How will medical institutions work on New Year's holidays. City polyclinics switched to a special work schedule on New Year's holidays From what date hospitals start working

During the New Year holidays, the capital's polyclinics will switch to a festive duty schedule with an increased reception time. So, from January 1 to January 8, patients will be admitted from 09:00 to 18:00. And it will be possible to call a doctor at home until 16:00.

Surgical, dental and other specialized medical care will be provided in one of the polyclinics in each districtfrom 09:00 to 16:00. The same schedule of work these days and at the antenatal clinic.

For urgent dental care, you can contact the Maxillofacial Hospital for War Veterans. It is located on Lesteva street, house 9.

Children's polyclinics, perinatal diagnostic rooms and milk distribution points

Children's city clinics during the New Year holidays also work according to the schedule of holiday duty. Pediatric specialist doctors, including a dentist, will be seen at one of the clinics in each countyfrom 09:00 to 15:00. Traumatology departments of children's clinics on holidays work as usual from 08:00 to 22:00.

You can call a doctor at home for a child until 14:30, and home calls will be serviced from 09:00 to 15:00.

Emergency pediatric and adult medical care operates in new year holidays in normal mode - around the clock.

Round-the-clock dental care for children will be provided at the children's dental clinic No. 28. It is located on General Ermolov Street, house 12. And round-the-clock trauma care at the emergency room of the Research Institute of Emergency Children's Surgery and Traumatology on Bolshaya Polyanka Street, house 20.

On January 4 and 5, perinatal diagnostic rooms will receive patients in one of the polyclinics in each district. During the New Year holidays, milk distribution points will continue to operate daily from 06:30 to 12:00.


Departments of dispensaries that provide psychiatric, narcological, anti-tuberculosis and oncological medical care will work on January 3 and 6 from 09:00 to 15:00.

On duty pharmacies

IN January holidays duty pharmacies in polyclinics will dispense drugs to beneficiary patients from 09:00 to 18:00. On Wednesday, January 4, pharmacies for beneficiaries will be open in all polyclinics of the city from 09:00 to 18:00.

reference Information

Get background information, as well as find out the phone numbers and addresses of medical institutions that accept adults and children in each county in holidays, Can .

New Year- this is a time of magic and miracles not only for children, but also for adults, because with the advent of the New Year holidays, the house is filled with joy, happiness, love and, of course, gifts. But sometimes unpleasant and completely unexpected moments happen in life, and instead of preparing for the long-awaited celebration, you have to look for information about the work schedule of medical institutions on New Year's holidays. At this time, Moscow polyclinics, however, like many hospitals in other cities, work according to a special schedule that is valid annually. In the usual mode, only trauma centers, sanitary checkpoints and departments intended for inpatient treatment and round-the-clock stay of patients perform their functions.

You should not delay the treatment of a problem tooth, because dentists have official days off on the 1st, 2nd, 7th and 8th, on other days you can only get an appointment with the dentist on duty approximately from 9 am to 2 pm.

Opening hours of clinics in Moscow

It looks like this:

  • On December 31, the main specialists: general practitioners, surgeons, urologists, neurologists, otolaryngologists, ophthalmologists, gynecologists and dentists will continue to work as usual. Work restrictions will affect diagnostic and X-ray rooms, as well as laboratory diagnostics.
  • On January 1, 2017, the capital's polyclinics will have a festive duty schedule. On this day, only doctors on duty will receive: a therapist, a surgeon and a traumatologist, and the last two specialists are on duty at home and only if necessary (call) should come to a medical institution.
  • On the 2nd and 3rd, hospitals will operate according to the Saturday schedule. In some institutions, the reception of citizens will be carried out only by a therapist on a shortened schedule.
  • On January 4, the medical staff of the capital works as usual, with the exception of some dental clinics, functional diagnostics and certain laboratory research rooms.
  • On the 5th, each polyclinic of the capital will work according to an individual schedule. If in one medical institution you can get an appointment from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., then in another, the Saturday mode of operation will be relevant.
  • On the 6th, a shortened appointment schedule for all major specialists, diagnostic rooms will not conduct long-term examinations. On the seventh and eighth, you can only get to the doctor on duty and no later than 15 hours. On January 9, Moscow polyclinics resume their work as usual.

Before going to the clinic on New Year's holidays, it is better to spend time calling the reception to clarify information about the work schedule of the doctor you need.

In all regions Russian Federation There will be approximately the same work schedule for clinics. Pharmacies, mostly private, will work around the clock.

Women's consultations will be accepted until 13:00 and 15:00 in Moscow and St. Petersburg, respectively. In order to get an appointment with a doctor, you need to make an appointment online in advance.

How polyclinics work on New Year holidays 2019 in Russia
  • How polyclinics work on New Year holidays 2019 in Russia
    • Adult polyclinics
    • Children's clinics
    • Women's consultations
    • Dispensaries
  • How to make an appointment with a doctor and get an appointment during the New Year holidays in January 2019
  • New Year's work schedule of polyclinics in St. Petersburg in 2019

Adult polyclinics
  • December 30, 2018 - according to the schedule of Saturday from 9-00 to 16-00, home assistance - from 9-00 to 16-00
  • December 31, 2018 - according to the schedule of Sunday from 9-00 to 18-00, home assistance - from 9-00 to 16-00
  • From January 1 to January 8, 2019 - reception according to the holiday duty schedule from 9-00 to 16-00, home assistance - from 9-00 to 16-00

From December 30, 2018 to January 8, 2019, from 9:00 to 16:00 on the basis of one of the clinics in each district, specialist doctors will receive: surgeons, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists, neurologists.

Including in each county you can get dental care.

Children's clinics
  • December 30 and 31, 2018, from January 1 to January 8, 2019 - medical assistance is provided at home from 9-00 to 15-00
  • From January 1 to January 8, 2019 - appointment of a pediatrician on duty from 9-00 to 15-00

Traumatology departments of children's polyclinics are open from 8-00 to 22-00

Milk distribution points are open from 6-30 to 12-00

From December 30, 2018 to January 8, 2019, from 9-00 to 15-00 on the basis of one of the medical organizations of the district, children will be received by specialist doctors - surgeons, ophthalmologists, neurologists, otolaryngologists. A pediatric dentist will also be available.

Women's consultations
  • December 30, 2018 - according to the schedule of Sunday from 9-00 to 16-00
  • December 31, 2018 - according to the schedule of Saturday from 9-00 to 15-00
  • From January 1 to January 8, 2019 - admission according to the schedule of Sunday duty on the basis of one of the antenatal clinics of the district

On January 2 and 6, 2019, from 09:00 to 15:00, doctors on duty will be received on the basis of one of the subdivisions of the narcological, oncological, dermatovenerological, psychiatric and anti-tuberculosis dispensaries.

A hospital or clinic is exactly the place that a huge country cannot do without during ten days of vacation. Whatever one may say, and no matter how sad it may sound, adults and especially children do not get sick according to the established schedule - any and the most inopportune moment can mow down. In particular, trauma centers and dental clinics are sadly popular on holidays. Pediatricians and therapists are also loaded with work, who during the holidays are assigned the duties of "narrow" specialists for the most part.

According to the recommended schedule by the Ministry of Health, hospitals and clinics will work during the holidays without stopping and without days off. True, the schedule will be shortened following the example of a weekend - that is, if traditionally your clinic is open until 18.00, then during the holidays it is better to see a doctor early, because the institution may close at 15.00 - 16.00.

Reception will be conducted by duty doctors - therapists and pediatricians. If you need the help of a narrow specialist, for example, an ENT or an ophthalmologist, a neurologist or a cardiologist, then it is better to contact regional hospitals on duty, where specialists from different fields are at their workplace around the clock.

According to the usual schedule - full time - polyclinics will work on Monday, December 31. From January 1 to January 8, the schedule will be shortened.

We have presented you with a general schedule for the Federation, but it is better to familiarize yourself with the schedule of a specific polyclinic in your region and district separately - by phone you can clarify which specialists will be at work and until what time.

Dental clinics for children and adults, as well as antenatal clinics, will also work either full-time or on a reduced schedule, but specialist assistance will be available seven days a week.

Trauma centers throughout the country will work without a holiday schedule - around the clock or until 22.00, in general, according to their usual "weekday" regime.

Thus, it can be summarized that without medical care citizens of the country during the holidays will not stay. However, banks and Russian Post, as well as shops and supermarkets will also work seven days a week. True, in the case of financial institutions, only on-duty branches will be open, where you can get a far from full range of services during the holidays - so if you urgently need to pay off a loan or receive money, it’s better to manage tomorrow, December 31. For many banks and for the Post, this will be a regular business day.

How to make an appointment with a doctor and get an appointment during the New Year holidays in January 2019

An appointment with a doctor traditionally takes place on the Internet - on the websites of public services in each region. Be prepared for the fact that there will be no recording on the holidays, because, as mentioned above, only duty specialists work on these dates.

At the same time, you can get in line for the first weekday dates starting from January 9, 2019 even now.

There is also an appointment by phone in polyclinics and hospitals - on average, the registry on holidays will work until 15.30 (depending on the region of your residence - it is better to clarify).

It will also be possible to call a doctor at home before lunch by phone.

By the way, on-duty pharmacies work around the clock on holidays, dairy kitchens and distribution points baby food also work without holidays - however, the schedule may be slightly reduced, so it is better to check this with the specific organization whose services you use.

New Year's work schedule of polyclinics in St. Petersburg in 2019

The local authorities of St. Petersburg have drawn up a special schedule for the work of medical institutions in 2019. Also, as in all regions, polyclinics in St. Petersburg will be divided into day and duty clinics. The first ones will open until 6 pm. Emergency medical facilities will operate around the clock. With a special work schedule in the new year, there will be an appointment with a therapist, cardiologist, surgeon and ENT. In advance, you should find out in which medical institution this specialist is on duty.

Dental clinics No. 12 and 20 will work on New Year's holidays until late in the evening. For an appointment with a children's dentist, you need to make an appointment at polyclinic No. 6. Women's consultation will be open from 9 am to 3 pm. Private pharmacies are open around the clock on New Year's holidays.

21:11 27.12.2017 -

The working hours of Moscow polyclinics will be changed for the New Year holidays, m24 reports with reference to the press service of the capital's health department.

On Saturday, December 30, adult patients will be admitted from 09:00 to 18:00. Then, until the end of the holidays (until January 8), you can get to the doctor from 09:00 to 16:00.

In each district, on the basis of one of the polyclinics, according to the same schedule, assistance will be provided according to the profiles “ surgery”, “neurology”, otolaryngology, "ophthalmology".

Almost all adult trauma centers will continue to work around the clock.

As for children's polyclinics, on December 30 they work from 09:00 to 15:00, and on December 31, a doctor can only be called at home (applications are accepted from 09:00 to 14:00).

Working hours of children's emergency rooms - from 08:00 to 22:00. Round-the-clock assistance of this profile will be provided on the basis of the Research Institute of Emergency Children's Surgery and Traumatology and the Children's City Clinical Hospital named after Bashlyaeva.

In each district, one of the children's polyclinics will organize appointments with specialist doctors (profiles are the same as adults) from 09:00 to 15:00.

Earlier it was reported that the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia will work in an enhanced mode during the New Year holidays.

tags: Medicine Incidents New Year
tags: New Moscow New Year 16:36 27.12.2017 -

30 and 31 December offices "My Documents " will work from 08:00 to 20:00, on January 1, the centers have a day off. From January 2 to January 8, duty offices in each county will issue death registration documents during business hours. All other public service centers will return to their usual schedule on January 9.

So, on New Year's holidays, residents of the Southwestern District will be able to contact the center of public services "My Documents " Konkovo ​​district, located at the address: Academician Volgina street, house 25, building 1.

Duty offices:

Public Services Center "My Documents "

Public Services Center "My Documents "

Public Services Center "My Documents "

Public Services Center "My Documents "

Public Services Center "My Documents "

Public Services Center "My Documents "

Public Services Center "My Documents "

Public Services Center "My Documents "

Public Services Center "My Documents "

Public Services Center "My Documents "

Public Services Center "My Documents "

Opening hours of public service centers "My Documents " will change on New Year's Eve. On 30 and 31 December they will be open from 08:00 to 20:00. On January 1, the centers have a day off, and from January 2 to January 8 (inclusive), duty offices in each county will issue death registration documents during business hours. All other public service centers will return to their usual schedule on January 9.

Duty offices:

Public Services Center "My Documents " Moskvorechye-Saburovo district (Proletarsky Prospekt, 18);

Public Services Center "My Documents " Mozhaisky and Kuntsevo districts (Marshal Nedelin Street, 40);

Public Services Center "My Documents " districts of Northern Tushino and Southern Tushino (Vasily Petushkov Street, building 13, building 1);

Public Services Center "My Documents " Veshnyaki district (Veshnyakovskaya street, building 17g);

Public Services Center "My Documents " Maryino district (Sovkhoznaya street, house 41);

Public Services Center "My Documents " district Konkovo ​​(street Academician Volgina, house 25, building 1);

Public Services Center "My Documents " Khoroshevsky district (Kuusinen street, building 19, building 2);

Public Services Center "My Documents " district Otradnoe (Kargopolskaya street, house 9);

Public Services Center "My Documents " settlements Moskovsky (city of Moskovsky, 3rd microdistrict, house 21);

Public Services Center "My Documents " Tagansky district (Entuziastov boulevard, building 2);

Public Services Center "My Documents " Savelki district (Zelenograd city, building 337).

From January 2 to January 8, employees of the duty departments of the registry office will also be engaged in the registration of births and deaths. From January 2 to 4, specialists will register deaths, on January 5 and 6 - births, deaths, as well as marriages (the latter - in wedding palaces). On January 8, only births and deaths can be registered. The institutions will start working according to the usual schedule on January 9.

get married on time New Year holidays 2018, Muscovites will be able to marry in two capital palaces. In the Wedding Palace No. 3, couples will be able to sign on January 5, and on January 6, on the eve of Christmas, the Wedding Palace No. 5 will register marriages. They will be open from 09:00 to 18:00 with a break from 14:00 to 15:00.