What should be a good host for the wedding. Profession: wedding host Individual approach

The success of any holiday, celebration and any feast directly depends on the leader. What should be the leader? How should he treat guests? What should a person who has taken up such a difficult job for many be able to do? We will talk about this now. If you want to start learning toastmaster profession, you need to know a few rules.

So the first rule. Before any celebration, you, as a toastmaster, need to collect information about the guests. Who are these people who will attend the celebration. It would be desirable to know their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their relationship with each other, and with the authorities too. But this knowledge should be used only for peaceful purposes, so that in no case do no harm to others, otherwise, if one of the guests is offended by the toastmaster, then this will affect everyone, and the holiday will be spoiled. So be careful about this.

Second rule states that under no circumstances you can't make fun of the guests . Leave these taunts of yours for another occasion. Especially it is impossible to choose any one person to discuss it. personal qualities. Raising the mood of the guests by making fun of someone - you know this is a bad method. All the joy of the celebration will turn into an event for gossips. Such a toastmaster should not be allowed.

Third rule. It is necessary to help guests to relax, but not to disturb them in any way. That is toastmaster at the festival this is not the soloist of the concert, but its conductor. He is imperceptible to those present at the celebration, helps them find the keys to communication. After all, remember, when there are a large number of people at the holiday, it is very difficult to find common topics for conversation among themselves. This leads to the fact that guests begin to unite in small groups, find their own topics for conversation, and the whole essence of the celebration is lost from this. So the host must be able to unite everyone and direct all the thoughts of the guests in the same direction.

First, tell your guests something interesting story, something funny about yourself . And after that, one of the guests will certainly want to tell something interesting about themselves. And so on. Your task will only be to control the storytellers a little, direct them in the right direction, if suddenly the guest is so carried away by his memories, and try to give the floor to all guests, and not just to one or two jokers.

Fourth rule. Don't be stingy with praise. For each guest who decides to tell their story, find pleasant words, highlight him, encourage him with something (yes, at least give him a candy). Believe me, the person who was praised, patted on the head or singled out in the company of those present will not only not spoil the mood, but on the contrary, he will want to smile more and have more fun. Do not think that only children need to be praised, adults also need it, because every adult "lives Small child". secret toastmaster's weapon is good word , applause, small souvenirs, and the guests will have only good, pleasant memories from the holiday.

And the fifth rule. There is no need to panic if you feel that the holiday is not going the way it should. It happens that, despite all the perseverance of the presenter, the guests cannot move, relax. Tamade by no means no need to give up, and continue to "rock" the holiday. All you need is a change of tactics. Think about what's going wrong. Maybe you pay too much attention to yourself, to your humor, and the guests began to feel unnecessary at the holiday? In this case, give the floor to someone from those present. Or you have been preparing for a competition for a very long time, so that the guests have been waiting for you and attention has been lost. That's why be very sensitive to guests, follow "four eyes" for the mood of the guests and their behavior.

Also remember that each team should have its own relevant jokes. For example, in a team of teachers, this profession should not be ridiculed or, if some bosses are present at the holiday, it is not worth telling jokes about good subordinates and a villainous boss, although sometimes this can be useful. Also pay attention to the gifts that you give to guests. They should be funny and harmless. It is better if these gifts are given with some playful parting words. Be sure - the guests will only smile from this.

Very positively the mood of the guests is influenced by congratulations in verse - so simple, sincere and unpretentious ... Or vice versa - strong, pretentious, deep - it all depends on the audience, the guests of the holiday. Therefore, expand your arsenal of various kinds of poetic congratulations in advance.

Of course, don't forget the music. She means a lot to the celebration. Not a single guest will remain indifferent to the groovy cheerful music. The same can be said about dancing. Be smart in time suggest a dance break guests, and this will be a great guarantee for future fun. And also believe in your strength, in your charm, and you will certainly charm the guests, and the celebration will go with a bang!

A wedding or an anniversary is a big celebration, usually attended by many guests. Celebrations are always fun and interesting. But in order for the event to succeed and be remembered, and the guests not to turn into a group of uncontrollable tipsy people, an event leader is needed. We need someone who will control the whole process of fun, the sequence of congratulations and the number of uses.

Tamada - captain of the ship of good mood

The toastmaster must certainly be present at the celebration, regardless of what it is dedicated to. For the event to be held at a high level, a beautiful shirt and a loud voice are not enough. The leader should be able to carry positive and momentary feeling of happiness. Improvisation in his performance is very important during the whole holiday, but still the main program must certainly be written in advance. This is the scenario of the festive evening.

What should the toastmaster know

Gathering the necessary information, the toastmaster must make a list of prospective guests. In the “camp” of relatives or knowledgeable friends, he should have a person who will help collect the necessary information, “get” the necessary photographs and things of the hero of the occasion, tell active people who can be relied upon during the holiday. Different people with different characters treat this kind of entertainment in different ways. Therefore, even a pre-prepared script will have to be adjusted, taking into account the theme of the event and the expected "set" of guests. It will be necessary to find out the approximate age of each of the celebrants, to clarify which of them will not come alone and, if possible, to find out their occupation, hobbies, hobbies. Knowing this information, it will be easier to choose the most suitable competitive program. When all the interesting points are taken into account, and the script is ready, you need to think about the beginning of the holiday. For the toastmaster, it is important who will greet the guests. If the event takes place in a cafe or restaurant, this action can be entrusted to the staff serving the tables, or the toastmaster himself can take on this honorable duty. The second option is especially convenient during wedding parties - wine glasses, a loaf, a bow to parents, seasoned with comments from a tactful and cheerful host, will announce the beginning of a significant and wonderful event to guests. When meeting guests, the toastmaster will be able to immediately seat the guests in such a way that he will be comfortable and convenient to spend the evening. Young people usually participate more actively in competitions, so it would be more correct for young people to be seated closer to the edge. Having chosen a place for himself that allows him to be in full view, the host can begin the long-awaited holiday.

The holiday begins

The toastmaster must introduce himself, announce to the guests that today he is called the “captain of the ship of good mood”, on which all those present will sail into the festive ocean. Next, he will have to “wake up” the guests, set them up for a cheerful, festive wave. In order to win the attention of the noisy public, you will have to loudly ask, practically shout out a couple of questions that each of those present can answer. So everyone will temporarily become erudite, which will amuse them incredibly. Sometimes it can be difficult to work due to the fact that the guests unite in groups and whisper about their pressing problems. In the bustle, during the conversation, they do not immediately notice that a person is working nearby and is trying just for them. This should not confuse a professional toastmaster. Do not be shy and speak only for obedient guests. It is necessary to ask everyone more insistently for attention again and to inform that time will be provided for free communication. Drawing attention to yourself, you can’t be rude, strict and categorical, but you can’t be insecure either. The more humor is brought to the rescue, the easier it will be to cope with difficult situations.

After the introduction and greeting, you need to remind the guests why they are here. Worth pronouncing short toast without delaying this obligatory moment. After the first solemn words, it is advisable to let the guests get comfortable, get to know and chat with those who turned out to be behind festive table Next door. This short break will help the toastmaster to work further in more comfortable conditions. The sound engineer must constantly be on the alert, because the mood of the guests is created not only by cheerful voice intonations, but also by suitable music. It should accompany the entire festive evening in the background. During pauses, it is better to turn on a light melody that does not call for dancing. After all, if the guests start the evening too actively, then it will end very quickly, since there will be no strength left for a long celebration. Ten minutes later, allotted for the first acquaintance, you need to return the attention of the public.

At the second stage, you can talk a little about the tradition of congratulating with poems and beautiful words to give useful and Original gifts. So it will be possible to smoothly convey the word to relatives and friends. In no case should you insist on giving gifts, as situations are different. An unsuccessfully spoken phrase or an untimely proposal may turn out to be a “fly in the ointment” in a sweet festive barrel. If there are more than twenty guests at the holiday, and at least half of them want to say congratulations out loud, then it is better to do this in several stages. Only then will the guests not get bored and will be able to catch the intonation with which each congratulator speaks. After the solemn part, you need to take a break a little longer, continuing to keep the atmosphere of the evening under control. The toastmaster needs this time in order to prepare props and prizes for competitive program, dress up the participants, distribute those who wish. During a break, the toastmaster can, without attracting attention, pick up the right people from the table so that they have time to prepare. Competitions not only cheer up, liberate, but also help even lazy guests to “pull out” to the dance floor. So contests and jokes-jokes smoothly flow into a perky disco for those who are cheerful. Therefore, when the program comes to an end, competitions should be more active and mobile. During the dances, the toastmaster no longer needs to draw attention to himself, you only need to cheer up the passive dancers from time to time. Although, sometimes there are such guests who are much more difficult to seat at the table than to raise from a chair and send to dance. At this stage, the leader can relax. The holiday is over, you can let the ship of good mood sail freely.

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Before the exciting event, you had time: booked a restaurant, thought out the menu, ordered good wine, called florists and animators who decorated the room balloons, flowers and garlands. It remains to do one small thing - to find a person who will lead the holiday and make it so that the celebration will be remembered for a long time.

Host (tamada) - the main manager of the feast.
This is a Georgian word, this is how a person who pronounces toasts and leads a celebration is called in Georgia.
The wisest and most respected person from the village is invited to this role in Georgia.
What qualities should a good toastmaster have?
And how to make the right choice?

What should the toastmaster be able to do?

Come up with entertainment program that guests will love. Everyone knows that a holiday is created for this, so that people have fun and rejoice. However, it often happens quite the opposite - the guests are sour and bored, and the organizers are upset. A professional toastmaster should conduct a feast in such a way that the smile does not leave the faces of the guests.
To say toasts that will be witty, unbanal and will be remembered by guests and newlyweds. You should not have the feeling that the toastmaster at all weddings says the same thing. After all, this is your holiday, the day that you have been waiting for so long, you would not like to hear official stamps, and the art of the toastmaster lies precisely in making his every word evoke a sincere response from you.
Tamada should be a good psychologist and sensitively capture the mood of the public. Otherwise, he simply will not be able to turn everyone on, cheer and support good mood until the end of the holiday.
And most importantly, the toastmaster must be a good actor. A good toastmaster knows how to sing, dance, dress up, is tireless in inventions, easily comes up with contests, games, toasts, remembers thousands of jokes. With such a person, it simply cannot be boring. He is charming, sociable, cheerful and takes sincere pleasure from his work.

Meeting tete-a-tete

The choice of toastmaster must be taken seriously. Otherwise, there is a risk that a bad host will spoil your whole holiday. But only good things should be remembered for you and your guests! Therefore, to begin with, be sure to find time for a personal meeting with the toastmaster. Even if it was recommended to you by close friends, still do not rush, check the recommendation, because everyone has different requests and ideas about what a really good holiday is.
Pay attention to the first impression, it is very important. If you don’t like a person outwardly, then even if he is an ace in his field, it will seem to you that he is not so good that you could find better, and your opinion on the issue of choice is decisive. Tamada is the guardian of the holiday. Take a closer look, does he inspire confidence, sympathy in you? If yes, go to the next step.
The toastmaster should show you videos from several holidays so that you can clearly see that he is really a master of his craft. Explain to the toastmaster what you want from him. Or, if you don't have an idea, let him create one for you. It is important to reach an understanding on this issue. An experienced toastmaster will understand you perfectly. Pay close attention to the scenario of the wedding. After all, this is your holiday, and the toastmaster should work the way you want, and not the way it is convenient for him. You should not rely in advance on the experience and assurances of the toastmaster that he himself knows what to do. If he is simply not able to create and implement a unique concept of the holiday just for you, then a legitimate question arises - why do you need such a toastmaster?
If you like the toastmaster, ask him a number of questions:
how long does the toastmaster work (until the last guest or he has limited working hours)
is it possible to pay extra for each additional hour of work (this is necessary if you intend to walk the wedding until late)
what contests (at least 3-4 contests) are included in the wedding script
how the toastmaster intends to entertain the children (if any)
find out the approximate scenario of the wedding evening
does the toastmaster work in tandem with live musicians, DJ and how much will it cost extra
How long before the wedding should I place an order?
how much is the down payment, etc.
If you were satisfied with the meeting with a potential host and already imagine how your wedding will take place, do not hesitate. Leave an advance payment, negotiate the details of the script and choose the music for the first dance. Remember, good hosts get picked up quickly, especially during wedding season.

How much does a toastmaster cost?

On average, prices for toastmaster services vary from 150-200 to 350-450 USD. per evening, depending on the qualifications of the presenter. Tamada can cost more. If you want your holiday to be led by a famous person, then be prepared for the fact that her fee will be several thousand or even tens of thousands of dollars. If you can afford such a pleasure, contact a special agency where you will be helped to make a choice.
The issue of price is directly related to the issue of quality. Of course, the toastmaster's fees can grow in accordance with his star status, but it is obvious that the services of a good toastmaster cannot cost less than the indicated amount. Therefore, if you cannot invite a good presenter, it may be better to do without him at all. At least you will not have the feeling that someone else ruined your holiday, and even took a fee from you.

It would seem that it could be easier than holding weddings: the atmosphere is cheerful and light by default, all that remains is to announce the order of competitions and numbers on time, tell funny anecdotes and alternate toasts. But it seems so only at first glance. In fact, a professional presenter must have certain skills. Let's figure out which ones.

- Responsibility.

This is definitely an important quality. A wedding for a host is first of all a responsible event, where there is no place for negligence. In addition to responsibility and punctuality, the wedding host must truly love his job. After all, if a person works, putting his whole soul into the matter, the holiday will absolutely be magnificent.

- Eloquence.

Of course, the leader must be able to speak. His speech should be beautiful, but at the same time simple and understandable to everyone, so that guests do not have to rack their brains over instructions for competitions or strain, listening to intricate toasts.

- Absence of speech defects.

The wedding host should not have speech defects. This is unacceptable, as it immediately destroys the pleasant atmosphere of the holiday, bringing inappropriate fun and even irritation at some moments. The leader's voice should be pleasant to the ear.

- Neatness.

Appearance wedding host must be impeccable. He should look well-groomed and make a good impression, because he will be in sight all evening.

- Photo and cinematic.

In addition to the costume and appearance, the presenter must have knowledge of how to work on camera. After all, he will remain on a huge number of videos and photos. And movements, and facial expressions, and a smile - everything should radiate confidence, joy and success.

- Individual approach.

This is a feature of professionals. Each client should have their own approach. The host must be able to listen to and implement all the wishes of the newlyweds, to make their celebration unforgettable.

- Experience.

A good wedding presenter in the stash, of course, should have several well-established scenarios that can be combined with each other if necessary. Moreover, each scenario should contain surprises (of course, appropriate), which even the newlyweds will not know about. The combination of experience, impressiveness and confidence with the ability to surprise is the best for a professional.

- Ability to improvise.

During any event, all sorts of unforeseen situations and incidents happen. At the same time, the wedding, unlike the performance, can no longer be replayed. Therefore, the leader's ability to improvise is incredibly important. He must be able to quickly and with humor get out of any delicate situation, in an original way to complete a failed competition.

- Artistic.

A good presenter must show the ability to sing beautifully and act out the audience, demonstrating pop-vocal and artistic skills. A good organizer will skillfully select a team that will satisfy the tastes of all guests, music that sets the right mood, can make up a whole concert program.

- Charisma.

The wedding host is essentially the same actor with talent and brightness of charisma. This person, who is not familiar to any of the guests, must have the ability to find his key to the heart of each of the guests.

Summing up, I would like to say that after all, the main thing that a wedding host should have is the ability to create a pleasant holiday atmosphere. In general, a professional wedding host should be like a conquering researcher - inquisitive, tireless, hardworking and talented, truly love his job and always go forward.

Text: Ekaterina Ershova

Photo: gpc.io.ua, urbanjunglefunpark.com