Competition "Easter egg-2017. International competition of creative works "Easter joy" Awarding of winners and participants of the competition

Higher education" href="/text/category/visshee_obrazovanie/" rel="bookmark">higher education

"Volga Institute of Economics, Pedagogy and Law" (VIEPP)


about holdingZavolzhsky site of the regionalstage

International Competition-Festival

arts and crafts

« Easter egg - 2017"


Non-state educational institution of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra " Child Center education "Peresvet",

Administration of the Sergiev Posad municipal district,

Sergiev Posad branch of the Union of Artists of Russia,

Abramtsevo Art College named after (branch of FGBOU VO MGHPA named after),

· FGBUK "Artistic and Pedagogical Museum of Toys".


Religious organization "Kalachev Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate)",

Department of education and youth policy of the administration of the urban district - the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region,

Municipal budgetary educational institution of higher education "Volga Institute of Economics, Pedagogics and Law" (VIEPP)


Target Competition: creating conditions for aesthetic, moral, Orthodox and patriotic education the younger generation by means of fine arts and arts and crafts, the preservation and popularization of the best traditions of folk art.

Objectives of the Competition

creation of conditions for the realization of the creative potential of children and youth, teams and teachers of additional education, leaders of creative teams;

creation of conditions for improving the professional skills of teachers;

Demonstration of the achievements of decorative, applied and fine arts of the region;

Identification of talented and gifted children;

· development of labor skills and abilities, psychological and practical preparation for work, stimulation of professional orientation of students.


Participants of the Competition can be students, pupils and teachers of educational institutions, cultural institutions and Sunday schools, individuals who have sent the relevant documents in a timely manner, aged 6 years.


5.1. The competition is held in the following age categories:

· 12-14 years;

· 15-17 years;

18 years and older (for teachers, parents and students over 18.)

5.2. The competition is held from February 27 to March 06, 2017.

5.3 . The regional (regional) stage includes expert assessment competition works by jury members and determination of winners and prize-winners.

5 .4. Participants of the Competition from February 27 to 15:00 March 02, 2017 must submit to the Organizing Committee (Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Volga Institute of Economics, Pedagogics and Law" (VIEPP), 404111 Volgograd Region,):

application (Appendix 1, Appendix 2);

consent to the placement of photos, videos or other personal information (this consent must be completed for each participant and project manager). Consent for a minor participant (Appendix 3), consent for an adult participant (Appendix 4);

crafts (egg), designed in accordance with the requirements (clause 7 of these Regulations);

registration fee for each participant in the amount of 50 rubles. The registration fee includes: technical and printing services for the participants of the competition, the prize fund of the competition. Registration fees are paid directly to the Organizing Committee at the address (MBOU VO VIEPP, 404111 Volgograd region,) or by postal order (at the address: 404111 Volgograd region, VIEPP, Korableva Lyudmila Andreevna).

For pupils of Sunday schools, the registration fee is not charged.

5 .5. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to use the contest materials for publication and replication with indication of their authorship. Participation in the competition means acceptance of these requirements.



6.1. Nomination "Craftsman". In this nomination, Easter eggs made in the technique: painting, burning and woodcarving.

6.2. Nomination "Inspiration". In this nomination, Easter eggs are presented, made in the technique: embroidery, beading.

6.3. Nomination "Creator". This nomination presents Easter eggs made using the technique: appliqué, decoupage, quilling, works from natural materials.

6.4. Nomination "Fantasy". This nomination presents Easter eggs made in patchwork technique, macrame, knitting.

6.5. Nomination "Ages 18 and over (for teachers, parents and students over 18)". This nomination evaluates Easter eggs made in any technique.


"Easter Composition"- an exhibition of the team's works on the Easter theme at the awards ceremony (for those who come to the awards ceremony).


7.1. The works submitted to the competition must be fully prepared for demonstration (the works must be sustainable). Each work must be packed in a package. The Organizing Committee of the Competition reserves the right not to accept fragile and carelessly designed works. The size of the eggs is from 7 to 17 cm (excluding the height of the stand). Competitive entries are allowed gift wrapping(package size should not exceed 10x10x18 cm).

7.2. It is necessary to securely attach the label to the craft (Appendix 5) using a cord or braid (if there are stands, the labels must be on both the egg and the stand).

7.3. Labels must be printed on colored paper in the following order:

· 6-8 years - yellow label;

· 9-11 years old - blue label;

· 12-14 years old - pink label;

· 15-18 years old - green label;

· From 18 years and older (for teachers, parents and students over 18 years old) - white label.

7.4. Applications and crafts (eggs) are accepted from February 27 to March 01, 2017 from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00.


Each criterion is evaluated on a 10 point system:

the artistic level of the work;


use of folk traditions;

Compliance of the presented work with the age of the participant.


The registration fee for participation in the Contest (one participant) is 50 rubles. The payment of the registration fee includes the printing of diplomas of participants, diplomas and prizes for winners and prize-winners, technical support.

Nomination "Easter composition" (works by mail are not accepted).

The registration fee is 50 rubles. from the organization.


10.1. The results of the Competition are summed up at 11:00 on March 06, 2017 on the basis of the Municipal Budget educational institution higher education "Volga Institute of Economics, Pedagogics and Law" (VIEPP) at the address: 404111 Volgograd region, VIEPP

10.2. Summing up the results is recorded in the minutes of the jury meeting.

Easter - the greatest holiday for which all Christians have long been preparing. And now the long-awaited day has arrived. In 2017, the Bright Resurrection of Christ will come to Orthodox and Catholics around the world on the same day - April 16th. Everyone must gather in the house, cover festive table and congratulate each other, solemnly exclaiming: "Christ is Risen!" Many traditions are associated with this day in the world, but everyone will definitely have colored Easter eggs on the table, lush Easter cakes, and joy and peace in their souls. I want a miracle on this day and it will definitely happen. Children receive gifts, adults meet friends, lovers folk games they will definitely arrange competitions and choose the strongest egg, as a symbol of a great holiday. Portal Cool again holds an all-Russian competition dedicated to this celebration. Red Easter 2017 starts. Send us your works that will tell about how this day is celebrated in the world and in your family! Happy holiday! Christ is risen!

Attention!!! And that's not all, because the winner of the competition will receive chic prize - Incubator . The prize will be drawn among the winners of all nominations.

Participants of the competition will receive diplomas of laureates or winners, taking 1st, 2nd, 3rd place. Among the winners who took 1st place, a valuable prize - the Incubator - will be raffled off. IN next year you will have your eggs and your chickens.

Regulations on the All-Russian competition of drawings, presentations, crafts and developments "Red Easter 2017" with a prize

The All-Russian distance creative competition on the theme “Red Easter 2017” is held by the portal on the eve of the holiday, when all people who consider themselves believers are preparing to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ. Presentations, scripts, crafts and drawings on the specified topic are accepted from children and adults. And the portal guarantees to award the winner with a valuable prize.

The purpose of the competition:

To involve all participants in the competition in the dissemination and preservation of Christian culture, customs and traditions of the holiday.

Competition objectives:

  • Contribute to the expansion of knowledge about the Easter holiday among children and adults.
  • To educate the participants of the competition in a positive attitude towards Christian traditions, created by the Russian people for centuries.
  • To promote the development of creativity of schoolchildren and preschoolers, librarians and teachers through the creation of unique original works.
  • Contribute to the activation of extracurricular and out-of-school work in educational institutions of the Russian Federation.
  • To enable teachers, educators, librarians and children to compete with other participants of the competition on a national scale, without leaving the framework of their region.

The procedure for holding the All-Russian competition "Easter Red 2017" on the portal

The procedure for holding the Red Easter 2017 contest is determined by these Regulations.

Categories of participants of the All-Russian distance competition "Red Easter 2017"

All adults and children living in Russia are invited to participate in the All-Russian creative competition "Red Easter 2017". Librarians, educators, methodologists, psychologists, teachers, students, preschoolers, parents, students, teachers can become participants in the distance competition additional education and other groups of people who want to show themselves when creating thematic creative works.

For the Red Easter 2017 competition, works are provided in the following age categories:

  • preschoolers;
  • students primary school(1 - 4 class);
  • students high school(5 - 9 grade);
  • high school students (grades 10-11, students);
  • teachers (teachers of all specialties, educators, lecturers, class teachers, librarians, social educators, librarians, psychologists, parents and other adult groups). The works of participants will be evaluated separately in nominations (by age).

Nominations of works for the contest "Red Easter 2017"

Works that are copyright can be sent to the competition. The work must necessarily disclose the stated topic as fully as possible and fully comply with the requirements for design. Competition nominations:

  • Presentation
  • Drawing
  • craft
  • Scenario

Subjects of competitive works

Entries must be relevant to the theme. They can tell about everything related to Easter:

  • Holy Resurrection of Christ
  • Easter greetings
  • Easter eggs
  • Easter history, traditions, customs
  • Easter cakes for the holiday
  • Easter games, songs, entertainment
  • Easter signs and beliefs
  • How I celebrate Easter in the world and in the family
  • Do-it-yourself souvenirs and crafts for the holiday

Competitive works by nominations and categories


Let's take paints or pencils and draw how people celebrate Easter 2017. Of course, the main symbol in the drawings will be an Easter egg, but someone will definitely draw Easter cakes, a temple and other thematic drawings that reflect the essence of the holiday.

  • Drawing Pupils of preschool educational institutions (kindergartens) received works in total: 2
  • Drawing Pupils of grades 1 - 4 received works in total: 12
  • Drawing Pupils in grades 5 - 9 total works received: 4
  • Drawing Pupils of the 10th - 11th grade total works received: 0
  • Teacher's Figure Received Works Total: 1

Received works in the nomination Drawing total: 19


Each slide of the presentation tells about the Easter holiday and numerous Easter traditions, its symbols. Tell us how this holiday is celebrated in your families, schools, cities, villages.

  • Presentation Pupils of preschool educational institutions (kindergartens) received works in total: 0
  • Presentation Pupils of grades 1 - 4 received total works: 0
  • Presentation Pupils in grades 5 - 9 total works received: 1
  • Presentation Pupils of grades 10 - 11 received works in total: 0
  • Teacher's presentation Received works total: 5

Received works in the category Presentation of all: 6


On the eve of Easter, every school, as well as at home, in kindergartens, in the classes of creative circles and associations, will make crafts for the holiday. If your craft turned out to be some unusual and super beautiful, send her photo to the contest. Surprise our strict jury.

  • Craft Pupils of preschool educational institutions (kindergartens) received works in total: 23
  • Crafts Pupils of grades 1 - 4 received works in total: 9
  • Crafts Pupils of grades 5 - 9 received works in total: 6
  • Crafts Pupils of grades 10 - 11 received works in total: 0
  • Craft Teacher received works total: 10

Received works in the nomination Craft total: 48


We have scenarios extracurricular activities, lessons, quizzes, library hours, electronic games dedicated to Easter, which this year is celebrated on April 16, and its glorious traditions. if you have ready scripts, you can take part in the All-Russian competition and get your diploma.

  • Teacher's Script Received Works Total: 2

Entries received in the nomination Scenario of all: 2

General requirements for the content and design of competitive works

In "Presentation" works that are made by participants in the PowerPoint program (file extension .pps, .ppt, .pptx) are accepted. Along with the presentation, the archive can be accompanied by audio and video materials that are needed to disclose the topic, script class hour or lesson. Topics are listed above.

All-Russian competition "Red Easter 2017" accepts works that are copyrighted material. The texts of presentations should not contain errors, all texts are printed only in Russian. The first slide indicates the title of the work, last name, first name, patronymic of the author, place of work, study.

In the nomination "Drawing" works made in any technique (watercolor, pastel, oil, crayons, gouache, pencil drawing, mixed media) are provided. The format of the provided drawing is A3 - A4.

The participant provides a scanned or photographed drawing good quality in .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .tif, .gif format, up to 5 Mb.

Competitive drawings must be done carefully, their content must not contradict the legislation of our country. Works that do not correspond to the subject will not be accepted. The drawing must have a title that is indicated in the application.

In the nomination "Handmade" photographs of the work performed by the participants are accepted. Photos must be of good quality so that the jury members can evaluate the work, and the participants can view them. The craft is proposed to be performed in any technique using various materials.

In "Script" development of extracurricular activities is accepted, class hours, lessons, thematic classes, games, quizzes, library hours dedicated to Easter. The authors of the works can be teachers, educators, psychologists, librarians and other categories of pedagogical workers.

The text is written in Russian. It must not contain any errors. You can add poetry, prose to the script. The last page lists the sources of information used.

Evaluation of competitive works

Evaluation of competitive works is carried out by the site administration. Winners, laureates and participants are determined in each nomination and category separately. When evaluating work, the following is taken into account:

  • compliance with the stated topic;
  • completeness of the disclosure of the topic;
  • content (volume of work, availability of applications);
  • reliability of the information provided;
  • design quality;
  • literacy;
  • originality;
  • manifestation of creative individuality;
  • the possibility of wide use of the material in the future.

Dates of the All-Russian contest "Red Easter 2017"

The competition is held from 03/15/2017 to 05/15/2017.

Summing up the results of the competition 16.05. 2017 to 05/25/2017.

Awarding of the participants of the competition with 05/26/2017 to 05/31/2017.

Summing up the results of the Red Easter 2017 contest

In each nomination (age category) and type of work, winners, laureates and participants of the competition are determined separately. For the winners all-Russian competition"Red Easter 2017" is awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd place. The winners are those who sent good works, but they were not among the winners. All others are considered participants of the distance competition.

Among the winners who took 1st place in all categories and nominations, a valuable prize will be drawn: Incubator. The winner will be determined using a random number generator.

Registration fee for participation in the contest "Red Easter 2017"

The registration fee for participation in the competition is 200 rubles for each submitted work. In this case, your work will be published on the site and the participant will receive an electronic diploma confirming participation in the Red Easter 2017 contest. If you need a paper diploma, which the organizing committee sends to your home address by Russian Post, the registration fee of 300 rubles (registered letter) is paid.

In any branch Sberbank or another bank on receipt (download receipt)

Yandex.Money to the wallet 41001171308826

webmoney to the wallet R661813691812

plastic (credit) card- online payment form is placed below

If you have paid the registration fee, you accept the terms of the offer agreement.

If you decide to participate in the Red Easter 2017 contest, you need to:

  1. Perform a drawing, write a script, make a craft or make a multimedia presentation that will correspond to one of the indicated nominations.
  2. Correctly fill out the application form of the participant of the competition.
  3. Pay the registration fee of 200 rubles or 300 rubles.

Send in one letter to [email protected] :

  1. finished work (with all appendices, if necessary);
  2. a completed application form (only in .doc format, a Word document);
  3. a scanned copy of the payment document or a screenshot if the payment was made through the online form.

Important organizational points

All submitted works are published by the site administrator on the portal with the indication of authorship.

The site administrator informs the participants about the receipt of the competitive work. If you haven't received an email within three days of submitting your work, please contact us to check if the work has been received.

The works received for the contest by the administrators are not edited, reviewed and are not returned back to the participants.

Substitution of works will not be made during the competition, proofread them before sending and carefully check the work of embedded videos, music, flash videos.

The site administrator does not enter into personal correspondence with the contestants. Only in case of emergency we contact the authors of the competition work (the archive does not open, there are not enough documents).

Correctly indicate the return address and timely pick up letters with diplomas at your post office. After the expiration of the storage period, they are returned to our editorial office. The letter will be sent again at your expense!!!

The organizers of the competition reserve the right to slightly change the conditions and procedure for the competition.

If the package of documents is incomplete, the work does not take part in the competition.

Awarding of winners and participants of the competition

All participants of the contest will receive electronic diplomas confirming their participation in the Red Easter 2017 contest and the placement of their work in the media. Diplomas are in .pdf format. You can download the diplomas of the contest participants on the day the work is published on the site, and the diplomas of the winners only after summing up the results. Diplomas are on the portal on the pages of the nominations, where the lists of the participants of the competition are published (on the green arrow).

Participants and laureates of the competition, who paid the registration fee of 300 rubles, will be sent paper diplomas by Russian Post to the addresses indicated in the application. If the address was not specified in the application, the diploma will not be sent by mail! All diplomas are sent by registered mail. After sending the diploma, you will be informed of the postal number of the item so that you can track your letter on the Russian Post website.

A valuable prize - the Incubator will be raffled among the winners who took 1st place. The prize will be sent by parcel to the postal address indicated in the letter. The organizers of the contest are not responsible for the safety of the prize during the delivery process. Appearance the prize may differ slightly from its image on the site.


All contributions received from the participants of the competition will be spent on the organization of the competition and the further development of the portal

Contact details of the organizing committee

E-mail address: [email protected]

We invite children and teachers to take part in the competition of creative works (crafts, drawings, etc.) dedicated to Easter.

All participants of the international competition "Easter Joy" are awarded commemorative certificates, and according to the results of the competition - !

About the contest:

Contest Organizer - International educational portal for children and teachers

International competition of creative works "Easter joy", dedicated to the main holiday of Orthodox Christians - Easter, the brightest and most joyful day of the year. In 2017, Easter is celebrated on April 16th.

We invite children and teachers to take part in the competition of creative works dedicated to Easter.

Handicrafts, postcards, hand-made drawings as a souvenir or a gift for bright holiday Easter.

All participants of the competition dedicated to Easter are awarded commemorative certificates, and according to the results of the competition - Diplomas of winners and laureates!

For teachers-curators who have applied for 6 or more participants are issued Thanksgiving letters"For the organization and preparation of the participants of the competition."

Competition dates:


Preschoolers, primary school students, schoolchildren of grades 5-11 of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges can take part in the remote competition, a competition for pupils of centers children's creativity, centers of additional education for children, schools of fine arts, etc.

Competition nominations:

    nomination "preschoolers"

    nomination "students of grades 1-4"

    nomination "students of 5-11 grades"

    nomination "teachers"

Job requirements:

Entries must be submitted:

    as photos in jpeg/jpg format(photo of crafts, applications, drawings, etc.) or scanned copies of drawings(photos and scanned copies must be of good quality - not blurry, clear, not overexposed, without unnecessary inscriptions)

The work must have a title and short description(in the description you need to indicate the age of the child, the technique of execution, the materials used, etc.)

The work must correspond to the age of the participant, adults can be assistants, curators.

The size of the file with a photograph of the work should not exceed 2 MB(if the file size exceeds the specified size, the application will not be sent) and should not be och. small size, because the photo cannot be seen. (photo size).

Evaluation criteria:

    correspondence of the work to the theme of the competition;

    quality and aesthetics of work performance;

    originality of the disclosure of the topic;

    degree of independence and creative personal approach;

    novelty of the idea.

When summing up the results of the competition, the jury's scores and the results of voting for the work will be taken into account.

How to participate in the competition?

    Register on the site (a teacher or a parent of the participant can register).

    Carefully read the remote creative competitions for children.

    Pay the registration fee for participation with one of the ones presented on the site. Organizational fees for a group of participants are paid by the Curator with one receipt for the total amount.

    Select a nomination, click on the "add work" icon, fill out the application form, attach the competition work and a copy of the payment receipt or pay online.

About posting work on the site:

    Works are published on the site within 3 days from the moment the application is received and the work is accepted for consideration.

    If after 3 days you do not receive a notification about the publication of the work on the site, contact the organizers of the competition or send applications again.

    The administration of the site "Darednost.RU" reserves the right to refuse participation in the competition if the submitted materials do not meet these requirements.

    Members after a 3-day period, they independently check the presence of a published work on the site and if necessary (for example, if the work is not published on the site, etc.) contact the organizers of the competition by e-mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

    The organizers contact the participants of the competition only in exceptional cases, due to the mass character.

Summing up the results of the competition and awarding the winners:

The jury determines the Winners of the competition, who took I, II, III places, the Laureates of the competition and the Participants of the competition.

    The winners are awarded with the Diploma of the Contest Winner.

    Laureates are awarded with the Diploma of the Laureate of the competition.

    Participants are awarded with the Certificate of the Contest Participant. The certificate of participation in the competition can be downloaded from the site immediately after posting(A link to the certificate is placed under your competitive work).

Attention! After the end of the competition, you will not be able to download the Participant Certificates, and voting for entries will also stop.

Electronic Diplomas of winners, laureates and Diplomas of participants will be available for download after summing up the results of the competition in the section

Regulations on holding the municipal stage of the International Competition-Festival of Arts and Crafts

"Easter Egg-2017"

1. General Provisions

1.1. This regulation establishes the procedure for holding the municipal stage of the International Competition-Festival of Arts and Crafts "Easter Egg-2017" (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).

1.2. The management of the Competition is carried out by the Department of Education of the Administration of the Dmitrovsky municipal district, the Dmitrov deanery.

1.4. The organizer and coordinator is the Municipal educational institution Lyceum No. 4, Dmitrov.

  1. Objectives and terms of the competition

Competition goals:

  • involvement of children and adolescents in Orthodox culture, fostering a sense of patriotism and love for the Motherland;
  • development of all types of arts and crafts among children and adolescents;
  • identification of talented and gifted children;
  • preservation and popularization of the best traditions of folk art.

Competition deadlines

  • Acceptance of competitive works in MDOU No. 83 "Cherry": up to February 13, 2017 of the year.
  • Opening of the exhibition "Easter Egg-2017" in MOU lyceum No. 4 of Dmitrov (Dmitrov, microdistrict Makhalina, 15) - February 21, 2017. at 15.00 h. (Tuesday)
  • Closing of the exhibition and summing up the results of the exhibition - March 04, 2017 at 13.00 h. (Saturday)
  • Sending the works of the winners of the municipal stage to the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra to the Children's Education Center "Peresvet" - March 10, 2017

3.Participants of the competition

3.1. Age groups of participants (summing up the results in the age group in the presence of 10 works)

  • 6-8 years;
  • 9-11 years old;
  • 12-14 years old;
  • 15-17 years old;
  • 18 years and older (for teachers, parents and students over 18).

3.2. Nominations:

  1. "Handyman" - Easter eggs made using the technique of painting, burning and woodcarving.
  2. "Creator" - Easter eggs made using the technique of appliqué, decoupage, quilling, work from natural materials.
  3. "Inspiration" - Easter eggs made in the technique of embroidery, beading.
  4. "Fantasy" - Easter eggs made in the technique of macrame, knitting, patchwork technique.

4.Requirements for competition entries:

5.1. Availability of a general application from the organization indicating all competitive works (application form in the application). The application is submitted in 2 copies together with competitive works.

  • the presence of accompanying labels sized 5x7 cm (label sample in the application), securely fastened to work with a cord or braid (if there are stands, the labels must be on both the egg and the stand);
  • HIGH performance level.
  • entries must not be plagiarism, copy or part of the work of other authors;
  • works submitted to the competition must be fully prepared for demonstration (works must be sustainable), each work must be packed in a bag;
  • The organizing committee of the competition-festival reserves the right not to accept fragile and carelessly designed works;
  • egg size: from 7 to 17 cm (excluding the height of the stand). Registration of competitive works in a gift box is allowed (the size of the box should not exceed 10x10x18 cm);
  • from the organization is accepted up to 5 works in nominations.

5. Criteria for evaluation:

  • the artistic level of the submitted works;
  • originality;
  • use of folk traditions;
  • compliance of the submitted work with the age of the participant.