What documents are needed for a children's kitchen. Dairy cuisine. Addresses and schedule for the distribution of baby food in January

For the first time, the law on the issuance of free milk to lactating women was signed by the pre-revolutionary authorities in St. Petersburg. The initiator was the Russian Society for the Protection of Public Health in order to reduce the highest mortality rates of newborn babies (almost 40% of children died in infancy).

In the post-revolutionary period, dairy children's cuisine did not disappear, that is, the Ministry of Health of Soviet Russia did not cancel this necessary service. With varying degrees of success and efficiency, milk feeding points functioned at children's consultations and hospitals.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of free baby food during the Great Patriotic War. It is safe to say that the distribution of milk has saved more than one child's life.

In the 60s, the Ministry of Health clearly regulated the organization, functioning and list of products through legislative acts. Dairy kitchens began to appear in all regions and republics of the Soviet Union.

Dairy cuisine in 2018 is also deservedly popular. Newly minted parents can get help in such institutions by submitting all Required documents and getting a referral from a pediatrician.

However, from year to year, some provisions in the organization of children's kitchens change in accordance with the peculiarities of the economic situation in the country. It is necessary to understand who is entitled to free baby food and how exactly mothers can arrange this service.

So, a dairy kitchen is an organization that produces, ensures the proper preservation and distribution of specialized food products in compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards.

A similar measure of socio-economic support is regulated by a regional law. Local authorities also determine the required list of beneficiaries, choose organizations that will provide free of charge to those in need milk nutrition.

Thus, in different subjects Russian Federation the list of persons who may, in accordance with the law, receive milk, dairy products and formula free of charge may differ.

But still, there are main categories of citizens who can fully use the services of a dairy kitchen in accordance with the law. These include:

  1. Pregnant women.
  2. Nursing mothers until the moment when the baby reaches six months of age.
  3. Children:
  • up to 12 months of age, who are on an artificial or combined method of feeding;
  • from 12 months to three years of age;
  • under seven years old if they are brought up in large families;
  • with disabilities and chronic ailments up to 15 years of age.

If a child is left without the care of his mother and father, the paperwork for receiving free dairy products is shifted to the shoulders of guardians and other legal representatives.

To understand which categories of people are currently entitled to dairy food for young children, it is necessary to study the regional legal documentation. Another option is to consult a pediatrician (if the products are for newborns) or a gynecologist (if the food is for pregnant women).

It is necessary to draw up documents for dairy cuisine at the medical institution to which the recipient of this benefit is attached. Pregnant women must send an application to the antenatal clinic in which they are registered.

Breastfeeding women need to complete documentation to receive free baby food from a pediatrician who monitors the development of a newborn baby or an older child.

If a child with special needs and requirements needs special food, then parents should draw up documents for a children's dairy kitchen with a specialist in the institution where the baby is registered.

What documents are needed to receive food, as noted above, parents will learn from local regulations or from a supervising child or specialist pregnancy.

In general, the list of documents required for registration of a dairy kitchen looks like in the following way:

  • application to director medical institution;
  • baby (to issue a birth certificate for a child, you must submit a certificate issued in the maternity hospital);
  • medical policy (to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn, you can contact the insurance company in which the parent policy is issued);
  • certificate of registration of the child at the place of residence (in order to register a newborn, you must first obtain a birth certificate for the child);
  • identity card of the mother or any other authorized person;
  • other documentation confirming the receipt of benefits (certificate of a large family, adoption of a child, confirmation of childhood disability, the presence of certain diseases, etc.).

Documents for obtaining benefits in certain regions can be submitted not only to the head physician of the relevant medical institution, but also to the local Social Security Administration, as well as to the MFC (multifunctional center).

It should be understood that dairy products are issued according to medical prescriptions that need constant renewal. That is, you need to regularly contact the doctor, he will prescribe a new prescription as soon as the old one is expired.

How often do you need to get a prescription?

We have more or less sorted out the question of what documents need to be issued to receive free dairy products. Now you need to understand how often you will have to visit the doctor to get a prescription.

Everything, of course, will depend on the specific orders of local authorities. As a standard, the conclusion for free feeding will be issued for one month.

Also, recipes for dairy cuisine, the doctor can arrange for a period:

  • up to three months– for this period, free meals will be provided for small children under 3 years old, as well as for lactating and pregnant women;
  • up to 6 months- kids from large families STV, children with disabilities and chronic diseases under 15 years of age.

The indicated dates should not include the month of birth of a newborn child, if during this period the parents issued a separate prescription.

The decision on the duration of the period for which the prescribed prescription will be valid is made by the specialist after medical examination and observation of the child. The doctor has the right to independently reduce or increase the term of the conclusion.

The calendar period for which the prescription will be issued begins, depending on the placement of the child for a medical examination:

  • baby just born? For a newborn, a specialist writes out a prescription for a given calendar month, while the volume of dairy products will be calculated taking into account the days remaining until the end of the month;
  • if the procedure takes place before the 15th calendar day, then the prescription is issued for the period starting from the given calendar month. In addition, the volume of issued products will be calculated for the whole month;
  • if you had to go to the doctor after the 15th day, then a medical prescription is issued for a period that starts from the next month. The volume of issued products will also be calculated for the whole month.

Thus, you can make a request for free milk meals any day. The duration of the conclusion will be determined by the doctor, based on the results of the examination and observation.

As already mentioned, the free distribution of dairy and other products is regulated by local law. Regional authorities can determine both the categories of persons who are entitled to this benefit, and the norms for the release of products.

Today, the volume and variety of products depends on the age of the child. That is, the free diet of a baby up to a year will be somewhat different from the menu of a patient of 7 or 15 years. If we talk about women, then everything depends on whether she is in a position or has already given birth.

Approximate norms of dairy products (per month)

Customer category Products
women in position

  • milk - 9000 grams;

  • fortified juice - 3960 grams.
breastfeeding mothers

  • milk - 12000 grams;

  • fortified juice - 4290 grams.
Baby from 0 to 3 months

  • dry adapted milk mixture - 700 grams;

  • liquid adapted milk mixture - 4800 grams.
4 month old baby

  • the same set;

  • fruit juice - 1200 grams;

5 month old baby

  • the same set of milk mixtures;

  • fruit juice - 1000 grams;

  • dry porridge - 400 grams;

  • vegetable puree - 1920 grams.
6 month old baby

  • dry adapted milk mixture - 350 grams;

  • liquid adapted milk mixture - 2400 grams;

  • fruit juice - 1200 grams;

  • fruit puree - 1000 grams;

  • dry porridge - 400 grams;

  • vegetable puree - 1920 grams.
Baby 7-8 months old

  • the same volume of dry and liquid milk mixture;

  • fruit juice - 1400 grams;

  • fruit puree - 1000 grams;

  • vegetable puree - 1920 grams;

  • meat puree - 560 grams;

  • vegetable and meat puree - 1300 grams;

  • dry porridge - 400 grams;

  • cottage cheese - 600 grams.
Baby 9-12 months old

  • the same range and volume of products;

  • kefir - 2400 grams.
Child from 12 months to 2 years

  • milk - 2400 grams;

  • kefir - 2000 grams;

  • cottage cheese - 600 grams;

  • fruit puree - 2200 grams;

  • fruit juice - 2600 grams.
Child from 2 to 3 years old

  • milk - 2000 grams;

  • kefir - 2000 grams;

  • cottage cheese - 600 grams;

  • fruit juice - 2600 grams;

  • fruit puree - 1200 grams.
A child from a large family, a disabled child, a child with chronic diseases

  • milk - 18000 grams.

As a conclusion

The question of how to get dairy food for children for free worries many parents. Let us briefly summarize the above and highlight main and most important points:

  • free milk meals - a measure that allows you to support both the woman and the child;
  • features of providing preferential terms regulated by the regional authorities. So, in St. Petersburg, children's cards are issued after the birth of a child to buy food for him;
  • also, local authorities determine the list of products for all categories of beneficiaries (the list of these categories is specified by the local law), which will be given by dairy kitchen employees;
  • the issue of how to apply for this benefit is decided at the local level. Documents of the newborn, the parent's passport, an application (the form is directly issued by the doctor) will be required.

So, today dairy kitchens are functioning and delighting with the work of many domestic parents. Of course, rumors regularly appear that this year these organizations will “be ordered to live long”, but, fortunately, such information continues to be just rumors.

Government policies designed to increase the birth rate and increase the attractiveness of the institution of the family give hope that the work of dairy kitchens will continue in the future, despite the statements of municipalities about the inefficiency of such institutions.

As a conclusion, we can advise all mothers who are eligible to receive this benefit, be sure to seek the advice of a doctor or a social protection specialist in order to use the services of a dairy kitchen. This will significantly save on food.

I met children's dairy kitchen when I got pregnant. Immediately, after registration, they began to write out a monthly prescription for juices (Frutonyanya for pregnant women (yes, that’s what it’s called) and milk 6 liters (“MolokoVo” 2.5%). As it turned out, milk for pregnant women was introduced completely Recently, therefore, dear girls, ask for a recipe for milk in your LCDs!

After the birth of the baby, milk relies not only on the baby, but also on the mother too (with breastfeeding).

As it was before (before 2016): you come to the dairy kitchen and they give you, for example, vegetable puree 24 cans of the same type and fruit puree 24 b. also only one type. No assortment (how lucky with the kitchen and staff).

Starting from 2016 (since January) everything has changed for the better. Dairy kitchens began to form ready-made kits, and give vegetable and fruit purees in an assortment - several types, in accordance with the age of the baby (they will not give pumpkin puree if your baby is 4 months old).

A nice update from spring: now you don’t have to take the recipe to the dairy kitchen yourself, it is enough to write out for the next month before the 15th of the current month and that's it. The clinic itself will transfer the recipe to the dairy kitchen.

Now I will briefly dwell on the assortment of dairy cuisine in Moscow.

  • Children's milk dry mixture Malyutka-1 (or Nestogen-1) and Malyutka-2 (or Nestogen-2) - 350 gr. packaged
  • Sour-milk adapted mixture Agusha-1 (3.5% fat content), Agusha-2 (3.4% fat content), package 200 gr.
  • Kefir Agusha (3.2%), in packs of 200 gr.
  • Cottage cheese Agusha (4.5%), pack 50 gr.
  • Milk Agusha (2.5%), in packs 200 gr.
  • Juices Frutonyanya or Sady Pridonya (5 flavors) in packs of 200 gr.
  • Vegetable puree Frutonyanya and/or Sady Pridonya. Tastes: zucchini, tsv. cabbage, pumpkin, broccoli, carrots. Jars 80 gr.
  • Fruit puree in the assortment of Frutonyan and / or Sady Pridonya. Tastes: apple, pear, berry (2 types of three types of fruit, apple and apricot - "berry salad"). Jars 100 gr.
  • Meat puree Frutonyanya. Flavors: beef/veal, chicken/chicken, pork. Jars 80 gr
  • Meat and vegetable puree Frutonyanya. Flavors: with addition of beef/chicken. Jars 100 gr.
  • Dairy-free buckwheat porridge (dry) Frutonyanya
  • Dairy porridge (dry) in assortment Frutonyanya

This is the range, depending on age. Hope I didn't forget anything

A table of norms for issuing food (as well as tastes) is presented, in accordance with the age of the baby.

To receive food for the child , you must write an application at the clinic addressed to the head and attach (originals / copies) of the following documents: certificates of permanent registration of the baby, birth certificate with compulsory medical insurance policy, copies of parents' passports.

In 2015, we attached copies of documents, perhaps something has changed since 2016. In general, the clinic will definitely consult and help fill out an application.

In the future, I will supplement my review with photos of food boxes

Some scold dairy kitchens, they say, they don’t give enough, you can’t feed children with Malyutka and Frutonyanya, etc. Someone generally believes that low-income segments of the population receive food in the dairy kitchen and others receive it out of status. Bullshit, bullshit and more bullshit! To be honest, I think that such statements are very biased. A little, not a little, but it's a real help. I am very satisfied with Frutonyanya, as well as with the products of Sadov Pridonya. Therefore, I highly recommend it. And if there is an opportunity to prescribe food from the dairy kitchen, do not miss it.

If you are breastfeeding your child and you don’t need a dry, sour-milk mixture, then you don’t even know how other mothers need it and they ready to exchange your mixture for something useful for you(for vegetable or fruit puree, for example, or maybe just buy it). There are a lot of ads on the site of free ads [link] about the exchange or sale of food from dairy cuisine. This is how we exchange Baby for vegetable (or fruit) puree: the exchange rate is usually 1:8, but there are some mothers who change at a predatory rate of 1:6 or even 1:5.

Thank you for your attention



What did they give us at 7 months.

In such boxes now they give out food in the dairy kitchen.

In one of the boxes there was a leaflet with a list of jars of purees and cereals, which were given out according to our age.

What puree give:

These are the flavors:


What is dairy cuisine

What is Dairy Kitchen Dairy Kitchen is a government agency that dispenses dairy products to pregnant women and their babies on prescription. Who is eligible Citizens who have a place of residence in the Moscow Region and are registered at the place of residence in healthcare institutions of municipalities of the Moscow Region: - children aged 0 to 2 years 11 months 29 days, who are on mixed or artificial feeding - pregnant women women from the moment of registration in connection with pregnancy, but not earlier than the gestational age of 12 weeks - nursing mothers within 6 months from the moment of birth, provided that the child is breast-fed

Getting a prescription

For pregnant women, a prescription is issued by an obstetrician-gynecologist (or a specialist replacing him) municipal institution health care at the woman's place of residence in the "Individual Card of the Pregnant" (form N 111 / y); For children under three years of age and nursing mothers, a prescription is issued by a pediatrician (or a specialist replacing him) of the municipal healthcare institution at the place of residence of the child in the "Child Development History" (form N 112 / y). The prescription is issued for the month following the month of receipt of the doctor's opinion on the provision of good nutrition.

What products can be obtained in the dairy kitchen

Children under the age of 6 months: adapted milk (liquid and dry) mixtures - substitutes breast milk. Children aged 6 months to 3 years:

  • subsequent milk (liquid and dry) mixtures (breast milk substitutes for children over 6 months);
  • kefir for children;
  • milk;
  • cottage cheese for children;
  • dry milk and dairy-free cereals (from 5 months of age);
  • vegetable puree (from 4 months of age);
  • meat puree, meat and vegetable puree (from 7 months of age);
  • fruit puree (from 4 months of age);
  • fruit and vegetable juice (from 3 months of age).
Pregnant women and nursing mothers:
  • special fortified foods for pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • cottage cheese 4-9% fat;
  • milk, kefir, dairy products 2.5% fat.
Expenses for providing adequate nutrition for pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as children under the age of three years are provided at the rate of:
  • children under the age of 1 year - 558 rubles per month per person;
  • children aged 1 to 2 years - 423 rubles per month per person;
  • children aged 2 to 3 years - 352 rubles per month per person;
  • pregnant women - 212 rubles per month per person;
  • nursing mothers - 558 rubles per month per person.

How and when to sign up for a dairy kitchen

A prescription for free meals is issued by the local pediatrician. Usually, you need to see your doctor no later than the 25th of the month before you start getting your meals to get a prescription. The doctor issues a prescription based on the baby's weight and height measurements and data on the baby's health and nutrition. However, sometimes pediatricians can write a prescription even in the absence of a child. The recipe is presented in the dairy kitchen once a month, in return for it a number is issued, by which you will receive food. Different dairy kitchens have different procedures: somewhere food is given only to parents, and for other relatives or friends to receive it, you need to write out a power of attorney. And somewhere the products will be given to anyone who calls the number.

In contact with

dairy kitchen - measure social support which, unfortunately, not everyone knows about. dairy kitchen not everyone can use it. Therefore, you need to know who is eligible for dairy: You or your child may be eligible for free quality food. In this article, we will try to figure out who is entitled to the dairy kitchen 2017-2018 and how to get the right to use it.

Who is the children's dairy kitchen for?

The norms for issuing special meals are determined by local governments, as well as the procedure for processing documents for obtaining products in the dairy kitchen. The same authority chooses the organization that deals with the issuance of special meals.

If we talk about who is supposed to have dairy cuisine, then it should be said that in different regions the list of such persons may differ significantly. In the very general view the following categories of citizens who have the right to receive products in the dairy kitchen can be distinguished:

  • very small children (up to 1 year old), provided that they are on artificial or combined feeding;
  • children aged 1 to 3 years;
  • children from large families until they reach the age of 7;
  • disabled children under 15 years of age.

In addition, the right to dairy cuisine may be granted to pregnant and lactating women until the child reaches the age of 6 months.

The basis for the issuance of special nutrition in the children's dairy kitchen is the conclusion of a doctor.

If a child left without parental care has the right to receive dairy cuisine, his legal representatives can exercise this right for him.

You can unequivocally answer the question of who is entitled to the dairy kitchen 2017-2018 in your region, only by familiarizing yourself with the local regulations relating to this issue.

Norms for issuing a dairy kitchen from January 1, 2018

The decision of local governments determines not only the categories of citizens who have the right to receive products in the dairy kitchen, but also the norms in accordance with which the dairy kitchen issues products to citizens from January 1, 2018.

Don't know your rights?

For children, the norms for issuing dairy cuisine in 2018-2019 are determined depending on age; for mothers, depending on whether the woman is pregnant or breastfeeding.

The standard menu for children under one year old contains dry and liquid milk mixtures, fruit and vegetable juices and purees, as well as porridge.

For older children (up to 3 years old), the dairy kitchen gives out milk, cottage cheese, kefir, fruit puree.

If we talk about children who receive food until the age of 7 or 15, children with disabilities, then the dairy kitchen should give them only milk in the prescribed amount.

Pregnant and lactating women should receive fortified juice and milk.

How to get into the dairy kitchen?

If we talk about how to get into the dairy kitchen, then it must be said that it all depends on who is the recipient of the special food.

  1. Dairy cuisine for pregnant women is issued in antenatal clinic doctor who sees the expectant mother.
  2. For lactating women, dairy cuisine is also drawn up by a doctor, but already by one who has a child.
  3. The supervising doctor arranges a dairy kitchen for all categories of children.

To confirm the basis on which dairy cuisine is issued, it is necessary to submit the relevant documents.

Documents for dairy kitchen in 2018 - 2019

The first basis for receiving any benefit, allowance or assistance is always a personal application of a citizen. In this case, this will be either the legal representative of the child, or a pregnant or nursing mother. The application is written in the name of the head physician of the medical institution to which you applied. In addition to the application, it is necessary to submit other documents for the dairy kitchen 2018-2019. Among them:

  • birth certificate of the child;
  • his compulsory health insurance policy;
  • certificate of registration of the baby at the place of residence;
  • passport of the legal representative or woman who is supposed to receive the products;
  • other documents confirming the right to receive special meals.

For example, these can be certificates of recognition of a family with many children, disability, or the presence of a chronic illness in a child.

Keep in mind that dairy products come with a prescription, so be sure to fill it out regularly. If you receive a prescription for a child, you must go to the appointment with the baby. Otherwise, the doctor does not have the right to write you a prescription for special meals in the dairy kitchen.

There were a lot of rumors around dairy kitchens - they discussed their possible closure in 2019, wondered if the old norms would be canceled, and what the list of products for nursing mothers, pregnant women and mothers of babies would be.

Dairy cuisine in Moscow in 2019: what changes

There were persistent rumors about the abolition of dairy kitchens, but the fact that they will not be in Moscow and the Moscow region is too exaggerated information. Dairy kitchens are not closed, employee vacancies are not liquidated, since January 1 of this year, the Department of Health has left the kitchen operating mode in as before. That is, this year the cancellation will definitely not take place, but what will happen next - time will tell.

Moreover, the range of kitchens in 2019 will be expanded. Kitchen addresses, schedule, opening hours remain the same.

Dairy cuisine, addresses, Moscow: where are the kitchens

Each district of Moscow has its own dairy kitchen, which is usually located at a children's clinic. The district pediatrician can tell you the address of the kitchen, he can also give you more detailed information, advise you on contacting the dairy kitchen.

To find the desired dairy kitchen in the capital, enter in the search the name of the administrative district, and the clinic to which you belong. Most milk distribution points operate on a daily schedule, but there are kitchens that do not function on weekends.

What they give in a dairy kitchen in Moscow (video)

Working hours of a dairy kitchen in Moscow: does everyone have one mode

No, there is no single regime for all dairy cuisines in the capital.

Most common opening hours:

  • 06.30 to 12.00;
  • 06.30 to 10.00;
  • 06.30 to 11.00;
  • 06.30 to 11.30.

In any case, if you come from 7 am to 10 am, almost any dairy kitchen is open at this time.

But before you go, or consult a pediatrician, make sure that you are in the category who is supposed to be served in a dairy kitchen.

Today, food in dairy kitchens is received by:

  • Pregnant women (from 12 weeks, registered);
  • Nursing mothers (six months after childbirth);
  • Children from 0 to 3 years old;
  • Disabled children;
  • Children under the age of 7 (but only from large families);
  • Children under the age of 15 with chronic diseases.

To obtain the necessary free products, parents turn to a pediatrician who gives a special opinion.

What is given in the dairy kitchen in Moscow: norms for issuing

For pregnant women, juice and milk are available, for nursing mothers - also milk and juice, but in different quantities.

Babies up to two months old receive only milk formula, children 3-4 months old can also receive fruit. juice and fruit. the same puree, children 5 months + receive porridge and vegetable puree. From the age of 7 months, children are also entitled to cottage cheese and canned meat and meat-and-vegetable products.

Children from 9 months old are also entitled to kefir in addition to the proposed list of products. From the age of 1, children receive a specialized baby milk. Disabled children and children under 15 with chronic diseases can get milk from the dairy kitchen.

More details about the issuance rates are in the table.

Dairy cuisine standards: Moscow 2019 - table

Category What do they give Volume norm (month) Gram per pack How they issue
0-3 months Adapted liquid mol. mixture 4800 200 Once a week
Adapted dry mol. mixture 700 500 Once a week
4 months Likewise + fruits. juice, fruit. puree 1 liter per month
5 months Similarly to the line 3-4 months, plus 400 g of dry porridge (once a month), vegetable. mashed potatoes 1920 (once a month).
6 months Dry mol. mixture - 350 g;

Liquid mol. mixture - 2400 g;

Vegetable puree - 1920;

Fruit. puree - 1000g;

Fruit. juice - 1200 g;

Dry porridge - 400 g.

once a month (everything except liquid adapt. mixture)
7-8 months + to all the previous children's cottage cheese - 600 g, meat-plant. puree - 300 g, meat. puree - 560 g (once a month except cottage cheese and liquid mixture)
9-12 months + children's kefir - 2000 g Cottage cheese, kefir, liquid mixture - once a week, other - once a month
1-2 years Det. milk - 2400 (200 g each);

Det. kefir - 2400 (200 g each);

Det. cottage cheese - 600 g (50 g each);

Fruit. puree - 800 g (100 g each);

Fruit. juice - 2000 (200 g each).

1 month
2-3 years + increases by 400 g juice, but decreases by 400 g milk
Up to 7 years milk

Once a month

Up to 15 years
Disabled children
pregnant Milk 6000 1000 1 month
Juice 2640 330 1 month
breastfeeding mothers Milk 8000 1000 1 month
Juice 3300 330 1 month

Norms for issuing dairy cuisine in the Moscow region: are there any differences

Citizens living in the Moscow region who are registered at the place of registration in health care institutions have the right to receive products in the dairy kitchen.

Meals required:

  • Children aged 0-2 years, 11 months, 29 days;
  • Pregnant women (for a period not earlier than 12 weeks, registered);
  • Nursing mothers (6 months after the birth of a child);
  • Disabled children;
  • Children under 7 years old (only from large families);
  • Children under 15 with chronic diseases.

The grocery list will be the same. To receive food, you need to write an application (according to the model), addressed to the head of the medical institution, bring the necessary documents. Usually this is a passport page with a photo, a passport page indicating registration, and a child's birth certificate (only a photocopy).

In conclusion, the doctor will indicate a set of products, and this recipe is provided in the dairy kitchen.

Dairy kitchen sets, Moscow: what they give

The main innovation of 2018 is that now the children's dairy. the kitchen provides products in sets, that is, you get ready-made sets in a corrugated box.

Sets are formed so that the child receives a variety of good nutrition for his age. For example, now for vegetable puree their requirements, there is a regulation of the content of each vegetable in the food set. And before they could give jars of one taste.

Example of one corrugated set:

  • Two types of dry porridge (multi-cereal and rice);
  • fruit juice;
  • Vegetable puree;
  • fruit puree;
  • Meat-grows. puree;
  • Meat puree;
  • Curd;
  • Milk;
  • Kefirchik.

What is given in the dairy kitchen (video)

We can say that since 2019, food in the dairy kitchen for preferential categories became more diverse. Now the set includes several types of cereals, juices and purees. The list of products depends on the age of the child.

In general, in 2019, the work of dairy kitchens improved, and the norms for issuing more kefir, juice and fruit puree increased for most categories of children. So feel free to find out in your clinic whether you are entitled to such assistance, draw up documents and get free food.