What can you put in the box? What kind of surprise can you give to your loved one? Instructions on how to pack a round gift in wrapping paper

It's time to do this to refresh your relationship.

Often in relationships we simply forget about all sorts of pleasant little things that may be pleasant to our loved one.

But we all love pleasant surprises that remind us that two halves still need each other.

If you have planned a surprise and you don't have any ideas yet what it should be, there are some tips and ideas that will help you.

As a surprise, you can arrange an unusual date for your beloved girl, or prepare a gift for her/him with your own hands, or maybe both.

What surprise to prepare for a girl or guy

An interesting date, like a surprise

If you decide to have a date, you can write on small pieces of paper several options for places where you would like to go, fold the pieces of paper and put them in a jar. You can decorate the jar first, and then invite the girl to choose one of the options.

* A date can be arranged based on common interests, or if some interests differ, then several dates can be planned (for example, once a month) - prepare 12 options for each month.

Here are some options for how and where you can have a date:

* Midnight Picnic - Find a spot where you can best see the full moon or simply lay out a blanket in your living room or bedroom under the moonlight and cover it with your favorite treats.

* Prepare your sofa or bed (for example, scatter a few rose petals) and watch your favorite movie together with a floral scent. You can add your favorite snack to this.

* Prepare a fragrant bath for your loved one, and while she relaxes, prepare dinner for two.

* Take each other on a hot air balloon ride. For greater effect, you can do this at sunset.

* Buy your loved one tickets to a concert of an interesting group, to a theater or cinema.

Pleasant little things as a surprise

This gift can be made for both a guy and a girl.

You will need:

Box (you can buy it and decorate it, or make it yourself)

Pleasant little things that your significant other will love.

In the box you can put:

Notes with nice words - paper with a note can be rolled into a tube and tied with braid

Print out photos you haven't yet printed and attach notes about your fondest memories.

Funny figurines or other items that can make you smile; You can stickers with tattoos as a joke

You can ask his/her parents to write something nice and surprise your other half with beautiful words from your parents

Favorite sweets or confectionery made by yourself

* You can put a lot of different things in a box and ask them to take out one thing every day - inexpensive, but nice.

What a surprise to give a guy or girl

How to make a voluminous heart with your own hands

To make this heart you will need:

Paper (you can use scrap magazine pages)

Glue stick or PVA




How to make a heart

Handbag in the shape of a heart with sweets

You will need:


Felt in several colors

Thick paper


Heart template

Sewing machine.

You will find detailed instructions in the article: How to make a heart

Clothespin "I love you"

Cards with 52 or 36 phrases about why you love your soulmate

A jar decorated with your own hands and filled with pleasant words

A cup on which you can draw or write something beautiful and pleasant with a special marker

Make an “accordion” of several photos and put them beautifully in a box

You can make this craft together - take a photo of each other, cut the photos and glue them appropriately to a skewer or twig. When you twist the skewer, a beautiful illusion will be created.

From a CD case you can make a notebook with photos and beautifully designed comments for them - photos on one side, and comments on the other.

Balloons with photos

An original postcard - pull the tag, and one little person approaches another, and with him a nice note

Original T-shirts for two

Chocolate in original form (you can order it or make it yourself)

A universal surprise (for a beloved woman or a beloved man)

Gift "Open when..."

This gift can be given to both a woman and a man. It is very simple to make and will create a pleasant effect on the person you are preparing it for.

The idea behind this surprise is simple: you create a series of envelopes with instructions on when to open each one. When a person opens the envelope, the note inside should cheer him up. Envelopes can be opened when a person is sad or not in the mood.

You will need:

Envelopes (you can decorate them)

Notes in the form of stickers or just colored paper

Small objects that can complement the note (photos, for example)

Here are the envelopes with what inscriptions you can prepare:

"Open when..."

"...you're having a bad day"

"...you're out of sorts"

"… do you miss me"

"… are you bored"

"...I want something sweet"

Postcards for your beloved

Card with a heart in quilling style

You will need:

Paper strips (red)

A toothpick or a special device for twisting strips into a spiral


Colored cardboard

Connecting rings

Fabric and other decorations for the card (if desired).

More detailed instructions for making crafts in the quilling style can be found in our article: Quilling for Beginners

1. Make a teardrop shape from a paper strip.

Here's how it's done:

Twist the strip into a spiral (circle) and secure the end of the strip with glue. Next, squeeze any part of the circle with your fingers to make a droplet.

2. Repeat step 1 to make another drop.

3. Glue both droplets together to make a heart.

4. Make a tight spiral (circle) from another paper strip and secure it with glue. After this, glue the circle at the top of the heart.

5. Use jump rings to attach your paper heart to a paper clip.

6. Make a card out of colored cardboard, glue a ribbon into the middle, and attach a paperclip with a heart to the ribbon.

All that remains is to write something nice to your beloved half.

Chain with heart

Using the same technique, make a heart and using jump rings, attach the heart to the chain.

3D card with hearts

Postcards for your loved one

Original postcard in minimalist style - you can make your own design

Postcard with 8-bit heart

You will need:

Colored cardboard

Stationery knife

You will find detailed instructions in our article:

They say you only need to make a first impression once. Filling the box in which you send an order to a new customer is the final touch of the first impression, and this touch can be decisive and most significant. Basically, the box allows you to make a first impression both a second and a third time. It all depends on its content and the surprises you can fill it with that are pleasant for the buyer. What exactly? Here are 7 ideas for you.

1. Letter of gratitude

Electronically, we all say “thank you” to the buyer for choosing our store. But in most cases, this gratitude is just an addition to the notification about placing an order, an ordinary transactional letter. In rare cases, you can find sellers who purposefully send separate thank-you notes to their customers. Even more rarely, such messages can be found printed on paper and included in the box/package with the order. Meanwhile, such a letter is a pleasant little thing that can decide the issue of future acquisitions in your favor.

This is how, for example, EliseJoy.com thanks its customers.

This card is included in orders from the online clothing store Everlane.com.

2. A beautifully designed coupon

Coupons that you distribute to visitors on your website, in special mailings, are a useful and effective tool for increasing sales of your online store. A coupon, printed on high-quality paper and designed elegantly and tastefully, is a tool that also solves an image problem. The cost of producing such coupons is usually low and the result of their use will certainly allow you to “recoup” these investments. Of course, a beautiful coupon on paper can be combined with a letter of gratitude, but, probably, in this case, both the coupon and the gratitude will lose a little in their image weight.

Coupon cards from Google Express.

A couple of options from Julep.

3. Coupon for a friend, marked exactly like that

You know for sure that the call to action should be made unambiguously interpretable and understandable from the first moment. Hints, relying on the understanding and insight of visitors in calls to action probably work only in exceptional cases. The same is true for coupons included in orders. Do you want the recipient to share them with their friends, family and loved ones? Say so! Write on the coupon that it is for a friend. As an additional incentive, you can indicate that presenting this coupon is an expression of special treatment, care and love. In the exact wording of such incentives, focus on your product group and.

A variant of an order insert that contains two coupons, one for the recipient, the second for his friend. With a corresponding appeal.

A simple option with a clear appeal.

4. Paper catalog

Why not? Catalog trading, which, it would seem, should have disappeared with the development of e-commerce, has not gone away yet. The catalogs were and still are popular among certain audiences. It’s just that some people like flipping through real pages much more than studying photos and descriptions on device screens.

The catalog included in the order, by the way, may be limited: perhaps it makes sense to present only bestsellers, new season items, and sale items.

Information sheet with descriptions of brands and products and, of course, coupon codes.

5. Theater and cinema tickets

Why not? If your target audience is definitely interested in cinema or regularly attends theater premieres, tickets will be a very pleasant and appropriate surprise. A possible result - and, of course, a subsequent expansion of your audience.

Ticket to any show - let the recipient decide when and what to watch.

6. Samples

Probably the simplest and most obvious option. Do you want someone to buy something from you? Give this something to try. Yes, not all products have trial options, but you can almost always come up with something to invest in “for trial”. Just choose the smallest package/packaging.

Did you think that samples are the prerogative of perfumers?

7. Gift accompanying the purchased product

Cross-selling without “selling”, so to speak. Chinese colleagues, for example, practice such investments in orders all the time. However, in Russian-language ecommerce, pleasant little things in the order are also not such a rare occurrence. So if you are not yet pleasing your customers - especially those who order from you for the first time - try adding surprises to your orders that accompany the purchased goods. Tracking their effectiveness is not so easy, but if the client returns to you, we can safely say that your generosity contributed to this.

What is the most interesting addition to an order you have received or invested in? Share your experience in the comments.

I have already bought gifts for my loved ones for March 8th. There is still time, so I decided to decorate them beautifully. I love this business.

In principle, there is still time before the holiday, maybe you can advise on gift wrapping. Otherwise I have a lot of gifts) but not very many ideas and materials

To wrap a gift beautifully, you don’t have to make the boxes yourself. It turns out they are for sale)) And I'm glad I bought them.

I ordered creams, masks and scrubs for my sisters in advance. This cosmetics can be given as a gift without packaging and it would be so beautiful, but I don’t know how to do that. Everything should be beautiful and complete)

I bought it in one store that has these ready-made boxes in the center for 80 rubles.

Everything is very easy to do

here's a box for you))) and also with a bow

But, unfortunately, the boxes turned out to be larger than the gifts themselves. I didn’t want my gifts to dangle inside the box and decided to fill them with something.

I read on the Internet that you can fill the box like this:

but I didn't have any shavings or the like. Or the material.

And I decided to use the remnants of wrapping papers and bags that wrap flowers in markets))

and corrugated paper, otherwise I didn’t know what to do with it, it’s been lying there for a long time

And cover to the top with the rest

Then I closed the lid tightly and glued the ready-made ribbons

We sign cards for each and attach them with clothespins

I thought for a very long time about how to wrap it for my next gift. The box is very large. Conventional gift wrapping is already outdated and does not evoke any emotions. I decided to rummage through my things. And on the balcony I saw a huge package. It was decided to use it

And in this package from Milan I brought my son a gift from the Disney store) Gorgeous store. I wanted to buy everything there. Eh. I've kind of gone off topic.

The paper turned out to be thick, but you can bend it

Hi Hi!!! I love this forum!!! Here, as I already noted, most people are smart (really smart) and “thinking”. And this cannot but rejoice! I give everyone +200!!! Especially Well done to Seryozha. Anyway...

I haven't shown up since my girlfriend arrived. She has already left, we had a great time! And they didn’t even remember about this box, because that was not the essence. It is important that she came. I don’t understand what you’re seething about next to this box? Just that, in addition to the usual gifts (well, for some holidays), I like to give small, unexpected, pleasant surprises whenever possible... So this “ill-fated” red box turned up. THAT'S ALL... I gave it, made me happy, saw a smile on the face of my loved one and we move on with our lives! Everything's fine!

gruz, I have a feeling that you are not from this world...
It's all too sweet or something...

What unusual happened? Have you seen anything like this in your Life? It's a pity.

some kind of overly lisping

Then the couple remembered the words of Viktor Sukhorukov from Brat-2. So, he was talking there about Kirkorov or something: “I don’t like Kirkorov. He’s kind of skinny, like a woman...”
I don’t know how it is with you, but I’m not interested in just “getting laid” (sorry ladies) like taking off your pants, sticking them out, sticking them in and satisfied. Well, or whatever your situation is. Probably, right now everyone just sighed again with the words “what a damn romantic.” Right now ladies and elderly people, please don’t read... I used to think that a girl will give me something, and then I’ll do anything for her, then I’ll love her, feelings will appear, etc. So, after this very “give” happened, but nothing changed, love did not increase. Interest was falling. So, it’s not interesting when you “give it” and put it in first place. For me, balance is better, it’s much more pleasant to realize with whom you are doing this, that the other person also likes it, that you are doing it consciously. Sex is like a damn nice addition to the amazing game called Life - that’s the approach for me

It’s easy to decide how to give a gift at the expense of others.
He forgot to ask something - how to make the first wedding night incomparable!

I know how! I would never ask you. Gee.

If I want to surprise my beloved, I’ll figure out how to do it myself. But I won’t discuss on the forum how to do it? What did I do? Where did I put it? What did I cook?

I'm extremely happy for you!

to show everyone your romanticism)))

Does he exist?

There are 3 categories of people Always , no matter what you suggest, no matter what you do. Always there will be people who are ready to eat you up..., shit..., criticize you to the fullest, in order to show that, attention, they're not like that, like someone who is being persecuted. The latter will try to help you, advise you, or at least not interfere with your endeavors. And the third, neutral ones, who are not interested or simply don’t care. You need to focus on the second and third, so that their opinions, advice, and experience can help you. There is good news, there are fewer people in the first category, there are only a few of them. Without exception, I don’t take offense at anyone, I don’t persecute or sharpen my teeth! All those who really, unselfishly wanted to help me did so, for which I speak thanks a lot!

Thanks everyone, guys!

Decorative filler is used quite often; most master classes have it, but how to make it is almost never told.

Of course, you can buy it in the store, but why spend money if the filler is easy to make yourself. Find out how to do this from our article.

Why do you need filler?

Decorative shavings are one of the most common materials used by decorators to add volume and shape to gifts. Main types of packaging filler:

  • Sisal;
  • Corrugated shavings;
  • Paper filler;
  • Raffia (fiber from palm leaves);
  • Lurex.

Depending on the preferences of the recipient and the theme of the holiday for which the offering is being prepared, shavings of different shapes and colors can be used. It is used not only for decorating gifts; it is also used to create individual compositions.

Interesting! Paper is not always used; you can create shavings, for example, from wood. Wood shavings will be especially appropriate if a surprise is presented or. This is how a flash drive can be presented:

With your own hands

To create paper shavings, you will need: a little free time, a pencil, a ruler, scissors and a lot of multi-colored paper, which you can easily buy in any office department or art salon.

When everything you need is at hand, you can start working. So, you need to use a ruler and pencil to draw on one of the sheets (it’s better to take an A3 sheet so that the stripes are longer) many thin strips, about 0.5 cm wide, and the length will depend on the size of the sheet.

Then simply cut the leaf into ribbons. The resulting ribbons should be slightly crushed. That's all, now put your stripes in a gift box and place a present on top.

To make the filler look more interesting, use zigzag scissors. Also, instead of regular colored paper, you can take special gift paper, since it has a pattern, the ribbons will turn out more interesting.

And recently, it has become fashionable to use newspapers for these purposes; perhaps this option will interest you too.

Idea! It is not necessary to put the gift on top; on the contrary, you can hide it among the decor. Do this: buy a present, preferably a small one so that it is more difficult to find (jewelry, cufflinks, etc. will do) and a large gift box (you can even have a whole box). Fill the box with lots of colorful stuffing and hide a surprise somewhere in between. Decorate the box with a large one and present it to the hero of the occasion. Believe me, he will remember such an offering for a long time!

You can also put many small cases in a box, say 11 pieces. Let there be little surprises at 10 (, kinder, keychain, etc.), and at the eleventh something special (, trips to the sea, etc.).

In this unusual way, you can even propose marriage. Let the girl think that she is looking for another cute souvenir, but in the end she will receive a gorgeous engagement ring.

In general, if you use your imagination a little, you can come up with many more interesting options.

You can make several types of shavings in less than one hour, and this task is quite easy, even a novice needleworker can do it.

Therefore, if you want your gifts to be bright, voluminous and unusual, then be sure to use filler, and you already know how to make it.