Is it easy to run a Montessori center? How to create a Montessori group What is needed to open a Montessori children's center

How often do we hesitate to start realizing our dreams because we are afraid, because we listen to the arguments of our friends, because we believe in prejudices and stereotypes, for example: “It’s difficult”, “It’s impossible in our country”, “This project will require a lot of money”, “No one needs this” and others. Fortunately, there are people who prove by their example that anything is possible if you really, really want it.

We were visited by an amazing woman, psychologist, Montessori teacher and businesswoman. Her life position, knowledge and wisdom help many teachers and directors of children's centers find the right path, gain the most important knowledge and believe in themselves.

Interview with the head of Montessori centers

Alexandra: Before opening the Montessori center, you worked in a reputable business structure. What prompted you to dive headfirst into a completely new field of activity and become the leader of your own children's club?

Alexandra: Why did you decide to open a Montessori center? Is it considered to be many times more difficult than opening a regular children's club?

Yulia Nikolaevna: Having attended training in Montessori pedagogy, I realized that this is not just a method of teaching a child something, but a whole philosophy of childhood. It’s great to teach a child to read, but how to do this so as not to harm the child’s health, discourage interest in learning, etc. Maria Montessori answered all these questions a hundred years ago. I decided that it was not worth experimenting on children, but to take a method that is common in more than a hundred countries around the world and has already proven itself. If you approach the opening of a Montessori center rationally, you can split the process of purchasing goods into several stages, save a lot on things, but at the same time create a high-quality product. In we touch on this topic.

Alexandra: What difficulties hindered you on the path to success? What slowed down the process the most?

Yulia Nikolaevna: Parental ignorance became a stumbling block; a lot of effort had to be spent on promoting the method, but the results were not long in coming. Parents were inspired and changed their attitude towards their children.

Alexandra: How did the residents of your city react to the appearance of the Montessori center?

Yulia Nikolaevna: In different ways: some with joy, some with caution, and some do not accept the method - it is everyone’s choice. Personal freedom is our main principle of interaction with the world.

Alexandra: How do you combat parents’ prejudices about the Montessori method and raising children in general? Do you carry out explanatory work?

Yulia Nikolaevna: The lion's share of energy is spent working with parents. I never wanted to pull my child in different directions, so our center has created a whole range of activities to work with parents. The success of our event directly depends on this. Thanks to this work, .

Alexandra: In Ukraine, Montessori kindergartens and Montessori centers are still new, how do you look for the right experienced Montessori teachers?

Yulia Nikolaevna: I taught most of the teachers who worked for me myself. Already during training it becomes clear who is capable of what. There were people with whom we had to part: with some we did not see eye-to-eye, some grew up to be independent, and I was very happy for them, helped, guided.

Alexandra: Is it possible for a Montessori kindergarten or Montessori center to obtain a state license in Ukraine?

Yulia Nikolaevna: Really. In fact, leaders and educators create more tension about this topic than it actually is a problem. You just need to go, find out, listen and design, and not look for reasons why it is difficult to do. It's difficult, but it's possible. At the administration training, I explain in detail the steps in this direction.

Alexandra: How does Maria Montessori’s methodology, in principle, fit into the state system of preschool and school education? Are parents not worried that their children will feel awkward in a regular school?

Yulia Nikolaevna: Children who have learned to think are independent and strong-willed individuals, so they adapt well to any team. The better the foundation is laid, the easier it is to remove the walls. In the last year before school, we prepare children for the changes that await them at school.

Alexandra: Nowadays it’s fashionable to have interactive whiteboards and projectors in a development center. How does the Montessori method relate to computer technology in a children's club?

Yulia Nikolaevna: I believe that computer technology is not necessary for children. They need to touch, smell, move and learn at this time, and not sit in front of the monitors of new devices. If the club works for the benefit of children, and does not serve as a bait for parents, then it is better to refuse unnecessary expenses.

Alexandra: Is it easier to open a second or third center than the first? What is it like to manage several centers at the same time?

Yulia Nikolaevna: You need to learn this by improving your professional and personal qualities. The ability to set and achieve goals and resist stress comes to the rescue. is dedicated to exactly this.

Alexandra: What helps you most in your work?

Yulia Nikolaevna: Family support, ability to plan time, delegate powers. And the most important thing is dedication and the desire to make the greatest number of children in our country happy.

Alexandra: What character qualities make life easier for the head of a children's center? Which ones complicate things?

Yulia Nikolaevna: The ability to highlight the main thing, the ability to inspire employees, positive thinking, belief in what you do and experience. What gets in the way is vanity, self-doubt, suspicion and obsession with money.

Alexandra: What, first of all, should a businessman who decides to open his own children's center know?

Yulia Nikolaevna: First of all, he must realize responsibility for what he is going to do and use the rule: “Do no harm,” because we are talking about our future - children...

Alexandra: Do you think a children’s club or kindergarten can fully function in the absence of a leader for a long time?

Yulia Nikolaevna: Not only can, but also must. If this is not the case, it means that the center is supported by the energy of the leader and administrative and management systems are not built in it.

Alexandra: What criteria do parents most often follow when choosing a children's center?

Yulia Nikolaevna: First of all, parents want their child to feel good there. Other criteria vary greatly. This includes the material and technical base, the method on which the institution is based, the teaching staff, and much more.

Alexandra: What advice can you give to aspiring directors of children’s centers to help them avoid big mistakes?

Yulia Nikolaevna: Don't be afraid to learn. Through training, knowledge, experience, and skills are transferred from mentor to student. Don't reinvent the wheel, use what was invented before you. This will speed up the process of increasing the efficiency of your institution!

Alexandra: Thank you for your sincerity and advice!

Interview with Yulia Nikolaevna Shevchenko prepared by Alexandra Kucher

In modern business conditions, characterized by very fierce competition, a franchise is one of the most affordable ways to open your own business. It makes it possible to use the experience of a company that has already established a foothold in the market and count on its help and advice at all steps of organizing a business.

One of the quite profitable ideas is the organization, since state and municipal institutions of this type cannot cover the demand that exists from young families with small children. However, it is important to understand that creating a kindergarten only for the purpose of making a profit will not bring the desired results, since the social component in any case comes first: it is necessary to carefully approach the formation of educational programs, organizing children’s leisure time, etc. Therefore, despite the fact that that this idea is quite simple; when implementing it, you need to have love and the ability to interact with children and their parents.

The more profitable it is to open a kindergarten as a franchise

Opening a child care facility as a franchise allows you to use the experience of existing kindergartens in terms of training and staff training, drawing up job descriptions (including in case of unforeseen situations).

In addition, franchisors in this area provide legal support regarding the preparation of necessary documentation, since educational institutions are considered by law as non-profit organizations that have their own characteristics.

Organizing a franchise business will be completely legal and more profitable, in contrast to the situation of opening it yourself. This happens because, from an investment point of view, the kindergarten project is not the most attractive and profitable.

Accordingly, it is quite difficult to find a sufficient amount of funds necessary for startup. As a result, risks associated with inspections by various authorities will be realized, which can lead to fines, and in the worst case, to closure.

Finally, working under a franchise allows you to reduce the payback period and increase the profitability of the project due to clear recommendations for interacting with clients and concluding contracts with them, competent organization of marketing, promotion of new institutions and the ability to use the established infrastructure of an existing network.

Bonuses for cooperation with the franchisor

First of all, working according to this scheme allows you to organize your business as transparently as possible: the bulk of the work is performed by the company itself, since each of them cares about its reputation. Accordingly, business becomes accessible and simple for every person.

Some companies help to obtain a subsidy of about 300 thousand rubles (depending on the region) for opening a kindergarten, which will help reduce the level of required start-up investments.

The next important point is stability in the market even in times of crisis. The brand of the franchisor company will ensure a stable flow of customers. Parents are willing to invest in the development of their children if they understand that they are paying for high quality: accordingly, private institutions remain the best alternative on the market.

Franchisors help select premises according to a number of conditions:

  • The location of the future kindergarten - many companies choose a location in such a way that there is a sufficient concentration of potential clients;
  • Cost of rent or purchase;
  • Compliance with necessary safety requirements;
  • The agreement with the tenant is drawn up in such a way that the institution being opened has the rights to use the premises.

Finally, well-known companies make it possible to use a single concept. If teaching methods and programs may be different, then the schedule of private gardens must include daily walks, medical examinations, sports and gaming activities, visits to performances, museums and celebrations. The franchisor can also provide advice on the advisability of offering additional services that may bring additional profit.

Terms of popular franchises

  • One of the popular companies developing their own network of kindergartens is Sun School, which adheres to the ABC principle - knowledge and skills, health and socialization, which allow one to instill a thirst for knowledge, develop the body and help enter the outside world. The minimum lump sum contribution is 300 thousand rubles. It includes the search for investors for the project, a guarantee of high profitability and quick payback (from 1 month), sales support, consultations on any issues, as well as all the materials necessary for training and interaction with children. The royalty amount ranges from 1 to 5% of monthly profits, which is used to attract clients, methodological support and resolve any issues urgently. Investments in opening vary from 500 thousand to 3.5 million rubles.
  • Firm Montessori allows you to buy a franchise for a lump sum fee equal to 250-300 thousand rubles. In this case, royalty payments are made monthly and amount to 12,000 rubles. The company provides full support for the process of creating a kindergarten, taking into account the fact that the franchisee must have several premises with an area of ​​100 square meters or more (it can be either rented or owned). The return on investment period will be 1.5 years, while Montessori is ready to provide a discount of 50 percent of the royalty amount during the first 6 months of operation.
  • Company Little country provides the opportunity to open a kindergarten under their brand and helps to renovate the premises in accordance with the requirements of various authorities, to complete its design in accordance with the accepted style. In addition, the company offers services for the use of a contract base and a single call center, along with the selection and training of personnel. The lump-sum contribution for cooperation with the Little Country is 250 thousand rubles. At the same time, the level of initial investment varies from 500 thousand to 1.5 million rubles. Finally, the royalty is 5 percent of monthly profits with an average time to profit of 6 to 9 months.
  • Network of kindergartens Art Family provides services not only to support all business processes, but also performs 70% of them, which is a good solution for people without experience in the field of raising and educating children. The company independently develops the entire package of necessary documents and step-by-step instructions. As a result, the volume of initial investment will be about 2-2.5 million rubles. The lump-sum contribution is about 600 thousand rubles, and the royalty is 4% of the monthly profit.

Factors to consider when choosing a franchisor

  • When choosing a company for joint business, you must first look at their experience in the market and customer-oriented approach. This is a determining factor, since a kindergarten is a non-profit educational institution that is responsible for preparing children for school and subsequent entry into adulthood
  • It is very important to compare the level of investment and costs for organizing a garden with the package of services provided. First of all, the franchisor must guarantee comprehensive support for any problems that arise, be it the organization of a comprehensive and healthy diet, the process of leisure activities or legal issues.
  • The franchisor company must draw up a rough business plan not only for opening an institution, but also for its operation (at least in the first months). This is necessary in order to take into account all cost items and organize activities as efficiently as possible. In addition, this allows you to take into account the approximate payback period and the level of required investment.
  • Finally, a significant factor is that the network must provide advice on choosing the location of the kindergarten and, at least at the initial stage, provide it with clients. It is in the first months of work that it is very difficult to achieve operating profit, so careful planning is necessary for the success of the project.

An interview with the founders of one of the franchises is in the following video:

We are selling you not just a successful business or a famous brand, we are selling a system for the development and education of a child, which has NO analogues in Russia.

Maria Montessori was an amazing, observant and very literate woman; in her time she became the only female doctor and doctor of medical sciences. Maria Montessori's method allows the child to develop naturally, interestingly and incredibly excitingly.

The movement under her name is widespread in more than 80 countries around the world and has stood the test of time. Montessori ideas became especially widespread - in the USA, England, Spain, India, and Holland.

Have you ever thought that by the age of five your child would have an idea of ​​what fractions are and how to count them? Or will he be able to solve a binomial cube, which not all adults can handle? Thanks to the Montessori system, you will understand that your child will not be able to do anything yet!

As part of the franchise, we offer the following price offers:

Basic franchise portfolios:

Franchising a Children's Center – RUB 300,000.
Franchising a Montessori kindergarten (ages 1-3 years) – RUB 250,000.
Franchising a Montessori kindergarten (ages 3-7) – RUB 300,000.

Expanded franchise portfolio:

Franchising a Children's Center + Montessori Kindergarten (1-3) – RUB 450,000. (10% discount)
Franchising a Children's Center + Montessori Kindergarten (3-7) – RUB 440,000. (10% discount)
Franchising Montessori kindergarten (1-3) + Montessori kindergarten (3-7) – 490,000 rub. (15% discount)

Full franchise portfolio:

Franchising a Children's Center + Montessori Kindergarten (1-3) + Montessori Kindergarten (3-7) – RUB 590,000. (25% discount)

By purchasing our franchise, you not only get your own successful business, become a member of our friendly team, which will always help and teach, enter the international community of Montessori teams, but you also:
- you get a ready-made, well-functioning business with a regular income and a global brand;
- become a member of FIMA (First International Montessori Association), which will provide full support on all issues and make you a qualified Montessori teacher in accordance with Russian and international standards;
- Full legal support, protection of your interests, algorithm for creating and registering a legal entity, description of the registration process, registration, drafting, verification, adjustment of contracts and other documents, prompt consultations on any issues related to your activities, etc.
- Expert support and design;
- Accounting support for business;
- Assistance in the selection and design of premises
- Ready-made solutions in the field of:
1. interaction with Rospotrebnadzor: application forms, sample documents for disinfection, maintenance of air conditioning systems, production control plan, Rospotrebnadzor requirements for the chosen activity, etc.
2. fire safety: preparation of documents (legislative and legal framework)
3. licensing: algorithm of actions and necessary documents to obtain a license for educational activities
- Standard for working with personnel: selection and training, developed internal documents relating to the activities and functioning of employees in the form of regulations, job descriptions, employment contracts, service agreements, etc.
- Accumulated methodological and thematic developments and plans for conducting classes, lesson planning
- Ready-made advertising and marketing solutions: a package of advertising materials, posting your information on our website, social networks, etc.
- We do not strive to put you within the strict framework of our project and will always be glad to receive suggestions and wishes from our partner!!!

  • Franchise cost: from 250,000 to 590,000 rubles.
  • Monthly fee (royalty):
  • Amount of investment:
  • Income per year:
  • Payback period:
  • Company email: [email protected]
  • Website:
  • Phones: (495) 798 96 06, (926) 196 06 06

Every parent wants to give their child the best education. However, contrary to popular misconception, the process of personality formation and intellectual development does not begin at school, but in fact from the first year of life. This is well understood by Montessori teachers who work with the child according to a special system that allows the child to develop thinking to the highest heights for his age. In Russia, only one network of kindergartens operates according to the Montessori system - “Rainbow”.

Description of the franchise

The Rainbow Montessori garden chain offers potential partners several franchise options. Conventionally, they can be divided into two large blocks: basic and extended formats.

Basic formats:

Lump sum payment

Children's age

What does the franchisee get?

Child Center

300 thousand rubles

Documentation package for opening and operating a DC

Montessori kindergarten

250 thousand rubles

From one to three years

Montessori kindergarten

300 thousand rubles

From 3 to 7 years

Documentation package for opening and operating a garden

Extended formats:

Lump sum payment

Children's age

What does the franchisee get?

450 thousand rubles

From one to three years

Children's center + Montessori garden

440 thousand rubles

From 3 to 7 years

Montessori kindergarten

490 thousand rubles

A package of documents for opening and operating a garden

Full format: DC+Montessori kindergarten

590 thousand rubles

From one to three years + from 3 to 7 years

A package of documents for the opening and operation of a DC and garden

In order to join the Rainbow network of Montessori kindergartens, the franchisee only needs a desire to engage in children’s education, develop in this area and strive to expand activities.

Each new partner who signs a commercial concession agreement automatically receives:

  1. A detailed and experience-tested business project that is guaranteed to bring you profit;
  2. Opportunity to learn the Montessori system;
  3. Membership in the First International Montessori Association;
  4. Assistance and advice regarding legal issues: legal registration. persons, tax registration, collection of documentation, etc.;
  5. Assistance in accounting;
  6. Assistance in selecting suitable premises and design project;
  7. Assistance in interaction with regulatory authorities: application forms, samples of necessary documentation, familiarization with the standards of supervisory services, preparation of documents for Rospozhnadzor and documents for obtaining a state license;
  8. Assistance in the process of recruiting and training personnel: a system of internal documentation on employee activities (standards, instructions, contracts, etc.);
  9. All teaching materials on the Montessori system, detailed lesson plans;
  10. Powerful marketing support: advertising materials, publication of information about the franchisee’s garden on the official website, social media. networks.
  11. Freedom of action: all suggestions and wishes of the partner are always taken into account by the franchisor.

About company

Maria Montessori's method was developed back in the 19th century, but it is considered one of the best systems for organizing the educational process for children from 1 to 12 years old. Montessori herself was a doctor, or rather a doctor of medical sciences. It was her knowledge that allowed the scientist to develop a unique teaching concept based on the formation of a child’s interest in the educational process. Today, children from more than eighty countries around the world study using the Montessori system, and the method has become especially widespread in America, Britain, Spain and Holland.

The little pupils themselves speak about the effectiveness of this idea. In no other educational institution can a five-year-old child learn to count fractions or solve a binomial cube.

Montessori kindergartens have become widespread in Russia, and already in 2012 the company began selling franchises. However, the management of the Raduga network focuses on the fact that they do not just sell a profitable business or a successful brand, but offer a special method of child development that has no analogues in the Russian Federation.

Franchise locations

Select the city you are interested in: Moscow St. Petersburg - Ekaterinburg Krasnodar Rostov-on-Don - Krasnogorsk Lipetsk Lyubertsy Podolsk Stavropol Chita


By collaborating with the Rainbow Montessori kindergarten network, the franchisor receives the following benefits:

  • A unique system of teaching and raising children;
  • A brand recognized all over the world;
  • Comprehensive support at all stages of cooperation;
  • Marketing support;
  • Assistance in completing documentation and obtaining a license to conduct educational activities;
  • Several convenient franchise formats;
  • Freedom of action and encouragement of initiative on the part of the franchisor.

Training and support

Even if the franchisee is not familiar with the Montessori system, he can count on:

  • Free training (for the partner himself and one of his teachers);
  • Obtaining relevant certificates;
  • Training for other employees with a significant discount of 40%;
  • Regular trainings;
  • Providing methodological materials for working with clients;
  • Providing teaching materials for teaching students and lesson plans;

Good afternoon!

About the opening of the Montessori center:

1. What you need to do first before making the final decision to open a Montessori center is to visit several such centers, look, feel the atmosphere, try on the Montessori format of working with children. We also highly recommend books to read: E.A. Hiltunen “Practical Montessori pedagogy” and “Squatting lessons”. These books are written in a very “Montessorian” way by an amazing teacher and person. They will help you “try on” the Montessori method and figure out whether this is really the method you want to work with children. 2. Next, you need to take courses on the Montessori method - Courses for teachers are conducted by the Association of Montessori Teachers of Russia in Moscow (+495 778 1632), Moscow Montessori Center (+495 497 5660), St. Petersburg Institute of Childhood (+812 727 1587). Also, the Association of Montessori Teachers of the Urals and Siberia and the Montessori Center in Snezhinsk conduct a course in Montessori pedagogy in Chelyabinsk (tel. 8-35146-33258 or 8-922-6080038). 3. Then you will need to write a business plan detailing all expenses (premises, equipment and materials, teachers, support staff, advertising, taxes, etc.) and income from this activity. 4. Next, you will need a room that meets sanitary standards for preschool institutions - you can order it on Ozone or in other online stores, or find out from the local education committee (or SES) - they probably have it. 5. Montessori material can be bought in Holland ( - the most expensive, but at the same time the highest quality material), in Omsk ( and St. Petersburg ( ) - Russian manufacturers have approximately the same prices, quality depends on the material - some materials are better made in Omsk, some in St. Petersburg. If you go to study in St. Petersburg, you will be able to visit the factory’s exhibition hall; the course includes a visit to Montessori gardens. 6. Of course, it wouldn’t hurt to contact the local education committee and get advice on the need to coordinate the premises with the SES and firefighters. If you want to run a full-day kindergarten, then most likely you will need a license - there is a whole story about equipping the kitchen in accordance with sanitary standards, compliance with the surrounding area, qualifications of the teaching staff, etc. 7. If you decide to open a full-day group, you will need to register a non-profit enterprise (ANO, etc. ), for a short stay (up to 4 hours) any commercial form (LLC, PBOLE, etc.) is suitable. This information concerns Moscow; different cities may have their own legal acts and regulations on educational activities, so all information can be clarified with the local education committee. 8. Documents regulating educational activities are the Law on Education, Regulations on Licensing.

Good luck to you in such a wonderful endeavor!