Work with gifted children criteria for expert evaluation of signs of giftedness of students. Criteria for working with gifted children Criteria for evaluating the work of a school with gifted children

Working with gifted children

Criteria for expert evaluation of signs of giftedness of students:

  • Ease and speed of achieving high results in a particular type of activity (quickly and easily learns new ways of activity);
  • Activity and self-regulation in activities (high motivation and independence in activities);
  • The ability to solve creative problems (in search of new ways goes beyond the scope of the task).

Levels of manifestation of giftedness of students

1 rank- high level manifestations of giftedness (all evaluation criteria appear constantly);

2nd category - above average level(all evaluation criteria appear often, but not always);

3rd category - average level (all evaluation criteria are equally manifested and not manifested);

4th category - below average level(evaluation criteria appear quite rarely);

5th category - low level (Evaluation criteria are not shown at all).

Conditions for the application of the method of expert assessment of the giftedness of students by teachers.

The teacher must be psychologically literate, that is, he must be aware of the task assigned to him of the giftedness of schoolchildren.

The teacher must objectively establish the relationship between this assessment and the school distribution of students familiar to the teacher in terms of their progress.

Evaluation should be based on long-term familiarity between the teacher and the students.

The assessment should be multilateral, i.e. based on the independent characteristics of an expert group of teachers.

Evaluation of the giftedness of schoolchildren requires comparison with others who are in other respects in homogeneous conditions (group, class, age).

Expert assessment of signs of giftedness of students

Stage 1

the names of the students to be distributed are placed in alphabetical order in the 1st column of the form filled out by the teacher;

students of a certain class are distributed according to the categories of giftedness (1 - a high level of manifestation of giftedness, 2 - a level above average, 3 - an average level, 4 - a level below average, 5 - a low level);

within each category, the names of students are recorded in columns according to the degree of giftedness;

the distribution of students obtained in this way will allow not only to identify gifted students (1st category), but also to determine the degree of giftedness (arrangement in the column in descending order).

Expert assessment of the level of manifestation of giftedness of students:

Stage 2

Diagnostic technique "Intellectual and creative abilities"

Purpose: to determine the level of development of intellectual and creativity students.

Dear colleague! This scale will help you assess the degree of development of the main intellectual and creative abilities of students. We think that your observation, knowledge of children and objectivity will help you in this.

Here is a list of qualities, the degree of expression of which must be assessed in each child according to the following level system:

High level - this quality is always present.

Above average level - given quality appear frequently, but


Average level - this quality is equally manifested and not manifested.

Below average level - this quality is manifested, but quite rarely.

Low level - this quality does not appear at all.

Diagnostic technique "Personality Traits".

Purpose: to determine the degree of development of certain personality traits of students.

Dear colleague! This scale will help you evaluate the degree of development of certain personality traits of students. We think that your observation, knowledge of children and objectivity will help you in this.

Before you is a list of traits, the degree of expression of which must be assessed according to the following level system:

High level - this feature is always present.

Above average level - given trait appear frequently, but


Average level - this feature is equally manifested and not manifested.

Below average level - This feature is shown, but quite rarely.

Low level - this feature does not appear at all.




1. Memory - the ability of a child to quickly memorize and retain various information in memory for a long time.

2. Attention - the child's ability to quickly concentrate, tune in to activities and engage in them for a long time without being distracted.

3. Ability to analyze and synthesize - the child's ability to quickly "decompose" the proposed information into its component parts or, conversely, to assemble the whole from several parts (draw a conclusion).

4. Productivity of thinking - the ability of the child to find a large number of solutions to any problem put before him.

5. Perfectionism (diligence) - the desire of the child to bring the results of their activities to meet the highest standards.

6. Flexibility of thinking - the child's ability to quickly change their behavior, make adjustments to their activities, depending on the changed circumstances, combine knowledge and skills from various areas of life in their activities.

7. Originality of thinking - the ability of the child to put forward new, non-standard ideas, to see the unusual in the ordinary.




1. Self-esteem - a real assessment of your personal qualities and abilities.

2. Egocentrism - focus on oneself.

3. Demonstration - desire to always be the center of attention.

4. Emotionality- susceptibility, sensitivity to the phenomena of the surrounding world

5. Arbitrary behavior - the ability to subordinate their desires to the requirements and needs.

6. Ability to assess - critical thinking.

Primary school is the most important and significant step in the school education system, because. for the first time, the child's educational activity becomes the leading activity. And on how this activity will be formed, how much junior school student master the ways learning activities, i.e. learns to learn, how much interest in the process of cognition will be instilled in the child, comfortable conditions for learning are created, necessary for the development of independence, the ability to self-organize and self-realization, the success of education in primary and high school and the desire and ability to improve one's education all life depend.



Conditions for successful work with gifted children

Dolganova Elena Alexandrovna, teacher primary school, head of the school of primary school teachers of secondary school No. 2 st. Dinskoy, Krasnodar Territory

Primary school is the most important and significant step in the school education system, because. for the first time, the child's educational activity becomes the leading activity. And on how this activity will be formed, how much the younger student will master the methods of educational activity, i.e. learns to learn, how much interest in the process of cognition will be instilled in the child, comfortable conditions for learning are created, necessary for the development of independence, the ability to self-organize and self-realization, the success of education in primary and high school and the desire and ability to improve one's education all life depend.

The transition of the school to the new Federal State Educational Standard, caused by the transformations of Russian society, was accompanied by increased attention to gifted children, whose intellectual and creative potential began to be regarded as the main capital of the state. modern education It is designed to ensure the systematic development of the capabilities and inclinations of the individual inherent in nature, their improvement and implementation in activities. This is also confirmed by the results of psychological and pedagogical research of recent decades, which convincingly proved the need to create conditions for the development of gifted students already at the elementary school stage, the self-realization of which cannot be effectively carried out within the framework of the traditionallearning. It is the new standard that should provide the child with the opportunity to fulfill himself. The new general education standards are formulated through a set of requirements, such as:

  • requirements for the results of the development of educational programs (and this is the ability to learn, the formation of competencies);
  • requirements for the structure (the presence of a variable part, the possibility of choosing classes for students, the inclusion of "non-classroom employment");
  • requirements for conditions (availability of mechanisms to achieve new quality, provision of new opportunities, stimulation of renewal and efficiency). It is necessary to change the mentality of teachers. Now everyone has the same learning model: children “sit right”, listen carefully. Teachers in most cases cannot part with this scheme. The school will not provide knowledge that in today's world becomes obsolete faster than it is published. The school will transmit the abilities that allow one to live in such a changing world - the ability to make independent decisions. And the teacher should be a "second plan actor", just be next to the working children, guide, help, without attracting attention to himself.The most important task of the modern education system is the formation of "universal educational activities" that provide the "ability to learn", the ability of the individual to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of a new social experience, and not just the assimilation by students of specific subject knowledge and skills within individual disciplines.

So, one of the main areas of work of primary school teachers in our school is to create conditions for the optimal development of gifted children. And among them we include those whose giftedness at the moment, perhaps, has not yet manifested itself, and simply capable children, for whom there is a serious hope for a further qualitative leap in the development of their abilities. This work begins with the organization of pedagogical and medical and psychological support for students. The school psychologist examines first-graders for school maturity, monitors to identify the abilities of children, reveals the opinion of parents about inclinations, areas of greatest success and range of interests, features personal development their child. Based on the results obtained, recommendations are prepared for class teachers, subject teachers, consultations are held for children and their parents.

The components of supporting and accompanying a gifted child are:

  • medical and psychological support;
  • training production;
  • system of additional education;
  • socialization system.

We strive to create conditions that would ensure the full disclosure of the creative potential of a gifted child, would encourage children to various activities.

To this end, a program is successfully implemented in secondary school No. 2“Working with gifted children in primary school».

Program structure:

1. Explanatory note(relevance of the problem, legal framework).

2. Purpose and tasks.

3. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of giftedness.

4. Principles and approaches to the implementation of the program.

5. Main directions of work.

6. System of measures for the implementation of the program:

7. Stages of implementation.

8. Planned results.

7. Grading system.

Explanatory note.

In the light of the Modernization Concept, the question of finding ways to increase the socio-economic potential of society is acute. This is possible in the case of an increase in the intellectual level of people who will later become carriers of the leading ideas of the social process.
Educational institutions provide students with the opportunity wide choice a range of activities aimed at the development of the student (excursions, circles, sections, round tables, conferences, disputes, olympiads, scientific and practical conferences, competitions, research, etc.)
From the materials of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The problem of working with gifted students is extremely relevant for modern Russian society. The demands placed on schools today are high.

The relevance of this direction is emphasized in such documents. federal level, as the concept of long-term socio-economic development Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 No. 1662-r), National Educational Strategy-Initiative "Our New School", Message of the President of the Russian Federation A.D. Medvedev to the Federal Assembly of November 12, 2009, Resolution of March 21, 2007 No. 172 on the federal target program "Children of Russia" for 2007 - 2010, the Federal target program "Children of Russia" (subprogram "Gifted children").

The main goal of the programis the formation in secondary school No. 2 of a system of work with gifted children by identifying, accompanying and supporting intellectually, artistically and sports gifted children in the field of education, culture and art, physical education and sports.

As the conditions for achieving the designated goal, respectively, determines and main goals :

1. Creation of favorable conditions for the development of intelligence, research skills, creativity and personal growth of gifted children. Social and psychological support for gifted children.

2. Providing each child with equal starting opportunities in the realization of interests, stimulating motivation for the development of abilities, support for his talents by the family, the system of basic and additional education;

3. Expansion of opportunities for the participation of gifted and capable schoolchildren in competitions, competitions, olympiads, tournaments, scientific and practical conferences in the school, district, region and beyond.

4. Conducting various events with gifted children at the school.

5. Active use of extracurricular activities and extracurricular activities.

6. The use of promising educational technologies, forms and means of activity that contribute to the development of independent thinking, initiative and research skills, creativity in classroom and extracurricular activities.

7. Approbation of new methodological solutions and teaching methods in the innovative process of changes and development of the educational space.

8. Carrying out diagnostic examinations of children to identify giftedness, determining their creative potential, interests and abilities.

9. Drawing up a school data bank on gifted children, forecasting their development.

The program is designed for a four-year period of study in primary school (grades 1 - 4) and is the initial stage for subsequent continuation in the middle and senior levels. This program has been designed according to age and physiological features children 7-11 years old. The implementation of the program is presented in different directions: lesson, extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of giftedness.

The terminology used to characterize the cognitive abilities of students includes such concepts as abilities, talent, giftedness, and genius.

In psychology, giftedness is defined through the concept capabilities . Abilities, in turn, are understood as individual psychological characteristics of a person, which are a condition for the successful implementation of a particular activity.

Talent is considered as a manifestation of outstanding abilities, a high degree of talent in any activity. Most often, talent manifests itself in a particular area.

giftedness - this is a systemic quality of the psyche that develops throughout life, which determines the possibility of a person achieving higher, outstanding results in one or more types of activity compared to other people.

Giftedness -

  1. A qualitatively unique combination of abilities that ensures the success of the activity. The joint action of abilities representing a certain structure makes it possible to compensate for the insufficiency of individual abilities due to the predominant development of others.
  2. General abilities or general moments of abilities, which determine the breadth of a person’s capabilities, the level and originality of his activity.
  3. Mental potential, or intellect; holistic individual characteristics of cognitive capabilities and abilities.
  4. The totality of inclinations, natural data, a characteristic of the degree of severity and originality of the natural prerequisites for abilities.
  5. Talent; availability of internal conditions for outstanding achievements in activities.

The highest degree of talent development is a genius which manifests itself in the creation of qualitatively new, unique creations, the discovery of previously unknown ways of creativity.

Signs that distinguish gifted students:

They have an excellent memory, the ability to classify information.

Gifted children are able to use the accumulated knowledge, have a large vocabulary, use complex syntactic constructions in speech, invent new words, prefer reading dictionaries and intellectual games.

Some children are dominated by mathematical abilities that suppress interest in reading.

Gifted children have an increased concentration of attention, are persistent in achieving results in the area that interests them.

Psychological aspect: gifted children have a highly developed sense of justice, personal value systems, but at the age of 7-11 they cannot clearly separate reality and fantasy.

Gifted children have a vivid imagination, a sense of humor, constantly trying to solve problems that are not yet “too tough” for them; in addition, the emotionality of such children gives rise to various fears, they are very egocentric in communicating with their peers, because. they do not understand that everyone's perception of the world is different.

In the future, problematicness becomes the main structural component of giftedness and creative development of a talented child. It ensures the child's constant openness to the new, is expressed in the search for inconsistencies and contradictions, in his own formulation of new questions and problems, the desire for research creative activity.

Originality is an indispensable structural element of giftedness. It expresses the degree of dissimilarity, non-standard, unexpectedness of the proposed solution among other "standard" solutions.

General giftedness is expressed in more "quick" solution discovery:

As a rule, they are more active and always busy with something, occupy themselves with things that sometimes do not belong to the lesson;

Persistently pursue the goals set for them, want to know more and more and require additional information;

Thanks to their numerous skills, they are better able than others to engage in independent activities;

They are able to quickly highlight the most significant information, independently find new sources of information;

Some set themselves tasks that require a lot of time to complete.

The criteria for distinguishing types of giftedness are:

1. Type of activity and the spheres of the psyche that provide it:

Practical - talent in crafts, sports, organizational;

Cognitive - intellectual;

Artistic and aesthetic - choreographic, stage, literary and poetic, musical, visual;

Communicative - leadership;

Spiritual and valuable - the creation of new spiritual values, serving people.

2. The degree of formation.

3. The form of manifestations.

4. Breadth of manifestations in various types activities.

5. Features of age development.

Principles and approaches to the implementation of the program in secondary school No. 2:

The conceptual ideas that formed the basis of the developed program are as follows:

The principle of approach to the personality of the childproceeds from the recognition of gifted children as a special category, the effective development of which cannot be carried out within the framework of traditional education and is determined by a number of provisions, which include:

Creation of conditions for the socialization of the child as a subject of the information space and his own life-creation;

Preparing the child for a smooth, civilized entry into the wide world of culture and educating him in the skills of mastering the total spiritual experience of mankind;

Assistance to the child in the development of his creative potential in accordance with his abilities, inclinations and psycho-physiological characteristics;

Providing psychological and pedagogical support, social protection and protection of childhood, the life and health of the child, his rights in society, educating the child in harmonious forms of attitude towards nature, society, and himself.

Principle of content design approacheducation for the education of gifted children lies in the fact that educational programs should be aimed at self-realization of the child's personality through a conscious choice of an individual educational trajectory. This can be achieved by providing opportunities for a wide universal education inconditions of variable information and educational space.

Educational programs for this category of students should provide for the development of thought processes of a higher level, psychological and personal development, the formation of the ability of gifted students to navigate the changing flow of information, the development of their research activity and creative abilities, and encouragement to acquire new knowledge; improvement of creative abilities and ways of working with educational information.

An important principle of building a program for gifted students is integration , i.e. combining topics, sections, problems studied in one or more content areas, on the basis of establishing meaningful links with a distinguished center, or content "core", of learning.

This - integrated courses " The world”, mathematics and informatics, literacy.

Organization approach principle pedagogical activity and the content of the work of the teacher is innovative in nature, providing objectively and subjectively new results and products in the field of education, which requires adjustment of the professional culture of the teacher and his value orientations, a fundamental change in the direction in the methodology and methods of work.

Therefore, in the program implementation systemThe teacher has the following tasks:

Improving professional and personal qualifications in working with gifted children, which is expressed in the presence of the following components:

Psychological and pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities, which are the result of active assimilation of the psychology and pedagogy of giftedness;

The professional and personal position of teachers, which makes it possible to successfully activate children's giftedness; combine the management, control of the learning process and the provision of students with the freedom to learn;

Professionally significant personal qualities of teachers: high levels of development of cognitive and internal professional motivation; desire for personal growth;

Willingness to cooperate in working with gifted children (creation of trusting interpersonal relationships in the lesson;

Mutual personal awareness, recognition of the student's right to make a mistake, discussion with students of the goals and objectives of joint activities, the use of grades and marks as an incentive to learn, etc.)

Providing through the training of teachers to work with gifted children the formation and development of both the basic and specific components of their professional qualifications:

Creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of professional skills;

Formation of an integrated approach (psychological-pedagogical and professional-personal) to the education of teachers;

Determination of professional and personal qualities of teachers working with gifted children.

The principle of the approach to assessing the effectiveness of the system of workwith gifted children consists in choosing criteria, the main of which are qualitative changes in the motivational, intellectual, creative and personal spheres of gifted students, as well as positive results in the activities of the educational system.

When organizing work with gifted children, one should:

Take into account giftedness as a complex phenomenon in the psychophysiological, intellectual and social development of the student's personality;

Consider personal and age features gifted children;

Consider character family relations and development of emotional-volitional qualities;

To create conditions for parents to master the ways of forming a positive “I-concept” in a child as the most important condition for the full realization of the potential of a gifted child;

Assist in creating an appropriate family microclimate.

Principles of working with gifted children:

The principle of maximum diversity of opportunities provided for personal development;

The principle of increasing the role of extracurricular activities; the principle of individualization and differentiation of education and training;

The principle of creating conditions for joint work students with minimal teacher involvement;
the principle of freedom of choice for students of additional educational services, assistance, mentoring.

The main areas of work and the system of measures for the implementation of the program:

Primary school teachers are faced with the task of creating optimal conditions for the development and education of children with versatile abilities. The school must take a course in developing and revealing the abilities of all children.

Within the framework of the BEI program, secondary school No. 2 provides for the implementation of the main areas of work -developing, coordinating, informational, diagnostic and personnel.

Development direction –

a) includes organization and participation in such activities as olympiad, competitive, participation in intellectual games, developing practices, scientific and practical conferences, etc. (school, municipal, regional, federal, international levels);

B) forms skills: to listen to a friend, to look for convincing arguments in support of one's point of view, to be tolerant of different points of view, to express one's opinion reasonably, etc. (the implementation of this direction is also facilitated by the pedagogical technology for the development of critical thinking, which primary school teachers actively use in their work);

c) involves the active involvement of capable children in educational research and design-research activities, the purpose of which is to acquire by students the functional skill of research as a universal way of mastering reality, developing the ability for a research type of thinking, activating the personal position of students in the educational process based on the acquisition of subjectively new knowledge (i.e. independently acquired knowledge that is new and personally significant for a particular student).

Actualization of the student's personal development, contributing to the formation of an adequate attitude to the surrounding reality, self-respect, the ability to interact with others and the development of a sensitive attitude towards people;

Organization individual work with gifted children;

Usage active forms learning;

Organization of practical work;

Application of developing pedagogical and ICT technologies;

Conducting various extracurricular competitions, olympiads, quizzes, competitions, conferences allowing the child to show their abilities;

Planning, conducting and participating in subject weeks, intellectual games, developing practices, etc.;

Visiting music, art, sports schools, clubs, sections, hobby classes.

Working with gifted children important :

Create a situation of productive and emotionally favorable interaction with classmates, contributing to the harmonization of the development of the intellectual, emotional and social spheres;

Strive to avoid two extremes in working with gifted children - putting a child on a pedestal, emphasizing his special rights, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, publicly belittling dignity or ignoring intellectual success during the fight against "stardom";

Coordinating direction– provides a regulatory framework, control and analysis of activities.

Within the framework of this direction it is expected:

Planning a separate section on working with gifted children in the annual plan of the School of Education and Science for primary school teachers and monitoring its implementation by participants in the educational process;

Familiarity of teachers with scientific data on psychological characteristics and methodological techniques that are effective when working with gifted children;

Coordination of actions of teachers working with gifted children;

Development of flexible individual training programs for students whose talent in certain areas has already been identified;

Regulation and correction of educational processes related to the implementation of this provision.

Information direction– draws the attention of the pedagogical community to the problems of gifted children, creates a bank of educational programs and teaching materials to work with gifted children.

Within the framework of this direction it is expected:

Introduction of new pedagogical technologies in the educational process;

Selection among various training systems of those methods, forms and techniques that contribute to the development of independent thinking, initiative and creativity;

Participation in seminars on the problems of working with gifted children;

Development of materials, questions and tasks of an increased level of complexity in subjects;

Preparation of materials for working with gifted children (diagnosis results, sample tasks, results of Olympiads, etc.);

Selection and accumulation in the library fund of literature necessary for self-education, a systematic review of new acquisitions;

Advising parents of gifted children on the development of their children's abilities in the subject.

Diagnostic direction- includes the diagnosis of gifted children, the creation of a data bank "Gifted children".

Within the framework of this direction it is expected:

Carrying out targeted observations of the classroom and extracurricular activities of students to identify children who have an inclination and show high performance in various fields of activity, by:

  • acquaintance with the methods of purposeful pedagogical observation;
  • discussion of criteria to judge the presence of giftedness;
  • periodic collection of information among teachers working in the classroom about the presence of gifted students;
  • understanding the features of the development of a gifted child;
  • selection of diagnostic materials to identify gifted children;
  • collection of a data bank on gifted children;
  • definition of performance criteria;
  • revealing the opinion of parents about inclinations, areas of greatest success and range of interests, about the characteristics of the child's personal development.

Personnel direction- provides for the improvement of the qualifications of teachers and the provision of information and methodological assistance to them, the creation of conditions for the development and application of new pedagogical technologies.

Within the framework of this direction it is expected:

Training in advanced training courses;

Scientific and methodological work in this area (with subsequent discussion and exchange of experience);

Conducting pedagogical councils with the invitation of specialists;

Conducting "Master classes", creative reports of teachers;

Conducting problematic seminars in this area.

Participation of gifted and capable children in various types of classroom, extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

Areas of work.

Types and forms of activity.


Solving partial search problems of different levels;

Performing creative work;

Problem-developing training;

Work in small groups;

Design and research activities;

Game technologies (business games and travel);

Information and communication technologies to meet the cognitive motivation for the development of abilities (multi-level tests, presentations, simulators);

Tasks of a creative and non-standard nature;

  • developmental tasks;
  • problematic issues;
  • organization of design and practical work;

Intellectual warm-ups to quickly include students in work and develop mental mechanisms;

Tasks with a delayed question;

Integrative tasks that allow you to quickly identify the interests of students;

Tasks aimed at the development of mental mechanisms (memory, attention, imagination, observation);

Tasks for the development of cognitive activity;

Development tasks of increased difficulty logical thinking(analysis, synthesis, classification);

Tasks to identify cause-and-effect relationships;

Tasks for ingenuity, activating cognitive activity;

Preparation of messages, abstracts and other materials for the lessons of literary reading, the world around, Kuban studies, etc.;

Helping strong students to weak students in group and pair work.


Collection of material and execution of a portfolio of personal achievements (portfolio);

Preparation and participation in calendar and thematic holidays;

Participation in class, school, district subject Olympiads;

Participation in school and district scientific and practical conferences;

Participation in competitions of readers;

Holding exhibitions of children's works, talent fairs;

Preparation of presentations using ICT technologies for lessons, class hours;

Preparation and production of wall newspapers, competitions of design projects;

Literary creativity (stories, essays, reports, interviews, sketches);

Preparation and holding of volunteer events on various topics among elementary school students;

Participation in school amateur performances


increasing the number of children attendinginstitutions of additional education:

Music schools;

Sports schools (volleyball, basketball, karate, football, athletics, tennis, chess);

art schools;

Choir studios;

Children's clubs, TsVR;

Participation in the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren for students in grades 2-4;

All-Russian competition "Russian bear cub - linguistics for all";

International competition "Golden Fleece";

International Mathematical Competition "Kangaroo" (grades 2-11);

All-Russian distance competition in informatics "KIT".

This Program includes several stages of implementation.

Organizational stage- includes the development of a search system, targeted identification and support of gifted children, the creation of a permanent system for retraining psychological and pedagogical personnel to work with gifted children, the creation of a system of interconnections between the pedagogical community and institutions of science and culture.

The purpose of diagnostic procedures for identifying capable children is to build a portfolio of student data. For this, tests are used to determine the personal characteristics of students, the level of motivation for learning, the development of the cognitive sphere, and creative abilities; questionnaires for parents and other forms.

Implementation phase - associated with direct work with gifted students. At this stage, it is planned to participate in regional, regional, international olympiads and competitions, conferences, organize and conduct subject olympiads, conferences and competitions, organize research activities of students. Provides psychological, pedagogical and social support gifted children.

Transitional stage - Summing up before moving to the middle link of the school. It is supposed to carry out annual monitoring and analysis of the implementation of the program, identify the problems that have arisen during the implementation of the program and draw up a plan for further work in this direction.

Planned results of the program implementation.

The implementation of the activities envisaged by the program will allow:

To form a system of work with gifted children;

To create conditions for the development of giftedness and talent in children in modern conditions;

Improve forms of work with gifted and capable children;

To form a data bank "Gifted children".

Planned results of work with gifted children:

Improving and improving the quality of knowledge and skills of pupils, the ability to apply them in non-standard situations;

Prize-winning places or diplomas in regional and regional Olympiads, NPC;

The development of the general erudition of children, the expansion of their horizons;

Development of creative and logical thinking of students.

Gifted Child Model:

Personality, healthy physically, spiritually - morally and socially;

A person who is able to independently find a way out of a problem situation, carry out search activities, conduct research, reflect activities, owning the means and methods of research work;

A person capable of independently carrying out product activities;

A person with a versatile intellect, compensatory abilities, a high level of culture;

A person who is guided in his life by universal human values ​​and norms, who also perceives another person as a person who has the right to freedom of choice, self-expression;

A person who is ready for a conscious choice and development of professional educational programs in certain areas of knowledge, taking into account inclinations, established interests and individual capabilities.

Grading system.

One of the most complex and difficult elements in the system of working with gifted children is the organization and conduct of diagnostic procedures in order to systematically monitor and take into account the knowledge and skills of pupils, taking into account the degree of formation of universal educational activities, personal characteristics. Forms and methods of verification are different.

One of these methods is testing . The advantage of test tasks is that they can be used to cover all students. The tests take into account increasing difficulty (each subsequent task is more difficult than the previous one). Tests have not only control functions, but also educational ones, since the content of tasks stimulates students not only to memorize knowledge, but also to comprehend and systematize it.

Along with testing will be taken into accountparticipation resultsin school, district, regional and international competitions and olympiads. Recorded: diplomas, diplomas, certificates, the level of the event, the degree of merit.

Compilation rating and students in various categories, such as: the activity of students in extracurricular and extracurricular activities; the effectiveness of students' participation in various activities (musical, artistic, sports, etc.)

Monitoring effectiveness of work with students:

Pedagogical diagnostics of the development of analytical thinking of creative potential (according to the method of Orlova T.V.);

Study of the structure of intelligence;

Tracking the level of mental development of students of the association;

Tracking the level of development creative thinking(method of P. Torrance);

Tracking the success of individual growth and development of students in educational activities.

The implementation of the program "Gifted Children" in secondary school No. 2 will increase the percentage of students who took part in the Olympiad movement, expand and increase the number of events to reveal the creative abilities of students, collect a data bank of children's giftedness, including information about children with various types giftedness, improve the quality of training and the number of teachers working with gifted children.

Working with gifted children

Criteria for expert evaluation of signs of giftedness of students:

    Ease and speed of achieving high results in a particular type of activity (quickly and easily learns new ways of activity);

    Activity and self-regulation in activities (high motivation and independence in activities);

    The ability to solve creative problems (in search of new ways goes beyond the scope of the task).

Levels of manifestation of giftedness of students

1 rank - high level manifestations of giftedness (all evaluation criteria appear constantly);

2nd category - above average level(all evaluation criteria appear often, but not always);

3rd category -average level(all evaluation criteria are equally manifested and not manifested);

4th category -below average level(evaluation criteria appear quite rarely);

5th category - low level(Evaluation criteria are not shown at all).

Conditions for the application of the method of expert assessment of the giftedness of students by teachers.

    The teacher must be psychologically literate, that is, he must be aware of the task assigned to him of the giftedness of schoolchildren.

    The teacher must objectively establish the relationship between this assessment and the school distribution of students familiar to the teacher in terms of their progress.

    Evaluation should be based on long-term familiarity between the teacher and the students.

    The assessment should be multilateral, i.e. based on the independent characteristics of an expert group of teachers.

    Evaluation of the giftedness of schoolchildren requires comparison with others who are in other respects in homogeneous conditions (group, class, age).

Expert assessment of signs of giftedness of students

Stage 1

    the names of the students to be distributed are placed in alphabetical order in the 1st column of the form filled out by the teacher;

    students of a certain class are distributed according to the categories of giftedness (1 - high level of manifestation of giftedness, 2 - above average level, 3 - average level, 4 - below average level, 5 - low level);

    within each category, the names of students are recorded in columns according to the degree of giftedness;

    the distribution of students obtained in this way will allow not only to identify gifted students (1st category), but also to determine the degree of giftedness (arrangement in the column in descending order).

Expert assessment of the level of manifestation of giftedness of students:

Stage 2

Diagnostic technique "Intellectual and creative abilities"

Purpose: to determine the level of development of intellectual and creative abilities of students.

Dear colleague! This scale will help you assess the degree of development of the main intellectual and creative abilities of students. We think that your observation, knowledge of children and objectivity will help you in this.

Here is a list of qualities, the degree of expression of which must be assessed in each child according to the following level system:

High level - this quality is always present.

Above average - this quality is often manifested, but not


Average level - this quality is equally manifested and not manifested.

Below average level this quality is manifested, but quite rarely.

Low level - this quality does not appear at all.

Diagnostic technique "Personality Traits".

Purpose: to determine the degree of development of certain personality traits of students.

Dear colleague! This scale will help you evaluate the degree of development of certain personality traits of students. We think that your observation, knowledge of children and objectivity will help you in this.

Before you is a list of traits, the degree of expression of which must be assessed according to the following level system:

High level - this feature is always present.

Above average - this feature often appears, but not


Average level - this feature is equally manifested and not manifested.

Below average level This feature is shown, but quite rarely.

Low level - this feature does not appear at all.




1. Memory - the ability of a child to quickly memorize and retain various information in memory for a long time.

2. Attention - the child's ability to quickly concentrate, tune in to activities and engage in them for a long time without being distracted.

3. Ability to analyze and synthesize - the child's ability to quickly "decompose" the proposed information into its component parts or, conversely, to assemble the whole from several parts (draw a conclusion).

4. Productivity of thinking - the ability of the child to find a large number of solutions to any problem put before him.

5. Perfectionism (diligence) - the desire of the child to bring the results of their activities to meet the highest standards.

6. Flexibility of thinking - the child's ability to quickly change their behavior, make adjustments to their activities, depending on the changed circumstances, combine knowledge and skills from various areas of life in their activities.

7. Originality of thinking - the ability of the child to put forward new, non-standard ideas, to see the unusual in the ordinary.




1. Self-esteem - a real assessment of one's personal qualities and abilities.

2. Egocentrism - focus on oneself.

3. Demonstration - desire to always be the center of attention.

4. Emotionality- susceptibility, sensitivity to the phenomena of the surrounding world

5. Arbitrary behavior - the ability to subordinate their desires to the requirements and needs.

6. Ability to assess - critical thinking.

Main educational program

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