Expensive baby food. Baby vegetable puree in jars - looking for the best for the baby. What is the best baby food

Children's products are the category of goods that is under special quality control. Only the best products and reliable technologies are used for its production. For the normal growth and development of the baby, it is very important to eat healthy and tasty food. There are a huge number of brands in stores, among which it is very difficult for parents to choose. good manufacturer baby food. To simplify the task for dads and moms, our experts have selected in the rating the best firms manufacturers of baby food only the most popular and trusted companies, starting from positive feedback consumers.

What is baby food?

The market for children's products is very diverse. All kinds of jars, boxes, bottles presented on the shelves in stores can confuse many parents. Therefore, before you go shopping, you should find out what happens baby food, as well as pre-familiarize yourself with the product information in order to decide which is better to buy baby food for your child.

Milk formula - this is the product that is suitable for feeding even newborn babies. This product is simply indispensable if a mother cannot breastfeed her baby. A good milk formula for a child must necessarily contain the necessary vitamins, macronutrients, which are so necessary for a child. Of course, breast milk will not replace the mixture, but as alternative fit well.

Porridge - excellent baby food for the first feeding of children from 4 months. Porridges are prepared using special technologies. The result is a very tasty and healthy nutritious product that is perfectly absorbed by the baby.

Puree - one of the most common types of children's dishes. The introduction of puree into the diet of the baby begins at 4 months. Puree is vegetable, fruit, meat. It is also possible to distinguish single-phase and multi-phase purees, consisting of one or more products, for example, fruit or vegetable salads. This food is very fond of both adult children and kids, the main thing is to choose the right puree to your baby's taste. Children 10 months old can safely include a wide variety of meat and fish purees in the diet, which can be slightly salted in order to gradually switch to adult food.

Juice - suitable for feeding babies from 3 months. Juices are made from the best berries and fruits. For the smallest, the juice is prepared without adding sugar. Children are very fond of juices, if a child refuses a mixture, porridge or mashed potatoes, then he is unlikely to refuse juice.

In order to decide which brand of infant formula is the best, you should first consult with your local doctor. Only he can objectively advise you on choosing a good brand of baby food.

The best inexpensive baby food of a domestic manufacturer

Children's products of both domestic and foreign production are presented on the Russian market. Moreover, more than half of all sales come from foreign products, many believe that it is abroad that they produce the best food for babies. This is mainly due not to the quality of the product, Russian manufacturers produce a fairly competitive product. The main reason is the lack of information, for example, television is full of advertisements from foreign manufacturers. But, as statistics show, most parents still prefer to choose a domestic manufacturer, it is cheaper and kids like it.

1. FrutoNanny

It is one of the most famous manufacturers of complementary foods for children. Products favorably combine low price and good quality. The manufacturer is very much loved by parents for ongoing promotions that make the already low price even more attractive. Its assortment is very large - juices, fruit drinks, mashed potatoes, ready-made cereals for children under one year old, children's water. For especially sensitive children, there is a specially designed line of hypoallergenic products.

Product advantages:

  • a large assortment
  • good for starting first weaning
  • a taste that kids love

Product disadvantages:

  • the manufacturer does not produce mixtures.

2. Babushkino Lukoshko

This brand has been represented on the Russian market since 1999. Currently, the products represent a large selection of baby purees, both in jars and soft packs. Meat, fish, vegetable, fruit purees are very popular with kids. Thanks to great choice, monotony in nutrition in babies does not occur. According to many mothers, this is the most delicious Russian-made baby food. . In addition to puree, the manufacturer is engaged in the manufacture of tea for the smallest of herbal preparations.

Product advantages:

  • use of natural ingredients
  • low price
  • availability of herbal teas

Product disadvantages:

  • not detected

3. Agusha

One of the most famous manufacturers of baby food on the Russian market. The products of this manufacturer are diverse. In stores you can find suitable food for babies of all ages. There are three lines: “First Spoon” - great for nutrition from 4 months of age - vegetable, meat purees, biokefirs, curds. "Agusha" - suitable for children from 6 months of age. These are a variety of yoghurts, dry cereals, mashed fruit drinks. Children eat ready-made agusha porridge with special pleasure. The latest line “I myself” is designed for children from 2.5 years old. These are curds, yogurts, milkshakes in a special package that allows the child to eat on his own without the help of his mother.

Product advantages:

  • a large assortment
  • cheapest baby food
  • attractive packaging
  • eat baby food for newborns

Product disadvantages:

  • not detected

4. Darkness

The products of this manufacturer are also very tasty and diverse, suitable for feeding children from the age of six months. Among the popular children's products are juice with pulp, canned meat, bio-varnishes, curds with fruit. Products of the brand "Theme" are perfectly absorbed by the baby. Many parents admit that this is one of the the best manufacturers dairy products for children. Kids love “Tema” for its excellent taste, and parents for saving time and money.

Product advantages:

  • taste qualities
  • affordable price

Product disadvantages:

  • meat cans are sometimes difficult to open

The best foreign baby food of good quality

Numerous foreign companies involved in the production of baby food are also represented on the Russian market. Many parents prefer foreign manufacturers. One of the reasons is that these are companies with centuries of history and a good reputation. Numerous experience accumulated over many years helps to produce high-quality products, in favor of which several generations in the same family make the choice.


Dutch company, which is mainly engaged in the production of dry mixes and cereals. They produce three types of products: “Nutrilon” (for children with low weight, with digestive problems, premature babies), “Malyutka” (food for children under one year old, made with a large amount of vitamins and macronutrients), “Baby” (excellent quality at a bargain price ).

Product advantages:

  • the best infant formula for a newborn, according to consumer reviews
  • availability of products for the little ones
  • hypoallergenicity
  • different price categories

Product disadvantages:

  • was not found.

2. Gerber

One of the leading manufacturers of baby food in the world market. Time-tested quality. The company has been operating since 1927. High quality of production is caused by strict observance of norms and technologies. Children's products are represented by a variety of fruit, vegetable, meat purees, both single-component and multi-component composition. The manufacturer also produces juices, desserts, cookies and bars.

Product advantages:

  • convenient packaging
  • excellent quality food
  • the widest range.

Product disadvantages:

  • high price

3. Heinz

American brand known since the 19th century. Products are represented by a variety of mixtures, cereals, cookies, purees, enriched with trace elements and vitamins. The manufacturer also offers vermicelli, which is great as food for a 6-7 month old baby. No other manufacturer has this.

Product advantages:

  • affordable price
  • big choice
  • good natural taste

Product disadvantages:

  • no products for newborns

4. Nestle

A company that has been manufacturing baby food for a century and a half. Among the products we can distinguish baby formulas from 0 to 6 months, purees and baby cereals under different brands. The company uses only proven technologies in its production.

Product advantages:

  • excellent quality
  • a large assortment
  • great taste

Product disadvantages:

  • was not found

Which company's baby food is the best?

Among the presented domestic and foreign manufacturers, it is difficult to make an unambiguous choice and decide which brand is better to buy baby food. Each parent focuses on the needs of their child, takes into account their ability to pay and decides what will be useful for the baby and what is not. Toddlers are very picky eaters and therefore parents will have to try many children's products in order to choose exactly what the child will eat with pleasure. And our rating of the best baby food companies will help you not to get lost among the numerous products and make a choice in favor of a trusted manufacturer that is loved by a huge number of consumers in our country.

Taking care of the health of the baby, we are accustomed to giving him all the best, especially when it comes to baby food, which is most often used to feed the baby before switching to a full-fledged diet. At the same time, it is important not only that it is tasty, but also nutritious, and one should not forget about the safety of children, whose bodies are susceptible to preservatives and food additives. Children are especially fond of vegetable purees, presented in a wide range, and sometimes it is very difficult to choose what your baby needs, and the rating of baby purees can help with this. Such ratings are compiled on the basis of research conducted by experts, taking into account the feedback from consumers who express their opinion, including during the “Test Purchase” program, where buyers make their choice, and research laboratory specialists confirm this choice or subject the product to criticism.

Rating of baby puree 2018 from the control purchase

In order to find out which vegetable puree is safe and suitable for your baby, Roskontrol specialists conducted a test purchase, in which manufacturers of baby puree from Russia and other countries participated. This time we checked children's vegetable purees "Babushkino lukoshko", the production of which was established at the Faustovo baby food factory, purees of the Gerber trademark from the well-known company Nestle. The experts also compared the composition and useful properties of Spelenok baby food from the Sady Pridonya enterprise, vegetable mixtures of well-known brands Semper, Hipp, Heinz and Bebivita from Kaliningrad.

Not all manufacturers will like the data of the study, and it should be noted that none of the samples under study corresponds to a special GOST, but they are all made according to the technical specifications, which means that the consumer will not know how this puree was prepared. The rating of baby puree based on the results of these studies may differ from what ordinary consumers saw, so it is worth considering the quality of each manufacturer's products separately.

  • Puree "Grandmother's basket" has an attractive appearance And good taste, although it is recognized by experts as the most acidic, in addition, it has a higher salt content. "Grandmother's basket" also contains a large amount of sugar, and despite the fact that the label does not say anything about the presence of sugar. Puree "Babushkino Lukoshko" received the highest safety index, which allows us to put the purees produced by it in first place in the ranking.
    • Baby puree "Spelenok" was highly appreciated by experts, who, first of all, investigated the color, smell and taste. Purees of this manufacturer have a rich color and original taste, it has the highest naturalness index.

    • Purees of the Gerber trademark, according to experts, have a mild taste and smell, while the consistency of the puree is watery, and the taste is bitter, which not every child will like. Gerber puree is recognized by experts as one of the most useful.

    • Hipp mixtures also do not have the most attractive appearance, besides, they have a strong bitterness, distracting and extraneous taste, which kids do not always like.

  • Taste qualities and appearance of Heinz puree were assessed by experts as unsatisfactory. In particular, the specialists were not satisfied with the too liquid consistency and the exfoliation of the liquid from the solid component of the product. The mass fraction of solids in this puree is the smallest, so it is considered the most watery. Puree of this brand is also considered one of the most salty, while the amount of sugar in it is minimal, although somewhat overestimated. Experts, having studied the composition of Heinz puree, recognized it as the most useful.

    • Semper's products have also been rated by experts not the most in the best way- puree from this manufacturer is too thick, and its taste is mild, which is especially important for a child. According to the degree of water content, this is the thickest puree, besides, Semper is saltier than other studied samples. As for the sugar content, Semper puree has the most of it.

  • Puree Bebivita did not take part in the study at all, since it consists of two components - potatoes and pumpkin, which means that it would be wrong to compare it with other specimens. Bebivita puree is recognized as one of the most sour, and this is not very popular with children.

When rating baby puree for newborns, you can evaluate different indicators, but the main one is, after all, the content of sugar and carbohydrates. In all the studied samples, the label indicates that they contain more sugar than carbohydrates, and this is impossible, in principle. The experts also examined the sterility of the packaging and all samples of baby puree passed this test. It should also be noted that information about the composition of the puree is often unreliable, which is why the Spelenok puree lost its position in the rating, in which a discrepancy was found in the amount of ascorbic acid - the only preservative allowed for use in the production of baby food. Do not inspire confidence and manufacturers using starch as a thickener. This distinguishes the products of Semper and Bebivita.

Rating of different types of baby puree

In order for the baby to gradually get used to independent nutrition, he needs complementary foods in the form of a monocomponent puree, where broccoli deserves special attention. Only after that you can begin to give puree, consisting of several vegetables. The rating of baby broccoli puree could surely be topped by Heinz brand products - the perfect puree for the first vegetable complementary foods. This puree contains the necessary complex of vitamins and minerals - everything that is present in broccoli. In addition, the size of the jar attracts, which the baby can eat during the day, which means that the product will not deteriorate and will not lose its taste. You can give broccoli puree to children starting from 4-5 months. Among domestic manufacturers, the products of "Babushkino Lukoshko" and "Frutonyanya" deserve special attention.

Another vegetable that experts advise introducing kids to is zucchini, puree from which also has all the necessary beneficial properties. On the market, such products are presented in a wide range, however, the rating of baby zucchini puree can start "Frutonyanya" - one of the most famous brands on the Russian market. Consumers are attracted not only by the perfect appearance and unique taste, but also by the quality of the packaging, where, in addition to the hermetically sealed lid, there is a dense layer of polyethylene that prevents dirt and dust from getting under the lid. Babushkino Lukoshko also produces similar products - these are convenient 100-gram jars at an affordable price. You can start complementary foods using zucchini puree from 5 months.

For older children who have passed through complementary foods using vegetable purees, milk mixtures and curds, meat purees are offered, which include a variety of meat products. Rabbit and turkey deserve special attention - irreplaceable companions of baby food. In 2018, the rating of baby rabbit and turkey puree is equally likely to be Grandma's basket, Heinz and Tema. As for the puree of the Tema trademark, the opinions of consumers differ - many believe that a lot of salt is added to it, mothers do not like the fact that the manufacturer uses starch as a thickener.

The first meal is very milestone in the life of a baby and his mother, the first step in adult nutrition. Here it is important not only to find a natural product that is prepared only from natural, fresh products, but also an ingredient composition compatible with the child's body that will not cause allergic reactions and digestive problems in the baby. The first thing you need to pay attention to after opening the can is whether a “click” characteristic of canned food has occurred (it must be). Do not forget to read the composition, it may contain components that activate allergic reactions, such as gluten, lactose or milk protein.

To make the choice of baby food much easier, this rating was created based on the opinions of buyers and experts.

Semper Broccoli with rabbit and rice

Semper is a very affordable multi-component puree for children from 9 months, the price of which is only 120 rubles per 200 gram jar. Rabbit is one of the most digestible meat products, the percentage of digestible proteins is 96%, which is even more than that of turkey and chicken. A feature of rice is the absence of gluten in it, which is often contraindicated in children, due to allergies to it. Broccoli is an easily digestible cabbage, a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals, and cells. The benefits of broccoli: eliminates constipation, normalizes blood sugar, strengthens nervous system, completely hypoallergenic, 100 grams of the product contains 100% daily children's dose of vitamin C, 25% dose of calcium and 10% iron. Puree Semper is prepared exclusively from natural ingredients: rabbit, broccoli, rice, carrots, salt, water, rapeseed oil, rice flour (for density), and cream.

TEMA Chicken with beef

The ninth place in the ranking of baby purees in 2018 is trademark TEMA with chicken and beef. The composition is really natural, high-calorie, and not entirely hypoallergenic, namely: chicken and beef meat, rice (gluten-free), salt, dill (extract), milk powder and water - all this allows us to draw one conclusion: before use, you should consult with a doctor, because dill, or rather it essential oils, and milk (lactose) can cause allergies in the baby. What is useful in beef: contains all the necessary amino acids; helps to strengthen the heart, bones, muscles, cleanse the body of "bad cholesterol"; improves memory. Chicken does the exact same thing, except it's more greedy for "extra" calories and generous in glutamine, an amino acid that stimulates muscle growth. The price for a 100 gram jar is 50 rubles. TEMA is the most cost-effective product for children who are not prone to allergies.

Milupa Nutricia Turkey

Nutricia is a global manufacturer, the strongest leader in the field of baby food. So, Milupa from Nutricia with turkey flavor is really made from incredibly tender meat, it would seem, so “obstinate”, pompous bird. The composition, in addition to turkey meat, includes water and starch. According to reviews, the composition is light, as befits the color of bird fillet, clean, uniform, with a pronounced smell of young turkey meat. Suitable for first feeding from 6 months. The turkey has very good indicators of usefulness: firstly, turkey meat is digested by 95 percent, and secondly, it has a lot of potassium, which strengthens the walls of the heart and blood vessels, and phosphates, an integral structural material of DNA and RNA. The price for a jar is about 80 rubles. Two one-component participants in the rating of baby puree from rabbit and turkey are recommended to be consumed sequentially: the rabbit is introduced into the diet first, and only then, after a month or two, the turkey.

Bibikol Apple and goat cheese

The product was created for real gourmets. According to reviews, the taste of the composition is vaguely reminiscent of cheese curd with apple filler, only without sugar. Bibikol is prepared from apples and natural goat curd, in which, due to fermentation, caseins (proteins) are split, lactose hydrolysis occurs - decomposition into simple sugars. Thanks to these processes, the likelihood of allergic reactions and the indigestibility of milk proteins by the child's body are reduced. Apples are a storehouse of iron, and the antioxidant catechin, one of the most powerful antioxidants (by the way, the catechin enzyme is the main organic substance due to which the fruit darkens after being cut, having entered into a chemical reaction with oxygen). duet of two the most useful products fills the children's body with energy, improves immunity, stimulates the growth of muscle mass, favorably affects the vital activity of beneficial microflora in the intestines. The price for a can of 80 grams is about 100-110 rubles.

Heinz Zucchini

Heinz replenishes the rating of baby zucchini puree. The product does not contain salt, sugar, it is prepared from natural zucchini with the addition of corn starch and water to give the consistency a uniform, slightly watery saturation. Squash fruits contain a large amount of minerals and vitamins: potassium, magnesium - strengthen the heart muscle, blood vessels; titanium - necessary for the formation of red blood cells, as well as the synthesis of hemoglobin; aluminum is indispensable in the construction of bone and connective tissues, which is why zucchini is so valued in the diet of a growing organism; vitamins of groups B, and C, etc. Zucchini puree has a moderate diuretic effect, thereby helping to remove salts from the body - this means that diapers will have to be a little more often! It is recommended to introduce into the diet of children from 4 years. The minimum portion of 80 grams costs about 35 rubles.

Babushkino Lukoshko with zucchini

Babushkino Lukoshki is the best baby zucchini puree. The product is prepared from 100% squash puree - boiled fruits, finely chopped with a blender or a device that performs a similar function. It is recommended as a first complementary food from 4 months of age. Zucchini is much more useful and high-calorie than its close relative - cucumber, it is also easier to digest, especially boiled. Due to the fact that the mass fraction of dry (without water) substances in mature squash fruits is greater than in cucumbers and other gourds, a portion of Babushkino Lukoshko with zucchini is quite thick. Ripe zucchini fruits are a whole complex of vitamins and microelements: tocopherol is a natural antioxidant; vitamins C, A - strengthen the protective functions of the body; potassium is a conductor of nerve impulses, etc. The price for a product of 80 grams is 50 rubles.

Frutonyanya with a rabbit

Frutonyanya with a rabbit is the best baby puree for feeding from 6 months, when the child's teeth begin to actively grow. Thanks to the formation of the dentition, it is possible to gradually introduce into the children's diet more solid, rich in amino acids (about 19, including essential) of animal origin, such as meat. A one-component fruit nanny with a rabbit will become a truly “first meat dish” for a baby, because. the composition contains exclusively fresh rabbit meat, rice flour, refined corn oil and a drop of water to give the consistency of rarity. The rabbit is perfectly absorbed by the children's digestive system. Rabbit meat belongs to the group of hypoallergenic, dietary, because. a relatively small portion contains the daily rate of easily digestible proteins, the minimum amount of fat and cholesterol, which is very important for children whose muscular system and heart are experiencing "hyperactive" growth after 4-5 months. Price for 80 gr. a jar ranges from 70-90 rubles.

Frutonyanya from apples

Everyone knows about the benefits of apples, and that is why Frutonyanya fruit puree with apples is one of the best baby purees according to moms in terms of price-quality ratio . « Frutonyanya consists exclusively of 100% natural apple puree with the addition of ascorbic acid, without starches and sugar. Applesauce has a significant effect on the body: it helps to eliminate toxins, purify the blood, breaks down cholesterol, and also cleans the “first teeth” of the baby. Ascorbic acid accelerates the breakdown of glucose and the absorption of iron, has a beneficial effect on the liver, effectively prevents the formation of oxidants in redox processes in the body, and favorably affects coagulation, increasing blood clotting. The price for a 100-gram jar is only 25 rubles. Suitable for children from 4 months.

Gerber Only broccoli

Gerber becomes the top brand in the ranking of children's broccoli purees. It is prepared only from real broccoli, the mass fraction of which is 80% (the remaining 20% ​​is purified water). As everyone knows, broccoli is recommended to be consumed not only by children, but also by adults, because. vegetable is very useful. Despite the specific taste, "fluffy" broccoli always flaunts in the world's tops of the most healthy vegetables. Broccoli cabbage is a completely hypoallergenic product that contains a decent amount of fiber, which contributes to better excretion of waste from the body, and phytoncides - biologically active substances secreted by plants to suppress the growth and complete destruction of bacteria, fungi and protozoa. Thus, broccoli is used to prevent various diseases in children and adults. The product contains all the most necessary vitamins, minerals, vegetable proteins. Price for 80 gr. a jar of about 35-50 rubles. Suitable for feeding from 4-5 months.

Gerber Only cauliflower

The rating of baby puree with cauliflower is occupied by Gerber. The product belongs to the group of monocomponent, suitable for use by children 4+ months as the first complementary foods. This product is 100% natural cauliflower with the addition of water in a ratio of 6:1, does not contain sugars, soy, preservatives, GMOs and other harmful additives. Clinical studies show that cauliflower is an ideal first food product: it is easy to digest, does not cause flatulence, very rarely causes allergies, promotes normal growth heart, and favorably affects the blood vessels and nervous system of the baby. Cauliflower is saturated with vegetable proteins, vitamins A, C, D, E, K, PP, etc., minerals, acids (including omega-3). The price for an 80 gram serving is 35-40 rubles.

Sometimes earlier administration is allowed - at 5.5–6 months). Only meat is a complete source of animal protein and fat, essential amino acids, phosphorus,. And most importantly, it contains . For it is recommended to use one-component meat purees from rabbit, turkey, chicken, veal, beef, but not lamb. If you are allergic to cow's milk protein, then beef and veal are worth the wait.

In cooking, only hypoallergenic meat of young animals with complete protein is used. Product development is carried out in a specialized scientific center, approbation is carried out by well-known scientific medical laboratories.

Advantages: there is nothing superfluous in the composition - you can safely use it for the first meat complementary foods.

Disadvantage: inconvenient to use canning metal packaging.

Price: 40–60 rubles.

According to parents: children eat well, most importantly, not everyone likes canning, high price and liquid consistency.

"Grandmother's Basket" (Russia)

Products have been repeatedly awarded the main prize "Best for Children", the winner of the competition for children's meat products "Meat Industry" in 2011, the Grand Prix in 2012 for international competition Dairy and Meat Industry. The composition contains rice groats, vegetable oils, milk powder, salt, .

Benefit: The only mashed potatoes that do not contain starch as a thickener, but rice, which is better absorbed.

Disadvantages: use is allowed from 8 months.

Price: 45–65 rubles.

According to parents' reviews: the puree is good, tender, children eat without refusing.

On a note! According to the results of the research of the "Test Purchase" program, this meat puree became the winner.

Gerber (Western Europe, more often Switzerland)

"Gerber" has long established itself as a puree High Quality, made according to the latest technologies and recipe, which allows you to save a maximum useful properties product. In addition to meat, the composition contains a thickener - starch, water and vegetable oils.

Advantages: perfect composition for the first meat feeding.

Price: 57–75 rubles.

According to parents: "Gerber" and in Africa "Gerber" - puree is one of the best, pleasant and delicate texture, children do not refuse to eat it, parents' complaints concern only the price and small packaging.

Interesting to know! Rospotrebnadzor in 2010 refused to supply baby food from chicken and turkey "Gerber", produced in the United States.

The reason: the treatment of bird carcasses with chlorinated water, as a result of which chlorine compounds are formed in the thickness of the meat, which pose a danger to human health. And in 2004, coccal flora was found in mashed lamb (USA). Deliveries of mashed potatoes from Finland were also suspended.

Semper (Spain)

Made from lean meats, rice starch, rice flour, water and vegetable oil are added to the composition.

Advantages: low content, there are different types of meat purees for children of 6, 7 and 8 months.

Cons: price.

Price: from 52 rubles.

According to parents: a good puree, some use it up to 1.5 years, however, foreign bodies were found in the composition in the form of plastic, sawdust, hair (data are unreliable, collected on parent forums).

"Tyoma" (Russia)

In addition to meat, the composition contains chicken fat, water, milk powder, cereals for viscosity, salt and parsley. Among the shortcomings, the presence of salt can be distinguished, therefore, as a pediatrician, I recommend using this puree no earlier than 9.5 months, until this age the child does not need salty food. Also significant disadvantages are the smaller relative share of meat in comparison with other brands and canning packaging.

Price: about 40 rubles.

According to parents' opinions: children eat willingly, the taste of mashed potatoes is very pleasant. Suitable for babies who refuse to eat meat. It is convenient that you can easily and quickly prepare soup from it, it is great for a variety of meat purees from other brands.

Frutonyanya (Russia)

Frutonyan's children's products have already twice become the winner of "Brand No. 1 in Russia", they are the owner of various awards and prizes, which proves that the products were created with care for the smallest inhabitants of the country.

The composition added corn starch, water, vegetable oils.

Disadvantage: increased amount of starch.

Price: from 50 rubles.

According to parents, the puree is good and tasty, when children refuse meat purees of cheaper brands, Frutonyanya always saves, but the consistency is very tight, apparently due to the presence of starch.

On a note! Participants of the "Test purchase" program meat puree Gerber, "Frutonyanya" and "Theme", although they did not pass the national selection, they meet all accepted standards and can be used quite safely in the nutrition of young children.

Heinz (Italy)

In addition to meat, it contains water, corn/rice flour, vegetable oils, and sometimes lemon juice.

Benefits: the most delicate puree, ideal for the first meat feeding, because it does not contain salt, gluten, milk, spices and preservatives.

Price: from 45–50 rubles.

According to parents: puree causes high confidence, if they refuse to use it, it is only because of the price.

Hipp (Hungary/Germany)

Products pass more than 700 different checks, which are more stringent than recognized European ones. Hypoallergenic puree without starch, gluten. Enriched with organic rapeseed oil, which contains a maximum of useful substances. It contains only 40% meat, the rest is water, onion, rice, iodized salt. Perfect for children over 8 months and those who refuse meat.

Benefits: iodized salt, reduced sodium, .

Weight: 80 g, 125 g.

Price: 70 rubles.

According to parents: like all European products, it has good quality Moms are happy with the choice.

From 8 months it is allowed to use mashed potatoes with the addition of onions and garlic, from 9 months - spices (white and black pepper, bay leaf) and spicy vegetables, by 9 months homogenized mashed potatoes should be replaced with mashed ones.

Almost all of the listed manufacturers produce, in addition to purely meat, vegetable and meat purees. They are very convenient to use, such purees contain the right amount of vegetables and meat, very pleasant and tasty, children eat them better. In addition, meat and vegetable puree is convenient to take with you on the road and on a visit. Such food can be used when mom does not have time to cook or just wants to take a day off.

Every mother wants to give her child everything only the most. The first complementary foods fall on baby puree, from the variety of which the eyes run across the shelves in large stores. How to determine what is suitable for the baby, will benefit and become the most delicious treat? The rating, which drew attention to the quality of baby puree, according to the Marka.guru portal, has collected the best food manufacturers for children.

Baby food is a category of products that requires special care when choosing; only proven and high-quality products should be preferred. This group includes baby cereals, purees, juices, mixtures. Before you go to the store to buy baby puree for feeding your baby, you should decide what to look for.

  1. Age group. On each package of baby food, it is written which age group the product is recommended for use.
  2. Best before date. Baby puree, made according to all the rules, should be stored for no more than two years in a sealed form and no more than a few days in an open refrigerator. When dairy products are added to the puree, the shelf life is reduced.
  3. Compound. Pay attention to the contents of each jar. The presence of preservatives, dyes, salt and sugar in the composition indicates a poor quality of the product. An ideal puree should consist of water and the main component prescribed on the jar (vegetable, fruit, berry, meat).
  4. Package. The quality of the product directly depends on the type of packaging. Glass jars are the most attractive because packaging impurities do not get into the product, canned metal jars have a long shelf life, carton boxes reduce the cost of the name.
  5. Appearance. It is important to purchase products without visible deformations. Since the food is intended mainly for babies, who are most sensitive to all types of foods, any flaw can affect the final quality of the puree.

1. Humana

The rating of baby purees is opened by Humana, which became the choice of many mothers in 2018. The production of baby purees is based on the complete rejection of preservatives, the composition includes only natural products. Organic puree contains all the trace elements necessary for a child. All components were grown without the use of pesticides and harmful fertilizers, their balance makes Humana healthy and tasty.

One of the features of the Humana company is the use of uniform recipes for all plants in the world.

Each type of product has a high quality control, which allows the company to get into the rating of baby food every year.


  • natural products;
  • age categories from 4, 6, 8, 10 months;
  • without salt and sugar;
  • without preservatives;
  • quality control;
  • a single recipe;
  • hypoallergenic composition;
  • recommended for diabetes.

Disadvantages: not found.

Vegetable purees are packed in glass jars with a volume of 125 grams, the average cost is 75-120 rubles. Fruit also have a volume of 125 grams, only the average price is already 75-140 rubles. Mashed potatoes with a full meal (for example, Carrots with potatoes and chicken or Pumpkin with rice and chicken) are packed in glass of 190 grams, the price is 145-187 rubles. Among the unusual flavors, Humana Pear-Mango Puree can be noted.

Humana prices:

2. Gerber

The best baby food cannot be without the Gerber brand. The history of mashed potatoes began when Dorothy Gerber decided to make mashed potatoes for her child at her husband's enterprise. A modern company carefully treats the quality of its products, starting with the preparation of seeds for future components and ending with the sale of finished jars.

All fruits and vegetables are grown in ecologically clean areas. Quality control is carried out in laboratories built on the territory of the enterprise. Particular attention is paid to the sterility of products.

A wide range includes puree different types- single-component, multi-component, fruit in soft packs, vegetables with meat and fruit and milk. An innovative solution was soft drinking packaging, which is convenient to use puree on the road and on a walk, takes up little space.


  • without salt and sugar;
  • age categories: first stage (4 months), 6, 8, 10 months;
  • a series of fruit and milk purees;
  • innovative soft packaging;
  • hypoallergenic products;
  • without preservatives;
  • quality and fresh ingredients.

Disadvantages: not found.

The cost of Gerber purees varies from 39 to 319 rubles.

Gerber prices:

3. Nutricia

The brand has identified 4 groups for puree: orange (fruit), beige (fruit with yogurt), red (meat and fish) and green (vegetable).

For baby food, three stages of baby puree have been worked out:

  • vegetable and fruit - recommended from 4 months;
  • fruit and curd, vegetables with meat - recommended from 6 months;
  • vegetable and meat with pieces - recommended from 8 months for the development of chewing abilities.


  • without salt and sugar;
  • without preservatives, dyes and flavorings;
  • quality control;
  • division into stages of introduction of complementary foods.

Disadvantages: not found.

The price is in the range from 37 to 75 rubles.

Prices for Nutricia :

4. Grandma's basket

The best baby food in Russia is associated with grandmothers, who treat their grandchildren with special care. For the manufacture of Babushkino Lukoshko puree, only high quality natural products are used.

The technology is used in production to preserve all the nutrients that benefit any child.

Raw material suppliers guarantee an environmentally friendly product that excludes the use of genetically modified fruits and vegetables. Dyes, flavors and preservatives are also not used.

For sale, two types of puree packaging are used - in jars (100 grams) and soft drinkable doypacks (90 grams).


  • without salt and sugar;
  • without preservatives;
  • soft drinking packaging;
  • environmentally friendly products.

Disadvantages: not found.

The price varies from 25 to 110 rubles.

Prices Grandma's basket:

5. Frutonyanya

Puree reduces the likelihood of an allergic reaction on the baby's skin, as it does not contain sugar.

The puree mixture is necessary for babies, as it contains more vitamins than in breast milk. A serving in one jar of Frutonyan is designed for one dose.

In production, only environmentally friendly products are used, which differ from those that can be found in stores. A new line has been released in doypack packaging, which allows you to take the product with you for a walk.


  • without salt and sugar;
  • without preservatives;
  • portions for one application;
  • doypack packing;
  • environmentally friendly product;
  • hypoallergenic series.

Disadvantages: not found.

The price varies from 22 to 55 rubles.

Prices for Frutonyanya:

The Sady Pridonya company has a circular production cycle - only products from the company's farms are processed for processing. This guarantees the absence of preservatives, making the product exclusively natural. The low cost is due to the lack of transportation costs for the purchase of raw materials.

Production is carried out according to all standards on high-precision equipment created by the company's technologists.

A huge range of flavors is able to satisfy the needs of any child.


  • without salt and sugar;
  • without preservatives;
  • products in the puree are produced on our own farms;
  • Quality Management System;
  • low cost, hence the low price;
  • hypoallergenic series.

Disadvantages: not found.

The price is in the range from 22 to 65 rubles.

Prices :

7. Theme

The company specializes in meat and meat and vegetable purees. The addition of fruit purees can be found in Tema cottage cheese and biocurd.

New equipment is used for production. All products are intended for children from 6 months. High quality natural raw materials are used. Meat purees are produced in small cans made of a material that does not affect the quality of children's products. Curds are presented in standard plastic cups with foil top.


  • there is a series of cottage cheese with the addition of mashed potatoes;
  • no added salt or starch.

Disadvantages: in the assortment there are no vegetable and fruit purees for the first complementary foods.

The price of canned meat varies from 37 to 93 rubles. The average cost of cottage cheese is 34 rubles.

Theme Prices:

8 Semper

A variety of dishes can interest any adult - mango, apple with strawberries, Mediterranean risotto with sea bream, vegetable sauté with sea bass, vegetables with veal liver, spaghetti bolognese - a real restaurant for kids from Semper chefs.

The volume of each portion is calculated for a certain age. Fruit purees can be found in a convenient drinkable soft package. In the same package, porridges with the addition of puree are presented.


  • soft pieces of vegetables;
  • without starch;
  • cereals without adding milk;
  • meals like adults;
  • natural ingredients.

Products in soft packaging can be purchased in the range from 67 to 88 rubles. Purees for big children - from 109 to 157 rubles. For kids - from 78 to 118 rubles.

Semper prices:

9. Heinz

Heinz is the best baby food manufacturer in the USA. Only high-quality natural ingredients are used in the manufacture. The puree is enriched with a vitamin-mineral complex.

The compatibility of used products is carefully checked in laboratories. Recipes developed under the supervision of pediatricians and pediatric nutritionists.

Control takes place at every stage of production, which eliminates the ingress of low-quality products on store shelves.


  • no dyes, GMOs, flavorings;
  • only certified suppliers;
  • lack of flavor enhancers;
  • recipes developed by pediatricians.

Disadvantages: not found.

The price of Heinz puree varies from 32 to 98 rubles.

Prices for Heinz:

10. Agusha

Agusha puree is perfect for the first feeding of a baby. The hypoallergenic mixture is absolutely safe for the child's body.

Before reaching the consumer, any of the produced purees goes through 72 stages of quality control.

The Agusha company has singled out a separate series for the start of complementary foods "The First Spoon", which contains mashed potatoes that take into account the peculiarities of the digestion of newborns. The assortment of purees is complemented by innovative packaging that allows you to take the product on walks and on the road.


  • 72 puree quality checks;
  • contains pieces of fruits and vegetables;
  • does not contain preservatives;
  • hypoallergenic formula.

Disadvantages: not found.

The price of Agusha puree varies from 28 to 69 rubles.

Agusha prices:

11. Hipp

Hipp puree is considered a great helper for modern mothers. Vegetables and fruits for puree are grown without artificial fertilizers and growth regulators.

The structure of vegetables is not disturbed during processing, which gives the baby useful Omega-3 acids when consumed.

The manufacturer guarantees that the meat purees are made from the meat of animals fed only with natural feed. The assortment is complemented by a meat and vegetable and fish and vegetable menu, presenting to the children complex dishes enriched with vitamins and close to home cooking.

The finished product Hipp is packed in sterilized glass jars from 80 to 220 grams.


  • without preservatives and dyes;
  • without sugar and salt;
  • enriched with Omega-3.

Disadvantages: high cost.

The cost of Hipp puree is in the range from 35 to 136 rubles.

Hipp prices:


Each child is a separate person, so the baby should purchase products taking into account the characteristics of the body and taste wishes. Ready-made purees have greatly simplified the life of modern mothers, allowing them to save time on preparing homemade complementary foods. Marka.guru has collected the best high quality baby purees.