Creative Quilting: Nice and easy for beginners. What does the word "patchwork" mean? What is the name of the patchwork technique

Methods of patchwork in home needlework.

The simple needlework of our grandmothers from the remaining shreds of fabrics has now turned into a whole section of folk arts and crafts called patchwork. Various techniques for connecting multi-colored, varied or correct form pieces allow you to create unusually beautiful and extraordinary products. Very often patchwork is used for interior decoration.

Patchwork for beginners: different techniques

The first steps in mastering patchwork should begin with the simplest techniques:

  • Traditional. The basis is a fabric canvas, on which sewn shreds are superimposed from the wrong side. The picture, folded from pieces, is front side products. Most often, potholders and thin blankets are made in this way.
DIY kitchen utensils

Bedspread decorated with shreds
  • Quick squares. The easiest way. Prepared multi-colored square shreds are folded into a specific pattern. It all depends on the imagination of the needlewoman.

A very easy way to patchwork for students
  • Stripe to stripe. Colorful cuts from the strips are connected in different ways: in spiral or zigzag forms, in horizontal or vertical directions

Soft handmade pillow
  • Magic triangles. Taking the first steps in the work, it is better to use isosceles triangles. It is very easy to build any pattern out of them.

Triangular Patch Blanket

Bargello technique in patchwork: patterns for beginners

schematic drawing

We prepare 6 cuts of different colors, selected length and width (depending on the desired size of the finished canvas)

Cuts are distributed by tones

We sew the strips first in pairs from the wrong side, then into one whole canvas

Trim uneven edges

Sew together: the first and last strip

Cut off even strips of bargello

We fold the strips according to the scheme, then we sew. We unpick the extra seams on the typesetting strips. We make the edging of the finished product with a ribbon

If everything is done correctly, we get a beautiful blanket or cape

Patchwork technique in patchwork: patterns for beginners

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

Example 5

Example 6

Patchwork Pizza Technique: Patterns for Beginners

  • A very convenient option, as it does not require any specific scheme.
  • Made from pieces of fabric of any size
  • On a piece of fabric, the selected size of the finished product, put shreds. The drawing is completely arbitrary
  • Put a layer of organza on top
  • ironing
  • Putting another piece of scraps
  • Cover again with organza
  • We stitch the entire pattern on a typewriter

Quilted patchwork option

Crazy technique in patchwork from jeans: patterns for beginners

  • An ideal opportunity to create original products from worn-out old jeans.
  • Since this technique involves the use of various shapes of figures, decoration with buttons, beads, rhinestones, ribbons, lace and other unpredictable elements, labels, pockets, ready-made stitched seams that are present on old jeans will be used.
  • The absence of requirements for any plan or plot allows you to create very unpredictable and useful products.

We decorate the interior with the help of patchwork craftsmanship

We make handbags from shabby canvas pants

In the course are: frayed edges, pockets, stitched locks and other decorative elements of old jeans

Boro technique in patchwork: patterns for beginners

  • Ethnic fashion in the boro style is a prominent representative of Japanese arts and crafts.
  • This technique implies imitating darning with scraps of rags and patches.
  • The work is very laborious, since each patch is sewn by hand
  • Any product made using this technique is very unique and decorative.
  • Even a beginner needlewoman can turn an ordinary, boring bag into an exclusive wardrobe item.

Cut rectangles of various shapes are placed on the front side of the bag.

We sew each figure by hand

An effective product is ready

Lyapochikh technique in patchwork: patterns for beginners

The most common type of technology. Even our ancestors made carpets using this technology. Thin knitted stripes are sewn onto the base. The more varied the color scheme, the more interesting the product is.

Decorative pillow in the style of a goofball

Traditional patchwork rug

Beautiful patchwork of clothes: schemes, photos

  • Making patchwork clothes takes a lot of time and patience.
  • You can make from pieces: outerwear, a dress, a blouse, and even boots and slippers
  • Choose pieces that are approximately the same size
  • With the maximum variety of colors, there should always be one dominant color.
  • You can use shreds from old clothes, leftovers from new fabric

Patchwork warm jacket

Product formation scheme

Jeans fantasies

Harmonious patchwork outfit

Another kind of outfit with patchwork technique

Boyarka from pieces of fabric

Cozy house slippers decorated with patches

Beautiful patchwork for children: diagrams, photos

Pattern: chicken on a walk

Finished bedspread made according to the template

Schematic: creative chick under an umbrella

Baby blanket according to the proposed scheme

Patchwork girl's handbag

Baby bib decorated with appliqué pieces of fabric

Beautiful pano in patchwork technique

Pillows for a children's room using a patchwork technique

Beautiful patchwork of potholders

  • A practical thing that does not require large expenditures when done in the patchwork style, it can serve as a wonderful gift for a close friend and relatives.
  • Potholders can be made in different shapes and sizes, which makes it very easy for those who are new to the patchwork type of needlework.

Diagram of a cat for kitchen utensils made from scraps of fabric

Ready potholders with a cat

Mitten variant

Cheerful owls in the kitchen interior

Patchwork leaves on kitchen tacks

Bright Christmas trees for the hostess in the style of patchwork

Another option for tacks made from pieces of fabric in the form of leaflets

Video: Tack from scraps of fabric

Beautiful patchwork bags

One of the options for patchwork needlework bags is discussed above.

You can apply this type of folk art for any kind of bags.

Exclusive DIY bag

Beautiful patchwork decoration

Gentle creative pattern in patchwork technique

Stages of making an unusual wardrobe detail

Patchwork beautiful sewing from socks

Patchwork techniques are very often used to patch holes in socks. But sometimes socks are used for the unique manufacture of homemade products.

Birdie from end-of-life socks

Fancy sock dragons

Funny owls from leaky socks

Patchwork from strips of fabric

Consider this technique in the following example.

  • From a fabric cut 1.5 m long, we cut out two yellow stripes and the same number of stripes with blue flowers

Preparatory stage 1
  • We cut using a ruler with an angle of 60 degrees or an ordinary one with a marking of an angle of 30 degrees
  • We put a clean sheet of drawing paper on the cut cuts
  • Aligning the bottom ends

Preparatory stage step 2
  • Cut the top of the sheet to fit the width of the strip
  • To the point of z0 degree markings on the ruler, we apply the side of the edge of the paper
  • We bevel the top of the triangle a little, leaving allowances for the seams

Preparatory phase 3
  • We draw a line along the intended line, cut off the resulting triangle
  • Using adhesive tape, we attach the ruler, as shown in the figure.

Preparatory phase 4

Getting to the main work

  • Stripes of the same color are folded inside out
  • Cut off the first triangular piece
  • We got two identical triangular shapes, from which in the future we will create a beautiful napkin
  • Cut out the triangles for the rug in a similar way.

Stage 1
  • Next, with the inverted side of the ruler, we measure the corner from the opposite side of the curb
  • We cut along the measured line - two more details for the napkin
  • Change the position of the ruler again, cut off the triangles for the track
  • As a result, it is necessary to prepare two corners on one side of the strip for the rug and two on the other, for the napkin
  • In a similar way, we do all the manipulations from the other edge of the strip, but in a mirror image
  • We receive finished products
  • Next, you can make a liner from synthetic winterizer and edging with a ribbon

The final stage

Patchwork knitted rug

  • The optimal production knitted rugs from shreds - using the lyapochikh technique discussed above
  • You can complicate the pattern by sewing on pieces of knitwear in the form of beaks.
Original patchwork rugs

Patchwork: magic triangles technique, napkins

We decorate napkins with magic triangles
  • One of the most popular techniques in patchwork
  • The use of triangles is very convenient for creating various patterns and ornaments.
  • Very easy to work with isosceles triangles
  • The creative process is simple: the triangles are sewn together with a short side - a pattern of long multi-colored stripes is formed, with a length - square drawings are obtained.

Patchwork from squares

Cozy square pillow

The affordable square patchwork technique is the best solution for beginners because it is simple and easy. To create such a pattern, you can use the bargelo technique above.

Patchwork products: photo

  • Not always a simple, but very interesting subject of folk art, as skills are gained, it will inspire new ideas.
  • Each needlewoman has individual approach to any of the available technologies.
  • It is in this needlework that it is almost impossible to repeat any, even the most a simple idea, since shreds, one to one to the original, are very difficult to pick up.
  • For which the patchwork mosaic has special significance - it is uniqueness.
  • Video: Patchwork for beginners. Technique "well"

    The technique of patchwork has long been known in many countries. It consists in composing various compositions - mosaic patterns - from patches of fabric cut according to a pattern, both colorful and plain. In our country, such creativity is called a patchwork (calico) mosaic.

    In the compositions made in this technique, there are no visible seams on the front side of the product, in contrast to the application (sewing patches on a single background). Both directions can be present and perfectly combined with each other in the same product.

    The history of patchwork is of interest to many. How and when did this unusual tradition of "collecting" things from pieces of cloth originate? In what country did it originate? Let's fast forward to the past for a moment.

    The history of patchwork

    England is considered to be the birthplace of this technique. But in fact, the history of the appearance of patchwork is connected with much more ancient times. In the National Museum of Cairo, a sample of an ornament is exhibited, the material for which was the leather fragments of the skin of a gazelle, scientists date it to 980 BC. e. The Tokyo City Museum has an old dress of a similar age with patchwork patterns. In 1920, the English archaeologist A. Stein discovered a Buddhist carpet dating back to about the 9th century, sewn by monks from many pieces of pilgrims' clothing.

    The history of patchwork in European countries is no less interesting. There is an assumption that this craft came from the East along with the knights returning from the Crusades, who brought with them carpets, banners, clothes and fabrics as trophies. Then, at the end of the 18th century, settlers from England, Holland and Germany brought the patchwork technique to America, where it was significantly improved and turned into national view creativity.

    The Western name for this technique is patchwork. This practical and inexpensive type of arts and crafts originally existed in England, where excellent bright patterns and colors were brought from India from the 16th century. A characteristic sign of wealth in the house was an Indian blanket luxuriously decorated with a printed pattern or embroidery.

    England as the birthplace of patchwork

    Since not everyone could afford genuine colonial goods, English manufactories quickly mastered the production of fakes - locally produced blankets made from imported fabrics. Since 1712, the government of England, in order to develop its own manufacturing industry, was forbidden to import into the country and sell Indian chintz and products from it. Since then, the history of patchwork in the country has received an impetus to development.

    Chintz became smuggled and expensive. After sewing clothes from it, thrifty Englishwomen used the remnants of the fabric for other products - mainly appliqués for woolen and linen fabrics. The smallest shreds were assembled into a mosaic, forming a single canvas.

    History of patchwork in Russia

    In our country, references to this technique have been found since the 19th century with the sale of expensive overseas chintz. This art reached its heyday at the end of the 19th century, which is associated with the beginning of the development of the production of chintz by machine in manufactories and the widespread distribution of inexpensive cotton fabrics with a printed pattern. Thus, in our country, the whole history of patchwork is briefly reduced to the emergence of industrial production in the textile sector.

    Chintz shirts and sundresses are firmly established in everyday life. Their decoration, as a rule, was a patchwork ornament. Thrifty housewives managed from the smallest chintz scraps left after cutting clothes to collect a lot of useful products - blankets, curtains, rugs, pillows, and much more.

    Made in Russia

    The history of patchwork in our country traditionally comes down to the technique of "rustic" patterns - a simple mosaic of triangles, squares, stripes and contrasting inserts of bright color. The most interesting and remarkable are the three-dimensional technologies characteristic of Russian sewing.

    The essence of this technology is as follows. All shreds are cut according to the pattern in the form of a square or circle and folded into triangles. Those are grouped in rows and attached in a circle to the base that serves dense fabric. Another option - the fabric is cut into strips, from which long bundles are twisted. Then a braid-cord is woven. Several of these braids different color laid out on the fabric in a circle and sewn together.

    And in our days?

    In the 20th century (namely, in the 70s) there was a new surge in fashion for clothes, decorations and interiors in folklore style, on the wave of which interest in this technique was revived. Museums became interested in this type of folk art, and began to collect samples of products.

    As a result, whole collections of folk masterpieces appeared (which is not surprising, because the history of patchwork goes back many decades). And they are stored in the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art in Moscow, the State Russian Museum of St. Petersburg, the Museum of Ivanovo Calico and many city museums of local lore. Patchwork technique has attracted a huge number of contemporary professional artists.

    Is it easy to sew from patchwork?

    This technique is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The artist is required not only to possess sewing skills, but also a subtle sense of style, color and, of course, taste. Good result possible only with high precision cutting and stitching elements. A difference of just a few millimeters can lead to a distortion of the entire product. It is required to be fluent in both hand and machine stitching (the term "quilting" means to sew through a pad of cotton, a layer of batting or any other material placed between two layers of decorative fabric). The stitch can have various patterns that additionally decorate the product.

    What craftswomen do not sew from multi-colored patches! They create a wide variety of things - from blankets, tablecloths, pillows, curtains, potholders, rugs to panels and paintings, as well as bags, jackets and vests. Having a developed taste, the artist has complete freedom in choosing fabrics and drawing up her own, always unique pattern.

    Mastering the intricacies of this original art requires patience and time. Beginning needlewomen can be advised to take on a simple small-sized product, for example, a pot holder. In the manufacture of any item in the patchwork technique, first of all, you need to master the connection of a pair of rectangular triangles of the same size, different in color, into a square, then composing strips from similar squares, after which stitching a number of strips into a continuous canvas follows.

    What is required from the artist

    A necessary component of success is the presence of accuracy and artistic taste. So that the composition does not ripple in the eyes, the pieces of fabric must be in harmony with each other in color. A successful geometric solution can give the composition a truly unique flavor. Difficulty arises when working with shreds, which, in addition to the main pattern, have many additional colors and shades. Composing a single canvas, the master has to check the effect achieved every minute. And the main thing in his work is not the theory of color combinations, but his own intuition.

    The extraordinary variety of patchwork crafts strikes and attracts attention. In the decoration of the kitchen, tablecloths, elegant napkins, colorful potholders are striking, in the bedroom - blankets, all kinds of rugs and pillowcases. Getting into the living room, we pay attention to accessories in the form of a wallet, a bag and even clothes in the wardrobe - it can be cozy or in a folk style.

    Modern tendencies

    Today, patchwork attracts both professional artists and amateur craftsmen. Someone is passionate about sewing blankets, having made a national art, the other chose to make clothes enriched with the decorative variety of Russian folk costume.

    In any case, we can trace the interweaving of modern sewing techniques with folk traditions, and through this - penetration into the cultural heritage of the past. Patchwork works of the Russian style are characterized by a special brightness, "fun" of colors. There is always multicolor in the patterns; various colorful motifs and fabrics of several textures harmoniously combine there in an incomprehensible way.

    In a number of Russian cities, fans of this original wonderful work have organized their own clubs. Patchwork lovers hold joint actions, meetings, exhibitions and festivals, up to the implementation of international projects.

    The history of the development of patchwork is by no means completed even today. All over the world, this craft is being revived anew, many countries claim priority in this area of ​​applied art. Perhaps it is most correct to consider it international art - belonging to the whole world. Like other ways of artistic expression, it serves as an accessible and understandable language for the interaction of representatives of different faiths and nations.

    Patchwork, patchwork, quilting, textile mosaic - all these are types of needlework that are based on the same principle - creating a single composition from individual patches. With the help of these needlework, you can create very original wardrobe items, fashionable accessories and interior textiles.

    Old grandmother's patchwork blankets were forgotten for a long time. And only thanks to the help from different countries, the patchwork work returned again and sparkled with new colors. Today almost every fashion season you can see garments created from quilting, or fabrics that perfectly imitate this technique.

    Missoni and 2 photos of Etro.
    Patchwork style and imitation in fashion collections.

    Many types of needlework that involve patchwork have different names. But today we recall one of the patchwork techniques called quilting. American women claim that they were the first to use this technique. Quilting is a quilted fabric created from scraps.

    A bit of quilting history

    Patchwork has been practiced by many peoples since ancient times, so American women still have to prove that it was they who became the founders of quilting. It is known that quilted multi-layer clothing was created in ancient times in Japan and China.

    Patch sewing technology existed in the 15th century. in Italy. In every country there were similar types of needlework, because it is impossible to name a place on Earth where everyone would live well and happily, and therefore many women tried to save money in their household, carefully preserving shreds of fabric, so that if necessary, they could sew something for themselves or members of your family.

    Even in a country like England, when the prices of colorful Indian fabrics rose, women began to appreciate every morsel. But let's not dispute the primacy of American women in the creation of quilting and patchwork. Let them claim that it is theirs. Each nation brought its own technique, its own vision of beauty to needlework.

    The difference between patchwork and quilting styles

    Patchwork and quilting is patchwork. However, there is a difference between them. Patchwork consists in connecting multi-colored patches of textiles or knitted knitted fabrics into a single piece. Most often, patchwork is done in one layer.

    It includes not only patchwork technique, but also embroidery, appliqué, and the main feature of quilting is different kind stitches. Quilting is also distinguished by its volume and layering. The quilted surface of the product is decorated with different types sewing. Finished works made in this technique are called quilts.

    Patchwork considered as a separate sewing technique, and quilting is a combination of several techniques at once. In other words, patchwork differs from quilting in a narrower focus. The essence of patchwork is to create a beautiful canvas from many different fragments, which may differ in shape, size and color.

    The shapes of the fragments can create an ornament, or they can have a chaotic connection. To obtain certain results in a patchwork, there are special techniques, which reveal the sequence of the location of the patches of material.

    Patchwork is just a component of quilting. In quilting, patches also create a pattern or ornament, but in addition to this, quilts can contain embroidery, appliqué and, of course, stitches, which can be decorative in themselves, create fancy patterns. It is the stitches that connect all the layers of the product. Quilting - stitching, quilting.

    Quilt products always turn out to be voluminous and soft due to the “air” layer, for example, from synthetic winterizer. The layer is placed between the upper and lower layers of the product. In the patchwork technique, things are not always voluminous.

    There is another difference between patchwork and quilting, patchwork is knitted. Fragments in this case are created and interconnected using a hook or knitting needles. And so we will conclude and look at the beautiful quilts created by the hands of craftswomen.

    Separate technique
    Creating a canvas from fragments
    The product is not always voluminous
    Can be knitted

    A combination of different techniques
    Quilting is required
    The product is always voluminous

    Top photo - Balmain
    Bottom photo - BCBG Max Azria


    Patchwork(Also patchwork, from English. patch work) - a type of needlework, in which, according to the mosaic principle, a whole product is sewn from multi-colored and variegated pieces of fabric (patches) with a certain pattern. In the process of work, a canvas is created with a new color scheme, pattern, and sometimes texture. Modern masters they also perform volumetric-spatial compositions in the technique of patchwork. Patchwork technique has long been used in Russia, in particular for the manufacture of quilted products (patchwork quilts) and other products.


    Assembling a cloth from patches, applique from fabric, quilted products have long existed independently of each other among many peoples of the world. An Egyptian ornament is known, created from pieces of gazelle skin around 980 BC. e., in one of the museums in Tokyo, a suit sewn around the same time with patchwork decorations is exhibited. In 1920, a carpet was found in the Cave of a Thousand Buddhas, collected around the 9th century from many pieces of pilgrims' clothes. In the 16th century, colorful fabrics of various designs made from Indian cotton began to arrive in England. Blanket, decorated with embroidery or print, was considered fashionable decoration home interior. Patchwork appeared as a result of a shortage of chintz, which arose due to a ban on the sale of Indian fabrics in England in 1712. Thus, the government intended to preserve domestic manufactories, which produced woolen and silk fabrics. Chintz was smuggled into England and its price skyrocketed. The scraps left after the cut of chintz clothes were not thrown away, but were used to create other products. Large fragments were decorated with woolen or linen fabrics using the appliqué technique. The smallest remains were sewn together, forming a single canvas.

    Traditional American sawtooth pattern.

    Assembling the patchwork "Grandma's Garden" ("Honeycombs", "Hexagon").

    In the 70s of the XX century in America, interest in patchwork revived. Quilt clubs have become popular, specialty stores offer the buyer everything necessary materials for this type of arts and crafts, a wide range of thematic books and magazines. In 1971, Yves Saint Laurent created a model decorated with patchwork, anticipating a new trend in fashion - a passion for folk romanticism.

    In Rus', a thrifty attitude to fabric has long been widespread, both produced at home (until the 18th century, homespun linen was mainly used in the country) and purchased. "Domostroy" contains detailed instructions cutting dresses, sorting and storing scraps and mending finished garments. Patch sewing became widespread in the second half of the 19th century with the advent of foreign calico on sale. Unlike homespun fabrics, which were about 40 cm wide, factory-made fabrics had a width of 75-80 cm, and when cutting clothes, a large number of scraps were formed from them. The applique appeared later: since English calicoes were expensive in Russia, it was considered inappropriate to cover one fabric with another. Patchwork reached its peak at the end of the century, when the production of cheap cotton printed fabrics was launched and sewing machines appeared. The things created in the peasant environment carried an exclusively practical function. However, the artistic preferences of local residents have always been introduced into the methods of assembling the canvas, the color scheme of the products. Original techniques for voluminous patchwork sewing were created: “lyapaks” (or “lyapachikha”: raw multi-colored stripes sewn onto the base), “corners” (the fabric was folded at an angle and adjusted to the base), “makhrami”, “rosans” (“round timbers” or outside of Russia - "yo-yo" - square or round patches were pulled together along a basting made around the circumference, the resulting three-dimensional details were sewn onto the base in one layer or overlapped each other). At the beginning of the 20th century, patchwork, along with collage, attracted the attention of avant-garde and futurist artists who were looking for new means of expression. After the revolution, this type of sewing was not included in the list of types of arts and crafts supported by the state. Later, patchwork became a sign of poverty, a reminder of the periods of wars and devastation experienced by the country. Interest in this type of arts and crafts was revived in the 90s of the XX century, and its study began at the same time. It has become not only a common hobby, but also an independent genre of decorative art. In Russia, every two years (since 1997) the Patchwork Mosaic of Russia festival is held, where works by masters are shown.

    Materials and tools

    One of the most difficult moments in the patchwork technique is to achieve a harmonious, balanced color solution works. To overcome this difficulty, some beginners use the color wheel. There are currently specialized computer programs, allowing to calculate the range of the future product.


    The fabric is cut with scissors or a cutter-wheel on a special lining, the latter option is convenient and provides greater cutting accuracy.

    Fabrics. Preparation and cutting

    The most widely used fabrics in patchwork are cotton. They are cheap, easy to cut, do not slip when sewing, hold hand laid folds and are ideal for beginners. The disadvantages of cotton fabrics are shedding and shrinkage during washing. Linen is easy to sew, shrinks less, is durable, and is a popular material for linings or backgrounds. Linen fabrics wrinkle heavily and are difficult to iron. Silk, due to its delicate texture, natural luster, and brightness of colors, looks very advantageous in products. However, it shrinks heavily when washed and exposed to high temperatures, difficult to cut and sew, the edges of the cuts crumble. Wool is rarely used in the assembly of a patchwork fabric, however, it has a number of advantages: hygroscopic, warm fabric is suitable for making bedspreads, pillows, clothes. The edges of thick woolen fabrics do not crumble, wool products keep their shape perfectly. Pieces of wool can be joined end-to-end using a machine-made zigzag seam. Artificial and blended fabrics look elegant, they do not wrinkle and wash well, but they are able to accumulate moisture. Viscose fabrics are difficult to sew: because of the movable structure, the fabric slides, besides, it wrinkles and shrinks when washed, viscose must be starched. Fabrics (cotton, silk, linen), painted or hand-dyed, look interesting in products.

    Cardboard Templates

    If the product is supposed to be used in everyday life, it is necessary to decatenate the fabric - wet it (wash without using detergents), and then dry and iron. If the sewing will be made only from new fabric and it is supposed to be stored in a place protected from dust (for example, under glass), decathing can be omitted, retaining the factory impregnation and the original brightness of the colors. Before work, in order to avoid distortion of fabrics, all edges are cut off. It is not recommended to tear the fabric, this will lead to unraveling of the edges already in finished product, since the inner seams are not overcast during patchwork.

    The key to success in assembling a patchwork fabric is the high precision of the cut. Cutting is carried out using templates, which are the simplest geometric shapes, made of cardboard with marked cut and seam lines or transparent plastic: they allow you to see the pattern. On sale there are metal templates for patchwork with slots for marking the stitching line. From 5 mm (cotton fabrics) to 1 or more cm is added to the seams (fabrics that easily crumble). When laying out the templates on the fabric, the direction of the shared thread is taken into account. For quadrangular parts, the share must coincide with one of the sides, for triangles, hexagons - be perpendicular to the base.

    Canvas assembly

    Block with a pattern "Mill".

    Manual assembly with stretching the fabric on a cardboard template

    A product made in the bargello technique.

    The assembly of the canvas in patchwork goes from small parts to larger ones. With sequential grinding of parts, blocks of patterns are created, from which the product is sewn. Patchwork can be sewn by hand or by machine. For manual assembly, a part is marked on the wrong side of the fabric using a template, two parts, folded with the right sides with the alignment of the marking lines, are swept or chipped off with pins and sewn with a small basting seam (B. Staub-Wachsmuth offers 4 stitches “forward with a needle” to perform one “ quilt stitch"). The thread is neatly fixed at the beginning and end of the seam line. When stitching a seam sewing machine after two parts are sewn, without cutting the thread, they proceed to the connection of subsequent pairs of parts (the so-called sewing with a “flag”, “chain”). When sewing is completed, the threads of the resulting chain are cut. Another type of assembly - manual, using fabric stretched over a cardboard template, is used for blocks of the "Grandmother's Garden" type. On blanks made of cardboard (hexagons are used when assembling the "Grandmother's Garden"), patches are stretched and fastened with several stitches, cut out taking into account seam allowances. Blankets with fabric are folded with the right sides inward and sewn by hand with a blind seam.

    One of the simple and quick ways fabric assembly is sewing in stripes. Strips of fabric are cut out along the shared thread using a template and sequentially attached to the base. As a basis, cotton or linen fabric, paper (removed after sewing), non-woven fabric is used. To avoid skewing the web, the strips are sewn, each time changing direction (for example, the first and second - from top to bottom, the second and third - from bottom to top, and so on). Seam allowances are ironed, if possible, to the darker side of the fabric. Pressing the seams in one direction adds strength to the product. The technique is based on assembling the canvas in strips bargello: The stitched strips are cut in the transverse direction and then reassembled into a web with an offset. This technique when using harmoniously selected fabrics different shades of the same color, set off by contrasting ones, creates the effect of a smooth transition.

    To facilitate and speed up the assembly process, a non-adhesive interlining for patchwork with a marked grid is produced. geometric shapes(squares or triangles).

    When assembling blocks with rounded parts (" Wedding ring”, “Way of the Drunkard”, “Time and Energy”) on the joined parts of the edge, the midpoints are determined and cut off, their angles are combined. The part with a notch is carefully fitted and pinned to the part with a convex cut. When sewing on a machine, a piece with a convex cut is located on top.

    When assembling "Stained Glass", fragments of patchwork fabric are sewn end-to-end, the seams are masked with braid, ribbon, narrow strips of fabric. IN classic version this assembly, the contours of the figures are framed by a material that contrasts with the main image.

    Patchwork patterns

    see also



    • O. V. Zaitseva. Patchwork: A Practical Guide M.; St. Petersburg, AST; Astrel-SPb, 2007, ISBN 978-5-972-51052-8.
    • Y. Ivanova. Patchwork by Vera Shcherbakova. - M.: Culture and traditions. 2007. ISBN 5-864-44126-0.
    • B. Staub-Wachsmuth. Patchwork and quilt. Patchwork. Profizdat. 2007.

    patchwork quilt- This quilted blanket, the front side of which is sewn from multi-colored and colorful pieces of fabric (patchwork or quilt style), the lining is batting, synthetic winterizer, fluff or cotton wool, the reverse side is usually one-color or also from shreds. The first mentions of the art of joining various fabrics are found in historical descriptions dating back to the 11th century. The fabric is a short-lived material, so the time and place of the origin of the patchwork technique is very arbitrary. It is not excluded the possibility of the appearance of patchwork needlework in several countries at the same time. However, it is generally accepted that this technique originated in England, and then gradually spread to other places. Flap products began to appear in Rus', Europe, America, Australia.

    The reason for the emergence of a kind of patchwork was poverty. It was she who forced women to make new clothes from the remnants of old clothes, as well as create various products of the surrounding life. It is no coincidence that the increased interest in the technique of patchwork in different countries emerged during times of crisis.

    The idea of ​​the geometric selection of various pieces of fabric originates from the traditional folk craft. It is possible that the impetus for the appearance of patchwork ornaments was the ancient art of creating mosaic compositions, which has come down to us from time immemorial. It is not for nothing that patchwork sewing is also called “patchwork mosaic”.

    Over the years, the attitude to this type of needlework, as a forced way out of difficult life situations gradually faded into the past. Nowadays, patchwork is treated as an art form. Pieces of art have rightfully taken their rightful place among the works of arts and crafts in many countries of the world.

    The expositions of museums in countries such as the USA, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Australia contain entire collections of products made in the style of patchwork technique - patchwork. There is such a collection in the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art.

    A harmonious combination of fabrics of various color and geometric solutions can achieve unique colors. With their diversity and multicolor patchwork things attract our attention. They are also applicable for the decoration of the kitchen, bedroom (napkins, hot pot holders, tablecloths, pillowcases, blankets, blankets) or living room (decorative panel). As accessories (smart bag, purse) or clothing (elegant summer suit or quilted vest).

    A patchwork quilt is an indispensable attribute of the decoration of a Russian peasant house, where comfort reigned, created by a talented female hand. A patchwork quilt brought beauty to a modest everyday life, gave joyful colors to simple peasant housing, and warmed on the coldest evenings. When parents collected a dowry for the bride, they did not forget to prepare a patchwork quilt. A baby blanket was also sewn for newborns.

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