Knitted ball with your own hands. Crochet a soccer ball. MK Crochet a soccer ball

From the remnants of the threads, you can make a crocheted ball. Each fragment consists of only 4 rows, so it fits quickly. If you have several different skeins of the same quality running, keep this use case in mind. These balls are a great gift for familiar children.

Crocheted balls: materials and tools:

hook 2.5 mm;

6-7 colors of acrylic yarn (300 m = 100 g);

sintapon or silicone for stuffing the ball.

How to crochet a ball: diagram and description

Ball knitting pattern (detail). This is a diagram from a Japanese magazine, it is clear from it how to make such a toy.

For one ball you will need 12 pentagons.

Description of knitting fragment.

1 row. Around the amigurumi ring - ch 2 lifting, 14 tbsp. with a crochet. Close the row with a blind loop in the second ch. this row.

2 row. ch 2 lift, double crochet (the hook is inserted behind the chain of air loops of the previous row), 2 tbsp. with a crochet in one loop, 2 tbsp. with a crochet for the next column of the previous row (it is also called a embossed front column with a crochet, when the hook is not inserted at the top into the loop of the previous row, but the hook starts behind the column itself), * 2 embossed front columns with a crochet for one column of the previous row, 2 tbsp . with a crochet in one loop, 2 relief facial columns for one column of the previous row * - repeat from * to * to the end of the row, at the end of the row - a blind loop in the second ch. the beginning of this row.

3 row. ch 2 lifting, 2 embossed facial columns with a crochet around a chain of v.p. previous row, 4 tbsp. with a crochet, 3 embossed facial columns with a crochet around the next column of the previous row; * 3 embossed front double crochets around the next column of the previous row, 4 tbsp. with a crochet, 3 embossed facial columns with a crochet around the next column of the previous row * - repeat from * to * to the end of the row; close the row with a blind loop in the second ch. this row.

4 row. Strapping. We jump to the next column - we knit 8 tbsp. without a crochet, then - 2 embossed facial columns with a crochet around the "corner" columns of the previous row, * 8 tbsp. single crochet, 2 embossed front double crochets around the “corner” columns of the previous row * - repeat from * to * until the end of the row. Close the row with a blind loop, cut the thread. Tighten the initial amigurumi ring well.

Link 12 fragments in this way. I have 6 different colors, 2 motifs of each color.

We lay out the fragments in the order we need and tie them with columns without a crochet with a thread of a contrasting color.

We connect the fragments, laying them in a ball.

When three fragments are left unconnected, we fill the ball well with filler. It is important that the stuffing is such that it will straighten, bend outward our fragments, and the ball itself will take the form of a ball. But, of course, the stuffing should not be too dense, otherwise the crochet ball will be too heavy.

Many young mothers are faced with the problem of what to do with a child? But the main thing is that the toy is safe and bright at the same time! I present to your attention a ball (ball), which you can crochet yourself from threads of any color and composition, you can put a container with beads inside and you will get not only a bright toy, but also a rattle.

How to crochet a ball

Knitting is repeated from * to * 6 times.

We collect 2 air loops and close them in a ring.

1 row- in this ring we knit 6 columns without a crochet.

2 row- in each loop of the previous row we knit 2 single crochets - in total in this row we will get 12 loops.

3 row- be sure to mark the beginning of the row with a contrasting thread. We make * 1 increase, 1 single crochet * - 18 loops in total.

4 row- * 1 increase, 2 single crochets * - 24 loops in total.

5 row- * 1 increase, 3 single crochet * - 30 loops in total.

6 – 10 ranks(5 rows) - we knit in each row 30 loops without increments.

11 row- * 1 decrease, 3 single crochet * - 24 loops in total.

We fill our ball with foam rubber, or synthetic winterizer, or insert a container with beads or cereals and knit further.

12 row- * 1 decrease, 2 single crochet * - 18 loops in total.

13 row- * 1 decrease, 1 single crochet * - 12 loops in total.

14 row- 6 decreases - 6 loops in total.

Pull off the remaining 6 loops with a needle.

Here is our crochet ball and ready!

Bead crochet pattern

According to this description, you can knit balls or balls of any size. We make increases in each row according to this principle. If you notice, then in each next row we have 6 loops more than in the previous one, because. in each row we make 6 increases.

After we have connected part of the ball with increments, we need to calculate how many rows to knit evenly. To do this, we divide the number of loops in the last row with increments by 6 and get the number of even rows. Next, we make decreases, as well as additions, in each row there are 6 decreases. That's the whole calculation!

Good luck!

Ball (ball) crochet video

I have been thinking for a long time that it would be time for my growing nephew, probably a future football, basketball or volleyball fan, to get a small light ball for fun games.

In one of the early posts on my blog, I showed a master class on knitting a sox ball for a teenage boy. And today I want to tell you how to knit a funny bright rattle ball for a baby.

To knit a ball with a diameter of 7-8 cm, you will need about 20 grams of bright yarn of medium thickness. I use acrylic: melange red and plain light green (footage - 300 m in 100 grams of yarn). You also need knitting needles No. 2.5 and a hook or a gypsy needle, a synthetic filler (I have a holofiber) and a rattle (in my case, a plastic egg from Kinder).

Knowing full well that a textual description of the process of knitting a ball on knitting needles, not provided with step-by-step photos, may raise questions from beginner knitters. That is why at the end of the article you will find a detailed and easy-to-understand video tutorial on knitting such a ball.

Description of knitting a ball with knitting needles

I type 25 loops on the knitting needles (23 loops of the main fabric + 2 edge loops).

1st row: I knit facial loops.

2nd row: I knit with facial loops, performing an increase in loops at the beginning of the row and a decrease at the end.

  • For an increase, I knit 1 loop of the front crossed from the broach between the first and second loop of the row. (You can learn more about this method of adding loops from the knitting master class for children's mitts.)
  • To decrease, I knit together the front 22nd and 23rd loops of the row. (Everything is simple here even for beginners, but suddenly something is not clear - I have this method of cutting loops shown in a step-by-step master class on knitting a children's scarf with knitting needles.)

The sequence of yarn colors in this product is completely arbitrary. I alternate 4 rows, knitted with red melange, with 2 bright green rows.

I knit 60 rows, after which I close the loops. As a result, I get a knitted detail of the future ball, reminiscent of the Leaning Tower of Pisa - a sort of rectangle pretty lopsided to the side :).

I fold the resulting part with the right side inward, connecting the typesetting edge and the edge with closed loops. I crochet both edges (you can use a needle).

Now you need to assemble the side parts of the knitted part of the ball. This can be done by pulling them together with a thread using a needle, as in the video below.

However, I decided to cast on 30 loops from the side edge with a salad-colored thread, transfer them to the knitting needles, then in the next row knit the raised loops three together with the front one, and pull the remaining 10 loops onto the working thread. I think this option also has the right to exist.

When one of the sides of the knitted ball part is pulled off, I stuff the toy with holofiber and put inside a plastic container from Kinder Surprise, filled with various plastic small items and carefully rewound with tape just in case.

After the knitted ball is filled to capacity with filler, I also tighten the second side of the part, like the first.

Knitted rattle ball is ready!

Ball knitted "along the equator"

That's right: today we will learn to knit a ball, moving along its equator and knitting a slice after a slice.

The technology is based on the concept of a shortened row, manipulations with which allow achieving the desired effect of volume. Even if you have never used this technique in your work, try it, you will certainly succeed!

For work we need:
- yarn, such as this;
- knitting needles;
- filler;
- a needle for yarn and scissors.

We will knit the ball as tightly as you can afford, without frills, i.e. just front stitch (facial loops in the front rows, purl - in the purl). At the end of the MK, you will understand that you will perform any excesses - patterned variations, weaving beads, embroidery - and without my participation.

Recall the mathematics of the school course.
If we need a ball of radius R, then the length of the initial row should be πR=3.14*R. Based on this, and taking into account the density of your knitting with the selected yarn / selected knitting needles, calculate the number of loops in the initial row yourself. Round the resulting number to the nearest integer divisible by three.

We collect loops (this can be done in any way, but the method of open loops can be considered ideal), leaving a rather long tail (we will need it later), we knit the first row with front ones up to the penultimate loop inclusive.

We turn the work, insert the right knitting needle into the last knitted loop of the previous row, moving from right to left, leaving the working thread in front of the work.

We pull the working thread away from us so that the last knitted loop, having moved back, deforms the loop that lies under it and the two walls of the latter would be on the knitting needle - front and back (it is written complicated and long, in fact everything is very simple, try it) , move the removed loop to the right knitting needle without knitting in any way. Those who recognized in this maneuver one of the options for knitting short rows are right.

Note that the moved loop looks unusually like "almost" two loops.

We knit a row of purl to the penultimate loop inclusive.

We turned the work, introduced the right knitting needle from right to left, the thread before work ...

Pulled the working thread to the deformation "from one loop turned out two" ...

The dragged result was transferred to the right knitting needle without knitting.

We knit a row of front ones to the penultimate loop in a row, inclusive. They turned it in, pulled it in, removed it, etc.

Shortening each row by one loop, we work in this rhythm until we shorten the number of loops by two-thirds, i.e. a third of the knitting needles you should have in work, a third - set aside on the left and a third - on the right.

We knit the next two rows to the end, i.e. in one row we put into work the loops set aside on one side, and in the next - the delayed loops on the other side. Every "almost" two loops are one loop, which should be knitted as one loop - remember this.

Check yourself at the end of this stage of work: there should be exactly as many loops on the knitting needle as were typed at the beginning of work.

The first slice of the ball is ready.

Similarly, we knit the remaining five.

N.B. You can limit yourself to a smaller number of slices - the result will be an equally interesting object.

The result should be something like this:

Having knitted the last row of the sixth slice and leaving this row on the knitting needle, we cut off the working thread, leaving a rather long end.

The tail remaining from the typesetting edge is passed along the edge loops of our knitting, without tightening. With a thread specially cut from the ball, we perform the same operation from the other end of the work. We are not dragging anything anywhere yet.

We begin to sew up the ball with a thread that stretches from the last knitted row, with a loop-to-loop seam. We do not stretch the thread excessively, our task is to get another row of loops, which will make the joint of the work absolutely (I am not exaggerating: absolutely) invisible.

Approximately in the middle of the seam, we tighten the thread, which stretches along the edge loops, from which we have already pretty far removed. We begin to fill our ball with pieces of filler. We fill tightly and evenly, trying to give the product the shape of a ball and at the same time attaching additional elements inside: a holder for a Christmas tree toy, a bell, a container with dry filler, etc.

We finish the seam. We pull the thread along the edge loops, fix the ends. We hide all the tails with a needle inside the ball, cut off all the excess.


Options for using the object can be seen here.

N.B. In light of the fact that all of the above is the author's development, I, as the author, insist on compliance with the following conditions for its use.
You can: use the technology for personal purposes, for making products as a gift, for sale, etc. However, I do not see the need for links to my address.

You may not: sell the technology, pass it off as your own, copy all or part of the published material without prior agreement with me.

Thanks for understanding.

A crocheted soccer ball can be an unusual gift for a true football fan. Lightweight and safe, it will also be of interest to any baby. I propose to crochet a soccer ball with your own hands, see the photo and knitting pattern.

To make a ball you will need:
yarn (acrylic, wool) white and black,
hook number 2,
synthetic filler (synthetic winterizer, holofiber)
bobbin thread black

VP - air loop.
RLS - single crochet.
increase - 2 sc in one loop

DIY crochet soccer ball pattern

Hexagon diagram.

We knit with white thread.

Row 1: Cast on 2 ch and knit 6 sc into the second loop or amigurumi ring from the hook.

2 row: *increase*. Repeat * 6 times.

3 row: *increase, 1 sbn*. Repeat * 6 times.

4 row: *increase, 2 sbn*. Repeat * 6 times.
5 row: *increase, 3 sbn*. Repeat * 6 times.
Leave a thread for stitching fragments.

Diagram of a pentagon.

We knit with white thread.

Row 1: Cast on 2 ch and knit 5 sc into the second loop from the hook or amigurumi ring.

2 row: * 3 sc in one loop *. Repeat * 5 times.

3 row: * increase, 2 sc *. Repeat * 6 times.

4 row: *increase, 3 sbn*. Repeat * 6 times.

Fasten the thread.

To make a soccer ball, you need to knit 11 black pentagons and 20 white hexagons. I recommend alternating knitting and stitching fragments so that the process does not seem tedious to you.

With the thread left over from knitting a white fragment, we sew the hexagons.

After you get a white ring, sew a black rectangle with bobbin thread. You should get a "flower", as in the photo.

Next, we sew 3 white fragments each and sew to the "flower", after which we sew the black center again. We sew the fragments until they converge into a soccer ball and you only have to sew on the last pentagon.

We tightly stuff the soccer ball with synthetic winterizer or holofiber. You can twist it in your palms so that it is as round as possible.