciences, in accordance with its subject, reveals certain aspects of the functioning or development of the family group.

The sphere of life of the family, directly related to the satisfaction of certain needs of its members, is called function. Different authors, listing the functions of the family, define them in different ways. So I. V. Grebennikov refers to the functions of the family the reproductive, economic, educational, communicative function of organizing leisure and recreation, and E. G. Eidemiller and V. V. Yustitskis - educational, household, emotional, spiritual communication, primary control and sexual and erotic functions. Many researchers agree that the functions reflect the historical nature of the relationship between the family and society, the dynamics of family changes at different historical stages. The modern family has lost some of the functions inherent in it in the past, for example, production, education, etc.

Among the many functions considered by different authors, we will name several so-called traditional family functions:

Economic and economic;



Recreational 51 - organization of leisure, recreation, care for the health of family members.

However, it should be taken into account that there are many factors that impede the implementation of family functions, for example:

- certain living conditions of family members (material, household, etc.);

- personal characteristics of family members (level of education, character, certain upbringing, interests, etc.);

- Features of relationships between family members, etc.