Which hand is the ring worn on? Interesting facts from the history of engagement rings. Ring finger of the left hand

An engagement ring is a symbol of fidelity, an attribute of love and devotion. It symbolizes the union of two souls into one. Wedding rings unite the young, are a symbol of their marriage. But not many people know that, depending on religion and people, wedding products are worn on different hands.


Engagement is one of the most amazing traditions who came to Russia from Europe. Engagement means the union of lovers, their imminent marriage. But in Russia, not many people know which hand to put on a donated ring, symbolizing a marriage proposal.

The engagement ring is worn on any hand. There are two versions of wearing this symbol:

  1. Should be worn on the right hand. It temporarily replaces marriage, that is, engagement. According to the traditions, the spiritual connection of the young is not destroyed in this way, their feelings do not cool down and the wedding will take place.
  2. Need to wear on left hand. This is what women in the West do. They put it on the ring finger. On the day of the wedding, it is removed and never worn. This amulet becomes a family heirloom, passed down the female line from mother to daughter for a wedding.

In Russia and Ukraine, it is customary to wear engagement rings on the right hand on the ring finger. After the wedding ceremony, the ring is worn under the engagement ring. This symbolizes the busyness of the bride and her confidence regarding the marriage.
In Russia, it is customary for the groom to ask the bride's hand from her parents. As a sign of serious intentions and proposals to marry, men present an engagement ring to their chosen one. In Europe, the engagement is different.

The parents of the bride and groom give a blessing for the upcoming wedding. As a sign of this, the future newlyweds exchange symbols of fidelity, which are worn on the fingers of the right or left hand, depending on religion.

Signs about the engagement product:

  1. It is worn until marriage. The loss of it marks the dissolution of the marriage in the future or the failure of the wedding. If everything is in order with the ring, then this is a sign of a happy, long life together.
  2. It should not be shown to strangers in order to avoid the evil eye or inducing damage.
  3. It cannot be soaked in water. The sign says that family life will be filled with tears.

Where representatives of different nations wear the ring

The wedding ring is worn on the right or left hand. In Ukraine, in Russian Federation, the Belarusian Republic, the wedding symbol is worn on the ring finger of the right hand.

After the engagement, the Germans wear it on their left hand, and after marriage they put it on their right. Polish citizens are accustomed to wearing an engagement and wedding ring on the right hand.

Jews wear the wedding symbol on their ring finger. Because of this, this finger is popularly called "ring", "ring". Orthodox Christians also wear a product on it.

On the right hand, the following nations wear wedding rings:

  • Georgians.
  • Ukrainians.
  • Russians.
  • Kazakhs.
  • Moldovans.
  • Serbs.
  • Chileans.
  • Austrians.
  • Greeks.
  • Norse.
  • Spaniards.

On the left hand, the following peoples prefer to wear wedding products:

  • Australians.
  • Turks.
  • Azerbaijanis.
  • Armenians.
  • Cubans.
  • Brazilian citizens.
  • French people.
  • Irish.
  • Canadians.
  • Mexicans.
  • Slovenians.
  • Croatians.
  • Swedes.
  • Americans.
  • British.
  • Italians.
  • Japanese.
  • Chinese.
  • Koreans.
  • Syrians.

Most of the citizens of these countries are Catholics. In the Catholic world, it is customary to perform an engagement ceremony before the wedding. The engagement piece is worn on the left hand.
Muslims prefer not to wear gold wedding rings. This applies to men. Indeed, in this faith, wearing gold jewelry compares a man with a woman. Muslims often use other metals to make wedding attributes.

Muslim men are less likely to wear a wedding attribute than women. Married women of the Muslim faith wear rings on their left hand.
Romals (gypsies) prefer to wear a wedding attribute on a chain around their neck. This symbolizes the open soul of a person, his ability to understand, believe, love his soul mate.

Where to wear after a divorce

Often after a divorce, jewelry is worn on the left hand in the CIS countries. Divorced persons put the symbol of marriage on the ring finger.
So do widows and widowers.

After the death of a spouse or spouse, a person puts on the decoration of the deceased and his own on his left hand. This tradition symbolizes devotion, fidelity after death.


For the first time, they learned about wedding jewelry from Egypt. Earlier in this state, the Egyptians worshiped the Moon and the Sun, having round shape. A hole in the product means the path to the unknown, happy family life. For the first time, the newlyweds exchanged round jewelry in the vastness of Egypt.

Products symbolized the inextricable bond between lovers. Initially, plants, bones, bark, etc. served as the material for making rings. But then the products were made of metal. Learning about the existence of gold, the Egyptians came up with the idea to make Golden ring due to the similarity of color with the sun.

The Egyptians preferred to wear gold jewelry on the ring finger due to the fact that the nerve goes directly to the heart from this finger. They believed that this finger was continuously connected with the heart, therefore, as a sign of long and devoted love, they ringed this very place.

Previously, Jews put a marriage ring on a woman's index finger. But this tradition has lost its relevance due to the inconvenience of wearing a ring on the index finger.

The need to put on the index finger was determined by the need to show that the woman is busy. And the index finger is a prominent place of a woman. This is how the followers of Kabbalah used to think.

In Rus', jewelry was worn on the ring finger of the right hand. This rite dates back to the time of the existence of Joseph and Mary.


There are many signs about wedding jewelry:

  1. It is forbidden to wear wedding products of parents. It is also impossible to make your own wedding jewelry from these products by melting. The sign says that using parental rings, the newlyweds will repeat the fate of their parents.
  2. It is not advisable to wear products after a divorce. This is especially true for gold products, since gold absorbs all the negative energy.
  3. If a widower, a widow again fetter themselves by marriage, then the old product is removed and kept at home, but not worn.
  4. The loss of a product portends the death of a spouse, or the dissolution of a marriage.
  5. It is forbidden to let strangers try on the ring. This promises discord in the family.
  6. The wedding product is made smooth without engravings and drawings.
  7. Do not wear a ring on gloves.
  8. The fall of products during marriage is a sign of an imminent divorce.
  9. The groom is obliged to buy wedding rings for himself and the bride.
  10. Previously, before marriage, the rings were frozen so that the future husband and wife would also be strongly held together by family ties.

In conclusion, it can be noted that married Orthodox Christians prefer to wear a wedding attribute on their right hand, and Catholics on their left hand. There is no single answer that is correct. Each religion and creed dictates its own traditions, signs and customs.

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Wedding and engagement rings- one of the most important symbols in human life. Both of them mark the beginning of a new stage in the relationship between lovers. The engagement ring indicates the seriousness of intentions, and the engagement ring confirms and translates these intentions into reality.

Engagement means that you can now officially be called the bride and groom. You have taken the first and main step towards marriage. As proof of love, the future husband gives his beloved engagement ring. On which finger should you wear it?

The groom puts the ring on the ring finger of the bride's right hand on the day of the engagement. This ring is considered a symbol of eternal love, such as it originated in the hearts and was at the very beginning of the relationship: ardent, hot and passionate. The bride wears this jewelry until the very day of the wedding or registration at the registry office.

The engagement ring is usually put away in a box and not worn, and sometimes put on simply as a decoration on any finger, but this is after the wedding.

The place where the wedding ring is worn depends largely on the circumstances and religion. In general, in the Russian Federation, a husband and wife wear their wedding rings on the ring finger of their right hand, that is, in the same place as the engagement ring.

Sometimes brides don't want to part with their engagement ring and wear it with their wedding ring, that is, two rings on one finger. But in this case, care should be taken in advance that the rings blend well with each other, are made of the same metal, or, if they are golden, of gold of the same color. Rings similar in style will be successfully harmonized on one finger.

A wedding ring in Russia can also be worn on the left hand, but only widows and widowers do this. Divorced people, of course, don't wear wedding rings at all. Many European countries profess Catholicism, where their rituals, traditions and patterns. It so happened that Catholics wear wedding rings on the ring finger of the left hand, and Orthodox - on the same finger of the right.

Traditions of wearing wedding rings among different peoples of the world

The ring finger of the right hand seems to us the most suitable place for wedding and engagement rings. But we are just used to it, and in many other nations things are quite different. European women wear an engagement ring on their left hand., believing that she is closer to the heart. On the day of the marriage ceremony, it “moves” to the right hand, and after the wedding, both rings are often worn on the ring finger of the left hand.

Jewish ladies generally ignore the importance of the ring finger, preferring the index finger to it., and gypsies do not want to wear jewelry on their hands at all, but hang it on a chain and put it on their necks.

Oddly enough, Catholics very often themselves violate their traditions of wearing wedding rings. For example, in Austria, Spain and Norway, where the majority of the inhabitants are Catholics, wedding ring no matter what they wear on the right hand.

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Wedding ring - on which hand are rings worn in different countries? And how was it before? Let's try to figure it out.

Ancient Egypt is considered the birthplace of rings, including engagement rings. At first, they served as a kind of seal, with the help of which the pharaoh transferred his power. Some time later, the wearing of rings ceased to be the prerogative of dignitaries. Gold rings were worn by rich people, while the poor could choose jewelry made of copper, bronze, silver, or various other materials.

Since ancient times, the rings were exchanged at the wedding by the bride and groom as a sign of their devotion to each other. The ring was presented to the bride's parents as a sign that the future husband undertakes to support his wife, support her both in joy and in sorrow. Does everyone know which hand they wear a wedding ring on?

History of tradition

The tradition of exchanging rings during a marriage ceremony has been known since ancient times. The first mention of this custom dates back to the era of the Old Kingdom, that is, 4 millennia BC. At that time, the presentation of an engagement ring or bracelet (usually made of hemp or sedge) and its acceptance meant that the woman became the property of the man, and he was obliged to protect her.

Men began to wear wedding rings (bracelets) after about 1500 years. And then it became a symbol of the union of two halves into a single whole. In ancient Roman times, rings were made of iron or bronze. The well-known golden ring appeared only in the III-IV centuries.

So, the ring, which is a vicious circle, has long been a symbol of the infinity of the feelings of two lovers and is magically designed to strengthen the earthly and heavenly connection between them. The noble metal from which the rings are made is a symbol of purity and purity. Initially, wedding rings were extremely simple and did not have any decorations.

Rituals in antiquity and modernity

In ancient Rome, the groom, after the wedding ceremony, gave the ring not only to the bride, but also to her parents, thereby confirming that he agreed to the conclusion of the union. The ancient Jews had a custom to give their beloved a gold coin in order to emphasize the seriousness of their intentions, only a few centuries later the coin was replaced by a ring. In medieval Europe, wealthy aristocrats gave their wife a ring with the coat of arms of the family, confirming that she was a full-fledged mistress of his house.

For a long time, a ring was given only to brides, while grooms completely dispensed with this accessory. Now there are two types of rings: engagement (or engagement) and wedding. In the West, there is still a tradition of giving an engagement ring before making an offer, and then acquiring a wedding ring. There was also a custom according to which the groom's ring was made of gold, and the wives of silver, to emphasize that the man is the head of the family, but now the rings of both newlyweds are usually the same, and they are not limited in the choice of metal.

How is it customary to wear wedding rings?

On the right hand

Wearing a wedding ring on the left hand is a relatively recent tradition that originated only at the beginning of the 18th century (before that, even in English-speaking countries, rings were worn on the right hand).

An 1869 article suggests that in some countries the change of the hand on which the ring is worn from the right (dominant, main hand) to the left (non-primary) became a sign of respect with which a woman treats her spouse (men at that time did not wear wedding bands). rings).

In Orthodoxy, everything related to right side body is considered correct. Accordingly, wedding rings in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Greece, Serbia are put on the ring finger of the right hand. Widows and widowers wear their rings on the ring finger of the left hand (in Catholic and Protestant countries - on the ring finger of the right).

On the left hand

As a result of archaeological excavations, scientists were able to discover that the first wedding rings appeared in ancient Egypt. Noble spouses wore gold and silver rings, the poor - copper and iron. It is known that long before our era, Egyptian healers had a good knowledge of human anatomy. They believed that there was a nerve that runs from the heart to the ring finger of the left hand. Therefore, wedding rings began to be worn on this finger. True, in some parts of Egypt and Ancient Israel, wedding rings were worn on the middle finger of the left hand. This is how, according to legend, Saint Joseph and the Virgin Mary got engaged.

During the Middle Ages, autopsies were forbidden to doctors, as a result of which all knowledge about anatomy was drawn from ancient manuscripts. The nerve supposedly connecting the left hand and the heart has been poetically called the "artery of love." However, at that time, the way of wearing wedding jewelry completely depended on the decree of the ruler. Many kings, sovereign dukes and counts issued decrees on exactly how wedding rings should be worn.

There were exactly ten options: in some countries, rings were even worn on the thumbs. Over time, a historical tradition has developed, according to which, in Catholic and Protestant countries, wedding rings are worn on the ring finger of the left hand. This is how it is done in England, France, Germany, Austria, USA, Canada, Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Australia. Catholic theologians explain this by saying that the left hand is closer to the heart. Muslims also adhere to the custom of wearing the symbol of marital fidelity on the left hand.

However, in many Muslim countries, only women wear such rings, since it is considered bad luck for men to wear gold jewelry. Therefore, Muslim men usually either do not wear wedding rings at all, or wear silver ones. Gypsies generally prefer to wear them around their necks, on gold chains.

When are the rings changed to the other hand?

Wearing a ring on the ring finger of a certain hand is a kind of demonstration of one's status. The presence of a ring may indicate not only marriage, but also that a person is only preparing to marry or is free, as he is divorced or widowed. Knowledge of the traditions of other countries and nationalities will allow you not to make a mistake in the interpretation and correctly determine the status of the person you are interested in.

So, for example, in the countries of the Middle East, during the engagement, the rings are put on the right hand, and at the time of marriage, the ring is put on the left hand. If for women, engagement rings usually differ from wedding rings in the presence of a stone, then for men it is most often the same ring.

Orthodox Christians begin to wear their rings on the left hand in case of loss of a spouse or divorce. The Jews at the time of the marriage ceremony put the ring on the right hand, and then wear it on the left.

If spouses belong to different cultures and are followers of different religions, they come to a compromise solution, choosing one way to wear rings, or follow their traditions separately.

engagement rings

Engagement rings, it is also a proposal ring, in Russia it is customary to wear on the ring finger of the right hand. The fact is that when a young man makes a marriage proposal to his beloved woman, he puts the engagement ring on his right hand. Taking off the ring and putting it on the other finger is considered a bad omen that can upset the wedding.

After the wedding, a woman can wear a wedding and engagement ring on the ring finger of her right hand. Today it has become very fashionable to match a diamond engagement ring and an engagement ring with or without diamonds in the same style. Similar to each other rings that make up a harmonious ensemble or figure, visually merging into one piece of jewelry, you can pick up engagement rings in our catalog or order engagement rings according to your own sketch.

wedding rings

Wedding rings are worn only by people who have undergone an Orthodox wedding ceremony. Since Orthodox Christians cross themselves with the banner of the cross with their right hand, it is customary to wear wedding rings on the ring finger of the same hand. At the same time, the engagement and wedding rings are removed from the ring finger and are no longer worn, because people who have gone through the wedding ceremony after registering the marriage are considered to be married by the Lord God himself. Such a marriage is considered made in heaven. Accordingly, the wedding ring is considered the most important and main.

  • Newlyweds need to have only their own wedding rings, take someone else's, it is absolutely impossible to use it.
  • The loss of an engagement jewelry after the wedding is considered a bad sign - this entails parting, strife between spouses.
  • It is forbidden to give a ring to a stranger - so you can give him your happiness.
  • There is a taboo on getting married with a widow's or widower's ring - this is a very bad sign.
  • You can not wear a wedding symbol over a glove - only on the finger. And it is not recommended to remove it under any circumstances.
  • If a widowed person remarries, a new wedding decoration must also be worn on the right side of the ring finger, and the widow's ring should be removed and hidden. You can’t give it as a gift - it’s someone else’s decoration.
  • But wedding paraphernalia happy marriages you can pass on to your children by inheritance - it should be kept as a family heirloom. In this case, the symbol of matrimony acquires powerful protective properties. You can only give them if the parents celebrated their silver wedding anniversary.

Putting on a wedding ring is an individual matter, you can adhere to the traditions of your native country or be original, like Muslims. The most important thing is not to lose the meaning that is embedded in this beautiful symbol of marriage, a romantic sign of the union of two destinies.

Exchanging rings on the day of marriage is probably the oldest, and certainly the most common wedding tradition. It is difficult to pinpoint the exact date when and from where this beautiful and romantic ceremony came to us.

Romantic tradition - exchanging wedding rings

A bit of the history of engagement rings

Historians and archaeologists claim that the first bride and groom who exchanged this symbol of love were Egyptians. True, among pundits there is no consensus on which hand the pharaohs and their spouses wore a wedding ring. But they are absolutely sure that it was the ring finger, since it is through it that the artery of love passes. The ancient Romans also thought so, so they also wore a ring on their ring finger. In Rus', newlyweds exchanged simple birch bark rings, which symbolized infinity. So the young swore an oath of love and fidelity to the grave.

Centuries passed, eras changed, and the look of the engagement ring changed. Without changing the shape and smooth surface, they began to make it from wood, ceramics, precious and semi-precious stones, from simple metal. And only by the 16th century did the wedding rings become gold.

Around the same time, the shape and traditional design of the ring changed. The riot of fantasy of lovers of that era is striking. The ring could be in the shape of a heart pierced by an arrow of Cupid or intertwined hands. Half rings were very fashionable. Each of the spouses carried with them only half of the jewelry, and only connected, these halves formed into a whole ring. Sometimes a saying was engraved on such an amazing ring. For example: “Those who are joined together by God cannot be separated by man.”

Antique wedding rings could be the most bizarre shape

But on which hand it is worth wearing a ring, and on which finger to put it on for a loved one, at different times in different countries there was no single established rule. In Europe in the Middle Ages, in each state, the ruler issued a special decree on this matter. So, the British in the 17th century wore a wedding ring on their thumb, and the German medieval knights adorned their little finger.

Raphael's riddle: on which hand is the wedding ring?

The very first disagreement on which hand to put on a wedding ring is connected with the legend of the betrothal of Joseph and Mary. The legend says that Joseph put the wedding ring of the Virgin Mary on his left hand on the middle finger. Therefore, during the wedding of the Catholics of many countries, the newlyweds put on the symbol of love and fidelity on their left hand. However, if you look at the picture of the great Raphael "The Betrothal of the Virgin Mary", then you should pay attention to the fact that the ring was put on by Joseph not on his left, but on his right hand. By the way, this canvas is a mirror image of the picture of the teacher Rafael Perugino "Betrothal of Mary". According to the plot of this picture, the wedding ring is also put on by Joseph on the right hand of the virgin Mary.

Rafael Santi. Betrothal of the Virgin Mary

On which hand should modern newlyweds still wear a wedding ring?

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Historically, in countries where Orthodoxy is widespread, tradition prescribes putting a ring on the ring finger of the right hand. Catholics are more likely to wear a wedding ring on the left. It is customary to wear a ring on the right hand also in India, Israel, Chile, Venezuela, Austria, Norway, Germany, Poland. Residents of the USA, Japan, Turkey, Sweden, France, Cuba, Canada, Mexico put this jewelry on their left hand on their wedding day.

In many countries, the ring is worn on the left hand.

Why is it customary in most countries to wear a wedding ring on the right hand?

Although the answer to this question is lost in the mists of time, but, most likely, because most people on our planet are right-handed. During the day, the right hand often catches our eye, and the ring on this hand often reminds us of marital duty and fidelity to our soulmate. In addition, when meeting with other people, we extend our right hand to greet, and the ring emphasizes the family status of the interlocutor. And it is also believed that it is behind the right shoulder of each of us that the Guardian Angel stands and protects us and our marriage from evil forces. But those who constantly wear a wedding decoration on their left hand explain this by the fact that the left hand is closer to the heart.

Traditionally, the Orthodox wear a wedding ring on the right hand.

Well, on which hand to put a wedding ring on your soul mate on the most wonderful day, it's up to you. The main thing is that for many years this decoration remains the most dear to the heart.

Many people are interested in the question: “On the finger of which hand should I wear a wedding ring?”. Only the person who is familiar with all kinds of traditions can answer this question. The history of the engagement ring is very interesting!

This tradition originated in ancient Egypt. In those days, only the pharaohs had jewelry. They have become a symbol of power and might. These things were inherited by the younger representatives of a noble family.

Many years later, in the 3rd century AD, lovers began to put wedding rings on each other's fingers. The decoration has become a symbol of eternal and strong love. Previously, newlyweds wore silver rings, because this metal was considered a sign of purity. The poor in Rus' wore wedding signs made of clay or stone. The difference between the materials is explained very simply: the main thing is not the cost of the decoration, but the symbol of infinity.

Experts say that each finger has its own energy. A person who wears a ring on his index finger is distinguished from others by a strong will and inclinations to leadership. People who don't mind doing creative work, wear rings on the little finger. If a person decides to ring the middle finger, then it can be argued that he is independent and strong-willed. Why are wedding signs of love put on the ring finger? If you see a person with a ring on his ring finger, then it is safe to say that he is bound by marriage. Few people know that it is on this finger that there is a blood vessel that leads to the heart.

The Jews have their own traditions. They put wedding rings on their index fingers. Why is this tradition different from ours? This is part of the rich and interesting history. This is how they did it in Ancient Rus'- ringed forefingers. Gypsy traditions are not at all like the existing ones. They wear wedding signs on chains, putting them on their necks.

Where are wedding rings usually worn?

The hand on which the wedding ring is worn depends on the religion of the hearts in love. Catholics, for example, wear jewelry on their left hand, while Orthodox people wear it on their right. This is because Catholics are baptized from left to right, because left-hand side close to the heart. Orthodox people associate wearing a ring with the meaning of the word "right" (reliable, faithful). being baptized Orthodox person from right to left. Which hand to ring: left or right? As you understand, it depends on the religion and existing traditions. There is one common feature: Catholics and Orthodox ring the ring finger.

Wedding rings are worn not only by Orthodox Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians and Serbs. Catholics such as the peoples of Norway, Spain, Poland and Venezuela also wear this decoration. It turns out that the wedding ring will tell you not only about the marital status of a person, but also about his religion.

There is another interesting fact that explains the wearing of a wedding ring on the right hand. It is believed that behind the right shoulder of a person is the guardian of his marriage, and behind the left - the tempter. Therefore, it is better to wear a ring on the ring finger of the right hand.

A man who has decided to propose to his beloved puts an engagement symbol on her finger. Which finger should be ringed and on which hand is it better to wear this jewelry? In many countries, it is customary to put it on the hand where the wedding ring will “settle” in the future. Of course, you need to ring the ring finger. When the wedding ceremony is over, the bride wears both rings on her ring finger. Some people replace the engagement piece with a wedding piece and keep the former in a safe place. In the future, it is passed on to the heirs as a family relic.

An engagement ring for a happy couple in love is a symbol of reliability, fidelity and boundless love. After the death of a spouse, a widow or widower should not remove their symbol of love. It is simply put on the ring finger of the opposite hand. The fact is that the ring symbolizes eternal love. That's why you can't take it off. The decoration, which is worn on the ring finger of the left hand, becomes a symbol of the affection of hearts in love. How to deal with the personal belongings of the deceased spouse? This is a personal matter for each person. Some people wear the deceased's ring on a chain. In this case, it turns into a sign of memory. Many widows wear both their ring and their deceased spouse's jewelry. Believers give the wedding sign to the church as a donation. Still, jewelry should not be kept in the house, because the precious metal is able to store both positive and negative energy.

What to do if the spouses decide to divorce? In this case, the wedding rings are simply removed. Now it will be clear to others that a person is not bound by marriage.