How important is proper pumping when breast milk stagnates? How to express breasts during stagnation: effective methods, methods and recommendations of professionals

Everyone knows the benefits breast milk for the development of the baby. Not surprisingly, most new mothers try to feed their baby on their own. However, many women, especially primiparas, face such a problem as lactostasis. So called excessive accumulation of milk in any place of the mammary gland. In this case, a spasm of the milk ducts or their clamping may occur. How to strain lactostasis at home?


To effectively deal with lactostasis, you need to know the main causes of its occurrence:

  • Cracks in the nipples that caused blockage of the milk ducts.
  • Long break in feeding.
  • A monotonous method of emptying the breast (usually when decanting), leading to the emptying of not all of its areas.
  • Stagnation of milk provoked by an uncomfortable posture during sleep or lying on your side for a long time.
  • Tight underwear.
  • Chest injury.
  • The introduction of complementary foods, leading to a decrease in the milk sucked by the infant.


The occurrence of lactostasis in the mammary gland is accompanied by a number of characteristic features:

  • The chest becomes edematous and swollen.
  • There are painful sensations during pumping and feeding.
  • Painful seals appear in the tissues of the gland.
  • Almost complete hardening of the breast occurs, while probing feels the shape of a lobule, and sometimes several.
  • Sometimes the temperature rises, and the skin in problem areas turns red.
  • The secretion of milk from the nipple can occur unevenly: from one end in streams, and from the other - drops.

Pumping Rules

To cope with lactostasis on your own, you must definitely express yourself correctly. In this case, you should act according to a certain scheme:

  1. Four fingers of the hand should be placed under the gland. The thumb and index finger should be as close as possible to the edge of the areola of the nipple.
  2. Start pumping with your thumb and forefinger located on the edge of the areola. At the same time, in the process, their position must constantly be changed, which is necessary for the release of milk from the entire mammary gland.

    Pumping movements should be rhythmic and slow.

    Pressure on the chest should be carried out to the center of the chest, deep into the gland. This is done to provide primary pressure on the lactiferous sinuses.

    If milk stops flowing from the nipple, and painful seals remain, it is necessary to massage the affected gland. The greatest attention should be paid to places where milk stagnation is most pronounced. It is necessary to express there most intensively.

  3. Massage the breast with both hands, moving from the periphery to the center of the nipple. The massage should be light, consisting in gentle tapping or squeezing of the seals. Then pumping is required to continue.
  4. If possible, attach to the baby's chest.

How to get rid of stagnant milk

The following procedures will help to defeat lactostasis at home:

  • Application of warm compresses. They cause an oxytocin reflex, which helps milk flow better. To put a compress, a napkin is moistened in warm water and placed on a painful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gland. Keep it there until it cools down.
  • Facilities traditional medicine. To combat lactostasis, compresses from cabbage leaves are applied to the inflamed area (they are first beaten off until juice appears) or dough cakes with honey. You can also use a baked onion (it should be cut in half). Good result give compresses from camphor oil, soda-salt solution. With caution, you can use ice packs, but you need to make sure that there is no frostbite of the tissues. Alcohol compresses should not be used for lactostasis, as they lead to blockage of oxytocin, which ultimately makes pumping difficult. Usually compresses are placed at night.
  • Use of the shower. The process of pumping becomes less painful, and the outflow of milk is more intense if it takes place under a warm shower (you should beware of hypothermia).
  • Use of a steam inhaler. Decaying lactostasis is faster when using a steam inhaler.
  • Breast massage. Before you start straining, you should do a chest massage. Gotta move in a circular motion from the base of the gland to the periphery of the nipple. The massage should be gentle, you should not actively knead the chest, breaking the lumps. You should not use the services of a professional massage therapist, as he can injure the milk ducts, causing lactostasis in other breast lobes.
  • Pumping. This procedure must be carried out in accordance with a number of the rules mentioned above.
  • A breast pump can help to deflate the breast.
  • Husband help. There is an opinion among women that the resorption of lumps with the help of a husband can help to cope with lactostasis. However, it is worth remembering that in the mouth of an adult there are many harmful bacteria that can penetrate the chest and lead to infection of the gland and oral cavity of the baby.
  • Before feeding the baby, it is necessary to express 10-20 grams of milk from the breast, which will make the baby suck much more actively.
  • Before feeding, wash the breasts with hot water.
  • Change position while feeding. When applying the baby to the chest, it is necessary to position it so that the problem area is under the lower jaw of the child. This means that if a seal has formed in the upper chest, the baby should lie with his feet to the mother's face. To achieve this position, the baby must be laid on the bed, and mommy needs to lean towards him so that the chest is in the desired position. Of course, feeding in such a position is inconvenient, but it will help to quickly cope with lactostasis.
  • Reduce fluid intake.
  • Give the baby a breast more often, and it must be applied to both glands equally often.
  • Try to avoid any stress.

Duration of treatment

Treatment of lactostasis, started in the early stages, gives a result in about 24 hours. If time is missed, recovery may take 2-3 days.

You can stop decanting after three days, if there has been noticeable progress. In this situation, it is often enough to apply the baby to the breast.

Redness is the last of all symptoms to disappear.


It is necessary to start the prevention of lactostasis even before the birth of the baby. For this, expectant mothers need to wash and rub the mammary glands. It is worth taking care of the nipples. A good result is sewn from the inside to the bra pieces of coarse linen.

Nursing mothers should wash their breasts after each feeding and use clean hands (or a breast pump) to express the remaining milk.

It is necessary to feed the baby on demand, and at the same time it is necessary to ensure that he suckles the breast correctly. It should be noted that the baby sucks out more milk from the part of the gland to which his chin is pressed. Therefore, it is necessary to change the position of the baby during feeding. The chest itself should not be held, as this can lead to compression of the blood flow. If it prevents the baby from eating, hold the gland very carefully so as not to pinch the ducts.

A nursing woman should treat her breasts very carefully, avoiding any injury to her, since even a minor bruise can cause lactostasis. The bra must be of the appropriate size, as a model of the wrong size can also provoke duct occlusion. For the same reason, it is better for a nursing mother to avoid sleeping on her stomach. And, of course, it should be remembered that any stressful experiences have an extremely negative effect on the condition of the mammary gland.

It is quite possible to cope with lactostasis at home. However, every nursing mother should remember that measures to eliminate this condition must be taken immediately (preferably deal with it in the first 12 hours). By itself, lactostasis is not cured, so it is necessary to start fighting it immediately after the first signs appear. Otherwise, lactostasis can turn into such an unpleasant disease as mastitis. It is much more difficult to cure it and, in addition, mastitis is dangerous for its complications.

Stagnation of milk in the mammary gland occurs in many women who are breastfeeding, it is also called lactostasis, what should I do if it appears? To answer this question, you need to know the causes of this unpleasant phenomenon. And only then talk about how to remove stagnation from a nursing mother and try to prevent its relapse again.

So, lactostasis is milk that is retained in any duct of the mammary gland. As a result of this, the duct expands, and a local inflammatory process may occur there. As a result, the temperature and pain in a woman. If the symptoms of lactostasis in a nursing mother are not eliminated within a couple of days, then you can’t do without medical care, since its complication will surely arise - mastitis. Its first symptom is reddening of the breast over lactostasis. And then you have to be treated with antibiotics.

What are the causes of milk stagnation in a nursing mother, what can provoke lactostasis?

1. Long intervals between feedings of the child. Don't feed your baby! These are outdated recommendations that lead to stagnation of milk in the mother. Do not forget that breast milk is not only food for the baby, but also a drink. Particularly relevant is frequent breastfeeding in the summer, when the baby, like any other living being, is often thirsty.
If you feed your baby frequently, your breasts will be emptied most of the time. It's very comfortable. And not only in terms of well-being, but also the absence of milk leaks outside of feeding.

2. Insufficient suction of milk by the baby. This is often seen in weak, premature babies and babies born with low body weight. Usually everything returns to normal after 1-1.5 months, when the baby becomes more active - it sucks better. In the meantime, this has not happened, if necessary, if you feel breast engorgement, and there is no way for the baby to feed, express with the help of hands or a breast pump until relief.

3. Incorrect attachment, use of one position during feedings. Often, women, especially nulliparous, put the baby to the breast incorrectly. That is, it captures only the nipple. A should capture the nipple along with the areola. In this case, the milk flows well, and it is not painful for a woman to feed. This is the best recommendation on the topic - what to do if the chest hurts while feeding. The child sucks out little milk, as a result of this lack of weight, and the mother has lactostasis.
In addition, consultants breastfeeding advised to change postures when feeding. For example, to feed not only while sitting, holding the baby in the “cradle” position, but also lying down (this is especially true at night), or in a position from under the arm, when the baby’s head is in the mother’s armpit. It often happens that pumping with lactostasis does not help, the same position immediately brings relief, since as a result of it the farthest corners of the mammary gland are emptied.

4. Frequent feeding with one breast. If a child does not take one of the breasts well, this is not a reason to refuse partially or completely from feeding it. Do not forget that for this reason milk stagnation may occur. Expressing it constantly and bottle feeding the baby is also not the best way out of the situation, since the baby may completely refuse to suck on the second breast.
It is better to take measures so that the baby begins to suck well at the problem breast. Perhaps there is not enough milk in it? Usually this is felt by the absence of tides, leaks in it, in size, in comparison with the second. Then you need to offer it to the child more often, and everything will work out and even out. Even children often refuse to suck on one of the breasts simply because mothers hold them inconveniently when feeding from this side. Then the previously given recommendation that it is desirable to try and practice different postures when feeding becomes especially relevant.

5. Tight bra, small size. Buy a special nursing bra that has no underwire. Moreover, it is advisable to do this not before childbirth, but after discharge from the hospital, when it becomes clear what size is needed. After all, when breastfeeding in women, breasts increase by 1-2 sizes. You need to choose a comfortable bra.
When feeding in a tight bra, the mammary glands are pinched and not sufficiently emptied even if the baby is properly attached and actively sucked.

6. Pumping after feeding. As a result, the mother produces much more milk than the baby needs. Imagine such a situation. The mother fed the baby on the right breast. Then she expressed the rest of the milk. The next feeding is in about 3 hours. And she gives left breast, while the right one is already full. And the turn will reach the right breast in another 3 hours. In total, you get a gap in feeding with the right breast of 6 hours. It is quite enough to form lactostasis. Stop pumping after feeding your baby! If you think that milk is not enough, just feed him more often. Every time he starts making sucking movements with his lips. At this point, offer him not a bottle of water or a pacifier, but a breast. And if the child, for example, is sleeping, but you feel the fullness of the mammary gland, express milk, but only a little, until you feel relieved.
According to statistics, it is precisely those women who often express their breasts that suffer from lactostasis more often. And especially after feeding.

And how to drain the stagnation of milk at home, if no matter what the problem still arose? Follow a few rules.

1. Feed your child with sick breasts more often, not forgetting healthy breasts.

2. Try to feed your baby in the arm position.

3. Do not express milk after feeding. Try to express lactostasis before feeding, before that by making a warm compress on the chest or holding it under a stream of warm water.

4. While feeding the baby, gently try to massage the breast in the area of ​​lactostasis, try to move the milk from the sore spot to the nipple.

And what to do if, with lactostasis, a nursing mother has a temperature of 40 C, how to bring down the heat? You can use drugs containing paracetamol or ibuprofen. They have both antipyretic and analgesic properties. In breast milk get in minimal quantities. It is only important to comply with the maximum dosage recommended by the manufacturer.
After the stagnation of milk disappears, and the temperature returns to normal, and the pain will completely go away.

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A lactating woman can be taken by surprise by the unexpected appearance of lactostasis. It is characterized by unpleasant symptoms: pain and swelling of the chest, chills, fever. Often, young mothers are frightened of the current situation and are lost in conjecture - should they stop feeding their baby with their milk? Is it worth it to consult a doctor? With timely and proper treatment at home, the disease can be eliminated in one to two days. You just need to know which methods are best to use.

The main dilemma of mothers with lactostasis is related to the continuation of breastfeeding.

What is lactostasis?

Lactostasis is a blockage of the ducts of the mammary gland. Temporary cessation of the natural waste of milk leads to tissue edema. At the initial stage, this phenomenon is not dangerous, but chest pain and fever are observed. This happens because milk protein, which accumulates in the milk duct for a long time, becomes a foreign body for the body. Our immunity comes to its defense.

After three days, the disease begins to pose a health hazard. If the temperature has not subsided, it is necessary to consult with a specialist. After 5 days, a complication of blockage of the ducts may occur: the resulting inflammation can turn into infectious mastitis.

In no case should you treat mastitis at home or folk remedies. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician using antibiotics.

Causes of lactostasis

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The causes of lactostasis can be different:

  1. Feeding in one position. In the same position, the child is able to release only some parts of the breast, while in others a blockage of the milk ducts is formed, which leads to the development of a cork.
  2. Sleep in the same position. If you lie on one side all the time, milk will accumulate only in the breast lobes located under the armpits.
  3. Uncomfortable underwear. The bra can be quite tight, and the underwire is very hard, which makes it difficult for milk to drain.
  4. Small amount of liquid consumed. Especially in the heat, you need to drink plenty of fluids, otherwise the milk will become too viscous. In this case, it will be quite difficult for the baby to suck it.
  5. Use of pacifiers and pacifiers. If your baby often sucks on a pacifier or pacifier, he will become less active at the breast.
  6. Breast trauma. Upon impact, edema is formed and the patency of the glands is disturbed.
  7. Pumping. If the baby constantly eats mother's milk, you should not express the rest. Many mothers pump after feeding, thereby causing an increase in lactation. At the same time, milk production increases and the baby cannot suck everything to the end. The remaining milk inevitably leads to blockage of the milk ducts.

Previously, mothers fed their babies according to the regimen: they applied crumbs to one breast once every 3 hours, and it was also believed that pumping was very useful. It really was necessary to do this, since each of the breasts was sucked out by the baby no earlier than after 6 hours. With this method of feeding, the possibility of mastitis and lactostasis increases. By feeding on demand, these diseases can be avoided.

Signs of lactostasis

The initial stage of the disease is characterized by a satisfactory condition of the nursing mother. The first sign of the disease is a lump in the chest in the form of a ball. On its surface, bumps or redness can be seen. Stagnation of milk leads to pain and swelling in the problematic part. During lactostasis in a nursing woman, the breast becomes stone, it hurts to touch it, unpleasant symptoms are felt in the form of burning or tingling. You may notice that one of the mammary glands has increased in volume.

If you do not respond in time to the first signs of the disease, then there is an increase in temperature, which is accompanied by weakness, chills or nausea. Usually, lactostasis is characterized by a temperature of no more than 37.4 degrees. If the temperature has risen higher, one can judge the development of non-infectious mastitis, which may appear on the basis of lactostasis. This mastitis is accompanied by severe pain in the problematic part and an increase in temperature of more than 38 ⁰С. In the event that a woman has had an infectious disease or fever and chest pain does not go away within two days, you need to consult a doctor - perhaps an infection has developed along with blockage of the milk ducts. If this is confirmed, the nursing mother is prescribed medical or surgical treatment, since everything already signals infectious mastitis. Mastitis is characterized by the appearance, due to which the further spread of the infectious process occurs.

If the temperature rises above 38 degrees, this may be a sign of the development of complications.

What is the difference between lactostasis and mastitis?

It is important to distinguish lactostasis from mastitis in time. Mastitis is characterized by the most pronounced symptoms of the disease and the deterioration of the woman's condition. To make sure that the high temperature is the result of changes in the chest, it is necessary to measure it in both armpits, as well as at the elbows and groin.

Lactostasis, as a rule, lasts for two to three days and passes. If during this time, after the measures taken at home, pain, hardening of the glands and redness on the skin have not disappeared, be sure to consult a specialist. If the doctor suspects infectious mastitis, you will need to undergo specialized diagnostics and medication.

Should I continue breastfeeding with lactostasis?

With lactostasis or non-infectious mastitis, it is not recommended to stop breastfeeding, because just the child will help you cope with the disease. Attach the baby to the breast as often as possible.

Termination breastfeeding allowed only in case of infectious mastitis. If the signs of the disease appeared no more than three days ago, you should not wean the baby from mother's milk.

The baby is more effective than any methods is able to cope with blockage of the milk ducts. It is important to remember that when the disease is advanced, it is difficult for a child to suck out milk, which is why it is recommended to first express it in a small amount.

Do not wait until the baby gets hungry - feed him more often, at least once an hour. At night, it is better to put the baby to sleep next to you, as it is necessary to apply it to the chest every three hours.

Regular application will help to quickly dissolve the stagnation with the help of the efforts of the baby.

How to cure lactostasis at home?

How to treat lactostasis? To eliminate the causes of stagnation in the mammary glands, there is no need to take medications. A nursing woman is quite capable of recovering from the disease at home. Breastfeeding experts advise adhering to several methods aimed at eliminating the disease.

Choosing the right position for feeding

When a disease appears, it is important to the chest so that it releases it in the place where the blockage of the milk ducts has formed. To do this, you need to choose a position where the child's chin will look at the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdensification. Most often, blockage of the milk ducts occurs in the upper outer part of the breast. For her release, the following poses are suitable:

  1. jack position - when mother and child lie on the bed on their side in different directions;
  2. pose soccer ball- when the baby lies on the side of the pillow during feeding, while his legs look towards the mother's back.

If you need to free the lower part of the chest from stagnation, the baby is placed on the mother's stomach during feeding. Be vigilant, do not allow the occurrence of lactostasis in a healthy breast.

breast massage

During an illness, in order not to injure the chest that is experiencing discomfort, it is important to massage it correctly. Too active massage is harmful - it can provoke injury and the inflamed area will only increase. It is recommended during the massage to make smooth stroking and rubbing circular movements. Knead should be from the outer area to the nipple. Thus, you can free the milk duct from blockage. If there are painful sensations, it is advisable to massage and simultaneously pump in a warm shower.


Along with folk remedies, medications will help with lactostasis. To combat the disease, you can use creams and mixtures that are allowed to be used during breastfeeding:

  • Traumeel S is a homeopathic medicine designed to relieve inflammation, pain, improve blood and lymph circulation, and repair damaged tissue. When applied, the state of the vessels is normalized. Traumeel in the form of an ointment can be used for lactostasis and mastitis. The problem area of ​​the mammary gland must be lubricated up to 4-5 times during the day. The drug is allowed to use during lactation, as it has no side effects(very rarely an allergic reaction occurs).
  • Malavit is an ointment that you always need to have at home. The finished infusion of Malavit should be diluted half with water. wetted cotton pad you need to apply to the problem area and do not remove until the next feeding.

To eliminate the disease, you should not use:

  • Vishnevsky ointment. When applying the ointment, there is a sharp rush of blood to the smeared area, which can contribute to the development of mastitis. The ointment contains birch tar and other substances with a strong unpleasant odor that will not go away even if you wash the treated area with soap. This, in turn, can lead to the fact that the baby will not take the breast.
  • Ointment Arnica. It has a local irritating effect, promotes tissue heating and improves blood circulation.
  • Progestogel is a hormonal ointment that leads to a decrease in lactation, which is unacceptable during breastfeeding.
  • Standard decongestants, bruises, as well as cooling ointments should not be used in any case, as they are incompatible with this disease and can cause irreparable harm to the baby's body.

The use of Malavit allows you to quickly remove painful seals

Therapeutic compresses

Regardless of whether the disease occurs with or without temperature, you can use special compresses:

  1. from a cabbage leaf. A fresh leaf must be washed and beaten off a little so that the juice appears. The compress should be applied to the problem area. The dried sheet must be removed and a new one put. Before feeding the crumbs, be sure to wash the nipple, otherwise the cabbage juice may have an adverse effect on its digestion.
  2. From curd. A cool cake of cottage cheese should be put on the inflamed area for 20 minutes.
  3. From honey and flour. It is necessary to mix the ingredients to get a tight homogeneous mass - a cake, and put on a bag. Apply to sore spot for 30 minutes.

Often one hears the erroneous opinion that alcohol, vodka or camphor compresses should be made. Such hot and alcohol-containing liquids as compresses for this disease are contraindicated, as well as lubricating the chest with ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky ointment. The substances they contain can only complicate the situation. Also, you can not use camphor oil in case of illness - it gives only a temporary relief of the condition and negatively affects the amount of milk produced in the breast. A great danger is the penetration of camphor or alcohol into the baby's body through mother's milk.

Medications and antibiotics

  • With lactostasis, it is not recommended to use No-shpu, since its action is aimed at eliminating spasm, and this disease is characterized by the presence of edema, which prevents the release of milk. Perhaps the viscosity of the milk will be increased. Abroad, women with HV use No-shpu only in extreme cases (we recommend reading:).
  • It is not advisable to use antipyretic drugs, since they do not fight the causes of lactostasis, but only muffle its manifestations. If the mother has a temperature above 38 degrees, and she feels uncomfortable, it is allowed to drink a tablet of paracetamol or ibuprofen.
  • If you failed to eliminate the disease on your own within two to three days, it is advisable to resort to the help of specialists - a mammologist surgeon or a gynecologist. The doctor will examine you and prescribe the necessary treatment. If the temperature persists for more than three days, antibiotics are usually prescribed - amoxicillin or augmentin.

Along with medicines, cabbage leaf juice effectively relieves inflammation and cools the affected area.

Additionally, cold compresses are recommended. Which one you prefer is up to you. They will help relieve swelling, relieve pain. Do not reduce the number of feedings because of the compress, because the main method of combating the disease is breast decanting.


If two days have passed, and the pain and induration have not disappeared, you need to visit a doctor. The greatest effect can be achieved through physiotherapy, which are used to combat congestion:

  1. Ultrasound. As a rule, a positive effect occurs after the first procedure. If after two procedures desired result has not been achieved, it is not worth continuing to do them.
  2. Magnetotherapy, light therapy, electroneurostimulating therapy. Almag, Amplipulse, Bioptron devices are considered safe to use. They do not affect the composition of the mother product and the level of lactation. One or two sessions are enough to achieve the effect.

However, physiotherapy should be used as an additional treatment. As a separate method of fighting the disease, they are ineffective.

The Amplipulse device does not affect the composition of breast milk and the level of lactation

Dr. Komarovsky about lactostasis

According to Dr. Komarovsky, the most effective medicine for milk stasis is a child who can dissolve the milk cork. To do this, it is important to know how the baby should be located. His chin should look at the part of the chest where the cork is located:

  1. if the blockage of the milk ducts occurs in the armpit area, then the baby should be in a position from under the arm;
  2. if the seal is located in the lower part of the chest, then when feeding the baby should be put on your knees;
  3. with a seal in the middle of the chest, the child should eat lying on his side;
  4. if the stagnation is in the upper part of the chest, the baby should be placed with the legs away from you, and the mother should bend over him.

For a quick recovery, you need to give the child the affected breast as much as you like - the more often, the better. To improve the condition, a warm shower is suitable, as well as cold compresses from a cabbage leaf or low-fat cottage cheese, which should be applied to the problem area for 15-20 minutes. Expression is desirable to carry out when there is no temperature, it is recommended to do this no more than 3 times a day.

Komarovsky in no case advises weaning the baby from the breast during the period of illness, this can only complicate the situation. In addition, do not use Vishnevsky's ointment or alcohol, otherwise there is a risk of purulent inflammation.

For effective resorption, the child’s chin should “look” at the area where the lump is located.

Breast expression methods for lactostasis

Pumping with lactostasis is the main method of combating the disease. If you release the milky lobule, in which there is a blockage of the milk ducts, then over time the discomfort will pass. Best of all, the baby will cope with this task. However, with stagnation of milk, it will be difficult for him to do this. In this case, experts advise expressing a small amount of milk before starting to feed the baby so that it flows out more easily. At the same time, choose a position in which the baby's lower jaw will be located above the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest. If the baby is active, it will help to completely drain it.

It is possible to eliminate the stagnation of milk in a nursing woman by the following pumping methods:

  1. Manually. Decanting lactostasis is best done with the help of hands. This will gently get rid of the blockage of the milk ducts.
  2. Breast pump (we recommend reading:). With the help of a breast pump, at first it is impossible to achieve a great effect, because in this case, “jewelry” work is needed to decantrate a separate lump. However, after decanting with his hands, he will also bring a lot of benefits.

It is better to use a breast pump after manually decanting a painful lump

How to express your chest with your hands?

It is important to pump in a comfortable environment and in a comfortable position. Taking a warm shower makes milk flow easier.

It is necessary to grasp the chest in such a way that 4 fingers are under it, and the thumb is at the top. This will allow more effective straining of areas in which milk stagnation has formed. Then you need to grab the areola circle with your thumb and forefinger. The milk ducts, subject to blockage, during the disease are in the place where the tuberosity is observed. This area should be massaged. Fingers should be pressed on the chest, making radial movements towards the nipple. With the second hand, it is desirable to stretch the resulting seals. Do not squeeze or press too hard to avoid damaging the chest. Periodically change the position of your fingers to evenly express milk from all areas. If you express properly, milk will come out in quick streams.

Due to the onset of inflammation during pumping, a woman may feel pain. Anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of injections, tablets or suppositories will help reduce pain. At the end of the process, apply a cold compress. To relieve swelling for a few minutes, it is advisable to put a cold towel. In case of illness, frequent pumping is not recommended, 1-2 times a day is enough.

If a seal remains after lactostasis and pain is felt, do not worry - it will take some time for the damaged tissue to recover. There may be redness in the affected area for several days.

If there is discomfort in the chest, try to put the baby to the chest more often. During this period, it is better to abandon the use of salt and limit the amount of fluid consumed per day to 1.5 liters.

Summary table: what is possible and impossible during milk stagnation?

What can a breastfeeding mother do?NecessaryMaybeForbidden
Often put the baby to the chest, choosing a comfortable position+ + + + +
Apply ice after every feeding and/or pumping+ + + + +
Independently carry out a light chest massage (with fingertips)+ + + +
Apply Traumeel C ointment between feedings and pumping+ + +
Perform pumping ( better with hands, adhering to the correct algorithm) + +
Take a warm shower before feeding and / or pumping (if there is no fever and purulent inflammation) + +
Take antipyretics approved for HB +
Apply cabbage leaf compresses +
Undergo ultrasound and physiotherapy procedures +
Knead the chest, causing pain in the mammary gland -
Reduce the frequency of feedings -
Limit the amount of liquid you drink -
offer husband to suck milk -
Warm up the chest by applying warm compresses to the painful area, practicing intense massage -
Apply compresses for a long time (more than 1 hour) from any components -
Apply compresses with alcohol content (vodka, camphor alcohol, etc.) -
Apply compresses with strong-smelling ointments and solutions (Dimexide, Heparin ointment, Vishnevsky ointment, etc.) -
Take antispasmodics, incl. No-shpu (Drotaverine) -
Take drugs that suppress lactation (Dostinex, Progestogel, etc.) -
Take antibiotics that are incompatible with HBV -
Taking antifungal drugs after antibiotic treatment -

Preventive measures

In order to avoid lactostasis in a nursing woman, it is necessary to take preventive measures:

It is rare that a mother can avoid at least one-time stagnation of milk for the entire period of breastfeeding. This is especially true in the first time after childbirth, when optimal lactation has not yet been established. Milk stasis, or lactostasis, is a rather dangerous phenomenon that must be immediately responded to, decanted so that mastitis does not occur, you do not need to drink antibiotics, you do not have to go to the hospital and be separated from the child.

Milk stasis is best eliminated by the child himself. Mom should try to apply the child to the problem breast more often. As a rule, a couple of times is enough for the breast to become soft, without seals. Attention: even at elevated temperatures, you need to put the baby to the chest! It will best dissolve stagnation. Turn the baby while feeding so that he is turned to the problem area with his chin.

But not always the mother is next to the child, or the child does not take the breast, in these cases, manual pumping and a breast pump come to the rescue. It is necessary to express in good mood, in the absence of external irritating factors.

Breast preparation for pumping

  1. Folk way: put a broken cabbage leaf on it for a couple of hours. So unpleasant painful sensations will subside a little, and the chest will become softer.
  2. Warm up your chest. Attention: these actions are permissible only when you do not have an elevated body temperature! A warm diaper placed on your chest, taking a hot bath or shower will help you. You can drink hot tea.
  3. Get a little massage breasts with light movements, without strong pressure, so as not to squeeze the milk ducts even more.

When pumping, it is important to achieve a rush of milk to the breast and its easy flow. Even a warm shower can contribute to the flush, but simple leakage is provided by the release of the hormone oxytocin. You can speed up and enhance its production by pleasant thoughts about the baby during pumping, looking at the baby or a baby photo, for example.

Get it right:

  1. Press on the areola around the nipple, on it, and not on the nipple itself. Don't press hard on your breasts when pumping, as too much pressure can aggravate the congestion.
  2. While expressing with one hand, knead the area with stagnation, massage, gently pressing it towards the nipple, as if showing the milk where to flow.
After successful straining, you can put cold on the chest for 10-15 minutes.

How to identify milk stasis?
To determine the stagnation, you need to frequently examine and touch the chest. This should be done lying on your back, and feel the chest clockwise. Signs of congestion:

  • unpleasant pain in the chest when you don't even touch it;
  • sensation of painful compaction when palpated;
  • external redness of the area with stagnation;
  • sometimes there is an increase in temperature. But this is a very worrying factor that requires a visit to a doctor and possible subsequent hospitalization or even antibiotics.
How to prevent milk stasis?
  1. Dream. Sleep on your back, this is the best position. If you are used to sleeping on your side, then try to lean your back on something so as not to lean forward too much towards the bed and not squeeze your chest. Sleeping on your stomach is categorically not recommended, however, you should have already weaned from this position during pregnancy. Often, doctors recommend that the puerperal lie on her stomach for the fastest and best uterine contraction. Therefore, when you do this, do not lie down on the bed with your chest, rest your hands on them so that the support is on them.
  2. Cloth. Be sure to wear a breast-supporting, non-wired nursing bra. Do not try to fit into a dress that you wore before pregnancy, wear loose clothing that does not restrict movement and does not squeeze the chest. Dress for the weather so you don't sweat or get cold.
  3. Take care of yourself. Avoid stress, nervous situations, bruises, injuries, lack of sleep, overwork.
  4. Attach the baby correctly to the breast. Even in the hospital, ask the nurse to teach you how to do this. Try not to teach your baby to bottle and pacifier feeding so that he does not forget how to latch on properly. Prevent the appearance of cracks on the nipples or treat them in time so as not to provoke the child to improper attachment. Use special nipple shields if yours are flat so that your baby can eat normally.
  5. Alternate breasts when feeding. But if now, it seems, is the time to feed with one breast, and it feels like there is more milk in the other, then feed the other.
Milk stasis can also happen due to previous breast surgeries, physiological factors: narrow milk ducts, for example. But in most cases it happens due to some wrong actions women and is quite easily eliminated without the need for medical assistance.

Milk after childbirth does not appear immediately, usually after 36 hours. All this time, colostrum is secreted from the nipples, an extremely valuable product that transmits antibodies to the baby. Therefore, the first day you need to apply it to the chest as often as possible. Today they are discharged from the hospital rather quickly. If there are no complications, then on the second or third day you will be allowed to go home. This means that a young mother may encounter such a phenomenon as lactostasis, and, due to inexperience, not be able to help herself. Today we will talk about how to drain the chest. This information can be very important for those who are preparing for the birth of the crumbs, especially if this is to happen for the first time.

First symptoms

If you notice warning signs and don't know what to do, call women's consultation. If it is night now, and the pain does not allow you to fall asleep, then you can make a call to the duty consultant in an ambulance. His recommendations will calm and give important information what to do next, how to drain the chest.

However, we are getting ahead of ourselves a bit. The symptoms can be intense and very unpleasant. This is soreness, sometimes tuberosity and redness, as well as fever and chills. Mom in this state really needs competent support and, above all, reassurance that feeding should be continued. You just need to know how to drain the chest. Very often, noting similar symptoms in themselves, women confuse mastitis and lactostasis, so let's distinguish between these two concepts.

What is the difference

Both of these pathologies are similar to each other. However, lactostasis is a non-infectious lesion of the mammary gland due to blockage of the milk duct. That is, milk simply has nowhere to go, there is a seal. On the one hand, it is a natural protein of the body, but if it is in the duct for an unnaturally long time, then rejection occurs. Elevated body temperature is a consequence.

Now let's look further. If the mother does not know how to drain the breast, and does not take action, then as a result of neglected lactostasis, uninfected mastitis develops on days 3-4. The swollen tissue becomes inflamed. It will take another 2-3 days, and bacteria will begin to multiply in this environment. Now mastitis turns into an abscess.

When to Express

Until recently, doctors recommended doing this all the time. Feeding the child had to go strictly by the hour, and after each application, it was necessary to express all the remaining milk to the drop. Today, experts say that this should be done only in some cases:

  • When a large amount of milk comes immediately after colostrum, and the child cannot take the full breast. But in this case, you need to know how to properly decompress the breast so as not to cause hyperlactation.
  • After feeding, if you continue to be bothered by a feeling of heaviness.
  • If necessary, leave a small “reserve” at home if mom needs to leave.
  • And, of course, if you feel the symptoms of lactostasis (redness, heaviness, high temperature).


If the expressed milk is intended for feeding a baby, then everything must be sterile: hands, breasts and a bottle. In other cases, you can just wash your hands. A warm shower and a compress in the form of a warm towel will facilitate this process. If pumping is performed to relieve the symptoms of lactostasis, then you can take the No-shpy pill, because the sensations are far from joyful. However, if you do not follow the procedure in accordance with all the rules, then the situation will only worsen, so you need to start.

Don't stop feeding your baby

If the child was born weak, and the ducts of the mammary gland are clogged, then he will not have enough strength to drain his chest. Therefore, the mother should help him and develop the glands herself. But to refuse feeding, despite the pain, is not worth it. Apply a warm compress, massage, and then attach the baby to your chest again. After he falls asleep, you can continue the procedure until the condition is relieved.

Speaking about how to properly drain the breast with lactostasis, it should be noted that this procedure is at least unpleasant. Unfortunately, there are no pills or injections that will allow the seals to dissolve. Therefore, start with a smooth and soft massage, preparing the chest in a circular motion. The longer, the better. And then start pumping, with a constant massage from top to bottom towards the nipple. In this case, you can not put pressure on the nipple or halo, press hard or exert other strong physical influence. Otherwise, you can provoke blockage of the ducts. It is necessary to decipher the chest during stagnation very carefully. Usually this phenomenon does not last long. Just a few days after the milk appeared, you need to pay maximum attention to the breast. Then the outflow of milk will improve, and there will be no problems in the future.

Using a breast pump

Straining your breasts after giving birth can be quite painful. Experiencing discomfort, a woman may stop the procedure. However, the consequences can be the most deplorable, therefore, if it is possible to visit a hospital, then it is better to trust professionals, a mammologist or a gynecologist. There is usually a breast pump in the treatment room, which works much more efficiently than manual pumping. A woman does not need to think about how to drain her breasts after childbirth, it is enough to press the silicone pump tightly to her breasts. Due to the overflow of the glands, the sensations will be painful, but the next time everything will be much faster and easier.

How much time do you need

It will not be possible to drain the stagnation of milk in the breast at a time, but high-quality emptying can greatly facilitate further care. Now, as often as possible, apply the baby to the sore chest. After he is satiated, continue to do gentle massage and pumping. When lactostasis occurs, someone manages to get rid of stagnation in one day, while others take at least three. But in any case, if four days have passed, and you still have painful seals, then you won’t be able to solve the problem on your own, consult a doctor, and if high temperature call an ambulance. The only way help yourself is to repeatedly perform a massage.

No technology anywhere

The massage technique will be very useful for those who want to know how to drain the breast with lactostasis. First, the mammary glands are stroked clockwise with the palm of the hand, then light clapping is performed. Now the most important thing is that with the knuckles you need to forcefully draw along the chest from the base to the halo around the entire circumference, paying special attention to the blockage zone. Such manipulations are mandatory before each feeding and pumping. It is also important to perform them between applying the crumbs to the chest. It is then that the procedure will be effective, and the pain will pass quickly.

During feeding, it is also very useful to massage the compacted part with the knuckles. It is not always possible for a child to help a mother empty her chest, especially if there is a blockage in the ducts. Prolonged sucking is tiring for him, and as a result he can get only a small fraction of milk.

Additional tricks

  • Before each feeding or pumping, you need to lower the breast into a basin of warm water, this greatly facilitates the procedure.
  • Watch your diet, it is very important to eat fatty fish and vegetable oils.
  • Nature itself comes to the aid of mothers. Apply a cabbage leaf to the sore spot for 15-20 minutes. It must be beaten off until the juice appears.
  • But at night it is very useful to make a warm compress. To do this, the chest should be smeared with warm camphor oil and wrapped with something warm.

The most important thing is to prevent the transition of lactostasis into mastitis. Therefore, if you feel that you can’t cope on your own, then be sure to consult a doctor.


Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat later. Therefore, take precautions so that later you do not have to suffer, clearing lumps. It is very important to change your position during sleep and wear a suitable bra so that nothing is squeezing anywhere. From the day of birth, you need to start doing exercises to ensure good circulation of milk. These are simple hand swings in a circle back and forth. If the intervals between feedings increase, then it is very important to express the breast at least half. Finally, change your position every time you feed. You can feed sitting and lying down, hanging over the child. Useful for this can be a pregnancy pillow, which allows you to choose a number of comfortable positions for feeding.

Instead of a conclusion

When a young mother has milk stasis, she is usually frightened. Because he does not know how dangerous it is. As we have already found out, the most important thing is not to waste time and start implementing the above recommendations in time. Then the seals will quickly dissolve and the long-awaited relief will come. If before a woman lay in the maternity hospital for up to two weeks and managed to get competent advice or professional help, today they are faced with hot flashes while already at home. Therefore, it is extremely important to know how to help yourself in order to prevent the condition from worsening.