How to understand what love is tests. How to distinguish love from attachment: advice from a psychologist. bad or good

Many people having serious relationship want to be sure that they are loved. You are offered a real psychological test for love: "does he (she) love me".
This free online love test, like any other test, will give you a hypothetical result, but with a high degree of probability, you will be able to determine whether he (she) loves or not.

To accurately understand and confirm the results of this unique love test, you will need a psychologist consultation.

So, we pass the love test and find out if he (she) loves me or does not love me.

This psychological love test is designed for girls and boys (guys), for men and women, and of course, for wives and husbands. The test is not for children. Answer in an adult way, do not hesitate for a long time. Whatever comes to mind first, then note.

If you have a couple, ask each other in turn 36 questions to fall in love, get closer and strengthen relationships ...

There are different types love: Eros, Agape, Storge, Pragma, Ludus, Mania, Philia - define yours,

It is impossible to say with certainty exactly when the concept of love was formed. Even ancient philosophers and thinkers thought about it. It's hard to imagine without him modern world. There are many shades and types of this feeling. They are difficult to define and explain. And yet we will try with the help of qualified how to distinguish love from affection.

The evolution of love

At first glance, it seems that each story of human relationships is unique and unrepeatable. This is not entirely true. Love or falling in love always begins with sympathy. A person singles out one person from the surrounding crowd who seems to him the most interesting and attractive. At the very beginning of communication, the object of sympathy seems to us more and more attractive every day. Sometimes, even after a few days after meeting, the confidence comes that this is the very second half. Such feelings are nothing but love. With complete reciprocity and regular communication, love relationships begin. Gradually, lovers take off and begin to discover the shortcomings of their partner. Much of the romanticism and passion from the relationship also disappears. Comparing the beginning of the novel and its middle, it is difficult to resist disappointment. How to distinguish love from affection and understand whether it is worth trying to maintain a relationship?

Express test for love and habit

In your free time, while alone, ask yourself a couple of questions and try to answer them honestly. You can even write down all your thoughts. This exercise is advised to their clients by many practicing psychologists. Question one: what do you like about your partner? The listing of some features of appearance, social status or individual qualities of character is a direct hint that you are experiencing affection. A person who truly loves will answer that he appreciates the partner's personality, realizing all its strengths and weaknesses. Try to appreciate how this relationship has affected your life. If you are not interested in anything other than a partner, and all other people were “abandoned” by you, it is most likely about attachment. Love is a feeling that preserves and develops a person. loving friend other people retain their own interests. Such an alliance is complete, each of its participants can have their own friends and hobbies. Now you know how to distinguish love from affection. The test above can be simplified a bit. Think about how you most often talk about yourself and your partner. "We", "our", "us" are the words of true love. "I" and "he" are a clear sign of habit or affection.

Five signs of true love

Still wondering how to distinguish love from attachment to a person? Remember the five main signs that characterize a deep feeling. The first of them is constant thoughts about a loved one. During the time of falling in love or attachment, we also often think about who we have this feeling for. Most often, these are dreams of a joint future and memories of moments spent together. Love, on the other hand, is characterized by thoughts of a somewhat different nature. A person who loves never forgets that he is not alone. We warn our loved ones if we are late; we worry when they are late, we miss them when they are apart. Good way how to distinguish love from affection - analyze the quality of communication with your loved one. If deep, you can talk with each other for hours and on any topic. Popular wisdom says that love is the desire to make the loved one happy. Indeed, without this emotion, it is difficult to imagine this feeling. inspires. For the sake of a joint future and the happiness of your beloved, you want to be better and achieve success. A loving person soberly evaluates his chosen one. The secret of love lies in the fact that, knowing all the shortcomings, we continue to love and accept a partner as he is.

Attachment Symptoms

Many people ask themselves: “How to distinguish love from attachment?” The psychology of relationships gives the exact answer. Attachment differs from love by pathological dependence on the object of sympathy. In a relationship characterized by this feeling, there is always a side that "loves" and a second side that "allows you to love yourself." Addiction manifests itself in the desire to spend as much time as possible with a loved one and the desire to possess it alone. Very often in such relationships there is a hypertrophied feeling of jealousy. At the same time, the dependent party can be very jealous of other people, including relatives, pets, and even inanimate objects. Sometimes the attachment becomes so strong that in the absence of the "beloved" there is not only a depressed moral state, but also physical symptoms of malaise.

bad or good?

At first glance, it seems that it is love-addiction that can help build strong and long-term relationships. But in fact, this is a big misconception. Attachment brings a lot of problems to each of the partners. The addict is in constant psychological stress. He is sincerely upset every time a partner is not around. Most often, experiencing affection, a person realizes how dependent he is on his soulmate. From this grows the fear that the partner may disappear from the life of the addict. The side that "allows itself to be loved" has no easier time in such a relationship. The main problem is too much attention from the partner. The addict will call every hour, demanding communication. Surely he will be offended if his beloved wants to spend the weekend without him.

Love is respect and care

Love is similar to affection and falling in love in many ways. And yet this feeling is special. No wonder it is called the highest and real. Love never brings negative emotions and is built on pure disinterestedness. If you appreciate and respect your partner for being nice to you, it's about falling in love or affection. A loving person will take care of his soulmate. He really cares about how his partner's day went, and he is always ready to talk heart to heart, help in solving problems. Experiencing love, a person knows that his chosen one is not perfect. But, despite this, he respects him and will never allow himself to speak disrespectfully of him.

Love does not love?

Understanding yourself is not easy, but it is quite possible if you wish. And how to distinguish love from attachment in marriage and understand how your spouse feels towards you? You can get an answer to this question by analyzing the behavior of your soulmate. The easiest way to recognize affection from a partner. If the other half literally suffocates you with their attention and wants to control your every step, most likely there is no love. A simple way to distinguish love from affection in men: try to understand how jealous he is. Unfortunately, constant scandals and baseless suspicions have nothing to do with love. High feelings allow partners to feel harmony. loving people almost never swear and always respect each other.

Is it possible to love your partner after years of marriage?

Realizing that in marriage you experience not love, but affection, it is difficult to resist disappointment. How to act in such a situation? Is it really necessary to file for divorce? In fact, you can live for many years, experiencing only a feeling of affection for a partner. But there is also Alternative option- try to love him. Try to give more freedom to your chosen one. Take care of yourself, find interests outside the home and spouse. It's not your significant other in your life that will decrease. By leading an active lifestyle, you will become a more interesting person. Perhaps this will help you spend more productive and quality time with your loved one. We hope that our article on how to distinguish love from attachment has helped you understand your own feelings and improve your life.

Passion, affection, passion - the most beautiful feeling has many facets and names. Psychological love tests for guys will help to understand their own feelings for those who are not used to analyzing thoughts, actions, and introspection. Compiled by experienced connoisseurs of human souls, questionnaires will reveal your hidden motives, subconscious aspirations and dispel the pink haze that often accompanies relationships.

Sincere answers on all points of tests about girls, about love, sex, relationships will help you understand yourself and your partner, reveal the true background of experiences, sensations, actions that you were prompted by acquaintance with the object of passion. It is not customary for us to turn to a psychologist even in critical life situation not to mention the beginning of a relationship. To a certain extent, the advice of an experienced psychologist can replace the result obtained after honest answers about the most personal, intimate. In addition, it is much easier to tell about your feelings to a soulless computer than to a friend and, especially, to a stranger.

Number of passed: 4836 806 39

For guys, the love test is perhaps the only one fast way determine the degree and intensity of feelings. Why are you together or do you want to be with her? A couple of minutes and a few answers will put everything in its place without unnecessary confessions and sentimental nonsense.

Number of passed: 6448 1075 52

A test about girls, about love and sincerity of feelings will show whether your chosen one really loves, trusts and respects you, or all her assurances are sewn with white threads. Remembering some features of her behavior, words and deeds, draw the right conclusions.

Number of passed: 4464 744 36

Sometimes it is not easy to understand feelings and admit them even to yourself, not to mention the subject of passion. Tests for guys about love for a girl will resolve your doubts, the main thing is to answer questions honestly, without hesitation.

Number of passed: 4340 723 35

Having passed the test for love, for a guy from your inner circle, you can objectively assess the chances of developing a relationship. If a person is modest and does not show initiative, his body, eyes, gestures will give out thoughts and hidden desires.

Number of passed: 4588 765 37

Sometimes even living together under one roof or a long acquaintance is not a guarantee of mutual love. A simple but objective test of love for a person will help you find out if this is a real feeling or a habit of comfort, conveniences and other household goods.

Number of passed: 4092 682 33

A love test is a test that will help measure the depth, sincerity, reciprocity of your feelings. Loves or not? Are you loved? We don't see much of ourselves. Answer the questions sincerely, and the result of the test will open your eyes.

Number of passed: 4464 744 36

Are you confident in your friendship, love to the grave, fidelity? Do you have anything to hide from your partner? Then get through pair test for love for two. A strong relationship cannot be destroyed by tricky questions, but both of you will learn a lot of interesting things about each other.

Number of passed: 3968 661 32

Loving loved ones is not always easy, but habitual. It's just as natural to fall in love with the first person you meet. You can love animals, help children, the homeless, but it is much more difficult to have similar feelings for passers-by, neighbors, colleagues. The test of love for people will show how responsive and humane you are.

Number of passed: 4960 827 40

Are you open to new meetings, are you ready to fall in love, or is healthy egoism prevailing in you? A short love test will demonstrate whether you can recognize a flashed feeling or consider it another hobby unworthy of close attention.

Number of passed: 3348 558 27

The best human feeling has hundreds of facets and definitions, someone considers love to be a synonym for devotion, mutual support, respect, others see insane passion. Choose your option by answering the questions of the test "What is love?".

Number of passed: 2356 393 19

Your work colleague constantly complains about his problems. How will you react to this?

Number of passed: 4092 682 33

When you remember your parental home, you are overcome by a joyful rather than sad feeling.

Number of passed: 2604 434 21

Do you give a special meaning to a gift?

Number of passed: 3596 599 29

Has anyone told you that you are a great kisser?

Number of passed: 3224 537 26

Do you have a feeling that a serious showdown is needed?

Number of passed: 2108 351 17

As a child, did you willingly let your uncles and aunts kiss you?

Number of passed: 5084 847 41

Number of passed: 5084 847 41

Does your friend (girlfriend) share their personal secrets with you?

Number of passed: 2108 351 17

Do you believe in the existence of an ideal man (woman)?

Number of passed: 2232 372 18

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Number of passed: 1612 269 13

Do you feel good about who you are?

Number of passed: 1612 269 13

Is there someone who constantly dreams about you?

Number of passed: 2728 455 22

When you meet someone for the first time, you are interested in:

Number of passed: 1736 289 14

He (She) asks you: do you love me?

Number of passed: 2604 434 21

Do you remember what your first love was?

Number of passed: 2232 372 18

Do you have as much sex as you want?

Number of passed: 4712 785 38

Do you often wind up in the most inappropriate places?

Number of passed: 1736 289 14

He can't leave the house because he got this nasty flu from his younger brother and he looks so sick that it's scary to look at. You visited him and:

Number of passed: 1364 227 11

I think that talking about erotica and sex is a manifestation of perversion.

Number of passed: 3844 641 31

Number of passed: 4588 765 37

With a new girlfriend, would you rather be in bed:

Number of passed: 3100 517 25

How do you feel about your body?

Number of passed: 1860 310 15

Can an arranged marriage be happy?

Number of passed: 4836 806 39

How many erogenous zones are on your body?

Number of passed: 2232 372 18

Number of passed: 2728 455 22

Most romantic movie ending

Number of passed: 2108 351 17

At dinner, he suddenly grimaces a little. What are you thinking at this moment?