Scenario of the holiday "City of Masters. Fair of Folk Crafts". Leisure scenario "City of Masters" (preparatory group) Self-Government Day City of Masters scenario

Evgenia Hot
Leisure scenario "City of Masters" ( preparatory group)

leisure scenario« City of masters» .

Target: to arouse in children an interest in the world around them, to expand knowledge and ideas about professions.


To consolidate the ideas of children about different professions, to show the significance of each of them. Expand vocabulary, activate children's vocabulary. Develop dialogic and monologue speech. Strengthen the ability of children to act on the signal of the teacher. Develop horizons, thinking, attention, observation, coordination of movement. To cultivate respect for the results of the work of people of different professions. To cultivate friendly relationships through team work, to form the ability to cooperate and mutual assistance. Creating an emotionally positive atmosphere. Cultivate love and careful attitude to work.

Equipment: Multimedia installation, presentation « City of masters» , soundtrack from the cartoon "The Train from Romashkov", didactic game "Cut Pictures", cubes, illustrations road signs "Movement Prohibition", "Crosswalk", , "Wild animals", "Children", "Bike Lane", "Underground crossing", "Repair work", flags (red, yellow, green, colored rings according to the number of children.

preliminary work: Making up stories “Different professions are needed…”, "Human Labor". Excursion to the medical office "Profession - doctor". A tour of the kitchen kindergarten "Profession - cook". Album review "Professions are different". Conversation "What will I be when I grow up?". Reading fiction literature: « City of good deeds» R. Scarry, "What do you have?" S. Mikhalkov, "Who to be?" V. Mayakovsky, "Builders" B. Zakhoder, "Uncle Styopa is a policeman" S. Mikhalkov, "What do crafts smell like?" D. Rodari, "Dr. Aibolit" K. Chukovsky, "Dunno in sunny city» N. Nosov. Didactic games "Professions", "What for what", "Distracted Artist", "Cut Pictures". Drawing "Dr. Aibolit", "Postman", "Military Professions".

Leisure progress:

Leading: Somewhere in the world there is an unusual country -

« City of masters» , guys called it.

Leading: Today I propose to go on an exciting journey to city ​​of masters. Every inhabitant of this city ​​master, professional in his field.

Leading: You are ready?

Children: Ready.

Leading: How do you think we will go on a trip?

Children: Car, plane, bus.

Leading: I give you a hint. Listen riddle:

The brothers were equipped to visit,

clinging to each other

And rushed off on a long journey,

They just left smoke.

Children: Steam locomotive.

Leading: Right. Take your seats in the wagons and go!

"The Train from Romashkov" go snake)

Leading: Here we are at the gate cities.

(Slide 1 "Gates cities» )

Leading: I'll tell you a secret, guys - the entrance to the city of Masters is open only to those who loves work. Do you love to work?

Children: We love.

Leading: Guys, do you know proverbs and sayings about labor?

Children: We know.

Leading A: Let's check it out.

(Slide 2 "Proverbs")

(A word game is being played. "Finish the proverb".)

You can't get it without effort... (and fish from the pond).

Business - time, but .... (fun - hour).

More business…. (less words).

Measure seven times... (one - cut off).

Finished the job... (walk boldly).

Patience and hard work... (everything will be crushed).

(Slide 3 "Open Gates")

Leading: Great, the gates are open, come in. IN the city of Masters has many streets, squares, boulevards and each has its own name.

Leading: Guys, to find out which street we are on, guess riddle:

Walks in a white cap

With a cook in hand.

He cooks dinner for us:

Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette.

Children: Cook.

(Slide 4 "Street of Cooks")

Leading: Guys, do you know what the chef does?

Children: A cook is a person whose profession is cooking.

Leading: Do you think any person who loves to cook can work as a cook. Do you think it's easy to cook?

Children: Not easy.

Leading: Cooking is not an easy task! Boiling two or three bowls of soup, frying some potatoes is easy. But to make 100 servings of soup boiled in a huge pot turn out to be tasty, to cook a truly delicious dinner for several hundred people is very difficult. Not without reason, in order to cook well, cooks study for a long time.

Leading: Today, on Povarov Street, we have prepared delicious puzzles for you.

There are nine plums on a plate,

Their appearance is very beautiful.

Pavel ate four plums.

How many plums did the boy leave?

Children: Five plums.

Leading: At Kolya and Marina.

Four tangerines.

My brother has three of them.

How much is your sister?

Children: One tangerine.

Leading: The hedgehog went mushrooming,

Found ten redheads.

He put six in a basket,

The rest are on the back.

How many redheads are lucky

On your needles hedgehog?

Children: Four mushrooms.

Leading: Four ripe pears

It swayed on a branch.

Three pears were taken by Lusha,

How many pears are left?

Children: One pear.

Three apples.

One to rip

The arm is stretching.

And how much will remain?

Children: Two apples.

Leading: Well done guys, let's move on. The name of the next street is encrypted in the rebus. Have you guessed what it's called?

(Slide 5 "Rebus")

Children: Carpenter and joiner.

(Slide 6 "Street of Carpenters and Joiners")

Leading: That's right, we are on Plotnikov and Stolyarov Street. And here is a task from the inhabitants of this street.

(Held Didactic game "Cut Pictures")


He puts the bricks in a row,

Building a garden for children

Not a miner and not a teacher,

And his name is...

Children: Builder.

(Slide 7 "Boulevard Builders")

Leading: Well done boys! We went to Builders Boulevard. The builders have also prepared a test for you.

("Build a Tower". Children are divided into 2 teams. Teams need to build a tall tower out of cubes. The first team to build another stable tower wins.)

(Slide 8 "Prospect of Drivers")

Leading: Not only drivers live on our avenue, but also pedestrians. Let's see how well you know road signs. Guys, you need to show the sign that the poem refers to.

Leading: There is a sign on the road

He speaks sternly to everyone:

"Listen to me, friends.

You can't drive here!

Children: Sign "Movement Prohibition"

Leading: Crosswalk

Leads us across the road

You, the driver, skip

Pedestrians on the way.

Children: Sign "Crosswalk"

Leading: I'm coming to a stop

And I'll wait for the bus.

I'm tired of walking

I want to be a passenger.

Children: Sign "Bus, trolleybus, tram or taxi stop place".

Leading: The sign warned you

So that you, the driver, do not rush.

Animals walk along the road

For you to miss them.

Children: Sign "Wild animals"

Leading: This is a very important sign,

It doesn't just hang.

Be careful, driver!

Near the garden, school yard.

Children: Sign "Children"

Leading: Bike Lane

Overtake Maxim Seryozhka.

Nobody will stop you -

All children know this sign.

Children: Sign "Bike Lane"

Leading: On a wide street

Eyes littered with colors.

colorful cars:

Volga, frets, limousines.

Where to cross the road

Go to the other side?

The transition will help everyone,

Under the ground that goes.

Children: Sign "Underground crossing"

Leading: Tractor dug a hole -

Right on the road.

All the asphalt broke -

Take care of your feet!

And the driver must know

What work is going on -

Children: Sign "Repair work"

Leading: And now, you all turn into drivers. Dear drivers, please stand everyone in the garage.

(Children take colored rings. An outdoor game is being played "Colored Cars")

Leading: There are many professions, they are all different and necessary, help me name them.

(Game being played "Give me a word")

(Slide 9 "Different professions)

Various professions.

He rules by plane. (pilot).

The tractor drives. (tractor driver).

Electric train. (driver).

Painted the walls. (painter).

Planked the board. (carpenter).

Held light in the house. (fitter).

Works in the mine. (miner).

In a hot forge. (blacksmith).

Who knows - well done!

Leading: Guys, what profession would you like to master in the future?

(A game-conversation is being held "Who will I be and what will I be?")

Questions for conversation.

1. What will you be when you grow up?

2. How many professions can a person master?

3. Why does a person need a profession? What is the best profession? Why?

4. What qualities should a pilot have (firefighter, educator, veterinarian, etc.)

Leading: Today our journey has come to an end, it's time to return to kindergarten, but we will return to city ​​of masters to get to know new professions.

(The guys line up one after another and to the music from the cartoon "The Train from Romashkov" go snake).

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Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the Day of the educator and all preschool workers"City of Masters Gathers Friends" is the result of the creative research project "City of Masters" and sets the main goal of activating children's interest in the professional activities of employees of the kindergarten "Mishutka". The video presentation "City of Masters gathers friends" is attached to the script, based on photo and video archives of the "Mishutka" kindergarten. The video presentation opens the holiday, creating an entourage of a warm, touching attitude towards preschool childhood. The holiday is designed for older children preschool age.

Target: activization of children's interest in the professional activities of employees of the kindergarten "Mishutka".


  1. educational- introduce a variety of professions in kindergarten;
  2. Educational- activate, consolidate, clarify and replenish existing knowledge about professions through game moments;
  3. Educational- instill respect in children labor activity adults.

The target audience: children of senior and preparatory groups.

Conduct form: solemn play.


  • Trolley, chest and box with cards, clothesline and clothespins;
  • Musical instruments by the number of participants.

Technical equipment:

  • Computer (showing a presentation);
  • Projector, screen;
  • Amplifier, speakers.


  • Leading;
  • Mishutka;
  • Masha.

Preparatory work:

  • Acquaintance with the variety of professions in the kindergarten "Mishutka";
  • Manufacturing didactic manual"City of Masters of the kindergarten "Mishutka"
  • Preparation of a video presentation for the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers "First time in kindergarten";
  • Preparation of a photo-exhibition of children and employees "Who to be";
  • Work on the dance "Wow!" (music by S. Mozharovsky, vocals by T. Zhirova);
  • Playing in a children's noise orchestra.

The presented photo and video material is taken from the archive of the JV "Kindergarten "Mishutka" - GBOU secondary school village. CLEARANCE m.r. Volzhsky, Samara region.

The course of the holiday

The hall is festively decorated. On the screen is a video presentation for the Day of the teacher and all preschool workers “First time in kindergarten!”. Behind the scenes text:

“Daughter, today you are going to kindergarten for the first time.
There are toys and books waiting for you!
And there are also children and a teacher ...
You probably want to know WHO IS A TEACHER?
I will tell you an amazing story.
One day, many years ago, a little girl was born.
Gathered on her birthday fairy fairies to give the baby wonderful qualities.
The Kindness Fairy gave her a kind heart.
Fairy of Wisdom - endowed her with intuition,
And the Fairy of Creativity allowed her to bring happiness to children
and the joy of amazing discoveries...
The girl grew up and became a teacher: kind, talented, wise and fair.
Yes, look!
She comes here on her own.
And he takes the kids with him.
Come on, let's get to know them better!

Children enter the hall, perform the dance “Wow!” (music by S. Mozharovsky, vocals by T. Zhirova) (3D technology is used in combination with a video image) Slide "Happy Teacher's Day!":

The Leader enters.


Kindergarten! What does it mean?
There is nothing more pleasant!
It's a whole children's city

Together: From smiles and sweets!

Reb. 1: The city is gentle, like a mother


And fun as a game!
The paint is bright, the most-most
Painting the city...

Together: Masters!


Glorious City of Masters
He invites all his friends!

Reb. 2:

Because everyone knows -
Today is a holiday for the guys!
Miracle - Masters today

Together: Congratulations Kindergarten!

Reb. 3: Teacher's day today


And all preschool masters.
There are no relatives, no more noble

Together: And there are no kinder sages.

Reb. 4:

We know how tired you are!
Business from morning to evening!
There is no equal to you - in any work!

Together: The whole country is proud of you!

The soundtrack of the song “You are the educator” sounds (words, music, performance by L. Gortsueva) ... The children sit in the auditorium.


Yes, guys, the Mishutka kindergarten is famous
by their Masters!

Educators, nannies, nurses and cooks!
These are their golden hands
Never know boredom!
Sew, draw, craft,
To flourish our kindergarten!

They say it's time for business
They say: fun time.
Kindergarten is fun
No one will be bored!

Meet! Our unique talents
Future masters: both doctors and musicians,
And now they are for us
They will hold a "MASTER - CLASS" here!

Under the soundtrack of the song "Super - Kindergarten" (author A. Evtodeva), children come out in costumes of kindergarten professionals.

On the screen presentation "Who to be?"

Ved.: One, two

All: Three four!

Ved.: Three four,

All: One, two!

Ved.: Who walks together in a row?

All: Our Kindergarten Team!

Ved.: Who doesn't know boredom?

All: With us, everything is in one line!

Ved.: Squad, stop!

All: One - two!

  1. We ran to you, we hurried to you,
    To tell how we live
    What secrets have we uncovered?

Together: What we dream and sing about!

  1. My years are growing
    I will be seventeen.
    What should I do then?

Together: What to do?

  1. I will read books
    Strive for knowledge
    To become a MANAGER -
    I'll be an important bird! (Slide: photo of the manager)
  2. And I want to be a teacher
    Let everyone be surprised.
    After all, from kindergarten and from school -

Together: Everything starts! (Slide: photo of educators)

  1. Being a teacher is good
    A COOK - better!
    I'll go to COOKING:


Let her be taught! (Slide: photo of chefs)
Who comes to the garden before morning?


These are our chefs!
Breakfast porridge is ready
The porridge is cooked.

Together: Hooray!

  1. Chefs cook porridge
    But LOVES - NANNY children! (Slide: babysitter photo)
    The nanny removes the dirt -


This time!
Wipes off the table


It's two!
She brings lunch
Will wash the dishes.
I'll tell you a secret:
I will also be a NANNY!

  1. I will go to SPEECH THERAPISTS
    Let me teach!
    Everyone will listen to me
    I will become the coolest! (Slide: photo of speech therapists)

All Tanya and all Viti
Gotta talk
And it depends on me

Together: To be or not to be!

  1. Being a Speech Therapist is Good
    And the ACCOUNTANT is better!
    I'm going to ACCOUNTANTS,


Let him be taught! (Slide: photo of accountants)
Days and nights through
He never stops counting
So that our country is big

Together: Bloomed year after year!

  1. I'm five years old
    I am a track and field athlete.
    I go to training
    To become strong and dexterous! (Slide: photo of the instructor in physical education)


For the Champion to grow
Building in Samara...


In the meantime, for charging
Everything is go...

Together: To the new playground!

(Slide: children on the playground)

Children stage the song "Charging" by A. Kukushkina (spectators perform the exercise with them)

To the soundtrack of the song "Super - Kindergarten", the children take their seats ...

Leading: Are the guests smiling?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Does the holiday continue?

Children: Yes!


Are there happy faces everywhere? (Yes!)
Let's have fun together? (Yes!)
Together we clap our hands! (Children clapping)
Let's stomp our feet! (Children stomp)
Let's wave our hands together! (Children wave)
Let's call Mishutka to us!

Children: Mi-joking! Mi-joking! Mi-joking!

Mishutka enters to the music from the film "Masha and the Bear" ...

Bear: Where are friends expected today?

Children: This is at Mishutka!

Bear: Where do they dance and sing?

Children: This is at Mishutka!

Bear: Where is the director wise and strict?

Children: This is at Mishutka!

Bear: Where is the child king and god?

Children: This is at Mishutka!


Hello guys, hello friends!
Were you waiting for Mishutka?

Children: Yes Yes Yes!


Who will answer why
So beautiful all around?
And wherever we look,
Friend on the left, friend on the right.


Lots of fun today
The songs are joyful.
Day of educators and all preschool workers
Notes kindergarten.


Let's shout together, friends,
To all masters preschool education
Our friendly...

Together: Hooray!


On a holiday, everyone around is playing,
And they receive gifts.
Well, what are you doing this time?
Have you got a gift for us?


I brought my friends with me!
Take them soon!
Hey friends, hurry up here!
Yes, grab a gift!

The song "Fantasy" from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" sounds.

Masha enters the hall with a wheelbarrow on which stands a large chest.


Wow, so many guys here!
Clearly, kindergarten!
Oh, Mishka, are you here?
Hello Mishka!

The bear spreads his arms, pointing at the children, shakes his head reproachfully ...


Hello Masha!
You are in kindergarten!
Today is a holiday for the guys!
Would you like to say hello to us?


Wow! Holiday? Gifts, food?
I love gifts! Really, Mishka?
Oh yeah! Well, yes! And hello to you too!
Bear! Well, Mishka! Let's see the presents!

Opens the chest, takes out the box...

And that's all... for me?... No?... And for whom?...

The bear shakes his head, shows with his hands - gifts for children!

Masha(turns away)- Wow! ... (stomps foot...)

Leading: Don't be upset, Masha! Our guys will be happy to share gifts with you. Really guys?

Children: Yes!

Masha: That's great! Mishka, Mishka! And what's in there?

(opens the box and scatters all the cards)

Oh, Mishka, I'm sorry!

Bear shakes his head...


Stop! Let's not quarrel, friends:
You can't be sad at the holidays!
We will fix this problem
And at the same time we will play.
Do you agree, kids?

Children: Yes!

Leading: And to make it more interesting, more fun and more wonderful, we will ask real masters - professionals from the Mishutka kindergarten to help us.

A relay game is being held “All professions are important, all professions are needed!”

Purpose of the game: to consolidate children's ideas about the work of kindergarten employees.

Slide: Nurse and Chef

To the central part of the hall go: Nurse and Cook.

In front of them, at a low height, a rope is pulled.

Children, in turn, must choose a suitable image of an object and attach it with a clothespin on a rope next to a representative of the desired profession.

2 teams of 5 people take part in the relay race.

Masha helps hang attributes on a rope, and then put them in a box ...

The second time the Janitor and the Plumber are invited to play.

Slide: Janitor and Plumber.

Leading: Thank you guys. And now we will ask the real masters - the professionals of our kindergarten, how did the guys cope with the task?

Adults: Excellently!

Slide: "Happy Teacher's Day!"

Masha walks around the hall to the music with a box in her hands. Then he looks into the box, finds a conductor's baton ... Steps on Mishka, playing with a baton like a sword ...


Bear! What is it? And what is it called?
And how to play it? Can I?

Bear: Oh-oh!


This wand is not a musketeer's sword
This wand is magic, a conductor!

Masha: And me, can I? May I try?


Of course, you can try, but only - be careful!
The conductor's baton, Masha, is the main instrument of the orchestra!
If you wave your wand correctly -
In a moment you will start a wonderful melody!
Well, if you wave your stick at random
The sounds are cacophonous!
Okay, take, Masha, a wand.
Mishka, will you teach Masha wisdom?

Bear: Yes!


We respect music
We save music.
On wonderful instruments.
Let's start playing now!


And I will be the conductor.
Listen to Masha, friends!

Music sounds. V.A. Mozart "Turkish March"

The comic scene "Two Conductors" begins.

  1. 1 Conductor comes out decisively
  2. Bows - right - left - to the audience
  3. Begins to conduct ... (tambourines and metallophones - glissando)
  1. 2 Conductor comes out (1 is surprised)
  2. bows
  3. Conductor 2 conducts the left orchestra (drums, tambourines) - 1 conductor is angry
  1. Conductor 1 walks around 2 conductors (2 - blows kisses)
  2. Conductor 2 steps on Conductor 1
  3. Conductor 1 then steps on Conductor 2
  1. Conductor 1 waves his baton at Conductor 2
  2. Conductor 2 waves his baton at Conductor 1
  1. They turn away, get angry, think...
  2. They turn to each other, put sticks, shake hands ...
  3. They change hands ... They shake the second hand ...
  1. They take sticks, hug, conduct together ...
  2. Change places - orchestras ...
  3. Orchestras play...
  1. They turn to the audience, bow, pressing their free hand to their chest ...

Leading: Well, Masha, did you like it in our City of Masters?


How did you like it!
Mishka, can I stay here? With guys!
Well, Mishka! Oh please!
I even chose my profession. Here listen!

Who plays the harmonica
Better than Crocodile Gena?
piano, tambourine, spoons,
She can even play the flute!

director universal
Friend, actor, teacher,
Most Musical
Our leader! (Slide: photo of the music director)


What a pity - the game tends to end,
But you shouldn't be discouraged
Come visit us again
"Mishutka" - all the kids are happy!

Slide: "Happy Teacher's Day!"

Dear friends! We once again congratulate you on the holiday.
Let it grow and let it bloom
Our glorious City of Masters!
Let the children rejoice!
Congratulations everyone!

Together: Hooray!


When it's time to say goodbye
Our speech will be short.
We say to everyone: "Goodbye,
Until happy new meetings!”

Ved.: Goodbye, guys! Until we meet again in the "City of Masters of the kindergarten "Mishutka"!

To the song "You are the educator" by L. Gortsueva, the children lead a round dance, and then leave the music room like a "snake".

\ \ For primary school teacher

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Scenario of the event: "City of Masters"

The script of the event was completed by: Kolenchenko Elena Nikolaevna, teacher primary school the highest category, MOOU Chesmenskaya high school No. 1 im. Hero of the Secular Union M.E. Voloshin., Chesma email: [email protected]

Project "City of Masters"

Presenter 1: Please, dear guests, please!

Host 2: Fun and joy to you!

Presenter 1: We have been waiting for you for a long time - we are waiting, the holiday does not start without you!

Host 2: We have a place and a word for everyone!

Presenter 1: We have in store for you amusements for every taste, to whom a story, to whom - a song.

Host 2: We live in the glorious village of Chesma.

Presenter 1: And Chesma is our people to be famous for! And the people - then we are all artisans: both cooks and carpenters - all sorts of workers!

Host 2: So we decided to create our own "City of Masters". After all, with us, every parent is a master; Whatever the child, the talent.

(Baba Yaga enters, reads an ad in a newspaper)

Baba Yaga: Well, the chicken Ryaba must also go there! "Need a golden incubator for golden eggs!" Also gold!!!

And Carlson - then, listen - what did he think: “An environmentally friendly mode of transport is offered by the company“ Kid and K ”. Always with you! Does not require a parking space! Starts with half a jar of jam!

Presenter 1: Here comes another guest!

Host 2: Welcome Grandma!

Presenter 1: Here, taste our treat!

Baba Yaga: Yes, what is there! Yes, I can't sleep! Yes, I am - I can not! I have no peace day or night! Everyone is doing something: there is Hen Ryaba laying golden eggs, Carlson is taxiing. Everyone has their own business, a profitable business. Even this lazy bear Winnie the Pooh and he published an incomplete collection of works: volume 1 - Puffers, volume 2 - Nozzles, volume 3 - Chants, volume 4 - Grumps, volume 5 - Noise Makers. Tolstoy for me too! Can I start writing fairy tales like Pushkin? Well, I don't really know what to do! (crying)

Host 2: Do not cry Granny - Yagusenka. We will call the guys now, they will definitely help you. (all the children enter, and Kolya says:)

Kolya: I know what she has! Grandma got depressed!

Presenter 1: Yeees! Age!

Baba Yaga: What age! What age! I'm still very young! I turned 300 the day before yesterday! Anniversary is mine!

Kolya: Happy anniversary, grandma! Until you swear!

Baba Yaga: Thank you, dear, for your kind words!

Kolya: Only my dad can help her!

(Speech by Ovchinnikov V.S.)

Baba Yaga: I listened to your dad and I feel that I have strength - then I have it! And depression as through the ground failed! So peace and quiet in the soul. I am thirsty?! I am hungry?! Somewhere I had a tablecloth - self-assembly.

Host 2: Can you taste our food?

Baba Yaga: What do you have there? U-u-u! Yes, I myself will treat you and your guests now. (shakes the tablecloth and lays it on the floor) Aha! Menu.

On the first - soup Sante

On cold water.

Grain after grain chases with a club.

On the second - pie -

Frog leg stuffing

With onion, pepper and dog's heart.

On the third, it means sweet,

To tell the truth, it's so nasty:

Not like jelly, not like a cake,

Only I was sent to hell for him! (offers to viewers)

You first try, then you will refuse!

Come on, the tablecloth is self-assembly, feed us all!

(the tablecloth does not feed, Baba - Yaga is angry, runs, stamps his feet, swears)

Puff - Puff! May you fail! (throws away the tablecloth)

Presenter 1: Don't swear, grandma! We have treats for you and for all the guests! (treat everyone with pastries)

(Baba Yaga praises. Delicious.)

Baba Yaga: Where did you get such a tablecloth - self-assembly? It cooks so delicious! Here's one for me! I would then go into the restaurant business!

Sveta: Yes, we don’t have any tablecloth - self-assembly!

Baba Yaga: How is it not?

Sveta: Yes, it was my mom who taught us how to cook! (video - pancakes)

Baba Yaga: Thank you, killer whales, fed! Just a holiday in my heart!

Host 2: Grandmother - Yaga, a holiday is a holiday, but something doesn’t look festive.

Baba Yaga: And it’s true, I’ve worn out something in 300 years. What can you advise?

Presenter 1: A blouse - maybe revive it with embroidery?

Baba Yaga: What kind of embroidery?

Host 2: Yes, it's not easy! It's not like in a fairy tale: "At the command of the pike, at my will." And everything is ready! Will have to work hard! We have a craftswoman - an embroiderer Bryndina N.A. (video - embroidery)

Baba Yaga: Well, right Marya is a master! I myself can't do that. The eye is not the same and the hands are hooks. But I liked it! Here's what I came up with: come on - let's sign a contract! In our distant kingdom, I will open a “Fashion House”! Come on, killer whales, quickly come up with a name! Hurry! Hurry! The contract is on fire!

Presenter 1: I know that in the Far Far Away Kingdom, the Far Far Away State, all fairy tales are born!

Host 2: And you, as a native inhabitant of a fabulous area, probably know all the fairy tales?

Baba Yaga: But how!

Presenter 1: Now we'll check it out! Can you guess? Do you, dear guests, know fairy tales?

  1. Three tried to catch the one who left two old people without food, but this guy left them three times. And the fourth pursuer, pretending to be deaf, caught ... Whom? (Baba - Yaga after each correct answer says: -Here's a chicken leg for the correct answer, so that it would be easier to walk along the path.)
  2. A quick-witted pet brings out its master, a simpleton, into people. What shoes did this beast prefer to wear?
  3. The husband adores his wife, but out of vanity, he burns her modest outfit. The wife is kidnapped by an unknown person. Who is he?
  4. Having found the treasure, the lady buys a new household appliance and invites many guests. However, in a difficult situation, ungrateful guests did not want to help the hostess. Who rescued her?
  5. A certain poor housewife reached a high position and wealth. However, having become arrogant, she insulted her sponsor and became impoverished again. What is the profession of this woman's husband?

(Baba Yaga cannot guess)

Host 2: Excuse me, grandmother, you have no imagination, although you already have life experience.

Baba Yaga: There is, honey, there is. Only I haven’t seen your fantasy ent, I haven’t heard of it. Maybe when it comes, I'll see.

Presenter 1: Do you want us to show it to you? We will teach you to invent! In our city of craftsmen there is a man - an inventor! (video - inventor)

Baba Yaga: Wow! What is being done! Kill you mouse! What a fantasy I have! Wow, how I am now modernizing my hut on chicken legs! And if my hut will now be modern, then I also need to learn something like that!

Host 2: So please! M.S. Ovchinnikova with her studio "Captain" will teach you something like that. (video - M.S.)

Baba Yaga: This will suit me. Ta-a-ak! I have a sword - a treasury, a carpet - an airplane, a tablecloth - a self-assembly has deteriorated, I threw it away, a hat - invisible with me, a harp - samogudy ... Where? Where did I put them? (goes to the guests, looking for everyone. She didn’t find it.) Oh, trouble - trouble, chagrin! Where did they disappear to?

Presenter 1: Baba Yaga, why did you need them?

Baba Yaga: How about why? As the harp - they will play, so the legs themselves dance and ask!

Host 2: So we can dance without a harp, and you, grandmother, also dance with dreams. (dance)

Baba Yaga: And sing the song! I love to sing ditties!

1. I live in Lukomorye,

Drying, chewing gingerbread,

I know a lot of ditties

2.Hey, girls - laughter,

Start singing ditties!

Start having fun

To please your guests!

3. Printed gingerbread -

How elegant!

We won't eat them right away.

Let's take a look first.

4. Finally - something comes

Time for fun!

Cheerful ditties

Lift your spirits!

5. We know a lot of choruses

We know hundreds and a half.

We compose them ourselves

Themselves - composers!

6. We had fun and sang,

They laughed as much as they wanted.

And now here we are -

The mouth does not close.

7. In our miracle city

They sang ditties to you,

We beg your pardon

Kohl tired ears!

Presenter 1: Why goose? We will teach you how to play the guitar! Sit down, grandma, lesson one. And there will be a desire, come and on the second! (video - guitar)

Baba Yaga: And really, why goose? I will buy a guitar. Well, something I stayed up with you, it's time to go - the road. (Baba - Yaga sits on a broom and starts it. The broom does not start.) Something does not start! Well, come on, let's take off, okyannaya! Is the weather bad today? Why doesn't it take off?

Host 2: You, grandmother, do not rush to start a broom. Modern woman, but with a modern hut on chicken legs, a modern means of transportation is certainly needed.

Baba Yaga: What kind of remedy is this? Why dont know? Kashchei didn't say anything!

Presenter 1: This car, Grandma - Yagusya, is called.

Baba Yaga: Where to get? What magic words do you need? “Eniki - beniki, panicles - brooms!” Will it work?

Host 2: They told you - modern !!! (video - car)

Baba Yaga: Cool! Me such to the porch, please! And hurry, I'm late! (importantly leaves)

Presenter 1: The holiday ends, but the road to the City of Masters is always open. Everyone can find something to their liking here. And even though we have not made big discoveries, we have taken the first step. We tested ourselves - what we are capable of. And we know for sure: great discoveries are ahead of us, because we are going to meet them.

Host 2: And let our City of Masters grow and strengthen from year to year and please us with its craftsmen. (guest wishes)

Teacher: I will not be mistaken if I say that your wishes have made the surroundings warmer and brighter. And most importantly, we ourselves, without magical powers, can fulfill our wishes. And our dreams will come true if we only treat each other kindly, help each other and love each other.

One boy said: “If I were a fairy tale, I wouldn’t have a good ending, I wouldn’t have any ending at all, I would go on and on ...” So let our stay in the City of Masters go on and on. Therefore, we present invitation cards to our City of Masters to all participants of today's meeting. Come learn and teach others, share your skills. (video presentation with music)

Svetlana Atroshkina
"City of masters". Holiday script for older preschoolers with elements of local history

"The ringing of Moscow gold

The rustle of birches and aspens -

Everything is like babble, whisper

Chronicles and epics»

I. Kobzev

Music Hall festively decorated. On the central wall there are reproductions with views of the ancient temples of Sergiev Posad. In front of the audience in a semicircle is located "Fair", which presents samples of toys by townspeople.

Music sounds. In the hall in Russian national costumes children are included. They are met by the presenter, lead to reproductions and speaks: “Guys, look at these pictures. Of course you know our city ​​of Sergiev Posad».

« Our old city

Our native city

Here when it rains

Ringing bells

Candles are lit

Hundreds of domes


With its gilded domes, it reminds us old fairy town. It is indeed ancient, our city. More than six hundred years ago, the Rostov boyar Sergius built on an ancient hill "Makovets" monastery, and settlements began to form near the monastery. Time passed, one century was replaced by another, the monastery grew, new temples appeared, a powerful fortress wall with towers surrounded the monastery. The monastery grew, and around it grew city ​​- Sergiev Posad. I have seen a lot in my lifetime monastery: and fires, and the siege of foreign enemies, but he withstood everything and became even more beautiful.

Since ancient times, people have been drawn to the Trinity - Sergius Lavra, to its holy temples. Many came from afar, and everyone wanted to take a memorable toy with them. To make such a purchase meant to do a charitable deed. After all, Sergius of Radonezh himself, the founder of the monastery, cut toys and gave them to children.

Toys were sold in abundance at the fair, near the walls of the Lavra. Hundreds and thousands of folk craftsmen, who have long been famous for the Sergius land, showed their art here. Here one could find Bogorodsk carved soldiers, blacksmiths, bears and Khotkovo doll dishes, soft toys, clay figurines of people and animals made in Sergiev itself Posada: and young ladies' dolls beautiful outfit, and dolls - simpletons, but the queen of all toys was Matryoshka.

Look, guys, how many toys are here at our fair.

Come on, don't be shy

Yes find out more

Someone will be the seller

One of the children is a merchant.

To buy goods sooner

Gotta call louder

All about different toys

We need to tell the children.

Make way, honest people,

The fair is on!

(Children stand on both sides of the tables and are divided into sellers and buyers).

Russian folk song sounds "Pedlars", children inspect the goods.


Bogorodsk toy

Famous all over the world

Come, choose

What anyone likes.


Bears, chickens and blacksmiths

So we want to buy!

But what to pay?


Good song!

Children sing a song "In the forge". The seller presents children with toys.

Leading: Well, peddlers, do you like our cheerful customers? What else can you offer us?

Salesman: I will give all the goods if you guess what is in this box. Hear riddles!

It's not a toy at all

Even though it rattles like a rattle

Rhymes with the word "brush"

Our Russian (ratchet)

Well, guess what - ka:

Wood, three strings,

Well, of course… (balalaika)

You should all know her!

I don’t eat myself, but I feed people

The harmonica will play - it will dance in the hands ... (spoon).

Children guess, the seller gives them tools.


What a fair! Have fun people!

Come on, who's brave, come forward!

Balalaikas and rattles, painted spoons

Play more fun to dance legs!

Children play musical instruments to the music of a folk song "Kalinka".


The fair is making noise again

People are looking at the product.

"Khotkovsky seller":

We are guys from Khotkovo

Your goods have been delivered to you

Dolls, dresses and dishes

All for joy, games.

« Bogorodsk seller» :

And take the soldiers

Dolls will have more fun!


thank the masters

And dance fast!

Children perform a dance "Soldiers and Ladies".


Here is a township matryoshka,

How good is that!

She has a big family

Performing quickly!

Children (sellers and buyers) recite poems and pass nesting dolls to each other.


(S. Ya. Marshak)

Eight wooden dolls

Chubby and ruddy

In multi-colored sundresses

On the table we live

They are all called matryoshkas.

The first doll is thick

And inside it is empty!

It splits into two halves

It has another doll in the middle

Open this doll - there will be a third in the second.

Unscrew the half, dense, ground

And you will be able to find the fourth doll.

Take it out and see who's hiding inside.

The fifth is hiding in it, a pot-bellied chrysalis

And empty inside. The sixth lives in it.

And in the sixth - the seventh, and in the seventh - the eighth.

This doll is the smallest, slightly larger than a walnut.

Here are the sisters lined up in a row - the dolls are standing.

How many of you? - we will ask them

And the dolls will answer - eight!


And also here in Posada

There are guys masters -

Sculpt, glue, dry, paint,

So that you have a game!

"Posad seller":

Used to be clay and a piece of paper

And now cows, horses and lambs!


We are all playing now, we amuse Vanya!

All children participate in the game under the Russian folk amusement "Lambs are cool".

Lambs, cool girls,

They walk through the fields

They roam the mountains

They play the violin, they amuse Vanya.

And our Vanya is simplicity, he bought a horse without a tail!

Sat back to front and drove to garden!

Vanya catches up with the offenders. The children run away.


They played a lot of fun and showed ingenuity.

We learned that our city

Famous for masters.

This city ​​of masters

Ready to give you all!

Children come to the counters and take the toys they like, after which they sing a song "At the Fair" M. Shalamonova, after which they leave the hall to the music.

Related publications:

Scenario of entertainment "City of the Ural masters" Program content: to introduce older preschoolers to the Ural applied craft, to develop interest in the Ural art, respect.

"Red hill". Holiday script for older preschoolers"KRASNAYA GORKA" (Scenario of the holiday for children of senior preschool age) The hall is festively decorated. Folk music sounds, children pass by.

"Autumn Tale" Holiday script for older preschoolers To the soundtrack "Autumn Park" (rhythmic mosaic 3 by A. I. Burenina) children with autumn leaves run into the hall, perform a dance. Stand in a semicircle.

Scenario of the holiday "Bright Easter" for older preschoolers « Happy Easter» for older preschoolers The group is decorated Easter crafts and children's drawings. The recording of the Easter bell sounds.

Holiday scenario for April Fool's Day for older preschoolers Scenario for April Fool's Day for older preschoolers Introductory part. Presenter: Tolya, Sasha, Vova, Nina! Let's start humor! Humor means.

Special (correctional) school of the VIII type
G Lipetsk.

City of masters

Screenplay by Mitina L.N.

Equipment: Exhibition of books "For skillful hands"
Exhibition of works of circles: 1. Skillful hands
2.Soft toy
4. "Craftswomen"

Poster: Attention! Attention!
Hurry honest people
The city of masters is calling!
All good things will show
We'll tell you all sorts of things.
The song sounds: I. Reznik, music. R. Pauls
"City of Songs"

Vedas: Hello, good fellows!
Hello red girls!
We are glad to see you at our holiday.
Faces open, eyes shining, smiles available!
We invite you to the cheerful "city of masters". Here you will see the works of folk craftsmen of our school. Features of our "city of masters" - a variety of occupations of the population. "Necessity for inventions is cunning" - it was said before. And smart people lived prosperously. Our people are engaged hand knitting, woodworking, soft toy, drawing, origami, singing. And today, on our tour of the "city of masters" you will get acquainted with the craftsmen and their work. A tour of the city will be accompanied by a vocal ensemble " Good morning”, which with its songs conquered not only the inhabitants of our city, but also the competition commission at the festival“ Rainbow of Creativity.
Muses. Banevich, sl. Kalinina G.
"Road Without End"

Muz and sl. I. Kornelyuk
"A town that does not exist"
Vedas. A lot of kind words it is said about craftsmen, craftsmen, about work. Many proverbs were invented by the people. Let's remember them.

"Craft is honored everywhere - skill is held in high esteem everywhere"
“The hut is not red in the corners, it is red in the rapids”
"What is at home is like that yourself"
"The bird is red with feathers, - and the man with skill"
“What I learned, I did it”
Vedas: Well done. You know a lot of proverbs. While we continue our tour, you will still remember the proverbs.
Masters in work were always accompanied by a good mood.

Muses. Lepin, sl. Derbeneva
"About good mood"

Vedas: Masters of woodcarving live in our city. They will show you their products and tell you about their craft.
"Skillful hands"
Master: Carpentry has been perfected for centuries. Many generations of carpenters have kept different ways wood processing. All artistic work on wood has its own skill, its own methods, established and tested by experience: how to saw, how to plan, how to connect individual parts so that it is strong, clean, beautiful. Wood carving is one of the the most interesting species Russian decorative art. In it, the great artistic talent of the Russian people, their love for decorating their homes, and high technical skill found their vivid manifestation. Products made by the method of through cutting have become widespread.

Vedas: Yesterday they were awkward, inept, and today, as if by magic, a beautiful and necessary thing in the house is born. You will be deprived of all this if you do not get carried away with carpentry - an old folk craft, if you do not give it part of your time, your leisure. And the one who will make an effort and patiently learn woodwork will be rewarded.

Muses. Zatsepina A., sl. L. Derbeneva
"There is only a moment"
Vedas: Not only from wood you can create amazing things, but also golden hands can create a masterpiece from plain paper. Visit the street of artists and papermakers
Origami Masters: Origami is the ancient art of folding paper squares without scissors or glue. It first originated in Japan. People gave each other paper figures with wishes of good luck, happiness, health and longevity. In ancient Japan, the secrets of folding figurines were passed down from father to son, and were a family secret. Now the art of "Origami" is extremely popular all over the world.
Vedas: Masters of the puppet theater also live here.
Masters of the puppet theater: The most favorite theater among children all over the world is the puppet theater. Because the actors there are dolls, and the dolls are unusual: they can walk, fly, talk, cry and laugh. On the creation of each doll, artists-masters work for a very long time and carefully. First draw a paper doll. On paper, they try to present it in action, determine its character, manner of moving, speaking. Then they sew from fabric or make a dress out of paper. The puppeteer creates dolls of different character, transforms the most simple materials- paper, fabric, buttons, feathers in luxurious outfits and hairstyles. Each artist has his own secret, but each puppet master tries to make his character beautiful so that the audience will definitely like the performance.

Vedas: You probably already remembered more proverbs about craftsmen, craftsmen, about work.

“Day to evening is boring, if there is nothing to do”
"Learn good, so the bad will not come to mind"
"The work of the master is afraid"
"Every work of the master praises"
“The craft is to drink, does not ask for food, but feeds itself”
Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils "
"Where there is desire, there is skill"
"What is the master, such is the case"
"Patience and work will grind everything"
“Do not teach idleness, but teach needlework”

Vedas: And this can be continued for a long time, since skill and work have long been glorified in all books. And we continue to travel around the city, and glorify our masters. In the "city of masters" there is an amazing zoo. Why amazing? Yes, because the animals in this zoo are toys.

Soft toy
Masters: A toy has always accompanied a person. It is one of the oldest types of arts and crafts, decorating our life, pleasing our eyes. Everyone loves toys, kids and adults. Adults, together with children, again and again plunge into their childhood impressions, into a fairy tale. And our soft toy craftsmen have created a fabulous zoo. And what animals live in a fabulous zoo, the guys will tell, and show:
Fish - Goldfish-miracle
I will love her

Tiger - Don't stand too close
I'm a tiger cub, not a pussycat.

Hedgehog - a fat hedgehog sewn by me,
It looks like a spiny ball.

Bunny - Come on, our little bunny,
dance to the balalaika.
Come to us don't be sad
we'll treat you to carrots!

Doggy - My dog ​​in the booth
there is not a free minute.
She scares the crows
then from a bowl of cabbage soup laps.
Vedas: A soft toy is not only a tangible result of exciting activities with beautiful material, not just fun, pleasant entertainment. This is true craftsmanship.

Vedas: “There is nothing more joyful in the world than to admire the results of your work.” Already "Masters" know this well. Crochet has an ancient tradition. The first examples of hand weaving were found during excavations of ancient burials in Egypt. Having passed through the centuries, it has reached our days, has received great development, and has become one of the favorite pastimes of needlewomen. Nowadays the fashion knitwear has gone through several ups and downs. With each new round of increasing interest in knitted things there was an enrichment of existing experience. Many beautiful, useful, necessary things in everyday life can be made by knowing how to knit. Our "Craftswomen" will demonstrate their products (model show). They mastered the technique sirloin knitting.

Craftswoman 1: Fillet knitting is an imitation of lace fillet. The cells of the pattern are knitted immediately, along with the mesh. The effect of fillet knitting is the alternation of light and shadow in empty and filled cells.

Craftswoman 2: The paintings presented at the exhibition are made in the style Irish lace. Flowers, leaves and stems for these delightful bouquets are crocheted of cotton and woolen threads. Bouquets have a wide variety of flowers: multi-layered, delicate flowers with narrow petals. Leaves of a bizarre shape.
All this diversity is fixed on a canvas stretched over cardboard. The frame is made of cord.

Vedas: Crochet is available to everyone who is patient and loves needlework. A ball of thread and a small hook tool conceal unlimited possibilities.
Vedas: And again the vocal ensemble "Cities of Masters" will delight us with their songs

Muses. A. Mozhukova, sl. M. Plyatskovsky
"The Girl from Apartment 45"
Bad weather
Vedas: Friendship unites all our inhabitants.
Muses. And sl. V. Vysotsky
"About a friend"
Muz.S. Namina, sl. Sheferan
"We wish you happiness"

Vedas: One Russian proverb says: “Time for business is an hour for fun!” Our hour has come to an end. We are closing the show. May your mood always be like the colors of our performance, and we will invite you and will not keep you waiting long.

Word of the guests: Everyone had a rightful rest!
Glory to the masters
Well, let's go home now.
What we learned, we will not forget.
We will remember for a long time!