The amount of labor insurance pensions. Insurance old-age pensions: concept, terms of appointment, size. The pension is determined by the general formula

Under Russian law, citizens are subject to compulsory pension insurance. Upon reaching a certain age, they can claim an old-age pension, which is reviewed annually and subject to certain conditions.

Differences in the insurance pension

The main issues related to the calculation of the insurance pension (SP) are reflected in Federal Law No. 400-FZ (December 28, 2013). SP is a relatively new concept. It was introduced in 2015 after the pension reform. Prior to this, the term "labor pension" was used, which consisted of two parts: insurance and funded. Currently, these two concepts are delimited and regulated by different legislative acts. The main differences between a joint venture and a labor one are:

  1. Availability of insurance experience. It is understood as a working period in any sphere of the economy, during which the employer pays insurance premiums to the Pension Fund. Prior to this, the total length of employment was taken into account.
  2. Individual pension coefficient. To receive payments, the second prerequisite is the availability of pension points. Their minimum number is determined by law in relation to the transferred insurance premiums.

When calculating the total length of service, the so-called non-working periods are taken into account. This includes parental leave, military service, the time spent in the status of officially unemployed. During this period, the number of points awarded can vary from 1.8 to 5.4.

Citizens from among military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense and other law enforcement agencies have the right to a joint venture for old age, in addition to the state pension for service or disability, if they have the necessary insurance experience in a civilian position and the minimum number of IPC.

Please note that the insurance pension is subject to recalculation annually in February, taking into account the inflation rate for the previous year, but this increase applies only to those citizens who do not work. A moratorium on increasing pension payments has been introduced for employed pensioners. They are entitled to an annual supplement due to the annual increase in pension points.

Terms of appointment

The old-age insurance pension is granted subject to a number of conditions. These include:

  • Reaching the age limit. Today, this figure is 60 years for men and 55 for women. For some categories of workers, other values ​​are set. So, for example, citizens employed in industries with hazardous working conditions go on a well-deserved rest earlier, and civil servants, on the contrary, later.
  • Insurance experience. For 2019, the value is set at around 9 years - the minimum number of years during which the employer must pay insurance premiums to the FIU. Further, this value will increase in increments of one year until it reaches 15 years by 2024.
  • Individual pension coefficient (IPC). Today, this value is 13.8 points with a gradual increase in this indicator to 30 by 2025.

The right to an early old-age insurance pension

One of the benefits for some categories of citizens is the possibility of early retirement. Applicants with special working conditions can use this right:

  • Employed in harmful or hazardous industries. The exact list of specialties is determined by law and gives the right to retire 5, and in some cases 10 years earlier than the generally established period.
  • Citizens who worked in difficult climatic conditions - in the areas of the Far North and in areas equivalent to them.
  • Certain categories of citizens, regardless of employment, for example, some mothers of many children, the disabled, guardians of the disabled.

It is important to know that the full list of beneficiaries is much wider and is given in Law No. 400-FZ. At the same time, the document defines the conditions, the observance of which allows you to go on vacation earlier than the generally established period:

  • the required length of insurance experience;
  • the presence of a length of service giving the right to early appointment of an insurance pension;
  • the required amount of pension points required to accrue the SP.

Calculation formula

The insurance pension consists of two main parts. The first - the base value - is determined by the Government Decree and is reviewed annually, taking into account the growth in the inflation rate over the past year. The second part of the SP for old age is a value, the amount of which depends on the number of pension points earned. The general formula for counting looks like this:

SPS = PV + IPK × SPB, where:

  • SP - old-age insurance pension;
  • PV is a fixed (basic) part that has a certain value;
  • IPC - individual pension coefficient;
  • SPB is the value of one pension point determined on the date of SP appointment.

The structure of the old-age insurance pension

The above formula gives the applicant the opportunity to calculate the approximate amount that he will be able to receive as a pension. Since the SP for old age consists of several components, the exact value is determined by the FIU specialist, taking into account a number of values:



Retirement age

According to the current legislation, the generally established age for obtaining a joint venture in old age is:

  • men - 60 years;
  • women - 55 years.

The value depends on the amount of insurance premiums paid at the rate of 16% or 10%. Subsequently, they are transformed into pension points. The maximum values ​​for each year are legally established. Now this value is 8.70. Please note that there is a minimum total IPC value for receiving SP for old age. In 2019 - 13.8 with a subsequent increase until the value is 30 by 2025.

Insurance experience

Currently, in order to appoint a joint venture for old age, it is necessary to have a minimum insurance period of 9 years. By 2024, it should be 15 years. The periods included in the insurance experience include:

  • the time during which the employer made contributions to the FIU;
  • non-insurance periods (receiving unemployment benefits, maternity leave, military service, etc.).

Fixed payout

The value is set by government decree. The amount is subject to indexation annually by the percentage of inflation prevailing in the previous calendar year. In 2019 - 4,982.90 rubles.

Please note that PV can be paid in double size:

  • Disabled people of the 1st group without dependents;
  • Pensioners who have reached the age of 80 without dependents.

The amount of insurance pension payments

As can be seen from the above information, the amount of the old-age insurance pension depends on different values. One of them is the basic payment, the amount of which from January 1, 2019 is 4,982 rubles 90 kopecks. Together with the PV, the value of the pension score is also reviewed annually. In 2019, it is 81 rubles 49 kopecks.

Please note that every citizen can increase his monthly income if he retires later than the due date.

In this case, a correction factor will be applied to the IPC:

Postponement, years

Magnification factor

With normal experience

With the right of early exit

As noted, in addition to the main insurance period, the calculation includes periods during which no payments were made to the PFR, but this time belongs to the category of socially significant:

Care for a person who has reached the age of 80

Military service

Participation in paid community service

Caring for a disabled child

The timing of the accrual of social security benefits for the period of temporary disability

Care for a disabled person of the 1st group

Being with a military spouse in areas where there is no opportunity to get a job (up to 5 years)

Unemployment benefit period

Care for 1 child

2 child care

3rd and 4th child care

Who receives the minimum old-age pension

Summing up the intermediate result, it can be noted that only those citizens who have the necessary insurance experience and the required amount of IPC will be able to receive a joint venture in old age. Until 2025, a transitional period is defined, during which the legislative requirements for seniority and points are reviewed annually until they reach their limit by 2025:

It is important to take into account one more feature. Under the law, a citizen cannot receive a pension less than the subsistence minimum established for pensioners. Payment can come from several sources:

  • from the federal budget - if the joint venture is less than the federal value.
  • from the regional budget - if the amount of the accrued joint venture is less than the subsistence minimum established for the region.

Insurance coverage is monthly cash payments to individuals that compensate for wages and other income received in the course of employment.

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The pension is also due to disabled family members of the insured citizen after his death.

The main component of the insurance pension is a fixed amount, the amount of which depends on the type of payments. Each year, the pension is indexed based on the level of inflation.

Normative base

The Russian pension system has undergone many reforms in recent years.

In 2019, there are several pension schemes for citizens:

  • government payments;
  • non-state support;
  • compulsory insurance.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 400 on pensions, Russians receive three types of payments:

The old-age insurance pension is a mandatory measure of state support for the population.

The main task of the payments is to compensate people who have worked throughout their lives with salaries and other types of income from the accruals that their employers sent to the FIU during their employment.

The conditions and procedure for ensuring payments are established by Federal Law No. 400.

Funds are accrued by the Pension Fund when a person reaches the age established by law. The nature of the pension is cumulative.

Who are the recipients?

To receive a pension, you must meet a number of conditions. This applies primarily to age.

Who is entitled to:

  • men aged 60 and over;
  • women after 55 years.

The length of service also plays a role - this is the time during which a person had official earnings and made contributions to the FIU. Each pensioner has an individual coefficient, which is taken into account when calculating the payment.


What does the pension plan consist of?

  • cumulative.

Each citizen has the right to an individual option for the formation of accruals. This can only be the insurance part, while the funded pension is not formed at all or is accumulated in the NPF.

You can also use both insurance and funded parts.

The basic pension is the insurance pension. It consists of accruals that the employer regularly made. These funds are credited to the employee's personal retirement account.

The funded part is also transferred by the employing organization.

It differs from insurance in that it is not spent on current payments to pensioners, but accumulates in an individual account, can be invested and make a profit.

Each person has the right to independently influence the size of the funded component. For this, some conclude agreements with various non-state funds ().

Employees can make contributions to the FIU themselves. A necessary condition for this is official employment in Russia.

What is the term for?

If everything is in order with the applicant's documents, and he fully complies with the conditions for calculating the pension, payments are established from the date of application.

A pension can be assigned earlier if you submit an application within a month after dismissal.

One way or another, insurance coverage is assigned indefinitely. It replaces and is paid every month.

The term for calculating and calculating the pension is ten days after the applicant submits an exhaustive set of documents. Payments in all cases are calculated from the date of application, but not earlier than the deadlines established by law.

What is the difference from labor?

In the updated law on pension provision there is no such thing as "labor pension". Instead, an insurance pension payment is assigned.

The insurance pension is understood as monthly payments guaranteed by the state to accomplished pensioners, which compensate for lost earnings.

A necessary condition for the emergence of the right to a pension is the presence of experience.

This means that the citizen must have periods of work for which the employing company transferred contributions to the FIU.

These may include non-insurance periods, but only if they were preceded by the payment of sums insured. This is stated in article 13 of the law on pensions.

The main difference between a labor pension and an insurance pension is that earlier the amount of payments depended mainly on the insurance accruals of the employer.

When assigning insurance coverage, the decisive factor is the length of service.

Old-age pension from 2019

To receive a pension, you need to contact the local FIU. The applicant must meet a number of requirements: reach a certain age, have work experience and accumulated individual points.

Necessary conditions for appointment and receipt

The old-age pension is due to persons who meet all the conditions:

  • age;
  • five years of experience;
  • availability of individual scores (coefficients).

Citizens of the Russian Federation and persons with a residence permit are entitled to security. To process payments, you should go to the Pension Fund at the address of registration or to the Moscow FIU.

Insurance experience

The presence of the necessary work experience is one of the conditions for granting a pension. Pension legislation establishes a phased increase in the length of service for receiving payments.

In 2019, an innovation began to take effect: insurance coverage is based on an experience of six years with a further annual increase in the minimum official “experience” to fifteen years.

The table shows the requirements for seniority for the payment of a pension:

year of retirement Minimum experience (number of years)
2015 6
2016 7
2017 8
2018 9
2019 10
2020 11
2021 12
2022 13
2023 14
2024 etc. 15

It turns out that starting from 2024, insurance payments will be accrued only if there is an experience of fifteen years or more.

In addition to seniority, citizens must "accumulate" a certain number of points or coefficients.

They are calculated using a special formula.

The number of points depends on the size of the salary: the higher it is, the higher the annual coefficient is. As a result, the scores are determined by the amount of payments made to the FIU.

The minimum score in 2019 was 6.6. By 2024, this number will rise to 30.


Pension provision is due to Russian citizens who meet the requirements of the law. The main condition is compliance with the age criterion.

The right to a pension arises when a certain age is reached:

  • women - from 55 years;
  • men - five years later than women - 60 years.

Where to apply?

An insurance payment can be issued at any time after all the necessary conditions have been met.

The first thing to do is to submit an application to the FIU at the address of registration along with all the necessary documents. If a citizen lives at an address that is not confirmed by registration, you need to apply at the place of actual residence.

The application can be submitted as follows:

  • when applying in person to the PFR department;
  • send by mail (signature must be certified by a notary);
  • through a representative (a notarized power of attorney is drawn up for him).

If the applicant permanently resides in another state, the application is submitted to the FIU in Moscow (Shabolovka, 4).

You can also apply for a pension through the website The service is available only to those who have registered.

Application for payments is submitted electronically through a special form. The FIU, after considering the application, sends a notification and informs which documents must be submitted personally.

Another option is to contact the Multifunctional Center (MFC), which has offices in any city. For the first time, it is enough to come with a passport, the specialist will tell you what documents will be needed.

Documents for registration

The following are submitted to the FIU along with the application:

  • passport (residence permit);
  • SNILS;
  • documentary confirmation of the experience with the data of the applicant;
  • labor;
  • a certificate confirming the change of surname (if the indicated fact took place);
  • certificate of salary for the last five years until 2012.

Depending on the specific case, FIU specialists may require additional paperwork.

The term for consideration of the application is ten days from the date of submission of a complete package of documents or submission of missing certificates.

How to write an application?

The statement states:

  • Full name, registered address;
  • passport data;
  • SNILS number;
  • list of attached documents;
  • the basis of appointment is upon reaching retirement age.

The FIU accepts applications no earlier than a month before a citizen reaches retirement age.

What to do if you receive a rejection?

The Pension Fund may refuse to assign a pension if the information specified in the application is not true or is not indicated in full.

The applicant is notified of this within five days from the date of the discovery of the above fact.

The specialist explains the reason for the refusal and returns the submitted documents. In this case, you need to clarify what papers are missing, prepare them and re-complete the application.

When writing it, you need to take into account the comments voiced earlier by the FIU employee.

Early appointment

Legislation allows early appointment of compensation. Insurance payments ahead of schedule rely on certain categories of workers.

Who is eligible?

Early retirement is due:

  • health workers who have worked 25 years in the countryside or 30 years in the city;
  • teachers with 25 years of experience;
  • employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service and civil servants with 25 years of experience;
  • employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and emergency services - after 15 years of experience;
  • transport drivers (for women - 15 years of work, for men - 20 years);
  • the retirement age for metro and Russian Railways workers has been reduced by five years for men and women;
  • representatives of creative professions performing on stage (experience from 15 to 30 years);
  • pilots, stewardesses (experience - 25 years);
  • miners (25 years);
  • workers in hazardous production and other categories of citizens.

Payments increase subject to the following conditions:

  • increase in score for periods up to 2019;
  • an increase in the amount of coefficients received after January 2019 and before the assignment of collateral.


The calculation formula looks like this:

old age pension= The amount of the old-age insurance pension as of July 31 of the year of recalculation + (score as of January 1 of the year of recalculation, based on deductions not taken into account when assigning a pension * score value on the day of recalculation)

How to calculate?

The pension is determined by the general formula:

Payout amount = amount of accumulated points * individual coefficient + fixed part

It turns out that the higher the coefficient, the more the pensioner will receive.

Calculation example

Citizen Petrov turns 60 in 2019. In 2019, after the conversion, he received an additional 80 points. Between 2019 and 2019, Petrov earned another 6 points. Thus, by the time the payment was made, he had earned 86 points.

Let the fixed pension payment be 5,100 rubles, and the cost of a point be 100 rubles.

It turns out that Petrov's pension will be: 5100 + 86*100 = 13700 rubles

Shipping Options

The pensioner can choose the most convenient way to receive funds:

  • to the house by the postman or in the post office of the Russian Federation;
  • through a cash desk in a bank;
  • to a bank card.

To choose one or another option, you must submit an application to the FIU.


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The insurance part of the old-age labor pension

The insurance part of the old-age labor pension was introduced on January 1, 2002 as part of the ongoing reform of the Pension System of the Russian Federation.

The insurance part of the old-age labor pension is conditionally funded, financed by the distribution method and based on the principle of generational solidarity.

Insurance premiums, received by the Pension Fund for the insurance part of the pension, are sent to pay pensions to current pensioners, and the insured persons do not have the right to manage them.

The insurance part is in the structure of all three types of labor pensions.

Since 2010, a fixed basic amount has been included in the insurance part of the labor pension, which depends on the age and number of dependents.

The rest of the insurance part of the labor pension is determined individually, taking into account the estimated pension capital of the future pensioner and the amount of insurance premiums paid for him by the employer in the Pension Fund after January 1, 2002.

The amount of insurance premiums is determined on the basis of the amount of wages, as well as other payments and remuneration accrued under labor and civil law contracts, the subject of which is the performance of work, the provision of services, as well as under copyright agreements.

Insurance payments received on the individual personal account of the employee in the Pension Fund immediately go to the payment of labor pensions to current pensioners, and individual personal accounts only accumulate funds in the form of state obligations to insured persons.

In total, the PFR receives 20% of insurance payments from wages, and then these percentages are “split” into insurance and funded parts.

The received insurance funds are directed to the payment of current labor pensions, and the other part of the insurance funds - to the employee's personal savings account with the Pension Fund.

All insurance premiums received on the individual personal account of the employee in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are summed up and, by the time they reach retirement age, they will amount to a certain amount. pension capital from which the future pension will be calculated.

The pension capital is constantly indexed in the same order as the labor pensions paid to the elderly, and is guaranteed to everyone who has an insurance record of at least 5 years.

If the pension capital formed on the day of the assignment of the labor pension is divided by the number of months of the expected period for the payment of the labor pension, i.e. by the time during which the citizen will receive the labor pension for old age (for life: from the day the labor pension was established until the day of death) , then we get the size of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension.

At the same time, the expected period of payment of labor old-age pension is 19 years, or 228 months, and has been legalized for the calculation of labor old-age pensions. The law outlines a gradual increase in the “survival period”:

12 years (144 months)

12 years 6 months (150 months)

13 years (156 months)

13 years 6 months (162 months)

14 years (168 months)

14 years 6 months (174 months)

15 years (180 months)

15 years 6 months (186 months)

16 years (192 months)

17 years (204 months)

18 years (216 months)

19 years (228 months)

The expected period of payment of the old-age labor pension, denoted in the Law by the symbol T, depends on the date of assignment of the labor pension and plays an important role in calculating the amount of the insurance and funded parts of the labor pension.

This is the weighted average duration of receipt of a pension by a person who has lived to retirement age.

When determining the size of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension, starting from January 1, 2002, the expected period of payment of the pension cannot be less than 10 years (120 months). When assigning this part of the pension for the first time at a later age than provided for by the Law, from January 2009 the expected period of payment of the pension cannot be less than 14 years (168 months), and then increases annually by one year until reaching 19 years (228 months). )

The insurance part of the labor pension is calculated using the mathematical formula:

The estimated pension capital (consists of the estimated pension capital as of 01/01/2002 + insurance premiums from 01/01/2002 to the date of assignment of the labor pension) is divided by the "survival period" plus the fixed basic amount of the insurance part on the day of assignment of the labor pension:

MF \u003d PC / T + B,

where SCh is the insurance part of the old-age labor pension;

PC - the amount of the estimated pension capital of the insured person, taken into account as of the day from which the insurance part of the old-age labor pension is assigned to the specified person;

T - the expected period of payment of the old-age labor pension, used to calculate the insurance part of the specified pension;

B - fixed basic size of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension.

The amount of the insurance part of the labor pension is subject to periodic indexation in accordance with the level of price growth and the growth of the average monthly wage.

Calculation of initial pension capital is made according to the rules for calculating labor pensions that were applied on the eve of the reform - based on average earnings and length of service: for men - 25 years, for women - 20 years.

How the amount of estimated pension capital (PC) is calculated and what the term “expected pension payment period” (T) means is discussed in detail in other articles of the Virtual Pensioner's School.

Fixed base size The insurance part of the old-age labor pension is set by the state in a fixed amount, the same for all pensioners (annually indexed depending on inflation), and does not depend on the amount of pension contributions.

This part of the pension is provided for by law and is a guarantee of the minimum pension provision for citizens, subject to two main conditions: reaching retirement age and having at least 5 years of insurance experience.

The insurance period must be present, otherwise the labor pension is not assigned.

Fixed base size the insurance part of the labor pension is paid out of insurance premiums and is a state old-age benefit, assigned to all insured persons in the state pension insurance system upon reaching a certain age (men - 60 years, women - 55 years) if there are at least 5 pensions registered in the pension system provision and paid insurance years.

Fixed base size can be established both for a certain period, and vary depending on the number of dependents and be established, for example, until the period for which they are considered disabled family members.

For persons who have reached the age of 80 or who are disabled, the fixed basic amount of the insurance part of the labor pension is set at an increased amount.

Fixed base size of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension for persons living in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them, is increased by the corresponding regional coefficient established by the Government of the Russian Federation depending on the area (locality) of residence, for the entire period of residence in these regions (locities).

When citizens move to a new place of residence in other regions of the Far North and areas equated to them, in which other regional coefficients are established, the fixed basic amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension is determined taking into account the size of the regional coefficient for the new place of residence.

From 01.01.2010

From 04/01/2010

no dependents

With one dependent

With two dependents

With three or more dependents

no dependents

With one dependent

With two dependents

With three or more dependents

When these citizens leave the "northern" territories for a new place of residence, the fixed basic amount of the insurance part is determined according to general rules.

Persons who have worked out a long (special) experience in the regions of the Far North and in areas equivalent to them as of the date of 01.01.2008 and who have an insurance record of the required duration are set higher amounts of fixed basic parts of pensions.

When determining the right to an increased amount of the fixed basic part of the labor pension, a special length of service of 15-20 calendar years of work in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them should consist only of periods of work in these regions and localities.

The summation of periods of preferential work that took place outside the specified regions and localities is not provided for by law.

For persons who have worked 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North and have an insurance record of 25 years for men or 20 years for women, the fixed basic old-age pension is increased by a factor of 1.5 (2562 rubles x 1.5 = 3843 rubles) :

Fixed basic size (B), rub.

From 01.01.2010

From 04/01/2010

no dependents

With one dependent

With two dependents

With three or more dependents

Persons over 80 years of age, or disabled persons of group 1

no dependents

With one dependent

With two dependents

With three or more dependents

For persons who worked not only in the regions of the Far North, but also in areas equated to them, when determining the number of calendar years in areas of the Far North, each calendar year of work in areas equated to areas of the Far North is considered 9 months of work in areas of the Far North.

For persons who have worked for 20 calendar years in areas equivalent to regions of the Far North and have the necessary insurance experience, the fixed basic old-age pension is increased by a factor of 1.3 (2562 rubles x x 1.3 = 3330.60 rubles. ):

Fixed basic size (B), rub.

From 01.01.2010

From 04/01/2010

no dependents

With one dependent

With two dependents

With three or more dependents

Persons over 80 years of age, or disabled persons of group 1

no dependents

With one dependent

With two dependents

With three or more dependents

Fixed base size the insurance part of the pension for the "northerners" in an increased amount is established regardless of the place of residence and age of the pensioner. The specified sizes of the fixed basic parts can also be increased depending on the number of dependents (by 204 rubles for each).

At the choice of the pensioner, either a fixed basic amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension is established with an increase by the appropriate regional coefficient, or a fixed basic amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension is established in an increased amount.

Recalculation of previously established labor pensions is carried out by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for pension matters of the "northerners" in an automated mode. In the absence of information about the availability of the necessary special (northern) experience or insurance experience as of 01/01/2008, you must apply to the territorial body of the fund at the place of residence to clarify your personal data.

The coefficient of indexation of the insurance part of the labor pension, its frequency are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The size of the labor pension directly depends on the amount of funds accumulated in the individual personal account of each, formed by the day the pension is assigned.

Determining the size of the old-age labor pension from January 1, 2010, it is made taking into account the amount of valorization according to the formula:

P \u003d B + P, + (SV / T) x K,

where P is the size of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension;

B - fixed base size;

n t - the amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension as of December 31, 2009;

SV - the amount of valorization;

T is the expected period for the payment of an old-age labor pension, applied when assigning the insurance part of the corresponding labor pension;

K is the coefficient of indexation and additional increases in the insurance part of the labor pension for the period from the day the citizen was assigned the insurance part of the corresponding labor pension until January 1, 2010.

The maximum level of the insurance part of the pension is not limited and depends only on the amount of the estimated pension capital of the future pensioner.

Disabled pensioner, Receiving a labor disability pension, an old-age labor pension may be established upon reaching the generally established retirement age, provided that he has at least 5 years of insurance experience. At the same time, the amount of the old-age labor pension will be no less than the disability pension received.

The insurance part of the pension is established indefinitely, but its size can be revised if there is additional pension capital or pension savings according to the formula:

MF \u003d MFp + PKrDT x K),

where SCH - the size of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension;

SChp - the established amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension as of July 31 of the year in which the corresponding adjustment is made;

T is the expected period of payment of the old-age labor pension (in months) as of July 31 of the year in which the corresponding adjustment is made;

K - coefficient for calculating the insurance part of the old-age pension, equal to 1.

When recalculating the insurance part old-age labor pension, the period of payment of the pension (T) is reduced by 12 months for each full calendar year that has expired from the date of assignment of the specified part of the pension (for pensioners who were granted a pension under the previous legislation, full years should be calculated from 01.01. ).

At the same time, the expected period of payment of the pension cannot be less than 10 years (120 months). The reduction in the expected period of payment does not apply to recipients of the insurance part of the labor disability pension.

Retiree can refuse to recalculate the insurance part old-age labor pension by submitting an appropriate application.

The size of the labor pension (the insurance part of the labor old-age pension), including the amount calculated taking into account the amount of valorization, is subject to recalculation in case of a change in the value of the estimated pension capital, when:

  • providing additional documents;
  • documents available in the pension file.

Determination of the size of the labor pension(insurance part of labor old-age pension) when recalculating is carried out by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation based on the materials of the pension case, as well as on the basis of a pensioner's application from the date of the initial establishment of the labor pension, taking into account the amount of valorization.

In this case, the same number of months of the expected period for the payment of an old-age labor pension is applied, which was applied when the labor pension was initially established, taking into account the amount of valorization.

The insurance part of the old-age labor pension will be able tosimultaneously receive military pensioners who receive a pension for long service (for disability), who, after being discharged from military service, continued their labor activity in a “civilian”, taking into account insurance premiums reflected in their personal accounts of the VPF.

The conditions for assigning the insurance part of the old-age labor pension are:

  • the establishment of a pension for long service or disability through the power department;
  • the presence of five years of insurance experience "in civilian life".

At the same time, periods of service already taken into account when determining the amount of pension in the power department are not included in the insurance period.

Government civil servants and citizens from among the employees of the flight test personnel who have been assigned a pension for years of service, but they continue to work under an employment contract, also acquire the right to a share of the insurance part of the labor pension, which is established in addition to the state pension for years of service.

The condition for assigning a share of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension is:

  • establishing a pension for years of service;
  • reaching the age of 60 years for men, 55 years for women;
  • five years of insurance experience;
  • the presence of an estimated pension capital formed from the total amount of insurance premiums received for it by the Pension Fund after the appointment of a pension for the length of service for a period of at least 12 calendar months of work. These 12 months of work can be one period, or they can be made up of several periods.

The size of the share of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension is determined by the formula:

SD = PCd/T,

PKd - the amount of the estimated pension capital of the insured person, taken into account for the period from the date of assignment of the pension for long service to the old-age labor pension in accordance with the Federal Law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation" until the day from which the share of the insurance part of the labor old age pensions;

T is the expected period of payment of the old-age labor pension (in months) as of the day immediately preceding the day from which the share of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension is determined.

The recalculation of the share of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension is carried out according to the formula:

SD = SDp + PKp/T,

where SD is the size of the share of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension;

SDp - the established size of the share of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension as of the day immediately preceding the day from which the corresponding recalculation is made;

Pkp - the amount of the estimated pension capital, taken into account as of the day from which the corresponding recalculation is made;

T - the number of months of the expected period of payment of the old-age labor pension as of the day immediately preceding the day from which the corresponding recalculation is made.

The size of the share of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension from August 1 of each year is subject to adjustment according to the data of individual (personalized) accounting according to the formula:

SD \u003d SDp + PKr / T,

where SD is the size of the share of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension;

ADP - the established amount of the share of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension as of July 31 of the year in which the corresponding adjustment is made;

Pcr - the amount of the estimated pension capital accounted for as of July 1 of the year from which the corresponding adjustment is made;

T is the expected period of payment of the old-age labor pension (in months) as of July 31 of the year in which the corresponding adjustment is made.

When recalculating the share of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension, the expected period of payment of the labor old-age pension is reduced by one year for each full year that has elapsed from the day the share of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension was assigned. In this case, the specified period cannot be less than 14 years (168 months).

The pensioner has the right to refuse to recalculate (adjust) the share of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension by submitting an application.

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Periodic amendments to legislation lead to the fact that citizens are poorly versed in matters of pension provision.

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And this applies not only to calculations, but also to the terms themselves. What does the insurance old-age pension mean in Russia?

In Russia, disabled citizens upon the onset of retirement age are provided with regular material support to compensate for their previous income.

This is an old-age insurance pension, they pay it if they have seniority and savings in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. But such a general definition does not explain how the payment is formed, what it consists of, etc.

General points

The reform of the pension system in the Russian Federation began in 2002. The old payment system has been abolished. Citizens began to receive a pension consisting of two shares - funded and insurance.

At the same time, 22% of these deductions are contributions to the PFR:

The IPC indicator is determined by the total amount of contributions paid and the length of service, including insurance and non-insurance periods.

A citizen has the right to choose for himself which variation is preferable for him:

Every year, the state indexes so that the value of the points does not depreciate against the backdrop of inflation. It is worth mentioning the funded pension.

It was frozen in order to reduce the budget deficit. Some citizens understood this fact in such a way that the state withdraws their savings. In reality, this is not so.

What is the difference between labor

Until the beginning of 2015, insurance and labor pensions meant the same thing. The rules for assigning labor were similar to the conditions for paying an insurance pension for old age or disability.

After another change in the pension legislation, the procedure has changed. In particular, the reason for the appointment was different.

Now the main factor taken into account when calculating the amount of payments is the length of service, and not the amount of experience worked, as it was before.

In the absence of an insurance guard, the insurance pension supplements are not recalculated. The insurance period is the period during which insurance premiums were deducted for a working citizen to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

It turns out that the main difference between insurance and labor pensions is the basis for accrual.

If for the payment of a labor pension only the period when a person officially worked was taken into account, then when assigning an insurance pension, the duration of his participation in the pension insurance system is taken into account.

Current regulations

So from January 1, 2018, the amount of this payment is:

Citizens who retire in 2019 or retired earlier can receive a pension supplement.

12/29/2018, Sasha Bukashka

As you know, today the old-age labor pension is divided into insurance and funded. But there is also a certain fixed payment ... What is it, what is its size? We'll try to answer.

What it is

Speaking in the boring language of legislators, then a fixed payment to an insurance pension is a part of the amount of a person's pension provision, which is a monetary amount independent of previously paid insurance premiums. Roughly speaking, this is a kind of universal rate that all pensioners receive. It is established in addition to (for old age, disability or). And it can be considered an analogue of the base size that was in effect before the pension reform.

According to Art. 16 of the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions", this fixed amount is established and determined by the state. That is, we can say that it is the minimum guarantee of pension provision for citizens. That's what it is. In 2018 and 2019, the rules for this amount (mandatory by virtue of the same article of the law) have changed, now it will happen once a year - from January 1, and not from February 1 and April 1, as in previous years. Indexation is carried out on the consumer price growth index for the past year.

What is the fixed payment amount?

From January 1, 2019, the coefficient was 1.037, and the fixed payment is 5334.90 rubles.

  • old-age pensioners (who have reached the age of 55 for women or 60 for men and those who retire under the new reform) - 5334.9 rubles,
  • in the presence of 1 dependent - 6935.37 rubles (plus 30% for each, but not more than three);
  • citizens who have worked for at least 15 years in the regions of the Far North (if they have at least 25 years of experience for men or 20 for women) - 8002.35 rubles. (plus 100% of the total amount of the surcharge if over 80 years old or disabled of group 1; there are also surcharges for 1-3 dependents);
  • citizens who have worked in areas equivalent to the COP for at least 15 years (if they have at least 25 years of experience for men or 20 for women) - 6935.37 rubles. (plus 100% of the total amount of the surcharge if over 80 years old or disabled of group 1; there are also surcharges for 1-3 dependents);
  • disabled people of group I and - 10669.80 rubles (plus 100% of the principal amount);
  • invalids of group II - 5334.90 rubles;
  • disabled group III - 2667.45 rubles (50% of the basic surcharge);
  • for orphans - 10,669.80 rubles (plus 100% surcharge);
  • with the loss of one of the parents (breadwinners) - 2667.45 rubles.

Also, from January 1, 2019, people who have worked for at least 30 calendar years in agriculture will resume the increase in the fixed payment to the insurance pension. It was frozen in 2017.

Can the amount of the surcharge be increased?

If there are grounds provided for by law, for example, when a pensioner has disabled dependents or when he reaches the age of 80, the amount of a fixed payment may be revised.

To do this, contact the regional branch of the Pension Fund with the appropriate application. You will also need the original and a copy of your passport. Do not forget about the documents confirming the existence of circumstances for revision. Within 10 days from the date of submission of the package of documents, the PFR department will make a decision to satisfy your request, or give a reasoned refusal.

Please note that the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension increases automatically when the pensioner reaches the age of 80. There is no need to apply to the Pension Fund for this. From January 1, the amount of the monthly payment to such pensioners who do not have dependents is 10,669.80 rubles.

You may be interested in:(individual insurance coefficient)

How much can you get maximum

Today, a “lucky person” who has worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North and has an insurance record (for men - at least 25, and for women - not less than 20), who has reached the age of 80 or is a disabled person of group I, with three disabled dependents.