What awaits working pensioners from August 1. Recalculation of pensions in August for working pensioners. Recalculation upon application to the FIU for non-working pensioners

And it is carried out as a result of recalculation, taking into account insurance experience for the past year- in fact, for which an additional payment is made. The increase in the amount of payments for each pensioner is made individually, since the value of the August increase depends on:

  • the total number of pension insurance contributions paid over the past year (i.e. pension points accumulated in 2018, which are formed from salary deductions);
  • the date of registration of the pension (because for a working pensioner, the value of 1 point is fixed at the level of the year in which he retired).

Pension increase for working pensioners from August 1, 2019

In connection with the "freeze" of the planned indexation of pensions for working pensioners since 2016, an increase for them is made only as a result of the annual recalculation in August. The government does not plan to restore the process of indexing payments to working citizens in the future, as this will require additional costs 250 billion rubles annually. Therefore, the August recalculation is now the only mechanism for increasing pensions for this category of citizens.

Annually, the pension provision of non-working citizens is indexed in accordance with the law. Indexing for 2019 already planned in full. As a reminder, the following payments are planned to be indexed in 2019:

  • due to indexation at 7.05% of the cost and ;
  • from 01.02.2019 index by 4.2% ( , etc.);

Thus, all plans for the indexation of pensions for non-working pensioners are planned in accordance with the law, so the next increase for this category of persons. The Government plans to annually index for them from January 1, increasing the amount of payments, which will ultimately ensure average pension by 2024 - 20 thousand rubles.

Recalculation upon application to the FIU for non-working pensioners

In some cases, non-working pensioners are also entitled to an increase in their pension payments as a result of the recalculation. If there are reasons for this provided by law, the pensioner can apply to the Pension Fund with supporting documents and the relevant indicating the basis for the recalculation, For example:

  • The number of disabled citizens who are dependent on a pensioner has changed. In this case, it will be made to a fixed payment in the appropriate amount.
  • The pensioner moved to the Far North region (or to an area equated to the KS region). In this case, the fixed payment will be increased by the district coefficient, which corresponds to the region of residence.
  • The category of the recipient of the survivor's pension has changed (for example, a person who receives payments for the loss of one parent has also lost the other). In this regard, the amount of the fixed payment will also be increased.
  • When assigning an insurance pension, non-insurance periods (for example, etc.) were not taken into account. As a result of such a recalculation, additional pension points will be accrued and the size of the pension will be increased.

In some cases, recalculation carried out in an unclaimed form based on the data available in the PF (i.e. personal appeal is not required). Such cases include: changing the disability group, working pensioners, etc.

Increase in pensions from August 1, 2018, latest news: working pensioners will receive an increase.

On August 1, 2018, working pensioners in Russia will have their pensions recalculated. Unlike the indexation of pensions, this increase is different in that such categories of citizens will recalculate income, taking into account official contributions to the Pension Fund, which the employer made for them.

The indexation of pensions for working pensioners in Russia was frozen a few years ago due to the difficult economic situation in the country.

The upcoming increase in pensions will be of a purely individual nature - the increase will not occur by a fixed percentage, but depending on the official activity and the contributions paid from it.

This year, the maximum increase that working pensioners can count on will be three points or 235.74 rubles. According to experts, the average allowance in Russia will be 164 rubles.

There is no need to fill out any applications to receive the allowance - it will be accrued automatically.

The recalculation from August 1, 2018 will only affect insurance payments to working pensioners. The unemployed have already received their due indexation of 3.7%, which was carried out in January. You should not write applications or personally come to the Pension Fund to make adjustments to payments.

To recalculate the pension, you will need information about:

- wages of a person;

- the amount of insurance payments for him by the employer;

- his work history.

It is worth remembering that all increases due to indexation do not disappear completely. As soon as a person officially leaves, his pension should increase the next month.

In fact, everything is a little more complicated. The procedure for recalculating state payments takes 3 months. Only after this time period the pension will increase. But the government provided additional payments for the months of delay.

After the abolition of indexation, officials assured all pensioners that this measure was temporary. The increase in pensions should return when the economic situation improves. Information flashed on the Internet that this will not happen before 2020.

Not all officials are of the opinion that this is a fair way to save budget funds. For each working pensioner, the employer makes contributions to the Pension Fund. These amounts are used to replenish the treasury, from which a pension is later paid. However, the head of the Ministry of Finance argues that working pensioners benefit more from wage growth, so they do not suffer much from the abolition of indexation.

For a long time, working pensioners have not had their pensions increased. As you know, in 2016 it was decided to cancel the indexation of social benefits for working categories of the population. Thus, pensioners who work are not paid indexation, but sometimes I increase the payment by small amounts.

This increase will be effective August 1st. The increase in the amounts will be for working categories that retired for old age and disability, and for which the employer paid insurance payments for the entire previous year.

Today, many retiring citizens continue to work officially after retirement. They do not yet understand what awaits pensioners from August 1, 2018, and for this reason they are preparing a certain financial airbag.

An increase in pensions in Russia is made once during the calendar year - at the level of last year's inflation - as a rule, it is about 3-4%.

as a result of the recalculation. The amount of the allowance is determined individually, since its value depends on two main parameters: the number of pension points paid from the salary for the past 2017, and the date of registration of the pension (because since 2016 the value of the pension point has not been indexed for this category of pensioners).

All statutory increases in payments for 2018 have already been, therefore, no additional increases are provided for them (the next increase in payments for them will be carried out in 2019).

According to the Government, as a result, non-working pensioners are expected to an average increase of 1000 rubles(higher than inflation), which will provide an additional increase in the income of citizens by 12,000 rubles per year. To do this, it is planned to change the usual indexation schedule established by law and index pensions from January 1, 2019.

Increase in pension from August 1, 2018 for working pensioners

The August recalculation for working pensioners is the only current mechanism for increasing the amount of pensions for this category of citizens. All other planned indexations (which are usually held in February and April) do not concern working pensioners, since since 2016 they have been subject to index freeze law. As noted in the Government, to return to this issue not planned in the future.

The increase in pension from August 1, 2018 for working pensioners is made as a result. Persons who have experienced an increase over the past year that have not been taken into account since the pension was assigned can count on the August increase. Those. This opportunity is provided for citizens who carry out official work for whom monthly payments are paid to the system of compulsory pension insurance (OPS) and who are recipients of the following types of insurance pensions:

  • (if at the time of the appointment of a pension, the deceased working citizen had unaccounted insurance premiums).

Note that the recalculation of the amount of benefits for the loss of a breadwinner produced only 1 time- in August of the following year after the appointment of this type of pension. That is, you can receive an increase in 2018 only on the condition that the pension was assigned in 2017.

To apply for additional payments from August 2018. not required personal appeal to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation - the payment will be recalculated automatically, based on the data that the employer submits to the FIU in his monthly reporting. The same applies to self-employed citizens (notaries, lawyers, individual entrepreneurs, etc.) - that they have ceased their business activities, the Pension Fund will notify the Federal Tax Service.

How much will the increase be for working pensioners?

As noted earlier, the increase in pensions for working pensioners from August 1, 2018 differs from the standard indexation (a proportional increase in payments according to the principle “for all by a certain percentage”). For citizens who continue their labor activity, the amount of the increase is determined individually, taking into account some features:

  1. The amount of the additional payment depends on the total amount of insurance premiums received by the OPS for the past 2017, from which pension points are formed. That is, the amount of additional payment directly depends on the level of official income citizen in the past year.
  2. Legislation regulates maximum value individual pension coefficient, which is taken into account in the August recalculation. It depends on whether a citizen is formed or not. But since a moratorium on pension savings has been in effect since 2014 (all contributions received are directed to the formation of only an insurance pension), for all citizens, the August recalculation will take into account maximum 3 pension points ().
  3. When recalculating, the cost of 1 IPC, established on the date of retirement, since this value has not been indexed for them since 2016, as long as they continue to work. Therefore, the earlier a person made payments, the smaller the increase he will be entitled to as a result of recalculation from August 1, 2018.

The cost of one pension coefficient in 2018 is set at 81.49 rubles. Thus, in any case, the August increase for working pensioners will not exceed 244.47 rubles.

You can determine the maximum amount of additional payment to working pensioners from August 2018 based on the established limit of “maximum 3 pension points”, depending on the value of 1 IPC, established at the time of registration of the pension, using the table below:

Will there be a pension increase in August 2018 for non-working pensioners?

The annual pension increase from August 1 is carried out only as a result of accounting for insurance premiums paid for the past year. Since non-working pensioners do not work after retirement and no additional contributions to the Pension Fund are made for them, no additional payments to them in August 2018 will not rely. All insurance periods for them have already been taken into account in determining the amount of the pension.

Moreover, no indexing until the end of 2018 non-working pensioner is not provided! The next increase in pensions for non-working citizens will be made in 2019 - by an average of 1,000 rubles per month. This increase will take place in as a result of indexation by 7.05% presumably already from January 1, 2019 (such a law is being discussed, but not yet adopted).

Recall that in 2018, all planned increases were already made for non-working pensioners during the indexation provided for by law: indicating the grounds for the recalculation):

  1. When changing the number of dependents (disabled family members) who are supported by a pensioner (thanks to).
  2. When moving to the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them.
  3. As a result of recalculation, taking into account non-insurance periods (conscription service, for a disabled child, etc.).

To receive a pension supplement in such cases, you must contact the Pension Fund of Russia to submit an application and documents confirming the pensioner's right to increase the amount of payments.

Some types of recalculation are also carried out for non-working pensioners in an informal manner(for example, upon termination of employment, upon a change in the disability group, etc.). In such situations, a personal appeal to the Pension Fund is not required - the amount of pension provision will be recalculated on the basis of documents already available in the FIU.

What pension increase awaits pensioners from August 1, 2018? As you know, in 2018, the authorities have already indexed pensions for various categories of people of retirement age several times. Many pensioners want to know the specific amount of the increase.

Double increase to the pension of working pensioners from August 1, 2018: who was affected by the August increase?

MOSCOW, 1 August. / rg.ru /.

Increase in the pension of working pensioners has doubled. The Pension Fund of Russia recalculated the insurance pensions of pensioners who worked in 2017.

It affected all pensioners receiving an old-age or disability insurance pension, for whom employers paid insurance premiums in 2017.

According to Rossiyskaya Gazeta in the Pension Fund, increase in pension is calculated individually and depends on the size of the pensioner's salary.

“The maximum increase resulting from the recalculation is limited to three pension points calculated at the value of 2017, and is 235.74 rubles“, - clarified in the FIU.

In August 2017, the Pension Fund recalculated the pensions of 11.8 million pensioners who worked in 2016. The average amount of the increase then amounted to 169 rubles..

Pension for working pensioners from August 1, 2018: indexation or recalculation?

The government will not index the pensions of working Russians as part of the pension reform, First Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said during a discussion of the law on amendments to the 2018 federal budget at a plenary meeting of the Federation Council.

« We see that working pensioners have higher wage growth rates compared to our forecasts. Therefore, we said that we would consider this issue in the context of changes in pension legislation", Siluanov said.

According to him, the accumulated indexation will be taken into account "in the final calculation of such a pensioner." Changing this approach would be inappropriate, the vice-premier noted.

The senators reminded the First Deputy Prime Minister that earlier the government had promised to return indexation of pensions as soon as federal revenues rise. In 2018, state treasury revenues turned out to be 1.8 trillion more, the budget became a surplus, however working pensions citizens are still indexed.

« Working pensioners don't get indexation of pensions, but upon retirement, all that accumulated indexation will be taken into account already in the final calculation of the pension provision of such a pensioner", - said Siluanov.

June 26 Siluanov said that the average pension in Russia by 2024 should rise to. In addition, it will be possible to increase the size of your pension with the help of individual pension capital, the formation of which will be voluntary.

Also on June 26, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev explained According to him, the government tried to take into account the interests of all participants in the process: workers, employers and the state. At the same time, raising the retirement age creates new opportunities for older people.

On June 14, Medvedev announced that it would take place in stages: By 2034, the retirement age will be 65 for men and 63 for women. The reform will start in 2019.

Until 2016 pensions of Russians who continue to work were indexed along with other payments, but then indexation was canceled due to the economic situation in the country. On April 1, 2018, social pensions were indexed - they are received by citizens with disabilities. The increase was four percent.

The press service of the Ministry of Labor of Russia explained that according to the current legislation, insurance pensions are indexed specifically for non-working pensioners.

Working pensioners will receive an increased pension after they leave their jobs

Upon termination of employment, the value of the pension coefficient increases for all missed indexations.

« As for working pensioners, they annually recalculate the amount of pension from August 1, that is, a change in the size of the insurance pension due to the presence of additional earnings from the pensioner, from which insurance premiums are accrued (paid)", - explained in the department.

  • In 2017, such recalculation of pensions affected 11.8 million pensioners.
  • For them, payments increased by an average of 168.8 rubles.
  • A year earlier, 12.9 million pensioners received increased pensions.
  • The growth of pensions amounted to 149.8 rubles after recalculation,

noted in the materials of the Pension Fund of Russia.

“The average size of the old-age insurance pension for working pensioners is 13.3 thousand rubles,” explained Gazeta.Ru in the pension fund.